Mod Permission Nodes

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    • #30948

      For servers who want to set up permissions for their players in their respective permissions plugins, I posted it here because it seemed that no one else had posted this on the forums. This text shows the commands with what they do and the permission nodes below.

      – Kazuya Hatamiruu

      /jrmctp – Command to give Training Points
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmctp
      /jrmca – Command to edit attributes
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmca
      /jrmc – Command to reset character and accept move tutor request
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmc
      /jrmcpvp – Enable or disable PVP combat in a dimension
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcpvp
      /jrmcpvpcheck – Check if PVP combat is on in the current dimension
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcpvpcheck
      /jrmckills – View who has the top player kills or view a players kills
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcKills
      /jrmccheck sheet – Check the character sheet of another player
      Node: inRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcCheck
      /jrmcheal – Command to heal a players energy, body, stamina, or food
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcHeal
      /jrmcse – Command to edit status effects: kaioken strain, fusion cooldown, godpower time
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcStatusEffect
      /jrmctech – Command to teach techniques to a player
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcTech
      /jrmcm – Command to set mission number
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcm
      /jrmctexp – Command to set exp for custom techniques
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmctexp
      /jrmcrepair – Command to repair clothes
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcRep
      /dbcbuildings – Command to respawn DBC buildings
      Node: JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Gui.ComRespCon
      /dbc – Command to view location of DBC buildings and accept revive
      Node: JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Gui.ComDbc
      /dbcspawn – Command to spawn DBC mobs
      Node: JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Gui.ComDbcSpawn
      /dbcrevive – Command to set the revive timer to 0 for a player
      Node: JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Gui.ComRevive
      /dbcskill – Command to teach a player a skill
      Node: JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Gui.ComSkill
      /dbcstrain – Command to remove kaioken strain from a player
      Node: JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Gui.ComStrain
      /dbcreincarnate – Command to reincarnate a player
      Node: JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Gui.ComReincarnate
      /jfcgender – Command to set or switch a players gender
      Node: JinRyuu.FamilyC.FamilyCComJFCGen
      /jfc – Command to spawn in a child
      Node: JinRyuu.FamilyC.FamilyCComJFCsoc
      /jycage – Command to set a players age
      Node: JinRyuu.JYearsC.ComJycage
      /jycdate – Command to set the world date
      Node: JinRyuu.JYearsC.ComJycdate

    • #31227

      Note this:
      The commands are all lowercase, the application that I used to type this capitalized the first letter after each slash by accident.

      • #34374

        Hello I have an issue, I am the admin of a DBC server and I am trying to use RPG items. I know that i must give the player permission with the item but some of these nodes dont work like the jrmcheal unless if Im doing it wrong so if this is outdate then please update it or tell me how i can find these nodes myself

    • #37634

      I’ve tried to combine them with rpgitems before and it did not work for me either.

    • #37635

      For rpg items put a * at the end of the command

    • #38953
      Son Netsui Surudan

      Hey,can u say to me how work the ki sense sistem?

    • #40709

      I need the permissions for items, example:
      My players use a Senzu, but it gives an error: “You don’t have permission to use JINRYUUDRAGONBLOCKC_ITEMSENZU”
      I don’t know why, but I tried to use that: jinryuudragonblockc.itemsenzu
      But didn’t worked, if you can help me with this tell me.

      • #40713

        Sorry for that, now I discovered it was my WorldGuard.
        Sorry for that stupid comment. :/

    • #41700

      Is there a permission node to disable/allow being able to see when people get tp or stats

    • #41749

      Do you mean when as an admin seeing them, like the gray message in chat? That’s in the config settings for jrmc core i believe.

    • #43510


      Command: /jrmc – Used to accept teaching requests & for resetting attributes
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmc
      Example:/jrmc, /jrmc accept, /jrmc startnew

      Command: /jrmca – Command to edit attributes
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmca
      Example: /jrmca add all 100 Goku

      Command: /jrmccheck sheet – Check the character sheet of a player
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcCheck
      Example: /jrmccheck sheet Goku

      Command: /jrmcdebug – Used for testing purposes
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcDebug
      Example: /jrmcdebug (parameter)

      Command: /jrmcheal – Command to heal a players energy, body, stamina, or food
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcHeal
      Example: /jrmcheal stamina 100 Goku (use without name or number to heal yourself to max amount)

      Command: /jrmckills – View a players kills
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcKills
      Example: /jrmckills Goku

      Command: /jrmckills top – View who has the top kills on the server
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcKills
      Example: /jrmckills top

      Command: /jrmcm – Command to set mission number for a saga
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcm
      Example: /jrmcm main 1 Goku (missions are located in World -> data -> missions)

      Command: /jrmcpvp – Enable or disable PVP combat in a dimension
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcpvp
      Example: /jrmcpvp false (disables pvp in the dimension your standing in)

      Command: /jrmcpvpcheck – Check if PVP combat is on in the current dimension
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcpvpcheck
      Example: /jrmcpvpcheck

      Command: /jrmcrei – reincarnates a player with parameters (keepStats) (keepSkills) (keepKiAttacks)
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcRei
      Example: /jrmcrei 90 100 100 Goku (lowers stats by 10%, unfortunately i couldnt get the skills and ki attacks to stay)

      Command: /jrmcrepair – Command to repair clothes
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcRep
      Example: /jrmcrepair (repears clothes that are on the player)

      Command: /jrmcse – Command to edit status effects: kaioken strain, fusion cooldown, godpower time
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcStatusEffect
      Example: /jrmcse set legendary 90 Broly (sets legendary for 90 minutes)

      Command: /jrmctech – Command to teach DBC ki attacks to a player
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcTech
      Example: /jrmctech give KASpiritbomb Goku

      Command: /jrmctexp – Command to set exp for custom techniques
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmctexp
      Example: /jrmctexp 1 100 Goku (gives 100 exp to the ki attack in slot 1)

      Command: /jrmctp – Command to give Training Points to a player
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmctp
      Example: /jrmctp 100 Goku (give 100 training points)

      Command: /dbc – Command to view location of DBC buildings and accept revive
      Node: JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Gui.ComDbc
      Example: /dbc loc, /dbc accept

      Command: /dbcspawn – Command to spawn DBC mobs
      Node: JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Gui.ComDbcSpawn
      Example: /dbcspawn freeza2 (spawns 2nd form freiza)

      /dbcreincarnate – Command to reincarnate a player (no parameters)
      Node: JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Gui.ComReincarnate
      Example: /dbcreincarnate Goku

      Command: /dbcbuildings – Command to respawn DBC buildings
      Node: JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Gui.ComRespCon
      Example: /dbcbuildings respawn (move a few chunks away from the building itself before entering the command)

      /dbcrevive – Command to set the revive timer to 0 for a player
      Node: JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Gui.ComRevive
      Example: /dbcrevive Krillin

      /dbcskill – Command to teach a player a skill
      Node: JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Gui.ComSkill
      Example: /dbcskill give UltraInstinct Shaggy, /dbcskill givelvl OldKaiUnlock 10 Gohan

      /dbcstrain – Command to remove kaioken strain from a player
      Node: JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Gui.ComStrain
      Example: /dbcstrain remove Goku

      FamilyC COMMANDS:
      /jfcgender – Command to set or switch a players gender
      Node: JinRyuu.FamilyC.FamilyCComJFCGen
      Example: /jfcgender female Videl, /jfcgender switch Freiza

      /jfc – Command to spawn in a random child
      Node: JinRyuu.FamilyC.FamilyCComJFCsoc
      Example: /jfc spawn child Pan

      YearsC COMMANDS:
      /jycage – Command to set a players age
      Node: JinRyuu.JYearsC.ComJycage
      Example: /jycage 50 Gohan, /jycage 50Y Goku (sets minecraft days and years lived, Note: NOT THE ACTUAL AGE)

      /jycdate – Command to set the world date
      Node: JinRyuu.JYearsC.ComJycdate
      Example: /jycdate 758Y 3M 4D

    • #44349

      Small Update: fixed the description for one of the commands

      Command: /jrmcrei – reincarnates a player with parameters (keepStats) (keepSkills) (keepKiAttacks)
      Node: JinRyuu.JRMCore.ComJrmcRei
      Example: /jrmcrei Goku 90 false true (lowers stats by 10%, removes all skills, keeps all ki attacks, )

    • #49225

      The ” /jrmcpvp” doesn’t work pvp is still disabled and we can’t attack eachother.

    • #51960


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