Nicolas Torres Cardoso started the topic Can´t do TOP questline in the forum Bug Reports 2 weeks, 2 days ago
I got to the the “credits” “Zeno expo” and only the “restart” option is available, I have the latest version of the mod (.85) so idk what to do. Do I have to install something else or what?. Even the secondary DBS BROLY sidequest is available but I cant do anything TOP related
Nicolas Torres Cardoso replied to the topic Mind requirements in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 2 years, 6 months ago
Where? I have entered both config files and cant find the mind cost. Could you give me an example? Like, how to lower the mind cost for transformations
Nicolas Torres Cardoso started the topic Ki Sense on weak mobs in the forum Questions and Answers 4 years ago
I dont know if the new versions of the mod changed it, but i wonder is there is a way to use ki sense on weak mobs, I mean like pigs, cows, etc. I dont know if I fucked uo some config but I can only use it when lock on them
PD: English is not my main language sorry about that -
Nicolas Torres Cardoso became a registered member 4 years ago
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