aston replied to the topic [RolePlay] Dragon Block RL in the forum Servers 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Apparence:black hair (obv), blue eyes, goku hair. He wears a freiza force outfit
he was abandoned by his parents and cast away at 10. where he sought such rage he tapped into a power he has never felt before. super saiyan he strives to reach that power again. or even suprpass it and show…[Read more] -
aston replied to the topic DBC: Timeline Heroes (RP Server) in the forum Servers 1 month, 3 weeks ago
IGN Name: aston_jenk
Character Name:Aston
Age: 18 (if u mean irl then 16)Race: (Arcosian)
Alignment: (neutral)
Power Level: (5,213)
Ki attacks:(NuclearFallout, a blast. a black coloured ki attack with 50% plus size and density then a smaller ki attack laser which focuses with 80% plus dmg)
Backstory: (He is 18 and had been abandoned by his…[Read more]
aston became a registered member 1 month, 3 weeks ago
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