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- This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 1 month ago by
Henry bushard.
January 2, 2018 at 18:39 #38155
ParticipantDodging in the basics could be a chance to have physical attacks miss. The way to start doing such could be a few ways. It could have to be a toggle that takes stamina to keep up and corresponds with your speed. If you have, say, 500 and someone has 250 their attacks are much less likely to hit than yours (about 50% chance) and continues like such (but doesn’t mean someone else will 100% hit you either).
Speed Strength is nothing without a good balance with speed. So if the people really want to make this immersive there could be a drawback to physical and such, for every level in strength you slightly slow down as your muscle mass is increasing but your speed cannot keep up. Basically if you don’t have a high enough speed your blows are more likely to be dodged and countered. If you’re high in speed but low in strength then you may be hard to hit, but your attacks wont do as much as your potential allows.
Of course LSSJ or legendary forms which are extremely buff, yet do not suffer this drawback (hence why the form would be appreciated more) so their speed and strength do not affect each other.
As well legendary ki should of course be “Building, Overflowing” possibly the legendary forms constantly add to the users strength/speed/endurance/etc. while in use. BUT when used also can kill you from containing too much. So an ability should be added that lets all that ki out (Broly/Kale shot spheres out in all directions to release energy) and be shown by a legendary bar perhaps? and the higher form you are the faster you build/ (maybe)more ki you can hold.
Acrosian Buff Form was originally referred to as Frieza 100% is basically SSJ grade 2-3 except their drain was more based on stamina/endurance not speed. (Goku stated this during their fight).
Golden/Ultimate Form more known as Golden the transformation was stated by Frieza “I made it golden” and later to frost when talking about this form “you could do it too, maybe not golden though” possibly the form is set after the user chooses how it looks? and is set like that after? The form while incredibly strong is not a god form as it doesn’t use any divine ki, just unleashes the dormant power within.
Namekians they have the ability to regrow limbs (could be at a cost to stamina but increase health back) and can “sync” or “fuse” or “absorb” other Namekians. Namekians should have the ability (if they are good) to absorb Namekians on planet Namek/other players but at a cost, perhaps it has a random chance to decrease a stat by so much? As it is shown Piccolo has only fused twice and none more for unknown reasons. Possibly to this downside for balance reasons?
Forms while the forms are needed for servers to continue they are easily rested in. The forms should be a hassle on the body and tire the user out to transform (as when they transform characters can be seen huffing and puffing like they went through a rigorous workout) it could deplete stamina while transforming for some more realistic twists so transformations can’t just be shot through without drawbacks. As well the forms could drain stamina while in them/the ki drain based on how much ki you have than a set amount. As well the forms could have a passive EXP bar, so when transformed the bar moves ever so slightly, but if used to fight it grows to allow your body to “adapt” so the higher level, the lower the drain/more control. I pull this from accounts of Goku when he has stated “Your new form is burning through more power than your body can supply. You should have waited until you were used to this form and knew how to regulate it before you started picking fights.” So forms could pull more from a percentage than a set amount to allow for some balance. Finally, the god forms for Saiyans could be more realistic, like how red is basically the speed and blue/rose are the powerhouses and can give more of a reason to switch.
Kaioken Pulls from both the users life force and stamina to keep up. Again, it should pull more from percentage and use the form EXP to allow for more control, and the higher it is the more able you will be to use in in base form. Then kaioken while able to go hand in hand with other forms (movie sage really) should be another kind of stat (I.E. baseKaio, form1Kaio etc etc) and the higher it is means more time to use it and the higher you can go without dying (higher – more % drain) and then for deity transformations another (divine1Kaio, divine2Kaio, etc) with the same basis.
aesthetic Saiyans when transformed (and the form isn’t controlled) their hair aesthetically has a more golden color to it (possible have an outline of a darker yellow/more golden color highlight it/overlay like a tainted glass to it.) with acrosians it could be their bio-armor where Friexas is purple etc. potential unleashed could be a white/light grey overlay.
Dynamic transformations while hard to code (not saying anything else is easy) the dynamics could be like SSJ has lightning strike in a proximity with the sky darkening and little pixels (like the ones created when you destroy a block) start to rise (as with all transformations) and the hair flashing gold/base hair. But due to the dynamic nature causes a long run time to transform. For acrosians their bodies more or less just grow into it, except final which when frieza transformed his third form seemed to simply crack and shatter around him, revealing his final form. (particles could burst around him during the transformation).
Muscle though very hard to code and probably to model, the male/female bodies could have a new model where muscles are shown. when upgrading strength they grow and constitution/agility helps make them more toned than looking like the one guy at the gym that looks like he ate the machine he is using. As well with transformations could help with the players looking more flat/fat than muscled.
UI isn’t specific to any one race its just an ability anyone can learn but extremely difficult (and should be extremely difficult to do)
It could have three forms, the first isn’t as fast or strong but gives you a small taste of the power, you can be hit and feel the full force of the damage, but the form is endurance based and runs off that, extremely tiring. the second is the mastery of dodging, speed heightens but attack is low and the more you attack the faster the form deteriorates. Finally the third is complete mastery (shown by the colorful aura around them and their hair more transformed-like, except for acro and namekians). (the form we have seen is not the full power as in the picture we have seen a colorful aura surrounded the one around his skin and his hair stood more on end than what has been shown).Another part could be depending on your style you acquire the forms differently. If you are a warrior, then you’d acquire the UI offensive first, then Dodge, then the full form. Spiritual could acquire the offensive too as they don’t really have an attack advantage/endurance/speed advantage of choosing them besides their ki. Martial Arts being the defensive/dodging form first.
Another idea that has always seemed like a fun idea is the family System. It isn’t used too much and has a lot of potential for Naruto and Dragon Block.
Let’s say you are in a family. You get in a fight with someone else but you have your other member there. The other member and you can fire ki blasts. but lets say the opponent fires a Ki sphere and its too much for just you. Your family member can also shoot a blast and it combine into one “Family attack” adding both attacks together and possibly adding a family multiplier depending on how many people helped.
Same could be with a friend system (like in the DBS episode where universe 7 wiped out an opponent it took all of them combined to beat).
Clashes instead of shooting and moving away, possibly it locks you in place? As well you could transform and sent more energy through the attack. Also using your own ki to keep it going. (which could lower your % with it as it goes down) also leading to where other people can help here. If while you and an opponent are clashing you have people around to help they could shoot ki blasts at him (like in Cell saga) to weaken him up. Though of course there then would be counter measures like how Cell blasted some energy out at them to knock them back down. But also create more of a need for that particular element in the game.
January 2, 2018 at 22:45 #38168
ParticipantThere’s a lot of déjà vu, so overall there’s nothing to add, except that putting passive ki drain on Kaio while punching and desh/swoop already leech it is just a bad idea.
January 3, 2018 at 00:25 #38174
Gabriel Santos Botelho Meles
January 7, 2018 at 01:11 #38286
Henry bushard
Participantwhat you said is a great idea ignore sam noe. sam noe all he said has to be added to the mod just because its a bit déjà vu doesnt mean it cant be added plus there is no dodge feature its a dash feature which can be used to get out of the way of attacks walking could do the same thing does that make walking a dodge feature no dash isnt a dodge feature either and its not a bad idea it balances the game making it more like teh actuall thing but is not requesting somthing impossible so i dont see how its a bad idea all taht he said is good and true so if it does get added then it would make the mod a lot more balanced and better
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