
  • TravelerSoul replied to the topic DBCfanfic in the forum General Talk 6 years, 11 months ago

    Since shortly after my last post, I was able to long in, but unable to reply or comment on anything, but a notification for this brought me back and I’m trying to reply one more time. I’ve given up on this, but if you guys want me to continue, I will, because I want to finish this book, however, past plans I had for the ending are gone, and I’m…[Read more]

  • At first I thought it said Mafia… Whoops…
    Anyways, I like the idea, although if it was to be multiplayer friendly, I think unless it’s a NPC, that the containment time should be fairly short. Other than that, it’s a nice idea.

  • Before posting suggestions, or asking questions, read the dev blog, all of it. Also, read the home page. Both give valid information on what will be added, and how it’ll work.

  • TravelerSoul started the topic DBCfanfic in the forum Announcements 9 years, 1 month ago

    Alright guys, the previous post got excessively long, so I’ll be posting the rest of the chapters here. (For newest chapter, go to op previous post. )

  • I’m going to get strait to the point, I’m going to make a fanfic of dbc, if you want your character to be in it, list their name, gender, race, power level (at first introduction), preferred fighting style (warrior, spiritualist, or mixed), looks, what their personality is, background (don’t be hesitant to leave a mysterious background, maybe even…[Read more]

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