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A few features
- Ki “Energy” system
- New the Scouter!
- 4 Scouter Functions switchable by Scouter Key
- It can detect other players
- Sagas System
- Wish System
- Put 7 Dragon Blocks in H form on ground and right click the middle one. Shenron will spawn to grant you wish
- Now 5 wishes are available and the Namek DBs triple the effect.
- Space Pod Transport System
- New Biomes and Dimensions:
- Planet Namek:
- Namekians! And for now one type Namek building
- It has a Namek Biome, and spawns mooshrooms and zombies.
- With Ajisa trees. They can be planted on Namek Grass only and will grow!
- Green horizont and green water!
- Namekian Ajisa tree can be used to craft planks
- Planet Vegeta
- 2 Type of saiyans will spawn
- Red horizont and red water!
- Other World
- Death system with Enma’s Palace^^
- aand the Snake way with Kaio Planet
- Planet Namek:
- Language Support
- And there are a lot more!