Oscar started the topic Nimbus?! why cant we make it like this… in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 7 years ago
i just thought about why we cant just call the nimbus and it flys by
of course it would be in minecraft that it just teleports there or something but i mean it should be aquirable by korin and then you can press a button it opens a menu and you can choose if you want to call it or send it back etc…i hope anyone thinks the same like i do ..
Oscar started the topic Clone jutsus THE WAY TO MAKE IT BETTER! in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 7 years ago
CLONE JUTSUS! we all love them in the series dont you?
but actual in NC they are almost useless if you are not hunting some Zombies or so…here the things that should be fixed/better made/added
-Clones attacking each other if you make 2+ *why are they even attacking each other?*
-they are 1 hit *there should be a way to make then thoughter…[Read more] -
Oscar replied to the topic Naruto C Idea (Chakra) in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 7 years ago
i think this idea is a good one 🙂
this picture shows what i think is diferent about naruto chakra and Dragonball ki
Oscar replied to the topic Faster flying nimbussssssss in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 7 years ago
i think the nimbus should a bit faster but not to fast so it is not too OP like Mint said
it would be also cool if it would be a bit more controlable like the dyamic flight mode -
Oscar replied to the topic Fused Ki blasts? in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 7 years ago
go to forum select what you want to write “Suggestions,Announcements,Community mods,etc..”
if you are there you will see all the other threads … and them scroll down until there is a text field like here .. and write there your suggestion,mod,bug report or whatever you want to post -
Oscar replied to the topic Fused Ki blasts? in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 7 years ago
yeah this was meant as joke xD *read the tags* :O @mint
but still i think it should at least exist a option that when you have Kamehameha and final flash (as example) that they fuse to finalkamehameha in fusion right?it would be cool but just as i said before *AFTER JIN DID DO THE MAIN STUFF HE SHOULD ADD THIS XD*
Oscar replied to the topic Tournament Of Power Server in the forum Servers 7 years ago
Name: Froze
Race: Arcosian(Frost-Demon)
Age: 14
Transformations: minmal-Base
Back Story: Froze is a Fighter of Universe 3…
as kid he got abonded from his family since he was the weakest. His family did abonded him on a planet where no ne could survive but .. he did survive he is clever and did build himself a spaceship.…[Read more] -
Oscar replied to the topic We need that button! in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 7 years ago
really it was ? xD
i did not check if there was a post like that xDwhen people need something they all suggesst the same right?
Oscar started the topic Fused Ki blasts? in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 7 years ago
hey how about adding that ki blast fuse when they are on the same slot while fusion or when you fire out of the same direction *like this*
i think that should be added when jin is done with the main stuff of the mod like trainformations Gt stuff G3 hair and etc..
Oscar started the topic We need that button! in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 7 years ago
Hey, you all sure know the problem while you spent your tp …
it takes a while since you have MUCH TPso what do we need a button where you can choose if you lvl 1,10 or 100 times on that atribute !
why do we need that ? its simple … on server with massive tp gain you will need this since you get so much tp that it can take up to 10 min just…[Read more]
Oscar replied to the topic Naruto C Ideas in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 7 years ago
@Airswift101 i get what you mean 🙂
Jin should be doing something that MAKES you say THIS IS NARUTO!!! XD
Oscar changed their profile picture 7 years ago
Oscar's profile was updated 7 years ago
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