Unlockable Skills/Skill Tree

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    • #34819

      I think skill slots should be removed– I know what you’re thinking, some of you might find what I just said terrible and all that stuff. Well, this is what I think the skill tree for your skills and such should look like:
      A Visualisation Of the Skill Tree
      That’s right, it will look like the minecraft achivements tree. Now you got a pictgure of what I am saying right? Good. Now, a skill should be unlocked when you get a new level, so noobs don’t get SSJ at level 10 or something, the level you unlock skills could be changed to what level you want them unlocked.

      Level 50-100: Super Saiyan – Super Saiyan Full Power
      Super Saiyan
      Level 100-125: SSJ Grades 1-3
      Ultra Super Saiyan
      Level 250: Super Saiyan 2
      Super Saiyan 2
      Level 500: Super Saiyan 3
      Super Saiyan 3
      So on, so forth. If you have all 3 skills and sub-skills unlocked, you will be able to unlock the wish from Shenron to “Get Stronger! Or: Get Stronger! x100” This idea is still a work in progress, as say in all my posts, you can add on ideas and maybe Jin might just see this idea and start to work on it, but that’s a 0.1/100 chance, right?

      Well, let me know what you think down below, if it’s a good idea, bad idea, I dunno. It’s Jin’s mod and he can add what he wants and not allow what he doesn’t want. See you in the next post.

      • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Block.
    • #34822

      Now for the round of Nameks: Nakeians will be able to unlock skills like faster regeneration and stuff like that. So namekians can unlock giant form if they are at least a level 200 or something, but this is configurable. Nameks will be able to have further block reach naturally, and won’t have the need to eat food, because they won’t have a food bar. I don’t know much about what namekians can do in the show, so I will just add the list of skills they can unlock from the skill tree:

      Demon Magic: Level 50

      Giant Form: Level 200

      Namekian Fusion: Level 300

      So Namekian Fusion is another post for another day. But this is the list of skills I think you should unlock from the possibly up-and-coming new skill system.

    • #34824

      I like it, this remembers me of Dragon Ball Online skill tree

    • #34825

      Bio-Android Skills Ideas: Coming soon!
      Bio Android

    • #34826

      Majin Skill Ideas: Coming Soon!
      Majin Race

    • #34827

      Arcosian Race Ideas: Coming Soon!
      Frieza Race

    • #34828

      Human Race Ideas: Coming Soon!
      Earthlings Race

    • #34830

      Yo no need to make these huge replies sayin’ that new ideas for racial skill trees are planned to be made by you, a small “Ideas for the other races are coming soon too” would be much better imo.

      Anyways, i like the idea!
      I don’t like the fact that transformations are unlocked at a certain level without TP and i seriously disagree with the levels you posted they should be acquired at. I feel like TP should be the biggest drawback to getting transformations, as i really want full character customization, and i want transformations to be like something you have to work for directly, not something that comes along your attribute leveling up.

      But the basic idea is great.

      • #35362

        How about…they are locked until you get to that level but you have to buy them with to when you unlock them…..gives you something to save towards…….so for example
        You get to level 20 you have unlocked super Saiyan……you need 5000 or so to to get it as a usable transformation…..how’s that sound to you guys?

    • #34837

      Anyways, i like the idea!
      I don’t like the fact that transformations are unlocked at a certain level without TP and i seriously disagree with the levels you posted they should be acquired at. I feel like TP should be the biggest drawback to getting transformations, as i really want full character customization, and i want transformations to be like something you have to work for directly, not something that comes along your attribute leveling up. [2]

    • #35326

      I agree with superciano06, transformations should be something you have to train and work hard to achieve. But the skill tree is an idea that I believe would be awesome, because unlocking race specific skills through leveling up would be better than spending tp on them like every other skill currently in the mod. If they choose not to use this idea they’ll most likely have a designated NPC teach you these skills.
      Anyway, I love this idea. Good job!

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