JinRyuu (Passed away)'s profile was updated 6 years, 3 months ago
JinRyuu posted an update in the group JinGames Chaos Server 7 years, 4 months ago
The server shell have the Mind Requirement update as well.
I will configure those to be fairly low i guess-
Well Buddy ill love u if u FIX GROUP. Me and my brothers love to play on lan but in these updates group isn’t working.. so ya know story mode alone isnt fun.
Jin you should add a config to make the required mind configurable… for each skill to choose for all levels how many mnd you should have..
it is already, I use it on my Chaos server that way.
but the mind requirement needs to be in percentage anyway.
You’re right
Jin, in the next update can you add the Zenkai boost ? or in another update anyway..
And jin in the future you should add more things for family C kids because it will be interesting to train your kids and them to learn some skills from you and turn ssj and you to be allowed to change their atributes how you want and they be able to help you in Sagas..
I know you are making a lot of effort with the mods but i said if you can add…[Read more]
JinRyuu (Passed away)'s profile was updated 7 years, 5 months ago
JinRyuu created the group JinGames Chaos Server 7 years, 5 months ago
JinRyuu (Passed away) started the topic Forum & Site Rules in the forum Announcements 11 years, 5 months ago
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Comments are also considered as posts, if not stated otherwise!- Posts are to be made in the relevant category. Users are asked to read the forum descriptions before posting. Users consistently posting to the wrong forum may be given a warning (see policing…
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thanks for all the great mods you brought us ty forever