CaiGuyCrafter replied to the topic Dragon Block C Strength Upgrade Bug in the forum Bug Reports 3 years ago
Dude, this is not the right area to post your bug. You can make your own topic elsewhere.
CaiGuyCrafter started the topic Dragon Block C Strength Upgrade Bug in the forum Bug Reports 3 years ago
I haven’t seen anyone talking about this crash, and maybe it was just my game, but it’s a pretty big thing… Whenever I try to upgrade my Strength attribute it takes me to another GUI page. I mean, it works, it upgrades my strength, but it probably shouldn’t take me to that GUI page. If this could be fixed that would be great
CaiGuyCrafter replied to the topic NPC Dependence in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 3 years, 1 month ago
Yeah this isn’t a terrible idea at all. I mean, it’s a LOT of work on the creators though, but I would like to see it, not to have to use the Custom NPC mod. A lot of people forget that you can get the NPC wand in survival by making a hoe but with two bread instead of planks. Anyway, by doing this, it could possibly take away from people cheating…[Read more]
CaiGuyCrafter replied to the topic Mind requirements in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 3 years, 1 month ago
Dude, you can go into the configs to change how much mind it asks for…
CaiGuyCrafter started the topic Not sure this is the right forum, but how do I render the player like DBC in the forum Questions and Answers 3 years, 1 month ago
Okay, so this doesn’t quite feel right asking this here, but I wouldn’t know what other section I could do to ask for personal help. Now just hear me out. This mod has inspired me big time. I LOVE the hair models and all that, the transformations and even the tail. Now, I’m making my own mod that has hair as well as and you can change the style of…[Read more]
CaiGuyCrafter started the topic Idea about the Namekian Dragon Balls in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 3 years, 10 months ago
In one of the most recent chapters of Dragon Ball Super, it admits that the elders of each village hold one Dragon Ball. I think that should be true of the mod. As it is, they are a struggle to find and just making an Elder Namekian structure plus the Dragon Ball inside it would make them so much easier to locate. You don’t have to do it, but…[Read more]
CaiGuyCrafter started the topic Dragon Block C Add-On in the forum Questions and Answers 3 years, 10 months ago
Okay, this is going to sound real nerdy, but I’ve pretty much always wanted to create a Dragon Ball mod (Once I saw Jin’s Dragon Block C mod first). The coding is just way too much, and you have to install a bunch of sketchy things and I’m not up for that, so I just got Mcreator. We all know Mcreator isn’t perfect. You cannot create…[Read more]
CaiGuyCrafter started the topic How to upgrade my Stamina. in the forum Questions and Answers 3 years, 10 months ago
I’m playing survival Dragon Block C, no cheats, and aI’m doing really good. I have at least 1,000 in battle power and I do 100 some in each punch. That’s great and all, but my Stamina is trash! Like, I can only hit my foes five times or so. I’ve upgraded every one of the stats to at least 40, but there is no sign of change in my Stamina. Is it a…[Read more]
CaiGuyCrafter started the topic Not sure what to put my TP Gain at. in the forum Questions and Answers 3 years, 10 months ago
So all of you know, the default config puts TP Gain at 1 for some reason, and it really sucks. So I changed it to like 10, then eventually 25, and 50, but I’m not quite sure what the perfect setting is. I definitely don’t want too much TP bc that feels like cheating, but I certainly don’t want too little bc the grind is WAY too much. B4 I even…[Read more]
CaiGuyCrafter replied to the topic DBC Config while playing with Friends in the forum Questions and Answers 3 years, 10 months ago
Yeah. If you have a notepad app, even the default one you can go to your configs. Then press Ctrl+F to find what you’re looking for and put in TP Gain. It will take you to a few things, but only stop when you see one that says TP Gain=1 or something like that. Change it however you want. Personally I don’t know which is the right one to do, but I…[Read more]
CaiGuyCrafter replied to the topic Modelling and Animating in the forum Questions and Answers 3 years, 10 months ago
Sorry, not exactly sure what you mean, but I know for sure you can update from 1.7.10. You just need to go to the Mcreator download site and simply pick the version you want to download. Also, what mod are you making? Any chance it’s a Dragon Ball mod? Because I’ve been wanting to work on one for a while, but I’m terrible at coding. Anyway, I hope…[Read more]
CaiGuyCrafter replied to the topic DBC Extended Saga. (With Super Saga) in the forum Community Mods 4 years, 9 months ago
OMGisGreen, you can add models into MCreator. I’m terrible at modding as well and I wanted to create my own Dragon Block project called Dragon Craft Super (Just for myself for copyright reasons) and I’ve created custom models. I can explain if you’d like. Though it takes forever to create a model. I’m not too good, but if you’d like we can work…[Read more]
CaiGuyCrafter replied to the topic Modelling and Animating in the forum Questions and Answers 4 years, 9 months ago
OMGisGreen, you can add models into MCreator. I’m terrible at modding as well and I wanted to create my own Dragon Block project called Dragon Craft Super (Just for myself for copyright reasons) and I’ve created custom models. I can explain if you’d like. Though it takes forever to create a model. I’m not too good, but if you’d like we can work…[Read more]
CaiGuyCrafter's profile was updated 5 years, 1 month ago
CaiGuyCrafter changed their profile picture 5 years, 1 month ago
CaiGuyCrafter replied to the topic DBC Extended Saga. (With Super Saga) in the forum Community Mods 5 years, 1 month ago
Hey OMGisGreen, maybe you aren’t responding anymore but I wanted to ask if you could make the hairs for the saga. It would look better. Sorry, but I just couldn’t get over the Saga System with no DBC hairs. Afterall, it is a DBC addon.
BTW, you don’t have to do this, but is there a way to make the NPCs fly and act like a normal mod NPC?
CaiGuyCrafter replied to the topic Potara earrings from Dragon ball z in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 5 years, 6 months ago
Wait, wait, wait! I don’t even know what to say. First of all, I’m like 99% sure you can’t fuse two player’s skins together with just a mod. Second of all, even if you could, that level of coding would take up to years. BTW, a three way fusion is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of. First of all 3 Way Fusion isn’t in any DBZ things, second of all…[Read more]
CaiGuyCrafter replied to the topic Legendary Super Saiyan stuff in the forum Suggestions and Ideas 5 years, 7 months ago
I think there should be a legendary God form where your hair changes to green. In the movies, Broly’s lssj was able to keep up with God forms, but I don’t know of any forms other than lssj4 that can beat God form or God form blue. Don’t get me started on Lssj4, because your hair doesn’t even turn green, besides, it’s not even canon. So I dunno,…[Read more]
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