AW214 replied to the topic Dragon Block C Roleplay Server 2.0 in the forum Servers 6 years, 10 months ago
Name: Djembe
Race: Namekian
Age: 18
Personality: Djembe is kind-hearted Namekian that tries to protect everyone. He tries not to kill but he will exceptions for the true evil in the world. He goes into a rage any time he sees anyone that looks similar to Freiza or someone wearing their armor (Saiyans). He will defeat anyone that disrespects…[Read more]
AW214 replied to the topic Dragon Block C Roleplay Server 2.0 in the forum Servers 6 years, 10 months ago
Name: Djembe
Race: Namekian
Age: Self-Explanatory
Personality: Djembe is kind-hearted Namekian that tries to protect everyone. He tries not to kill but he will exceptions for the true evil in the world.
General Appearance: https://img00.deviantart.net/2ef8/i/2012/028/d/e/super_namek_3_piccolo_by_juan50-d4nyklv.jpg
Backstory: When planet…[Read more]
AW214 replied to the topic Dragon Block C Roleplay Server 2.0 in the forum Servers 6 years, 10 months ago
Name: Retasu
Gender: Male
Race: Saiyan
Age: 16
Personality: Retasu is a bold character and loves to fight. He takes pride in beating is opponents and fighting for fun.
General Appearance: http://dragonballrebirth.wikia.com/wiki/Negi
Backstory: Retasu was hunched forward so that his forearms were draped across his thighs. His chin was down…[Read more]
AW214 replied to the topic Dragon Block C Roleplay Server 2.0 in the forum Servers 6 years, 10 months ago
Name: Kashotto
Gender: Male
Race: Saiyan
Age: 16
Personality: Kashotto is a bold character and loves to fight. He takes pride in beating is opponents and fighting for fun.
General Appearance: http://dragonballrebirth.wikia.com/wiki/Negi
Backstory: Retasu was hunched forward so that his forearms were draped across his thighs. His chin was…[Read more]
AW214 replied to the topic Naruto: The Next Era Roleplay in the forum Servers 7 years ago
Name: Kasho Hyuuga
Gender: Male
Clan: Hyuuga
Rank: Genin
Age: 13
Personality: Most people don’t seem to take a liking to Kasho’s self-centered attitude. He tends to push anyone who ever tries to make a relationship with him away and picks fights with people he doesn’t care for. He can sometimes become hot-headed and have outbursts that can…[Read more]
AW214 replied to the topic Naruto: The Next Era Roleplay in the forum Servers 7 years ago
Name: Kasho Hyuuga
Gender: Male
Clan: Hyuuga
Rank: Genin
Age: 13
Personality: Most people don’t seem to take a liking to Kasho’s self-centered attitude. He tends to push anyone who ever tries to make a relationship with him away and picks fights with people he doesn’t care for. He can sometimes become hot-headed and have outbursts that can…[Read more]
AW214 replied to the topic Dragon Block C Role-Play Universal Warriors Updated info in the forum Servers 7 years ago
Character name: Djembe
Race: Namekian
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Personality (How your character acts): Djembe is pure hearted being. He hates to see innocent people killed and will do anything possible to protect what he loves and anyone in danger. Even though he has a pure heart he has a temper and can sometimes go out of control in combat against…[Read more]
AW214 replied to the topic New Dragon Block C RP in the forum Servers 7 years ago
AW214 [Pro Gentle Fister]#5817 Let me know if I need to edit any names.
AW214 replied to the topic New Dragon Block C RP in the forum Servers 7 years ago
Name: Djembe
Age: 28
Appearance: Light blue skin with greed markings
Race: Namekian
When planet Namek was in crisis so many centuries ago, some were sent away to other worlds to find a new home. Most notably one arrived on Earth which eventually helped shape the future of all Namekians. Djembe’s father was also sent away but landed…[Read more] -
AW214 replied to the topic Naruto C RP: The Thousand Year War in the forum Servers 7 years, 4 months ago
Accepted nice job!
AW214 replied to the topic Naruto C RP: The Thousand Year War in the forum Servers 7 years, 4 months ago
AW214 replied to the topic Naruto C Roleplay in the forum Servers 7 years, 4 months ago
Ok I can accept this nice job but i cant send a friend request so its hard to invite you AW214#5817 so friend request me and you’ll revive an invite to the discord
AW214 replied to the topic Naruto C Roleplay in the forum Servers 7 years, 4 months ago
This application was quite short and really didn’t have content but i can direct you to a place that will tell you exactly what you need to add and fix.
AW214 replied to the topic Naruto C Roleplay in the forum Servers 7 years, 4 months ago
Better now your accepted
AW214 replied to the topic Naruto C Roleplay in the forum Servers 7 years, 4 months ago
If you choose a different clan then i’ll accept it but the amount of uchihas and the quality of this application don’t fit well together
AW214 replied to the topic Naruto C Roleplay in the forum Servers 7 years, 4 months ago
FLAWLESS! your definitely accepted for this wonderful application
AW214 replied to the topic HELP!! BUILDERS NEEDED! in the forum Announcements 7 years, 4 months ago
ok man if your interested Gabriel contact me and we can talk further
AW214 replied to the topic Naruto C Roleplay in the forum Servers 7 years, 4 months ago
I like your character solely because hes not too strong or too weak so Accepted
AW214 replied to the topic Dragon Block C Roleplay Server AW in the forum Announcements 7 years, 4 months ago
I’m not a bad admin because i banned you for advertising and technically this is starting something but i have no time for you or this petty post.
aKuMaXDA and
AW214 are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago
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