superciano06 replied to the topic Super Saiyan 2 Hairstyle Change in the forum Questions and Answers 5 years, 4 months ago
Not sure. Maybe it’s a coded thing where some of the sliders, depending on what they are give a different style?
superciano06 replied to the topic Announcing JinRyuu memorial tournament in the forum Servers 5 years, 10 months ago
bumpity bump
Bruno Hernandezz and superciano06 are now friends 5 years, 10 months ago
Dr. Thunder and superciano06 are now friends 5 years, 10 months ago
superciano06 replied to the topic Announcing JinRyuu memorial tournament in the forum Servers 5 years, 11 months ago
I’d like to join
superciano06 replied to the topic Any RP Servers That Are Active? in the forum Servers 6 years, 2 months ago
superciano06 replied to the topic Any RP Servers That Are Active? in the forum Servers 6 years, 2 months ago
There is this RP called “Dragon Ball: God Clash” by the guy known as “Dr.Thunder”. It is active and does have actually talking people there. Here is the discord link. https://discord.gg/xM6vNe
superciano06 replied to the topic Energy Release Question in the forum Questions and Answers 6 years, 5 months ago
In the configs you can enable the ability to go 100 at the start and 200 with PU
superciano06 replied to the topic Transformation requirements in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 6 years, 5 months ago
Would prefer to get SSJ anytime
superciano06 replied to the topic Dragon Ball: God Clash – Light RP in the forum Servers 6 years, 5 months ago
Another bump, we need some players.
superciano06 replied to the topic Dragon Ball: God Clash – Light RP in the forum Servers 6 years, 6 months ago
superciano06 replied to the topic Roleplay Sub Forum in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 6 years, 6 months ago
superciano06 replied to the topic Dragon Ball: God Clash – Light RP in the forum Servers 6 years, 6 months ago
superciano06 started the topic Roleplay Sub Forum in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 6 years, 6 months ago
As role plays get a lot more demanding and popular, I believe it is time for a new subforum, just for Role plays so that people can quickly, efficiently, and easily find Roleplays to join into, it also works as a way for convenience for people trying to find Roleplay’s to respond/look at.
superciano06 replied to the topic Dragon Block C Roleplay Server 2.0 in the forum Servers 6 years, 6 months ago
Name: Shirimasen
Gender: Asexual, He spits out eggs that has a demonic aura around them.
Race: Demon
Age: 522
Personality: Shirimasen is a evil natured demon, who is manipulative, cunning and devious. He plays with opponents rather then killing them for a challenge, and does often get angry when his supposedly evil plans do not go the way he…[Read more]
superciano06 replied to the topic Dragon Block C Roleplay Server 2.0 in the forum Servers 6 years, 6 months ago
Am I going to have to repost it? Its being ignored. As is Ethos.
superciano06 replied to the topic Dragon Block C Roleplay Server 2.0 in the forum Servers 6 years, 6 months ago
How was my App?
superciano06 replied to the topic Dragon Block C Roleplay Server 2.0 in the forum Servers 6 years, 6 months ago
Name: Fauru
Gender: Asexual, He spits out eggs that has a demonic aura around them.
Race: Demon
Age: 522
Personality: He is a sadistic killer who likes to trick and control people, he tends to play goodie before betrayal, and often kills his partners when he deems them unnecessary and weak. He likes to rule with a iron fist. He likes to…[Read more]
superciano06 replied to the topic Dragon Block C Roleplay Server 2.0 in the forum Servers 6 years, 6 months ago
Name: Fauru
Gender: Asexual, He spits out eggs that has a demonic aura around them.
Race: Demon
Age: 522
Personality: He is a sadistic killer who likes to trick and control people, he tends to play goodie before betrayal, and often kills his partners when he deems them unnecessary and weak. He likes to rule with a iron fist. He likes to…[Read more]
superciano06 replied to the topic Dragon Block C Roleplay Server 2.0 in the forum Servers 6 years, 6 months ago
Name: Fauru
Gender: Asexual, opens up black holes in his chest and small balls of energy flow out, forming into his children.
Race: Demon
Age: 522
Personality: Unlike a lot of Demons, he was born in the lava of hell, laided Fauru. The demon screeched as he stretched and twisted his own body to get rid of the feeling of sleep. He poked his…[Read more]
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