JackFrost213 started the topic UI Configs in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 6 years, 1 month ago
I noticed that on Jin’s main server that because of how UI works that Arcosian’s base needed to be changed to where the third form was 1.5 times stronger and the final form was not to balance it. Well, I believe that in order to fix that and keep it balanced is maybe to make each race have a separate UI multiplier? I feel like then…[Read more]
JackFrost213 replied to the topic DragonBLock by narukebaransu in the forum Resource Packs 6 years, 8 months ago
How did you make the fused Zamasu head thing and the spirit sword for Vegito?
JackFrost213 replied to the topic ¿DBC LEGENDS HD RESOURCE PACK v4? in the forum Resource Packs 6 years, 9 months ago
can you retexture the oozaru? No one has made an HD texture of it as far as I can see…
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