Fuar replied to the topic I made a Dragon Block C calculator in the forum Contributions 5 years, 8 months ago
Does this include race-specific boosts, or?
Because as I remember arcosians have a strong enough dex boost that it’s still the highest even as a warrior, but the table doesn’t show a boost for that. Just wanted to know how exactly it works or if there was any confusion -
Fuar replied to the topic DBC is dead… in the forum General Talk 5 years, 12 months ago
Considering his brother died and he’s having to learn this new kind of coding, I don’t think he should have to release any more information than is necessary. If there’s no updates then there’s no updates. The community will die down because the mod is at a standstill, so just give it time and wait.
Fuar replied to the topic Custom NPC DBC damage? in the forum Questions and Answers 6 years, 4 months ago
Depends on what you’ve got it set to. I’ve noticed that you need a pretty high melee stat in order for it to do any actually damage, but I’m guessing you’ve tried that make maxes out at 99,000, and that won’t even scratch you really if you’ve got stats of even 10,000 or more. If you haven’t already, look for NBTedit, which lets you do the command…[Read more]
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