Fan Manga (I need YOUR Oc's info, please read this, it's important)

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    • #21904

      Hello, I am BronyGamer4447 (if you didn’t bother looking at the owner of this post)
      I will be making a mini dbz-fan manga. It’s simple, There will be a universal tournament, and I want you guys to give your OC’s the most personality (the card info I will show the example right now). So there are supposed to be at least 8 people.
      here’s the info card
      Personality (Brief, full description, eg: loves to do this and that, hates him and that):
      Name( any name you want)
      Body Type:
      (optional) Arcosian visual differences on the body (spikes e.t.c):
      Body color and gi/saiyan armor/what I choose – design
      And that’s pretty much it, the Art will be uploded as soon as I’m finished with it.
      It’s gonna be fully coloured.
      At the end of The tournament the final rounds are gonna be goku and vegeta (and some other characters if there are gonna be enough people)
      Thanks for reading

    • #21905

      If you don’t know what to put, just put “Artist’s Design/Choice” But I would like if you were creative on this.

    • #21909

      Brony. If you have ever read the DBCfanfic post, the earlier one. Is it ok if I use Boten from that?

    • #21910

      Cause if so heres all info:

      name: Boten
      Gender: Male
      A long saiyan with black eyes, black hair and black hermit gi and blue wristbands and teen
      gohan styled hair and a brown tail

      Personality: A nice but sometimes mean person
      Preffered Fighting Style: Mixed

      Powerlevel: 1500

      Race: Saiyan
      Background: Send away from planet vegeta to a planet called Raigon to kill all of its inhabitants at a young age. The warrior realized he was outmatched but the inhabitants were friendly and took him as one of their own and they raised him till he was 16 where he had to leave to go to earth cause the planet was gonna be destroyed by the remaining saiyans, now he pushes trains on earth pushing himself over the limit and becoming strong enough to kill the remaining other saiyans who destroyed his planet.

      Training: He trains alone in forests and pushes himself over the edge to beat the remaining saiyans that destroyed his planet where he was raised on

    • #21911

      Thanks, share it with other pieces of community (in jin’s posts or something) I need a few more

    • #21912

      By the way, The Power Level of the warriors is based on goku (dbsuper currently rn). SO basically base goku is 1,000,000,000 (high scale so you guys can configure a cool power level changes and stuff to make my manga have better fights), ssj1 goku is 150,000,000,000,000 ssj2 is 300,000,000,000,000, ssj3 is 800,000,000,000,000 ssjgod(red) 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ssjgssj (blue) 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 ssjgssj kaiox10 3,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 and kaioken x20 is 8,000,000,000,000,0000,0000, so I recommend you calculate your pl differently, or else your warrior won’t even stand a milisecond

      • #41091

        goku’s base power level is in the Millions not billions. so his base power is somewhere near 2,500,000 in his base form.

    • #21914

      I plan on entering a character. I’ll post it here soon.

    • #21916

      I just have to find my previous doc for a character I made a while ago and edit it a bit XD.

    • #21917

      Base form 1.5 Trillion? Then SSJ would be 75 Trillion, SSJ2 would be 150 Trillion and SSJ3 600 Trillion. Then SSB is 750 Quintillion? (Red would also be around 500 Quintillion)

    • #21918

      I’m confused by your pl post. Do you want our power levels lower, around, or higher than those? XD

    • #21919

      I think he wanted me to raise em? Cause my power level was only 1500. So yeah, I think he means we have to put our base or something in the trillions.

    • #21920

      Do not superiorly exceed these power levels. Now sorry for confusing you guys, it was my own power scaling that I can’t explain now, here’s simplier version. goku base 300,000,000 , goku ssj1 45,000,000,000, ssj2 is 90,000,000,000 ssj3 is 120,000,000,000, ssjgod is 6,000,000,000,000 and ssjgodssj 4,000,000,000,000 (lower but more control over power which gives an advantage) ssjgodssj kaioken x20 7,500,000,000,000, vegeta base is 265,000,000 , ssj1 is 39,750,000,000, ssj2 is 79,500,00,000 , ssjblue is 3,300,000,000,000

    • #21921

      anyways just put your bases a bit lower than goku’s and nearly matching vegeta or something, I want a good battle, and have some weak warriors too, so I can make them rage and go beyond their expected limitations.

    • #21922

      K. I’ll like before just let everything be 50% of Goku. Like in base too ETC.

    • #21923

      @BronyGamer4447 Can my backstory/personality be lengthier than you described? XD. I like my character lol.

    • #21924

      k, anyone else?

    • #21925

      ^^ yea describe however you want. DOn’t use my example as a way to hold your imagination back

    • #21926

      Now I’m gonna warn you guys, my Art is not perfect, there will be a mistake or two or few, so just saying, but expect my most effort.

    • #21927

      I will also use my Character, but since I am the artist, he will be special by not having any sheet to describe him

    • #21928

      But his name is gonna be Keygo

    • #21929

      Race: Arcosian

      Character Name: Cabbeij (Pronounced Cah-beige)

      Age: 15

      Gender: Male

      Appearance: Like a normal Arcosian with turquoise plates as if filled with god ki. He has pink muscle tissue, white bio-armor, and red eyes. He wears a cloak when not fighting. Looks very menacing, even though he doesn’t say a word to most. He is the type that, when he enters a room, everyone comes to a silence due to how fearsome and mysterious he appears. He does have a heart for Saiyans, though. While when initially fighting he is as he usually is, quiet but intimidating, he loosens up and starts to look thrilled when fighting for a long duration due to Saiyan DNA (will explain in backstory). He is lean and slender in regard to his muscles, and is about the height of Frost from DBS, while resembling Frieza in appearance.

      Personality: Very serious and intimidating. When fighting, he is very calm and doesn’t go full effort, But this all changes when he transforms. If he transforms, he goes berserk and loses control similar to a great ape (will explain in backstory) . Similar to a Saiyan, his pride forbids him from receiving any help to further his training and strength.

      Backstory: When the Arcosian empire was being overcome by disease that attacked their DNA, an Arcosian emperor sent his newborn child into space in a dying wish to revive his race. While out in space, researchers discovered his pod. Seeing that he was dying of the same disease encompassing the now-dead Arcosian race, they replaced his damaged DNA with Saiyan DNA in hopes to jump-start his immune system to fight to stay alive. The infusion succeeded and bestowed him with great powers and a will to fight. They named this child Cabbeij (based on the vegetable cabbage that grows well in the cold. I know, punny, huh?)

      The researchers decided to ship him off to a saiyan-inhabited planet thinking that they would unlock his potential and serve as guardians to the parent-less being, since he would probably bond more with those that share DNA. The Saiyans taught him lessons like survival, fighting, ki manipulation, and a basic education. When they sensed his rise in power at age 10, they decided to teach him how to transform, sensing a massive Super Saiyan ki waiting to be awakened. When he transformed into his second form, his saiyan DNA made him different than what he was. Like the great oozaru of the saiyans, he went berserk in his horned form. His mindless hunger for fighting led him to commit genocide on the saiyans he once called friends. After he came to his senses and dropped down back to base, he collapsed in a heaping mess. That is when his former friend, Toromato, who was of the same age, attacked him in rage, saying “HOW DARE YOU KILL MY FAMILY, YOU MONSTER!”. His berserk instincts acting for him, Cabbeij pierced Toromato (based on tomato) straight through with a thin, fast beam of crimson red. This has left him morally scarred for most likely his whole life.

      Up until the age of fifteen, he went to an abandoned cave in the non populated Saiyan planet and meditated in an attempt to control his rage. While doing so, he gained a knowledge of what was happening in the world and other things. At age 13, he was able to sense that their would be a tournament in two years. He realized that this was his opportunity to get stronger and find a way to revive his friends. He knew that if he were to be able to do well in this tournament, he would have to train and learn a superior fighting style. For a year, he trained his mind in a new fighting style which makes use of predicting his opponents’ movements and countering them while not consuming much energy. Then, he practiced his style and increased his strength several times due to how fast Arcosians can train. Most of his forms won’t cause him to genocide races due to a refining of his control, but will still affect him.

      Notes on transformations:
      He is normally in 50% base. He will go to 100% when pushed a little. This will cause him to stop pulling his punches and to attack full force, while still being in control.
      When really pushed, he’ll go to 2nd form (The horned form)
      He will do very violent moves, such as bludgeoning people with his horns, and will come close to killing.
      When he is pushed to his limits, he’ll go to 3rd form.
      Like 2nd, except he will give people misery for still being alive and not dead, including damaging vital organs beyond repair and severing limbs.
      When he is near death, he will enter final.
      He will not hesitate to kill his opponent, but plays with his opponent before killing and truly has fun fighting, though in a very cruel way.
      When he is within the inch of death, he will enter a transformation I call “The Horned Demon”.
      This transformation is like final but he will lose his pupils, get really muscular, and gain horns like in his 2nd form. He is blood thirsty in this form, and won’t stop attacking people even after killing his opponent. It would be cool if he didn’t know about it until pushed so it’s a surprise to him and others.

      If he transforms, he is more likely to transform in fights soon afterwards because they temporarily “loosen him up”.

      Hope you enjoyed 🙂

      By the way, once I learn a bit of how you want the power levels to be, I will post them on this thread.

    • #21930

      By the way, this was written for a character on an rp server that shut down after a few weeks of running. If you don’t want to draw several forms, I am fine with just one transformation form lol. I also improved this to be several times better than my first draft.

    • #21931

      SSJ = x50 multiplier, not x15,000… Brony, ssj is overpowered at 50x. I doubt super saiyan GOD is a 15,000x multiplier……………………

      Age; 69.
      Race; Arcosian.
      Loves to joke around, loves to make memes, hates to smoke weed.
      Name; pleb richard (nobody calls him richard tho).
      body type; frieza’s one, and for colour:
      Instead of frieza’s white he has a gold-yellowish kind of colour.
      Instead of frieza’s purple he has a blue kind of colour.
      Instead of frieza’s pink, he has a green kind of colour.
      Power level:
      In minimal he has a power level of 1,000,000.
      And minimal – final form is a multiplier of 283. So plebs’s final form has a power level of 283,000,000

      Also this is not a joke just so you know, might look like one xD

    • #21932

      For Cabbeij’s power level, he’ll probably be a bit weaker in minimal than most but the fun’ll be in his rage XD

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by SSGokufour. Reason: Replacing a Pronoun With a Noun
    • #21933

      I am gonna draw each backstory that I get, if I won’t get any other backstory of other OC’s before 2 hours from now, I won’t feature the backstory. Thanks for that too

    • #21935

      Also, pleb doesnt wear anything. Neither has “body armor”.
      About the multipliers im certain about SSJ and SSJ2 tho i dont know about god forms, so ye.

    • #21936

      Also, about plebs’s backstory:
      Make it akward as all shit xD

    • #21937

      kay, any backstory?

    • #21938

      No problem. I didn’t expect that you’d consider drawing them XD. I mainly just wanted some dimension to my character. I am happy that you are considering it. This story sounds like it’ll be very good.

    • #21939

      Hmmm…. can i change the power level to 500,000 minimal?
      Cuz idk if you’re writing them on a stone or something (i doubt that xD) XD
      also no backstory on pleb, just tell he forgot everything he knew and one day he woke up in a room full of cocaine with a power level of 500,000.
      Best backstory. Like, ever xD

    • #21941

      @mintrer do you mean to say that your character is running around naked? XD

    • #21942

      I kinda wanna take this seriously.. so I can’t really accept drawing him naked running in a room full of cocaine… in a dragon ball super fan-made manga..

    • #21943

      Forty shades of kek
      Well, he’s an arcosian. He doesnt have gender. He can be naked and look like frieza just not as puffed in the chest (KEK)

    • #21944

      Oh, that’s right, he’s arcosian lol. By the way, by body armor I just mean how Arcosian skin seems to be some armor and how it’s referred to in XV.

    • #21946

      Also, you HAVE to do the cocaine crap.
      Seriously xD

    • #21947

      I’ll give you a little taste of my own OC, here goes!

      Name: Joey Jojo Joestar

      Age: 22

      Race: Human

      Personality: A natural showoff by birth and trade, Joey Jojo always gives her friends and foes the ol’ razzle dazzle with magic that will blow your mind!
      While not exactly a villain, she usually comes off as aggressive and is willing to take shortcuts to solve a problem ASAP.

      Body Type: Slim, buff, and beautiful, baby.

      Gender: Female

      Looks: Wears dark blue denim jeans and a gray crop top that has a white spiral pattern running along the front.
      Has her brown hair done in a pony tail, with a blue streak in the middle that parts at the top/front of her hair and runs parallel into her eyes.

      Powerlevel: 80,000,000

      Fighting Style: While she can throw a good punch, her true prowess lies in her telekinesis, Ki, and magic skills, along with natural slight of hand.
      While her telekinesis is strong enough to completely halt anyone around her level of strength and heavily weigh down anyone up to more than half her powerlevel, her magic is lacking in the sense that all she can do is instantly warp up to twenty feet away from where she’s standing.
      As for her Ki, it’s as simple as it is effective, lasers.
      She can fire lasers from her hands, eyes, fingers, tongue, joints, even her feet if she can get the angle right, just a whole bunch of lasers that she can bend.
      Her favorite trick is spelling her own name, but she can only stretch a laser to spell “Jojo” before it snaps back.

      Backstory: She was just a small town girl, living in a lonely world, when one day she found a train ticket on the ground at the local market.
      In the dead of night she snuck off and boarded a train, she didn’t care where it lead, just so long as it went anywhere but there.
      To her surprise it was a first class ticket, however the whole cabin was filled with cigar smoke and reeked of wine and cheap perfume.
      But when she made her way to the front and saw the stage with a singer smiling among it all, she knew in her heart what her calling was.
      When the time finally came to leave the train her mind was set, but fate had something different in mind when the destiny of that blood came knocking.
      But with her wits and strength, she fought like a bloody storm and was able to stand proud, and when it seemed like the end of the world her true power shined in the form of what she calls magic.
      With all said and done, she caught the last train home and went back, but the fire in her heart kept burning bright, bright enough to shine like a crazy diamond in her crazy noisy bizarre town.
      Somewhere along the way she ended up killing a killer queen with an ambulance or something, her memory about that is kind of hazy.

      And there’s my OC, hope you like her!

    • #21948

      Jesus christ.. that’s a lot to draw ._.

    • #21949

      I like your OC, @Best JoJo

    • #21950

      @mintrer I don’t think any multipliers are confirmed for ssg and ssb.

    • #21952

      Hmm.. I will not draw the back-stories, unfortunately, that’s a lot of work (far more than what I can handle) and too much time, I’ll try my best to show all the characteristics you guys wrote.

    • #21953

      That’s ok. I know that this story will turn out great! 🙂

    • #21956
      Android 21

      Age: 27
      PL: 50,000,000

      -A fairly light-weight individual, but very “Conditioned.” This allows him to be swift, capable of dodging and able to take weaker blows, but a strong punch to the gut would be devastating.

      -While usually friendly, calm and sympathetic, Sanow did not enter the tournament to make friends.

      -Instead of traditional training, Sanow prepared for the tournament by studying the human body, so that he could dispose of opponents as quickly as possible by exploiting weaknesses. This of course would make complications when facing enemies who are not human (or saiyan, as the two are fairly similar in anatomy). His small amounts of training were more devoted to speed and flexibility than strength (not saying that he only worked on his speed and his flexibility).

      -Coming from a poverty stricken desert village, Sanow traveled day and night to the tournament’s location, with nothing but a large branch, a hooded cloak and the bare essentials, in search of riches to bribe capitalistic oil barrens and industrialists who covet the land the village requires to thrive and to provide for the village’s short comings. This journey, of course, hardened him “Like clay in the desert sun.” (Heavily inspired by Nam.)

      -With such high stakes, honor, dignity and valor in battle are of no concern for Sanow. The rules of the tournament are all he follows.

      -Unable to use Ki attacks or ki-based abilities, as no one in the village was able to teach him to harness it, but was known in his village as “The Falcon” due to his flight-like bounds; he has, however, practiced lesser feats with his mind, such as weaker telekinesis, telepathy and rare glimpses into the near future, as the knowledge to do these types of feats were passed down over the generations in his village along with techniques to hold one’s ground against strong forces, such as large animals, strong storms, or, a recent problem in the village, oncoming trains and landing airplanes late at night in the pitch black darkness of the dessert.

      -Main abilities:
      After Images
      Buff (Roshi) Form: increasing his PL up to 100,000 times (Going by your ssj calculations, cannon calculations would be closer to 1,000 maximum), but greatly slowing him down.
      Floating Cloak: Manipulating his cloak with his minor understanding of telekinesis so that it appears as if his cloak was floating away with a mind of it’s own, confusing opponents and creating a somewhat convincing decoy.

      -Attack ideas (In case you can’t think of a unique specialty attack for a character who can’t use ki).

      Falcon Strike: Grabbing an opponent, throwing them high into the air, jumping up to smack them back down and then meeting them on the ground with a well placed kick.

      Pecking Pummel: Similar to Wolf Fang Fist, this move is performed from the air, with more, weaker strikes than it’s ground based counterpart and includes kicks in an attempt to hit more of an area.

      Stasis: Holding the opponent in place telekineticly for a very short time, perfect for stopping a surprise attack just before it happens, but requires complete focus and cannot be done while being attacked.

      Mirage: A form of subtle mind control, the opponent’s overall perception of what is around them becomes warped severely, causing armored warriors to undress due to heat, raging bulls of fighters to be pacified by visions of victory and opponents to feel exhausted or even thinking that their name was being called in the distance as a minor distraction. Complexity, would of course, alter the amount of concentration required, so visions of the opponent defeating Sanow can’t be created while being defeated, but something like a name being called could be created in this instance. Opponents with greater concentration than Sanow would be harder to deceive this way.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Android 21.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Android 21.
    • #21960

      Lel I’ll try

      Satsuma (badass name that’s also a fruit…look it up)
      Race: Demon
      Gender: Male
      Power level: 5 million
      Body Type: no muscles or fat. Not incredibly skinny either. Basically just a healthy 15 year old that doesn’t work out lol
      Clothing: He wears pants that look similar to goku’s orange one but its dark gray and has no belt or bands yet somehow manages to stay at his waist. He also wears a light gray short sleeve hoodie and wears the hood all the time.
      Appearance: He has dark blue skin with black hair that is hard to see since he always has a hoodie on. He also has a single (2-3 inches-ish) horn on the right side of his forehead that shows is sticking out the front/open side of the hoodie and has very visible plus a long and slender tail that has an arrow-like end to it. So when looking at him from any angle, the most you will see of his face is his horn, nose, mouth, and some hair.
      Personality: He is always has quite tone and avoids other guys. Normally he just shuns everyone unless they know him personally. Since he is 15 though, he is somewhat attracted to women…especially the big breasted ones. Whenever he sees one he is sure to let them know that he likes them and gets a nosebleed XD. Also his favorite food is ice cream and he is always eating it in comedic moments. When he isn’t thinking of something pervy or eating ice cream he is calculating complex puzzles in his mind since he is a genius and is a master at reaction times. At random times he has very violent thoughts and he doesn’t know why. He almost always levitates instead of actually walking

      Abilities: He has a light blue aura that surrounds him at all times and enables him to do magic/mystic things such as telekinesis, immune to mind control or trickery, flight, and enhancing certain parts of his body to take or give devastating blows. He also uses this aura for daily tasks making them easy for him (such as eating ice cream).

      Background: He randomly appeared as an asleep 5 year old in the demon realm. His single horn was similar to the violent and murderous Oni family who slaughtered almost all of the other demons millennia ago. It made him feared and hunted among many of the demons. One day the king of the royal demon family found him and decided to make him a part of their family and try to see if he is somehow related to the oni family. When they found out he was they tried to make him as peaceful as possible to prevent him from turning out like the oni while making sure he became strong. He was put in top notch school and training as well as given much love by everyone he knew. On his own time at the age of 10 he started researching mystical powers that would allow him do unnatural things and mastered them quickly. When he overheard his father (the king) talking about how he is a part of a powerful and murderous family, he left the demon realm and heard news about the tournament. This is where he could release his anger and confusion.

      I want him to somehow awaken his “Oni” form which basically makes him 5000x stronger putting his power level at 25 billion. When he goes oni his skin turns dark red and his aura turns purple. He grows double in size and gains quite a bit of muscle. His horn grows by 2-3 more inches and a small horn about 1/2 and inch in size appears on the left side of his forehead. His hoodie comes down and you can see his face in its entirety. His eyes glow purple. He can’t control it so its pretty much just blind rage and instinct like how great ape goku behaves. He still uses his aura since he has had it for years and uses it for everything.

    • #21967

      Thanks, the Manga chapter 1 is on the development.

    • #21976

      Can’t wait for it’s release. @Xach and @Android 21, I like your characters a lot.

    • #21978

      Yea, some people actually have imagination (unlike me) xD

    • #21982
      James Anderson

      Name: Yorzia
      Age: (He does not age)
      Gender: Male
      Story: His Universe (Universe 15) was one of the 6 destroyed by the Omni-King. He was the one who made the Omni-King mad because he was becoming too powerful, but refused to stop developing his new technique, The “Saikōken” (Derived From The Japanese Words For “Ulimate” And “Power”). When Omni-King destroyed his Universe, Yorzia had no choice but to escape to another universe. Universe 15 is what would become The Hyperbolic Time Chamber. There, he met with Mutaito, whom he thought to be a Saiyan, as in Universe 15 the saiyans are the only race to appear to be human. He then taught Mutaito the Mafuba. Upon learning he was not a saiyan, he told him never to tell anyone that he had taught him this technique. He then searched the universe for the saiyans, and upon finding that they were dead, he used the Ring of time to save them. He now trains them in his planet, the only thing to survive the destruction of Universe 15, Deep within the void.

      Additional Info:

      -He Is The God Of The Saiyans In Universe 15, Where He Fused With Its Kais.

      -He Has Not Yet mastered the Saikōken, and it despite it making him up to 50000 times stronger, It almost kills him every time he uses it, so he rarely does (It is orange).

      -In Universe 15, all of the saiyans are extremely powerful, so after seeing how weak the saiyans of this universe are, he is not expecting much from Goku or Vegeta.

      -His Personality is similar to that of Mr.Buu’s, however he is far more tame and “Whis-Like”.

      -He claims that, at least for the saiyans of his universe, Super Saiyan 3 is the “True Super Saiyan” and that Super Saiyan God Onward is reserved for the gods.

      -He knows of Super Saiyan 4, but he claims it to be “ridiculous” and if anyone asks, he says it is not real.

      -He enjoys eating, but he likes training more.

      -He can use Super Saiyan Blue, but he prefers fights to be fair, and will not use it unless he has to.

      Here is a picture of him:
      Yes it's from Xenoverse

    • #21987

      Name: Chill
      Fighting style: He is one of the weakest hitters out there, but he makes up for it with his God like speed, he mostly surrounds his opponents while constantly hitting them. He often uses his environment to aid him in battles.
      Age: 2.6k
      Personality and Design: Unknown is a arcosian with a true passion for fighting, he will wait in his planet, he acts very friendly but that can easily change in a matter of seconds. until strong fighters land there, and once they do he challenges them at the price of their life (makes them slaves) his skin is a very dark red, and on top of that he has a vest made of dark purple plates, along with two arm bands and leg bands which are also purple. He has five weighted items made from bio armor, he has two gems on his arm bands as Well as two on both of his legbands, he has one last weight imbued onto his vest which massively increases his upperbody strength as his body tenses up.
      Signature Technique: Bolt: A technique that drains a lot of Ki, it dosent really improve speed but instead it gives the user a feeling of endless adrelanine, meaning the user will be able to perform at his peak with no signs of getting tired for a certain amount of time.
      PowerLevel: Unknown
      SuperEvolution (custom)
      The user first begins his transformation by tensing up his upper body as it becomes buff he will grow as horns come out of his head and begin to curve backwards, his total height would be about 3x that of king cold, this speed definitely slows him down but his speed still remains average, not poor. However his strength is massively increased.

      Back story by @TravelerSoul(long)

      In every story, there’s a hero, and almost more importantly, a villain. After all, how can one be a hero without a villain? But, something people don’t always think about is: who was the villain before he was the villain we know today? Who was Beerus before he was the god of destruction? Who were android 17 and 18 before they were androids? Or in this case, who was Chill before he had a name? This is his story, and it starts on Namek.

      Chill woke up, already excited. He didn’t have a reason to be excited, other than the fact that he was alive with his father, on the great and brilliant planet Namek. He nearly jumped out of bed, and ran into the kitchen of the Namekian house. Before he even saw what his father was cooking, he could tell what it was due to the smell: eriankani. In other words, Namekian crab. At the time, Chill was only 14 years old, and of course had the appetite of someone his age. As soon as his father set the food on the table, Chill started to eat.

      As his father sat down with a glass of water, Chill thought to himself, *how come dad’s a namekian, and I’m a acro-whatever it’s called. When will he tell me?* Chill asked his father the question, just like he did every time he woke up, and his father answered the same way: “it’s a long story, and not one I’m fond of telling. I’ll tell you another time, just remember-” Chill cut him off, “I know father, ‘make sure to control your power, you could unintentionally hurt someone badly.’ You tell me that all the time.” Before his father could reply, Chill ran out the room, going to meet with his friends.

      They always met at the same spot every sun cycle: a small cliffside just north of the village. Chill, like he always did, ran there at his full speed, which meant that the mile distance (which would take an average person twenty minutes to walk,) only took Chill a few seconds. He then jumped to the top of the plateau, instead of taking the walkway that had been dug into the side of it. He landed at the top as if he had just stepped onto the sidewalk while being in the street, surprising his friends.

      There was Nanel, whose skin was nearly brown, despite namekians having light green skin. He was also the most muscular. There was Erin, who had grown up on earth (hence the name) and was staying on Namek for roughly six months with his adopted parents. He had wings, a very rare but well known trait of Namekians. As a matter of fact, one of King Piccolo’s allies had wings. Then there was Ramieen, who had no unique physical Namekian looks, but his constant upbeat and humorous attitude set him apart from most of his classmates.

      Ramieen laughed, “a flashy entrance as always! You should really think of joining the oleenpics if you go to earth.” Ramieen turned to Eric, “that’s what it’s called, right?” Eric chucked, “Olympics, but close enough.” Chill’s seemingly permanent smile widened, “by the time I’m old enough to enter, I could probably jump to earth if I wanted to!” This made both Erin and Ramieen laugh, but Nanel only faintly smiled. He wasn’t one for jokes, but would humor you if you tried to be funny (pun intended). Erin turned to Nanel, still smiling and asked, “what about you Nanel? By the time you’re old enough to enter, you could probably lift the Olympic stadium.” Nanel shrugged, “I’d be glad with just being strong enough to do that. I don’t want a medal to prove it.”

      They talked for a few hours, then came the subject of the cliffside. Erin looked around, “when did we start meeting each other here? I can’t remember.” Chill laughed, “you don’t remember?! I had bet you guys that if you dropped a rock from here that I could get down the cliff and catch it before it hit the ground!” Ramieen laughed, “yeah, and you took Nanel with you so he could confirm it!” Chill chuckled, “Nanel’s face was priceless!” Nanel said, “yeah, but your face was priceless when I bet you that I could throw you back up the cliff.” Erin shook his head, “I still can’t believe you managed to do that Nanel.”

      A nostalgic silence feel upon them as they started to think about good times. Chill thought back to how they met, and smiled to himself. He was leaving school one day (even namekians have school) and Ramieen just walked up to him and started talking to him. Chill was so surprised that he didn’t hear the first few words Ramieen said. “Can you hear me?” Chill shook his head, “yeah, sorry, I was lost in my thoughts.” Ramieen chuckled, and said, “hey, look,” Chill braced himself. Just about everyone he had met here hated him, all because he was the same same race as Freeza. Even the adults treated him bad. “Don’t listen to those other people, okay?” Chill was to surprised to answer. *What does he mean?* Ramieen continued, “those people who treat you bad, just because you look like a guy who was bad a long time ago, don’t listen to them. Okay?” Chill nodded, glad that he finally found a friend.

      “Hey, you there?” Chill nodded, “yeah just thinking about how we first met.” Erin nodded, “we just saw a ship head towards the town, want to go check it out?” Chill nodded, excited at the idea that there would be visitors. “You guys go ahead, I have to get something from my house. See you there.” They said their farewells, not aware that this would be their final goodbyes. Chill vanished, and once he arrived at his house, he started to frantically search for the note he had written. He also subconsciously reminded himself to slow down. *There’s limits to how much I can run.*

      By the time he found the note, and found out where the spaceship landed, his friends had already arrived there. He finally got to the landing site, smiling from ear to ear, but for one of the first times in his life, his smile was gone. He saw multiple soldiers, a large amount of dead namekians, another arcosian like himself. His friends were tied up in front of the arcosian. They were all beaten bloody, but Chill noticed that Erin’s back was soaked in blood, and Chill also saw that the reason for that was: his wings had been ripped off. Erin wasn’t moving, he wasn’t even breathing.

      The arcosian knelt down in front of Nanel. “you’re a pretty strong namekian, I respect that, so, I’m going to ask kindly once more. Where is the other arcosian you spoke of?” Nanel looked up at the arcosian, and spat in his face. The arcosian calmly wiped the spit off of his face, and then asked, “you would be so disrespectful towards me? The feared galactic murderer Nogaro?” Nogaro backhanded Nanel so hard that there was an audible crack. It was like a dry twig breaking. Nanel didn’t move again.

      The arcosian looked up, and saw Chill. “finally. You there, arcosian, what’s your name?” Chill was shocked, he couldn’t remember his name. He didn’t understand why there was another arcosian, or why it was hurting his friends. Ramieen turned his head around, and yelled “run! Get out of here! Keep going faster until you can outrun the bad things! Never stop, you hear me!? Never st-” Nogaro waved his hand at Ramieen, and there was another loud snap. Ramieen was no longer moving, and his body slumped down. Chill was afraid, and on the verge of tears.

      In his subconscious, he thought, *I need to run! I want to live! They’re just bags of meat anyways!* Chill was terrified that he thought this, and suddenly felt as if he was physically changing, but nonetheless ran. Nogaro didn’t go after him. He couldn’t have gone after Chill, because he was suddenly much faster than normal. So fast, that everything seemed to go in slow motion, even the dust he was kicking up. Chill arrived at the cliffside, and fell down to his knees. Partly due to fatigue, partly due to shock. His friends were dead, and he felt pain like he had never experienced before. He kept wondering to himself how to get rid of his pain, but he couldn’t find an answer. He stayed on that cliffside, unmoving, for an entire sun cycle before he returned to the village.

      He arrived at the village, which was now destroyed, and littered with corpses. *That arcosian did this. An arcosian…* He pulled his note out of the bottom part of the armband on his wrist, and read the note to himself. ‘I know you don’t know me, nor do I know you, but I have a favor to ask. If you see an arcosian in your travels, please give this to them.

      If you are an arcosian, I am looking for my biological father, or at least answers. I have lived on Namek my whole life, with my namekian father, but I have never been told how I got here, nor why my father isn’t here with me. If you know who I am, please come up Namek and tell me. If you know my father, please bring him to me. If you do not know about me, please give this to the next arcosian you see. Thank you for your time.’

      Chill shook his head, thinking how foolish he was. *I guess those kids were right. All arcosians are bad. It probably best if I don’t meet my father.* He tossed the note into a nearby fire, and watched it burn. He had written that note nearly two years ago, and now he was watching it burn, without even a hint of regret.

      After an hour of searching, he finally found his father, (the Namekian one,) but there was something wrong. When he approached his father, he looked terrified of Chill. “What happened to you?” unsure of what his father meant, Chill looked down at himself, and saw that there was a blue, bone like substance covering his torso. He could also see that it had a few spikes on it. There was crystals on his arm and leg bands.

      Chill shook his head, “I don’t know father. It must have been a transformation. You said that I’d eventually be able to do one, right?” Chill’s father cautiously walked up to him, and said, “son, look what you did.” he pointed behind Chill, and when he turned around, he saw that the town was gone. The buildings had been leveled, and the dirt had become a shallow crater where he had walked. The dirt that he was standing on right now, was a crater. Chill quickly turned to his father, and started to speak frantically. “Father, what’s happening? I’m not going to become like that other arcosian, am I? I don’t want to, and I’ve been having thoughts in my head that aren’t mine. What’s happening to me?!”

      His father’s expression was now solemn, and he put his hands on Chill’s shoulders, “son, you have no idea how sorry I am to say this. Nor how painful it is for me to say this.” He took a breath, “you are a danger to us all.”

      “You can’t control your powers, you destroy things without thinking, and now you’re hearing voices in your head too. You need to leave this place, just long enough to control your strength, understood?” Chill didn’t hear anything his father said after, ‘you need to leave.’ Chill looked at the ground, shocked beyond words. *First, my friends die, and my village is destroyed. Then, I apparently destroy things without thinking, and I am apparently going insane, and now, my father is telling me to leave.*

      Chill’s father spoke in a worried tone, “Chill, did you hear me?” Chill looked up at the sky, and he thought of the tales that Erin would tell about earth. He would tell them about the green grass, and blue water. He would tell them about the stars. *stars…* He thought about how each one was supposed to be a planet or sun, and Chill wished that he was on any other planet but this one. He remembered Ramieen’s last words: ‘run! Get out of here! Never stop!’ Chill thought back to their conversation on the cliffside. ‘By the time I’m old enough to join the Olympics, I could probably jump to earth!’

      *Jump to earth…* Chill clenched his fists. *Jump.* With every ounce of his newfound strength, he jumped. He tore the muscles in his legs, but he went into the sky. He went past the clouds, and he didn’t stop going into the air. He passed the stratosphere, and still, he didn’t lose momentum. Finally, he left the planet’s atmosphere, and he kept going. He did lose consciousness due to the sudden change from being in a planet, to being in space, but he didn’t lose momentum.

      He woke up somewhere in a frozen forest, at the bottom of a crater caused by his impact. His legs were mostly healed, and he didn’t have a scratch from the impact. He got up, and wandered aimlessly for days, but during the nights, he would watch the stars, amazed by their beauty. He had never seen them on Namek. Eventually, he lost count of the days he traveled, but he made it to a city. The buildings were bleached white from the snow, all of them, except for a castle half the size of the city itself.

      He learned about this planet, and named himself “Chill,” after the planet. He met people, learned to control his power, and he obeyed his friend’s last wish. He kept getting faster, and faster, until light itself seemed to move slow. He was on that planet for years, decades, centuries, and he forgot everything. He forgot about Nogaro, he forgot about his father, Eric, Nanel, Ramieen, and even Namek itself. But he kept getting faster. He lost his mind, he seemed to have multiple personalities, and he would change between then in seconds. Despite this, he became a ruler, and fought his way up, eventually becoming the second largest faction in the planet.

      Whoever he had been on Namek, meant nothing to Chill now. That is, if he ever remembered Namek. He was no longer the innocent boy that only wanted to be friends with people, he had left that person behind, now, he was Chill.

      In conclusion, he’s fast.

    • #21988

      I kinda dont like Yorzia and Chill…especially yorzia The characters aren’t meant to be super op. Also where are the power levels? They aren’t meant to be stronger than vegeta :/

    • #21989

      Uhh i would like to suggest a character

      Broly jr
      Race: Saiyan
      Gender: male
      body type: 5 year old
      power level: unlimited
      Abilities: He can go legendary super saiyan pink omni form which means that he is as strong as omni king times 2 billion.
      Backstory: He is mad at goku becuz he killed his dad and he wants revenge!

      Like cmon guys add some kind of weakness and restraint when making your character. Gods don’t seem like they should be allowed. Just abnromally strong fighters that are somewhat equivelant to recoomes power level to cells power level In base form. Don’t make ur characters like superman. Its unfair and boring :/

      • #21993
        James Anderson

        During Dragonball Super, Akira Toriyama announced Golden Freeza’s power level, shown here:
        His power level
        So, to the author, you should keep the power levels at what you first stated, because it would make more sense to how they beat Golden Freeza.
        Yorzia can also use SSJ3, but the strain on him is equivalent to the strain on goku at SSJ2 as his endurance is greater than the saiyans of Universe 7.
        Please remember that the Saikōken is so strenuous that Yorzia almost dies when he uses it,so he likely wouldn’t use it except as a last resort.
        Therefore, I didn’t want to say his power level as it would seem ridiculous, but if you insist:
        Base Full Power: 300,000,000,000,000,000
        Full Power SSJ3: 450,000,000,000,000,000,000
        Full Power SSB: 990,000,000,000,000,000,000
        Full Power Saikōken: 7,950,000,000,000,0000,0000

    • #21990

      Oh look it’s Gary Stue!

    • #21991

      Also I have some pictures of Boten 🙂

    • #21995

      So I already drawn this

      View post on

      The art style overall is worse than what this is, because I didn’t draw in a long time and I am only tapping in my skills, is this what Cabbeji supposed to look?

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Skeptical.
    • #21997

      What program do you use to draw?

    • #21998

      paint. I dont have anything besides my mouse, so it’s pointless to get any other program

    • #21999

      Thank you. I’ve been looking for something I can use to edit my drawings. If you still need characters I could repay you by giving you one.

    • #22000

      It’s really hard to draw, and I kinda have already a lot of characters. If your character is simplistic, it would be fine if you wanted to mention him/her.

    • #22001

      If you already have enough, I won’t bother you with mine, trust me, I know how hard it is to handle alot of characters in a book. Good luck with your book

    • #22002

      @Xach Chill, isint op, his powerlevel is unkown meaning brony can make him as strong or as weak as he wants to.

    • #22006

      ^^ Lol, thanks, but it’s a full-drawed manga ( not a written book) Which makes it all harder by 10 times.

    • #22007

      I am willing to debate wether a manga is harder than a book to make, (I could make a post about it so we can debate,) but if you need any tips with making it, I’m a pretty good pencil and ink artist

    • #22008

      Brony, I like the design, but my character has most of Frieza’s colors except for turquoise where he has purple plates. I’ll send an Example. Also, how do I link a picture? XD

    • #22014


    • #22015


    • #22016


    • #22017


    • #22018

      I DONT WANNA FUCKING LIVE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • #22019

      WHAT AM I GONNA DOOOODODODOO?DQOOED)EFRQ0jqe0ijAFJad)ijad)Ifad*GHG0SR*HGNS)GJMNAvpiosf,vXVL<KMX vjiosojmgsNI(AJE)KOHNSRIKIUNHIJ)MGOinrwisOMNGhw)unQ£IO%J”£%IOJ”£R%IOJIOJjoij($OIJ%”30-t0iynmgwpo9yh53

    • #22020


    • #22021


    • #22022


    • #22023

      Relax. All things can be replaced. Be glad it isn’t anything permanent like losing a limb or losing a loved one.

    • #22024

      Joey Jojo strikes again!

    • #22025

      HOW SHOULD I RELAX?!??!?!!?!?!!??! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TIME IT TAKES TO THINK OUT HOW THE STORY SHOULD BE DRAWN AND HOW TO FUCKING PLAN IT OUT TO SATISFY YOU GUYS?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?

    • #22026

      AND THEN THE ACTUAL DRAWING?!?!?!?!!?!?!???!

    • #22027


    • #22028

      I hope you dont give up on this, I was pretty hyped

    • #22029

      Like I said, be glad you don’t have an uncurable medical condition, lost a limb like an arm that you can’t replace, or lose a loved one that’s the world to you. Things like drawings can be replaced. It is okay to be mad, but there’s an extent to it. Think about if you were a kid with cancer and were given your notice that you’d die in a few months. Wouldn’t that pale in comparison to this?

    • #22030

      Harpor me too lol. Though I know that whatever happens, it’ll be alright.

    • #22031


    • #22032

      I decided instead of making a tournament, I’ll just mix your characters with dragon ball super and some dragon ball af shit.

    • #22033

      Already working on the first chapter

    • #22034

      Brony, it’s called a comparison. I would rather have my hard-drive wiped than to lose an arm or have cancer, and my opinion is shared between 99.99999999% of the population.

    • #22035

      Also, as I said in a previous post, and I quote

        “It’s okay to be mad, but there’s an extent to it”.
    • #22036

      You son of a bitch.. instead of mentally helping me you are saying fucking stupid shit like “UGUHH you be luky dat magikallly ur arm didnt rip of”. You are a fucking incompassionate little bastard.

    • #22037

      I will make your character be a weak piece of shit that everyone hates. Even YAMCHA will be cooler than him. Everyone will fucking hate your OC.

    • #22038

      Thanks to Harpor, he motivated me to draw again because he said that he was hyped for it (which is a great mental support)

    • #22041

      I am sorry for your loss of your hard drive, but I was trying to paint the bigger picture that you could be worse off. Think of those starving in Africa, Christians being beheaded in the middle east, people all around the world having trouble finding a good job to be able to support their family. Overall, stress is what shows how a person really acts, what their morals are, and how well spoken they really are. People who can respond rationally to situations and not blow up like a ticking time bomb are what this world needs most with how crazy this world is today. So please, be glad that you are better off than some people. Children in Africa aren’t worrying about a hard drive, they are worrying about whether or not they’ll have food tomorrow. I pray for those who break down at the smallest things. There’s something my Nana used to say, and that was to not sweat the small stuff. That being said, it’s ok to be upset, but attacking your fans isn’t ok either. I had a great time when this all started, but now I know what type of person you truly are. Goodbye, and God Bless.

    • #22042

      Anyone who is unhappy about what happened, I may start writing about dragon ball and other things. I feel that I have a knack for writing, and I don’t explode at the slightest misfortune. That is all I’ll say. I’m not disowning this fan manga, the author, or the still-fans, just know that I might start writing in a safe environment where people are free to voice their opinions.


    • #22043

      Now I hate what happens in Africa and shit and all, but why would I care about them RIGHT NOW? I care about my own problems right now, and my mental respond/reaction is the same as some guy losing his job or his money, there is a level of disappointment that everyone is at, but with diffferent consequences. For example a guy that lost his mom feels as bad as a guy that lost his 20 dollars. THE PAIN IS THE SAME. “I know what type of person you truly are” You are fucking judging me off when I am MAD AS FUCK!?!?!? WHEN MY LIFE IS GONE?!?!!?!? Now I had animations, long ass animations, soundtracks, fucking video/audio effects, about a terabyte of games, achievements, everything. I HAD AUTHORITY OVER EVERYTHING. Now all I have is a empty Windows 7.

    • #22044

      And I leave you with this piece of sentiment about those that fought in the Civil War, a speech I know by heart.

      The Gettysburg Address

      Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

      Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war.

      We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave there lives, that that nation might live. It is all together fitting and proper that we should do this.

      Though, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men- living and dead- who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

      It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us. That from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause that they gave the last full measure of devotion, that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that his nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom. And that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.

      -President Abraham Lincoln

      Take a moment for that to sit.

    • #22045

      While the idea of “It could be worse” is appeasing to some people, it doesn’t add to discussion of the problem at hand.
      Just because it could, in fact, be worse, doesn’t negate the issue of his data being gone and the problems he’s facing because of it.

      For the sake of the argument, when does the problem reach the point where you’d say “It really can’t be worse”?

    • #22046

      As I said, I feel sorry for you, but there are those less fortunate.

    • #22047

      Jojo, think if you were lying in a hospital bed, you had been practically mutilated from war, and you are given a slim chance of survival, or you have a deadly virus, or are about to die of starvation. That is the absolute worst.

    • #22048

      Also I consider a life being family members, experiences, friends, etc

    • #22049

      But how could I complain about my wounds/virus/hunger when somewhere out there there’s a poor soldier without any limbs who can’t eat anything except a nice Ebola sandwich?

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Hirolka.
    • #22051

      JoJo, what you described is basically what I described. I was giving examples, not every possible thing that could be wrong.

    • #22052

      Jojo, you’re my savior man. Just so you guys know, every single OC included here is gonna be mentioned and gonna be a part of my new story that I am working on currently. Well, Goku’s Oc’s fate is inevitable. I AM GONNA CREATE A NEW, WORSE YAMCHA REINCARNATED AS AN ARCOSIAN.

    • #22053

      But what if me and someone else has those exact same symptoms, but he’s younger so he has more to lose?

    • #22054

      Well good luck to you. There are thousands of tales that Cabbeji could experience that I could write about. I wish you luck on this tournament, and I would like to say to everyone here is that this interpretation will be inaccurate. Also, it’s not healthy to curse out someone just because they are trying to paint a better picture of how it could be worse, that you are lucky that it isn’t, and that it’ll be alright. Those sound a lot like words of encouragement to me.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by SSGokufour.
    • #22056

      Look, the least you could do is give him a shoulder to cry on, that’s all I’m saying.

    • #22057

      Saying “Oh you are lucky that you don’t have ripped arms” or “it could be worse” is fucking stupid. I might just spare Cabbeji’s life because I feel like it ( I saw your comment in the middle “I can’t wait for its release” and that warmed me up

    • #22058

      I might of if he didn’t make a big “my life is ruined, ejrjnvjvj” thing out of it. But life isn’t fair, and I’m sorry but that’s a lesson everyone should learn as early as possible.

    • #22059

      I was happy for a release.

    • #22060

      I wish this hadn’t started over words like that that were supposed to let you know that it’d be okay and that this is recoverable from.

    • #22061

      Also, I am pretty sure that pretty much everyone I know would disagree with those vulgarities you used to describe me.

    • #22062

      I finished the page(in one chapter there are around 15 pages)

      • #22063
        Android 21

        Great job! Now, down to business.
        Have you ever considered using cloud storage for (somewhat) important documents? If not, then i recommend you do.

    • #22064
      James Anderson

      I’m pretty sure it is POSSIBLE to get the files back depending on were the damage was. There are programs that can get some or maybe ALL of your data back. I was looking up about it and found this:
      Some of the most popular methods seems to be disconnecting your drive and inserting it in the fridge. A little on the unconventional side, but does seem to have the desired effect. On the other hand, if you drive does work at least a little bit, you should enter windows and immediately create a backup of your important data, then go with the drive to a computer repair shop.
      Source: An Article about fixing hard drive failure

    • #22065

      “I will make your character be a weak piece of shit that everyone hates. Even YAMCHA will be cooler than him. Everyone will fucking hate your OC.” LOL FUCKING HILARIOUS

      But seriously, I think brony might’ve over reacted, when I lost all my files I was mad, but I didint really spam the forums. but you cant go on and say that just because something outside in the world might be more of an issue that his hard drive being wiped is completely irrelevant, tell me if your whole family got slaughtered, how would you react if I walked up to you out of nowhere and said, you dont need to be so upset, people in Africa die of hunger all the time they have it worse. Like seriously, We know its worse in terms of society but for a specific person, They dont really care what happens to children in Africa, they just care that their parents died, and you should try to support them.

      EXAMPLE: Jingames got hacked. Oh, dont worry about it sony got hacked by anonymous, it isint a big deal that jingames got hacked, you should just try to relax fam.

    • #22080

      Should I upload page by page or chapter by chapter?

    • #22083

      page by page

    • #22084

      The hype is real. Well, the “hype” means “i wanna see brony drawing a character in a room full of cocaine too bad” xD

    • #22085

      Also, spare cabeji. Seriously, we need him. Arco lifes matter (except harpors life cause he aint got a life. Get rekt son)

    • #22086

      Harpor, getting your family slaughtered would be considered on par I think. I was just trying to cheer him up lol. I wasn’t saying that he had to be happy, I was saying that there was a certain extent and that it could be worse.

    • #22087

      I just realized that I said “be glad that ….” in my first post about this. To clarify, I didn’t literally mean to be glad, I meant to not get too mad about this. To me, if I stress for too long, it affects me badly. I feel that if I can minimize the stress and have that mentality of “I can recover from this” that it will get better, as stress causes too much grief and that causes setbacks in life.

    • #22096

      My manga will kinda suck (I am not good at drawing) But I still wanna try. Thank you for sparing your time into your characters, I’ll trymy best. How do I straight upload images from computer into this?

    • #22099

      Oh brony, whatever it is it wont suck. You know why? Cause we know that you made it, and that only makes us proud of you. Hell, i cant draw for shit, so its good seeing you atleast try to draw without sucking at it xD

    • #22104

      Thanks mintrer ;-; You have highly warmed me uo ;-; I am now as smooth as buttr! I’ll try my utter best guys ;-;

    • #22105
    • #22106

      this is page 1

    • #22107

      uh, read it from left to right and then down left down right and keep on.

    • #22108

      my paint is kinda glitched, so the colors might look weird and stuff

    • #22111

      Wow, this is pretty cool! I don’t really mind the drawing, I think it’s fine.

    • #22118

      I would advise you do page-by-page. Do whatever you want to though. I personally don’t mind the colors, after all, I’m colorblind. Also, good page. If you need any drawing tips, I could help you out.

    • #22119

      2nd page is worked on currently. Outline is finished too, just need to color it (probably gonna finish tomorrow, it’s really late right now)

    • #22120

      ^^ Well… how do I draw different poses right? It’s hard to imagine different angles and stuff. Also how should I place the squares on the page? You know? The manga windows that show what’s going on.

    • #22123

      When it comes to poses, just make the body up of basic shapes, then add detail to the shapes. That helps me. Or you could just try a pose and keep changing it until it’s the way you want. You’d be surprised how much that has to be done. As for the boxes, try to plan the pictures out, then make the boxes accordingly, once again, feel free to make then subject to change. A good tip is to change a boxes size based off of importance. If you are introducing a new main character, you could get off with doing a whole page dedicated to their glory. Whereas the scenes where it’s just flurries of punches could be an eighth of a page. I could post a few pictures tomarrow, if you think it would help to study them.

    • #22128

      this is how you post pictures on the website
      How To Post Le Pictures

      Now, as for your drawing, it looks good, 100x better than what I can do, and overtime I’m sure it will get even better

    • #22129

      Guys,should I add color? It takes nearly twice as much time as lining it out. But with color it kinda looks better

    • #22130

      Is your book, do whatever you think is best. I personally prefer the black and white, it feels more like traditional manga, but that’s just my opinion.

    • #22136

      I don’t really want to disappoint the community with no color

    • #22147

      Wait… The first chapter was colored, right? Cause for me it is. You did a good job brony, im just thinking that it will take a while to finish since 1 chapter takes 2 days and 1 chapter contains around 8 boxes/whatever. I Mean, scenes also do matter, for example a scene where someone’s running around in a room of cocaine doesn’t require as much time as a scene where 2 guys are fighting and their best.

    • #22166
    • #22171

      Well, as long as the quality is good, I’m sure no one will mind if it’s not in color. For instance, here’s one of my drawings, and I personally don’t think it’s bad because it’s black and white.
      I had a better one of majin Vegeta, but someone messed it up. *cough* my brother *cough.*

    • #22183

      Nice. In real life my drawings are superior to digital ones(just saying) I mastered DBZ art in real life 100%, but with a mouse it’s hard to do. Also thanks, If no one minds, I’ll just add shading instead of color.

    • #22184

      Page 3

    • #22185

      btw guys, I don’t look at any references, at all, ever. It’s purely from my mind.

    • #22186

      Ditto. Also, page 3 isn’t showing

    • #22189

      I want a very brief cameo, but this should all be left to mainly you guys 😀

    • #22198


    • #22200

      should I draw like, fully custom guy and name him after you?

    • #22201

      I’ll add Jin into the manga btw

    • #22202

      Age: 69
      Race: Arcosian
      Personality: Likes lolis riding tanks and cheese. Hates Black Lives Matter.
      Body Type: Slim, has a robot eyes for inspecting tanks more thoroughly.
      Gender: non-binary transgender lesbian male
      Body Color:Has red gems, is a filthy cis-white male.
      Powerlevel: 69,000,000

    • #22203

      Age: 18 single and ready to mingle
      Race: Saiyan/Human/Namekian/Kaioshin/WhisRace
      Personality Everyone loves her and she loves everyone else besides herself
      Name Mary Sue
      Body Type: Double D cup boobs with a skinny smexy b0dy
      Gender: Female
      PowerLevel: Yours but +1
      Design: Her Design

    • #22204

      Forgot to add a name, Inferno obviously.

    • #22206

      almost forgot her powers, Along with any powers one would naturally expect from a Saiyan and a Namekian, Mary Sue also has several unique abilities:

      Fused Character – Mary Sue is alleged to be fused with her own double from the future. This seems to be a Potara fusion as Mary Sue appears to be wearing the Potara earrings.

      Language Proficiency – Mary Sue learned from her home star system of Orion the ability to speak all languages, additionally she also has the ability to speak to animals.

      Immortality – possibly due to Universe 2’s Dragon Balls, but unknown.

      Intelligence – it is alleged that Mary Sue has an I.Q. of 250.

      Psychic Abilities – it is stated that Mary Sue has the ability to enter dreams

    • #22213

      Personality He is a old withered warrior who cares only for himself and stops at nothing to be the strongest he can be
      Name Kulele
      Body Type: Husky but not to muscly

      Gender: Asexual a link to what he looks like ill tell you the colors if asked

    • #22215

      Age: Unknown
      Race: Human
      Personality: Extremely Intelligent, Narcissistic, Cocky, Condescending, Arrogant.
      Name: Ryal
      Body Type: Manly
      Appearance: Really, really buff. Has a huge dick. Wears a giant hamburger costume with bacon for glasses. He can go Super Saiyan
      Power Level: 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

      Note: He is immune to all forms of magic, ki, god ki, and has a huge dick.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Ryal.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Crimson.
    • #22217

      God damn 69’s xD
      Inferno, i r8 7/8. (oh shit we got a homophibic here xD and cuz i feel like you copied 69’s. Meh, everybody likes ’em. F’YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN)
      Snaz, i r8 6.9/8 (:I)
      I’d rate for other players too but… too much work, so i sticked to the cringe worthy ones.

      Also, im waiting for that moment to see pleb running around in a room of cocaine brony fam. you better make it xD

    • #22218

      ryals character gets a 0.69

    • #22222

      Brony you can use my profile pic if you want. I am commonly known as Red/Crimson after all. If not, I can send you a reference picture 😀

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Crimson.
      • #22270

        if it’s from pokemon red (and not dbz-styled reference) then there’s no need to. Btw, I will make Jin the BAD GUY

    • #22228

      @Ryal wow for your post to require a moderator edit lol. Also it’s cool to see you involved with the community, Crimson.

    • #22266

      ALl of you will slowly be introduced.

    • #22267

      It kinda annoys me that you guys keep putting shitty description like this “huge dick” and all that shit.

    • #22271

      Just give Ryal a massive bulge, that should work.

    • #22272

      b rony did my character get in

      • #22277

        Yeah, at least you didn’t mention the stupid “big dick”

    • #22276

      Name: Flames
      Age: 34
      Race: Saiyan (3/4 Saiyan. Or 1/4 Human)
      Gender: Attack Helicopter (Male)
      Personality:Quite relaxed and lazy, Bored easily unless it has to do with Fighting. Basically Goku without the stupi—–Saiyan Pride. Guy is still stupid. Hates it if you touch his tail. Will normally hit anyone who touches it.
      Body Type: Normal body type. 5 foot, 3 inches tall.
      Appearance: Wears battle armor when fighting. Otherwise wears casual wear.
      Power Level: 4 mill base form.Also guy has SSJ. You can decide if he gets any more transformations.
      Backstory: Up to you. idgaf.
      Alignment: Up to you. Dont care if he’s good or evil.

      HHHHHUUUUUUUGGGGGEEEEEEE DDDDDDIIIIIIIICCCCCCCKKKKKKK. (Lets get it trending) But seriously Dick size is unknown

    • #22280

      Brony don’t add the memes, don’t do it

    • #22299

      Please add the memes. Don’t listen to him

    • #22314
    • #22371

      Manga page 5 is still in development, guys, just saying. Jin is already introduced, cool right

    • #22374

      Here is Page 5, I hope someone’s following the story

    • #22380

      Brony we don’t see le page :I

    • #22383

      Yea, we need le links :I

    • #22397

      Good knews guys, I multiplied the size of paper by 5 times! It means that there will be more squares and higher quality! YYAAYYY

    • #22398
    • #22406

      Brony don’t feel rushed! Take time to put them out in color :D. They look really nice that way. I don’t care if it takes a bit more time, that planet punch scene wouldn’t have been half as cool in black and white! Maybe try to find a way to make the text easier to read? Speech bubbles maybe? It could help make drawing time shorter even if you are coloring everything 😀

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Crimson.
    • #22426

      Man, im so hyped for this its crazy >_>
      BTW brony, you can avoid making this post have too many replies by just making a lot of chapters and then releasing them, instead of just releasing them one by one.

      Also, i gotta give you props for the art. Seriously, you know how to draw mate xD

    • #22429

      Thanks guys ;_; all my life I was told that I am shit at art ;-; and here u guys are saying that I am good …. thanks guys ;_; #superiorcommunity

    • #22436

      Well… It might be that i can’t draw for shit >_>
      But still, i do think your art is actually good.

    • #22479

      God dAMMIT. my paint stopped working, I gotta re-draw 6th page..

    • #22482

      Nuh. Save periodically ;-;

    • #22523

      Hey guys, I am working very hard on page 6, it will most likely be done in 1-3 hours (if not in 3 hours then I am eaten by my own mom)

    • #22524

      ……… Wot :I
      Hype for the new page! Tho i probably wont read it today. Most likely, rather xD
      (its 5 am >_>)

    • #22528


    • #22529

      The new page won’t bring anything insane tho, characters will SLOWLY and steady be introduced, since this is a full-blown what-if story like Dragon Ball AF and New Age and stuff

    • #22621

      Yay, it’s back! Right after nearly finishing the page, It was a morning, so school started, and I was gone ;-;

    • #22622

      Download it,that’s how you’ll see the text

    • #22625

      Eh… for some reason i can’t read what they’re sayin’. But meh xD I’ll figure it out some day. So for now i can’t keep up with le manga 😛

    • #22626

      This is by far the best page yet. In my opinion that is

    • #22629
      Android 21

      The text was too small for my computer, so I could only read 2 sentences, yelling and some onomatopoeia. If you could use some larger fonts for future pages then that would be great, but other than that it was the best one yet.

      …do I dare..?
      Yes, I do!
      Android stamp of approval!

      P.S. Could someone type out the conversation somewhere for the people who couldn’t read it on the page?

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Android 21. Reason: P.S
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Android 21.
    • #22635

      you guys can download it and zoom in

    • #22636

      also god damn thanks guys 😀

    • #22637

      Drawing with a mouse pushing my limits far beyond! I never thought I’d be so high(which I am low, but compared to my old skills, it’s high)

    • #22638
      Android 21

      I downloaded it. I zoomed in. I got a migraine trying to read it that way.
      I did find out this though:

    • #22674

      Yeah… We need to read le page bad xD

    • #22677

      Wow………. I’m surprised by how well this manga has been turning out! I wasn’t expecting much but god damn that 5th page was pretty badass. Just hopes Bronie finishes the manga. This has reached past my expectations so far. Keep up the good work! P.S. AFZH<—-Solve the code to get a big dick! ~random Pleb

    • #22678

      And Mintrer has a huge dick. Trust me. I know.

    • #22682

      Weird, it has 3 x 4 million pixels, how can it be crappy

    • #22683

      gad damn thanks! I guess all my hard work payed out 😀 I am gonna work even harder! (although school started, I will give it all I’ve got ::DDDD)

    • #22688

      I fixed the text, guys

    • #22689

      On the first square, I forgot to erase the original text, so ignore it. Also I have corrected my mis-spells and grammar mistakes

    • #22695

      First time seeing xym call me “Mintrer” xD
      And the page was great brony! Gj mate. i’d bet the actual dialog is good >_>

    • #22742

      Guys! Page 7 Is in development 😀

    • #22748

      Dant, this might take longer than I thought

    • #22749

      guys, I think that there won’t be as much squares as in page 6

    • #22750

      You know, I think page 6 could’ve been split into different pages.
      There were just way too many panels for a page of manga.

    • #22762

      Saioken is cool & all, but what is the plan for the introduction pages for each character?
      Also what is the order in which characters get their introduction?

      ALSO I think using the shapes tool could make your life MUCH easier 😀

    • #22763

      name: Shaun
      Gender: Male
      A saiyan with spikey Future Gohan looking hair. Wears the Gi wore when Goku fought Hit and Golden Frieza. Rest is up to you

      Personality: A nic guy but gets sometimes cockey because of his powers
      Preffered Fighting Style: Melee

      Powerlevel: 280,000 (Base) 14000000 (SSJ1) 700000000 (SSJ2) 210000000000 (SSJ3) 280000000000 (SSG) 30000000000 (SSB) 300000000000 (SSB Neo Kaioken)

      Race: Saiyan
      Background: Shaun was a normal human boy who lived a normal life you know average grades, average looks but he had always wanted more from life.It was just another normal day just like any other when the moment that changed the course of his fate forever. While he was trying to get his routine nap the Earth seemed to shake confused he ran outside of his home to see what seemed to be a older version of himself. This figure announced to him that indeed he was him but from a different universe where he had killed the Omni-King and had been granted the powers of all all mighty god. With this new power he had reset his universe to the time before he met a man he called ‘Goku’ he called him a Sayian who had given him blood and transformed him into a full blooded Saiyan. After the two discussed many matters like what there future was and how he had defeated this ‘All Mighty God’ and how he really turned out to be his real father ( i can go more into detail about this ) the Future Shaun requested that Shaun give him his hand so he could insert his Saiyan blood into him. Doing so changed the boy his previously curly hair began to turn into a black spiky mess. Future Shaun told Shaun that he would train him to protect this Universe so he does not have to worry about it being destroyed while he was not there. Shaun was happy hearing these words. He had became ‘Special’..

      Training: After his training with his Future Self he began training by himself in woods and areas where no people lived. His Future Self had gone back to his multiverse and left the 8th Universe in Shaun’s care. But just before he left he taught a technique called ‘Neo Kaioken’ and he told him to never use it unless he was willing to die for his planet.

    • #22778

      This is kinda my own style comics, I call it a manga because it has dbz art style in it. Also I think that page 7 is gonna be better than page 6 😀

    • #22799

      Can’t wait for page 7!

    • #22826

      Yay, another hype comment 😀 Hype comments incourage me to work hard like hell

    • #22882

      I can’t wait until the Saioken saga is done.

      I’m just impatient tho. Take ur time

    • #22913

      Are you still taking charecter sugestions?

    • #22917

      If so

    • #22918

      It’s hard to draw with school and all that homework, I’ll try my best :< Btw, the sagas are not dedicated to a single character , in fact the sagas will be at least 10 chapters big, 1 champter is 15 pages.

    • #22919

      And yeah, two free spaces are left

    • #22920

      And especially when MY FUCKING PAINT LAAGSGKOSRPJW”)(T$T”_($”$!_J!TMGFOEQ

    • #22923

      I can feel that page 7 is gonna be s0 good…

    • #22925

      dang… don’t feel it 2 close dat is :>

    • #22926

      Age: 1000000 but appears 30 earth years old

      Race: Arcosion

      Gender: Male

      Personality: Normally calm quiet loner type but easily angered especially by pain

      Name: Thrasher

      Base/First Form Power Level: 150,000,000,000,000,000 Second form 500,000 times stronger than base Third Form 500 trillion times stronger then second form

      Fighting Style: Dragon style alternates between duel swords,claws,and fists. When calm evaluates opponent with his vast knowledge of species anatomy and precisely strikes at weak points with fist or claws when angered draws swords and fully extends claws after transforming to his second form when pushed to his limits enters his third form where he resorts to his claws and spikes to rip,impale,and crush his opponent to the point of non existence

      Description: Very muscular tall about as tall as Broly spiky like cooler final form with a head similar to freeza second but with larger horns and spikes starting from the top of the head going down his spine and tail with long retractable claws on his knuckles carries two black katana styled swords made from his own spikes on his back has dark red body plates dark red almost maroon skin with black spikes and claws wears dark red patara earrings called the masters earrings wich unlike other patara earrings whoever wears one on his right ear instead of fusing with absorbs all knowledge,strength,and abilities of whoever puts it on there left,impossibly heavy dark gray bio armor on chest lower body feet and hands made from his own body with a red symbol of a dragon on the chest has a fiery looking Dark Red Ki aura Wich intensifies with black lightning and his claws double in size in his second form then in his third form his whole body turns pure black along with his aura and quadruples in size along with his spikes and claws

      Back Story:Born on a planet with 10 billion times earths gravity and raised by the mysterious Grand Master Darkus of the now extinct dragon school who taught him to harness his inner power of rage which eventually led to his discovery of the secret to immortality by slowly learning to harness the energy of the universe around him which not only bolsters his own life force but also his strength to where the universe it self heals and keeps him alive and as he learned how to use his inner rage to transform and one day as his final lesson in order to learn Dragon Rage from his master he was given a potara earring that match the one his master wore on his left ear and as he puts it on he can sense an evil dragon approaching so he flies straight after the dragon and in the struggle he is forced to use Dragon rage which ends up with him consuming his home planet as he learns his new transformation and saddened by loss his world he senses a planet full of life that he rushed right to that he swears to protect earth where he peacefully resides in the desert where he trains his body and mind to with the use of his advanced telekinesis and gravity control offering training to anyone who can withstand the eminence gravity field he projects from himself waiting for the day someone could ever challenge him

      Special traits: Is able to channel and focus energy into blades,along with any part of his body
      Can manipulate gravity around him
      Does not air or any sustenance to live at all
      Can rip off parts of body to form into weapons or armor
      Can extend any part of body
      Fast regeneration Higher his power faster he regenerates
      Regenerates faster than he can age so he is permanently the same age
      In any form can add an additional 900 trillion + depending on the size of the universe multiplier with a technique similar to Kaioken called Dragon Rage that instead of destroying his body or mind restores it and destroys the universe all around him

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Thrasher.
    • #22929

      hope it works took me a few hours to write good luck hope it comes out great

    • #22930

      Sorry forgot to mention has a bitter resentment to dragons after what happened

      sorry if it seems long i just like to be detailed with my descriptions and back stories if I could draw like you can i could probably make a killing on writing stories.
      Keep up the good work

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Thrasher.
    • #22931


    • #22933

      sorry if I ended up exceedind the power limits

    • #22934
    • #22935

      If you guys don’t mind I’ll get a rest from drawing for few hours 🙂 Drawing is hard as hell, I am planning out every angle, not to mention that I re-draw every square if something looks wrong, hope you understand guys.

    • #22936

      If you want its up to him but you can make my character become SSGokufours characters master or something especially because of where it says that he was training in a new fighting style and probably abandoned his training or something for whatever reason or something its all up to you I’m just trying to give ideas these kinds of things are interesting and make my imagination run away

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Thrasher.
    • #22941

      I hope Im lucky enough to have the back story

    • #22942

      I also forgot he could fly using his telekinesis

      • #22947
        Android 21

        Nice Mary Sue, Thrasher. I can really feel the godliness coming from my computer right now. I think you forgot to add telepathy to the list.

        But no joke, your character may have transformed my computer.

      • #22948

        I said it this way because my character technically he doesnt have a ki system besides someone has to keep up to however Brony makes his character

      • #22949

        Hey android20, page 7 came out, check it out and tell me what you think if you want 🙂

      • #22959
        Android 21

        You did not ‘Keep up with,’ you surpassed God, Thrasher.
        Even with Brony’s BP calculations for Goku (scroll up to find them) you are over 10 times stronger than Goku in his Super Saiyan Blue form, not to mention the gravity manipulation, which is different from pulling someone downwards against the ground. Gravity is a unique pull given to celestial objects, pulling in anything small enough such as asteroids, gas and anything living on the planet. Due to this, gravity manipulation would need an object of which everything is pulled towards (explaining how King Kai’s planet works, as he needs a higher gravity to keep his planet together achieved from gravity manipulation), and seeing as your character is the same size as Brolly, you would most likely be the center of any gravity manipulation done around you. Increasing the gravity would make you and anything around you turn into a compressed ball, making for some unique armor to say the least.
        On top of that, your character needs no food or water, which is scientifically impossible unless he ran on electricity.
        And finally, you included ‘impossibly heavy bio-armor’ in the character description, which creates a paradox. If it is impossibly heavy, than no one would be able to lift it by traditional means, and he made it from his own flesh and bone, and the only being capable of doing this is God, so you’ve created God, and do not get me started on Dragon Rage.

        One last thing, telepathy is mind communication, not mind control, and I’m glad that my sarcasm was appreciated from earlier.

    • #22951

      and android i didnt want to put telepathy because theres no need for it mind manipulation can be boring compared to having full manipulation over gravity theres a reason i didnt put a limit because my character has a form of telekeneses developed from gravity control

    • #22952

      Guys, Tell me your feedback on the page 7! currently I am going to poo (in a toilet of course) and then straight after gonna listen to a badass Broly SSJG Theme, while making a new page :>

    • #22954

      Great with the funny little twist at the end mabe you can use your poop as inspertion were they end up in some kind of poo or toilet universe o planet

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Thrasher.
      • #22961
        Android 21

        Don’t… no… why..? Why this?!

        • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Android 21.
    • #22960

      Calling it right now, that guy who just died, the one who wasn’t constantly on fire, was the son of Goku and Vegeta.

    • #22963

      Bulma has a derpy arse face on that page xD

    • #22966
      Android 21

      It was somewhat hard to see through the burning red aura, but I guess it shows just how visibly powerful the character gets when he is angry. 9/10 wouldn’t loose again.

      “W-what.. Why do I feel like I lost something…”

    • #22967

      Jesus Christ Thrasher, your character’s first form is already stronger than Super Saiyan Blue Goku!
      You had one job, don’t overstep the actual main characters of DBZ, and you blew right past them instead!

    • #22969

      Page 7 is g8 m8 I r8 it 8/8! Damn should of saved that for page 8…..
      Page 8 is probably the best drawn page so far. Keep up le good work.

    • #22970

      I meant page 7….I have 8 on the mind I guess.

    • #22971

      android remember brany hasnt released the information to his charector and if you havent naticed i was trying to put a focus on the special patara earrings and wen i say impossibly heavy im meaning for any one elset he same way the z sword was for gohan and goku and the stats i have are not including the powerlevel decreses addaed by the armor simular to gikus weights and how they redused his power i just forgot to mention that the gravity control is a technique that was developed by all of the different masters just like how after absorbing Darkus he was able to sense energy and i forgot to say that the armor since it functions like weighted clothing reduces his powerlevel by 99.99% so those are just the stats for without armor and i forgot to mention that he normally keeps his power down to .01% any way the way i meant to describe the regen other then the aging thing is something like how cell is but uses the dragon rage actively to regenerate the only down/up side is that he no longer ages and requires dragon rage to regenerate

      • #22978
        Android 21

        Thank you for clearing all that up, but I’m certain Brony would follow his own rule about not exceeding Goku. The only thing about the Dragon Rage that got me was the: “destroys the universe all around him” bit at the end.

    • #22985

      thats part of the reason for why im saiying gravity control especially since it would work like the way how goku at the end of dbz/dbgt how if he wanted to he could of taken all of the life force from everything when he used the spirit bomb wich instead of like how a spirit bomb is the energy colecting outword the dragon rages gravity control would be like him almost forming a controlled black hole cloak around his body useing this princible he can alternate forming black holes and reverse black holes in a way and before you think of asking the armor would weigh more so much from being made from his body becase the tissue can be mixed with other materials and chacter develoment wise other then training the heavy armor helps compensate for the earth having such low gravity do you under stand what i mean by gravity control now

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Thrasher.
    • #22987

      Welp, tried my best drawing bulma and it turned out to be sht, oh welp, page 8 soon will be in development.

    • #22988

      similar in a way like at the end of the first broly movie how goku uses all the energy has from every one for that last punch/when goku absorbs the spirit bomb for super dragonfist but instead it takes that power and absorbs it for a temporary boost but the consiquence is you destroy the area by taking its life forces like how kaioken drains your own lif force and hurts instead of heal size of the universe is like how much life there is like how goku had a bigger spirit bomb against omega shenron then he did with freeza its the same core concept but bigger boost i say universe instead of area because at maxamum output of dragon rage in a matter of minuets the whole universe can be consumed so he only uses it as a last resort or just a little bit to heal in short burst

    • #22989

      similar in a way like at the end of the first broly movie how goku uses all the energy has from every one for that last punch/when goku absorbs the spirit bomb for super dragonfist but instead it takes that power and absorbs it for a temporary boost but the consiquence is you destroy the area by taking its life forces like how kaioken drains your own lif force and hurts instead of heal size of the universe is like how much life there is like how goku had a bigger spirit bomb against omega shenron then he did with freeza its the same core concept but bigger boost i say universe instead of area because at maxamum output of dragon rage in a matter of minuets the whole universe can be consumed so he only uses it as a last resort or just a little bit to heal and have short burst of energy the way goku nomally uses kaioken

    • #22990

      at this rate brany could almost mke a whole story on my charactor

    • #22998

      So Brony have you done a concept art yet for thr Eye forgot to put in red eyes with yello witepart of eye sorry im forgetting so much

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Thrasher.
    • #23000

      So much OP-ness that I feel like I am gonna throw up e.e … A lot of nerf awaits your character, a lot.

    • #23001

      I am even gonna buy a Nerf gun and gonna open up the concept art of your character, and then shoot my laptop while having your OC showing.

      • #23008

        Are you serious on a concept so i could possibly use it as my profile pic

    • #23002

      Thats why i want to lower the multipliers to x50,x500,andx5000 that way i stay within the limits sorry completeley calculated wrong

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Thrasher.
    • #23003

      Don’t bother my friend, I will just consider all of your design and then re-consider your techniques and give them nerfs and buffs (cons and pros)

      • #23005

        i was trying to make it to were wen checter at max dragon rage they can risk destroying world/universe the way kaioken does to the body but keep in mind extremely heavy armer and the base power level is so high because of the extreem gravity hes from

        and do you like the back story or do you think it needed more

        • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Thrasher.
    • #23009

      Are you serious on the concept art do you think you can post as a .jpeg link so i can use it as profile picture

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Thrasher.
    • #23012

      preferably through add fly

    • #23016

      “Nerf gun”. Holy shit that made me giggle >_>

    • #23019

      lol , the concept art will come a bit later, or sooner.. I’ll actually draw it rn, why not, gotta take a break from drawing :>

    • #23022

      thanks dont rush yourself no hurries

      • #23039

        Stop acting like that, because you actually disgust me. Oh yes, I want my character to be more powerful than Beerus and goku in base form. I really don’t like your character, please change literally everything about it. Even the idea of making a broly-like figure has been used by fans literally half the time. Also did you see my post on the op characters?

        “Uhh i would like to suggest a character

        Broly jr
        Race: Saiyan
        Gender: male
        body type: 5 year old
        power level: unlimited
        Abilities: He can go legendary super saiyan pink omni form which means that he is as strong as omni king times 2 billion.
        Backstory: He is mad at goku becuz he killed his dad and he wants revenge!

        Like cmon guys add some kind of weakness and restraint when making your character. Gods don’t seem like they should be allowed. Just abnormally strong fighters that are somewhat equivelant to recoomes power level to cells power level In base form. Don’t make ur characters like superman. Its unfair and boring :/”

    • #23036

      Brony, I’d like to apologize for being harsh on you. It was not my place and I overstepped my boundaries by a lot. I hope that you may forgive me.

    • #23040

      You know Brony, I’ve got another character in mind in case you can’t make Joey Jojo work out.

    • #23042

      well yeah, if you want you can give me another character, since joey jojo is an INCREDIBLY hard deisgn

    • #23043

      Did you guys notice the Rose leafs on super saiyan rage rose? They are also shown as an aura/chi in the first page 😀 Also check out my kaioshin post pls

    • #23111

      if ou want you can use a nerf gatling gun on the charecter

    • #23115

      Ok, so he’s a little Frost Demon Acrobate whatever named Icey, and when I’m talking little I mean small.
      He’s weak, dorky, and has to wear glasses because something something, I don’t know.

      Age: Whatever a kid Frost Demon would be.
      Race: Argonian
      Personality: Timid and scared, the kind of guy who just plays the main character but makes you wonder why the hell he’s the main character when everyone around him is just better in comparison, until…
      Name: Icey
      Body Type: Scrawny and harmless in basically all his forms except 5th, is completely white with a very light blue on his glass parts or whatever they are.
      Arcosian visual differences on the body (spikes e.t.c): As harmless as possible, his horns are basically stubs, and his body avoids sharp points to look as non-threatening as possible.
      Gender: Male

      Icey was always the Frost Demon as school who played it safe, studying and avoiding anything harmful, even when the other Frost Demon girls made fun of him.
      Or boys, whatever, I don’t know how they work.
      Anyway Icey never tried hard in anything but academics, and it showed in his Power Level of 1020… In his “Final” form.

      And so it seemed that Icey would always be a failure, but unbeknownst to anyone, himself included, every night he would fall asleep and transform into his secret fourth form, turning from the meek Icey into the almighty Old Man Winter, the true form of his inner power, and his strength would multiply a hundred million fold!

      Despite all his power, Old Man Winter would just wander the streets of the planet alone.
      It was in one of his wandering trips that he accidentally joined a certain tournament, and by the time the sun came up, little Icey was on the fast track to the biggest fights of his life.

      Age: Also whatever a kid Frost Demon would be.
      Race: Frosting Demon
      Personality: Cold, with a layer of ice over his heart so thick that no amount of Christmas specials can thaw it out.
      Name: Old Man Winter
      Body Type: The opposite of Icey, massively large and menacing. Also never blinks.
      Arcosian visual differences on the body (spikes e.t.c): Has multiple spikes pointed downward on his body like icicles, and his face mask is frozen shut with even more shards of ice attached, forming a long “beard”.
      Gender: Male

      Old Man Winter fights like a tank, just slowly advancing towards his opponents, shrugging off everything they throw at him until finally, he corners his foe, and looms over them…

      The overwhelming endurance and defense of Old Man Winter is a result of his unconsciousness goal that drives him forward, survival.
      Being an instinct driven entity, Old Man Winter naturally makes what can be considered the best moves in any situation, reacting to minute details and stimuli that would otherwise go unnoticed.

      In combat Old Man Winter fights basically, only slugging out heavy punches or firing massive Ki blasts as he walks forward.
      However as he begins getting injured he begins making more thought driven attacks, moving towards full combos and using Ki more tactically.
      The one downside to him fighting smarter is that it’s inversely proportional to his instinct driven reactions.
      So in a way, the faster he gets the slower he gets.

      So that’s my new character, one with more thought put into it than just the lyrics to Don’t Stop Believing!
      If you have a hard time drawing either of them, just picture nerdy Frieza or armored Cooler with a bunch of knives hanging off his body and face.

    • #23345

      Brony u slackin? I’ve been waiting for the next page m8

    • #23420

      Sorry guys, I for some reason fainted, it must have been that problem earlier, but this time I came from Hospital, my Mom knows what happened, probably, but I’ll concetrate on the drawing >: I

    • #23423
    • #23424

      The Undefeated Of Every Cardinal Direction, Jesus Christ, that’s a crap ton of words, sorry that I forgot to tell you, can you uh, kinda say the important stuff and leave the story behind? Now that I know it, I can’t concentrate on the details of his personality and design, since my eyes keep looking to other words that are related to the story.

    • #23425

      Ok so there’s a shitty Acro kid who becomes a cool Acro adult by a Shojo transformation.

      When he’s super cool guy he’s ultra strong because of a technicality in that his transformation beats up everyone, and he just so happens to be transformed all the time, because shut up.

      Shit kid looks like a curvy Frieza, and cool guy looks like final form Cooler with spikes dripping down.
      Mega cool dude fights by noselling all your crap and beating you into a corner, because he’s part tank.

    • #23428

      Such explanation,
      Much cool,

    • #23430

      How do you think of that fighting animation in page 7? And what do you think about page 8? I am probably overworking, that would explain the random stupid faints.

    • #23453

      the wat.

    • #23469


    • #23586

      page 7and 8 came out great buhard to read the red leters and relax

    • #23591
    • #23592

      Page NIen Looks really good M8. That shading.

    • #23606

      Thanks mate :>

      Btw people, everything in this story is gonna be happening slow, it’s not gonna be small. This will contain over 1k pages and chapters

    • #23607


    • #23608

      1k pages is legit impossible XD

    • #23610

      Well, it is, it’s matter of time though. Also pls more ppl and tell me what you think about the new page! I was giving it all I got.

    • #23611

      Brony saying he would make 1k pages made me look up how many pages the dragon ball manga had xD. Then I got bored and stopped trying to find out. But I did notice it was 10 fucking years before the db manga was made in any other language other than japanese xD.

    • #23613

      Wow. The Dragon ball manga (including dragon ball z) had 99648 pages and 519 chapters…..
      99648 is my estimate. Its based off how many pages a db chapter usually had.
      I’m bored and have nothing to do rn xD.

    • #23625

      Brony, if you want a review of your most current page i’d say….
      5.5 / 10
      (10 being dragon ball. Remember, you’re still new to this and this thing gets me excited just thinking about it. 5.5 is a shit ton)

      The shading was gorgeous af, the story was kinda meh but i can see how you’ll develop this to become a good one. And finally, the drawings were SPECTACULAR. Seriously, if every page is like this its gonna be great.

    • #23647

      ^ Woah.. thanks, also the story is on its start, and the way it progresses is kinda my own style. God damn, I feel depressed real bad. Nearly on the suicide boundary ;-; …

    • #23649

      Wait what?
      You didn’t just type that.
      “Nearly on the suicide boundary”
      You did…
      Good luck. I’d throw in some of my own bs but i’m afraid i’ll make things worse. Just learn that all life is precious and that theres a whole future waiting to be unfold after you. One situation is nothing, it just helps you build your mental strength. Think it like training. (Sorry if this offended you in any way. I truly don’t know what you’re going through, but i must say that suicide isn’t always the solution. Its actually way worse than just living a life and having fun… I know it seems impossible to have fun after something like this, but just trust me. I’ve seen a ton of this. Again, i can’t know what’s happening to you. And i’m really sorry)

    • #23660

      Sorry, I just kinda said that for some reason, I should have kept that in, just wanted to express it somewhere. I won’t go on detail.. Thank you very much mint, I am working on page 10

    • #23661

      Ah i get it now, its that kind of situation. Well, i still wish you good luck to get over it.
      (People say akward things in certain circumstances, obviously. I shouldn’t have took it THAT seriously.)

      And Hype for le next page

    • #23662

      Oh no it’s okay, because you took it seriously I felt better because I know that you at least care on this planet 🙂 Btw, this page won’t be as flashing, but page 11 will be something else..

    • #23663

      Ah mate, i mean there are thousands out there that care about you. More people than you know, actually. I’m just a random d00d on the internet trying to help, imagine how many people are devastated by this.

      (not to mention there are jobs about this xD)

    • #23664

      You are just a guy I know for a long time, which in my book I consider you as a friend tho. By the way, I accidently drawed page 11 instead of page 10, so I gotta draw page 10, sorry. So it’s gonna come out in about 30 minutes, pages 10 and 11.

    • #23665

      Kool. Its like 2 am here and i need to wake up early to train but…
      Eh fuck it xD I dont need to train in the morning… Even tho thats the best thing to do…
      Hard decicions in life amirite
      Gonna watch like a yt vid or something till it gets published.

    • #23667

      god damn bro sorry, it’s taking more than I thought, I finished outline, just gotta do finishing touches

    • #23673

      Mkay, and its fine. 3:20 AM aint getting the best out of me.

    • #23674


    • #23675
    • #23676
    • #23677

      Now I put a MMAMMAAAASSSIVEEEE AMOUNTS OF WORK AND EFFOR AND TIME, so pls don’t be too strict on the rating or something, I worked extremely hard! HOURS of work

    • #23678

      Actually guys, take a look at my entire manga so far, look how much it improved O: such fast improvement, damn, I didn’t exepct dat

    • #23679

      but only after ur opinions on these pages

    • #23680

      10 – 5.069
      Just like the 9th page. It was good, the drawing was gorgeous af, but it was like a short cut. I can’t really get a story if i get it in short bursts so thats a thing…. But still, thats just me. it was good!

      10 – 6.666.
      Seriously, this was great. You drew the shaioken x 1,000 too well. it showed emotion, and stuff.
      I still didn’t really get what happened in the end tho xD
      But your drawing seems to be getting better and better. Aswell as your ability to explain/express character’s emotions.


    • #23682

      thanks, I expected like 7_ xD Now the story is hard to understand, I understand, just try to understand it. Here is a short plan of what happened :
      God knows who on god knows what planet senses two god knows what beings that are called Kaioshins ;
      He fights one of them;
      that one of them is goku black;
      ;while they fight, goku black gets sent through multiple planets and stops at the last planet;
      Jin (the creator of dbc, which is a bad guy) is telling goku black to stop toying around and get to the job;
      goku black asks for clothes but jin just ignored him;
      Goku Black lands down and fights god of saiyans;
      god of saiyans slowly looses;
      Jin realises the potential of the god of saiyans, but slightly disappointed, so he heals him;
      goku black kamehameha’s the mountain god of saiyans was in, and sees him half dead;
      A slight flash of goku’s body appears, as his body is slowly learning goku’s body;
      goku black decides to kick god of saiyans through mountains and see where he ends up, while slowly toying with him until he dies;
      God of saiyans has a trump card (lol, get it? Donald Trump card? ehhehe) and goes saikoken, nearly full power, while surprising goku black, but still doing 0 damage;
      A mysterious person appears.

    • #23683

      Wait isn’t the guy with the shaioken human?
      Anyway, i kinda get it now. So its like jin and black are trying to eliminate/find strong forces.

      Also, 5 / 10 is average. this is normal reviewing, so 7 is great, which is too much for me to vote xD I gotta be fair. After all, you’re new to this.
      One page might get above 7 doe :^D

    • #23686

      8/10 boyeee

    • #23692

      Hopefully you’re still adding characters the manga look really good and has a lot of potential so here you go



      Personality:He thinks that all creatures can easily be destroyed if they don’t focus or they don’t give it their all at the beginning

      name:Coaryn or X-91
      body type:base a saiyan with spiky hair with saiyan armour everything black his hair his armour except the eyes when in his base it black with white to separate the pupils but when he transforms he his eye color becomes the eye color of the other body.

      gender:None kinda it’s a he in his base but can be female if he transforms into a female

      Base power: base form is 200,000,000
      power boost is 250,000,000
      transforming will have a similar power level as who he transformed into
      ssj Purple is 340,000,000

      Background:When a rumor of a powerful race making a war machine that would allow them to kill everything some of the smartest creatures in universe 7 decide to try to make there own war machine soon they had tried thousand of times but most failed except x-76 was a success but it was weak soon they were almost done just a little bit more but X-91 was the final one before it was proven wrong but the test tube containing X-91 broke releasing it it waited for years soon a small group of saiyans decided to enter the ship soon X-91 took the body of the strongest saiyan and killed the others flying of in the ship to find a good planet of strong warriors.soon he found a planet full of fighters he took the dna of one and killed the others he has gone through galaxy to galaxy taking the dna of strong bodies.

      Body forming:He can take the dna of a creature by there blood ,there spit ,there hair ,or by taking a lot of punches if his power is low and takes there looks and there powers

      Goo explosion:He can explode into his original goo but can reform as long as there is a little bit left of him

      Power boost:He can power boost if needed it adds 50,000,000 to his power level

      ssj Purple his hair goes purple only his hair though

      • #23708

        I didn’t understand CRAP

      • #23709

        So the gist is a creature that looks like a saiyan with the saiyan armour but he is completely black his skin his eyes everything and he can transform into other characters if he has their dna he gets there dna with blood, hair, spit, or if he lowers his power and gets punched a lot.

    • #23710

      Also when he transform into a character he stays completely black but with the look of the person he transformed into.I wrote the character when it was 5 am so I was tired.

    • #23711

      Guys, the development on page 12 has beGUN

    • #23717

      How many pages are in a chapter?

    • #23718


    • #23725

      Brony, I have really enjoyed this so far, especially my character’s involvement on page 11 and the page that I assume is you in school. Additionally, if you ever feel like that, remember that life is too short to end it early, and that it’s best to make the most out of it.

    • #23736

      ^ Woah, I intended that school thing to be more of a mystery, you’re god damn good.

    • #23757

      This is the most replied post on JinRyuus HISTORY

    • #23759

      Sike, and both of the dbzfanfic posts reign supreme

    • #23761

      That’s fucking unfair, that topic is some weird online roleplay which obviously has lots of replies D:<

    • #23762

      Dbzfan’s fanfic still has more, it had like 650 in total

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Harpor(Hp).
    • #23779

      Damn bruh, this is sick.
      Also, hi. I couldn’t get to you on skype, so i’m coming here.
      Just wanted to say sorry.

    • #23785

      Is there still room for a character? I would like to add mine…

    • #23793

      Lol I am loving the pages. I think another thing you can do to display extreme anger or a serious hit, can be to repeat what you drew from different angles with some extra speical effects like lightning or something. The only thing i don’t like is my impatience for my character to be introduced. It seems like each character will be like 10-12 pages but whatever.

      BTW don’t give in to making my character next because of this. Go at your own pace and take your time to perfect each and every characters characteristics and personalities! 😀

    • #23795

      ^ Holy krap thanks bro!
      My story works like an actual story, and not just 10 pages dat character and 10 pages dat, it’s a slow introductory, and each character has different display time, also thanks mate again!

    • #23796

      I am still thinking on how to introduce your character to others since the characters I’m introducing are scattered all over the universes.

    • #23797

      TheAcedOne, yeah, sure, but don’t give too much complicated stuff pls

    • #23817

      So uhh, bro-nee (SEE WOT I DID DERE), will my character get introduced in the story just like he did in my “Backstory” thing?
      In the room full of cocaine… n’ stuff >_>

    • #23837

      I didn’t take the cocaine thing, sorry mate. I take my manga highly serious

    • #23838

      This time, last pages of this chapter will be delayed, so instead of doing 1 page per 1-3 days, I am gonna spend ALL of my time and do all the last chapters within a day or two..

    • #23850

      Bro-nee (your new name because Mint is love and or life) taking your manga cerial is great but hear mint out. Mints character could be a comical releif. Even dragon ball and dragon ball z had these types of characters. Look at Mr. Satan/Hercule.

    • #23866

      That other character I made was really confusing so here is another one

      Name: Juza

      Age: 18

      Gender: male

      backstory: A saiyan born and raised on planet vegeta he was sent to a alien planet along with three others but the alien race was to much for them soon they got captured and were stuck there for 11 years but soon they were taken to get executed but they were strong enough to fight then aliens back soon everyone was dead except Juza soon he took one of the space ships and traveled to the nearest planet earth it has taken him a year to get there so far

      Personality: crazy and a little bit of a jerk

      Appearance: Here’s a link to what he looks like Character

      Moral Alignment: neutral and sometimes evil


      Power Ball

      Dokkan blast assault (he shoots a lot of ki blast that are really weak but push back the target)

      Siens major blast(A green ki wave that does a good amount of damage but takes a lot out of him and makes him have to rest)

      Full barrage (Very fast and pretty strong strong punches takes a good amount of ki)

      Power level

      normal: 000,000

      oozaru: 1,500,000,000

      And if he went super saiyan 7,500,000,000

    • #23873

      Wow a power level of 000,000 lol

    • #23874

      It’s suppose to be 150,000,000

    • #23876

      GG, another Trunks SSJ hair style, u guys got no imagination or somethin?

    • #23944
      Camilo Herrera

      Edad: 25

      Raza: sayayín

      Personalidad: le gusta comer. tambien los juegos, le gustan los perros, su padre murio cuando tenia 4 años asi q es muy orgulloso por ello

      Nombre: Adrian

      género: Masculino

      nivel de poder: 30,000,000

      Tipo de Cuerpo : usa un gi con pantalones verde poco oscuro, camisa naranja oscuro(primero se pone esta y despues la remera)
      , remera naranja clarito. tiene un anillo gris muy oscuro con una marca de un dragon morado oscuro su pelo es como el de broly
      super sayan legendario pero negro.


      Transformaciones: como su raza sayan es poco comun, tiene diferentes tranformaciones,
      primero se transforma en: “ultra sayan” su nivel de pelea se multiplica x20 su pelo esta el la misma posicion con un color verde oscuro
      y su 2da transformacion “ultra sayan dios” su nivel de pelea se multiplica x80 su pelo tampoco cambia de posicion y su color es como el de super sayian dios normal

      this translates to English

    • #23946

      For the love of god, why do people answer to English posts in Spanish, do I look like Spanish?

    • #23950

      Yes. Jk
      Maybe it’s because they speak Spanish?

    • #23965

      Camilo Herrera’s post in english.
      Age: 25

      Race: saiyan

      Personality: likes to eat. also games, likes dogs, his father died when he was four years so q is very proud of it

      Name: Adrian

      male gender

      power level: 30,000,000

      Body Type: uses a gi with little dark green pants, dark orange shirt (first it gets this and then the rower)
      Orange shirt clarito. has a very dark gray ring with a mark of a dark purple dragon her hair is like broly
      Super Sayan legendary but black.


      Transformations: As the Sayan breed is rare, has different transformations,
      becomes first “ultra sayan” level fighting x20 multiplies your hair is the same position with the dark green
      and the 2nd transformation “ultra sayan god” level is multiplied x80 fighting your hair does not change of position and their color is as usual super god Sayian

    • #23970

      So Brony…..any idea of when the next page is coming out :>

    • #23981

      Xym was that googol translate?

    • #23994

      Like 95% google translate xD
      You thought I actually knew enough Spanish to translate it?

    • #23996

      I could understand parts of it through my own Spanish lol. I’m not good yet though

    • #23998

      Also I thought of a bit of a last resort-esque attack for my character. If you want to include it, that’s fine. If not, again it’s fine: Barrage of Sorrow: He converts all of the sorrow, anger, and sadness into an explosion of ice crystals, harming everyone around him but leaving him in a fractured state. This state of combined emotions will leave him immobile and crying, having sorrow over his lost friends. This will leave him defenseless to others for quite a few hours, and thus it’s a last resort. When using this, he has one short burst of EXTREME anger then enters the EXTREME sadness. Also =, he’s mainly a melee fighter XD. He just uses beams. Also, can you leave his past mostly a mystery for now? I think it’ll keep mystery in his character.

    • #24009

      Not really. Cause some parts were screwed up, which is google translates job xD

    • #24060


    • #24064

      Double kek

    • #24066
      Super KeK

    • #24069


    • #24095
    • #24135

      There are two people that are Bronies in this thread? Oh god….. they are taking over.

    • #24141

      ffs, let’s not talk about who I used to be, I am still disgusted.

    • #24145

      I am addicted to smoking ;-;

    • #24146

      Btw, I am on Hiatus, no more pages for at half a year.

    • #24148
      Mr. Perfect Cell

      It too late to introduce my character?

      Name: Selari. (keeping in line the saiyan tradition of veggie puns, in this case, Celery. )
      race: Saiyan.
      Appearence: a typical saiyan grunt, with long spikey black hair, a tail, battle armor, and a red scouter.
      body type: a typical saiyan body. very muscular.
      power level: up to the writer to decide…. but has the ability to turn super saiyan 1, 2, or 3. (power levels are bullshit!)
      personality: a ruthless, belligerent individual. with a heavy penchant for violance. he is an unrelenting killer. in other words, a perfect saiyan.
      bio: born on planet vegeta, he spent a good many years serving king vegeta as one of many planet conquerers. however, selari learned of frieza’s plan at about the same time as bardock, but rather than warn everyone, he steals a space pod and flees just before it explodes. swearing vengence on the tyrant, Selari traveled the stars for years, performing hit-and-run tactics on frieza’s soldiers. One day, he gets caught in a trap set by friezas men. unable to escape, and out of pure desperation, he becomes super saiyan and escapes. realizing his full power as a saiyan, he smiled wickedly and began a bloody conquest. however, upon learning of friezas death at the hands of a saiyan named kakarot, selari flew into a blind rage. traveling from planet to planet in search of the saiyan named kakarot, destroying every single one. he then attained super saiyan 2….then 3…. soon he gets wind of a planet called earth, kakarots hiding spot. now it is time to kill the man who destroyed his revenge…..

    • #24150

      It fucking utterly pisses me off that people give their OC’s power of freaking ssj3. Goku was training and going over his limits nearly every day for 7 years to even somehow reach ssj3, so as gohan did and goku. Just destroy shit won’t power you up at all.

      • #24168
        Mr. Perfect Cell

        I designed him like a movie villain. would make sense in-universe because let’s face it: pretty sure there are some saiyans that were off-world or escaped planet vegeta besides the ones already seen.
        i am going with “an evil saiyan that would rival gokus and vegeta’s powers by the end of z but before super”
        essentially, i asked: “what if vegeta remained evil and unlocked the other super saiyan forms of his own accord?” and this is a saiyan that has spent YEARS slowly building his powers to rival goku by the end of z. this was a slow, gradual climb. but hey, at least he would make sense beside the umptienth character that gives out brolys powers. besides, ANY saiyan could reach super saiyans 1,2, and 3 if they spent enough time training. and i should add: he doesnt just blow up planets, he challenges the strongest warriors of each planet, and because of his zenkai, no matter the opponent he would get stronger and stronger. and he intentonally LETS himself be beaten before his zenkai kicks in and obliterates the opponent and then destroys the planet. he also has some level of awareness that there’s always someone stronger, so he does this and slowly builds his strength with each kill.

    • #24151

      ^^ I probably will add him, but it’s a LOT. And I am unsure at what part I will add this guy.

    • #24167

      Brony here is my OC
      Age: 69
      Race: Saiyan
      Personality (Brief, full description, eg: loves to do this and that, hates him and that):When first seen, Broly is seen as a rather docile and harmless-looking Saiyan (uncharacteristic of a majority of the Saiyan race). In reality, Broly has a typical Saiyan nature as he revels in battle and destruction but on a far greater scale. Broly was born with a Power Level of 10,000, something which made him more frenzied and maniacal as he grew older; essentially, the power he was born with, as well as the traumatic events of his birth, made him go mad. In an effort to control his erratic behavior, Paragus used a device to subdue Broly’s temperament.

      When free of Paragus’s control device, Broly’s Saiyan nature becomes dominant. He thirsts for a good fight from an opponent and loves to destroy things, as shown by his destruction of Planet Shamo. He also claimed that if no one had the will to fight him, he would destroy the planet, showcasing his want for a fight (though in the FUNimation dub, he stated that if Goku and Gohan didn’t fight back, he understood. However he said that he would destroy the planet anyway). When fully transformed as a Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly seems to acknowledge his malevolence; Piccolo calls him a freak, to which Broly replies that he is not a freak but a devil (this line was cut from the FUNimation dub of the movie, but re-added in subsequent video games). It is suggestive of that even though Broly was driven mad with his birth-given power and the circumstances of his birth, Broly has some sanity of said madness; this may make him a tragic character. Despite the maniacal appearance, Broly has also shown some intelligence while as a Legendary Super Saiyan: he sees through Paragus’s lie of telling him that he was preparing for their escape from New Planet Vegeta when Paragus was using a single-seated space pod; he shortly kills him after. He also deduced Paragus’s last-minute plan to have him die in the planet’s collision with Comet Camori. At least in the dub of his debut, he also possessed a very dark sense of humor: When Goku demanded for a handicap late into the fight, Broly proceeded to sadistically ask him if “handicap” is another word for a coffin. He also seems to have some degree of respect for fighters who attempt to stop him even when the odds are against them, as evidenced by his remark to the Z-Fighters in the Japanese version where he even claimed they were very much worthy of their Saiyan blood (in the FUNimation dub, he says the opposite: he instead taunts them about how they wouldn’t be on the ropes if they just let Broly kill them all before denouncing them as worthless wastes of Saiyan Blood). Similarly, he seems to have some loathing of fighters who were all talk and no action, as evidenced by his remark to Vegeta shortly after he ended up quickly defeating them where he called him a “true piece of trash.”

      Broly’s most defining trait is his intense hatred for Goku. While both were newborns, Goku’s relentless crying greatly irritated the nearby Broly, sparking the hatred which would grow sub-consciously in his early life and awaken upon seeing Goku again. While under mind-control, and later when his insanity has set in, he often shouts Goku’s Saiyan name, “Kakarot”, in an exclamatory way.

      By the events of Broly Second Coming, his defeat at Goku’s hands as well as his severe injuries result in him totally losing his sanity. His speech is now limited to uttering “Kakarot” (except for one rare exception) and he has a diminished almost schizophrenic sense of reality, as he mistakes Goten for a baby Goku even though he already encountered Goku as an adult seven years prior. The only aspect of his mind that seems intact is his sadistic desire for revenge against Goku.

      Broly also seems to have a real problem controlling his rage and his powers in his trade-mark Super Saiyan form this means that he could end up destroying himself.
      Name( any name you want) Broly Jr
      Body Type:Broly is a light-skinned Saiyan with dark eyes, long spiky black hair reaching his mid-back and short bangs framing his forehead (rather like Gohan’s hair in the Vegeta Saga). As an adult Broly is very tall with a lean but well-built frame. He wears a crown with a blue jewel that his father Paragus uses to restrain him from transforming into the Legendary Super Saiyan. In addition to the crown, Broly wears a golden necklace, boots, wristbands, and a belt that all sport blue jewels like his crown, along with golden bands on his upper arms and neck that later break off upon transforming into a Legendary Super Saiyan. The rest of his attire consists of white pants and a red sash similar to the one worn by Kibito.

      As a Super Saiyan while wearing the crown, Broly’s hair takes on a neon blue color with a purple tint and appears fully purple in dark environments. As a Super Saiyan without the crown, his hair takes on the signature golden color of the form, while his skin takes on a slight tan color. As a Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly’s hair retains the golden color from the regular Super Saiyan form while gaining a faint green tint. In addition, Broly’s muscles become engorged to extreme levels and his height increases by several feet. His pupils also disappear.

      When in Legendary Super Saiyan form, Broly’s blood seems to turn a dark green color (and on one occasion, glowing). The first time it is seen this color is in Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan, when Goku mortally wounded him after he punched a hole into his chest area, in which glowing green blood gushed out. The second time is in Broly – Second Coming, after Broly is blasted into the Sun by the Family Kamehameha, his heart then explodes out of his chest, causing a torrent of green blood to emerge from the front back of the wound on his body, right before he explodes. In the beginning of Second Coming, however, while still in Legendary Super Saiyan form, Broly is seen with red blood.
      (optional) Arcosian visual differences on the body (spikes e.t.c):
      Gender:Attack Helicopter
      Body color and gi/saiyan armor/what I choose – design
      And that’s pretty much it, the Art will be uploded as soon as I’m finished with it.
      It’s gonna be fully coloured.
      At the end of The tournament the final rounds are gonna be goku and vegeta (and some other characters if there are gonna be enough people)
      Brony here is my OC
      Age: 69
      Race: Saiyan
      Personality (Brief, full description, eg: loves to do this and that, hates him and that):When first seen, Broly is seen as a rather docile and harmless-looking Saiyan (uncharacteristic of a majority of the Saiyan race). In reality, Broly has a typical Saiyan nature as he revels in battle and destruction but on a far greater scale. Broly was born with a Power Level of 10,000, something which made him more frenzied and maniacal as he grew older; essentially, the power he was born with, as well as the traumatic events of his birth, made him go mad. In an effort to control his erratic behavior, Paragus used a device to subdue Broly’s temperament.

      When free of Paragus’s control device, Broly’s Saiyan nature becomes dominant. He thirsts for a good fight from an opponent and loves to destroy things, as shown by his destruction of Planet Shamo. He also claimed that if no one had the will to fight him, he would destroy the planet, showcasing his want for a fight (though in the FUNimation dub, he stated that if Goku and Gohan didn’t fight back, he understood. However he said that he would destroy the planet anyway). When fully transformed as a Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly seems to acknowledge his malevolence; Piccolo calls him a freak, to which Broly replies that he is not a freak but a devil (this line was cut from the FUNimation dub of the movie, but re-added in subsequent video games). It is suggestive of that even though Broly was driven mad with his birth-given power and the circumstances of his birth, Broly has some sanity of said madness; this may make him a tragic character. Despite the maniacal appearance, Broly has also shown some intelligence while as a Legendary Super Saiyan: he sees through Paragus’s lie of telling him that he was preparing for their escape from New Planet Vegeta when Paragus was using a single-seated space pod; he shortly kills him after. He also deduced Paragus’s last-minute plan to have him die in the planet’s collision with Comet Camori. At least in the dub of his debut, he also possessed a very dark sense of humor: When Goku demanded for a handicap late into the fight, Broly proceeded to sadistically ask him if “handicap” is another word for a coffin. He also seems to have some degree of respect for fighters who attempt to stop him even when the odds are against them, as evidenced by his remark to the Z-Fighters in the Japanese version where he even claimed they were very much worthy of their Saiyan blood (in the FUNimation dub, he says the opposite: he instead taunts them about how they wouldn’t be on the ropes if they just let Broly kill them all before denouncing them as worthless wastes of Saiyan Blood). Similarly, he seems to have some loathing of fighters who were all talk and no action, as evidenced by his remark to Vegeta shortly after he ended up quickly defeating them where he called him a “true piece of trash.”

      Broly’s most defining trait is his intense hatred for Goku. While both were newborns, Goku’s relentless crying greatly irritated the nearby Broly, sparking the hatred which would grow sub-consciously in his early life and awaken upon seeing Goku again. While under mind-control, and later when his insanity has set in, he often shouts Goku’s Saiyan name, “Kakarot”, in an exclamatory way.

      By the events of Broly Second Coming, his defeat at Goku’s hands as well as his severe injuries result in him totally losing his sanity. His speech is now limited to uttering “Kakarot” (except for one rare exception) and he has a diminished almost schizophrenic sense of reality, as he mistakes Goten for a baby Goku even though he already encountered Goku as an adult seven years prior. The only aspect of his mind that seems intact is his sadistic desire for revenge against Goku.

      Broly also seems to have a real problem controlling his rage and his powers in his trade-mark Super Saiyan form this means that he could end up destroying himself.
      Name( any name you want) Broly Jr
      Body Type:Broly is a light-skinned Saiyan with dark eyes, long spiky black hair reaching his mid-back and short bangs framing his forehead (rather like Gohan’s hair in the Vegeta Saga). As an adult Broly is very tall with a lean but well-built frame. He wears a crown with a blue jewel that his father Paragus uses to restrain him from transforming into the Legendary Super Saiyan. In addition to the crown, Broly wears a golden necklace, boots, wristbands, and a belt that all sport blue jewels like his crown, along with golden bands on his upper arms and neck that later break off upon transforming into a Legendary Super Saiyan. The rest of his attire consists of white pants and a red sash similar to the one worn by Kibito.

      As a Super Saiyan while wearing the crown, Broly’s hair takes on a neon blue color with a purple tint and appears fully purple in dark environments. As a Super Saiyan without the crown, his hair takes on the signature golden color of the form, while his skin takes on a slight tan color. As a Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly’s hair retains the golden color from the regular Super Saiyan form while gaining a faint green tint. In addition, Broly’s muscles become engorged to extreme levels and his height increases by several feet. His pupils also disappear.

      When in Legendary Super Saiyan form, Broly’s blood seems to turn a dark green color (and on one occasion, glowing). The first time it is seen this color is in Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan, when Goku mortally wounded him after he punched a hole into his chest area, in which glowing green blood gushed out. The second time is in Broly – Second Coming, after Broly is blasted into the Sun by the Family Kamehameha, his heart then explodes out of his chest, causing a torrent of green blood to emerge from the front back of the wound on his body, right before he explodes. In the beginning of Second Coming, however, while still in Legendary Super Saiyan form, Broly is seen with red blood.
      (optional) Arcosian visual differences on the body (spikes e.t.c):
      Gender:Attack Helicopter
      Abilities: He can go Legendary SUPER SAIYAN RAINBOW 4 GOD Kaioken SUPER GREEN BLUE GOD x9001 x69 Rainbow GOD 4 Legendary.
      As well as Super Saiyan 50.

    • #24187

      Stop wasting my time with your troll replies

    • #24230


      Jesus, this post is a sizzling pool of shit. I just scrolled here and was completely awestruck by the amount of pure utter stupidity, 90% of which is coming from the original poster. Listen, I get art is hard, but fucking Christ you don’t need to bitch about it so much. You think spending hours is hard? I’ve spent days, weeks even on a single drawing. It’s about quality not quantity. I don’t generally like you as a person, you act like a spoiled brat who has never had a normal interaction with another human being. I’m going to give you some actual critique about your work now, since I don’t want this reply to just be me getting angry with you.

      First off, you should never start out a manga/comic with just a fight sequence unless it’s a flashback of some sorts. You literally threw us into some random setting without telling us jack shit about the characters, expecting us to know who is who. I won’t even go into the forms, since I know that 50% are from people who are un-creative and idiotic. Second off, I’d recommend moving to paper, no offense but the artwork is pure trash. You said you’ve just about mastered the DBZ style on paper? Good. Use that. Draw the pages out on paper, then take a picture of them and email it to yourself or scan it in. Look up some tutorials on text bubbles and such as well, because the way you present text now makes things extremely hard to read. There is more I could go into, however I don’t exactly have the time.

      Finally, I’ll talk about your attitude. What. The. Fuck. What type of person goes ahead and just decides “OH FUCK YOU, I’M GONNA MAKE YOUR CHARACTER THE WORSE FUCKING OC WORSE THAN YAMCHA LALALA FUCK (insert random symbols here)” because someone tries to put something in perspective for them. I get it, losing your computer and everything you had is hard, but that doesn’t mean you take it out on the people who wanted to be apart of the manga/comic YOU asked them to be in. Learn to take yourself less seriously. I’m going to end the post here, because I get the feeling that I’ve most likely wasted my time here. If you actually man up and don’t throw a screaming frenzy of anger titty-bitch tantrum; but instead actually give me an intelligent response, then I’ll have just a little bit more respect for you.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Blastrider.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Blastrider.
      • #24234

        Brony is going to flip his shit when he sees this kek.
        Also did you draw your profile pic?
        Ps I like your use of the phrase “sizzling pool of shit” at the beginning.

        • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Xymgar.
      • #24241

        I know, and yes I did. Thank you.

      • #24243

        the worst part is that it’s completely sincere and legitimate critique and not even trolling, but you know he’s still gonna go ballistic. RIP, hopefully he doesn’t scare DrBlastrider off, that guy seems cool

    • #24253

      Nah, i don’t think ich will just get scared off.
      its not the type of thing non-plebs do.

    • #24299

      I think the opposite may have occurred, he still hasn’t responded.

    • #24304

      I’m a little disappointed….

    • #24306

      Ich be a savage, Damm.

    • #24307

      My childhood best friend died by falling on spikes while jumping on garages, he is 12 and the only child in his family of mom and himself. Man.. I can’t live on like this, everyone I loved and knew keep dying. My uncle died copple of years ago, then my other uncle recently, and now my best friend… God fucking dammit…

    • #24309

      Wow, really? Just gonna try and pull some drama? I call bullshit, the moment you get called out on you say this shit? Y’know I’d maybe believe you if you hadn’t been such an asshole in this post. I mean seriously, this only just happens right after I post the shit I did? C’mon now. I know when someone is trying guilt trip for some pity, it don’t work on me. However, since I’m not a complete asshole let’s say I believe you. If what you are saying is true (which I highly doubt), then I’m very sorry for your loss, and it’s not worth killing yourself over. Death is death, there is nothing you can do about it but move on. Listen, when you feel like not trying to pussy out once someone calls you out on your bullshit, feel free to actually read my critique instead of trying to make myself and other people feel bad and/or make people dislike me.

    • #24312

      KILL YOURSELF DOC, DON’T YOU SEE YOU BULLIED THIS MAN.. fucking kill yourseeeeeelf djfhtjeofbejfjtbsjfne

    • #24314

      ^^ Fuck OFF FROMT HIS POST!!!!!!! You are not welcome here! I fucking shared the news with people that I consider family, except you, fucking cunt. You better fuck off right now, piece of shit. Fucking “Drama”… FFS, not everything is fucking DRAMA, some things are ACTUAL REAL THINGS?E)TIJQ$(NO%!MKPLMFNQEIOFEG Kqonit40925!U%*Y$!H_O^P WHAT FUCKING BULLSHIT?!?!??! WHATHUDIOGDUGNWPTMIWE) OMFG YOU PEICE OF DUMB FUCKING CUNT ASS SHIT HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!%(U$”)IHOJGPMW<:vv’lmdaskNIOGT&H”$T(*H$T*($”HT(*THIOGFWDNhoshdGOSHFG(*WRHTWIROGI(*HGWTW$*T$”T)JQTEFMavd;,lzc.’LPOPKW(R)I%”*UthujKiojoj

    • #24315


    • #24316


    • #24317


    • #24318

      Are you talking to me m8

    • #24320

      ^ kek M8

    • #24322

      Kek, callin’ ich a troll.
      Brony, no offence but in this situation it’s more likely that you’re the troll.
      Your reaction is just too…. Over the god damn charts. So chill, it was just a critique, and the second part was legit. And you know that.

      Maybe its time to act a LITTLE bit more mature?

      Learn from your mistakes. don’t try to make yourself seem better, since the only thing you’ll achieve with false facts in these kinds of situations is making yourself seem like more of a retard. Especially if you respond in that kind of way

    • #24325

      Maybe its time to act a little bit more mature
      Its time to act a Little more mature
      Time to act a little bit
      Act a little bit
      A little bit
      Little bit
      Mint has a little dick cumfired!!!!!
      I am maximum MATure M9!
      I’m Over 9 GOD DAMN THOUSAND off the charts mAture ratings M8

    • #24326

      Also Mint sends a good message in his post kek

    • #24327

      Ffs, I shared my fucking grief and you… I expected support when I came here, instead I have been called a fucking TROLL, and my fucking post was just some kind of excuse and drama according to that nobody. You all, are inconciderate and fucking intolerable pieces of disrespecting shit. I am fucking HIGHLY disappointed in you. You know, after saying “I am not gonna work on this manga for 6 months”(approx) I wanted to make a surprise to you people, who were apparently “supporting me”, I have already 4 pages done, I wasted all this time to realise that you fat bastards are dispicible to my liking. I am closing this stupid project, don’t DARE to reply on this shit, otherwise this argument will continue.

    • #24329

      Bring it drama queen

      • #24330

        Shut your mouth, no good piece of shit. I did not allow you to speak.

      • #24332

        While HP is a no good piece of shit, he is still allowed to speak. If you have a problem with that, take it up with the first amendment.

      • #24334

        Shut up, retard, I haven’t forgotten about you, so wait your turn quietly, cunt.

      • #24338

        Yes, because I’m the retard, not the person who literally spams the forums with random symbols and letters.

    • #24331

      Bitch,please I am HpTheKing, I’m tired of your shit this is not fucking counseling you don’t talk about life in the internet, you talk to someone you know personally, dude just fucking stop being a faggot and learn how to use the internet. If you can’t do that smash your fucking computer right now, you fucking bastard

      • #24333

        Make me you dumb piece of shit. Can’t? That’s what I thought, fool. I have no one dear to me to tell someone about this, so I came to the place that I thought was fucking good, but fuck no. you dumb fucks kept talking to me and acting as if it’s all a joke. You are not some king, you are a self-centered little bastard. I am tired of your shit too, cunt, going here and spilling your pool of diarrhea that you call “comments”.

    • #24335

      Kid, I can’t fly to fucking West Africa to meet you, if I could I would fucking kick your 9 year old ass. What do you mean you have no one dear to you, if your parents are dead they would put you under a guardian. You act like a little snow flake as if shit only happens to you. I never liked u since U raged at crimson and jin, after a while I neutraled with you. But you raged because of someone’s critique? Bitch please this is the internet. EVERYONE gets critique. And then you proceed to call everyone who somewhat liked u dumbasses when they just said to be more mature or didint say anything at all. Just fucking leave this website you autistic son of a bitch, go playxCall of duty or some shit so u can take ur rage out over the mic.


      • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Harpor(Hp).
      • #24337

        West Africa? I don’t live beside you, faggot, I am far away from that place. I don’t play CoD, and if you DUMB inconsequencional piece of stupid dog shit do not understand how hard it is for me RIGHT NOW GOD FUCKING DAMMIT, you still go on and on and OOONNN. I never liked you either, I hated you in fact, of how you fucking act like a discrace to the human kind, and how you fucking say things, it disgusts me, I would love to fucking slowly peel your skin off as you scream in fucking pain, and then cut your musces into small pieces while feeding you your own little body parts, then slowly chop your fucking genitals off and shove them up your disgusting ripped asshole so you woud scream like a half-killed pig. Not to mention getting every single one of your relatives or anyone that has any relation to your filthy bloodline, burn them in fucking lava as you watch them in your own fucking BLOOD. I would fucking have so much satisfaction if I’ve done that.. Destroying your filthy kind would be better than anything, ripping your FUCKING EYES OUT!!!!!!!!!!! SO YOU WOULDN’T SEE WHERE YOU ARE GOING TO END UP AFTER I’M FINISHED WITH YOUR FUCKING TORTURE, RIP YOUR FUCKING TONGUE OUT SO YOU WOULDN’T FORM ANY WORDS, RIP YOUR TEETH OUT ONE BY ONE AND THEN YOUR MOTHERFUCKING FILTHY HEART WHILE CRUSHING YOUR LEFTOVERS WITH MY FOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU FILTHY SON OF A FUCKING BITCH

    • #24339

      Lmaoooo, end your life. You are fucking SC reincarnated

    • #24340

      Nvm, that’s insulting SC, they’re cancer not Ebola gone airborne

      • #24341

        You are the fucking reason Trump exists, you are CANCER ITSELF, AND YOU GOTTA BE STOPPED UNTIL YOU AFFECT OTHER NORMAL PEOPLE. You are the ABSOUTE lowest matter in the universe, you are the shittiest person anyone could talk to, you are fucking horrible, I HAVE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE IT. YOU SHOULD FUCKING GET MURDERED. Filthy Dbz fan, you fucking made everything bad on the planet EXIST

    • #24342

      Lmao, listen here kid. You think what you say will affect me? You need to fucking stop. There are only three things you can be at this point.

      1. A troll with down syndrome.
      2. A boy who’s parents were murdered (also has down syndrome, plenty of people lose their parents but don’t act autistic as FUCK.)


      Shut your 9 year ass up. I hope someone murders you while you sleep. I honestly hate to say this kinda shot to people, but you are not a person, you are a fucking chimpanzee trying to fit in into the human world, I’ll try to use less bad words in my next post against your dumb add cause, I know it offends some people.

      I would leave right now, but I am the most ignorant person on the planet. Bring it you fucking monkey, planet of the apes lookin add not, you got a ssj3 goku profile picture and a fucking.brony

    • #24343

      I just noticed that ugly “criticism” which is PURE TRASH. BY NOW you should know that I am sensetive as FUCK to insults and bad words towards my name, but yet you fucking begged for me to get pissed off, yet again. Calling my art TRASH, is too much, bitch, I give it all effort I CAN POSSIBLY GIVE, and here you are faggot calling it trash, wow. Your profile pic drawing isn’t perfect either, bitch. ALL OF YOU are RUDE FUCKS, calling me a fucking spoiled brat, everything, YOU CAN’T REALISE HOW I FUCKING REACT TO THIS SHIT?!?!?!?!? YOU JUST KEEP ON GOING AND FUCKING INSULTING ME THE HARDEST YOU FUCKING CAN, ENOUGH OF THIS

    • #24344


    • #24345

      Oh fuck this shit, no point of living when I got no one on my side.I am fucking suiciding, FUCK YOUA L.

    • #24346

      I got a SSR in dokkan battle ^-^

    • #24348

      “He wasn’t ready for the internet.”

      • #24353

        ‘He wasn’t ready for life’
        His reaction is legit is kind of mind fucking me.
        Someone slightly critsize my stuff? Better go ape shit!
        I honestly can’t tell if he is trolling or like he actually reacts like this.

    • #24352

      After reading this. I have one thing to say
      (Also grow up. Jesus christ.)

    • #24354

      Lmao nigga, don’t suicide wtf. Doc shouldn’t have said your writing was shit because he was above average. I think doc just has some issues with the shit you have done in the past and some of that went into that post, if you are sensitive to insults don’t fucking insult others wtf

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Harpor(Hp).
    • #24356

      Wait is Brony the same guy named Templar “Tony” Adolf on SC? They have the same quote and everything.

    • #24357

      I just looked at some of Brony’s drawings and the ones he drew on paper look pretty good. Not gonna lie ^-^

    • #24358

      lol that’s traced from one of the first google results for “kid buu”

      • #28502

        DAfuq it’s not traced you imbecile, it was observation drawing where I copy from what I see VISUALLY, dumbass. It takes a lot more effort and skill. On top of that, the shading was my own.

    • #24359

      Eh, he had good shading.

    • #24360

      I know its traced but still.

    • #24361

      This has gone to a fan project to a angry baby to dokkan what else does the future hold

    • #24362

      Brony harness that rage and make it your stength

      • #24365

        he’s gonna transform into a Legendary Super Shitposter!

    • #24363

      Tracing is just a cheap tactic to make weak artists stronger impress little kids, besides every time i see traced DBZ art i always think of “Taqueria Goku” lmao

      • #24367

        Lmao xD

    • #24368

      This is my last picture, farewell. Be fucking happy, DrBlastrider and Harpor.

    • #24369

      My real age is 12, in case you wondered why I am shit at art.

    • #24370

      Can you please stop being rude to bronygamer, this thread has gotten out of hand.

    • #24371

      ^ True

    • #24372

      A 12 year old cannot be that depressed stop lying. And wtf dude you really gonna kill yourself over petty shit?

    • #24373

      Tbh 12 seems like a little bit too much.
      But meh.

      Also, gotta love all of the insults that were used against harpor and brony WITHOUT actually having a reason to use them. Harpor did at some parts, but almost all the others from brony were straight up just going “Kys feggatttt”

      (Also he’s not gonna suicide, like god damn he’s not THAT big of a retard. He’s just mad over it and he’s trying to cause drama. Like theres no chance he’ll suicide. If he does then…
      R1p. Stupidity 2 stronk)

    • #24375

      How old are you mint leik 2 kek

    • #24376

      boi, don’t kill yourself. Legit, all I did was give you words of critique, and then proceed to call you out on bullshit. Take a break from the internet for a few days, and just fyi I don’t hate you.

      (still think the whole suicide thing is bullshit too, but I’m done posting here too much angst)

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Blastrider.
      • #24391

        For the love of god dude, nothing here is bullshit. Also expressing your “criticism” in such rude way while making me look like a degenerate faggot, with art skill shittier than below average, is hurting my feelings HORRIBLY, and calling me out on what I have not done

    • #24379

      Harpor I was deemed clinically depressed at the age of seven. Depression is not biased, much like stress.

      If I see anymore jokes of suicide, or anyone telling brony to kill himself, I am going to remove all of your messages from this forum, and if you continue with it I will personally have Jin delete your account from the site.

      I actually enjoy your comic brony, and I check frequently to see if you updated it. It’s fun to see someone bringing the community together like this, in a way even I couldn’t do with the fanart contest.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Crimson.
    • #24382

      rip brony

    • #24384

      Sorry dude, it was just during school and I was very stressed, but I hope you know this wasn’t entirely my fault. You know what he has sent me on the past and I’m tired of this shit.

    • #24385

      brony you look like a pinecone

      1v1 me klub pengiun right now

    • #24386

      M8 I wil REK you in klub penguin

    • #24387

      Crimson, I was in tears thinking long and hard with a knife in my hand, to whether end my life or not. I was on the point where the fear of death was missing from me, but, I wanted to encourage myself to end it all by coming here, and I seen your comment, do you see how horribly I was randomly attacked by those guys? It’s serious, your comment encouraged me to live on, I thought long and hard about this, and I am not the type that jokes around in the internet (when I say stuff like I am sad or something, it’s serious, and you guys should stop doing or saying whatever makes me sad)

    • #24388

      Crimson right now is the real human being here, unlike most of you.

    • #24389

      Brony, you said you are sensitive to insults right? I’m the internet if you insult people you will get insulted, sometimes it may be random but insulting back never helps, I made a mistake but like, you also have to account for all the stuff you’ve said too.

    • #24390

      What did I do that makes me not a human being >.>

    • #24392

      Brony, think about this. Maybe if you go online and insult others, you’ll get insulted back?

      Shocking, I know.
      1v1 me klub pengiun right now

      • #24393

        ffs, I didn’t insult anyone, until those people

    • #24394

      Ah also Brony. “real human being.”

      West Africa? I don’t live beside you, faggot, I am far away from that place. I don’t play CoD, and if you DUMB inconsequencional piece of stupid dog shit do not understand how hard it is for me RIGHT NOW GOD FUCKING DAMMIT, you still go on and on and OOONNN. I never liked you either, I hated you in fact, of how you fucking act like a discrace to the human kind, and how you fucking say things, it disgusts me, I would love to fucking slowly peel your skin off as you scream in fucking pain, and then cut your musces into small pieces while feeding you your own little body parts, then slowly chop your fucking genitals off and shove them up your disgusting ripped asshole so you woud scream like a half-killed pig. Not to mention getting every single one of your relatives or anyone that has any relation to your filthy bloodline, burn them in fucking lava as you watch them in your own fucking BLOOD. I would fucking have so much satisfaction if I’ve done that.. Destroying your filthy kind would be better than anything, ripping your FUCKING EYES OUT!!!!!!!!!!! SO YOU WOULDN’T SEE WHERE YOU ARE GOING TO END UP AFTER I’M FINISHED WITH YOUR FUCKING TORTURE, RIP YOUR FUCKING TONGUE OUT SO YOU WOULDN’T FORM ANY WORDS, RIP YOUR TEETH OUT ONE BY ONE AND THEN YOUR MOTHERFUCKING FILTHY HEART WHILE CRUSHING YOUR LEFTOVERS WITH MY FOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU FILTHY SON OF A FUCKING BITCH

      Straight from you.

      • #24396

        People stop judging me by my anger state, ffs.

    • #24395

      I guess I’m going to throw my hat into this smoldering pile now. Brony, you made this post with obvious good intentions, including people’s OC’s into a dbz-esque story line because its fun! I appreciate that, though I can’t say the art doesn’t bother me and I’ll post some ways you can possibly improve your art. Before I do that though I have some personal, serious gripes with your attitude not only on the internet, but towards other people.

      DrBlastrider, in my experience, is a nice person who can be pretty brutal with critiques, his comment would have happened inevitably by his hands or someone else’s. Despite it’s brutality, a lot of it was very true, you come across as a troll. This is the internet, unless you are in a private chat, don’t post your personal life stories or things about yourself in real life. They carry little to no weight in an argument or debate. You claiming your “friend died at the age of 12” with no context to complete strangers over the internet means about as much as me claiming “I’m ripped and will kick your face in with my black belt trained body”. It means nothing in the end. Not only that, but your responses to people have been nothing but empty threats, poorly written raves of anger, and in all honesty weightless, sad grasps at attempting to offend people and claiming you’re the one under attack and only you. You can’t be doing that on a place as hostile on the internet mate, a large number of internet users are self-entitled pricks trying to defend all of our opinions without compromise who enjoy seeing pain in others. If you genuinely dislike the hole your in right now, stop digging yourself deeper.

      All in all, I find your intentions on the OP (original post) to be fine and neat overall, but you really need to find yourself and figure out how to control your emotions as well as your impulsive reactions to critiques.

      Now for tips on art, I personally draw a webcomic based on little events that occur on a DBC server called saiyan craft, the art’s not great by any means due to choice and my limited skill in art, but it looks cleaner than your current works for many reasons:
      1. your lines are too thick
      2. art program, you seem to be using paint which lacks the freedom you need for a manga or comic. I recommend or the free version of Photoshop C2 available on adobe’s site.
      3. make your words cleaner through a text tool or just take more time writing them. I fell victim of illegible writing in my comics at first, but improved as time went on.

      Im trying to improve my art on my own, and I think your art has potential (if you stop tracing) and if you actually plan out what you’re going to draw either on paper or with a sketch layer. Or just write it out in words then draw it.

      TL;DR: Brony grow up please, and learn to take heat, also see 3 simple tips on how to improve your art above ^

    • #24397

      Thanks, It’s really hard to control myself, because internet is pretty much talking to a person through a screen.

    • #24398

      ^^ can you tell me where you posted your art? I’d like to see it.

    • #24399

      I mean, you can be here like “that was my anger state” cus when you’re angry you’re still YOU and you have to be held accountable for your actions. you were he one throwing around homophobic and racist slurs, and threatening people with violence, insulting people…. looking at your post history, you even made death threats to Jin, the god damn owner of the site.

      Like sorry about it, but i don’t think Crim should just be letting you slide like this, you broke not only all the rules of the forum but also all the rules of “how not to be a dick on the internet” 101, but you’re not the only one to blame here, Xymgar and Minter were up in here egging Brony on and cursing at him and telling him to kill himself and shit cus they’re like 14 and found out about 4chan like yesterday and thinks they’re mad cool for using memes from 2006… but I digress, i think this whole thread needs to be deleted and we should all move on with our lives

      It’s a DBZ forum, it’s not that serious

      • #24404

        Goetic this is really making me mad. When did I tell Brony to kill himself or curse at him?

      • #24480


    • #24400

      The fuck did I do?

      • #24436

        Damn you’re right, Xym, i was confusing you for someone else, that was on me. im sorry.
        But aside from that, im really starting to think Brony really is a troll, cus he’s giving us like 20 different stories, he claims to be 12, but also he goes to collage and smokes, now he’s saying that his “angry self” is “mad and insane” which is bullshit only a little kids say…. either this is like the Laganja Estranja breakdown moment all over again, or he’s supposed to be a parody of how typical DBZ fans are or something and we’ve been set up on a ruse cruise

    • #24401

      Well besides that..
      These are some of his works I found entertaining.
      The last one isn’t drawn but it’s a cool story.
      These aren’t artistic master pieces but I think they’re funny.
      I don’t know if he is proud of these but I enjoyed them.
      BTW Gabr is right. you really should atleast use Something better than paint lol.
      I have also really enjoyed this manga too Brony. Hope we see more ^_^

    • #24402

      Me normal self and anger self are completely different, INSANELY different. My normal self is rational calm and smart I’d say, but my anger self is pure anger and madness, I get angrier just by nothing until it comes to depression and stuff, or sometimes I end up beating something (sometimes I trigger fights in real life and beat people down really badly)

    • #24403

      So basically I am a psycopath if I am made mad enough

    • #24405

      lol I seen a CRAP ton of tracing in his comics

    • #24406

      This is most likely gonna be my last post here because of the fact that it’s clear you don’t exactly like me.

      Now listen, if I’m going to honest, I am extremely brutal in my critiques and when I made the one about yours, I was honestly trying to help. However, once you said the things about your friend, whether or not they are true, I automatically assumed you were trying to surround yourself with pity from others. I’m sorry for that, as well as my aggressive attitude towards you. If you are willing, I’ve written up a toned down version of my earlier critique for you.

      As I stated in the original post, you should never really start out a series with a fighting sequence or just go straight into a battle. The way you’ve been pumping out these pages is, while fast, very rushed and therefor the art and story suffers from it. What would be the proper thing to do is to start out slow, build up your characters to add more weight to them. I know the temptation to start out big is strong, but you need to understand things from a reader’s perspective as well as an artist’s. Look up some tutorials on story writing and such.

      Onto my next point, I’ll talk about your art. Now, as I mentioned in my previous post, your art is lacking greatly. It looks very unprofessional, due to the lack of shading, basic backgrounds, and poor character design. I’d keep practicing on paper, work on some backgrounds and scenery to make your pages pop more. Drop the colors, make it black and white, use thinner lines, text boxes, manga sound effects, movement lines, effects, etc. All of these things will help make your comic/manga look better. It doesn’t have to start out perfect, but after long periods of practice you’ll see major results.

      Now, let’s talk about how you present said artwork. The current quality of the artwork is very low and the programs you use don’t make it better. I’d recommend moving to paper and drawing your pages there. After you’ve gone and drawn them take a picture or scan it in. If you don’t have something to take a picture of then I’d recommend looking up tutorials on how to draw with a mouse. Briefly, I would like to mention the programs you are currently using aren’t quite up to par with today’s standards, and I would also like to recommend Paint.NET. In fact, I use it myself.

      Finally, I’ll mention your attitude again. I see that you are very easily aggravated and tend to lash out on the people around you when you are mad. I’d recommend some form of anger management class so that you don’t take things people say on the internet so personally. I will also say please do not take your anger out on the people who actually wanted to help you with your project, e.g. the guy who you claimed you would make “worse than Yamcha” after he gave you his OC to work with.

      I hope you take these things into consideration, and with that I say goodbye from this post.

      Side Note: I want to just drop some of my art here to show you what practice and change can do.

      Ichirou Blastrider 2015:
      Ichirou Blastrider 2015

      Ichirou Blastrider 2016:
      Ichirou Blastrider 2016

      Double 2016(Not the same character but still):

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Blastrider.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Blastrider.
    • #24409

      Brony getting angered easily can be a dangerous thing. I’d recommend some anger management to help you.

    • #24411

      ….Dr. Blastrider beat me to it xD
      good drawings by the way!

    • #24412

      ^^ Thanks, that is superiorly better and cleaner. I firstly intended this to be a pro-log I guess, and then the actual story starting from the backstories and stuff.

    • #24413
        By the way, thanks for showing me your drawings, they are nice, but there is nothing I can’t draw, I’d like some hard poses and stuff.
    • #24414

      Still, even for a prologue, you need to have build-up. It’s necessary.

    • #24415

      Wow…. one week or so off and 50 posts are here. I’m not here to shame, I just want to get things of my chest.
      Dr: Thanks for bringing this up of which I didn’t have the courage to myself
      Harp: Please don’t use things such as “autistic” as insults. To me, they are worse than racial slurs as I have a brother with Autism
      Brony: Please try to take constructive criticism better. When I talked to you after your computer’s hard drive broke, you basically insulted me for putting things into perspective. What hurt me most wasn’t the insults, it was the threats to make my character “worse than Yamcha”. While you may have problems with anger, just think what the people you lash out at for no reason feel like sometimes. I am just saying these things to help you, not agitate. I was very upset when you insulted me, and I almost up and left the comic. I preferred the original direction, but anger outbursts deterred me. To put things in perspective, and I know this didn’t go well before, my grandfather passed a few months ago. Other people have their own issues too. I am enjoying this manga and hope it continues, but I really recommend for you not to lash out at your fans. We are real people too, with real emotions. Please take this constructively. I mean no harm, only help.


    • #24416

      It’s a bit late

    • #24417
    • #24418

      Also, when you say you didn’t insult until drblastrider, you insulted me. I will forgive you as long as you try to do better.

    • #24419

      Dude for the love of god, did you even see what he wrote? His first criticism was more of a hate than anything

    • #24420

      While harsh, a lot of it were issues that should’ve already been addressed. The art comments were harsh and should’ve been way more constructive.

    • #24426
      Android 21

      So many forum rules have been broken here… I’m glad everything got cleared up for the most part though.

    • #24429

      Brony you cant be 12, i remembered you commenting something about college a long time ago. When i first saw your arcosian drawing i thought it was awesome until i read the comments.

    • #24433

      brony you neeed to learn to instead of losing control harness your anger for the positive you do good work and ive only seen improvement since you started making this story you should see about getting your self a punching bag and not afraid of death is a common symton not always typacal to depression

    • #24447

      ^^ Well… I was lying to sound cool, but I thought I was gonna die so I didn’t give a damn about telling you the truth.

    • #24454

      Tbh I am on bronys side. I have been n the sid of docs criticism and its more harsh and dochey then getting a point across. And then brony com es out with his story believe it or not it’s offensive to try and call him out if he wasnt lying. Brony reacting thr way he did I would have done the same like wtf brony obviously has problems but invoking him more matters worst

    • #24456

      This basket of internet drama should explain one thing only. Do not take anything far too seriously. Nobody here is depressed. This is just an example of what people do to gain attention.

      Brony, you’re quite young to be dedicating yourself to this sort of thing. My advice to you is to keep a good effort while taking all criticisms with a grain of salt. Sometimes our passions lack talent, but it’s important to know how effective and meaningful it is to keep diligent in your work progress. When people spout out rude comments, it’s to be expected and there is meaning to come from them. All you need to do is understand where they’re coming from and not let it get to you, because that’s how a lot of people act.

      Otherwise, keep working hard. It’ll pay off a great deal.

    • #24457
    • #24458

      ^^ I am not putting stupid drama, or whatever it is. I shared my grief, because I trusted people because they were nice, and they just spat out shit like that. Again, I am NOT giving a stupid drama, ffs.

    • #24465

      Yeah you were. Don’t lie now.

      • #24474

        I AM NOT LYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop fucking accusing me based on your own stupid experiences.

        • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Skeptical.
      • #24491

        There was certainly drama. You went on a keyboard warrior tirade, and spouted off nonsense of your personal life when it was completely irrelevant in that time frame.

        My point still stands. Don’t take these things seriously. Otherwise, you can be my guest and damage yourself further by overreacting constantly. I think your parents should monitor what you do on the internet.

    • #24482

      So uhh, i apparently told brony to kill himself while i helped with his “depression” before a while (in earlier states of the post)? … seems legit, geotic.

      I just felt like the more current ones were too bullshitty, y’know?

      *When ich comments on brony’s post at that exact moment brony says a 12 year old friend died*
      *Brony was talking about suicide EXACTLY when something against him was used*

      Like you have to cut me some slack, i can’t just believe that.

    • #24492

      And this post has devolved back from the stupid bullshit misunderstand crap that would make me switch the channel from the fucking Bullshit drama. Legit if I made a tv show on this level of Drama I’d make it like this: (Keep in mind this a joke for comedy. This is meant to make people laugh.)

      Guy 1: Hey GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLLL How Chu doiwan? I honestly love Jamies shoes to shit! They are so bad it’s good!
      (Jamie walks in to hear exactly Jamies shoes to shit! They are so bad! To run off and not hear the rest of the sentence. Then fucking world war 3 happens over it as a Laser beam CRASHES INTO THE PLANET and blows it the fuck up.
      But as the Laser beam goes into the atmosphere everything gets a gray filter as the “Dear Sister” song pops up. In the last few moments. EVERYONE FACKING DIES.

      But plot twist! The power of Jamie and Guy 1’s friendship bounces the beam off into Space.

      Ok so now that I’m done making shit up.

      Thank god this crap is done. Seriously if this argument gets any worse Lord Popo will come down from the Hea—–CRAP HE’S HERE. FUCKING BARRICADE THE DOORS. HIDE YA KIDS HIDE YA WIFE. WHEN I DIE. TELL MINTRER HE’S A FA——–(Death noises)

    • #24493

      u wot m8.
      (Also, whoever uses “Mintrer” instead of “Mint” is considered a pleb automatically.)

    • #24494

      just typing this so I won’t keep getting notifications from this post.

    • #24496

      You people 100% misunderstand me. Wow. Now I got already bad enough with my friend dying, people who I considered friends were insulting me, that’s a lot more than you fucking think, stop making this seem childish and fucking irrelevant, it’s complicated >: (. Anyways idgaf if you guys believe or not, I don’t want your shitty support.

    • #24497

      I obviously have no friends to interact physically, and my friend was in the country that I lived before, I am just socially isolated piece of shit who wants a friend ;-;

    • #24498

      Bronygamer why did you change your name.

    • #24507

      Sorry just gonna chip in for the last time ’bout my comics. I did trace in a few areas, one being frost and the other being a scene from the cooler movie. You can probably tell my style isn’t too serious overall, thus when i switched to a more serious style for comedic effect i traced originally due to my lacking talent. I dont trace anymore and i’d be happy to show you some of my more recent works that i drew out by hand.

    • #24508

      I would like to see some ^-^

    • #24512

      As I said I draw like a 5 year old with a mouse, and like a proper dbz master with my pencil/pen and coloring pencils. The thing is, I don’t have a phone or anything to photo my drawings.

    • #24515

      Well, now that the “drama”‘s over….

      Brony, how much till the new page gets released?

      I quite enjoy those tbh.

    • #24518

      Well, page 13 I think is done

    • #24519
    • #24520

      Brony….you are officially my favorite person ever….

    • #24521

      I mean Black goku vs nude arcosian…
      I was just….so happy that I think I’m broken now.

    • #24522

      Its just the world is such a beautiful now.

    • #24525

      Nice page. By the way, and I say this not to antagonize at all, I bet you that most of the people on this thread are understanding until they are lashed out at. We all have problems. Nice page, by the way. I liked the humor XD

    • #24531

      ^ holy shit… you actually liked my humor O: thanks bro, your nice comments motivate me to get better and surprise you guys with the progress 😀

    • #24532
    • #24533

      please don’t get mad to what happened with your characfter, there will be an explanation.

    • #24537

      The new page seems legit, good job mate

    • #24539

      ^ wtf every single page is legit wtf

    • #24544

      No i mean….

      Nvm >_>

      just keep in mind i liked it.

    • #24566

      Page 14 is in development, guys.

    • #24577
    • #24580

      This is amazing.
      We may not be friends anymore, but know that my support is there.

    • #24590

      Sadly the chapter goes to an end, Page 15 is being worked on.

    • #24600
    • #24601

      Okay, I reloaded my page 160 times,yet no reply from anyone. K cya

    • #24606

      Well Brony…….
      When the next page gonna be out? Like a week?
      Also does anyone remember those How to Draw Manga books from 2002?

    • #24607

      *cough* a month *cough*

    • #24613

      that’s it? I guess no more people care nor follow my manga, that’s sad.

    • #24620

      Welp, I’m out on my electrojaculation days

    • #24621

      The page was the best of all art-wise!
      Can’t wait to see what the story grows into after the next chapter begins.

    • #24632

      Welp, I’m out on my electrojaculation days
      Well, perserving endangered animal life is good Brony…..
      I just wouldn’t stick an electic probe up their ass kek.

    • #24642

      I was talking about myself lmao

    • #24668

      Nice job Brony. Your art has come far from the first page, I am super proud of you and this series.

      • #24675

        Holu crap, thank you master Crimson, I have a strong view on my flaws and do eveything to overcome them. Also, PLS FFS, CHECK MY FORUM IDEA ABOUT KAIOSHINS AND STUFF

    • #24672

      I read the pages but i don’t reply, cause im just really busy these days. I’ll always support this manga/project as its fun to see how your art style develops througout the weeks, months etc.

      Plus, its an intresting story.

    • #24676

      Guys, i doubt that my manga in art maner will get superiorly better any time soon, since as you might know, I draw it fully with a mouse, and it’s insanely hard.

    • #24677

      By the way, just like Toriyama, I don’t plan what happens, I just let it flow.

    • #26945

      I understand that what happened to my character wasn’t making it a yamcha. Also, I don’t have an account for whatever website you put the pages on. I hope you continue.

    • #26964

      Can’t wait for my one panel cameo then death lol.

      I am the true yamcha of Jingames.

    • #26983

      Where’s my huge dick.

    • #27039

      To people who still care or knew about the existance of this failed project. I have an announcement; This project is no more failed and I am actually working on Page 1 of Chapter 2.

    • #27044

      Nice, brony.

    • #27076

      It seems that our new arcosian gets a new form..

    • #27077
    • #27086


    • #27092

      ^ XD

      How do I participate in the art thing?

    • #27093

      Also what do you think Crimbro? (lol I gotta say it) The series had returned! And I might will be uploading more actively and there won’t be a hiatus for chapter 3!

    • #27108

      Instructions are on the devblog mi amigo.

    • #27153

      If there are more of you that keep track of my web comic, please give me your opinions and how you expect further pages, as it’s fueling my will and want to work more, as there are nearly nothing I find it hard to motivate myself. Page 2 is under development, and I spent the most time on it. Also I started developing it just yesterday, so don’t expect it out any time soon, maybe tomorrow. Or even today, if I somehow get into this “Artist Mode” and draw faster and do nothing but drawing. Cheers ~

    • #27159

      Friends, here I thought I was finishing the page, until FUCKING shit just decides to corrupt. WOW. my work LOST.

    • #27408

      Damn, That’s not good…

      Also, i’m not sure why but the link re-directs me into a porn ad. Rip

    • #28029

      l o n g s a i y a n

    • #28145
    • #28146

      How do I change the title? I don’t want more infos to come in ;-; I am swimming in infos already.

    • #28405

      I have an announcement; Recently I have got a back injury, therefore I rushed to the Hospital, well, not me, but the Ambulance van that I was in did. I cannot do my normal stuff such as walking, laying down without assistance, sitting (on the ground), run (well duh), the amount of degrees I can bend my back has decreased by almost whopping 80% (meaning all I can do is sit and be fed ;-;), but the point is, I have already pages 3,4,5,6 LINED out, I’ll keep lining them out until I reach 10 pages and will start slowly coloring them and giving finished touches, I can’t promise release date, but all I can promise is that the pages will come out soon, you won’t have to wait long. I can at least move my mouse to draw, and so I will. I know that most of you if not all have stopped caring at all about this mini-manga series, but regardless I’ll still keep drawing :{. To those loyal readers, thanks for reading, the only thing you could do to support me is just tell what your experiences were reading the comic and what you liked. I know all my flaws but I can’t fix them quick enough, so criticism would be just useless here and there. Thanks.

    • #28407

      your comic is still great its just some people dont coment on it be cause there speechless and just awate wats gonna happen next

    • #28408

      Thanks for the enthusiasm though, but I think people just don’t care about it.

    • #28410

      people do care other wise how else would you have crimson of all people comenting on it

    • #28412

      Look at the dates man.. Anyways, I lost the track of pages, since I got a bit hyped with my own story and see how it turns out, since i never plan them, I am really tired and I’ll go to sleep rn. See ya in few hours.

    • #28421


    • #28503

      you still looking for people?

      • #28508

        I hope you guys understand that the story is long af, and your characters will be introduced in long parts, like dragon ball did, but a lot longer.

    • #28505

      Personality: Nice,Gentle,Playful,Humble.
      Name( any name you want)
      Body Type:Very Muscular And Buff For A 10 Year Old
      Body Color:Peach. Gi Design:Sleves And Hand Cuff Color:Black. Main Gi Color:Dark Red
      Base Form Hair Color:Black.SSJ Hair Color:Blue. Type Of Aura:Immensely Powerful Looking/Very Large And Jagged. Type Of SSJG Form:SSJR/ Super Saiyan Rose. Power Level:900 Quintilian

    • #28672


    • #28679

      It’s like drugs. Hard to stop.

    • #28689

      Wow, I had to trace that is left from the drawings. The Pages were all fucked up and the color was fucked too, everything was red and going down black, I assume that it’s how the files are corrupt in my program.

      Crimson, dafuq are you on about? Hard to stop the corruption or hard to stop this weird never-ending urge to draw pages? The pages are SKETCHED and I guess I’ll start processing each instead of constantly drawing out new ones.

    • #28690

      Who the fuck set these stupid tags? Anyways, I’ve been looking through my pages, and I wanna say I have improved a BIG TON. I just looked at this cell stance that I drew (oops, little spoiler), I back then had no knowledge of angles, of different poses and how to make them, I couldn’t comprehend that, couldn’t bend it in my head, but now I’ve noticed that I drew many angles, and noticed, that I began to understand how to draw them! For instance, the cell drawing, shows his fist Not entirely facing front, but also not entirely facing left, which is a BIG improvement for me, and I never thought I could reach this level. Something tells me that the content I do is gonna get better! Stay tune for more info (well I am convinced now that pretty much 99.999999999 give no shits about this manga, but guess what, I’ll keep drawing it lmao)

      Also one thing I wanted to point out, anatomy was INCOMPREHENSIVE (I couldn’t even think of understanding that), and again, the cell drawing shows it perfectly! And the way his leg is kinda bent and his other isn’t, it’s also showing how the sizes are proportional.

      I guess I’ll stop here now.

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Skeptical.
    • #28698

      Why you gotta spoil man T_T. Why you gotta stop man ;-;

    • #28700

      lol mb. Its the tip of the iceberg tho, well maybeh. ApolloMaster is the only person in this whole community to know what there’s gonna be in the story, as he is a close friend of mine, so i told only him, so then I decided to give a tiny spoiler to you dudes. As of now, I have a LOT of pages (for my standarts) and the current one is being painted then shaded then given fx’s. Btw, thanks for existing here, it’s quite boring and lonely here when no one’s around. Btw, each character I chose is gonna be introduced SLOWLY as the story progresses. So no rushing will be done. Now I gotta go off to my toilet, unzip my pants, pull down my underwear, hold my peenus and then release the urine from my bladder by relaxing my prostate, 😉

    • #28702


    • #28720

      For people who are pationate, only for them. You can go here.. and see what happened in my personal life, it’s a grief and if you could you could comment your feelings, but, you dont have to. Trolls, dont even think of coming there.

    • #28739
    • #28741
    • #28742
    • #28743
    • #28744
    • #28746

      I am not sure whether to work on page 8 right now. The colorless drawing IS done.

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Skeptical.
    • #28772

      I released 5 pages/ 0 comments. Not that it matters too much to me, I draw that I want to, but for some reason I keep on trying hard to draw because I think of how you guys “support” me, but it seems it’s all in the past. Well, now that Crimson stopped by few days ago, I guess it’s time to bare the loneliness again, alone.

    • #29009

      1 week 1 day. Working on the pages.

    • #29010


    • #29011


    • #29058

      Wow Brony you’re still doing this? I’m very impressed! You’ve gotten alot better too. Good job man.

      • #29059

        Obiously I am still doing this. The kid buu that I showed people months ago was an observation drawing, meaning that I looked at it and drew it, it wasn’t a trace drawing. Just to clear up.

    • #29171

      Page 8 Is on working.

      Here’s an Announcement:

      I have overlooked earliest character applies on this thread, and I reconsidered my thought on making this manga different without having this tournament idea, and now I am well aware that most of you were disappointed to hear that, but I will finish up this arc (I won’t rush though) then will slowly make a transition to the universal tournament arc that I should have done a really long time ago. I will slowly tie up this current arc to the next one, so my work is not wasted. I will also feature all featured backstories, since I have a FAR more confidence and something to back it up on drawing back stories. I hope some of you are still here and didn’t leave me, and see this announcement.

    • #29172


    • #29173
    • #29186
      Lord Frieza

      Is there still room for a char ;-;

    • #29408
      Participant Crappier page than average, but there’s a good reason. I had no time to draw this

    • #29698

      Hello everyone (myself), Sorry that I didn’t post pages, I just suffered through chronic depression, but now I feel a bit more confident to start drawing (hopefully it won’t impact my story in any way, I would hate to kill off some character just because I happen to feel a bit sad)

    • #29700

      Glad to see your getting back in it Brony. Can’t wait til the next page.

    • #29788

      Damn Xymgar, saying such a nice thing, which was of course to cheer me up, since this picture is clearly garbage compared to my older ones.

    • #29850

      I am here to say, I am still working, and working HARD on the comic. I have like 7 pages sketched out, finishing the sketching (or I guess drawing, since I never sketch my pages)

      On my biased opinion, the quality of the manga has been doubled. More attention to background has been added and a bit more story. I highly hope that you will enjoy the manga.

      A bit to what I plan to do:
      I plan to make story progress SLOWLY, I won’t rush it just for the sake of adding characters, but be sure that I will add characters, I haven’t forgotten about your applies, I’ll just add them as story progresses. I will fix the main mistakes like trunks being too op (After the god boost, 3 years of training, after lots of zenkai, after the training of a god trainer, after the tournament, after entire goku black saga where he was beaten to near death and healed… Trunks ssj2 >>>> ssj3 goku/ Trunks ssj2 = Goku ssb. Trunks in MY manga will be a bit stronger than majin vegeta, since he literally did none of that godly training goku did.

      I will remove this “time limit” nonsense from Vegito’s fusion and I will progress the story differently.

      Hint: Vegito vs Beerus is upcoming.

    • #29871

      *sigh* Time to start the coloring..

    • #29872

      Ayy don’t forget my character lol. He’s like one of the first suggested 😀

    • #29878

      So when do you want all the characters introduced.

    • #29883

      Slowly as it goes on. You didn’t see vegeta introduced in first 5 chapters.

    • #30023

      holy shit this is most longest post i ever saw………….

    • #30285

      I am obsessed with sketching pages.. please help me…… I can’t finish one.. I’ve sketched too much god damn pages…HELPP MEEAHEFIHJT)IOWEMGPFVLSDGT)$WU%(krnvfafp<paerkoeroij

    • #30286

      tip:just slap yourself and it will wrok that worked for me lmao xd

    • #30289

      Instructions aren’t clear enough, I ended up in a dumpster with my hand away from my body.

    • #30345

      incructions slap yourself like medium force then say to you head fuck you lazyness and then fucking work lmao

    • #30346

      What should I do? Finish up the existing sketches into full-fledged pages or sketch more? I am kinda excited about my story.

    • #30357

      welp same here i have best super hero story in my head like hears and i can imagine me in ssj3 so lol

    • #30360
      God’s Flame

      Is it too late for me to join the party?

    • #30361

      9 months late

    • #30560

      I am going to start finishing up the pages I’ve drew. I’ve been focusing on my animation (Just started)and it’s pretty hard as of now, currently I have an animation channel there but it has nothing in there yet, it’s called “ClearlyAnArtistAnimations” or something.

    • #30743

      Dragon ball multiversal PAGE 10 chapter 2!
      with new shading! (testing)

    • #30744
    • #31232
    • #35565
    • #35566
    • #35567
    • #37891

      The manga comes BACK yet again. Thought I’d give it up? Not today honey, here’s a sneak peek of what’s about to come :


      • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Skeptical.
    • #37950