Dick Monday replied to the topic I think it's about time to update. in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 3 years, 8 months ago
Yeah and I know it will definitely be difficult but I want this mod to continue and I want this mod Jin’s legacy to continue, 1.7.10 is dead and the mods are dead, it will take a lot of time for sure but I know it’s the right choice especially bringing it to 1.16.5 which will allow the mod to be found a lot easier since there isn’t a ton and I…[Read more]
Dick Monday replied to the topic Training and Progressing Overhaul in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 3 years, 8 months ago
Amazing idea, and I think it’d be incredible if these existed especially minigames like a flying minigame where you fly through rings in the sky like in infinite world, and dashing through rings on the ground, it’d be a very fun way of getting tp.
Dick Monday started the topic I think it's about time to update. in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 3 years, 8 months ago
I already know this is going to get some backlash from a lot of people, but what everyone needs to understand that even Jin was contemplating doing this because the current version of his mods are on a very dead version. 1.7.10 has officially died, and I know people don’t want to hear it but it has officially died. Currently there aren’t very many…[Read more]
Dick Monday became a registered member 3 years, 8 months ago
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