Dragon Block C Roleplay Server 2.0

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    • #40003

      The Dragon Block C Roleplay 2.0!

      Hello everyone, I’m bringing to you a Dragon Block C Server that is strictly role play. This server is going to allow you to create your own Dragon Block C Character. If you want to be evil, you can be evil and be a villain. If you want to be a good guy, you can be a good guy. The choice is yours. There is no definitive story to the server (Although all the characters from the anime will be in the roleplay).The server is white-listed to prevent people from ruining the experience for all those who want to role play.

      First and foremost, you will be making an application that I will judge to determine whether or not you will be on the server. You can choose between 6 races.

      Saiyan: There are restrictions on your transformations, which you can rid yourself through a roleplay reason and having a high enough bp. Hardest race to apply for. disadvantages include; Not being able to become a super saiyan without a genuine reason, pride doesn’t count as a reason.
      Half- Saiyan: There are restrictions on your transformations, which you can rid through a roleplay reason and a high enough bp. Second hardest race to apply for. Can become a super saiyan slightly easier Disadvantages: considered inferior by saiyans, lack of pure fighting drive.

      Human: Most well balanced, have Buff Form. Most well accepted, most lenience in back story The application still has to be good, but it doesn’t have to be as ridiculous as other races. (You can use mostly any skin of your choice as long as it fits the lore)

      Namekian: Can fuse with another Namekian(npc) once for a power boost, otherwise similar traits to humans. Namekians will also start with the ability to fly

      Majins: You start off with fly and endurance. You must choose human with a skin that is a majin.

      Arcosian (Frieza’s Race): : The Frieza race is an agile race, There are also restrictions on when you can go up in a transformation, which you rid yourself of through getting a high enough bp.

      Shinjin: are the beings born in the world of the Kai’s, born from the fruit of a Kaiju tree. Those who are born from a golden fruit can live for millions of years, while those who aren’t, live for around 75,000 years. Their powers range from levels of King Kai, at 3,500, to the power of beings like Zamasu who are closer to the limits of Goku and Vegeta. They’re also able to use maagic similar to Majins and Demons, unlike other races.

      Demons: Members of the Demon Realm race tend to be more powerful than average, and are generally shown to possess exceptional potential skill in magic, and fighting power. The inhabit the Demon Realm, living for thousands of years. They are pretty much 100% evil in nature, however not all are violent.

      – Template for Submission Application –

      Name: Self-Explanatory
      Gender: Male or Female
      Race: Choices from above
      Age: Self-Explanatory
      Personality:What is your character like? How does he act to others?
      General Appearance: You can either describe the gi outfit you would like, battle armor outfit and scouter color you would like if you are saiyan or arcosian, or your minecraft skin you’ll be using, plus hair styles, hair colors, tail or no tail, etc… Do not copy people in the show, you can use gi and armors from the characters from the show and make custom outfits with your gi please.Please try to come up with a creative story from scratch rather than copying dbz and saying something
      Backstory: This is your characters history. If you are a saiyan or an arcosian, you can get battle armor and a scouter if you the correct card

      Server Rules: Please do not curse an obscene amount. Some cussing is okay, but don’t go over board using extreme swear words. (Ex. F#*!&)
      Griefing is ONLY ALLOWED if you have a feud that the other person knows about and it’s their house. Otherwise, no griefing, it can get you banned.
      Play nice. You’re character can be unlikable, but don’t be unlikable yourself.

      Dragon Blocks are very rare for some custom wishing. and will allow a lot of wishes, just nothing ridiculous.

      Dying from another player in RP requires someone to summon Shenron or Porunga to revive you. Shenron can revive multiple people once, while Porunga can revive people one by one an infinite amount of times. When you die, if you would wish to make a new character rather than wait for someone, you can make a new character. So, if you’d like to switch from human to arcosian, you can do so. Staff is not needed to revive someone that died from RP.

      The Schedule:
      TBA (To Be Announced)

      Saga missions are off..
      Note: I made the configs to make a realistic DBZ Feel

      Once there is a decently sized group of people wanting to join, we will release the ip and mods to the group as a whole at the same time. Good luck with your application.

      Note: From my personal stand point, when you are making your class please don’t all go for Saiyan/Half Saiyan Get creative, try getting a little out of your comfort zone. After reading this, if you still want to be a saiyan or half-saiyan, I’m not stopping you. Go for it, but you better make a really good character. Also if your submission is accepted I’ll send you a pm with my discord. Good Luck ?

      One more thing, this is a revival of Dragon Block C Roleplay Server.

    • #40004

      Race: Half Saiyan
      Age: 8
      Gender: Male
      Personality: Mostly extrovert, but can become very reserved under circumstances, tends to be relatively calm but can be forced to snap if pushed too far.
      Backstory: Luke was always a strange boy. Not strange mentally so, he was quite intelligent actually for his age, but undermined himself constantly. No, he was physically strange, he ate much more than the other boys his age, seeming also to never put on weight afterwards. He also seemed a bit stronger than the other boys, especially when pushed to anger, causing him to lose control at times. None of this was his fault however, he simply just did not know how to control himself. His tendency to go “berserk” could be traced back to his father, he not that he knew him well. His father, was a survivor of the destruction of Planet Vegeta, he wasn’t brave, in fact his father was as cowardly as they came. He had heard what the Saiyan warrior, Bardock, had said about Frieza coming to destroy their planet, and decided to flee in a pod, drifting through space until he came upon a green planet in the milky way galaxy, Earth. Upon arriving on this planet, he decided to seek shelter, coming upon a small town next to one of the largest bodies of water he had ever seen, however he could tell that it was not an ocean, due to the water not being salty. He was an oddity in the town, a man with a tail, clad in armor with a strange device on his face, walking around cautiously, as to not alarm anyone, when he had already caused such a stir. He decided to take up settlement in the woods, carving a place for himself by destroying trees with his energy. Unknown to him he was being watched by a young woman, whom would become Luke’s mother in time. She visited his spot regularly, enthralled by the strange man with his strange powers. She finally was able to approach him, and demanded to know who he was, and where he was from. He told her that his name was Asper, he was not from this world and he was a coward. He had left his planet to die while he made away with his life. Saddened by this tale, the woman took pity on Asper, for he was alone on this planet, with no family left to him. They had grown infatuated with each other, spending even more time with each other. Some few years after their meetings, it seemed that the woman was pregnant with Asper’s child, she was so happy she just had to rush to tell him. However she had forgotten the one thing Asper had told her, which was to not visit him during the night of a full moon. As she rushed through the forest to where Asper lived, she saw him in another form. A giant ape, a monster, the woman ran away from Asper, desperate to get away from the monster. After that night she refused to visit Asper again, despite his constant pleas at her door to come out. Finally, the woman snapped, she furiously walked out of her house and told Asper to go back to whatever alien plant he came from, angered that she could ever fall for such a monster. Asper, was heartbroken, he had lost his plant, his family, and the woman he loved. She never saw him again after that day, nor did she want to. When Luke was born she had his tail removed immediately, not wanting him to become a monster like his father.

      • #40005

        Wow, didn’t think someone was gonna apply so quickly. Anyways, lets get started. Alright, Luke. After reading your application and reviewing it. It’s gonna need some work to improve and get accepted. So, I wanna start by asking you by elaborating more on who Asper was, How was his life before the time that he over heard Bardock talking about that Frieza would soon destroy Planet Vegeta? I’d also like to know more about his life when he got to earth, I also would like to know more about your Mother why was she so intrigued on knowing who Asper was? What was your Mothers name? What kind of life did she lead before meeting Asper? How did the relationship between Asper and your Mother develop, to eventually creating Luke? Tell me what Asper did, when Luke’s Mother refused to see him again. Another thing is, I want you to tell me about Lukes Life, and tell me more about him as a character. For now, this seems to be it. Anyways, Good Luck.

        • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Kaz.
        • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Kaz.
      • #47162
        Jacob Avilez

        Yo is the rp still active or nah

    • #40008

      Name: Myogi

      Gender: Male

      Race: Full-blooded saiyan, the only true master race.

      Age: 26

      Personality: Myogi takes great pride in his life as a hunter. He’s got the usual saiyan love for battle and gets a thrill out of blowing everything in his way to bits. He approaches every new situation carefully to size up his target before deciding which way to attack. He loathes relying on others for help, preferring to act by himself. Myogi may be a bit simple but he’s far from stupid.

      General Appearance: The typical black hair and black eyes of a saiyan with a ripped physique and abs that’d put a Greek god to shame. He has his tail which he protects religiously for fear of losing his greatest asset, the Oozaru transformation. He’ll arrive on Earth wearing a set of battle armor that he got off the corpse of some Frieza force grunts. He even took their red scouters as trophies.

      Backstory: Myogi was born and raised like any normal saiyan child before the destruction of Planet Vegeta, he was look after for a fw days after birth then shot off into space so he could crash land on some random rock in the middle of nowhere. Myogi being the lucky guy he is got shipped off to a planet called “Muhala”, a watery planet with very little land, a ton of vegetation, and a lot of savage tribes. His pod crashed in the middle of a forested part of the planet, not far from an old family of Muhalan hermits. It took him a few days of infinitely wandering but he eventually found the family of hermits, more specifically the aged mother of the family. She saw the child and seeing as the Muhalans are carnivorous, figured she’d bring him home to feed to her young. Unfortunately for the whole family, Myogi was born with a power level far exceeding theirs and once he felt the stinging sensation of their fanged teeth sink into his flesh he reflexively attacked with sluggish, childlike attacks until they all lay dead.

      Myogi spent the next three weeks feeding off of their corpses until he finally had to begin looking for a new source of food. Fortunately for him he found a large supply of berries in the surrounding area, unfortunately for him the berries were extremely sour and left an aftertaste that can only be described as “Rotton meat topped with death”. Myogi spent the next few years surviving off of these berries and their juice until he was old enough to walk, at which time he immediately began hunting the local wildlife whenever he could to avoid eating the “Corpse Berries” again. His favorite prey was the large and sluggish but powerful bipedal insectoids called “Baklin” that frequented areas with high concentrations of water. Their exoskeletons were a pain to rip apart but their meat tasted great raw and they were rarely able to land a hit on Myogi with their low speed.

      By the time Myogi was eight he had nearly become the “King of the Jungle” per se. He had hunted every animal that he had encountered in his small section of the forest and learned all about their hunting patterns, group behavior, and the best way to hunt them down. Myogi had become extremely self-confident, so sure of himself that he acted recklessly due to his (rightly held) belief that he could take on anything that he encountered. Myogi decided at this time that he would venture out beyond the forest in search of new prey (and tastier meat). After a few weeks of travel he encountered a great settlement of Muhalans, all of which had settled to form a community of sixty or more. Myogi was eager to begin his hunt so he set a camp atop a hill that overlooked the community and began watching the behavior of the residents, sometimes following lone ones when they left to hunt.

      Myogi spent the next year surveying and learning about his new prey, he had learned that the Muhalans were a quadrupedal race of reptilians that had a lower intelligence than his own (their intelligence is comparable to an primate, for an Earthly reference). They had two long, prehensile tails which they used to hold down, strangle, or rip their prey apart with. They also possessed fangs which they used to hold a target with while they bashed it over the head with a foot or tail. They ordinarily grew to be roughly 6 feet tall, with the males growing to be as large as 7 feet on occasion.

      Once Myogi was confident enough he began to follow the Muhalans when they left to hunt, once they were by themselves and preoccupied hunting their prey he would jump in and attack, usually trying to kill them with a swift bash to the skull or a small blast to their backs, where their spines would be crushed. Occasionally a single blow wouldn’t be enough and he would be forced into a confrontation, when worst came to worst he would attack with his strongest ki blast. This strategy would leave him feeling drained so he often used it as a last resort.

      Finally after three years of hunting the Muhalan hunters Myogi had become proficient at killing Muhalans as well and after all his trails he had become stronger, faster, he hunted more intelligently, and he had learned to control his ki more more effectively, he no longer tired from a single ki-based large attack. Myogi decided that he would attack the remaining Muhalans in their own settlement to challenge himself. Around mid afternoon the next day Myogi ran down from his hill like a predator pouncing upon its prey. The battle was fierce, the Muhalans immediately flew into a frenzy and began attacking wildly, injuring their own while they attempted to hit their attacker. Myogi fought tooth and nail, narrowly avoiding fatal attacks on multiple occasions. Once the dust had settled Myogi was the only one that remained standing, surrounded by over forty Muhalan corpses. He was bruised, bloody, and had more than a few bones broken but standing strong none the less.

      Myogi spent the next months focusing on recovery, he focused on the familiar, the delicious Baklin though he couldn’t help but feel that this old prey had become weak since he had last seen them. Deep in his gut he longed for a new challenge, so once his wounds had healed he set out of the forest once more in search of prey. Myogi wandered the planet for years, fighting new and interesting prey along his journey. Finally when Myogi was twenty he had covered every stretch of land on his small part of the world and hunted every creature upon it. He had spent the last couple years in search of a new prey, looking into old areas in the hopes of discovering any creature he may have missed. However none could be found, it was at this time that Myogi’s luck turned around. One day while he went down to the river to get water he heard a loud roar come from nearby followed by a loud crash. He immediately ran to the source of the sound to discover two unusual creatures standing by a large metallic structure.

      Myogi eagerly walked into the open to challenge the two creatures, however, rather than fight him the two spoke to him in strange tongues. Myogi attacked the two and emerged victorious after a close battle. Myogi was filled with joy, he had finally found a new prey after all this time. However he was still curious of this new metallic structure that stood before him so he entered and began to explore its foreign insides. Within he found many things, flashing lights, beds, and food dispensers. Myogi scoffed at the idea of getting his food from the structure, believing that meal tasted best when you killed it with your own two hands. After some poking around he brought the two corpses onto the ship to begin eating, their meat was was fine and well-marbled but a bit too stiff to be the best he had eaten. Midway through his meal the structure began to rumble violently and Myogi fell from his seat, he quickly got to his feat and noticed an off sight in the windows of the ship, the trees were gone. He moved closer to take a better look and realized that he could see the ground, the forest, and even the entire stretch of land he lived on, all moving far below him before his eyes. Myogi tried to leave the strange structure but found that the doors wouldn’t budge and that he didn’t have enough strength to break them down.

      Myogi spent the next few months drifting through space, he fed from the corpses but soon found that he had to rely on the structure to get his food. Myogi decided that desperate times called for desperate measures and partook in the food that was produced by the structure. Finally after months of waiting Myogi felt a violent rumble overtake the structure before a loud crash seized the noise. Myogi exited from the now open doors and discovered he was on a dark planet filled with odd light-producing structures and a myriad of strange new creatures. Myogi spent the next year wandering the new land and studying the creatures, killing any weak-looking loners when he could.

      Myogi learned much from this new world, its inhabitants here intelligent, maybe moreso than himself. He learned that these creatures communicated with each other through a series of complex noises and that they wrote symbols to represent these noises when they weren’t present. He learned their language and soon found that they had built most of the structures around them. As Myogi learned more he began to understand these being and respect them, eventually he even began to challenge them to fights in their language rather than attack from the shadows. By the time Myogi was twenty four he had learned much of this new world and its knowledge of the universe around it. He learned that he was known as a Saiyan and that his race had long been known as a savage, violent one. Myogi took the news with pride, seeing it as a compliment.

      It was around the time Myogi was twenty four that he tired of the planet, he had learned all that interested him and found its inhabitants to be too easy a prey. He found another metallic structure like the one he had come to the planet, though he now knew to call it a “Ship” and piloted it to a new planet. For the next year and a half Myogi wandered through space, landing on the nearest planets with life and challenging their inhabitants to battle. In this time he wiped out the population of two small planets and left four others in search of stronger prey. Finally we arrive at the current day, Myogi has spent the last six months in a space ship headed for a new planet hoping that the being there would be a fun prey to hunt. This planet’s name, Earth.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by justin9232.
      • #40011

        First Saiyan Application, this is interesting. Anyways, I want to say It’s great, I really liked the originality and thought put into this.This character submission is very good for saiyan application, you accomplished every requirement needed this story was a great story that your time to make. There’s somethings that are troubling but that can be fix in due time. But besides that, everything is looking great. Accepted ( I expect all sayians application to be just as good as this since it’s the hardest application to apply for)

      • #42953
        Daniel Oliveira

        Name: Daniel
        Gender: Male
        Race: Arcosian
        Age: 20
        Personality:Ignorant, Happy (no much times)
        Backstory: Daniel is the arcosian who go to the earth to train and be the strongest arcosian warrior in the universe

        Minecraft Name:Pandinho Senpai

    • #40010

      Race: Half Saiyan
      Age: 8
      Gender: Male
      Personality: Mostly extrovert, but can become very reserved under circumstances, tends to be relatively calm but can be forced to snap if pushed too far.
      General Appearance: Luke had dark brown hair and green eyes, he usually wears a blue shirt of varying colors, black pants and blue shoes. As he grew older his clothing consisted of more combat ready clothing. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/224445064273496942/BDEF0051E25F3DF2B3541F896602BC6FC2DE4DF4/ (Minus the gloves)
      Backstory: Luke was always a strange boy. Not strange mentally so, he was quite intelligent actually for his age, but undermined himself constantly. No, he was physically strange, he ate much more than the other boys his age, seeming also to never put on weight afterwards. He also seemed a bit stronger than the other boys, especially when pushed to anger, causing him to lose control at times. None of this was his fault however, he simply just did not know how to control himself. His tendency to go “berserk” could be traced back to his father, he not that he knew him well. His father, was a survivor of the destruction of Planet Vegeta, he wasn’t brave, in fact his father was as cowardly as they came. He was of the warrior class of saiyans, making him simple fodder to go and dispose of the inhabitants of planets, so they could sell them to other people. Being cowardly as he was he was shunned by the more brutish saiyans that he worked with. He was usually given the runt work, more often than not his teammates made him clean up after them, having to dispose of dead bodies. When not on missions to take over planets his was given garbage duty on Planet Vegeta, disposing of all the trash made by the others, which given that they were saiyans, was mountainous. He had heard what the Saiyan warrior, Bardock, had said about Frieza coming to destroy their planet, and decided to flee in a pod, drifting through space until he came upon a green planet in the milky way galaxy, Earth. Upon arriving on this planet, he decided to seek shelter, coming upon a small town next to one of the largest bodies of water he had ever seen, however he could tell that it was not an ocean, due to the water not being salty. He was an oddity in the town, a man with a tail, clad in armor with a strange device on his face, walking around cautiously, as to not alarm anyone, when he had already caused such a stir. He decided to take up settlement in the woods, carving a place for himself by destroying trees with his energy. He lived on the land, hunting the wild game around where he lived, steering as clear as he could from the small town. Unknown to him he was being watched by a young woman, whom would become Luke’s mother in time. She visited his spot regularly, enthralled by the strange man with his strange powers. Over the weeks she became more and more desperate to know about the man, since everyone in the small town knew each other and this man was so different, she just couldn’t help herself. She wanted something new in her life, and she thought this man was what she needed. She finally was able to approach him, and demanded to know who he was, and where he was from. He told her that his name was Asper, he was not from this world and he was a coward. He had left his planet to die while he made away with his life. Saddened by this tale, the woman took pity on Asper, for he was alone on this planet, with no family left to him. They had grown infatuated with each other, spending even more time with each other. Asper began to learn more about the woman whom he found that her name was Maren. She had lived in the town all her life, she was a bit of a rebel as well. She liked to do things her way, and could be surprisingly stubborn at times, she was headstrong but beautiful, and spoke to Asper in such a comforting way that he could not ignore. As they continued to meet they became more and more intimate with one another, overtime growing into an understanding love. They had very few ground rules with each other, the only one being Asper’s strange want for her to never come to his house on a full moon. Some few years after their meetings, it seemed that the woman was pregnant with Asper’s child, she was so happy she just had to rush to tell him. However she had forgotten the one thing Asper had told her, which was to not visit him during the night of a full moon. As she rushed through the forest to where Asper lived, she saw him in another form. A giant ape, a monster, the woman ran away from Asper, desperate to get away from the monster. After that night she refused to visit Asper again, despite his constant pleas at her door to come out. Finally, the woman snapped, she furiously walked out of her house and told Asper to go back to whatever alien plant he came from, angered that she could ever fall for such a monster. Asper, was heartbroken, he had lost his plant, his family, and the woman he loved. She never saw him again after that day, nor did she want to. Asper went back to his place in the woods, but was too hurt by all the memories that had ensued there. He decided to move deeper into the woods,until he could no longer find his way back, steering clear of civilization, wanting to seclude himself, not wanting to lose anymore. When Luke was born she had his tail removed immediately, not wanting him to become a monster like his father. He lived alone with his mother, they had a small house but it was warm in the winter, and he was able to eat until he was full. When school first came around his mother was very reluctant to let Luke go, but finally let him due to the fact that she couldn’t watch him and work at the same time. He did fairly well in school, he was kind, outgoing, and smart. However in kindergarten he had an accident that almost made his mother pull him out of school for good. A bully was picking on one of Luke’s friends, and in his anger he punched the bully in the face. The bully was so appalled and scared that someone had hit him, especially with as much force as Luke did, that he was too afraid to go back to school again, not to mention that Luke had broken his nose. Luke had been scolded for the first time after that. It had made him a bit more distanced. He was still kind and outgoing, but he became reserved at times, causing him to cut connections with others for no reason.

      • #40014

        Alright, gotta say that this has improved a lot. Though, I still want you to add a more about Luke’s Life and a tad more on Maren’s Life. I’d also would wanna know more about him as a character, since this barely told anything about him. I wanna know more about his school life, you could also try to elaborate more on the times that Luke lost control and went berserk. Anyways, thats it for now. Good Luck!

    • #40015

      Race: Half Saiyan
      Age: 8
      Gender: Male
      Personality: Mostly extrovert, but can become very reserved under circumstances, tends to be relatively calm but can be forced to snap if pushed too far.
      General Appearance: Luke had dark brown hair and green eyes, he usually wears a blue shirt of varying colors, black pants and blue shoes. As he grew older his clothing consisted of more combat ready clothing. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/224445064273496942/BDEF0051E25F3DF2B3541F896602BC6FC2DE4DF4/ (Minus the gloves)
      Backstory: Luke was always a strange boy. Not strange mentally so, he was quite intelligent actually for his age, but undermined himself constantly. No, he was physically strange, he ate much more than the other boys his age, seeming also to never put on weight afterwards. He also seemed a bit stronger than the other boys, especially when pushed to anger, causing him to lose control at times. None of this was his fault however, he simply just did not know how to control himself. His tendency to go “berserk” could be traced back to his father, he not that he knew him well. His father, was a survivor of the destruction of Planet Vegeta, he wasn’t brave, in fact his father was as cowardly as they came. He was of the warrior class of saiyans, making him simple fodder to go and dispose of the inhabitants of planets, so they could sell them to other people. Being cowardly as he was he was shunned by the more brutish saiyans that he worked with. He was usually given the runt work, more often than not his teammates made him clean up after them, having to dispose of dead bodies. When not on missions to take over planets his was given garbage duty on Planet Vegeta, disposing of all the trash made by the others, which given that they were saiyans, was mountainous. He had heard what the Saiyan warrior, Bardock, had said about Frieza coming to destroy their planet, and decided to flee in a pod, drifting through space until he came upon a green planet in the milky way galaxy, Earth. Upon arriving on this planet, he decided to seek shelter, coming upon a small town next to one of the largest bodies of water he had ever seen, however he could tell that it was not an ocean, due to the water not being salty. He was an oddity in the town, a man with a tail, clad in armor with a strange device on his face, walking around cautiously, as to not alarm anyone, when he had already caused such a stir. He decided to take up settlement in the woods, carving a place for himself by destroying trees with his energy. He lived on the land, hunting the wild game around where he lived, steering as clear as he could from the small town. Unknown to him he was being watched by a young woman, whom would become Luke’s mother in time. She visited his spot regularly, enthralled by the strange man with his strange powers. Over the weeks she became more and more desperate to know about the man, since everyone in the small town knew each other and this man was so different, she just couldn’t help herself. She wanted something new in her life, and she thought this man was what she needed. She finally was able to approach him, and demanded to know who he was, and where he was from. He told her that his name was Asper, he was not from this world and he was a coward. He had left his planet to die while he made away with his life. Saddened by this tale, the woman took pity on Asper, for he was alone on this planet, with no family left to him. They had grown infatuated with each other, spending even more time with each other. Asper began to learn more about the woman whom he found that her name was Maren. She had lived in the town all her life, she was a bit of a rebel as well. She was attending college so she could become a nurse, because she had an urge to help people. Asper found from her that their medical technology was very outdated, constantly teasing her about it. He also found that Maren had three other sisters, but they had all married and moved away, so Asper didn’t push the subject. She liked to do things her way, and could be surprisingly stubborn at times, she was headstrong but beautiful, and spoke to Asper in such a comforting way that he could not ignore. As they continued to meet they became more and more intimate with one another, overtime growing into an understanding love. They had very few ground rules with each other, the only one being Asper’s strange want for her to never come to his house on a full moon. Some few years after their meetings, it seemed that the woman was pregnant with Asper’s child, she was so happy she just had to rush to tell him. However she had forgotten the one thing Asper had told her, which was to not visit him during the night of a full moon. As she rushed through the forest to where Asper lived, she saw him in another form. A giant ape, a monster, the woman ran away from Asper, desperate to get away from the monster. After that night she refused to visit Asper again, despite his constant pleas at her door to come out. Finally, the woman snapped, she furiously walked out of her house and told Asper to go back to whatever alien plant he came from, angered that she could ever fall for such a monster. Asper, was heartbroken, he had lost his plant, his family, and the woman he loved. She never saw him again after that day, nor did she want to. Asper went back to his place in the woods, but was too hurt by all the memories that had ensued there. He decided to move deeper into the woods,until he could no longer find his way back, steering clear of civilization, wanting to seclude himself, not wanting to lose anymore. When Luke was born she had his tail removed immediately, not wanting him to become a monster like his father. He lived alone with his mother, they had a small house but it was warm in the winter, and he was able to eat until he was full. When school first came around his mother was very reluctant to let Luke go, but finally let him due to the fact that she couldn’t watch him and work at the same time. He did fairly well in school, he was kind, outgoing, and smart. However in kindergarten he had an accident that almost made his mother pull him out of school for good. A bully was picking on one of Luke’s friends, and in his anger he punched the bully in the face. The bully was so appalled and scared that someone had hit him, especially with as much force as Luke did, that he was too afraid to go back to school again, not to mention that Luke had broken his nose. Luke had been scolded for the first time after that. It had made him a bit more distanced. He was still kind and outgoing, but he became reserved at times, causing him to cut connections with others for no reason. Luke also had a certain love for swimming, growing up near a lake only heightened his love for it. Oddly enough he could also hold his breath for extended periods of time, causing the other kids to challenge him to games of holding their breaths underwater. Water was one of the few things that helped Luke calm down if he started to get upset, since no one could bother him there. When he attended school people tried to talk to him, most of the time succeeding but other times he ignored them harshly. No one went out of their way to upset him, the only kids that did were the ones who were new to the school and hadn’t heard about them. One particularly nasty incident was when Luke was walking home from school when a couple of new kids were following him. They had jumped Luke and in his anger, he had thrown one into a tree, causing him to break several ribs, the other was too afraid to move. Luckily charges weren’t pressed because what Luke had done was in self defense, however this caused people to be even more careful around him in school. Some people avoided him in the hallways, some flocked to him to get on his good side. He had good and bad attention, this however didn’t hinder him at all. He was still the same person, albeit a bit more cautious not to lose control. He doesn’t like hurting people, not in the slightest, but when it happens he can’t seem to stop himself. He also doesn’t stand for bullying of any kind, and will often jump into fights to stop them.

    • #40016

      Gotta say, this has improved. There’s still some flaws your backstory, but regardless of that everything seems to check out. There may be some changes to your backstory due to lore. Anyways, I won’t hinder you anymore, I’ll say Accepted and you can rest easy. Leave me your discord tag, so I’m able to contact you.

      (Note:Anyone, who’s thinking for Applying for Half-Saiyan, the applications have to meet the standards and requirements of Race to be accepted. The longer, the more depth, and the more sense your backstory is. There more probability that you will get accepted into the roleplay.)

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Kaz.
    • #40018


    • #40020

      Name: Cumba
      Gender: Male
      Race: Saiyan
      Age: 38
      Personality: Very cold and calculating. Unless they have bested him in battle or shown they deserve it, he will treat them coldly and act like they are inferior beings
      General Appearance: Wears green saiyan armor similar to that of Bardock, but has a different look to the legs and boots, while usually seen wearing a red scouter. He has a cold, stoic face and hair of a low class saiyan but longer in the back. He has a scar over his left eye, and is known to be very muscular.
      Backstory: He was born 3 years before the destruction of Planet Vegeta. When the planet was destroyed, he was off planet to wipe out the population and take over. When Frieza’s men were wiping out survivors, they forgot about him and he managed to find the pod he was sent in after he destroyed the population. He went to a Frieza planet and was captured by his men. He was forced to join his army and rose up the ranks quite fast. He chose not to go to Namek with the others, and survived because of it. Upon hearing that Frieza was killed, he took a pod and flew away to live his own life. Many years of grueling training later, he heard about the Earth and how there were mighty warriors living there. He went there during the Tournament of Power to investigate, and did not find any high power levels with his scouter. He decided to live in a cave while he waited to find a high power level. When Goku and the others returned, he saw they had very high power levels, and stayed in hiding to increase his power. Ever since that day, he has been slowly getting stronger to defeat the Z-Fighters and prays he is not discovered until he is ready.

      (Note: I’m not the best writer, so please overlook that I have such a short story)

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Bsharprules.
      • #40037

        Oh another saiyan application? Anyways, lets get started, your application is way too short for it to be accepted. You’ll have to write/add a lot more to be able to be accepted. You didn’t really say or tell me what kind of person is Cumba, and what his life like. Okay, so now I’m gonna have to retcon a few things for example if your character was born 3 years before the destruction of Planet Vegeta it’s impossible for you to be 38 in the time line of the roleplay which sets place before the saiyan saga, so you would also have to rewrite your entire backstory. Anyways, I’ll advise you to have a very lengthy backstory, and give more effort you showed me with the application. Let me remind you this is the hardest race to apply for, so I expect quality from saiyan applications. Anyways, Good Luck!

    • #40022

      Name: Celeron

      Gender: Male

      Race: Half-Saiyan

      Age: 20

      Personality: About as well as they treat him. He’s usually upbeat and happy, but if someone is an asshole to him, he’ll do his damnedest to be an asshole back.

      General Appearance: Turtle Gi Shirt with Blue Gi Pants, White shoes. Gray Hair and green eyes.

      Celeron’s parents were two nobodies out in the middle of space. His mother was a saiyan that had been sent to a planet by Frieza to be conquered. She arrived on the planet, intending to attack the locals and have them surrender, or simply wipe them out. Whichever was easier. Her plan failed, however, when she crash landed because of a malfunction in the pod’s computer. It flying towards the planet, and turned off. It fell like a rock and caused a large explosion on the planet. Once she arrived, with a few minor injuries, she got outside of the pod. She tried to turn the pod back on, but to no avail. She wandered off in one direction, towards a faint noise she heard in the distance.
      An alien, the native dominant species of the planet, found her wandering. He wasn’t very powerful, but like his species, he was extremely intelligent. His species was humanoid, with human-like skin tones, but they all had grayish hair and dark green eyes. They also had a few biological differences, like a lack of needing to breathe as often as humans do. They do breathe oxygen, but they only need to breathe once or twice every hour. The native person found using a device that tracks body heat. When he found her, he pulled out a gun-like weapon, able to harm almost anything the native species had encountered. The saiyan woman saw him and quickly fired a ki blast, barely missing him. He demanded to know what she was, and what she wanted. She figured there was no harm in mentioning why she was there, so she did. When she did so, he turned a nob on the weapon he was carrying, and shot it at her head. It knocked her out. He brought her to the capital of the city, where they studied her biology while she was unconscious. When she awoke, in a cell made of some advanced projected energy, she was enraged. They kept her there for months, taking tests. Eventually, the alien that had found her, named Ziam, took pity and talked with her. They kept this habit, talking to each other at night, for just under a year. After awhile, they started to fall in love. Ziam knew his fellows wouldn’t allow him to set her free, so when he did so they ran. They ran to an abandoned navy base that hadn’t been used due to all violence having been solved.
      A few more years pass in the navy base, and they have a son named Celeron. He looks like a saiyan, but has gray hair and the green eyes of his father’s species. He grew up in the navy base for a few years, constantly bored because they could never leave the base and do something. He eventually had the conversation with his mother about where she came from. She explained to him the saiyan race, hoping it wouldn’t spark some kind of monster in him, like she used to be. He instead, go fascinated with getting powerful like his mother. He confronted his father and asked for a way to train himself, so his father used spare parts around the base and made a robot. The robot was then loaded with various fighting techniques used by the navy. He grew stronger over time, reaching about a power level of 75 by the time he was ten. Him and his family started to transform the base into an actual home, along with Celeron’s training.
      Celeron started to get bored of his training, as it had gotten too easy. He asked his father to create a new way of training. His father pondered the idea of using gravity to strengthen his muscles. He was familiar with making gravity based machines, but his race had only used them in prison cells. He made a simple one, that could only go up to about 6gs. He could barely start off at two, so it lasted him awhile. By the time he was fifteen, he was at four gs. By the time he was eighteen, six gs.
      Eventually, two years later, Ziam’s fellows found them. They were enraged at his betrayal, and shot the saiyan woman and Celeron. She defended Celeron and Ziam, bloodied but still able to fight. They were shocked, as Celeron also got wounded. He was the strongest of their family, but they could still harm him. This was because, upon inspection, the natives had found a new source of power and could now make weapons many times greater than before. She defended Celeron and Ziam, bloodied but still able to fight. She wanted her son to live a full life, so she told Ziam to launch him into outer space. They ran to a launching room, where both space ships and aquatic ships were sent. Ziam used an old space ship and forced Celeron to get in, despite his protesting. They could hear Celeron’s mother screaming from the other side of the naval base, and then silence. Ziam closed the ship, and sent it towards a planet with the right conditions for Celeron to live. It was Namek. The natives got to them and started shooting at Ziam, and killed him. They shot the shit, but it escaped with some damage. It went smoothly, then started breaking down after a few months from deterioration and damage from the shots sent at it. It was forced to land at the closest habitable planet, Earth.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Unwiseraura.
      • #40043

        This isn’t bad and has potential, but you’ll need to improve in various things. For example, I’d like to know more about your Saiyan Mother. Whats her name? What kind of life did she have before she met her husband? I’d also would like to know more about Ziam, what kind of life did he lead? I’d also would like to have more information on his race. I’d also would like to know more about their life together, before Celeron was born. Then start telling me more about Celerongs life, what kind of life did Celeron have before he got to be 20 years old, tell me more about him. Since, what you gave me was very vague. Anyways, Good Luck!

    • #40041


      Character’s Name:
      Karma “Bell”

      Alignment: Neutral


      Universe: 7




      “Supreme Kid of Crime” ~Multiple Cardinal Kai’s

      Team: N/A

      Personal Info:

      Age: 72 000

      Race: Shinjin/Supreme Kai

      Gender: Male

      Height: 5’4″

      Weight: Unknown

      Hair Color: White

      Eye Color: Purple

      Skin Color: Light Blue

      Blood Type: Unknown

      Birth Date: Year ??? 13th of January


      Being a relatively new Supreme Kai, Karma at some times can be childish, but shows great wisdom and intelligence, unlike the Mortals, he shows great knowledge about the Universe, his knowledge seemingly endless, some people may compare him to an Omnipotent Being. Having been tasked with watching over Earth for basically the beginning of his life, he has seen many events transpire, from the first organic being, to the discovery of fire, all the way to the arrival of the Saiyans. He shows great interest in all of Earth’s cultures, along with their inhabitants. Having watched over most of the battles that have gone through on Earth, he takes great interest in Combat, having just beginning to train in Martial Arts, he continues to do so Daily, someday wishing he too, could be a warrior. Overall, he sometimes resents his position as a Supreme Kai, but also takes advantage of it whenever he can. Although being as wise as he is, he struggles in making friends, not even socializing with the other Kai’s, he spends his time in his own chambers, watching over Earth like some sort of movie. He is, in fact, Anti-Social. This makes him a very peculiar Supreme Kai, nothing like the other Supreme Kai’s, he shows no interest in keeping balance of any sort, instead, he shows more interest in Martial Arts and Cultures, than doing his own job. Sadly, he is still forced to do his job, as failure to do so, would mean a great imbalance in his own Universe.

      Growing up, Karma soon became more responsible with his job, coming out of his shell, he began actually paying attention when others spoke to him, and when it was his time to do his job. But soon after this, a certain series of event’s caused Karma to change, drastically. During his past, he gained severe amnesia during an incident when travelling to the Mortal Realm, these events transpired in outer space, when being hit head on with a meteor in his early 50 000’s, he was knocked out for an un ordinarily long time, drifting across space for multiple millenia’s. Once the amnesia hit, Karma’s personality became increasingly more childish, and his intentions slightly more chaotic, he now felt as if the word revolved around him, and life was just some game. Everything he did and caused would merely be for his own benefit and entertainement, nothing else. Once arriving to Earth, his behavior became increasingly mischievous, going as far to disguise himself as an undercover Martial Artist, he attempts to now blend in with earth, and entertain himself, acting as one of Universe 7’s warriors.


      Karma, unlike many other Supreme Kai’s, has a very unusual appearance, his skin color is blue, and his eyes purple. He has short white spiky hair, and is considered to be a relatively short man. Everyday he wears the iconic Supreme Kai robe, sometimes switching into his custom made Gi when he is about to go out for his daily training session. His custom made Gi consists of a red belt, black leggings, and a black top with a strange insignia near the left side of his chest. This insignia highly resembles a birth mark that he has on his lower left shoulder blade, the birth mark being a Star with a Halo above it. Taking great admiration to this birth mark, he is seen traversing the lands with a Blue Halo levitating just above his head at all times, this Halo however, does not signify that he is dead, and is merely a cosmetic that can be taken off at any time. He is also equipped with a large staff, the size of it being modifyable to the user’s liking. Near the end of the staff holds a white crystal ball which can be detached and used to telephatically keep watch over certain individuals, or keep aware about events that are about to transpire. The staff itself though, is black, and has a special umbrella feature near the bottom, this feature can be used for either combat or when it’s raining out. Overall, he looks like a kid, but let not his appearance fool you, as he is fully capable of combat.


      His story begins at the World Tree, with his birth, the time of birth being somewhere inbetween the creation of the Tree and the great expansion of the universe. His birth began once a golden fruit emerged from the World Tree, and life soon came to him. Emerging from the Golden Fruit, he soon became a sentient being, who could breathe, speak, and even use Ki. Once born, Karma soon began his job as a Supreme Kai, working day and night, he trained while also learning the ways of a Kai, and how to maintain balance within this Universe. Nearing the age of 5 000, he had now become fully educated on his current situation, and his life link with the current God of Destruction. His mentor would then go on to teach him on how to properly do his job, on what to do, and what not do to, etc. Regardless, Karma ignored him, spending most of his days shut in his dorms, observing the universe and what it’s contents have in store for him. Nearing his 25 000th birthday, Karma soon began maturing, getting out of his old habits of training on the daily, watching over the Universe for his entertainment, and dressing up in weird Gi’s. Now matured enough to actually take his job seriously, he wanders Space, watching over multiple planets attentively… Little did he know of Space’s dangerous meteor clashes, and the comets shooting at near the speed of light. Suddenly, when out in space, recklessly scowering around, it hit him, no, not an idea, no, not a donut, a meteorite. Straight in the temple, the force of the collision sent him into a coma, and he drifted around space, wandering aimlessly til he eventually entered an atmosphere.

      Year ???

      Multiple millenia’s have passed, and Karma’s personality has changed drastically from the inside… Once arriving into Earth’s atmosphere, he makes a crash landing, landing near a giant crater in West City, he wakes up with only his Staff and his Gi, having woken up from an extremely long slumber, he finds that his appearance has yet to change, still highly resembling that of a childs, he finds that his Personality has also changed, reverted somehow, but he does not know how, or why?… He dosn’t know anything, for that matter, he’s completely confused. The only words that come to his mind… Amnesia?… Karma… Bell… Importancy. These words slowly began to fade away into a deep fog lodged in his head where his memory should be, as his new personality arose. He had become an increasingly childish individual, caring for nothing but himself, treating as the world revolves around him, he does anything and everything for his own benefit, despite being considerably weaker than others. Upon landing on earth, he wanders the endless wastelands, meeting many people, and learning of the wonderful thing they call Martial Arts, along the way, he meets someone named Bell, an interesting individual indeed, he dares not to approach him, though he’s grown a liking to him. Along with observing this mortal, he also observes another, going by the name of Icey. After having spectated the two, he comes to a conclusion that one will surely die, at the rate things are going, and his prediction was right, the outcome was Bell’s death, along with Icey’s growth in power and potential. Having witnessed the two clash, Karma becomes inspired, a new flame being ignited within himself, he now strives once more, to become a strong fighter… Once disguised as an undercover Martial Artist, his skin would become a light purple tint, and he’d have access to a whole new set of clothes. Along his road to becoming a greater Warrior, the Kai’s begin to investigate, suddenly recognize him as the Supreme Kai Karma, they begin to spread rumours of his mischievous activity on Earth, them now calling him by the name of… Supreme Kid of Crime. This is where his story begins, Karma will go on to explore the earth and all it’s mysteries, along with growing in strength, hopefully surpassing the great warriors of Universe 7, and preferrably gaining back his memories.


      Being born from the Kaiju fruit, Karma has always had an extremely high power level, being considered connected to the deity’s, he has a strong affinity for Ki Control, like all Shinjins. However, having been born as strong as they are, they aren’t the strongest in the universe, they are nowhere near the power of a G.O.D, and even mere mortals can surpass them in terms of Strength and Power. Thus, Karma continues to train, trying to catch up to the warriors of Universe 7

      Karma, being a Supreme Kai, has extremely high Ki Control, thus leading to his Ki Attacks to be visciously dangerous to any Mortal, though his Ki Attacks are on par with the fiercest of warriors, he does not let this get in the way of his Physical Training, he considers himself a Mixed Martial Artist.

      Unique Traits

      Godly Ki
      Being a deity, Karma posseses Godly Ki, this allows him to completely mask his power level, near to the point of where he is undetectable by any type of sensory, unless ofcourse the individual also has Godly Ki. (Not actual “God Ki”)

      Extended Lifespan
      Due to being born from a special golden fruit going by the name of Kaiju, Karma has an extremely elongated lifespan, due to being born from the Kaiju Fruit, his life span is highly above that of a Normal Kai, whose average lifespan is 75 000, his expected minimum life span, being 75 Million years of age.

      Life Link
      For the balance of the universe, Karma is linked to his respective God Of Destruction, thus meaning, if one dies, so does the other. This is to maintain the balance between creation and destruction of planets and life within the respective Universe.
      (Only if the Rank of Main Supreme Kai is obtained, will he gain this trait)


      Like all Supreme Kai’s, Karma has the ability to mentally communicate with individuals from an extreme distance, also showing the capability of reading minds and sensing emotions. He also has a special crystal ball which can televise events for which he can view for himself.

      Through the small crystal in his staff, Karma gains the ability to observe events from incredible distances away, this range expands far beyond realms, and can be used to spy on earths warriors from the Kai Realm.

      Kai Kai
      Being born a Supreme Kai, Karma has had the natural ability to instantly travel to any place he pleases.

      Ki Barriers
      Having an extensive amount of Ki, Karma has always had the ability to conjure immensely strong Ki Barriers, these barriers protect him from harm.

      Karma has shown the ability to conjure a variety of objects, virtually anything he can think of.

      Karma’s ki has shown to have healing properties, this healing factor is so strong that it has the ability comparable to that of a senzu bean, arguably stronger.

      Potara Fusion
      Like all Supreme Kai’s, Karma is equipped with a pair of Potara Earrings, he has yet to use them though, as he fears being eternally fused with another being.

      (Have a lot of interesting plans with this Character, dm me on discord for more info, I’ve used this character a total of 2 times before, and each time it’s never ceased to amaze me of the interesting plot twists I could pull. Also, FYI, this character WILL start out Neutral, but can be tipped towards either Good or Bad depending on his choices, if he ever gets power hungry, or if something or someone in the story convinces him that one side is stronger than the other.)


      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by GodSans.
      • #40052

        Alright, well first of all. You didn’t use the application, that was given. Please use it next time. Second of all, I’m gonna have you change things to your backstory. Like being the Supreme Kai Of Universe 7. You can’t currently be the Supreme Kai of Universe 7, since theres already one. So, you would have to change of few things in your backstory, Since part of it has to deal with him being The Supreme Kai. I’d also would like you to add more about his life, as he grew older, and tell me a bit more of being a character. Anyways, I gotta say this application has potential, its just needs to be polished a bit more. Good Luck!

      • #40061

        Uhm… It said I was A Supreme Kai, not THE Supreme Kai, there are differences. A Supreme Kai is a Shinjin born from a Golden Apple, and normal Cardinal Kai’s like King Kai are Shinjin’s born from regular apples. The difference is that Supreme Kai’s live way longer, and have a chance at becoming the Main Supreme Kai, or one of the South, North, West, East, Universal Kai’s. Also… Can’t edit, so you’l have to bare with me on this one…. Also the reason I didn’t use your format is because I wanted to give a bit more extra info about my char, even though it’s minimal, I found it was a good addition.

        • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by GodSans.
      • #40080

        I’m fully aware of the difference between them. Also, it wasn’t clear If you meant The Supreme Kai or just a normal Supreme Kai, and I’ve also decided to read the rest and it looks pretty good. Your application is well written and the character is pretty interesting. So, you’ll be the only person. I’ll let this slide for you only. Anyways Accepted, I’ll contact you shortly

        • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Kaz.
    • #40045

      Name: Kirby

      Gender: Male

      Race: Majin

      Age: Over two million years old

      Personality: Kirby’s main drive is to devour others and so he can grow in power, hoping to one day devour the entire universe. He tends to used more direct means to get what he wants, but he isn’t above using strategy to take down opponents that are too powerful for him to take down with just brute strength. Kirby is very confident in his abilities, willing to take on almost anything around him as long as they aren’t completely out of his league.

      General Appearance: Pink skin, flap on head like buu. About 6’1. His outfit usually depends on who he has currently absorbed. Right now, he is wearing a blue gi with black pants and white shoes, from the human he last absorbed before entering the tournament.

      Millions of years ago, when Bibidi first created Majin Buu, he went on a spree of destroying planets. One planet, Lyter, was the victim of one of these sprees. Bibidi landed on the planet with Majin Buu, intending to destroy it. The Iyterians, a race of semi-aquatic reptilians that breathe much less than humans, as they live on a planet almost entirely covered with water. Every week or so, they come up for breath, otherwise holding it underneath in their cities. The Iyterians also wear hydrodynamic suits made of some alien metal fitted for a quadruped species, so they can move faster in water. While the Iyterians are some of the weakest on their planet, their intelligence enough to out maneuver the other organisms there. They evolved to live deep in the water where no other organism can reach them, and built advanced cities. When Bibidi arrived on the planet with Majin buu, they wiped out most of the terrestrial species almost immediately, as they didn’t pose much of threat with their low intelligence. When they discovered the weekly coming up for a breath of the Iyterians, Bibidi ordered Buu to go down in the water and destroy whatever was there. Buu, loving destruction, obliged and quickly dived into one of the many oceans. Buu quickly destroyed most of the cities made by the Iyterians, eventually coming upon the capital. The remaining Iyterians, having received word of Buu’s coming, prepared for him by issuing an evacuation order to the civilians and readying their military. Their soldiers used weapons that harnessed contained atomic energy blasts to blow him up into smouldering bits, not knowing he would be able to regenerate almost immediately. When they fired the weapons, he blew up as planned. But, within minutes, he was back as a whole and started wrecking havoc upon the city, turning the remaining civilians into candy and eating them. They tried their last resort, firing a larger version of the atomic blasts in one, powerful shot. This sent pieces of him across the planet, and almost destroying their entire city. This time, they were sure he had blown up. But alas, within minutes he reformed yet again. This time, he charged an attack and sent it hurtling towards Lyter. Bibidi and Buu, having done what they came there for, flew off towards another planet.
      A piece of Buu, having been separated earlier from the large blast, flew across the planet. Just like Buu as a whole, it had an urge to consume and destroy. As the remaining Iyterians flew into space on their spaceships, Buu’s separated piece flew into a spaceship with a family of Iyterians in it. They ship launched into space, and the whole fleet of ships looked for the nearest planet with large oceans. This planet happened to be a relatively new planet, which went by the name Muhala. The land was dominated by one species, being the Muhalans. They were a species of land-based quadruped reptillians. This was fine, as the lyterians only cared about the water, which was only inhabited by unintelligent fish. The Iyterians landed in the ocean, started unpacking their ships, and began turning them into their new houses. The piece of buu was still aboard the ship, having fed off the food the Iyterians threw away. As it fed, it became stronger. It still wasn’t able to take down a Iyterian, but was able to overpower the unintelligent fish that swam around the water. As the Iyterians became more developed in this new ocean, the piece of Buu moved throughout the ocean, devouring the various animals it found.
      It took nearly a hundred years before the lyterians finally brought their civilizations to a similar level as the ones they had fled.By this time Buu’s “offspring” had now become strong enough to take on an Iyterian. It drifted toward the new capital, sensing where the frail and sick were. It soon found itself in a form of a hospital, meant for the senile Iyterians. It moved through the shadows, from room to room. It would wait until it was alone with one, then absorb it. It would block their mouths so they could not make any noise, and alert the stronger Iyterians. Once it had devoured half the patients, it no longer needed to hide itself. It first attacked the staff of the building, growing in intelligence as it did so. It started to form thoughts and strategies to attack the rest of the population. Once it finished the rest of the patients and staff, it moved onto the general population. It would wait until the lyterians began to sleep, and attack entire blocks of Iyterian homes at a time. Within days, the population was reduced to three fourths of its former count.
      By this time, the leaders of the population started to take charge, deciding it was best to hide what was really happening. They managed to convince the population it was a sickness of some kind, borne from Muhala. They dubbed the sickness “The Ghost Flu”. Once “The Ghost Flu” moved towards the more population dense parts of the city, it had grown to be the most powerful thing on Muhala. It consumed everything it came across, not afraid of taking its victims in broad daylight. Though eventually it could tell Iyterians were preparing for a massive offensive maneuver. It stopped attacking, now waiting and observing. The new lyterian soldiers wandered the streets, carrying the same weapons their predecessors used to try and defeat Buu. It hid in the shadows, as it had done before. After observing their weapons, it decided to try it’s hand at attacking one of the soldiers. “The Ghost Flu” jumped extremely fast out of the bottom of a rock, right onto the face of a Iyterian soldier. It prevented the soldier from seeing, making the weapon useless. It slowly devoured the soldier, armor and all, and learned of their strategy to defeat it. It learned exactly how their weapons work, now moving on with more confidence. It continued to devour the soldiers, moving towards the heart of the city.
      Finally it reached the core, the main building that contained the council that made decisions for the entirety of the Iyterians. Once it took down these Iyterians nothing would be able to stop it from consuming everything on this planet. The armed forces would fall apart with no one to give them orders and the town would fall into chaos in the ensuing panic. It moved inside, attacking consuming everything that stood in its wake. They posed little threat, as it had recognized and learned their offensive patterns. It killed and consumed these soldiers while moving deeper into the heart of the building where it finally devour the the councilmen.
      The Ghost Flu came into the room to see the councilmen all sitting calmly, turned to face the door. The piece of Buu was surprised, they looked like they had expected it. It moved in front of them, now taking on a similar form to one of the soldiers it had consumed. It managed to speak to them, “Why do you not fear me? I am here to consume you and the rest of your species”. They looked at, the middle councilman standing up. He spoke, “Because, we have one last plan to get rid of you, once and for all”. He opened a panel in front of him, and revealed a series of flips and switches. He flipped one, and a box entrapped the offspring of Buu. A box made of the same material as their spaceships. It was about the size of a small cage, meant for some kind of animal. The room started to shake, and the box was launched into the air. It was a small version of what the species used to come to Muhala. It sent “The Ghost Flu” into space, quickly sending it far from Muhala It flew to a set of random coordinates in space, a small, cold planet without a name.
      The pod crashed into the planet, deep into a frozen ocean. The pod weakened after the crash, releasing the fragment into the ocean. It moved around, slowly getting weaker from its wounds as it moved through the freezing water. After hours of labored movement it emerged from the ocean, only to find that there was no life around it. As it wandered it began to succumb to the cold and to its wounds, finally it stopped moving, frozen in place. There it stayed to hibernate for a little over two million years. After the long hibernation the ice around it began to weaken and crack, it was beginning to warm. After struggling inside it’s icy prison, the ice gave out completely. The environment around it was still cold but not cold enough for another hibernation. It was now free, its wounds healed, and it was able to move as easily as it had before landing on this planet. It wandered around for hundreds of miles, looking for anything to consume. It crossed an ocean and then a forest. Finally, it reached a city full of bipedal organisms which were no stronger than the Iyterians it had fed upon before. It found an area full of smaller versions of the organisms it had found before. They were laughing and playing, chasing each other around. It flew straight onto the face of one of them, and devoured it. It learned from the being’s memories that the planet it was on had been given the name “Earth”. It finished attacking these smaller beings, humans, and moved onto the city.
      As the being moved through the city it began to devour the humans it would find in dark alleys and the ones that stood away from the sight of others. It learned many things from the memories of these people. It was in an area known as “West City” and there was something called a “Tenkaichi Budokai” coming up. Most interestingly to the being was the knowledge that the humans in this event would be some of the strongest in the world. One name caught his eye, Hercule Satan, said to be the strongest man on Earth. It decided it would quite like to eat this “Hercule Satan” and take his strength for himself. The majin assumed the form of a human and began to wander the land looking for people to consume until he finally found the island where the signups for the tournament would be held. The majin was surprised when the humans there asked him for a name as the lyterians had never called one another by names. The majin left the sign ups and wandered the city trying to figure out what his name would be. Eventually the majin wandered into a small arcade on the outskirts of town and found a character within one of these games that resembled him. A small pink blob that also absorbed people to gain their strength, the majin decided to name himself after this being and assumed the name “Kirby” for the tournament.

      • #40071

        I like the creativity of this application, and I’m also glad that you went out of your comfort zone and tried to go for another race, and try to give the roleplay some diversity. Anyways, I wanna say this application is Accepted

    • #40051

      Name: Mosan
      Gender: Male
      Race: Half-Saiyan
      Age: 17
      Alignment: Good
      Personality: Mosan is somewhat hyper and joyful rarely getting stressed or angry and usually stays calm. Only in rare cases does he actually get angry and that is only in tense situations such as the lives of his family at stake or his friends but that never happens as until recently he hasn’t even been much of a fighter. He can also become angered or bitter when he thinks of the possible relationship he could have had with his father if he was still alive. He makes up for this “possible relationship” with his Step-Father who he views as his real father as he is the only father figure he has had in his life. Over all Mosan values life seeing it as “The most important thing in the world” and as “Beautiful.” He enjoys reading books and learning as he sees knowledge as power and along with that he just enjoys being able to show off to others he’s genius and feeling superior and many other reasons or feelings he can’t explain while indulging in the act of learning. He lacks the saiyan motive drive to fight yet he also enjoys fighting for sport or as a game. Overall he sees himself as a good person yet he can be quit arrogant or stuck up about how great he sees himself boasting about his hair, dress style, and anything else he can really find to gloat about. This could possibly be a result of his saiyan heritage or his saiyan bride. This leads sometimes in fights to his lose as he gets to cocky about his ability. Even though he is arrogant and stuck up he is still very much a kind person and would risk his life even for his worst enemy unless it would cost more lives to be lost and this enemy was an actual threat. Although he does value life he will take the life of another if it means sparing countless others although this is always his last resort and wouldn’t even dare think of taking the opponents life unless it came down to a last resort. When first meeting people he is extremely shy not talking a lot and making sure he gets to know them before saying anything that would make him look stupid and is worried about first impressions. Once he gets to know them however his personality completely switches becoming extremely happy comfortable saying nearly anything depending on the person and his relationship with them and being extremely hyper much to their annoyance. He will do almost anything for his friends and even people he doesn’t know excepting nothing in return but to know he did something good. He is although extremely cocky as stated before and has high expectations for himself but when something goes wrong he has extreme self-doubt. He has never been in a real actual fight (although this will change I’m hoping in character eventually). His favorite subjects in school are Science, History, and English as he enjoys learning how things work for Science, he enjoys learning about events that he was not present for in History and enjoys the writing portions of English. Some hobbies of his include martial arts, learning about his real father (although he has gotten almost nowhere with this one) obviously learning and schooling, playing video games, reading books, and reading mangas. All around he tries to live a normal life besides his saiyan strength. (hoping this also changes as I want to get more into the action but leaving that for the actual roleplay and leaving room for more character development.)
      General Appearance: When fighting in tournaments he uses the stereotypical orange Gi as a good friend of his Step-Fathers trained with the Turtle Hermit Master Roshi and gave it to Mosan’s Step-Father who in turn gave it to Mosan as this was intended as a birthday gift for him on his 10th birthday. He is usually seen wearing the Orange Star High School Uniform as it is the school he attends. He has a tail yet disguises it as a belt around his School Uniform to keep people from seeing him as “a freak of nature” as his mother put it into words. His hair style consists of a messy hair style and average saiyan black hair color yet his hair functions and looks similar and works just like a humans. His eye color is the stereotypical black saiyan Eyes.
      Backstory: (Switching into first person now) To fully explain I’ll have to go back to the beginning, before I was even born. My mother Yoguri explains it like this when I ask about my father. And not my Step-Father Jean Everyone knows about around were I live I’m talking about my real father Lotuce “Your father? Well… Lets just say he was an interesting man. You see he.. Wasn’t exactly like all of us here.” Of course I question what she means by “All of us here.” She responds with the same old thing that doesn’t really explain anything “Well he was from out of town” And then moved onto the “now I have things to do please go work with your father (my step-father as a side note) out on the field I’m sure he needs your help.” Yep that’s right “Field” we live on a farm. I’m some what of a germaphobe so you can imagine what it’s like for me living on a farm. Any ways that’s not the point of this. My mother never explains anything about my father besides his name and the life they used to live together. Long story short after my mom became pregnant with me my biological father Lotuce left my mother. He was never seen again after that. A few years later my mom I guess you could say “remarried” and Married my New Father or Step-Father Jean. He was pretty good at martial arts and wanted me to get into it. I did it for a few years and then all of a sudden stopped. Jean wasn’t very happy about that. I then indulged my self in books and reading becoming fond of all the story’s and adventures I would go on in my head. I am now nearing 17 and switching high schools to Orange Star High School. I won’t be living with my parents as its to far away for them to drive me every day so I will finally be able to get off the farm with no more bugs and no more stinky animals. And surprisingly Jean has convinced me to get back into fighting so maybe I’ll start doing that in my free time. I’m excited to see the possible adventures I will have and new friends I will make! Nothing could possibly go wrong!
      Side notes: Ok so you might have some questions about Lotuce and a few other things which I will clear up in this section as my character doesn’t know a lot about the saiyans or really anything as even his mother knows very little but she stills knows more then Mosan. For one Lotuce is a saiyan that had been outcast from planet vegeta as he was seen as “to soft” to fit into the army therefore surviving the destruction of planet vegeta. later landing on earth and falling in love with my mother. When he found out he had made her pregnant he fled not wanting to take care of this hybrid species he had created and was caught by Frieza Forces and executed. Even though Mosan had a tail he has never actually transformed into a great ape not even aware of the power the rests within the tail and simply not wanting to get it removed because he is stubborn, paranoid, afraid of possible consequences, and because he thinks it would hurt and finds it to be a wast of time and effort. He also finds it useful for grabbing things at times. Overall I think that’s about it. Thanks for reading and hope you like my post. Sorry if it isn’t very action packed like most posts as I want most of the story building to take place in the roleplay. Along with the fact that I’m trying to get across that my character is more or less an average person besides the fact that his father is part of a very powerful alien race. That’s it and thanks for reading. It’s nice to be Mosan again and roleplaying with you again. I basically copied and pasted my character from the last roleplay we did together besides a few changes.

    • #40053

      Gotta say, It was nice to read this once more. I like the new changes you made to your character anyways. Once, again. Accepted

    • #40054


      At the end of the application your making please leave your discord and your tag. So, I’m able to contact you.

    • #40056

      Name: Kashotto

      Gender: Male

      Race: Saiyan

      Age: 16

      Personality: Kashotto is a bold character and loves to fight. He takes pride in beating is opponents and fighting for fun.

      General Appearance: http://dragonballrebirth.wikia.com/wiki/Negi

      Backstory: Retasu was hunched forward so that his forearms were draped across his thighs. His chin was down towards the collar of his armor while his chest gently heaved with every breath. The corridor was bathed in the same red light that painted most of the otherwise-sterile white compound. That was fitting; as of late Retasu was always “seeing red”, anyway. His usually-quiet temper had boiled over with the latest development and dominated his every waking thought. For all of their evolutionary advantages, the Saiyans often got so wrapped up in their own savageness for the sake of savageness that their potential was wasted. Not Retasu. Not now. Now he had direction. There was something for him to focus his efforts on.

      He was never one for politics as a mid-tier Saiyan. Diplomacy and running the city-state of Vegeta were both higher up on the totem pole than he’d ever thought he’d need to consider. That hadn’t changed much with “the deal”, either. A lot of Saiyans felt “the deal” was a betrayal of their ethnic pride and heritage – that Saiyans would never willingly serve another being even if it meant glory across the stars. Others looked at it as less of servitude and more of a partnership where the Saiyans got what they wanted and needed and finally rose beyond the petty squabbles and (frankly, boring) acts of warring tribes and hunting the remaining Tuffles. To Retasu it didn’t matter whether his overlords were the Saiyan monarchy or this new alien. In the end, he was still just a soldier.

      His satisfaction with the simple life didn’t mean he was complacent, however. No, just the opposite. There were fewer purer forms of existence than a Saiyan living as a soldier. It took genetic potential and evolutionary habit to a social level… and they sure were primed for combat through evolution.

      Standing, the tall and lean young warrior strode down the hall and into the training chambers where the rest of his squad waited.

      In the Basic language, there is a saying, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” That is true to the umpteenth degree for Saiyans. Literally, the closer they were driven to death the stronger they returned. It was a habit their ancestors picked up and passed on by surviving. If an opponent – rival Saiyan, Tuffle, alien, or otherwise – managed to defeat a Saiyan but made the mistake of letting them live they would find the next conflict to be that much more difficult until the Saiyan prevailed.

      The scowling Saiyan gave each of his squad mates a knowing look which they reciprocated. Three-on-one. It was unfair. He would lose. That was assured. The remaining three would split up and double-team another until finally, the last two would fight until only one was left standing. Once they recovered they would repeat the process, only this time it would be a different one left standing.

      There was something pure, maybe even meditative about the whole process. They say pain is weakness leaving the body. Maybe that was why the pain was infuriating. Still, after the white-hot agony of being defeated came the soothing buzz and quiet of the regenerator. In that quiet time, he would heal and plan out the next training session until they had their assignment. Then, of course, with his team issued they would no doubt face alien opposition from those brand new worlds. If they managed to survive they would grow stronger still.

      Retasu chomped his jaw shut and fought valiantly while his teammates mercilessly pummel him for his sake and their own, but also because they enjoyed it. Shit, if he wasn’t losing so badly he’d be smiling. Soon, however, he would be. He envied the Elites for the danger posed by their assignments but hoped that by having the weakness beaten out of him he would soon be strong enough to face real challenges… and to repeat the process all over again.

      As he was loaded into the regenerator by one of the new alien leader’s worthless lackeys Retasu couldn’t help but imagine the battles yet to come. It was almost enough to get him to smile.

    • #40073

      Name: Retasu

      Gender: Male

      Race: Saiyan

      Age: 16

      Personality: Retasu is a bold character and loves to fight. He takes pride in beating is opponents and fighting for fun.

      General Appearance: http://dragonballrebirth.wikia.com/wiki/Negi

      Backstory: Retasu was hunched forward so that his forearms were draped across his thighs. His chin was down towards the collar of his armor while his chest gently heaved with every breath. The corridor was bathed in the same red light that painted most of the otherwise-sterile white compound. That was fitting; as of late Retasu was always “seeing red”, anyway. His usually-quiet temper had boiled over with the latest development and dominated his every waking thought. For all of their evolutionary advantages, the Saiyans often got so wrapped up in their own savageness for the sake of savageness that their potential was wasted. Not Retasu. Not now. Now he had direction. There was something for him to focus his efforts on.

      He was never one for politics as a mid-tier Saiyan. Diplomacy and running the city-state of Vegeta were both higher up on the totem pole than he’d ever thought he’d need to consider. That hadn’t changed much with “the deal”, either. A lot of Saiyans felt “the deal” was a betrayal of their ethnic pride and heritage – that Saiyans would never willingly serve another being even if it meant glory across the stars. Others looked at it as less of servitude and more of a partnership where the Saiyans got what they wanted and needed and finally rose beyond the petty squabbles and (frankly, boring) acts of warring tribes and hunting the remaining Tuffles. To Retasu it didn’t matter whether his overlords were the Saiyan monarchy or this new alien. In the end, he was still just a soldier.

      His satisfaction with the simple life didn’t mean he was complacent, however. No, just the opposite. There were fewer purer forms of existence than a Saiyan living as a soldier. It took genetic potential and evolutionary habit to a social level… and they sure were primed for combat through evolution.

      Standing, the tall and lean young warrior strode down the hall and into the training chambers where the rest of his squad waited.

      In the Basic language, there is a saying, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” That is true to the umpteenth degree for Saiyans. Literally, the closer they were driven to death the stronger they returned. It was a habit their ancestors picked up and passed on by surviving. If an opponent – rival Saiyan, Tuffle, alien, or otherwise – managed to defeat a Saiyan but made the mistake of letting them live they would find the next conflict to be that much more difficult until the Saiyan prevailed.

      The scowling Saiyan gave each of his squad mates a knowing look which they reciprocated. Three-on-one. It was unfair. He would lose. That was assured. The remaining three would split up and double-team another until finally, the last two would fight until only one was left standing. Once they recovered they would repeat the process, only this time it would be a different one left standing.

      There was something pure, maybe even meditative about the whole process. They say pain is weakness leaving the body. Maybe that was why the pain was infuriating. Still, after the white-hot agony of being defeated came the soothing buzz and quiet of the regenerator. In that quiet time, he would heal and plan out the next training session until they had their assignment. Then, of course, with his team issued they would no doubt face alien opposition from those brand new worlds. If they managed to survive they would grow stronger still.

      Retasu chomped his jaw shut and fought valiantly while his teammates mercilessly pummel him for his sake and their own, but also because they enjoyed it. Shit, if he wasn’t losing so badly he’d be smiling. Soon, however, he would be. He envied the Elites for the danger posed by their assignments but hoped that by having the weakness beaten out of him he would soon be strong enough to face real challenges… and to repeat the process all over again.

      As he was loaded into the regenerator by one of the new alien leader’s worthless lackeys Retasu couldn’t help but imagine the battles yet to come. It was almost enough to get him to smile.

      (Made a few mistakes so I reposted it) AW214 [Pro Gentle Fister]#5817

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by AW214.
      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by AW214.
      • #40090

        Hey there AW, sorry it took me a while to respond. Anyways, let’s get startit d. Alright so the first thing ok so the first thing is Retasubis a bit young during the time the roleplay will be starting at, which is The Dead Zone Saga where Goku would’ve been twenty, so If you really want your backstory too work, I’d suggest for you to up his age a bit and make him at least a few years older than Goku. Alright moving on from that your backstory would need a lot more. I’d like to know a lot more about Retasu,when he was younger till the present day. I’d also like to know wat made him so different from the other saiyans? What made him so special? Tell me a lot more about the battle that Retasu was in, I’d also like you elaborate on the outcome of it and add more to the end. Another question is will he ever make it to earth? Since most parts in the roleplay take place in earth.

        • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Kaz. Reason: Forgot to add somethinf
    • #40092

      Hey there AW, sorry it took me a while to respond. Anyways, let’s get started. Alright so the first thing ok so the first thing is Retasu is a bit young during the time the roleplay will be starting at, which is The Dead Zone Saga where Goku would’ve been twenty, so If you really want your backstory too work, I’d suggest for you to up his age a bit and make him at least a few years older than Goku. Alright moving on from that your backstory would need a lot more. I’d like to know a lot more about Retasu,when he was younger till the present day. I’d also like to know wat made him so different from the other saiyans? What made him so special? Tell me a lot more about the battle that Retasu was in, I’d also like you elaborate on the outcome of it and add more to the end. Another question is will he ever make it to earth? Since most parts in the roleplay take place in earth. (Dismiss the first post.)

    • #40108

      Name: Djembe

      Race: Namekian

      Age: Self-Explanatory

      Personality: Djembe is kind-hearted Namekian that tries to protect everyone. He tries not to kill but he will exceptions for the true evil in the world.

      General Appearance: https://img00.deviantart.net/2ef8/i/2012/028/d/e/super_namek_3_piccolo_by_juan50-d4nyklv.jpg

      Backstory: When planet Namek was in crisis so many centuries ago, some were sent away to other worlds to find a new home. Most notably one arrived on Earth which eventually helped shape the future of all Namekians. Djembe’s father was also sent away but landed on Yardrat many centuries ago. They helped him search for new worlds but eventually, the Namekian found himself unknowingly competing against King Cold’s empire for a suitable planet. The old Namekian was killed in the conflict, but not before spitting an egg back to his ship. Somehow, the egg made its way inside and the ship’s autopilot fled back to Yardrat where the newly born Djembe was born.

      The people of Yardrat were friendly to the orphaned Namekian, but where unsure how to get him back home. Namek was far away and the original Namekian ship had been destroyed long before then. For these reasons he was adopted into their culture and raised among them. He learned their techniques, enhanced his natural abilities, and focused on the memories of his father in an attempt to remember his homeworld. Due to his childhood on Yardrat, Djembe maintained the usual Namekian heart and purity. He was praised by his adopted people for his strength and focus, but he never could be one of them. This caused him to move to planet Earth to be with the best Namekian in the cosmos. He was hoping if he moved to Earth, could train under Piccolo and Kami. A Yadarat sensed planet earth for a Namekians energy. He put his hand on Djembes shoulder and they soon teleported where a green man in a cape is standing. “This is a far as I can take you my friend,” the Yadarat said trying to choke back tears. This is where Djembe’s real life begins as he prepares himself to try to get the Demon King Piccolo to train him.

      (Decided to make a namekian.)

      • #40115

        Hey there. I’m one of the admins on the server so Ryth will have the final choice with if you are accepted or not but I have a few suggestions. For one could you at least give a rounded number for your age at the least. It would be nice to know your full age though. Another thing that would be nice would to expand on his personality. The backstory is good in my opinion besides wanting to train with Piccolo. At this point and time Piccolo is still evil and based on your character being good I doubt he would want to train with Piccolo. He would more then likely if anything want to train with Kami. You don’t have to create a whole new character just fix a few things that I mentioned. Like I said Ryth will have the final choice but try fixing a few things. I like how you explained how he arrived on earth though. Thanks for applying as well. Cheers!

    • #40116

      Name: Icey
      Gender: Male
      Race: Arcosian
      Age: 17 (Human years)
      Personality: Shy most of the time but after while he adapts to his surroundings
      and loosens up a bit. He is usually nice to people.
      General Appearance: He doesn’t wear anything since he is an arcosian but his main color is a very very light blue
      Backstory: **Past** Icey is a blind assassin sent to kill Saiyans and or namekians and it didn’t matter if they were innocent or not he would still brutally murder them. but it was with rage he didn’t know what he was doing he just thought he was doing justice to the races that killed his family. his family was killed by 2 saiyans and 1 namekian and it was for no reason. the namekian did a solar flare permanently blinding Icey because he was looking directly at him and for too long trying to stop him from killing his parents, but somehow he escaped and landed on planet namek were the freiza force found him and brought him to Frieza’s spaceship and trained him to be the killing machine he is now. but he still has his flaws he can get too cocky at times which will get him stuck in situations that he cant help so he usually gets injured and escapes holding on to a strand of life. Icey has a lot of other weaknesses like his blindness if someone is too quiet they might be able to trick him. also, ki blasts are another weakness, he needs to train more on hearing than fighting so he can dodge and block better. but he does have super good sensing and smelling. he had more trouble than anyone else in the freiza force because of his blindness but he trained hard and got a lot stronger than anyone else on the Frieza force (except freiza himself) he also had to adjust to being a part of the freiza force instead of a normal family. freiza respects him but he is mostly “bullied” by the other members of the Frieza force when freiza isn’t looking or when they are in battle but icey just ignores it mostly, he learned to sense energy with a different training than others because freiza used scouters instead of actually sensing energy so icey was on his own and trained himself by starting with just a simple plant and moved up to other Frieza force members so when he finished his energy sensing training he went straight to physical training. **Present**
      After meeting many friends and many enemies it all came to an end… Zamasu had destroyed his timeline… timeline 1… his world was gone… everyone he loved and cared about … was gone… But after being brought to timeline 0 he quickly thought up of something… a time machine! he went straight up to bulma and asked her to help him with making a time machine and after a long time of persuading bulma came years of working, blood, sweat.. and tears finally the time machine was done! Icey got some rest and got up to go to his time machine… he left to go back in time to prevent another world from being destroyed. Once his time machine flew off he instantly felt a surge of energy rushing through him. He knew this was what he had to do. Once he landed… he instantly felt weaker… he tried using his ki types and his forms… but nothing happened… Then, He passed out.

    • #40117

      btw here is my discord: Ice cold pop#2384

    • #40119

      Name: Icey
      Gender: Male
      Race: Arcosian
      Age: 17 (Human years)
      Personality: Shy most of the time but after while he adapts to his surroundings
      and loosens up a bit. He is usually nice to people.
      General Appearance: He doesn’t wear anything since he is an arcosian but his main color is a very very light blue
      Backstory: **Past** Icey is a blind assassin sent to kill Saiyans and or namekians and it didn’t matter if they were innocent or not he would still brutally murder them. but it was with rage he didn’t know what he was doing he just thought he was doing justice to the races that killed his family. his family was killed by 2 saiyans and 1 namekian and it was for no reason. the namekian did a solar flare permanently blinding Icey because he was looking directly at him and for too long trying to stop him from killing his parents, but somehow he escaped and landed on planet namek were the freiza force found him and brought him to Frieza’s spaceship and trained him to be the killing machine he is now. but he still has his flaws he can get too cocky at times which will get him stuck in situations that he cant help so he usually gets injured and escapes holding on to a strand of life. Icey has a lot of other weaknesses like his blindness if someone is too quiet they might be able to trick him. also, ki blasts are another weakness, he needs to train more on hearing than fighting so he can dodge and block better. but he does have super good sensing and smelling. he had more trouble than anyone else in the freiza force because of his blindness but he trained hard and got a lot stronger than anyone else on the Frieza force (except freiza himself) he also had to adjust to being a part of the freiza force instead of a normal family. freiza respects him but he is mostly “bullied” by the other members of the Frieza force when freiza isn’t looking or when they are in battle but icey just ignores it mostly, he learned to sense energy with a different training than others because freiza used scouters instead of actually sensing energy so icey was on his own and trained himself by starting with just a simple plant and moved up to other Frieza force members so when he finished his energy sensing training he went straight to physical training. fixed

    • #40121

      Name: Icey
      Gender: Male
      Race: Arcosian
      Age: 17 (Human years)
      Personality: Usually Shy But when it comes to protecting lives he will not hesitate to be a “hero”
      General Appearance: He doesn’t wear anything since he is an arcosian but his main color is a very very light blue
      Icey was just 8 years old when his whole life changed… for the good… and for the bad… Icey was on namek with his parents, his life was usually boring, just planting crops, watering the crops, taking them inside and washing them, rinse and repeat. Until one day… his parent’s house burst into flames. They all ran out in a panic. Except for Icey’s dad, he fell and broke his legs before he could escape. That memory would be stuck in Icey’s head for the rest of his life, but what happened next would be even worse… his father smiled at them and said “Icey, please be good. Take care of your mother. Be the strong warrior you always were…” and then his house imploded into a million peaces. A couple months later Icey’s mom would die of heart failiure. Her last words were “Icey… take the space pod to earth. Become the hero you were meant to be. For your father, me… and you… Please…” after that Icey swore he would protect earth, no he would protect the life of every planet from any possible threat. Before he left he made sure no one needed help on namek for a little while, about a year. Right when he was about to leave… BOOM two huge explosions. Someone was attacking his village! He hurried and charged up and leapt into action. He saw two namekians destroying a NAMEKIAN VILLAGE! Instead of just standing around he quickly charged at them with all his force but got thrown into the ground and two bright lights coming towards him. He quickly JUMPED up and dodged the blasts. He flew back up and he turned over and heard one of them screaming “SOLAR FLARE!” blinding only his left eye. He punched one of the namekians right through the chest and threw him into the water and started blasting non-stop until he knew for a fact the namekian was dead. He felt a huge jerking pain in his arm. It was pulled out of the socket! He reacted quickly and blasted the last namekian blowing its arm off. While it was distracted he punched him straight in the gut then kicked him in the face sending him flying into a hill. he blasted at him but the namekian was able to dodge his attacks and punched Icey right into the water. “Any last words” the namekian said in a cocky voice “Yeah…” Icey Said… “HEADS UP” Screamed Icey and punched the namekians head right off. With steam everywhere and a few houses destroyed he looked around to see if anyone got hurt. Gladly no one was killed but some were badly injured. He left a couple hours later to his spacepod. he got in with one last look around namek before the spacepod flew straight up and right to earth he went. A couple years later he barely woke up knowing he wasn’t moving he tried to get up but bumped his head and was knocked unconscious.

      • #40137

        Alright,Jack your character has potential but he’s a little bland, like to me more about him, how was his life like and how he is as a character? Tell me a tad more about his parents. You’ll need to elaborate more on why his house just went suddenly on fire. Another thing is why are there Acrosians in namek? I’d for you to also explain why were their two saiyans on Namek, and how does Icey know Solar Flare? I’d be impossible for him to know it since, he didn’t go to earth and learn it. So, you might either have to change that or remove it, anyways those are the only thing you would have to fix and do.

    • #40124

      Name: Icey
      Gender: Male
      Race: Arcosian
      Age: 17 (Human years)
      Personality: Usually Shy But when it comes to protecting lives he will not hesitate to be a “hero”
      General Appearance: He doesn’t wear anything since he is an arcosian but his main color is a very very light blue
      Icey was just 8 years old when his whole life changed… for the good… and for the bad… Icey was on namek with his parents, his life was usually boring, just planting crops, watering the crops, taking them inside and washing them, rinse and repeat. Until one day… his parent’s house burst into flames. They all ran out in a panic. Except for Icey’s dad, he fell and broke his legs before he could escape. That memory would be stuck in Icey’s head for the rest of his life, but what happened next would be even worse… his father smiled at them and said “Icey, please be good. Take care of your mother. Be the strong warrior you always were…” and then his house imploded into a million peaces. A couple months later Icey’s mom would die of heart failiure. Her last words were “Icey… take the space pod to earth. Become the hero you were meant to be. For your father, me… and you… Please…” after that Icey swore he would protect earth, no he would protect the life of every planet from any possible threat. Before he left he made sure no one needed help on namek for a little while, about a year. Right when he was about to leave… BOOM two huge explosions. Someone was attacking his village! He hurried and charged up and leapt into action. He saw two saiyans destroying his village Instead of just standing around he quickly charged at them with all his force but got thrown into the ground and two bright lights coming towards him. He quickly JUMPED up and dodged the blasts. He flew back up and he turned over and heard one of them screaming “SOLAR FLARE!” blinding only his left eye. He punched one of the saiyans right through the chest and threw him into the water and started blasting non-stop until he knew for a fact the saiyan was dead. He felt a huge jerking pain in his arm. It was pulled out of the socket! He reacted quickly and blasted the last saiyan blowing its arm off. While it was distracted he punched him straight in the gut then kicked him in the face sending him flying into a hill. he blasted at him but the saiyan was able to dodge his attacks and punched Icey right into the water. “Any last words” the saiyan said in a cocky voice “Yeah…” Icey Said… “HEADS UP” Screamed Icey and punched the saiyan’s head right off. With steam everywhere and a few houses destroyed he looked around to see if anyone got hurt. Gladly no one was killed but some were badly injured. He left a couple hours later to his spacepod. he got in with one last look around namek before the spacepod flew straight up and right to earth he went. A couple years later he barely woke up knowing he wasn’t moving he tried to get up but bumped his head and was knocked unconscious.

    • #40125

      Name: Djembe

      Race: Namekian

      Age: 18

      Personality: Djembe is kind-hearted Namekian that tries to protect everyone. He tries not to kill but he will exceptions for the true evil in the world. He goes into a rage any time he sees anyone that looks similar to Freiza or someone wearing their armor (Saiyans). He will defeat anyone that disrespects Namek and works hard to one day kill the two Arcosians that murdered so many of his people. If he loses a battle he just shakes it off and gets better.

      General Appearance: https://img00.deviantart.net/2ef8/i/2012/028/d/e/super_namek_3_piccolo_by_juan50-d4nyklv.jpg

      Backstory: When planet Namek was in crisis so many centuries ago, some were sent away to other worlds to find a new home. Most notably one arrived on Earth which eventually helped shape the future of all Namekians. Djembe’s father was also sent away but landed on Yardrat many centuries ago. They helped him search for new worlds but eventually, the Namekian found himself unknowingly competing against King Cold’s empire for a suitable planet. The old Namekian was killed in the conflict, but not before spitting an egg back to his ship. Somehow, the egg made its way inside and the ship’s autopilot fled back to Yardrat where the newly born Djembe was born.

      The people of Yardrat were friendly to the orphaned Namekian, but where unsure how to get him back home. Namek was far away and the original Namekian ship had been destroyed long before then. For these reasons he was adopted into their culture and raised among them. He learned their techniques, enhanced his natural abilities, and focused on the memories of his father in an attempt to remember his homeworld. Due to his childhood on Yardrat, Djembe maintained the usual Namekian heart and purity. He was praised by his adopted people for his strength and focus, but he never could be one of them. This caused him to move to planet Earth to be with the best Namekian in the cosmos. He was hoping if he moved to Earth, could train under Kami. A Yadarat sensed planet earth for a Namekians energy. He put his hand on Djembes shoulder and they soon teleported where a green man in a robe is standing. “This is a far as I can take you my friend,” the Yadarat said trying to choke back tears. This is where Djembe’s real life begins as he prepares himself to try to get the guardian of Earth Kami to train him.

      (Fixed a few things)

      • #40128

        Starting off your personality has improved to a small degree but I guess we will see more of that in the role-play and will change as your character develops. I like how you provided a picture as well. Backstory makes more sense now that your character is seeking kami and not piccolo. Honestly it all looks good to me. I’ll say you are Accepted! I’ll just need your discord now so we can add you to the chat. If you don’t have a discord you can create one for free. Thanks!

    • #40129

      Name: Daniel
      Race: Human
      Back-story: He grew up simply average, If you wanted to describe him to someone, he would be that person who sat behind them in class. His life changed during the Buu saga when Majin Buu came to the west city to destroy it.
      Majin Buu would be hovering above the west city with his mouth open ready to turn them all into candy. Daniel was shocked at first, so shocked that when his girlfriend Trina tugged on his arm while she was being sucked up into but he did nothing. The secret was that Daniel wanted something like but destroying the city to happen for a long time because he really was unhappy with how boring his life was and he was shocked that his wish came true. At the last minute, before he was going to be sucked up, he grabbed onto a buildings window edge with little reason he had and waited for it to be over. He wasn’t thinking about the other innocent people who were eaten since he was still in his adrenaline rush. When it was over, he stood in a destroyed west city and he was looking up at but with awestruck eyes. He saw that but was about to fly away and he knew that he should just let him fly away but something inside him made him yell to but in the sky.
      “How did you do it?!” He would say extremely curiously. Majin Buu would hear him and come flying down and point at the destroyed west city.
      “Oh, this? Buu just did…..why should I tell you this and not just eat you?”. Daniel would start to panic for his life but he weakly handed but his backpack.Majin Buu would empty it out and find pudding. ”This sweet?” Majin Buu would ask Daniel.
      “Um yes please don’t kill me.”
      Buu would taste the pudding and would lay down on the ground and would make a sound of satisfaction. Daniel who saw his chance here asked the question again “How did you do this?”.
      “Buu used his ……Power!” And but would go back to eating pudding. Daniel who wasn’t feeling very afraid of Majin Buu anymore plopped down next to him.
      Daniel would start having a casual conversation with and would be asking what this power was. Buu would get tired of all the questions and would put his hand to Daniel’s forehead.” Why don’t buy just show you!” but would use babidi’s magic and put his own natural knowledge of Ki control in Daniel’s head along with the fighting style of whoever fought him before he destroyed the west city. Daniel who had never felt magic before went unconscious for a long time. When he woke up, he felt different and he saw that Majin Buu was gone. He went away to an abandoned warehouse that was 100 miles from east city to train himself because he wanted to keep this ‘different’ feeling and not go back to being weak and unimportant like he was for most of his life by perfecting the fighting style that Majin Buu implanted in his head. He started to live in the warehouse and he only went outside of it to pick up food from destroyed grocery stores and books about training his body effectively. But sometime in the middle of his training, he felt kid Buu’s evil energy through his developing Ki sense, he was petrified for 2 days and stopped training from all of that evil energy he sensed. He sometimes thought of how the world was over and he would never see another living being again but he put those thoughts out of his head since he thought it was probably going to resolve itself like the cell situation. But then he started to feel depressed because he started to think about his parents when his birthday rolled around and how he wish he had someone to celebrate with. So then he drew a picture of his mom and dad with crayon and duct taped it to a wall and started talking to it. Little did he know that the humans had all been revived by this time and he didn’t bother to check west city for other people. Him talking to the picture of his parents didn’t last long though and he started to get angry at the fact he let Majin Buu kill all of the people that could talk to him and he was too weak to do anything about it. He marched off into the woods and he started to murder animals and act like a wild animal. Acting crazy soon lost it’s rush to him and he started to just to feel sick. He resolved to just kill himself since the sickness he had from killing animals was going to kill him anyway and he wanted to see people again wherever he went when he died, so he walked to the nearest town and tried to go up the nearest skyscraper. He heard voices when he entered the town but he ignored them and just saw it as more proof he was going crazy. He would walk into a hotel and get on the elevator and would not notice there would be power since he would be focused on getting out of this cursed world. He would be on the roof standing on the rails looking ready to die. Then He would feel a hand grab his shirt from behind.
      “Sir step away from the rails” A cop would say
      “you’re real? HOW?!” He would get in the cop’s face and would be spitting onto the cop’s face and the cop would panic and take him. He would wake up at his parent’s house and he would have a heartfelt reunion with them. He would go into his childhood bathroom and see he had a beard and he curiously lifted his shirt and saw he had abs. He would know then why the cop tazered him since he looked an insane homeless man. He would shave and get his credentials in order and would buy an apartment in the west city since he didn’t feel that east was safe anymore and made money by doing gambled fights and arm wrestling. He would wonder who killed buy and how everyone came back alive and he decided to make that a low priority in his eyes since he was alive and now and around people. He eventually got a job at Capsule Corp since he had a degree in coding and engineering and he found some monks to train his Ki with. Overall, His life seemed like it was going pretty well at least for now. This is Where RP begins for Daniel
      he/she/it acts: He try’s to act the best person he can be but he will often put himself over others. Example of this is when he let Trina die. He is very smart and keen to details. An example of this is when he tried to bargain for his life with his backpack. Sometimes he randomly gets a urge to eat candy every now and then. He is very cocky like he’s above other’s since he isn’t a normal person anymore and headstrong and won’t do things except on his own time.
      Alignment: Chaotic Good
      What they wear: Earthling clothes

    • #40130
      itsobu nani!!

      Name: shi no kage
      Gender: Male
      Race: saiyan
      Age: 15
      Personality:My character is a chill person (to give the type of vibe im talking vegeta but a little less irritated manner) he doesn’t really like to talk to people only when he has to it irritates him when he talks to good people but he is ok with it he rather go solo and find out himself well by himself
      General Appearance: he has white hair a dark red eye and a black eye has black gi and a red outline doesn’t wear a scouter has a tail and wheres black shoes
      Backstory: he lost his dad to a fight against his uncle, his uncle died right after the fight and dies from heart cancer and his mom dies from his stroke but before any of this happens he was trained by his dad at the age of five and his uncle despised the dad for being able to train him so at the age of 7 his dad gave the oc to his uncle and he trained him. after 4 years later his uncle told him to go on a journey to find himself and find a spiritual connection with himself. then 3 years later he comes back to find that his mom died from a stroke while he was gone and his uncle has turned sour and fought his dad then in hour in his dad died and the uncle won.but the next day the uncle died and the oc checked what the cause was and it was heart cancer when he found out his whole family died he snapped in to ssj for a split second and stopped in that second then he ran away back into his journey and found out there were more planets out there.Then he grabbed a pod a flew to the next planet earth. this is where he is leaving off

      Name: shi no kage
      Gender: Male
      Race: saiyan
      Age: 15
      Personality:My character is a chill person (to give the type of vibe im talking vegeta but a little less irritated manner) he doesn’t really like to talk to people only when he has to it irritates him when he talks to good people but he is ok with it he rather go solo and find out himself well by himself
      General Appearance: he has white hair a dark red eye and a black eye has black gi and a red outline doesn’t wear a scouter has a tail and wheres black shoes
      Backstory: he lost his dad to a fight against his uncle, his uncle died right after the fight and dies from heart cancer and his mom dies from his stroke but before any of this happens he was trained by his dad at the age of five and his uncle despised the dad for being able to train him so at the age of 7 his dad gave the oc to his uncle and he trained him. after 4 years later his uncle told him to go on a journey to find himself and find a spiritual connection with himself. then 3 years later he comes back to find that his mom died from a stroke while he was gone and his uncle has turned sour and fought his dad then in hour in his dad died and the uncle won.but the next day the uncle died and the oc checked what the cause was and it was heart cancer when he found out his whole family died he snapped in to ssj for a split second and stopped in that second then he ran away back into his journey and found out there were more planets out there.Then he grabbed a pod a flew to the next planet earth. this is where he is leaving off

      ign: hakuthesilent#3979

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by itsobu nani!!.
      • #40133

        Ok so, buddy, pal. Rewrite this. Don’t put the same thing twice in one post.

        Your backstory has little to no grammar, making it difficult to read, but needs to be expanded upon regardless. It makes no sense from the lore of dragon ball, keep in mind that this is starting at the start of Z.

        Your general appearance is actually retarded. No way around it. What pure blooded Saiyan has ever had white hair, and a red eye? Come on my man. You’re making some cancerous OC bullshit, get it out of here, now.

        I’m not going to be very nice about it, sorry. And yes, I have permission from Kaz to reply to you.

      • #40140
        itsobu nani!!

        in reality XD im not even going to LIE your absolutely fuckign 100% right XD it is pretty cancer tbh i copied and pasted this from a something else IM going to make a genuine ok serious

    • #40134

      General Appearance:Despite having the appearance of a child, Eniz is actually much older, being over three thousand years old. He is exceptionally short compared to other people, with messy blond hair and a pair of emerald eyes. He also lacks facial hair, further accentuating his adolescent appearance. Regardless of his stature and youthful looks, he is relatively muscular, possessing an array of well-developed abdominal muscles. He is often shown wearing an ordinary, clean white button-front shirt and a black sleeveless vest on top with a loosely worn tie.
      Personality:Eniz at times appears almost innocent. He is also very bawdy and loves to frequently tell jokes. He also has a strong sense of justice and is willing to help persons in distress. Even when he is severely injured, he tries not to show his weaknesses, and stays strong in front of his companions. Despite being a demon, he appears to be a very calm person. However, if his companions or friends are harmed in any way, he is greatly angered.
      Backstory: Dabura had a little sibling named Eniz who was favored by their father the demon king. The demon king trained Eniz to take over his throne and dabura was always jealous of their bond. Eniz loved to rub salt in dabura’s wound of not being chosen as successor but one day dabura snapped and plotted to kill their father by waking beerus and saying that his father had challenged him and take the throne from eniz by force. Their father who sensed beerus’s energy approaching knew what was going to happen and sent his young son to earth before dabura could kill him.
      Eniz was treated well on earth and realized his father had many resources prepared for him there, but he was not comfortable being pampered and constantly bombarded with questions about Religon from humans. So he ran away from his huge mansion and multi million dollar company and opened a bar far away from everyone and everything important. It wasn’t until a monk wondered into his bar sensed the boy’s high power level and offered to train him. The boy recongnized himself as a little rusty and agreed to the training. He learned their techniques, enhanced his natural abilities, and focused on the memories of his father in an attempt to remember what exactly happened to him and how he had exactly gotten to earth since his memories have been a bit foggy from all the time he has been on earth. Eniz maintained the selfish desires of a demon but also learned to act more human since he had lived among them so long. Eniz eventually realized the training from the monks wouldn’t be enough to get him back to full strength, so he went out searching for someone else who could train him until he had found the lookout.This is where the rp begins for eniz

      • #40136

        Alright so, Eniz isn’t a bad character. The issue is, he’s bland. There’s not much about how or why he is who he is. Add depth. Add flare. Make him unique, make him a character that is worth caring about.

    • #40135


      NegativeBoom and Noobly2500, will be helping me accept and deny applications from now on.

    • #40138

      Name: Fauru

      Gender: Asexual, opens up black holes in his chest and small balls of energy flow out, forming into his children.

      Race: Demon

      Age: 522

      Personality: Unlike a lot of Demons, he was born in the lava of hell, laided Fauru. The demon screeched as he stretched and twisted his own body to get rid of the feeling of sleep. He poked his head out of the lava and peered off into Hell. He let out a sinister laugh, he floated out of the sea of lava and onto the hot floors of hell.

      He was immediately targeted by various monsters and Demons in hell, even in his first awakening. He was badly injured from the assault from the creatures and hid for one hundred years, He was like a wild animal, he would kill and prey on other beings, he would steal and take from anyone at the best chance that he could. He was forced to survive in this life, he was now known as a murderer.

      One hundred years later, now he is grown bored of simply killing and eating other life forms. He now worked for a very powerful Demon, known as Volent. He was now a mercenary and would work on contracts to kill. He would still occasionally rob places for their scrolls and “gold”. Volent helped shape Fauru to who he is today. Fauru used to be wild and savage like, showing no remorse for who he killed. But now he was calm and collected, although still very Evil and remorseless, he was now more patient and tend let off on the killing now.

      Once he was 400 years old, he was sent to the Demon Realm by a strange amulet that opened up, sucking him inside of the portal. He was amazed by the vast lifeforms, and wished to learn from them, getting more knowledgeable the more he stayed there. One day, he confronted the King of the Demon realm and fought him for his throne, effortlessly killing him. He was now the ruler, but still wasn’t content with anything. Even with mass slaughtering and minions was he not happy. He still, however managed.

      Eventually Volent was in the Demon Realm as well, and it seemed as if he learned a new technique. Fauru went over and gave off various information to Volent, as they caught up with each other. Volent suddenly confronted him with the ability to make portals, that can send people out and into realms. Which had allowed Fauru to be sent to Earth. Now he lives on earth, tormenting other beings, and more soon to come..

      Skills at the start:

      Ki Manipulation (Flying and the Usage of Ki Techniques)

      Ki Sense

      Ki Control (Power Up And Down)

      The ability to grow as big as 60ft making him a whole lot stronger, yet slower.

      The ability to Expand his weight and muscles, which made him stronger but consumed heavy energy.


      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by superciano06.
    • #40142

      General Appearance:Despite having the appearance of a child, Eniz is actually much older, being over three thousand years old. He is exceptionally short compared to other people, with messy blond hair and a pair of emerald eyes. He also lacks facial hair, further accentuating his adolescent appearance. Regardless of his stature and youthful looks, he is relatively muscular, possessing an array of well-developed abdominal muscles. He is often shown wearing an ordinary, clean white button-front shirt and a black sleeveless vest on top with a loosely worn tie.
      Personality:Eniz at times appears almost innocent. He is also very bawdy and loves to frequently tell jokes. He also has a strong sense of justice and is willing to help persons in distress. Even when he is severely injured, he tries not to show his weaknesses, and stays strong in front of his companions. Despite being a demon, he appears to be a very calm person. However, if his companions or friends are harmed in any way, he is greatly angered.
      Backstory: Dabura had a little sibling named Eniz who was favored by their father the demon king. The demon king trained Eniz to take over his throne and dabura was always jealous of their bond. Eniz loved to rub salt in dabura’s wound of not being chosen as successor but one day dabura snapped and plotted to kill their father by waking beerus and saying that his father had challenged him and take the throne from eniz by force. Their father who sensed beerus’s energy approaching knew what was going to happen and sent his young son to earth before dabura could kill him.
      Eniz would be sitting on a throne next to his father twirling the liquids of an expensive wine made from the blood of a dragon. “Daddy when I am demon king can I get more of this?”.
      The demon king would look at his young son with consideration “Of course but make sure not to become a drunk like your worthless brother dabura”
      “Why is dabura so useless father? Isn’t he supposed to be older than me?” Eniz would ask boringly. The king would think about it for a second and would come up with an answer.
      “Simply bad blood my son, I bedded a bad broa-” a huge explosion would shake the entire castle. Eniz would look to his father and would see a look of pure terror in his father’s eyes.
      “Father is everything alright?” Eniz asked. The demon king would materialize a weapon that looked like a sword wrapped in a blanket sheet and would hand it to Eniz.
      “Do not let this sword go no matter what Eniz!” That would be the last thing eniz ever heard his father say. The throne room would be ripped apart by a violent whirlwind and it would carry away eniz’s father.
      “DAD!NOOOOOOOOOO!” Eniz would be laying in the middle of a ruined castle holding the sword tightly and weeping. Dabura would land in the middle of the ruin with a smirk on his face.
      “Hello young prince or should I say orphan what would have seemed to happen here?” He would say gleefully. Eniz would put together what happened to his father with dabura’s behavior and would answer the question with a glare and an accusation.
      “You killed him didn’t you? Damn you Dabura it was my throne! He promised it to me, not you. It WAS ALL MINE!” Dabura would wag his finger in dismay. “Ah ah young prince to throw accusations is rude , especially to your king……”
      “But I’m kin-” Eniz would realize what was going on. “Your going to kill me aren’t you?” Dabura would make a crimison red ki blast in his hands and point it at Eniz.
      “Bingo. Long Live King Dabura” He would make an ugly grin. Eniz would be angry beyond anything he had ever felt in his life. All he would want would be to wipe that grin off dabura’s ugly face. The sword would start to glow red inside of it’s blanket in response to his desire. He didn’t desire to live, he desired to watch dabura die with every part of his being.
      “DABURA! DIE!” Eniz would swing the blanketed sword at dabura and would send dabura flying. Eniz would look at himself in shock but then would see that power was gone. Eniz would quickly say the phrase for an emergency teleport that his father taught him and was teleported to a random location.
      Eniz was treated well on earth and realized his father had many resources prepared for him there, but he was not comfortable being pampered and constantly bombarded with questions about Religon from humans. So he ran away from his huge mansion and multi million dollar company and opened a bar far away from everyone and everything important. It wasn’t until a monk wondered into his bar sensed the boy’s high power level and offered to train him. The boy recongnized himself as a little rusty and agreed to the training. He learned their techniques, enhanced his natural abilities, and focused on the memories of his father in an attempt to remember what exactly happened to him and how he had exactly gotten to earth since his memories have been a bit foggy from all the time he has been on earth. Eniz maintained the selfish desires of a demon but also learned to act more human since he had lived among them so long. Eniz eventually realized the training from the monks wouldn’t be enough to get him to a level where he could kill dabura, so he went out searching for someone else who could train him until he had found the lookout.

    • #40144

      Name: Fauru

      Gender: Asexual, He spits out eggs that has a demonic aura around them.

      Race: Demon

      Age: 522

      Personality: He is a sadistic killer who likes to trick and control people, he tends to play goodie before betrayal, and often kills his partners when he deems them unnecessary and weak. He likes to rule with a iron fist. He likes to torture his opponents and also plays around a lot for humor and fun because he has lived a boring life. He is also extremely calm and collected, even when brutally slaughtering.

      Appearence: A 6’5ft Red skinned Demon with high muscle definition and is buffish, he wears no clothing expect Grey baggy pants and brown boots. He has extremely pointy ears with a invisible/nonexistant nose. He has Second Frieza like horns on his head that is shaded in all red with a long tail with spikes spiraling around it. He also sports a sword with a black hilt and Grey Blade with yellow stripes around it. He also holds a sliver ring on his ring finger.

      Backstory: Unlike a lot of Demons, he was born in the lava of hell, laided Fauru. The demon screeched as he stretched and twisted his own body to get rid of the feeling of sleep. He poked his head out of the lava and peered off into Hell. He let out a sinister laugh, he floated out of the sea of lava and onto the hot floors of hell.

      He was immediately targeted by various monsters and Demons in hell, even in his first awakening. He was badly injured from the assault from the creatures and hid for one hundred years, He was like a wild animal, he would kill and prey on other beings, he would steal and take from anyone at the best chance that he could. He was forced to survive in this life, he was now known as a murderer.

      One hundred years later, now he is grown bored of simply killing and eating other life forms. He now worked for a very powerful Demon, known as Volent. He was now a mercenary and would work on contracts to kill. He would still occasionally rob places for their scrolls and “gold”. Volent helped shape Fauru to who he is today. Fauru used to be wild and savage like, showing no remorse for who he killed. But now he was calm and collected, although still very Evil and remorseless, he was now more patient and tend let off on the killing now.

      Once he was 400 years old, he was sent to the Demon Realm by a strange amulet that opened up, sucking him inside of the portal. He was amazed by the vast lifeforms, and wished to learn from them, getting more knowledgeable the more he stayed there. One day, he confronted the King of the Demon realm and fought him for his throne. He was almost killed, but was saved by a strange person, who was later revealed to be Volent.

      He learned a new technique. Fauru went over and gave off various information to Volent, as they caught up with each other. Volent suddenly confronted him with the ability to make portals, that can send people out and into realms. Which had allowed Fauru to be sent to Earth. Now he lives on earth, tormenting other beings, and more soon to come..

      Skills at the start:

      Ki Manipulation (Flying and the Usage of Ki Techniques)

      Ki Sense

      Ki Control (Power Up And Down)

      The ability to grow as big as 60ft making him a whole lot stronger, yet slower.

      The ability to Expand his weight and muscles, which made him stronger but consumed heavy energy.


      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by superciano06.
    • #40147

      Name: Fauru

      Gender: Asexual, He spits out eggs that has a demonic aura around them.

      Race: Demon

      Age: 522

      Personality: He is a sadistic killer who likes to trick and control people, he tends to play goodie before betrayal, and often kills his partners when he deems them unnecessary and weak. He likes to rule with a iron fist. He likes to torture his opponents and also plays around a lot for humor and fun because he has lived a boring life. He is also extremely calm and collected, even when brutally slaughtering.

      Appearence: A 6’5ft Red skinned Demon with high muscle definition and is buffish, he wears no clothing expect Grey baggy pants and brown boots. He has extremely pointy ears with a invisible/nonexistant nose. He has Second Frieza like horns on his head that is shaded in all red with a long tail with spikes spiraling around it. He also sports a sword with a black hilt and Grey Blade with yellow stripes around it. He also holds a sliver ring on his ring finger.

      Backstory: Unlike a lot of Demons, he was born in the lava of hell, laided Fauru. The demon screeched as he stretched and twisted his own body to get rid of the feeling of sleep. He poked his head out of the lava and peered off into Hell. He let out a sinister laugh, he floated out of the sea of lava and onto the hot floors of hell.

      He was immediately targeted by various monsters and Demons in hell, even in his first awakening. He was badly injured from the assault from the creatures and hid for one hundred years, He was like a wild animal, he would kill and prey on other beings, he would steal and take from anyone at the best chance that he could. He was forced to survive in this life, he was now known as a murderer.

      One hundred years later, now he is grown bored of simply killing and eating other life forms. He now worked for a very powerful Demon, known as Volent. He was now a mercenary and would work on contracts to kill. He would still occasionally rob places for their scrolls and “gold”. Volent helped shape Fauru to who he is today. Fauru used to be wild and savage like, showing no remorse for who he killed. But now he was calm and collected, although still very Evil and remorseless, he was now more patient and tend let off on the killing now.

      Once he was 400 years old, he had found a strange amulet, dropped by a weird lady wondering around, he wanted to end her life, but sensed a strong presence from her and decided to back off and investigate the amulet. From a mere touch of this item a portal opened up and he and a vast amount of nearby lifeforms and objects was sucked into it, transporting him into the Demon Realm. He was amazed by the vast lifeforms, and wished to learn from them, getting more knowledgeable the more he stayed there. One day, he confronted the King of the Demon realm and fought him for his throne. He was almost killed, but was saved by a strange person, who was later revealed to be Volent.

      He learned a new technique. Fauru went over and gave off various information to Volent, as they caught up with each other. Volent suddenly confronted him with the ability to make portals, that can send people out and into realms. Which had allowed Fauru to be sent to Earth. Now he lives on earth, tormenting other beings, and more soon to come..

      Skills at the start:

      Ki Manipulation (Flying and the Usage of Ki Techniques)

      Ki Sense

      Ki Control (Power Up And Down)

      The ability to grow as big as 60ft making him a whole lot stronger, yet slower.

      The ability to Expand his weight and muscles, which made him stronger but consumed heavy energy.


      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by superciano06.
      • #40196

        It’s the one and only meme himself, Rigen!

        Anyway, I’ll be honest. The character itself is different, not bad, but for me it sort of borders edgy. Be careful with that, you could cut yourself.

        Anyway, that skill set is a bit overpowered to start with, and I’d like some more depth and all that good stuff.

    • #40149

      General Appearance:Despite having the appearance of a child, Eniz is actually much older, being over three thousand years old. He is exceptionally short compared to other people, with messy blond hair and a pair of emerald eyes. He also lacks facial hair, further accentuating his adolescent appearance. Regardless of his stature and youthful looks, he is relatively muscular, possessing an array of well-developed abdominal muscles. He is often shown wearing an ordinary, clean white button-front shirt and a black sleeveless vest on top with a loosely worn tie.
      Personality:Eniz at times appears almost innocent. He is also very bawdy and loves to frequently tell jokes. He also has a strong sense of justice and is willing to help persons in distress. Even when he is severely injured, he tries not to show his weaknesses, and stays strong in front of his companions. Despite being a demon, he appears to be a very calm person. However, if his companions or friends are harmed in any way, he is greatly angered.
      Backstory: Dabura had a little sibling named Eniz who was favored by their father the demon king. The demon king trained Eniz to take over his throne and dabura was always jealous of their bond. Eniz loved to rub salt in dabura’s wound of not being chosen as successor but one day dabura snapped and plotted to kill their father by gathering towa and the rest of their siblings and planned a insurrection and take the throne from eniz by force. Their father who sensed beerus’s energy approaching knew what was going to happen and sent his young son to earth before dabura could kill him.
      Eniz would be sitting on a throne next to his father twirling the liquids of an expensive wine made from the blood of a dragon. “Daddy when I am demon king can I get more of this?”.
      The demon king would look at his young son with consideration “Of course but make sure not to become docile”
      “Whats wrong with being docile?” Eniz would ask boringly. The king would think about it for a second and would come up with an answer.
      “A king must be aware of his sorru-” a huge explosion would shake the entire castle. Eniz would look to his father and would see a look of pure terror in his father’s eyes.
      “Father is everything alright?” Eniz asked. The demon king would materialize a weapon that looked like a sword wrapped in a blanket sheet and would hand it to Eniz.
      “Do not let this sword go no matter what Eniz!” That would be the last thing eniz ever heard his father say. The throne room would be ripped apart by a violent whirlwind and it would carry away eniz’s father.
      “DAD!NOOOOOOOOOO!” Eniz would be laying in the middle of a ruined castle holding the sword tightly and weeping. Dabura would land in the middle of the ruin with a smirk on his face followed by the rest of eniz’s siblings.
      “Hello young prince or should I say orphan what would have seemed to happen here?” He would say gleefully. Eniz would put together what happened to his father with dabura’s behavior and would answer the question with a glare and an accusation.
      “You killed him didn’t you? Damn you Dabura it was my throne! He promised it to me, not you. It WAS ALL MINE!” Dabura would wag his finger in dismay. “Ah ah young prince to throw accusations is rude , especially to your king……”
      “But I’m kin-” Eniz would realize what was going on. “Your going to kill me aren’t you?” Dabura would make a crimison red ki blast in his hands and point it at Eniz.
      “Bingo. Long Live King Dabura” He would make an ugly grin. Eniz would be angry beyond anything he had ever felt in his life. All he would want would be to wipe that grin off dabura’s ugly face. The sword would start to glow red inside of it’s blanket in response to his desire. He didn’t desire to live, he desired to watch his siblings die with every part of his being.
      “DABURA! DIE!” Eniz would swing the blanketed sword at dabura and would send dabura and the rest of siblings flying back. Eniz would look at himself in shock but then would see that power was gone. Eniz would quickly say the phrase for an emergency teleport that his father taught him and was teleported to a random location.
      The boy found himself stranded on a foreign world called earth, Eniz decided to put the only real skill his father ever taught him to use-Making Brews.It wasn’t long until the boy built a reasonable business to support himself. The boy decided to chill at the bar until anything happened. One day a monk wondered into his bar sensed the boy’s high power level and offered to train him. The boy recongnized himself as a little rusty and agreed to the training. He learned their techniques, enhanced his natural abilities, and focused on the memories of his father in an attempt to remember what exactly happened to him and how he had exactly gotten to earth since his memories have been a bit foggy from all the time he has been on earth. Eniz eventually lost his demonic desires over time and learned to act more human since he had lived among them so long. Eniz eventually realized the training from the monks wouldn’t be enough to get him to a level where he could kill dabura, so he went out searching for someone else who could train him until he had found the lookout.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Daniel.
      • #40202

        god damn it nobody actually replied, this was accepted

    • #40150
      itsobu nani!!

      Name: Kasai nokochi
      Gender: Male heterosexual
      Race: Saiyan
      Age: 15

      Personality:Funny makes to many jokes for his own good, loves to fight, loves to train, likes to get his hands dirty, often gets serious when in serious fight

      General Appearance: Black shaggy hair kinda going every makes a bang in front of his hair.skin tone white,wheres a black gi with black pant baggy, wheres a scouter, black eyes

      Backstory:The story begins as Kasai he was born (he was born 1 years before goku) into a family where they were serious with conquering planets. when he was born his family was nice and such once he turned 1 and began to walk, him walking barely,he lived had a great life but it all changed when he turned 2.when he became 2 years old on June 5th his parents went away little did he know they went away because they were going to fight freeza. so he cried because his parents were gone and after a few hours after thats this random saiyan he now knows as bulbaweed also his uncle took him to a big space ship that can be used as a flying home he then,the ship had 10 years worth of food and supplies for up to 3 people, took kasai on to the ship and flew off. while flying off he so people fighting and laugh in excitement,bulbaweed was scared of that fact,then passing by he looks through the window shield and sees his mom and dad dead, but because of his young age he laughed and says “momma and dadda” happy to see them. 8 years pass of normal fly and being raised by his uncle and his uncle decides to open up the training chamber and decided to train him while he was young for the rest of the trip not to mention they did not know where they were going.3 years passed and kasai is now 11 years old he now knows basic martial arts there supplies is become smaller so his uncle is still finding a planet that can fit life. while on the ship the get a call from a different survivor that planet vegeta was destroyed his uncle looks at kasai then signals the caller to keep it down, but kasai still heard it, kasai begins to ask questions on planet vegeta as he doesn’t member most of his time there. bulbaweed kasais uncle begins to explain to kasai about the circumstances and all what went down.
      3 years have past kasai is now 14 kasais uncle bulbaweed has found a planet called earth they land in a forest and they begins shaping the ship into a house to live, there house is close to north city, kasai asks his uncle if he can search around his uncle reluctantly said yes and gave kasai a scouter to find life and using the scouter he find north city and began traveling. He asked a random person for how the money worked here the person acted confused but explained it to him and gave him 50 zeni and he was amazed by the kind gesture and thanked him with that 50 he bought some food to bring back to the house and bought a new black gi to wear.Then he began running back home and gives his dad the food and shows him the new gi and gives the last few zeni to his uncle.One year passes and its kasais birthday (thats where we leave off)

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by itsobu nani!!.
      • #40161

        So first off you are applying for a Saiyan. This is the hardest race to apply for and we expect quality and a lot of info. If you want an example of what a Saiyan app should look like look at Myogi’s. This is what we expect from the bare minimum. Another thing is Goku is 22 at the start of the dead-zone saga which is where we are starting. Full Blooded Saiyans who survived Planet Vegeta’s destruction would have to be a similar age to him. You said he was born one year before Goku so that means he would be 23. Also, your grammar is kind of all over the place making this a very difficult to read. Another thing is no other Saiyans besides Bardack really fought back against Frieza because Bardack was the only one who was aware and no other Saiyan believed him. If they did join Bardack explain why. We would like a lot more information on personality, backstory, and general appearance if you could. Also, planet Vegeta would have blown up by the time he was only a year old if he was only one year older then Goku. Grammar, spelling, information, and detail all need improvements. That’s about all I have for you right now.

    • #40153
      itsobu nani!!


    • #40160

      Name: Icey
      Gender: Male
      Race: Arcosian
      Age: 17 (Human years)
      Personality: Usually Shy But when it comes to protecting lives he will not hesitate to be a “hero”
      General Appearance: He doesn’t wear anything since he is an arcosian but his main color is a very very light blue
      Icey was just 8 years old when his whole life changed… for the good… and for the bad… Icey was on namek with his parents his mom wasn’t his “biological” mom since arcosians are asexual. She was just an arcosian that wanted to help take care of Icey after they escaped to namek since she was kind of stuck with them, they were a part of the rebellion against frieza and cold, they fled their home planet to namek to have a more peaceful life. His life was usually boring, they usually helped the namekians with their village or just took walks around the village. Until one day… his parent’s house burst into flames. They all ran out in a panic. Except for Icey’s dad, he fell and knew it was his time so he didn’t move and accepted his fate. That memory would be stuck in Icey’s head for the rest of his life, but what happened next would be even worse… his father smiled at them and said “Icey, please be good. Take care of your mother. Be the strong warrior you always were…” and then his house imploded into a million peaces. A couple months later Icey’s mom would die of heart failiure. Her last words were “Icey… take the space pod to earth. Become the hero you were meant to be. For your father, me… and you… Please…” after that Icey swore he would protect earth, no he would protect the life of every planet from any possible threat. Before he left he made sure no one needed help on namek for a little while, about a year. Right when he was about to leave… BOOM two huge explosions. Someone was attacking his village! He hurried and charged up and leapt into action. He saw two weird aliens destroying his village Instead of just standing around he quickly charged at them with all his force but got thrown into the ground he heard them talking the orange one said “hey… i think this is one of the rebels!” then the blue one said “This just gives us more of a reason to attack! No one defies frieza! Especially his own race!” and two bright lights came towards him. He quickly JUMPED up and dodged the blasts. He flew back up and he turned over and heard one of them screaming “SOLAR FLARE!” blinding only his left eye. He punched one of the aliens right through the chest and threw him into the water and started blasting non-stop until he knew for a fact the alien was dead. He felt a huge jerking pain in his arm. It was pulled out of the socket! He reacted quickly and blasted the last alien blowing its arm off. While it was distracted he punched him straight in the gut then kicked him in the face sending him flying into a hill. he blasted at him but the able was able to dodge his attacks and punched Icey right into the water. “Any last words” the alien said in a cocky voice “Yeah…” Icey Said… “HEADS UP” Screamed Icey and punched the alien’s head right off. But he heard more coming! he saw at least 50 blue men wearing battle armor. He knew who they were. Frieza soldiers… He had enough of frieza ruining his life. He quickly flew over and was instantly barraged with blasts. He was laying on the ground while blasts hurled at him. Someone grabbed icey and got him out of danger. It was a namekian, he said “Are you alright?” Icey replied “Yeah… just… a little shook” The namekian started destroying the army completely. 2 soldiers remained and icey got up to see the namekian was being held down by one of them and punched rapidly by the other. Icey ran over and kicked the one punching him and blasted at him as he flew into a hill. he then drop kicked the other one and helped the namekian back up. He saw both of the soldiers flying towards them. the namekian blasted the one on the right and Icey blasted the one on the left with constant barrage attacks. The namekian said “Good job out there… your name was…?” Icey replied “My name is Icey. What’s yours?” The namekian answered “My name is Nail. Nice to meet you, Icey. I need to get back to Guru. Stay safe kid” With steam everywhere and a few houses destroyed he looked around to see if anyone got hurt. Gladly no one was killed but some were badly injured. He left a couple hours later to his spacepod. he got in with one last look around namek before the spacepod flew straight up and right to earth he went. A couple years later he barely woke up knowing he wasn’t moving he tried to get up but bumped his head and was knocked unconscious. fixed up some things here! i really hope i get accepted this time

      • #40177

        Name: Icey
        Gender: Male
        Race: Arcosian
        Age: 17 (Human years)
        Personality: Usually Shy But when it comes to protecting lives he will not hesitate to be a “hero”
        General Appearance: He doesn’t wear anything since he is an arcosian but his main color is a very very light blue
        Icey was just 8 years old when his whole life changed… for the good… and for the bad… Icey was on namek with his parents his mom wasn’t his “biological” mom since arcosians are asexual. She was just an arcosian that wanted to help take care of Icey after they escaped to namek since she was kind of stuck with them, they were a part of the rebellion against frieza and cold, they fled their home planet to namek to have a more peaceful life. His life was usually boring, they usually helped the namekians with their village or just took walks around the village. Until one day… his parent’s house burst into flames, They all ran out in a panic. Except for Icey’s dad, he fell and knew it was his time so he didn’t move and accepted his fate. That memory would be stuck in Icey’s head for the rest of his life, but what happened next would be even worse… his father smiled at them and said “Icey, please be good. Take care of your mother. Be the strong warrior you always were…” and then his house imploded into a million peaces. A couple months later Icey’s mom would die of heart failiure. Her last words were “Icey… take the space pod to earth. Become the hero you were meant to be. For your father, me… and you… Please…” after that Icey swore he would protect earth, no he would protect the life of every planet from any possible threat. Before he left he made sure no one needed help on namek for a little while, about a year. Right when he was about to leave… BOOM two huge explosions. Someone was attacking his village! He hurried and charged up and leapt into action. He saw two weird aliens destroying his village Instead of just standing around he quickly charged at them with all his force but got thrown into the ground he heard them talking the orange one said “hey… i think this is one of the rebels!” then the blue one said “This just gives us more of a reason to attack! No one defies frieza! Especially his own race! your dad was a weakling! he deserved to be blown up!” and two bright lights came towards him. He quickly JUMPED up and dodged the blasts. He flew back up and he turned over and saw one of them he flew to attack and the soldier dodged making him look at the sun and the soldier saying “HAH gotcha!” blinding only his left eye. He punched one of the aliens right through the chest and threw him into the water and started blasting non-stop until he knew for a fact the alien was dead. He felt a huge jerking pain in his arm. It was pulled out of the socket! He reacted quickly and blasted the last alien blowing its arm off. While it was distracted he punched him straight in the gut then kicked him in the face sending him flying into a hill. he blasted at him but the able was able to dodge his attacks and punched Icey right into the water. “Any last words” the alien said in a cocky voice “Yeah…” Icey Said… “HEADS UP” Screamed Icey and punched the alien’s head right off. But he heard more coming! he saw at least 50 blue men wearing battle armor. He knew who they were. Frieza soldiers… He had enough of frieza ruining his life. He quickly flew over and was instantly barraged with blasts. He was laying on the ground while blasts hurled at him. Someone grabbed icey and got him out of danger. It was a namekian, he said “Are you alright?” Icey replied “Yeah… just… a little shook” The namekian started destroying the army completely. 2 soldiers remained and icey got up to see the namekian was being held down by one of them and punched rapidly by the other. Icey ran over and kicked the one punching him and blasted at him as he flew into a hill. he then drop kicked the other one and helped the namekian back up. He saw both of the soldiers flying towards them. the namekian blasted the one on the right and Icey blasted the one on the left with constant barrage attacks. The namekian said “Good job out there… your name was…?” Icey replied “My name is Icey. What’s yours?” The namekian answered “My name is Nail. Nice to meet you, Icey. I need to get back to Guru. Stay safe kid” With steam everywhere and a few houses destroyed he looked around to see if anyone got hurt. Gladly no one was killed but some were badly injured. He left a couple hours later to his spacepod. he got in with one last look around namek before the spacepod flew straight up and right to earth he went. A couple years later he barely woke up knowing he wasn’t moving he tried to get up but bumped his head and was knocked unconscious.

        • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Jack.
    • #40165
      itsobu nani!!

      Name: Kasai nokochi
      Gender: Male heterosexual
      Race: Saiyan
      Age: 23

      Personality:Funny makes to many jokes for his own good, loves to fight, loves to train, likes to get his hands dirty, often gets serious when in serious fight, often asks a lot of questions

      General Appearance: Black shaggy hair kinda going every makes a bang in front of his hair.skin tone white,wheres a black gi with black pant baggy, wheres a scouter, black eyes

      Backstory:Kasai was born one year before the death of planet vegeta on the month and day of June 5th.He was raised and treated like any other saiyan but his family was less serious and more happy.Kasai’s first birthday he is now able to crawl and say small things.The next year comes and in his house hold he sees a man (officially known as Burdock) come to the door warning Kasai’s parents about freezas attack.They think about it and look at kasai in worry then, they decide to go with burdock,they head off going to fight but Kasai’s father asks his brother bulbaweed to take kasai and head of the planet. bulbaweed walks into the house where baby kasai is sleeping and takes him to a house ship were they can live on the ship. Bulbaweed puts Kasai on a bed and begins to fly off.
      As they fly off they sees freeza throwing a supernova at planet vegeta bulbaweed begins to burst off trying to get away from the the explosion. 1 year later 2 year old kasai begin gaining strength that was represented when he decided to punch the a cabinet and breaking the door and the hinges.three uneventful years pass by 4 year worth of supply that they had is gone, although they have 10 years worth of supply that can hold up to three years, and bulba finally decided that kasai was at the decent age to learn how to fight. for the first 4 years he began training he did basics push up, sit up, air punches air kicks, lunges, and more. at the age of 9 his uncle decided to open up the fighting and training room which for the next 9 years he would be in there as he loves training. Bulbaweed began to show kasai ki and how to channel it every time he tried hit would look like he shit his pants kasai got tired and mad, he wanted to give up but his uncle said these words “Come on, kid don’t give up on me now you want to be strong now don’t you.” Those words stuck with him for those words what drives him to be stronger. Bulbaweed Screams in joy “I FOUND A PLANET WE CAN LIVE ON WHOO HOOO” Kasai look his uncle like if his uncle didn’t take his meds. This planet his uncle found was called earth it was a great inhabited life. when they got there they landed in a forest on earth. kasai Asked his uncle “Where are we” his uncle replied “this place is called earth”. Kasai asked if he could travel around the area see what he could see his uncle said yes and gave him 1 year to search around. as he went out he took some supplies and some food to hold him for a little until he could find animals to kill. while traveling he saw crocodiles,birds, and other. He was intrigued by these animals and there but he also killed them for food (they were quite delicious) a few months later his birthday past he is now 20 and on his birthday his present was finding a city full of people.He asked a random citizen where he was at they said it was north city knowing that helped him with direction since the city was called north city. he began finding places and
      one store he found a outfit that he liked he wanted to buy it but he had no money he asked the store clerk how he can make money. the clerk looked at him funny and said “hahah you need a job kid” kasai says “how do i get job” the clerk says “by applying for it would you like to work here” kasai says no because his house is to far away. kasai then leaves the store and heads back to his house meeting more creatures along the way while the trip back takes a year as well him now being twenty-two he told his uncle about north city and his uncle happy asks if kasai wants to live there.Kasai says yes so they pack up and head towards north city. Kasai shows his uncle all the new animals he see. when they get there finally in all the traveling back and forth they make it back to north city. he walks to the store where he was asked for a job and accepts the offer were he can work and get paid 20 zeni a hour. for the first days him and his uncle live on the streets until he finally got enough to Live in a apartment then they packed up and moved to a apartment.

      i hope this one gets accepted i tryed harder and i really hope you like it

      my discord is hakuthesilent#3979

      • #40172

        Alright, I’m going to tell you something you might not like. I don’t think you have what it takes to apply for a Saiyan. Spelling improved and it’s a little easier to read but spacing is incorrect. Another thing is your character is kind of… flat. His personality really tells me nothing about him. What’s unique about him. I think you should try for an easier race but if you want to try for Saiyan again I won’t stop you just don’t expect to get accepted.

    • #40168

      RP Name: Okora

      Planet: Earth (since he left the other planet that you’ll see)

      Sex: Male

      Race: Saiyan

      Character Age: 15

      Personality: a little cocky, energetic, always ready to train

      Fighting Style: is balanced with Ki Techniques and Martial Arts

      Alignment: Pure Hearted

      Back-story: A few years ago two saiyans were banished from planet Vegeta for disobeying king Vegeta´s orders, after that they landed on planet named Tachypso the aliens on that planet accepted they being there, only in one condition if Lotuce and Komatsuna protected there race they would let them live there and let them be there king and queen, after some years passing they were finaly accepted to their planet and komatsuna was pregnant of Lotuce giving birth to the saiyan named Okora, about when he was 5 years old there was some kind psycho in the middle of space(like broly) was destroying planets left and right and one day the planet that was about to be destroyed was the planet where Okora lived, after a fierce battle of Lotuce vs Asura (the guy that was destroying the planets) Lotuce knowing that he couldn’t beat said to Komatsuna to put Okora in a pod and set to some random coordinates, right when Okora left he saw the planet exploding right in front of his eyes, after arriving to a planet named Crone 4S, he was quickly brought to a prison containing Okora (the reason the why he’s was contain it was because in there planet saiyans are completely dangerous, and as well because there planet was in a war with another planet) after some time in the prison he was set free by the government of the planet, they decided to train him (so he can fight alongside them), after some years of training he was brought to the war, when he was protecting the civilians he tought about the civilians on the other planet and how they are going through the same pain, after some time in the war Okora decided to escape from planet so he can rest and focus on his main objective, when he was trying to escape he got caught by the general, after a fierce battle between them two the general was victorious with the battle but Okora with last of his strength made a power ball throwing it up to the sky turning him to a great ape, after gone back to normal in front of him was a destroyed city with dead bodys everywhere, after that Okora decided to leave the planet and never turn to a great ape again with fear of the same thing happening again.


      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Okora.
      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Okora.
    • #40191

      How was my App?

    • #40192

      RP Name: Zaiko

      MC Name: Excalamune

      Discord: Okora#3938

      Age: 14

      Race: Human

      Clan: Sage (if you could let me, I would be happy)

      Alignment: Pure Hearted

      What he looks like: Has Grey Hair, a Grey eye and a Dark eye with his pupil being blue

      Back-story: Zaiko was born by Litzy (Mother) who was a Valor and raised by Blake (Father) who was a Sage, (now the history behind his parents was that there was a war going on between Valor and Sages and when Blake saw Litzy almost dying he saved her life making Litzy fall in love with him) the reason why he was raised by his father it was because his mother died when he gave birth to him, making his father the only family he had left, 5 years have passed since he was born and he already was already being trained by his father so he can protect himself from any enemy’s, not long after his father decided to do a meeting with the Sage family which he was part of (you guys are probably confused on who’s the Sage family or clan, well I decided to create a clan system, which each clan is stronger than the other clan, so right now I don’t have any other type of clan besides the Sage and Valor which Sage is the strongest type so if you guys want to create one be free to create some human clans), after they tested Zaiko´s abilities he was completely humiliated in front of his father, with this his father started to train his son to his limit and sometimes when Zaiko´s bone were cracking he´s father still pushed him to train even harder, 2 years have passed since the last test and Zaiko was still humiliated by them his father was furious and decided to leave Zaiko in the middle of nowhere abandoning him Zaiko had no one left of his family to help him. After 3 years Zaiko has become a survival expert living in the wood and hunting, not only that but hes also been training the past years, and until then hes been living in the woods so he can stay away from what he calls “family”, after some few months Zaiko was found by a military force who wanted to do experiments on him for project “F-A-D-E”, of course Zaiko didn’t really have a choice and he was taken in by the military. After 2 years of experimenting on Zaiko they finally got a glimpse of what project “F-A-D-E” is, in the training grounds Zaiko´s hair started changing color to Black and his power growed immensely with the new found power Zaiko destroyed all the high-class training robots putting them to shame, but something was happening to Zaiko, when he was using this power he was starting to lose control of himself going on a rampage on the military base when Zaiko found himself in control again he found himself in front of a destroyed military base with everybody dead inside of the building, then Zaiko blacked out waking up in front of his father scared on doing the same thing he did to the military in tried to run away but his body didn’t let him move it was like the body that he had wasn’t even his anymore, then after blacking out again he found himself in front of the village he was raised in destroyed, and now scared Zaiko swear if he ever saw a person again he would run away far away as possible

      Fighting style: Martial Artist

      • #40198


        Ok, if this is serious, clans?

    • #40195

      Name: Icey
      Gender: Male
      Race: Arcosian
      Age: 17 (Human years)
      Personality: Usually Shy But when it comes to protecting lives he will not hesitate to be a “hero”
      General Appearance: He doesn’t wear anything since he is an arcosian but his main color is a very very light blue
      Backstory: Icey was always the center of attention as a child. He was all his father had anyways. Icey never had a hard life at all, he had nothing to worry about … except for frieza… that tyrant always wanted to kill his father for being a rebel against him. One day Frieza sent out soldiers to find Icey’s dad and Icey. They looked from planet to planet and they finally found them on a planet not far from earth. they lived on planet Sacloulea (Made that one up) the soldiers scaled the planet far and wide all you saw were soldiers, making it VERY easy for them to find Icey and his dad. A soldier busted down their door and threatened to kill Icey’s dad if Icey didn’t come with him. Icey’s dad didn’t want Icey to leave with them and he didn’t so the soldier took Icey’s dad an threw him right through the wall and crushed his head. Icey, shocked ran as fast as he possibly could but was caught by a soldier and brought to frieza’s ship. They put him in a cell for many years trying to persuade him into giving in and joining them. One day he just had enough and had one of the soldiers get real close and grabbed the soldiers key and punched him straight through the chest through the bars of his cell. He unlocked the door and ran to the space pods as fast as he could just like the day he tried to escape after he saw his father die. Icey got to the space pods but there were guards in the room and guards coming down the hallway. He got into a fighting stance and the guards saw him. They ran at him throwing punches all around and he dodged every single one. he tripped one of the soldiers and blasted him right through the chest. he jumped away from the rest of them and rushed to the pods dodging blasts and punches he finally got inside one and flew straight out into space. He landed on an odd planet. Planet Meitov (another made up one) that had a village he could stay at. The people there were very nice and provided him with food and water. Although he was sad that his father died he used it as motivation to save others. He was dead set on being a really good well liked hero known around the universe. He knew he had to. two soldiers were able to track him down and started killing the people in the village he ran out to see what was happening and was horrified. He quickly leapt into action and started attacking the two soldiers but instead of killing them he said “Please… stop hurting these people… I don’t want to kill anyone anymore… that isn’t who I am” one of the soldiers said
      “We both know what your intentions really are” Icey replied “come on man… Frieza isn’t a nice person… Killing you would make me just as bad as him. So please just listen” The soldier got up and said “Alright we’ll get going…” and picked up the other soldier and they were about to get into the spacepod but the soldier looked back and quickly attacked icey with one last blast before quickly leaving back to frieza’s ship. Icey was directly hit from the blast and had a hole in his chest. He survived after being treated by the people there. After a long while of healing he told the people he had to leave to another planet. He didn’t want anyone else to be attacked by frieza soldiers. So he got into his space pod and left. finally he crashed down to earth after a couple of months. He got out in awe of how beautiful it was. he looked around and found a place to sleep for the night.

      • #40197

        Frosty the- wait no this is Icey. Accepted.

    • #40199

      Am I going to have to repost it? Its being ignored. As is Ethos.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by superciano06.
      • #40201

        scroll up to the last time you posted it.

    • #40203

      Name: Shirimasen

      Gender: Asexual, He spits out eggs that has a demonic aura around them.

      Race: Demon

      Age: 522

      Personality: Shirimasen is a evil natured demon, who is manipulative, cunning and devious. He plays with opponents rather then killing them for a challenge, and does often get angry when his supposedly evil plans do not go the way he wants.

      Appearence: A Red skinned Demon with a slim build with a scar going across his right eye, he keeps closed, He often wears a blue and purple Samurai robe with brown flip flops on his feet. He sports a set of dark red wings. He has no pupils or iris and his whole eye is a dark yellow, how can he still see with this?

      Shirimasen had woken up from his slumber in the Demon Realm, he reached onto the rocks and pulled himself out of the Lava he slept in, and immediately began to roam the land. He roamed for a long time, struggling to find food or water due to the fact that he did not know of this land. Before long, the young demon had lost hope before spotting a nearby camp in the area he searched in. He went into the camp and furiously killed of the inhabitants of that land, he stole their resources and clothes as well. He continued to roam once more, still struggling to find lifeforms to raid and steal from. He had found a large palace, owned by a demon named Volent. He had walked into their and stealth-fully sneaked around the powerful Demons that had guarded this random palace in nowhere. He had snuck into the bedroom where a large, powerful demon slept. He attempted to kill that demon, but was swatted off by his arm.

      He had woken up from Shirimasen’s ki signature, he looked upon the nearly broken Shirimasen and felt extremely bad for him. He had helped heal up the young demon, and had trained him to learn Demon Combat, Combat itself, Discipline, and Ki Usage. All in only one soul agreement. That he shall NEVER betray him.

      One hundred years later, now he is grown bored of training, He began to work for Volent as a mercenary who would work on contracts to kill. He would still occasionally rob places for their scrolls and “gold”. Volent helped shape Shirimasen to who he is today. Shirimasen used to be wild and savage like, showing no remorse for who he killed. But now he was calm and collected, although still very Evil and remorseless, he was now more patient and tend let off on the killing now.

      Once he was 400 years old, he had found a strange amulet, dropped by a weird lady wondering around, he wanted to end her life, but sensed a strong presence from her and decided to back off and investigate the amulet. From a mere touch of this item a portal opened up and he and a vast amount of nearby lifeforms and objects was sucked into it, transporting him into Hell. He was amazed by the vast lifeforms, and wished to learn from them, getting more knowledgeable the more he stayed there. One day, he confronted the False King of Hell and fought him for his throne. He was almost killed, but was saved by a strange person, who was later revealed to be Volent.

      He learned a new technique. Shirimasen went over and gave off various information to Volent, as they caught up with each other. Volent suddenly confronted him with the ability to make portals, that can send people out and into realms. Which had allowed Shirimasen to be sent to Earth. Now he lives on earth, tormenting other beings, and more soon to come..

      Generic Ki Wave

      Generic Ki Blast

      Ki Control (Power Up And Down)

      The ability to Expand his weight and muscles, which makes him stronger but consume’s heavy energy. Its like the Kaioken in a sense.

      Materialization (Is able to spawn in swords, clothes, and weights, but each time he does, it drains a good amount of his ki, making him more vulnerable if he was to spawn in these items.)

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by superciano06.
    • #40209
      itsobu nani!!

      Name: Kasai nokochi
      Gender: Male heterosexual
      Race: Saiyan
      Age: 23

      Personality: Kasai is a funny person, he thinks justice is different in peoples eye and does whatever he seem fit. He is a neutral being he loves his uncle and he is a out going person. most of the time on his free-time he either trains or helps his uncle or take a walk.he loves action and will enjoy fighting bad guys in his own way.

      General Appearance: Black shaggy hair kinda going every makes a bang in front of his hair.skin tone white,wheres a black gi with black pant baggy, wheres a scouter, black eyes

      Backstory:Kasai was born one year before the death of planet vegeta on the month and day of June 5th.He was raised and treated like any other saiyan but his family was less serious and more happy.Kasai’s first birthday he is now able to crawl and say small things.The next year comes and in his house hold he sees a man (officially known as Burdock) come to the door warning Kasai’s parents about freezas attack.They think about it and look at kasai in worry then, they decide to go with burdock,they head off going to fight but Kasai’s father asks his brother bulbaweed to take kasai and head of the planet. bulbaweed walks into the house where baby kasai is sleeping and takes him to a house ship were they can live on the ship. Bulbaweed puts Kasai on a bed and begins to fly off.
      As they fly off they sees freeza throwing a supernova at planet vegeta bulbaweed begins to burst off trying to get away from the the explosion. 1 year later 2 year old kasai begin gaining strength that was represented when he decided to punch the a cabinet and breaking the door and the hinges.three uneventful years pass by 4 year worth of supply that they had is gone, although they have 10 years worth of supply that can hold up to three years, and bulba finally decided that kasai was at the decent age to learn how to fight. for the first 4 years he began training he did basics push up, sit up, air punches air kicks, lunges, and more. at the age of 9 his uncle decided to open up the fighting and training room which for the next 9 years he would be in there as he loves training. Bulbaweed began to show kasai ki and how to channel it every time he tried hit would look like he shit his pants kasai got tired and mad, he wanted to give up but his uncle said these words “Come on, kid don’t give up on me now you want to be strong now don’t you.” Those words stuck with him for those words what drives him to be stronger. Bulbaweed Screams in joy “I FOUND A PLANET WE CAN LIVE ON WHOO HOOO” Kasai look his uncle like if his uncle didn’t take his meds. This planet his uncle found was called earth it was a great inhabited life. when they got there they landed in a forest on earth. kasai Asked his uncle “Where are we” his uncle replied “this place is called earth”. Kasai asked if he could travel around the area see what he could see his uncle said yes and gave him 1 year to search around. as he went out he took some supplies and some food to hold him for a little until he could find animals to kill. while traveling he saw crocodiles,birds, and other. He was intrigued by these animals and there but he also killed them for food (they were quite delicious) a few months later his birthday past he is now 20 and on his birthday his present was finding a city full of people.He asked a random citizen where he was at they said it was north city knowing that helped him with direction since the city was called north city. he began finding places and
      one store he found a outfit that he liked he wanted to buy it but he had no money he asked the store clerk how he can make money. the clerk looked at him funny and said “hahah you need a job kid” kasai says “how do i get job” the clerk says “by applying for it would you like to work here” kasai says no because his house is to far away. kasai then leaves the store and heads back to his house meeting more creatures along the way while the trip back takes a year as well him now being twenty-two he told his uncle about north city and his uncle happy asks if kasai wants to live there.Kasai says yes so they pack up and head towards north city. Kasai shows his uncle all the new animals he see. when they get there finally in all the traveling back and forth they make it back to north city. he walks to the store where he was asked for a job and accepts the offer were he can work and get paid 20 zeni a hour. for the first days him and his uncle live on the streets until he finally got enough to Live in a apartment then they packed up and moved to a apartment.

      i hope this one gets accepted i tryed harder and i really hope you like it

      my discord is hakuthesilent#3979

      Noobly Don’t ever tell me what i can and cannot do thats a jack ass move and that was not cool u can give me constructive criticism but don’t recommend me do something else because if i wanted to do something else i would be doing something else

      • #40211

        Alright, I’m going to tell you something you might not like. I don’t think you have what it takes to apply for a Saiyan. Spelling improved and it’s a little easier to read but spacing is incorrect. Another thing is your character is kind of… flat. His personality really tells me nothing about him. What’s unique about him. I think you should try for an easier race but if you want to try for Saiyan again I won’t stop you just don’t expect to get accepted.

      • #40214

        Enough of me intentionally being an ass now though, I have no right to change your opinion but I do have a right to criticize, you’re treating your Saiyan as if he were an Earthling child though, Saiyans sent their newborn babies to other planets not raised them, themselves.

        PS: Why Bulbaweed? I don’t get the name.

    • #40210
      itsobu nani!!

      I guess your right i don’t like what you said so next time keep it to your self

      • #40212

        Um… you do know I’m an admin right? I have just as much power in accepting applications as Kaz. So does Negative. I’m trying to help you apply for the roleplay. I tried to say it in the nicest way I could. I know the truth hurts but honestly I don’t think you have what it takes to apply for a saiyan at this point and time.

      • #40213

        Listen up, and I want you to read very carefully and clearly.

        Noobly said he doesn’t think that you have what it takes to be accepted as a Saiyan. Not that you cannot apply as a Saiyan. If you look into the previous Saiyan applications that were accepted and the one you posted, you will notice a clear difference in their writing, the content, and how unique their characters are.

        Your character is flat, lacks a real defined character. If you wish to be accepted as a Saiyan you need to really expand this application. I am going to tell you flat out, this is not enough to be accepted as a Saiyan. Do not think that you will never be accepted as a Saiyan, instead, improve. I think that Noobly’s suggestion to apply as a different race was very valid.

        We currently have 5 players with Saiyan blood, myself and Kaz are both Saiyan/Half Saiyan. We have 1 arcosian, 1 namekian, 2 demons, one majin, one shinjin. We have no humans that have been accepted yet.

        With your current application, you could probably be accepted as human. Your character is really nothing unique or special, sorry to say. Nothing makes me go “We have to accept him now!”. Don’t be offended by someone criticizing you just because it’s not what you want to hear. He was very constructive, even if it wasn’t what you wanted.


    • #40215

      To everyone who is scared to apply for any other race but Saiyan you can always find hope in this quote “Fuck power levels! Fuck Super Saiyans! and Fuck you!”-Icey. That will be all.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Noobly25000.
    • #40220

      MC Name: Excalamune

      Discord: Okora#3938

      Age: 14

      Race: Human

      Alignment: Pure Hearted

      What he looks like: Has Grey Hair, a Grey eye and a Dark eye with his pupil being blue

      Back-story: Zaiko was born by Litzy (Mother) and raised by Blake (Father) who was a Sage, (now the history behind his parents was that there was a war going on and when Blake saw Litzy almost dying he saved her life making Litzy fall in love with him) the reason why he was raised by his father it was because his mother died when he gave birth to him, making his father the only family he had left, 5 years have passed since he was born and he already was already being trained by his father so he can protect himself from any enemy’s, not long after his father decided to do a meeting with the entire family, after they tested Zaiko´s abilities he was completely humiliated in front of his father, with this his father started to train his son to his limit and sometimes when Zaiko´s bone were cracking he´s father still pushed him to train even harder, 2 years have passed since the last test and Zaiko was still humiliated by them his father was furious and decided to leave Zaiko in the middle of nowhere abandoning him, Zaiko had no one left of his family to help him. After 3 years Zaiko has become a survival expert living in the wood and hunting, not only that but hes also been training the past years, and until then hes been living in the woods so he can stay away from what he calls “family”, after some few months Zaiko was found by a military force who wanted to do experiments on him for project “F-A-D-E”, of course Zaiko didn’t really have a choice and he was taken in by the military. After 2 years of experimenting on Zaiko they finally got a glimpse of what project “F-A-D-E” is, in the training grounds Zaiko´s hair started changing color to Black and his power growed immensely with the new found power Zaiko destroyed all the high-class training robots putting them to shame, but something was happening to Zaiko, when he was using this power he was starting to lose control of himself going on a rampage on the military base when Zaiko found himself in control again he found himself in front of a destroyed military base with everybody dead inside of the building, then Zaiko blacked out waking up in front of his father scared on doing the same thing he did to the military in tried to run away but his body didn’t let him move it was like the body that he had wasn’t even his anymore, then after blacking out again he found himself in front of the village he was raised in destroyed, and now scared Zaiko swear if he ever saw a person again he would run away far away as possible

      Fighting style: Martial Artist

      -I’m sorry about the other app with the clans, before just thought I could add clans but I guess not, but anyways sorry about the other this is same one I just did some alterations removing the Clans all that.-

      • #40238

        Looks good honestly. I’m not sure how we will handle the power up but not everything has to be perfect and since humans are the easiest race to apply for an all the detail you put in I’ll say it’s accepted! I’ll just need your discord. Don’t worry about the clan stuff (I honestly didn’t think it was a half bad idea and it could work to a certain extent.) Thank’s for joining us!

    • #40243

      Name: Kaenzo (No surname)

      Gender: Male

      Race: This is a bit of a deviance; Half-Saiyan/Half-Arcosian

      Age: 147

      Personality: Lawful-Neutral – Kae is very good at hiding his emotions, and he tends to have decent diplomacy skills. However, when he’s threatened or if he does form bonds with others he can become very pissed. He is usually serious but does like to tease friends once in a while. He does display a hint of insanity from his past.

      Backstory: Kaenzo is the product of an experiment by a civilization gone wrong. They had wanted to create a perfect guardian for their planet as they knew of both the Arcosians and the Saiyans taking over planets. This civilization also knew that both alien races were very powerful, and decided to engineer a biological/cyborg being (similar in nature to Cell if he had some mechanical aspects). Their experiments went wrong when this being took in more Saiyan DNA than Arcosian DNA, causing him to destroy the civilization after he awoke for the first time. He was able to breathe in space due to his Arcosian DNA, but the destruction of the planet didn’t cause a zenkai since he cannot obtain them. He drifted in space and the solitary nature caused him to go mad for a time. When he eventually landed on Namek, his memory was erased by the Namekians and they helped him learn their language and more advanced aspects of Ki, such as flying and how to sense energy. He swore his allegiance to the Namekians under the impression that they raised him from birth, and gathered the dragon balls. His first wish was Immortality, his second wish was to learn of other intelligent races in the universe, and his third was to learn a technique to reach them. Porunga granted the three wishes, and Kae spent the next 140 years practicing his skills and honing his Ki attacks and Instant Transmission. When the Grand Elder called for him to go to Earth to locate Kami and warn him that Lord Slug was still about, he obliged and departed to Earth with Instant Transmission. This is where he enters the roleplay.

      I would also like to explain the Immortality as I know it will be controversial.

      It prevents his body from being destroyed by anything other than erasure (such as a GoD or Zeno) but if he is dealt lethal damage normally he will cease to function for a month. It’s not like Zamasu’s or Garlic Jr’s immortality but it does save a wish that would be used on him for someone else, and still allows me to use another character in the time Kae is unconscious. A senzu bean can reduce the time he is inert by 1 week but only once per “death”.

      PS. Kae is an established character that I generally keep consistent between different rps and groups, this story is basically the same but made to fit this rp’s premise. He takes on Super Saiyan forms due to his slightly higher Saiyan DNA ratio but Mystic (If allowed to eventually be used) is him activating “4th form” through his Arcosian DNA.

      Oh, and my discord is Qynsi#1324

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Kaenzo.
      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Kaenzo.
      • #40246

        I’m not sure what to even say about this.

        Ok, Ok. I think I’m a bit composed now.

        For starters, being a Saiyan-Arcosian hybrid makes no sense on multiple levels.

        Your backstory is really short, like, not even close to long enough. Look at other applications that are Saiyan/Half-Siayan.

        And just some pointers:

        Nobody will start with Instant Transmission. And certainly nobody will be immortal, regardless of how it works, it is not something someone should start with.
        Make sure your story is consistent with DB lore.
        And finally, please don’t take offense from my response.

      • #40250

        Figured it was a longshot XD
        I’ll come up with a new oc soon then

      • #40275

        Try to keep in mind that applying for saiyan is very hard, it has to be consist with The DB lore as Negative said. To be able to be accepted as a saiyan I expect quality and a long length backstory. If your not going for saiyan, and going for acrosian. Keep in mind it has to be a very good application too, so you’ll be able to be accepted.

      • #40288


    • #40276

      RP Name: Rico

      MC Name: Gromitt
      Gender: Male
      Race: Saiyan
      Age: 18
      Personality: Rico is a kind and brave person, that also has a IQ that equals 200.
      General Apperance: Basically that of a college student that has gloves on.
      Backstory: Originally a Saiyan on Planet Vegeta, Rico lived a very calm life, until, Frieza started to destroy the planet, where he found the same fate as Goku – Getting sent to Earth. When he was a quarter of the way to Earth, Planet Vegeta was destroyed, and then when he was half way there, he started training, for a few months. Until, finally, on Age 739, at a age of 12, he landed. Completely unaware of everything around him, he explored. A year later, while hunting using his skill from the training 2 years earlier, he found a home, some money, and a Saiyan Scouter. When he was 16, he moved to West City, when he was 17 he married Luffa and when he was 18, he decided to attend college.

      • #40283

        There are so many things wrong with this that I’m just going to say denied.

        Reasons (In order of severity)-

        1. Very unfaithful to the lore of Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z, especially regarding your name, and your character’s parent’s names. Due to the age of your character, you should not exist at all. You should be at least 22/23 years old, the same as Goku. Saiyan names are vegetable puns, keep that in mind.

        2. Your personality. For one, it’s not very clear about who he is, how he acts, and all that. Also, your character’s IQ is both irrelevant, and misplaced. For one, that’d be part of your backstory, if anything, secondly, no. You will not be playing a character who has some really high IQ for no reason at all. Saiyans are a very primitive race, the few exceptions being from the Royal family.

        3. Several things make literally no sense. For starters, no Saiyan lived a “calm life”. Saiyans were whisked off into combat at a young age, making it impossible for life to be calm.

        Training in a space pod is essentially impossible. You have to understand that those things are way too tiny to train inside of, and that’d just destroy it. They’re intended to be sat in, while the user is in a hibernation like state. The trip to Earth would’ve been at most a year and a half, your character would be way too young to train, or know how to train.

        Training in strength doesn’t make you more skilled by the way. It doesn’t help you find a home, nor money, and certainly not a scouter of any kind.

        Everything after that point was filler, and pointless.

        In the end, this is a piss poor lazy application. There’s a reason I literally denied it, and didn’t ask for any fixes. Because it was just completely trash.

    • #40296

      Name: Ruta
      Gender: Male
      Race: Saiyan
      Age: 24
      Personality: Ruta is somewhat prideful, being a full-blooded Saiyan. He cares for his friends but is hardly one to get mushy. He isn’t afraid to share his opinions, and he thinks things out, as the last thing he wants to do is make a costly mistake.
      General Appearance: Ruta looks just about what you’d expect a young man his age would look like. He has the unchanging black hair characteristic of his race, with individual differences. (Outfit TBD)
      Backstory: Ruta was born to Arug and his wife, Amara in age 735, two years before the destruction of Planet Vegeta. His parents were both at lower-class Saiyans, and his mother had an average power level, and she sent off ships, rather than being a soldier. His father was strong for a low-class Saiyan, but he wasn’t anything special. Ruta was born with a lower power level, around 5, but aside from that he was a pretty normal Saiyan. The whole family was actually pretty normal for a Saiyan family, or at least, it seemed that way. In actuality, Arug had been planning to escape Freeza with his family ever since Ruta was born, and was searching for every opportunity to do so. Finally, about a year and a half before the destruction of Vegeta, Ruta was to be sent off on a mission, and it would’ve been his first as well. However, his mother just happened to be assigned to send him off, and instead of sending him to the planet he was assigned to, she sent him off to planet that housed a rebel camp comprised of people who wanted the Cold Family’s tyranny to end, one that Arug had heard about from his friend, Radi, whom he hadn’t seen in months, as he had already defected from the Freeza Force. Arug was also on Vegeta at the time, so when he was assigned his next mission two days later, he punched in the coordinates for the planet with the rebel base. Amara, that same day, snuck into a pod and took to the same planet. This planet was known as Xavar (pronounced “Zay-var”) by outsiders, and was considered uninhabited by intelligent life for centuries, as the harsh conditions and low value allowed for the planet to remain unexplored by many. However, to those in the Anti-Cold Battalion it was home and base of operations. By time Ruta had arrived at Xavar, over a year had passed. When Ruta crash landed on the swampy planet, there was little he could do, as there was nobody in sight, and Ruta obviously wasn’t a survival expert. However, fortunately, Xavar was a somewhat small planet, and a scout from the ACB eventually found him the same day he landed. Ruta was taken to the underground base of the ACB, where he was taken care of for a few days, until his parents showed up, escorted by another scout. There were many scouts, and the planet was patrolled every day for people who came to Xavar looking for refuge from the Cold Family or seeking to join the ACB. A child being sent off to Xavar alone was nothing too uncommon, but it was somewhat rare for an entire family to make it together. Nevertheless, Arug, Amara, and ther son, Ruta, were reunited on Xavar, 5 months before Vegeta met its end. Arug instantly enlisted upon making it to the base, and shortly after Amara enlisted as well, although not as a soldier. Instead she worked at the base. They decided to wait until Ruta was 13 to decide whether or not he wanted to enlist. And so, time passed. Arug made progress in climbing the ranks of the ACB, and his friend Radi met him not long after he arrived at Xavar, surprising him by revealing he was fairly high ranked, being a commander. Several months later Vegeta was obliterated by Freeza. Around that point, there were many new Saiyans who showed up on Xavar. Some had managed to escape by sheer luck, being off-planet at the time, while others had also been attempting to defect for several months. Regardless, the force of the ACB grew, and the battalion was a secret force to be reckoned with. Almost every Saiyan was angered and upset by the destruction of Vegeta, be it because of friends on the planet or anger at Freeza’s suspected betrayal. Arug and Amara were gracious that they escaped with Ruta, who was still young and oblivious, however they were no exception to the rule, and were saddened to hear the news about their ex-home planet. Five more months passed and Amara gave birth to her second child, Cassa. Cassa was born with a fairly high power level, one that already rivaled the now two-year-old Ruta. Ruta had made some friends, but there wasn’t quite anybody his age. He was, however, ecstatic to have a little sister, and he tried very hard to help his mother care for her. As they grew, they remained fairly close, and they considered themselves friends as well as siblings. By the time Ruta was six, Cassa was significantly stronger than him, and by time he was eight, she was past the point where he could hold his own against her, which frustrated him, but not too much. When Cassa turned 10, Ruta had merely seven months left until his 13th birthday, where he would be able to enlist in the ACB. Both him and Cassa wanted to enlist, as they wanted to be like their father, now a commodore, whom was considered a hero for saving tens of thousands of lives in his career and had risen through the rankings quickly. Cassa was looking to be a very promising asset to the ACB, which had grown to having around 25,000 members and counting. The ACB was causing the Cold family problems, as they sabotaged their ships and stole or destroyed supplies. Fortunately, Xavar had long been overlooked, so the ACB remained safe. Ruta enlisted in the ACB as soon as he turned 13, and got his first assignment a few days after. He had been trained for enlistment, as he clearly was interested, and Cassa was in the midst of training as well. Both felt a duty to help anyone who faced danger because of the Cold family, and it was a result of any idol they could’ve had growing up was in the ACB, and a sort of survivor’s guilt, as they managed to escape through the sheer luck that they had smart parents (although Cassa technically didn’t “escape” per se, but she still was lucky to be born safely). Ruta didn’t rise through the ranks of the ACB as fast as his father did, but he was alright with that. His family had become very compassionate throughout their time in the ACB, and he was happy enough being able to help people and do what he had dreamt of for the past decade or so. When he was 15, Cassa turned 13 and enlisted as fast as Ruta did two and a half years prior. At this point, the ACB had over 45,000 people enlisted, and the average power level of a soldier was around 12,000, with some men having power levels close to and even above 20,000. Arug had a power level of around 16,000, while Radi had one of 17,500. Radi was a vice admiral, and Ruta was still a commodore. The fleet admiral and head of operations was a four-armed humanoid wih a power level of around 35,000 named Qura (pronounced “Kwer-ah”). Ruta hadn’t advanced yet, although he was nearing a promotion. After such a long run of being seemingly invincible, with less than 100 deaths of ACB soldiers, the members of the ACB had become fairly confident, but with that confidence came cockiness as well. It came to the point where Radi, who had been suggesting to Qura that a full-scale invasion of the Freeza Force should be the next move of the ACB for several months, finally broke through, and convinced Qura that said invasion would be won by the ACB. This was a fatal mistake. Radi had preemptively ordered intel to be gathered so that a full-scale invasion could be launched almost as soon as Qura gave the go-ahead. Once Qura agreed, there were five days of prep time. It was known that Freeza was taking a trip to Freeza Planet 65, so the attack targeted that planet. Every soldier was given the choice between participating or leaving the force, and almost every soldier chose the former. In the end, 48,000 men and women geared up to attack, and set off for Freeza Planet 65, and Arug, Ruta, and Cassa were within those soldiers. When they neared Freeza Planet 65, resistance started to appear, but there was a surprising lack of major firepower. Every ship encountered was taken down easily by the ACB’s armada and their turrets. This should’ve been a sign to every soldier that something might’ve been wrong, but instead it increased everyone’s confidence. Cassa and Ruta, who were still pretty close, talked about the upcoming invasion with excitement. They both believed all would end well. 3 hours later and the ACB was upon Freeza Planet 65. At this point, there had been very little resistance. There was a small fleet of ships that defended Freeza’s ship, being his bodyguards. These ships fired upon the ACB armada, and slowed many of the ships down. Some ships, however, got past the defenses and flew down to Freeza Planet 65, firing upon it all along the way. As the ships entered the planets atmosphere, the infantry exited the ships, diving towards the surface. At first, the situation seemed fine, as there hadn’t been much resistance. It wasn’t until around 25,000 soldiers had landed that a large-scale realization dawned upon the ACB soldiers; it was a trap. Suddenly, almost every ACB ship exploded. Some of the other ships attempted retreat, only to also be destroyed. Every ship with active communication with Xavar could only hear chaos as Freeza Force ships approached the planet. Within 10 minutes of the first landing on Freeza Planet 65, there were about 30,000 ACB soldiers alive. Within 20 minutes of the first landing there were about 5,000. Rebels were being massacred by the prepared soldiers. Even the Ginyu Force had been called in, and they were battering Qura, who had confidently joined the front lines, along with many of the other top men. It was clear someone was a traitor, and Radi knew exactly who. It was him, as he had realized at one point that the ACB wasn’t ever going to be able to defeat Freeza. He had the illogical notion that Freeza would welcome him for his help, but when he approached where Freeza watched on as a spectator, Freeza merely shot him through the heart with a death beam, not even giving Radi so much as a glance, much less a word or a job. Cassa had realized earlier than most that the invasion was a bad idea, and had immediately gone to Ruta. They both had run off, looking for escape pods. As ships fell from the sky, Cassa was nearly crushed by one, but instead she caught the ship, and, realizing her fortune, sat it down. Her and Ruta entered the ship that housed a terrified pilot and a gunner, who were both entering escape pods. Ruta told Cassa to board one of the other pods and to set the coordinates to Xavar, but the pilot objected shakily, informing the siblings that Xavar was under attack. Ruta cursed their misfortune, and told Cassa to put in whatever coordinates she thought would be safe. He then left, saying he was going to look for Arug. As he left the ship, one pod flew off. The other two began to fire up, but then the ship was destroyed. Ruta was shocked at his luck, but feared for Cassa. He then reasoned that he didn’t have the time to worry just yet. He looked around for Arug, but to no avail. Arug, Ruta, and Cassa all landed from the same ship, but Arug was no where to be found. As Ruta searched, he became panicked and moved about riskily. This would prove to be a bad move, as he was blind-sighted by a soldier who blasted Ruta in the ribs with a strong punch. Ruta was never the best at combat, so all he could do was swing back at the soldier. The soldier ducked and kicked him in the chest, throwing him back. As he flew, Ruta realized the total gravity of the situation, and realized that Arug was probably dead, and that he would be too if he didn’t leave. He wanted to stay, he wanted to fight, but he knew there was nothing he could do. The ACB could barely handle the soldiers, much less Freeza himself. Ruta crawled away from the battlefield, searching for a pod. He spotted a crashed ship, and prayed to find a working pod. Fate was on his side at that moment, and there was one working pod. Ruta crawled into the ships and pretended to not see the dead bodies. He crawled to the working and pod and shouted a quick “Hoo-rah” only to wince and clutch his side. He punched in some random coordinates, thought about his situation for a brief second, and sent the ship off. He wondered whom had betrayed the ACB, but didn’t dwell on it because there was no way he’d know. As his pod left Freeza Planet 65, he watched in horror as very few pods left the planet. Every ACB ship had been destroyed. There were so few pods that it appeared the enemies didn’t even bother shooting them down. Ruta wondered whether Cassa was in that pod or not, he wondered if Arug had survived somehow. He then though of his mother, Amara, and gasped in horror and then in pain because of his injuries. He realized, at that moment, that there was an overwhelming probability that he was an orphan, and a 66% chance he doesn’t have a sister anymore. He began to silently scream; for yelling caused too much pain. He was angry at Freeza, at the rest of the Cold Family, at all of their soldiers, at whoever betrayed the ACB, and then at himself. Silent screams turned into quite tears, then quiet sobbing. Ruta recounted his life and then realized so far it had revolved around the ACB. He guessed that there were maybe a dozen or two– maybe three with some luck– remaining members of the ACB. He wondered what he’d do, as he didn’t really have anything to live for. But as he came closer to his destination, he realized that he had the hope that his sister, father, and maybe even mother had survived to live for, and at that moment he decided that he would go on. By the time he arrived at Earth (the place at the random coordinates he chose), he was 17, and had decided that he would do anything to prevent such a huge mistake from happening again. That mistake not just being the invasion, but joining the ACB in the first place without even thinking about whether or not it was a good idea. He had lost some common traits of Saiyans throughout his time in the ACB, but he was still somewhat prideful, so when he landed on Earth, he didn’t know what to do. He had landed in a forest, but he ventured to the nearest city; East City. He had no idea what to do to survive, and he didn’t want to ask anybody for help. He left his pod in the woods, and his clothes were in tatters. He paced the streets wondering what to do, when he saw someone. There was a little girl, around nine years old, who looked almost exactly like Cassa. Ruta knew that there was no way the girl could’be been Cassa. She was six years too young. But as he looked at her in disbelief, he heard a voice strikingly similar to Cassa’s ask “Are you okay Mister?” Ruta snapped out of his trance and noticed the girl was with several other kids, all varying in shape and size. There was also an older lady, who appeared to be supervising the kids. Ruta replied, “I-I’m fine,” but the older lady said “Nonsense, you look like you’ve been through a wood chipper,” She began to explain that the children were orphans, and that she just wanted to help. This struck something in Ruta, and he thought that maybe he was an orphan too. She offered to help him get some new clothes, but he refused. She persisted and he gave in, not wanting to argue with an old lady and in front of half a dozen orphans. She led the way to the orphanage, told the children to begin preparing dinner. They all said “Yes Ma’am,” before going off in various directions. The old lady rustled up some old clothes, presumably from a previous tenant of the orphanage. She remarked that Ruta looked like he wasn’t from around the area and asked him what his name was. He told her his name, and said he was not from around the area, although he didn’t say where he was from. She offered him a place to stay, but he refused. He didn’t want to mooch, and he was too prideful to say immediately accept help. But after leaving the orphanage with the reluctantly accepted clothing and spending two nights sleeping on the streets, he realized he couldn’t make it without the old lady’s help. And so, he gave in, and began living at the orphanage. Ruta may not have been the strongest Saiyan, but he was amazing compared to the average Human, and he helped the old lady, who was called Granny Betty. He spent 6 years at the orphanage, helping out wherever he could, and marveling a the similarity between the little girl whose named was Avi and Cassa. Slowly, every child at the orphanage was eventually adopted, until the only remaining people were the aging Betty, Ruta, and Avi. Everyone had looked up to “Big Bro Ruta,” but Avi looked up to him the most. He always helped, but he was certainly not quick to accept help himself. She wished she could help much as Ruta did, and she dreamt of growing up to be like Granny Betty, helping as many people as she can. One day, as Granny Betty’s health declined even further, Avi was adopted by a middle-aged couple who couldn’t have their own kids. It was then just Ruta and Granny Betty. She was joyous that every kid except Ruta was adopted, but she was still a little saddened that she couldn’t help Ruta or other kids anymore. Ruta, recognizing that Granny Betty was at the end of her life, assured her that she had done enough, and that he would be fine. As Granny Betty passed, Ruta again recounted his life, and was unsure of what to do next. All he knew growing up was getting stronger to join the ACB. The ACB was nothing at that moment. He thought of his time at the orphanage, and was happy he could help, but he didn’t think that was the job for him. He then realized there wasn’t any job for him, and that he was once again alone. After Granny Betty’s funeral, he returned to the ex-orphanage. He said his goodbyes to the building, and left East City, searching for a purpose. He eventually found himself in the wilderness with no idea what to do with himself, and decided to let what remained of his Saiyan instincts kick in a little. He began to hunt, and taught himself how to survive. It was difficult, but he was used to difficult. And so, Ruta, 24, lives in the wilderness not too far from civilization, where he occasionally visits, just to keep himself from becoming an animal. He hopes his father and mother are alive, but he doesn’t count on it. He takes Avi’s existence as a sign that Cassa exists somewhere, but he doesn’t know where. He trains his body in his off-time, as he doesn’t know what else to do. That is where he is before the events of Dead Zone take place.

      • #40298

        That was really long. Accepted for reasons besides that.

      • #40299


    • #40297

      Dang that’s a lot longer than I thought it would be

    • #40304

      Name:- Abry
      Gender:- Male
      Age:- 23 years
      Race:- Saiyan
      Alignment:- Neutral(as of now, he has no idea of his own)
      Personality:- As a Saiyan, he has a natural urge to fight, but this urge also hampers with his thinking sometimes. He can fly into a rage over the most trivial of matters, hurting and destroying things around him. His upbringing, however, has left him with a strong sense of discipline and commitment to duty.
      General Appearance:- He wears a black shirt and white trousers normally.
      Abry was born and brought up on a planet called Arbi, not far from Earth. It was a quiet planet on which a small colony of weak or less battle-oriented Saiyans resided, being one of the worst planets one could be assigned to. Abry was brought up in the harshness of this planet, which has made him a headstrong person, who acts rather than thinking. At the age of five, he had made a reputation for himself among adults and children as a person constantly hungry for battle. He was taught the theory of using Ki ever since he started showing prowess on his own planet in his strength. His father told him, “One day, you body will be stronger, more resistant, and more capable than right now. That day, you must use this technique, master it, and go beyond. Your fists are not your deadliest weapon. Doing so, he proceeded to fire a blast, and teach Abry the manipulation of Ki. Abry tried, but only a tiny beam came out. His father clapped him on the back and took him out to the desert to train. At the age of 5, having slipped away from his house, he was going to visit the mainland, when he saw a huge explosion. He was frightened, thinking they were under attack. Little did Abry know that this had been happening for the past 5 years, since the planet was mainly a test site for Saiyan recruits, along with being a minor posting. Abry panicked, and ran away from the city. Not looking ahead, he reached the edge of a deep depression and fell in.
      As he woke up, he saw in front of him a round white sphere, with a red glass window. He curiously touched it, and it opened. Inside were some complicated mechanisms, a start mechanism, which Abry knew from his limited time in his father’s old space pod, and a navigation device. The pod was set to the nearest planet, that being Earth. He was looking at the other devices, when there was another explosion. This time, however, it was less controlled. It seemed as if someone was fighting seriously. He closed the door out of fear. Shaking, he tried to move around in the limited space, when he accidentally hit the start button with his elbow. The pod rose, hovered in the air, and blasted off to Earth. He didn’t know how to stop it.
      Travelling through space was an unrivaled scary experience for the young boy. He looked out of the window at his planet, growing ever smaller. Abry fearfully stayed in the pod.
      6 months later:-
      Abry landed in a lush green environment, with some trees(very rare on Arbi, but somehow there were loads here!), a pool of water, and a….wooden box with a triangular roof? Abry had always lived in a tent with menial provisions, so a house was a concept unknown to him. He walked into the house, looking dirty, and the owner, a sweet lady asked him if he was lost. Abry nodded and said that he was very far from home. The sweet lady decided to help him home, when she saw his tail waving behind him. She screamed, “Alien with a tail!” and hurriedly closed the door.
      Abry wandered around. At some point he saw another house, but it was closed. Abry pushed the door and it didn’t open. Hungry and tired, Abry rammed the door with all the force he could muster, and broke it. Inside, he looked around until he saw a bag of something. He tried eating the bag, but it didn’t taste good(it was a bag of crisps, but he didn’t know how to open it). He almost gave up when he saw something, a thin dotted black line. He wasn’t uneducated; his father had seen to that. It said, tear here. He tore open the bag and saw some yellow thin slices. He put one in his mouth; it was crunchy and delicious! Abry hurried gobbled them up, along with half the other food in the house. Contented, he was leaving when a man came inside and asked, “Who are you and why are you in my house?!” Abry replied that he was lost and hungry. The man took pity on him and told him that he would let him stay with him. Abry asked whether the man had a problem with his tail. The man smiled, and said he didn’t.
      As the years passed, Abry’s foster father, Cole, taught Abry about Earth. At some point he realized that Abry’s strength was unnatural and often sent him on errands. While growing up, Abry once accidentally blew up Cole’s gardening shed by focusing hard on it and releasing a blast of Ki. His basic Ki training had left him with certain theories which he now started putting into practice. After the shed incident though, he didn’t use it in front of Cole again. Abry occasionally made money by fighting people, by going to the nearest city, East City. When he was 15, the man said, “Abry. You’re all grown up now. I’ve taught you the ways of the world. You must go out and live on your own. Abry decided to go live in the plains. For 7 years, he’s been living in a tree house, eating fruits and animals for sustenance.

    • #40312





      Personality:Ninjin Is Very serious and intimidating. When fighting, he is very calm and doesn’t go full effort, But this all changes when he transforms. If he transforms, he goes berserk and loses control similar to a great ape Similar to a Saiyan.

      General Appearance:https://kaiju-borru-zetto.deviantart.com/art/Ninjin-Alright-134544743

      Backstory:When Ninjin Was Born He Was Born Proudly As He Is The Prince Of All Saiyans Once Ninjin Had Started Training His Father Gifted Him The Royal Saiyan Armor With The Royal Saiyan Crest And Through Out Ninjin’s Training He Had Surpassed All Of The Elite Warriors One Day Ninjin Was Ordered To a Meeting With A Lord Not Just Any Lord But A Destroyer Lord Of His Universe When Ninjin Arrived In The Meeting Room He And The Destroyer Lord Sat Down And Talked Half Way Through Chatting The Destroyer Lord Said We Need To Exterminate The Saiyans Asap Thats When Ninjin Burst Over The Meeting Table And Grabed Him By The Neck Saying Its Life Forms Like You That I Hate.

    • #40317

      NU WHY

      • #40318

        Go take a look at responses to other Saiyan applications, for one.

        Secondly, we have a lot of Saiyans, so we’re trying to get other races.

    • #40325


      We’ll not be accepting more Saiyans and Half-Saiyans for a while, till we get more of a variety of players with different races. Hopefully, we’ll be seeing more of the other races than just that.

    • #40328

      Name: Frigid
      Gender: None, but I’ll call him ‘he’.
      Personality: Rough and harsh to many people. If he trusts you, he’ll be friendly…if not, watch your back…
      General Appearance: He’s green on most of his body, but his heads dome is red. He has electric blue eyes and a long tail. There’s a cut on the left side of his chin, and another right above his right eye. He’s covered with minor cuffs and scrapes all over his body, owing to his tough life.
      Backstory: As soon as he was born, it was determined by all his relatives that he would join the Frieza Force as soon as he was old enough. A cousin of Frieza’s, he did not like the way Frieza heartlessly destroyed, conquered and enslaved planets. As soon as he was able to land a punch on his father (age 2) he was enrolled in the Force’s training program. There he was taught how to kill mercilessly and without any regret, how to effectively escape from any tricky situation, and most importantly, how to be an obedient member of the Force. The training served him very well, and by the age of 11 he was hardened in every aspect – except his heart. He could rival many of the Force’s strongest, maybe even kill some of them. But he could not bring himself to harm even the weakest, most despicable one. One day however, he found even more reason to hate Frieza-enough to want to kill him.
      Frigid’s father was a respected member of the Force, and he had never been unsuccessful on a mission. However, one day, he had to go to a planet called Arbi, to destroy it, and kill a certain person living there…
      The mission was a disaster. Many of the Force died, and the planets citizens escaped. Frigid had never seen Frieza so angry, as he was that fateful day. Frieza stood up, mocked Frigid’s father for a while, then… shot him with a laser. Then he looked at Frigid and said, “Apparently there’s a vacancy at the spot of general…I’d like to promote you,unless you refuse?” Frigid knew that refusal meant ending up like his father, and even though he wanted to strangle Frieza with his hands, he accepted. The following 5 years were easy going for him. He raised many planets and oversaw many missions, the most famous one being that of Planet Vegeta. But Frigid never forgot his desire to kill Frieza, and waited for his chance patiently. Finally, it came. He was a few months from his 17th birthday and he had been on Planet Vegeta many times. The Saiyans were innocent, but Frieza had decided to destroy them all…
      As Frieza fought the Saiyan named Bardock, Frigid saw his chance. As soon as Frieza was done with planet Vegeta, he’d be exhausted. And then, he’d strike. Everything went according to plan until he punched Frieza. Frigid’s cousin turned around chuckling, and said, “So eager to die, cousin?” ”You killed my father, the Saiyans and countless others. You must die!” shouted Frigid. Frieza’s eyes showed a glimmer of amusement. “The rest of your life… well, enjoy it in prison,” he said as he ordered the Force’s members to lock away Frigid for the rest of his life. 10 years Frigid spent banging at walls, trying to break down his cell door, and being beaten up for it. His dinner was the scraps from a dog’s(metaphorically) and he was treated like plumbing. At last, one day, the jailer opened the door completely while giving him food, which was when Frigid jabbed him in the stomach. Though it was successful, Frigid was shocked that it had HURT HIM. He’d been weakened in the cell due to lack of training and nourishment. It was all he could do to grab a space pod, as the alarm was sounded. He looked at the options and selected the first, “EARTH”.
      He landed on Earth after many long months. Weak and fatigued, he opened the pod door, and fainted.
      He’s been on Earth long enough only to find out that trees don’t taste good, and water is not meant to be thrown, pigs taste good and that people don’t look like him.

      Please do inform me if anything in my app doesn’t make sense/add up, I will try and correct it.
      Thank you.

      • #40332

        I don’t see anything wrong with it. Looks really good honestly. I’ll say accepted! I’ll message you the discord.

    • #40329

      Name: Xoe
      Race: Half-Saiyan
      Age: 9
      Personality: Xoe is somewhat of an asshole. She is extremely sarcastic, and snaps when easily pushed. She tries her best to keep her calm, but sometimes its really hard. To her comrades, she is extremely protective and pretends to hate them all. She is also extremely introverted, so you know she loves you when you takes the time out of her day to talk to you.
      General Appearance: Xoe has short, dark brown hair, and bright blue eyes. She wears a pair of black, round glasses, and a nice black and white sports jacket over a purple tanktop. She also wears a pair of dark blue shorts and black shoes. Her tail nicely wraps around her waist and is covered by her jacket. When she gets ready for battle she takes off her jacket, and reveals her tail, and that’s how you know you’re about to be messed up.
      Backstory: Xoe’s mother, Mattie, was of the royal Saiyan class on Planet Vegeta. She was very intelligent, and therefore was made a diplomat, and often traveled to other planets to speak with other leaders. If the people of Planet Vegeta believed the leaders of any other planet could be reasoned with, her mother was the first one they sent out. However, Planet Vegeta was often bad at making judgements, and her mother was often challenged, and forced to fight for her life. This caused her mother to increase in strength, and while a royal diplomat, she was a warrior at heart. Xoe’s mother was rather famous on Planet Vegeta. Not just for her royal status, but because she often competed in tournaments behind her father’s back. He was very unaware of the power she had inside of her, and often underestimated her abilities. One day, however, a threat was made against Xoe’s mother’s life, by a warrior of the Freiza race. She was sent to earth by her father after the false threat was made with nothing but a purple scouter, and a pendent from her family. Lucky for her, she was sent just in time for her home planet to be destroyed, and her whole family to be killed. While on planet Earth, Xoe’s mother set up her own house in the middle of nowhere, about 80 miles from the nearest city (West City). Not knowing the customs of earth, she flew everywhere to do everything. She would often fly into the West City, simply to view the beautiful cherryblossoms found there. It was under one of these cherryblossoms, that Xoe’s mother met Xoe’s father. She created a life with him, had a child, and now trains Xoe every weekend.
      Xoe’s father, Micheal, was a member of the united states army. He grew up in a shabby part of his home town. He was abused, both physically and mentally, and the military was his only escape. He thought it would bring him a sense of power, and destroy his sense of helplessness. He did it not only to escape, but to hopefully save his brother and sister, and provide for his future wife and child. He, sadly, never went back to his siblings. He traveled all around the world in his early days, and decided to settle down in West City, his personal favorite. He still worked for the army, and was stationed to work at one of the buildings residing in the city. His favorite thing to do was look out the Windows, and watch as the same woman walked through the cherryblossom tree’s every single day for months. He thought she was beautiful, and finally he grew enough balls to go talk to her. They spoke for hours, fell in love, had a child, and just like Xoe’s father had always dreamed, he was able to provide for them, and give them a better life then he had growing up.
      Xoe was very isolated as a child. Not only did she live very far away from the any cities, but her mother pretty much forced her to train constantly. “It’s a cruel world out there. The only true way to live is with power!”, her mother would always say, just before kicking her in the face. Xoe was always very emotionally unstable, and her nor her mother were ever able to understand why. Her father claimed to know the reason, but his opinion didn’t matter. From 3-5 Xoe constantly trained, then from 5-9 she shifted between training and studying. She did start going to school at 5, but she wasn’t a very big fan of the other kids. Her and one kid in particular got along, but their friendship ended pretty quickly after she broke his arm for stealing her carrots. By her ninth birthday, she was extremely efficient in multiple forms of martial arts (In case you’re wondering this is not over powered, that was literally me irl lol). Her mother was very particular about her form, and would slap her down over the smallest mistakes. This caused her to become a perfectionist, which was like… a HUGE issue in the long run. She continues training constantly, and her mother continues to make snarky comments, cursing way to much, and threatening to murder her father. Her father just sits there playing on his technological devices, wishing he had enough balls to walk away or say something that would get his head ripped off.

      (By the way, this Xoe, not Luke… he gave me his account because mine wasn’t working.)

      • #40330

        I’m… really… really… really sorry. I hate to be the messenger of bad news but we are no longer accepting saiyans or half saiyans. We already have 6 and other races are lucky if they have 2 right now. If you would like to recreate your character with another race it would totally be accepted but we just aren’t accepting any more saiyan or half saiyan applications. I’m really sorry.

      • #40331

        I now have good news! The owner has said if you improve the name of the mother and a few other things such as increasing the length of the backstory you might actually get accepted to play as a half saiyan. You will be the last person for a while if everything works out so make it count!

    • #40333

      Name: Xoe
      Race: Half-Saiyan
      Age: 9
      Personality: Xoe is somewhat of an asshole. She is extremely sarcastic, and snaps when easily pushed. She tries her best to keep her calm, but sometimes its really hard. To her comrades, she is extremely protective and pretends to hate them all. She is also extremely introverted, so you know she loves you when she takes the time out of her day to talk to you.
      General Appearance: Xoe has short, dark brown hair, and bright blue eyes. She wears a pair of black, round glasses, and a nice black and white sports jacket over a purple tanktop. She also wears a pair of dark blue shorts and black shoes. Her tail nicely wraps around her waist and is covered by her jacket. When she gets ready for battle she takes off her jacket, and reveals her tail, and that’s how you know you’re about to be messed up.
      Backstory: Xoe’s mother, Mattie(A pun for ?) was of the royal Saiyan class on Planet Vegeta. She was very intelligent, and therefore was made a diplomat, and often traveled to other planets to speak with other leaders. If the people of Planet Vegeta believed the leaders of any other planet could be reasoned with, her mother was the first one they sent out. However, Planet Vegeta was often bad at making judgements, and her mother was often challenged, and forced to fight for her life. This caused her mother to increase in strength, and while a royal diplomat, she was a warrior at heart. Xoe’s mother was rather famous on Planet Vegeta. Not just for her royal status, but because she often competed in tournaments behind her father’s back. He was very unaware of the power she had inside of her, and often underestimated her abilities. One day, however, a threat was made against Xoe’s mother’s life, by a warrior of the Freiza race. She was sent to earth by her father after the false threat was made with nothing but a purple scouter, and a pendent from her family. Lucky for her, she was sent just in time for her home planet to be destroyed, and her whole family to be killed. While on planet Earth, Xoe’s mother set up her own house in the middle of nowhere, about 80 miles from the nearest city (West City). Not knowing the customs of earth, she flew everywhere to do everything. She would often fly into the West City, simply to view the beautiful cherryblossoms found there. It was under one of these cherryblossoms, that Xoe’s mother met Xoe’s father. She created a life with him, had a child, and now trains Xoe every day. (Like a lot, like way to much.)
      Xoe’s father, Micheal, was a member of the united states army. He grew up in a shabby part of his home town. He was abused, both physically and mentally, and the military was his only escape. He thought it would bring him a sense of power, and destroy his sense of helplessness. He did it not only to escape, but to hopefully save his brother and sister, and provide for his future wife and child. He, sadly, never went back to his siblings. He traveled all around the world in his early days, and decided to settle down in West City, his personal favorite. He still worked for the army, and was stationed to work at one of the buildings residing in the city. His favorite thing to do was look out the Windows, and watch as the same woman walked through the cherryblossom tree’s every single day for months. He thought she was beautiful, and finally he grew enough balls to go talk to her. They spoke for hours, fell in love, had a child, and just like Xoe’s father had always dreamed, he was able to provide for them, and give them a better life then he had growing up.
      Xoe was very isolated as a child. Not only did she live very far away from the any cities, but her mother pretty much forced her to train constantly. “It’s a cruel world out there. The only true way to live is with power!”, her mother would always say, just before kicking her in the face. Xoe was always very emotionally unstable, and her nor her mother were ever able to understand why. Her father claimed to know the reason, but his opinion didn’t matter. From 3-5 Xoe constantly trained, then from 5-9 she shifted between training and studying. She did start going to school at 5, but she wasn’t a very big fan of the other kids. Her and one kid in particular got along, but their friendship ended pretty quickly after she broke his arm for stealing her carrots. By her ninth birthday, she was extremely efficient in multiple forms of martial arts (In case you’re wondering this is not over powered, that was literally me irl lol). Her mother was very particular about her form, and would slap her down over the smallest mistakes. This caused her to become a perfectionist, which was like… a HUGE issue in the long run. This caused her to overworks her own body a lot, as she always wanted to be perfect. Xoe grew up in a household where image was important. Her mother was royalty after all, and always made sure Xoe never forgot that. She would tell Xoe stories of Planet Vegeta (Which, quite frankly, Xoe thought was overrated). Months after Xoe’s ninth birthday, she was taken to her first planet. There, the gravity was different, and it was harder for Xoe to train. Her mother continuously beat her down, and continued to remind her that she was nothing compared to the great Saiyans that lived before her on Planet Vegeta. Her mother tormented her by calling her names, and making comments on her half-saiyan status. This taught Xoe how to insult like her mother. It’s nothing too interesting, really, she just has a foul mouth and doesn’t know when to call it quits. Xoe’s father on the other hand has taught Xoe plenty of valuable things in life as well. He taught her how to eat way too much food, and how to play video games. He also taught her how to wrestle, and has made more then a few mistakes by requesting that she punch him in the gut. Xoe is extremely close to both of her parents, and the family is really close as a whole. When Xoe and her mother aren’t training, and Xoe isn’t studying (which by the way, she sucks at), Xoe and her family usually sit outside and stare at the stars, or sometimes wander the city until all hours of the night (Xoe is always reminded to never tell anyone about her mother’s shopping and gambling habits, as well.) They always stop and eat ice cream by the cherry blossom tree where her parents met. Xoe still continues to train constantly, sometimes on different planets, depending on her mothers mood, and her mother continues to make snarky comments, curses way to much, and threatens to murder her and her father. Xoe’s father just sits there playing on his technological devices, cheering both his favorite ladies on, while wishing he had enough balls to walk away or say something that would get his head ripped off.
      (I hope this is better, I had a hard time thinking of some stuff to say, so I mostly went with the cheesy paragraph I added in there. Oh, and I was told to specify that Mattie is a Saiyan pun for Tomato. It’s my moms favorite veggie irl, so I thought I would implement that the best way I could. ??)

      • #40355

        Not bad, this is actually pretty good. It’s also has improved from the last time you’ve posted. There’s nothing much wrong with it, so I’ll call this an Accepted

    • #40351

      Name: Nicolas Arclight

      Gender: Male

      Race: Half-Saiyan

      Age: 14

      Alignment: Neutral good about 60% good in dbz terms.

      Personality: Cold hearted but opens up to people who he trusts, doesn’t like to “Toy” with his opponents even though being a Half Saiyan,
      even though he doesn’t like to toy with his opponents he still enjoys a good fight.

      General Appearance: Born with brown hair that has faded into white at the tips (health condition), green eyes , has a Leviish kinda hairstyle.
      He is also very pale as he usually stays inside.
      When going out he usually wears alot of fashionable outfits, but when trainig or fighting he wears a black and purple tracksuit with a custom logo on its back, he wears a school uniform while on school grounds.

      Nicolas has been adopted by a royal family after being abandoned by his parents (reason unknown), The arclight family has chosen him because of his looks as a child the facinating dual mix hair and the almost shining green eyes.
      Altough a royal family his life wasn’t going to be all easy, he was demanded to train in hand to hand combat aswell as keeping himself fit, he had to study hard aswell reaching very high standards compared to the normal person.
      Since a very young age Nicolas had been strugeling he was not allowed to go outside, he wasn’t able to make any friends, and he had to go through torture every time he had failed at something.
      Even though this all sounds horrible, this had trained Nicolas to be a cold pesron, aswell as build his body up to resist all kind of things such as electricity posions and physical pain that can be inflicted by regular humans.
      All those times that he got tortured brought him to near death situations aswell, Which gave him a Zenkai Boost without him even realising it steadily increasing his battle power.
      at the mere age of 7 he had already have surpassed the power of a regular human being and was at the power professional combatments (such as assassins.) having the Battle power of 50.
      But this had not brought a surprice to his family, Most of them already had a Battle power of 100+.
      At that age his family had told him that they are professional assassination family, that not most wealthy people can afford. They have decided to take Nicolas on assassination missions from that point forwards
      The assassination missions gave him alot of combat experience, he had learned alot of assassination techniques, he also learned how to weild knifes and short swords as he took part in the assassinations.
      Each Assassination had powered Nicolas up, as he grew more and more powerful, at the age of 9 he had already surpassed all of his borthers and sisters in Battle power having the battle power of 200.
      At the age of 10 Having the battle power of 300 his father alowed him to go into a private school outside their mansion. this wasn’t a regular school, this was a school that only accepted strong personel with high potential
      For Develpment.
      While in his school days he would mostly spend his time on top of a tree looking at the sky thinking about his future and questioning his own potential and his fathers decision on him enrolling into that school.
      The school was made to teach high potential subjects/people how to use/manipulate their ki/aura training them to increase their power and do unhuman like things.
      at the school the students were forced to train really hard trying to preduce an aura and control their ki making it take form.
      while alot of students failed (students without really low potential that would take years to teach.), alot of them have also passed exceeding the expected amount of students.
      the students who have passed have been forced to fight eachother every month to see their improvement, they also have an aura test every 3 months to see their improvement.
      after 3 months every student was tested on forming an aura around them, most of the students had a veriaty of bluish colors.
      Only 5 Students have achived a different shade of color, those colors are, Green, Red, Pink, Brown and Orange. When Nicolas’s turn came He had manifested an aura color that nobody has seen before,
      A pure white, A color that symbolizes the coldness of a person, a color that symbolized the potential development of a person, a color that symbolized strength. at this point Nicolas’s Battle power is 500.
      After the first half year the students have been thought how to shoot ki blasts, being able to do that they were sent to train at a practice range, thus making every fight even more dangerous.
      At the end of the sixth month they had to have their aura evaluated again,seeing the increase in power of every student. Nicolas’s battle power is 550.
      nearing the end of the first two months before the evaluation last yearly evaluation most students have developed their own ki technique, Nicolas had secretly been developing a technique so powerful that it has been said to
      Rival even the kamehameha wave. The last fight of the first year has come Niclas is fighting one of the strongest students in the school. they both start of easy while steadily increasing their strength trying to evaluate
      eachothers strength. they start of by physical combat, they seem to be equaly matched, they started using physical techniques. both have come from assassin families so their assassin techniques have no use against eachother.
      They start to power up speeding up and trading fast punches with eachother while mixing ki blasts mid combo. both of them seemed like they enjoyed the fighting but the time limit for the fight has started to get low
      so they decided to finish it with their strongest moves. the other student jumped up, pointing his right hand to Nicolas while he’s holding it with his left, Red aura has started to appear in a shape of a ball infront of the student’s hand.
      the air pressure has started to rise the student’s Battle power has risen up to 700 while charging his attack.
      Nicolas has pulled his right hand behind him taking a stance suddenly his own aura has started changing color while charging the attack, his aura has became a fuse of black and white. a black ball like shape has started
      To appear in Nicolas’s hand.
      As both students charged their attack, The student has decided to shoot first, shooting a red like wave at Nicolas, Suddenly Nicolas has release his attack, As he pointed his hand forward he said Mugetsu and fired his attack,
      Both attacks clashed at first but then suddenly a burst of ki had been applied to Nicolas’s attack hitting the other student engulfing him in black aura. as Nicolas had fired the attack his battle power had reached to 1000.
      first year of the school has ended Nicolas has been placed into class 2-S next year.
      The second year had consisted of a fight every 5 months and mostly meditation lessons for better ki control without any examinations. at the end of the second year Nicolas had the battle power of 650.
      The third year had consisted of flight control lessons without any fights at all. At the end of the year Nicolas’s battle power is 700.
      The forth and final year has consisted of pushing yourself to the limit by having fights every 2 weeks while being forced to leak out aura if you don’t want to get disqualified. being forced to do so, had brought many students
      To near death situations including Nicolas, thus gaining a Zenkai Boost every time, by the end of the forth and final year Nicolas’s Battle power is 1000.
      Graduating as one of the top students Nicolas has been recommended to continue studing in their highschool to increase his own strength.
      Nicolas has decided to think about it so he went back to his home, he was welcomed back in by his family asthough nothing had happened has though their cruel and dark past to him is gone.
      Nicolas’s success had made his family appriciate him more, and had made the family members accept him as one of their own.
      Entering his fathers room he had not felt any fear talking freely with his father anymore, he consulted with him about his future, Nicolas asked his father about joining the high school to further more develop.
      His father had recommended him to continue his studies but on one condition. only if they had a spar between them going all out
      As the fight started it didn’t seem so hopeless on Nicolas’s side but as they continued fighting he started to get more and more beat up by his father.
      The more they fought the less hits Nicolas was able to hit, It seemed like he was getting weaker as the fight went on, But that wasn’t the case, his father was steadily increasing his own power to a way it won’t be noticeable.
      Nicolas has decided to end it with one final move as he jumped back he started charging his attack, his father seemed rather surprised by the attack as he had never seen someone’s aura change color.
      Nicolas’s father had started to charge his own attack aswell showing his son his aura color, His aura was a strong royal purple but it was smooth and well controled.
      Both ki waves had clashed Nicolas had expected his attack to overpower his fathers but the more ki Nicolas tried to add to his attack, the weaker it started to seem.
      Nicolas has been pushed down to the floor by his father, Nicolas had not given up , his father seeing his will made him realize that Nicolas can and will improve and grow even stronger that he is so he said to him.
      “You may not be my biological son, but you’re the only person in this whole family that I can proudly call my son.” before he unleashed his true power raising his battle power to 7000.
      The pure pressure had made Nicolas collapse. This fight had given Nicolas another Zenkai Boost making his battle power grow up to 1500.
      At the age of 14 Nicolas has decided to enroll into The high school to increase his own power and maybe one day surpass his own father.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Soul.
      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Soul.
      • #40369

        We have already said no more saiyan or half saiyan apps. We have far too many as it is.

    • #40356

      Name: Harmo
      Gender: Nameks are genderless
      Race: Namekian
      Age: 22
      Personality:He is quite serious and very dedicated to his job and his traning.He is very caring of his fellow namekians and wont fight unless its for self defense or protecting others. He is pure good
      General Appearance:He looks like a normal namekian. His clotheing consists of Demon clan chest, Demon clan legs and Tien shoes.
      Backstory: Thanks to the Dragon Balls there was a new Namek where all the namekians could live.Harmo was just a normal farmer in his namekian village,he wasn’t very strong just a normal farmer.But one day,out of nowhere, a great evil emerged.Freeza’s forces came to the new namek to obtain the Dragon Balls to revive Freeza.He wasn’t a fighter so he couldn’t do anything.The Freeza soldiers were ruthless killing every single Namekian.He couldn’t do anything about this mass killing,he only managed to hide because of his weak powerlevel, he felt weak and useless.So he decided to train. He gathered every Namekian that he could find and made a rebelion against the Freeza forces.He and his people trained and trained for days,weeks,months.The Freeza soliders couldn’t find the last Namekians anywhere.These namekians had the last dragon ball that the Freeza soldiers needed.Harmo and his people had already became very strong,they have learned to control their ki and had surprassed the Freeza soldiers.The Freeza soldiers were about to give up and go to earth to find the Earth Dragon Balls but out of nowere Harmo and his people attacked them. The Freeza soldiers were hopless and they all perished exepet one. He managed to escape and run to their ship and fly off to Earth.Harmo and his comrades celebrated but after a bit they remembered that the Freeza soldiers had taken the dragonballs and they had nowhere near enough ki to make new ones.They were hopeless,but then Harmo had an idea.He would go to Earth not just to get the Namek dragon balls back, but to also to train to protect his planet from evil.
      Discord tag:#0304

      • #40357

        (I’m not staff so if you don’t want to listen to me then don’t) I wish I could say your story is good but it all revolves around later events. We’ll be starting at Deadzone and moving up.

      • #40358

        Oh ok ima make a new backstory i guess thanks for the heads up

    • #40359

      Name: Harmo
      Gender: Nameks are genderless
      Race: Namekian
      Age: 22
      Personality:He is quite serious and very dedicated to his job and his traning.He is very caring of his fellow namekians and wont fight unless its for self defense or protecting others. He is pure good
      General Appearance:He looks like a normal namekian. His clotheing consists of Demon clan chest, Demon clan legs and Tien shoes.
      Backstory: Harmo lived in a small village in namek. Growing up he saw all the guards of the village train and fight and he always wanted to be a fighter so he sometimes would go and talk with the guards and they would teach him a thing or two about combat. He couldn’t fulfill and became a farmer instead. His childhood was very peaceful but one day a alien race attacked namek wanting to steal the dragon ball. Harmos village was one of the villages hiding the dragon balls so it was attacked. The enemies were to strong so he had to help the guards defend the dragon balls. He used all little fighting knowledge he had to fight. The battle continued for a few weeks. With every fight he got stronger but the nameks numbers were lowering and they were losing. Harmo wasn’t very strong but he was smart. He gathered all the namekians he could and started making plans to defeat them. They planed group attacks and defeated them little by little. After weeks of fighting the nameks finally won. After this battle Harmo decided to become a guard and start training to protect his planet.
      (I know its not really good but nameks are one of the easiest races to apply for and i really want to be a namek)

      • #40371

        While Namekians and Humans are the easiest races to apply for we still expect quality in them. This could use some more info if you don’t mind. We would be happy for you to apply for Namekian it’s just we would like the backstory to be expanded a little with small details if you could. The personality is very good and much more unique then a lot of other apps which I like. So basically all that needs extending is the backstory. What idea did Harmo come up with for example? What type of training did he go through with the Namekians of the warrior clan? Little thing’s like that will expand it a lot. So just try and put in some small details and even a little effort in that department will get you accepted no problem because everything else looks good to me. Hope to see the improved app soon and thank’s for applying! (and for a race that isn’t Saiyan finally o-o)

      • #40373

        Ok i will add the things u said thanks for the heads up

    • #40365
      Son Netsui Surudan

      Age:15 years(of life,not physical)
      Personality:Ever whant help everyone
      Backstory:Son of kuriza,his dad never be whit he,so he be whit frieza.Frieza ever attack him and make they sense very pain.For this,never will make any one get this pain,and help the persons for this.He,one day,go to earth,and see al than are happening.For this,he are a ”earth defender”,like a great sayaman,and ever train for can save his friends

      • #40372

        So first off thank’s for applying for a race that isn’t flipping Saiyan like everyone else. Second, the grammar and spelling need work as it’s really hard to read. Basically, everything needs to be extended and not all over the place. This app just isn’t good… at all. It’s unreadable to me almost because it’s so bad. So if you could try to fix basically everything it could be a start to getting you accepted.

      • #40381
        Son Netsui Surudan

        first:i am brazillian,can i use google translator?second:u are admin of the server for accept persons?third:u see when lines are,this is sufficient or i need more?

      • #40438

        We accept applications that have quality and depth. Don’t know what you mean by sufficient lines, If you mean If we’d like more to your backstory then yes, we’d like way more than what you’ve give us.

    • #40370

      People who make Saiyan or half Saiyan apps will be denied. We have already explained this. If you waste your time writing a Saiyan app that is not our problem because we have already explained that we will not be accepting any more Saiyans because we have far too many.

    • #40374

      Name: Harmo
      Gender: Nameks are genderless
      Race: Namekian
      Age: 22
      Personality:He is quite serious and very dedicated to his job and his traning.He is very caring of his fellow namekians and wont fight unless its for self defense or protecting others. He is pure good
      General Appearance:He looks like a normal namekian. His clotheing consists of Demon clan chest, Demon clan legs and Tien shoes.
      Backstory: Harmo lived in a small village in namek. Growing up he saw all the guards of the village train and fight and he always wanted to be a fighter so he sometimes would go and talk with the guards and they would teach him a thing or two about combat.The guard that Harmo really looked up to was Katas, a well trained spiritualist fighter. He was quite fond of Harmo himself.He would teach him everything he knew about combat. He taught him how to fly, how to shoot ki blasts and a bit about hand to hand combat.Unfortunately Harmo couldn’t fulfill his dream and became a farmer instead. His childhood was very peaceful but one day a alien race attacked namek wanting to steal the dragon ball. Harmos village was one of the villages hiding the dragon balls so it was attacked. The enemies were to strong so he had to help the guards defend the dragon balls. He used all little fighting knowledge he had to fight. The battle continued for a few weeks. With every fight he got stronger but the nameks numbers were lowering and they were losing. Harmo wasn’t very strong but he was smart. He gathered all the namekians he could and started making plans to defeat them.The aliens started sending small groups of fighters to find the nameks and killed all of the remaining namekians. Harmo took note of this and planed out strategic attacks to defeat these small groups one by one . After weeks of fighting the aliens numbers were very low and this is when Harmo and the namekians went for their final attack to defeat them for good.This battle was very fierce and a lot of namkeians almost died.But in the end Harmo killed the aliens captain and they could do nothing but give up. The namekians had won. After this battle Harmo decided to become a guard and start training to protect his planet.
      Discord tag: oof#0304

      • #40376

        Awesome. Very very awesome. Accepted! I’ll send the link to your discord.

      • #40377

        I’ll actually need you to add me as a friend as it seems I can’t send a friend request to you. Noobly25000#2677 is my discord.

    • #40400

      Name: Herman
      Age: 203
      Race: Alien
      Appearance: Is a light yellow skinned with Blue and Black armor.
      Backstory: His parents and village were killed by a man is trench coat. Every day after that fateful night he wanted to be the strongest ever.

    • #40412

      Just a quick announcement, we still have room for people. Just, please don’t apply as a Saiyan, or Half-Saiyan for the love of god. We will deny you.

    • #40451

      Name: Pedro Juan Goku The III
      Age: -10000
      Race: Ultra Super God Sayan
      Appearance: he wears a sombrero and has a handle bar mustache. he wears g.o.d armor and broly armor and a Guayabera under all of that
      Backstory: Pedro Juan Goku The III saw his parents die frm kcing c0ld frieza chilled kuriza and frost! fr0m dis anger his power and ki exploded and he turned super god ultra strongest form saiyan with stats of 10000k each forever in base form so now he searches for dese people to kill them all

    • #40454

      I’ve been told by a friend, Abry, that Canons do exist in this roleplay. Would it be possible for me to apply for a canon?

      • #40484

        no, you may not apply to be a canon character.

        you can apply to be a literal cannon though

      • #40540

        Full Name: Vanilla Ice
        Name Pronunciation: vəˈnɪlə ʌɪs
        Former Name: Nippy
        Former Name Pronunciation: ˈnɪpi
        Title: Bizarre Vanilla!
        Title Origins: Vanilla aspires to be a hero, and what does every hero need? A hero name! (P.S She insists that you add the exclamation mark whenever writing her name down, or saying it.)
        Former Title: The ominous…The terrifying! The amazing!! Nippy!
        Former Title Origins: Due to being the former champion of The Bizarre, she was given this title.

        Gender: Asexual
        Gender Role: Feminine
        Sexual Orientation: Asexual
        Race: Frieza-Clan
        Real Age: 60+
        (Speculation)Frieza-Clan’s life-span: Frieza is canonically 70+, but appears to be quite young, in comparison to other characters in the show, age-wise. His father, King Cold is canonically 100+, and appears to be quite young as well, and still battle-fit. I would speculate Frieza-Clan’s lifespans to be around 250-300 years old.
        Age Appearance: 30 Years
        Birthdate: January 1st
        Birthplace: Planet Arcos
        Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

        Personality: Vanilla Ice is marked by her lack of intelligence, which integrates itself into her day to day speech dialect, often confusing big words for other big words, in an attempt to sound smart. She is completely oblivious to sexual foreplay, and has no feelings of attraction to anyone, regardless of race, gender or personality. Vanilla is a terrible liar as well, constantly revealing secrets to others, and truths that she should not, due to her lack of understanding on the concept of a ‘secret’ or ‘lie’.
        Usually, one would find Vanilla to be optimistic, and hard to anger. Her ability to ignore or forgive event he most serious of crimes can be described as nothing but incredible. However, she does have ‘ticks’ or ‘trigger words’ that will set her off, such as referring to her as ‘Baby’, or by calling her ‘Nippy’, which was her former name. She will also lecture anyone who uses an abbreviation of her name, such as ‘Vanilla’ or ‘Ice’, often correcting them in small outbursts.
        She is shown to be extremely expressive of her emotions, and never closes herself off from others. Whenever she’s happy, she will constantly quip about wanting to punch things, and enjoys bringing harm to others, and receiving pain, in the thrill and challenge of a battle. However, on the few, absurdly rare cases that she falls into a depressed state, which will only ever last a brief amount of time, she will close herself off from anyone, hiding in a place that light cannot reach, or where she doesn’t have to think. However, when upset, she loses her taste for fighting, and actually has a gentle thought-process.

        Appearance: Vanilla Ice’s skin is shown to be a pale grey, which contrasts with his armour-like carapaces, being a much deeper tone of grey. Vanilla Ice also has to streaks down their face, which are shown to be slightly lighter than her carapaces, but darker than her actual skin tone. She also appears to have what could be called ‘bio-gems’ embedded into her chest and cranium, which are an even darker shade of black, in comparison to her body. Protruding from her head in lower forms, she had dark-black horns. Her eyes are an electric-yellow colour, being pupiless. Vanilla Ice also has a long tail, which she can use for advantage in battle. Her body is lean, defined and unnaturally tall for that off Frieza’s Clan. She has a small scar above her left eye, which is a pale-red colour.

        Backstory: Vanilla Ice is the ‘daughter’ of an Arcosian merchant, who was well known in the ranks of the PTO (Planet Trade Organization). However, she was taken hostage by the Galactic Patrol, as a means to ‘fight’ the PTO, and was often moved around planets and spaceships to keep her out of her father’s hands. She was raised by the Galactic Patroller, Jaco, who taught her how to fight. However, when her father learnt of her location, she was handed off to another Galactic Patroller, Tyber.
        Not wanting the destructive-natured Arcosian to be constantly interrupting his daily training and work, he allowed a businessman off The Bizarre, a place of which fighters are pitted against each other for entertainment. Some point in her time at The Bizarre, she had gained recognition, and became the infamous ‘Champion of the Bizarre’, being known as: ‘The ominous…The terrifying! The amazing!! Nippy!’
        However, as fun as she found these times, fighting day in, day out, she began to get bored of all the weak fighters. Though, later in the very month she had started complaining, the universe smiled upon her, pitting her against a Saiyan Warrior known as Inyon. Inyon had challenged Vanilla Ice, known as ‘Nippy’ at the time, to allow her fellow Saiyan’s to sneak into The Bizarre to satisfy their thrill for battle. The resulting fight had been extremely close, but Inyon had just barely managed to scrape a win.
        Ecstatic after the fight, even though she pouted and complained about it being ‘unfair’, Vanilla Ice had declared Inyon the new champion, and took him to her chambers. The two of them had a talk, in which Inyon constantly belittled Vanilla Ice, and told her that he didn’t want to see ‘Frieza’s kind’ anyway near him, before absentmindedly telling her to leave the planet.
        Distraught at this turn of events, and slightly filled with anger that the only thing to challenge her on this planet was ‘A Prick’, she had dashed off into the nearest space shuttle. She spent many-of years in that space-shuttle, just aimlessly staring at the stars. Something was calling for her, beckoning her name. She felt an intense urge to go forth, and venture towards it. And she did. It took her 7 years to find the location of ‘The Call’ as she referred to it. It was located on Earth, and had simply been extremely high power-levels, leagues above her own. Oh, goody! She loved challenges!
        Time on Earth had changed her, as she picked up human mannerisms, and a minimal understanding that you couldn’t punch ‘good people’ without their permission. She also changed her name from ‘Nippy’ to ‘Vanilla Ice’ as a means to fit in more, although it did the exact opposite. She didn’t care on finding this out, however, since she like the sound of ‘Vanilla Ice’.
        She also aspires to be a hero, after looking at the Marvel Comics on Earth, although she couldn’t read the universal language. (She can only read Arcos). As such, she proclaimed herself as Vanilla Bizarre! Due to her fond memories of The Bizarre.
        And that’s where we will cut things off.

        (P.S. I did not mean to send that as a reply. I’m just not used to this site xD.
        P.S. My discord is Ⓐ ⓜ ⓑ ⓡ ⓞ ⓢ ⓘ ⓐ #4128

        • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by David.
        • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by David.
      • #40545

        Ok Ambrosia, or David, whichever you prefer, your story isn’t bad, but there’s too much unnecessary
        information at the top that is just not needed, and second there’s not enough backstory, try to add a bit more please.

      • #40551

        Mkay. I was mostly trying to make my character more interesting with little details like, that, but ah well. Gimme awhile, and I’ll have something better planned. That character was created on a whim xD

    • #40493

      Name: Inouye

      Race: Hera. (Bojack’s race)

      Age: 16 (In Hera years)

      Back-story: As a child, Inouye was not a good person. He would always get himself into trouble, thought it was never too serious. Eventually, Inouye would accidentally kill another person of his race on his home world, this led to him being detained into a large secluded prison that was on his planet. Within this prison, he learned that it was more then just a normal prison… It was a prison that would conduct tests on the people who would go there, inhumane tests that would torture the inmates. Inouye was no exception. One day, after one of the newer tests was done on Inouye, he had, had enough. He had caused a revolt with the other inmates, them leading to destroying half of the prison, before one of the strongest members of his race had came to help stop the prisoner revolt. Well, it was going well until he had clashed fists with Inouye. Soon after they began fighting, Inouye would tap into a form that no one in his race would have ever reached before, as his skin grew green, and his hair turned from orange to red. The man saw this, and had felt his power, him feeling that Inouye’s power had rivaled his own. No… It had far surpassed his own power. The man looked on in shock, before it looked as if Inouye teleported, him appearing behind his back, as he easily broke the mans neck. Inouye had laughed out loud in victory, before his form wore off, and he fell to a knee, completely exhausted. Inouye knew that whatever that form was, it would help him in his future. He would stand up as he would say. “Listen up, my fellow past inmates. I think it is time that we leave this stinking planet, and form a group… a group of pirates that shall take over the universe!”. After his statement, there was a large roar of excitement, as they soon after were able to obtain a ship and leave the planet, them forming a group of space pirates. Well, the problem is, they had soon ran into an arcosian deep in space, and Inouye was the only surviver, as his ship went deep into space, searching for a planet that had life. (Input the planet where everyone is at, EX: earth, namek, etc. I am willing to be a villain for you if you want)

      How he/she/it acts: Inouye is a very prideful being, never willing to let others act above him, as he is very aggressive, and will deal with all of his problems with force if he feels that is the only way.

      Fighting style: How shall I say this… Power and speed, he feels there is nothing else needed within a fight, him only using his own physical power (and ki), to defeat his opponents.

      Alignment: Chaotic Evil

      What they wear: Inouye wears a pair of normal looking pants that go up to his waste, and a large blue shirt, that has no middle to it, and only goes down to the bottom of his abs.

      I wanted to play a villain and wanted to be a custom race, please don’t hurt meh

      Discord: DeadMemay#3847

      • #40546

        1. My main issue with your story, Inouye, is it kind of looks like you’re trying to just be Bojack, maybe be more original, maybe other Hera transformed into different skin colored forms or something, you didn’t need to form a space pirate crew either, again it just looks like you’re copying Bojack himsefl.
        2. I don’t think the story itself is long enough, nor that detailed, for example: “They encountered an Arcosian and Inouye was the only survivor.” You might need to go more into depth with that, how did he escape the Arcosian, why did the Arcosian attack them, etc etc.
        3. I don’t care if you want to still be a Space Pirate or Captain it’s your story, just try to make it seem less Bojack-like and add more detail.
        4. I don’t mind, infact, I would like more villain characters to be here so I accept that part, but anyways please try to fix some of these things and you’ll be a likely candidate for acception! 😀

      • #40547

        Also forgot to mention I didn’t really see a motivation in your story, please expand upon that too.

    • #40497
      Son Netsui Surudan

      Age:15(of life)
      Backstory:Netsui was the son of kuriza, but his father was never present. Therefore, he always stayed with his grandfather, coldness, that provided resistance training. Netsui could not take it, so one day he ran away from home, going to planet earth. to reach it, he found 3 saiyachins: Waru, Hogo and Surudan, all surviving the explosion of the planet vegeta. He saw the fighting power of each of them in the scouter, and was impressed to know that the fighting power was identical at the power from frieza at him second form.But the power of Netsui was only 600 thousand. Without doubt, he had no chance, but he would not let the human beings suffer what he suffered, he would fight without fear against them. He used everything he learned in his training with coldness, but nothing was enough. One hour, he was on the verge of death, and then he began to scream, and his fighting power increased as his body grew larger and larger: he was much larger, with huge horns and recovered. had time to think in that way: He had to fight immediately. with Surudan who opened the guard of fear, sending him into space using a burst of ki. The other two immediately attacked him, knowing that his powers together was superior. Without doubt, Netsui was losing his fight. But a human tried to help He gave him a senzu beam and said, “Eat.” He ate without thinking and was healed. Upon seeing this, Hogo threw a ki stroke at this human, making him faint. Netsui was so angry that he went straight to his final form,using 100% of his power, but hid not have the same cold fatigue. He fainted both with just one blow, threw them to the ship and progamated her to go on another planet, a stranger a long way away.
      Apparence:Like frieza,but whit other colors:at the local from white,red,and at the local from purple yellow.
      Fighting style:Use the terrain at you favor,but use all than can at fight.
      Discord:I pass him if i be accept.

      • #40502

        (Not an admin or staff or anything as a forewarning) The rp will be starting at Deadzone, having Frieza level characters at the start of it isn’t something preferable. Usually Arcosians have a cold pun as their name, and I suggest you should change the parent as, Kurieza is wayyyy un canon and probably wouldn’t be in this rp.

      • #40517
        Son Netsui Surudan

        1.I will start at deadzone:Netsui not have his forms controlled,are like the ultra instinct:Simplly happen.
        2.Kuriza was never present,so he not will apper
        3.His 600 thousand of power level are from the boost start from arcosians
        4.I want a different name :3

      • #40522

        Would you prefer if I talked in PT? I can try it to see if you’d Understand it better.

      • #40523

        Frieza é o único na série que começou com um alto nível de potência, 530.000. Você está sugerindo no começo do RP, na era Deadzone, que você deveria ser mais forte que Frieza? Tente fazer seu personagem mais nível Garlic Jr., a maioria dos arcosianos não começou forte como Frieza fez, Freeza era apenas um prodígio entre sua raça.

        English: Frieza is the only one in the show who started with a high power level, 530,000. You’re suggesting at the start of the rp, at Deadzone era, that you should be stronger than Frieza? Try to make your character more Garlic Jr. level, most arcosians didn’t start off strong like Frieza did, Frieza was just a prodigy among his race.

        Edit: Sorry if you don’t understand the PT Netsui, I used Google Translate and I understand it doesn’t always work 🙂

        • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by KoolaidMan.
      • #40527
        Son Netsui Surudan

        OK thanks but,what power level can i use?Except the power levels (i only will change it)the app are good for you?

      • #40529

        Garlic Jr. levels of power, like in the 300’s, before Raditz appears, and aside from that, your story needs some more detail, It’s not as long as it should be. Try to include just some more story to your character.

        Garlic Jr. níveis de poder, como nos anos 300, antes de Raditz aparecer, e além disso, sua história precisa de mais detalhes, não é tão longa quanto deveria ser. Tente incluir apenas mais uma história para o seu personagem.

      • #40588
        Son Netsui Surudan

        Age:15(of life)
        Backstory:Netsui was the son of kuriza, but his father was never present. Therefore, he always stayed with his grandfather, coldness, that provided resistance training. Netsui could not take it, so one day he ran away from home, going to planet earth,for know than 5 saiyans be attacking:vegeta whit nappa and Hogo whit waru and surudan.he found 3 of this saiyans: Waru, Hogo and Surudan. He saw the fighting power of each of them in the scouter, and was impressed to know that the fighting power whas 100.But the power of Netsui was only 50. Without doubt, he had no chance, but he would not let the human beings suffer what he suffered, he would fight without fear against them. He used everything he learned in his training with coldness, but nothing was enough. One hour, he was on the verge of death, and then he began to scream, and his fighting power increased as his body grew larger and larger: he was much larger, with huge horns and recovered. had time to think in that way: He had to fight immediately. with Surudan who opened the guard of fear, sending him into space using a burst of ki. The other two immediately attacked him, knowing that his powers together was superior. Without doubt, Netsui was losing his fight. But a human tried to help He gave him a senzu beam and said, “Eat.” He ate without thinking and was healed. Upon seeing this, Hogo threw a ki stroke at this human, making him faint. Netsui was so angry that he went straight to his final form,using 100% of his power, but hid not have the same cold fatigue,being 300 of power level. He fainted both with just one blow, threw them to the ship and progamated her to go on another planet, a stranger a long way away.
        Apparence:Like frieza,but whit other colors:at the local from white,red,and at the local from purple yellow.
        Fighting style:Use the terrain at you favor,but use all than can at fight.
        Discord:I pass him if i be accept.

      • #41817
        Son Netsui Surudan

        please reply,i really want to join at this role play

    • #40514

      Name: Angelica

      Gender: Female

      Race: Human

      Age: 17

      Personality: Angelica is seen as a bit too nice for her own good. She completely prioritizes others well being over her own, doing anything to make sure her friends are safe, but is completely against killing in any circumstance. She trusts people very easily, and, while she can be a bit awkward around people due to her lack of social skills, she loves to make new friends.

      General Appearance: Angelica has long, blonde hair, blue eyes, and fairly pale skin. She likes to wear a simple light blue martial arts gi.

      Backstory: Angelica was born in a completely military focused city. The leader of the city, Vargas, was a psychotic man, with many scars over his entire body. He was hell-bent on conquering the world. Many were against most of his actions, but were too afraid to stand up to him, as he could have anyone executed at a moments notice. 80% of the residents in the city were forced to become soldiers, once they hit the age of 16, and are ranked from I – VI, depending on their feats, and are payed more if their rank is higher. Soldiers only got two days off every month, and if anyone tried to leave the city, Vargas sent soldiers to bring them back and execute them. Angelica’s parents were both Rank VI soldiers. Her father, Reynauld, was one of the two main guards for the leader, and, unknown to the leader, one of the biggest supporters in the growing rebellion against him, well respected by everyone in it, while her mother, Selena, was on the front lines.

      Since Angelica was an only child, she was generally alone at home. Her mother was allowed temporary leave from duty to raise Angelica, and teach her the essentials. Although Selena was a rank VI soldier, she still taught Angelica to be well mannered, and kind. But she had to return to the front lines full time when Angelica was 6. Despite this, she lived a relatively comfortable, although a bit lonely, life, her parents both making a good income, thanks to their rank. Children aren’t permitted to leave home, unless their parents are with them, so she never got many chances to socialize with others. Her childhood was mostly just spent home alone, reading.

      As Vargas commanded attacks that were way too unrealistic, the rebellion grew bigger, and the army grew smaller. Evantually, the amount of soldiers was getting too low for the his liking, so he reduced the age for being a soldier from 16 to 12. Angelica was 11 at the time, her birthday being in a week. Vargas was certain on having Angelica as a soldier, as her parents were both Rank VI. Her parents, being terrified at the idea of their daughter being a soldier, decided to finally plot a way to get rid of the leader for good.

      On the night before Angelica’s birthday, and the day of the invasion, Vargas caught wind of the rebellion. Furious that anyone would even think of trying to kill him, he sent four assassins to kill the leader of the rebellion, Reynauld. Him and Selena were both home that day. The assassins came in when they assumed they were all sleeping. However, both Reynauld and Selena were both awake, and were just getting ready to evacuate a sleeping Angelica out of the city, so she would be safe from the war that was going to take place. Selena went ahead with Angelica while Reynauld fought off the assassins.

      Things quickly became chaos. Once Reynauld took care of the assassins, he went outside and called all rebels to start the invasion. Quickly, a fight between the rebels, and people who were loyal to Vargas, were at war. People were killed, buildings were destroyed, innocents were panicing. Selena tried to get Angelica out of the city before she took part in the fight, but was interrupted by many soldiers along the way. However, Angelica woke up in the midst of the chaos, and quickly got scared. Selena had to let her stand on her own two feet as she fought the attacking soldiers. As Angelica backed up on instinct, she bumped into another soldier, who quickly knocked her out. Angelica fell to the ground, everything turning into darkness. The last thing she saw was Selena getting overwhelmed by many soldiers.

      Angelica woke up the next day. She felt sore all over. She got up, shaking some rubble off her. She took a moment to adjust herself, then slowly looked around. The entire city was in ruins. Lifeless bodies piled up everywhere around her. At first, she just stood there. She was so shocked that she didn’t even know how to react. Tears slowly welled up in her eyes as she fully processed what had happened. She called out for her parents as loud as she could, but she got no answer. She called out for them for nearly an hour before finally stopping. Feeling nauseous just looking at the chaos around her, she ran. Far. She left the city, and even then she didn’t stop running. She couldn’t bear to turn back. She ran until her legs starting feeling like jelly. She fell onto her hands and knees after what seemed like an eternity.

      As she was on the verge of passing out again, she heard someone approach her. Worried that it might be someone after her life, she quickly stood up, as difficult as it was, and faced the direction of the sound of footsteps. She saw a girl, no older than 18,
      walking towards her. She had short, red hair, and was wearing what looked to be a gi. She held her hand out to Angelica, with a worried look on her face.

      She could see her lips moving, but she could barely register the words. It’s like she had suddenly gone deaf. She just realized how exhausted she really was. She gave a weak nod, hoping that would answer the question she didn’t hear, not feeling very comfortable saying anything.

      The girls name was Zoey. She was the most carefree girl Angelica had ever met. Although, the only people Angelica even knew the names of were her mother and father. She was also very persistent. Angelica was set on travelling alone, but Zoey wouldn’t leave her alone. She followed her around, until Zoey bribed her with something incredible. A power known as ki. Angelica thought that if she could learn to use this incredible power, she wouldn’t be so helpless when people she cared about were in trouble.

      So Angelica and Zoey spent the next four years travelling the world. Seeing new things, and meeting new people. In the meantime, Zoey would teach Angelica martial arts, and the basics of ki. With no training or combat experience what so ever, it took quite a while to get her up to speed, but Zoey was patient. As Angelica turned 15, she was already training with Zoey rather than being trained by Zoey. When Angelica turned 16, Zoey decided to return to her home. She invited Angelica to come along, but she chose to continue travelling. So they parted ways, and Angelica continued on her journey to nowhere.

      As she continued travelling, she came across a lone cabin in a dense forest. It looked like no one had set foot in it in many, many years. Allowing curiousity to get the better of her, she decided to check it out. As was expected, it was full of cobwebs and dust. Angelica spent the day cleaning the place up, and, after some thinking, decided to finally slow down on her travelling and stay there for a while. This is where the next chapter starts.

    • #40530

      Name: Betta

      Gender: Female

      Race: Human

      Age: 12

      Alignment: Good

      Personality: Not too brilliant but on the other hand a genius when it comes to comedy. She enjoys talking with people and is very outgoing. She is a Mr. Satan Fan girl (when he comes around I understand this is starting at the dead zone movie) She will often daydream not paying attention to a lot of the things going on around her. She loves animals and enjoys living on her farm, unlike her brother. She loves to fight and enjoys the adrenaline rush she gets from it and always asks her father to train her or just fight with her. She enjoys being a lot stronger then most people her age because of her advantage of having a father as a martial artist. Her dream is to surpass her older brother despite knowing that this will never happen. She is jealous of her brothers’ somehow unimaginable strength and that he doesn’t even have to try yet he is still stronger than everyone she knows. She’s also confused on why he has a tail and believes it to be somehow connected to his strength.

      General Appearance: She has Ocean Blue eyes and Dark Brown Hair. She also has a small nose and small ears. She is also taller than most people her age. She is usually seen wearing her fathers Gi class uniform which is red with their family symbol on the back.

      Backstory: The farthest back I can remember is when I was training with my brother, well half-brother, we don’t actually know his real father but my mom is still his real mom. My brother at the time wasn’t much stronger than an average kid his age but after my father opened his martial art classes that’s when we started noticing things. My father started running martial art classes to raise money for the farm and that’s when I started noticing weird things about my brother, and not only because of that tail. It didn’t take long before he surpassed all the kids in our training class at almost lighting fast speeds, almost inhuman. My father thought it would be too dangerous for us to continue to train without protection so we started wearing pads. When I could finally fight against father when he wasn’t trying was when I was 7 years old. Usually, it took kids until they where 10 until they could go up against my father which I was pretty proud about. I supposed it was because I had to learn how to dodge pretty good because of my brothers darn tail. It was like an extra limb. It’s like it had its own reactions like a mind of its own. It wasn’t up until I was nine or 10 when I could fight my brother again at his lowest level. It didn’t take long until I could almost fight my father at his best but even then I couldn’t actually beat him in a battle. For my 10th birthday my father taught me about Ki. I thought it was only in legends and child story’s but apparently it was real. Somehow I still managed to make a joke out of it. My father was impressed that I could learn how to manipulate ki as fast as I did, but yet my brother was still able to do it under a day when it took me almost half a month. My passion is fighting but of course, the one who doesn’t even enjoy it as much as me is the super skilled one. For this reason, I always looked forward to the next world martial arts tournament so I could prove my self and I begged my father to let me join the next time it came around. He said next time we got the chance he would let me enter. I still haven’t gotten to do a world martial arts tournament and I feel my father might have forgotten. I might ask him again soon if he doesn’t bring it up because this is getting ridicules I deserve to be in the tournament and I deserve to be stronger then my brother I train the hardest. Recently I just turned 12 years old and my brother turned 17. He went off to orange star city to join orange star high school and to be honest, I want to go to orange star city also. Maybe I’ll get to visit him soon. I heard there are a lot of good martial art classes in Orange star city. The high school sounds like a lot of fun also and even living without parents! But again my brother always gets the cool things because he is either older or stronger! But on the bright side, I am finally able to beat my dad in a fight. I’ll ask my father about the next world martial arts tournament and maybe I’ll finally be able to fight someone my own size and work up from there. I’ll ask about visiting Mosan as well!

    • #40552

      Name: Oozak
      Gender: Male
      Race: Namekian
      Age: 28
      Personality: Oozak is quite social for a namekian but does still like meditating alone. He is seen a trustworthy person who can be seen as being very noble. He similar to a saiyan enjoys fighting and training in order to become stronger. Although Oozak can be ignorant at times tending to only use his own ideas in order to further his goals.

      General Appearance: His whole body is green, with the lumps being dark yellow and outlined in red. He wears the uub chest, the hercule legs, namekian shoes and the #6 white bodysuit.

      Backstory: Oozak was born into the Warrior clan as he was a warrior type Namekian, something being very rare among the namekians as they lived peaceful lives rarely having to fight. But over the years since the passing of Nail fusing with Piccolo the warrior clan warrior were built up and trained very intensely in case an event similar to Frieza’s arrival were to occur, because of this these individuals were trained in the early years of their childhood in order to make sure they could face most of their enemies. Oozak although one of the most keen, was slow when it came to training an improvement, this meant out of all of his fellow warriors he had to train the hardest to keep up. One day when he was training by himself by the edge of the village he thought to himself, “Why am I doing this, what purpose do I have to keep training, we have not had a single disaster on the planet since Frieza invaded our original home, is this all for nothing.” Seeking wisdom and a purpose he went to the elder of the dragon clan and asked for his wisdom on the subject. The elder lowered his hand and placed it gently onto Oozak’s head. “Why do you train my child? Why in this era of peace and prosperity?” Oozak replied, “I just don’t see the point in wasting my precious time on training in order to face something that may never come.” The elder replied with a clam tone, “This is not about you Oozak, this is about the fate of our people, back when Frieza invaded our people could not predict that it would happen. We were not prepared and because of that our people suffered. Until you can accept that your purpose is to protect the good and innocent against something that may never come, you will never have a purpose and never show growth in strength my child.” Oozak left the elder and walked out into the vast fields of namek away from the village, but then hearing a scream in the distance he flew over to see what had happened, two young namekians were cornered and trapped in a cave by a dinosaur and were both screaming for help, one child decided to run out and quickly fly away but would not be fast enough to escape the dinosaurs teeth. But then suddenly Oozak grabbed the young child bringing him to the top of a cliff well away from the beast. But in the distance the other child in the cave tried to fly away from the dinosaur as well as he had not seen Oozak rescue the other child and therefore thought that his friend has been able to escape by himself successfully. The dinosaur managed to snatch the child with its bare teeth, bringing him into its mouth killing the child and ending its life. Dropping the other child off quickly at the village Oozak fell to the ground stricken with grief and anger, about how he wasn’t quick enough to save that child from death, about how he wasn’t prepared enough to face that event. A tear slipped down Oozak’s eye while he gritted his teeth in anger. But then he face turned from anger to a neutral painless expression. He had now figured out what his life of training was meant for, in order for him to be prepared enough to face these kind of events, to train to be quick enough to save that child, “This is what I am meant to do, prepare myself for anything that could happen, I feel it, a sense of purpose.” Rushing back to the elder he shouted, “I think I realise it now, why I’m hear, what I’m doing, not just for our people but for all the good people in the universe.” The elder placed his hand again gently on Oozaks head suddenly a bright white aura surrounds Oozak’s body and a overwhelming pool of energy spills out of him. “I have unleashed some of your hidden potential my child, your strength has increased greatly, but this is at a cost, I will send you to earth in order to experience all that the two namekians Kami and Piccolo once did in order to show to you that your purpose is not just meant for hear and that there will always be evil lurking in the dark corners of the universe. This strength I gift to you will help you combat that evil, you were not meant to just protect us Oozak, but the universe, I can see it within you, the burning passion of fighting and protecting those of good, now go experience the true dangers out there and know what it truly means to be a warrior namekian.” Oozak then left planet Namek in order to go to earth and to gain a better sense of his purpose and in order to grow stronger in order to defeat the evil that tries to envelop the world as we know it. In the ship Oozak looked out of the window back at his planet gripping the side of a chair. “I will become stronger, and I will make sure I can face any problem head on, because that is my purpose.” Oozak then put on his weighted clothing and then begun his training aboard his ship, wasting some time for him as he traveled to earth and to help him grow in strength. As he begun to train a smirk appeared on his face which turned into a smile, showing his excitement on arriving at earth and finding out what it truly means to be a defender of the universe.

      • #40555

        We’re starting at beginning of Z but we’r also including movie villains, so we’re starting at Deadzone. I read only the first couple of sentences in this story, I like the length of and I’m sure it’s actually decent, but again, we’re starting at Deadzone.

    • #40556

      Alright from this point on, I want to make an announcement that we’re starting at Deadzone, I’ve seen a lot of people base their stories around after Namek saga and such but I want to make it clear now that this rp will be starting at Deadzone.

    • #40561

      Name: Oozak
      Gender: Male
      Race: Namekian
      Age: 28
      Personality: Oozak is quite social for a namekian but does still like meditating alone. He is seen a trustworthy person who can be seen as being very noble. He similar to a saiyan enjoys fighting and training in order to become stronger. Although Oozak can be ignorant at times tending to only use his own ideas in order to further his goals.

      General Appearance: His whole body is green, with the lumps being dark yellow and outlined in red. He wears the uub chest, the hercule legs, namekian shoes and the #6 white bodysuit.

      Backstory: Oozak was born into the Warrior clan as he was a warrior type Namekian, something being very rare among the namekians as they lived peaceful lives rarely having to fight. But over the years more and more enemies from the unknown regions of space (scouting parties from Frieza’s army) came to namek seeking to conquer the planet under the name of Frieza , because of this these individuals were trained in the early years of their childhood in order to make sure they could face most of their enemies. Oozak although one of the most keen, was slow when it came to training an improvement, this meant out of all of his fellow warriors he had to train the hardest to keep up. One day when he was training by himself by the edge of the village he thought to himself, “Why am I doing this, what purpose do I have to keep training, we have not the strength to keep pushing back this constant wave of enemies, is this all for nothing.” Seeking wisdom and a purpose he went to the elder of the dragon clan and asked for his wisdom on the subject. The elder lowered his hand and placed it gently onto Oozak’s head. “Why do you train my child? Why in this era of peace and prosperity?” Oozak replied, “I just don’t see the point in wasting my precious time on training in order to face something that may never be stopped.” The elder replied with a clam tone, “This is not about you Oozak, this is about the fate of our people, we cannot predict what will happen. We were not prepared the first time enemies came to our lands and because of that our people suffered. Until you can accept that your purpose is to protect the good and innocent against something that may never come, you will never have a purpose and never show growth in strength my child.” Oozak left the elder and walked out into the vast fields of namek away from the village, but then hearing a scream in the distance he flew over to see what had happened, two young namekians were cornered and trapped in a cave by a dinosaur and were both screaming for help, one child decided to run out and quickly fly away but would not be fast enough to escape the dinosaurs teeth. But then suddenly Oozak grabbed the young child bringing him to the top of a cliff well away from the beast. But in the distance the other child in the cave tried to fly away from the dinosaur as well as he had not seen Oozak rescue the other child and therefore thought that his friend has been able to escape by himself successfully. The dinosaur managed to snatch the child with its bare teeth, bringing him into its mouth killing the child and ending its life. Dropping the other child off quickly at the village Oozak fell to the ground stricken with grief and anger, about how he wasn’t quick enough to save that child from death, about how he wasn’t prepared enough to face that event. A tear slipped down Oozak’s eye while he gritted his teeth in anger. But then he face turned from anger to a neutral painless expression. He had now figured out what his life of training was meant for, in order for him to be prepared enough to face these kind of events, to train to be quick enough to save that child, “This is what I am meant to do, prepare myself for anything that could happen, I feel it, a sense of purpose.” Rushing back to the elder he shouted, “I think I realise it now, why I’m hear, what I’m doing, not just for our people but for all the good people in the universe.” The elder placed his hand again gently on Oozaks head suddenly a bright white aura surrounds Oozak’s body and a overwhelming pool of energy spills out of him. “I have unleashed some of your hidden potential my child, your strength has increased greatly, but this is at a cost, I will send you to earth in order to learn what you can from the two namekians Kami and Piccolo in order to show to you that your purpose is not just meant for hear and that there will always be evil lurking in the dark corners of the universe. This strength I gift to you will help you combat that evil, you were not meant to just protect us Oozak, but the universe, I can see it within you, the burning passion of fighting and protecting those of good, now go experience the true dangers out there and know what it truly means to be a warrior namekian.” Oozak then left planet Namek in order to go to earth and to gain a better sense of his purpose and in order to grow stronger in order to defeat the evil that tries to envelop the world as we know it. In the ship Oozak looked out of the window back at his planet gripping the side of a chair. “I will become stronger, and I will make sure I can face any problem head on, because that is my purpose.” Oozak then put on his weighted clothing and then begun his training aboard his ship, wasting some time for him as he traveled to earth and to help him grow in strength. As he begun to train a smirk appeared on his face which turned into a smile, showing his excitement on arriving at earth and finding out what it truly means to be a defender of the universe.

      • #40562

        I’ve edited it to make it so he is fighting against Friezas army instead (scouting parties) as this would make it before deadzone saga possibly.

      • #40576

        Alright Oozak, seems good to me so Accepted!

      • #40578

        Discord name and tag please?

      • #40582


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    • #40850

      Race Half-Saiyan
      Personality: A nice person raised in a village left after it was destroyed in a freak accident and live’s in a cave. Never know his parents, weak.

      Discord name: DanT12204#8055

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Daniel. Reason: Forgot Dis name and num
      • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Daniel. Reason: Forgot Dis name and num
    • #40860

      Name: Inferno
      Gender: Male
      Race: Arcosian
      Age: 57
      Personality: A smart alec who is serious when he needs to be, but he still treats people with kindness.
      General Appearance: no clothes. His skin is cyan and orange.
      Backstory: Years before frieza and goku, while the arcosians slaughtered planets and their people. Red, after seeing his best friend Ice murder a child and its parents, was struck by the understanding of good and evil. After gathering a group of allies and friends, he was able to fight off the people he once knew as friends. Unfortunately for red, ice arrived and he killed off everyone. Red told anyone who was left standing to flee. Red found a hidden power inside himself, the blaze form. Ice, with a disappointed look on his face shown the evil inside of him, the golden demon was unleashed! The two clashed into the ultimate battle and on this day the fire clan and the ice clan formed. Age 776, Now only one descendant left from the long forgotten fire clan was a boy now man Inferno. With no knowledge of his childhood from the day he was born to the day he was sent to earth at the age of 5. Luckily a man named kami found him before anyone else did. Inferno spent his days in the hyperbolic time chamber as much as he could and had mathced the power of gohan as a ssj2 fighting cell. One night, in a confusing dream he saw something someone. It was red after defeating ice and leaving him there with just a little bit of energy to live. When inferno woke he realised the message given to him and sought the ultimate power, and searches to this day.

      Discord: Mr_guy26 #3607

      • #40865

        im not a admin so ignore me if u wish but were still in the garlic junior saga,so your OC being ssj2 gohan level doesnt make any sense

    • #40870

      Name: Inferno
      Gender: Male
      Race: Arcosian
      Age: 57
      Personality: A smart alec who is serious when he needs to be, but he still treats people with kindness.
      General Appearance: no clothes. His skin is cyan and orange.
      Backstory: Years before frieza and goku, while the arcosians slaughtered planets and their people. Red, after seeing his best friend Ice murder a child and its parents, was struck by the understanding of good and evil. After gathering a group of allies and friends, he was able to fight off the people he once knew as friends. Unfortunately for red, ice arrived and he killed off everyone. Red told anyone who was left standing to flee. Red found a hidden power inside himself, the blaze form. Ice, with a disappointed look on his face shown the evil inside of him, the golden demon was unleashed! The two clashed into the ultimate battle and on this day the fire clan and the ice clan formed. Age 776, Now only one descendant left from the long forgotten fire clan was a boy now man Inferno. With no knowledge of his childhood from the day he was born to the day he was sent to earth at the age of 5. Luckily a man named kami found him before anyone else did. Inferno spent his days in the hyperbolic time chamber as much as he could and had mathced the power of goku as a ssj fighting frieza. One night, in a confusing dream he saw something someone. It was red after defeating ice and leaving him there with just a little bit of energy to live. When inferno woke he realised the message given to him and sought the ultimate power (an equal power to the ssj2 transformation), and searches to this day.

      Discord: Mr_guy26 #3607

      Changed how strong he is to match time better.

      • #40884

        By Garlic Jr. Sage, he means the Deadzone movie, it takes place before Raditz, you’re way too powerful than you should be.

    • #40886

      Name: Inferno
      Gender: Male
      Race: Arcosian
      Age: 27
      Personality: A smart alec who is serious when he needs to be, but he still treats people with kindness.
      General Appearance: no clothes. His skin is cyan and orange.
      Backstory: Years before frieza and goku, while the arcosians slaughtered planets and their people. Red, after seeing his best friend Ice murder a child and its parents, was struck by the understanding of good and evil. After gathering a group of allies and friends, he was able to fight off the people he once knew as friends. Unfortunately for red, ice arrived and he killed off everyone. Red told anyone who was left standing to flee. Red found a hidden power inside himself, the blaze form. Ice, with a disappointed look on his face shown the evil inside of him, the golden demon was unleashed! The two clashed into the ultimate battle and on this day the fire clan and the ice clan formed. Age 776, Now only one descendant left from the long forgotten fire clan was a boy now man Inferno. With no knowledge of his childhood from the day he was born to the day he was sent to earth at the age of 5. Luckily a man named kami found him before anyone else did. Inferno spent his days in the hyperbolic time chamber as much as he could and had gained a power of 700. One night, in a confusing dream he saw something someone. It was red after defeating ice and leaving him there with just a little bit of energy to live. When inferno woke he realised the message given to him and sought the ultimate power (an 20x multiplier), and searches to this day.

      Discord: Mr_guy26 #3607

      Changed how strong he is again and age to match the time better. Sorry for messing up twice!

    • #40887

      Name: Coal Crimson.
      Gender: Male
      Race: Human
      Age: 18
      Personality: Understanding, kind and disciplined. He has a set of rules and standards. If someone doesn’t meet his standards he will think less of them for it.
      General Appearance: He wears a white and black gi when training. He wears a black suit with his hair down when he is out on patrol. On the suit there is a White S. He wears it because it reminds him of a story that his father told him when he was younger. The suit has white boots and white writs guards. His normal cloths is normally just a basic suit for work.
      Backstory: Col Crimson had an unfortunate start to his life. When he was just a baby not long after he was born, his mother passed away due to unknown causes. His dad did the best he could to raise him, but he was always really stressed out due to working so much to provide for them. His father Cox wasn’t very smart. He had to take jobs where he could to provide, as he was never able to find stable work. When Coal was the age of 9 his father told him a story that he would never forget. It was about how this man gave his life so that his team and the rest of the planet could survive. He pushed himself beyond his limits to the point where he was so exhausted that the man only had energy left to try one last thing, so he grabbed the creature he was fighting and flew at light speed slamming him into everything he could. He flew part way around the universe before slamming him back into the earth, thus killing them both. Coal was never sure why, but the idea that this man was willing to give his life to save people. It just struck a nerve with him. He aspired to be like this man. Little did Coal know that his father looked up to this man just as much as he did.
      A few months after his father told him this story. They were going to the bank, his father had to get a loan out, because he hadn’t been able to find work recently. While waiting in like Coal noticed something in the person behind them. Something was sticking out of his pocket. Looking up at the man, he was covered in sweat and unable to hold still. He was rocking back and forth on the spot, fiddling with whatever was in his pocket. About 2-3 minutes go by and Coal and Cox make it to the front of the line. Booth 1 calls them to come over. The lady in there asks for their paper work. Cox hands it to her. She scans the code in the top right corner. She tells him I’m sorry, but you already have 2 loans out and you’ve been late on your payments in the past. Your credit just isn’t good enough to get a 3ed loan out. As she says this the 2ed booth calls up the next person.
      The next Coal heard was a gun shot. The person who was being weird shot strait up, and is now pointing the gun at the lady in the booth. Give me all the Zeni you have here. You have five minutes before I start killing people, starting with you (He points at the lady in the booth). Coal could see a tag on the guys shirt. It read Alex. Cox without thinking leaped for the gun. Coal could only see the two adults fighting for the gun on the ground. A gun shit went off. Then 3 other gun shots went off. The guy who brought the gun stopped moving. Cox slowly moved away, and went over to check on Coal. He asked if he was alright and Coal responded saying he was fine. His father responded saying good. Then Coal noticed that his father’s shirt was getting red. Dad what’s going on with your shirt?
      Coal went pail as someone yelled someone call an ambulance. Cox laid down on the ground. I’m sorry my son, but this is where our paths part ways. Don’t worry. One day you will see me again. Dad… Please… Please don’t go… I love you my son. The next second Cox’s body was glowing gold. Then it vanished. People were shocked.
      A young woman came in. She was a part of the police force. She took Coal down to the station. After this things were like a blur for him. He couldn’t really feel. He was placed into an orphanage.
      After about 4 years he turned 13. He didn’t talk much at this point, he had disconnected from the people around him. Instead he always just counted things. At 12 he started physical training, because why not. The strain it caused him, it made him feel something. These limits were something that he wanted to push. At this point it became his drive.
      One day there was a local combat tournament. Coal entered because the orphanage needed the prize money. Coal destroyed most of the competition. Making it to the finals with ease. He didn’t really feel the pain. He knew it was there, but his disconnect was letting him ignore it. In the finals there was this old man. When the fight started the old man moved fasted then Coal expected. Coal was caught off guard and was nearly knocked out of the ring. He caught himself just in time. The old man looked a bit confused. He stated What temple are you apart of? Coal responded. I’m apart of no temple. The old man said to him. Oh my. This is just training you’ve done on your own? Coal responded with Yes. The old man says. Well then, I see you have some real talent. I will be willing to train you if you agree? Coal says Step out of the ring and you’ve got a deal. The old man said Alright and stepped out. The next day when Coal went to collect the prize money he ran into the old man. The old man gives him a note of a place, he says to meet him there the next before 6 pm.
      The next day Coal started heading to the location. He realized that it was at the top of a mountain and it would take at least 2 hours to get there. It was already 4:46 pm. He had not choice, if he was going to make it on time he needs to run as fast as he can. He didn’t know why he was running or even why he was in a rush at all. Why did he care? He wasn’t quite sure, he thinks it might be the challenge that he feels coming from the old man. Coal arrives there 2 minutes before 6.
      The old man, oh you made it. Good. Now then you can call me master Ash. Coal says to him why did you let me win? Ash responds I’ve won that tournament 20 years in a row. Giving up one doesn’t bother me too much. Besides you appear to be a promising fighter. Coal, why me? Ash why not you? Coal had no response to this. Ash, now its time for your first lesson.
      Over the next few years Coal trains under Ash. He learns a very defensive fighting style. Its only designed for countering other people’s attacks. It follows the rule the best offence is the best defense. Coal notices over time that he feels a lot happier and feels like he is living again. He studies hard in the day and trains hard in the afternoon.
      After 7 years he finished his training. He knows had a mastery of ki and a defensive fighting style. He was able to use his ki to levitate and fly. He is also able to use it to enhance his speed by a large amount. He has been trained to sense ki, but he isn’t able to tell if something is good or evil yet. His hair has grown down to his shoulders. It reminds him of the hero from the story. He had fairly long hair as well. Coal said goodbye to ash as Coal was going to west city to take a job at capsule corp in the engineering department.
      After arriving in west city, the first thing he saw was someone getting robbed. He saw in slow motion the person pull the trigger then the bullet shooting out towards the guy. Without thinking Coal moved grabbing the bullet. He drops the bullet on the ground as one of the most important things Master Ash taught him is killing is never okay. He fires a small ki blast melting the gun. A few seconds later the police arrived. Coal vanished as he moved away at high speeds before they got a good look at him.
      He then realized he just did what his dad did. He felt a kind of warmth as he felt he was making his father proud. He decides then that he will be a hero. His father died saving someone. Coal wants to make his father proud by being a hero like he was. When working at C corp he always has his hair tied up and wears glasses. He uses the first few weeks of pay to save up for his bullet resistant suit. The reason he had it made bullet proof is because he doesn’t always want to be replacing it. He also made sure he had 3 copies of it. About a year has passed and now he is 18 what will he do now? Find out next time on dragon block C!

    • #40914

      Name: Launch Jr.
      Race: Human
      Age: 17
      Personality: Good launch but more adventurous
      General Appearance: White skin, pink hair,Sneakers and hat.
      Backstory: Uub and Launch had a child Launch jr. Launch Jr was training with Uub and picked up ki fast with that Uub gave her a old staff, she is now adventuring places. She has been in cell games arena or what is left of it. She has been in a world tournament.

      • #41105

        Announcement: One Saiyan spot has open up, If anyone is willing to put in the work on a good saiyan application. You may get accepted.

    • #41108

      Name: Haruto
      Gender: Male
      Race: Human
      Age: 15
      Personality: He’s a kind and smart young man who unlike most of his family likes to think about what he’s going to do first but once you get him going he’s real hot head
      General Appearance: He has short spiky hair and emerald eyes he is also fair skinned. his face is usually in a neutral like emotion and he usually wears a black long-sleeved shirt with jeans

      Backstory: he comes from your run of the mill family and lives in the city with them. He was going to school when one day he got attacked by a gang. knowing some martial arts, he was able to fight off some of them but when they pulled out guns he knew he was done for. He put his arms waiting for his inevitable demise but then suddenly an elderly man came out of nowhere and defeated all of the thugs with what appeared to be an energy ball. After the fight the man revealed his name to be Haru and that he was proficient in the art of “ki” the reason he saved the boy and told him this was because he had sensed some potential in the boy and he wanted to train him. So, every day after that Haruto would go and meet with the man and learn new things about ki and train after school with the man. He learned techniques like the “ki” blast and a basic “ki” wave. One day after school he went to the man’s place for training but he was shocked to see him on the ground near death. He asked him what had happened. The man responded with “seems old age has taken its toll I knew this would happen one of these days Haruto you’re my successor take this it’s my most prized possession” He handed Haruto a well-made sword. “I want you to bury me near my son he’s in the forest behind my house…..” The old man died in Haruto’s arms. Haruto picked him up and walked to what he thought to be a tombstone and began to dig a hole beside it after he had placed the man inside of the hole and buried him he took a log and etched in it “here lies Haru he was a father and a friend and a hero” after that He began his journey back home.

    • #41482

      Bet forgot his old password and email so he asked if I could submit his story for him until he makes a new account. I said yes so here is Bets application.

      Name: Bet

      Gender: Male

      Race: Human

      Age: 17

      Alignment: Good

      Personality: Bet is a very distant person usually not being the first one to open his mouth. He doesn’t enjoy much company as he enjoys being left alone half the time because of the fear of being bullied like in his younger days. He is very shy around almost everyone. He is on the other hand a good person at heart but you wouldn’t be able to guess just by looking. He is very doubtful of his own abilities coming from many years of being bullied. He is how ever comfortable around his friends and will even show signs of interest in something at times when around them. He is average intelligence in most things and a genius in others. He loves his parents but doesn’t respect them highly for them forcing him into fighting and training his butt off for years for what he believes was for their own self gain in the end. He feels sometimes neglected by his parents feeling that he is somehow letting them down even though he knows that they are letting him down.

      General appearance: Bet has brown eyes and dirty blonde hair with a simple casual hair cut and style. He wears the Orange Star High School clothing and wears a Green Gi when training or fighting.

      Backstory: Bet was born to a rich house hold and a well known famous family of martial artists. His mother the fast and agile Caffey and his Father the unmovable rock Coff. he has been destined since day one to become a fighter and carry on his parents legacy leaving almost no room for himself to explore and earn his own way in life because all his parents wanted him to do was fight and train and that one day he would only take up his parents mantel and he will never be special because of himself, but because of his parents. After his 6th birthday he began training everyday from morning till night only stopping to eat at lunch time and what not. He would do push ups, sit ups, squats and then train with his father and mother and only would stop when he could beat them in a brawl or last long enough. He was put into tournaments and used by his parents to gain even more wealth (in the children portion of the tournaments that his parents could not enter). He had one day won against the wrong person his name was Josh. Josh then told all his friends lies about Bet and leading to people making fun of him and calling him a cheater and anything else they could find to mock him over. This lead to him becoming a very distant person not talking or making eye contact with someone he found would be mean or rude to him. Bet later found a friend, his name was Cray. Cray was Bets only form of defense against the bullies but not long after becoming friends with him Cray couldn’t take much of it anymore and left Bet beginning to make fun of him as well. This caused Bet to become even more bitter and angered one day lashing out on one of the students and hurting them. He never knew the kid but he was expelled from his school. Similar things continued until he was 17 and sent away by his parents to continue to learn martial arts in Orange Star City and was also enrolled in Orange Star High School. He didn’t think he would but he was just hoping that maybe, just maybe he would finally find the one that would respect him for who he is and find a real friend here for once.

      • #41492


    • #41765
      Alex Mcculley

      Name: Shorune
      Gender: Male
      Race: Shinjin
      Age: 2897618
      Personality:Emotionless, Doesnt talk much, doesnt like much(aside from fighting people of similar strength) Doesnt show pain.
      General Appearance: Black hair and eyes, little symbol on left eye(permanent spell that makes it blind) Animal ears, also black, blue hoodie with a white shirt under it, black cargo shorts.
      Background: Shorune was originally a Shinjin born from a corrupted golden fruit. The other Shinjin’s decided to keep him alive and see what was corrupted about him. He was raised like a normal Shinjin would. When he was 2700 years old, The Shinjin decided to have him go to another plant and watch over it. He watched the planet and its inhabitants evolve and learn. After 2 million years of evolution and learning the inhabitants learned to travel through space. That is when, He(shorune) fell in love with on of the inhabitants. The other Shinjins learned about this event and placed a spell on Shorune, One the blinded his left eye. After that, they killed the woman Shorune fell for. He was locked up in a cell for another 200 Years. When he was left out he teleported using the skill he learned from the Yardrats. The Shinjin forgot about shorune 70000 years after he left. He transported to a random planet that he could sense ki on. For the Humans, it was in the 1300’s. He was deemed an alien intruder and put in a jail cell(doesnt have the will to fight currently). About 700 years later an unknown adventurer found him. The adventurer made the claim to the government, they deemed him as a mummy to the public. They forged a fake mummified corpse to hide his discovery.

    • #41782

      Name: Visgath

      Gender: None

      Race: Namkian

      Age: 23

      Personality: Visgath is pretty cold to strangers and does not really like to talk to them too much. He normally keeps to himself but has a soft spot for people who show respect and courtesy towards him and others so he will attempt to befriend, although he isn’t too great at communication.

      General Appearance: Visgath is a tall well built namekian standing at about seven foot and weighing around two hundred and twenty pounds. His eyes are a dark crimson red which can be quite scary when Visgath stares deep into your soul. He has a small jet black mask, covering the bridge of his nose down to his chin, that wraps around his neck connecting just below where an average human’s hair line would stop. Under his gi he wears a skin tight navy latex suit which his well built muscles can be easily seen through. His gi sits comfortably on his shoulders and is comprised of a few different colors: The most prominent colour is a charcoal grey which covers the majority of the gi. The secondary color is his golden highlights which cover from his sides down to his knee caps. The tertiary color is a dark yellowy brown that follows the charcoal grey around the gi.

      Backstory: Visgath is a Namekian born into the warrior clan that was pushed and trained by his father, a village elder named Kori, every single day so he could become something that Kori had wanted since it was a child: A guard of the elder. Because he is a son of a village elder his power level at birth was quite a bit higher than others in the village but this wasn’t enough according to his father. They would take long camping trips to the emerald fields of planet Namek where Visgath would be rigorously trained both physically and mentally. His fists becoming as strong as steel and his mind as tough as tungsten.

      He was raised like this for five years taking multiple of these grueling trips annually. This was until the village was raided by the demon clan. Kori sent Visgath to live with his friend in the mountain until it passed by. The village was tortured and destroyed for weeks on end until Kori stepped up to fight the demon clan namekians. It was a five versus one, the odds were not in Kori’s favour, and each one of the demon clan’s power was equal to him. He knew this and all he had was one chance to win this… self destruct. As this was happening Visgath was watching down over the village as he sensed six great powers coming from it. As Visgath climbed to the top of the mountain which shadowed the village he saw his father become engulfed with a bright white ki which expanded and expanded as he poured is life energy into it.

      Bang! A thundering boam darted down the valley as Visgath watched in compleat horror. All Visgath could see was a bright, luminescent light shine from the Village. The rocks he sat upon became incandescent from the pure heat that the explosion gave off. Tentatively, Visgath walked down into what once was a village with all of his memories rushing back to him as he strolled through the streets.

      After a while Visgath arrived at the town center where he saw something led on the ground. He walked over cautiously but as he got closer he saw it… His dad. The young Visgath dashed over as quickly as he could then holding his near dead fathers head up as tears rolled down Visgath’s checks. His dad would cough as he smiled up at Visgath with orchid purple blood dripping off of his forehead and arms.

      “Don’t worry my son..” He muttered “I shall live on forever in here..” He said as he points towards Visgath’s heart.

      Visgath’s tears kept streaming down his face as his father rubbed the top of his head.

      “I’m sorry… we didn’t get to bond like other families.” He says as he coughs up some blood and tears start to form in his eyes. “I… i’m lucky you’re my boy…” As he says this his eyes closed. “Goodbye… my son.” He said as his head drops to the side.

      The death of his father inspired Visgath to train harder than ever before and accomplish his father’s dream…

      For years Visgath trained and trained in solitude whilst he was set up in the furious mountains of Namek and would only visit the neighbouring village every so often to search for opportunities to make himself stronger and more skilled. He continued to do this year after year until something showed up: A trip to the planet Earth to visit it’s guardian. Visgath happily took this opportunity and left for Earth in the coming months.

      Whilst travelling through the sea of stars Visgath still trained day and night getting the most out of this time he had completely to himself. Finally, after a few weeks of traveling the blue planet Earth was in his sights. As he landed he was greeted by Earth’s Guardian, they talked and talked until the Guardian decided it was time to train. Visgath took a liking to the Guardian because of his respect and courtesy, these qualities reminded him of his late father more and more until he nearly fell under the impression that he was actually his father.

      Visgath stayed on Earth for six months constantly training and then decided it was time to go. He traveled back to his ship and as he sat down in the cockpit to launch it he couldn’t. Not because of any technical fault it was that he didn’t want to… He thought about it, what did he have on namek that he doesn’t on Earth: Nothing. There was no reason to leave this place as his only real friend, the guardian, also lived here. So Visgath decided to stay and he set up base in the rocky mountains creating a house and a memorial grave for his father so they could be together for the rest of Visgath’s life.

    • #41902

      Name: Xeno
      Gender: Male
      Race: Saiyan
      Age: 15
      Personality:Smart, Strong, Persistent, Serious. Happy to meet new people unless they are threats to his existence.
      General Appearance: Spiky White Hair, Has a Tan Skin Tone, Wears a White and golden Cloak and sometimes a Weighted Cape
      Backstory: I’m A Saiyan who was sent to earth from a Universe that was Mysteriously destroyed, Not having any Role Models i had to learn stuff by myself at a young age i fought for food and had to find shelter. I grew fond off Books so i stole books. Growing Up there was robbers and Kidnappers who tried to harm at that point i didn’t know off my Super Human Strength so i ran then i came across a Man in martial arts with a Happy Personality he took me in and Taught me Martial arts then…He left me to fend for myself until i was 15 till this day i still don’t know the mans name but i thank him.

      • #41913

        Decided to Revamp it a bit 😉

        Personality:Smart, Strong, Persistent, Serious. Happy to meet new people unless they are threats to his existence.
        General Appearance: Xeno is a Scrawny young looking Saiyan with White Hair. His Clothing Consist’s of a Pearly White Fabric that takes up most of the Clothing along with a Golden Cloak.
        Backstory: Xeno is a Young Saiyan who was born in universe 15 on a planet named Cryaton. The Planet was Huge around the Size of Jupiter in Universe 7. The Planet had Mythical Creatures From Phoenix’s to Dragons, The Planet was Rules by a King
        Named Gento a Saiyan who was thought of as a God on our Planet. Many Challenged him many died, He would usually pick people from Village’s on the Planet to fight in the war that was going happening in another Galaxy.
        The Member’s who were picked suffered day after day, night after night to prepare for battle. They were know as the Divine Order. Little did they know was that there Pain and Suffering would come to a end…

        Year: 2314, January 1
        (Our story takes place with a couple who lived in the Village of Accon. The 2 Had their own separate roles on this planet. Ento who was a Soldier of the Divine Order who Barely was on the Same Planet as Violet, who was saw as the smartest Female on the Planet)
        I was birthed on January 1, 2314 by my Parents Ento, and Violet. We stayed in a Little Cottage outside of town for 9 Years Were my mom and my dad taught me since the age of 3, It started of hard for me at a young age with a dad who wanted me too be the strongest
        man possible, and a mother who wanted me to be the smartest man in the universe.
        Year: 2323, November 26
        I was doing what i usually do in early mornings, Train. I was on my one thousand, seven hundred twenty-eighth push-up when i felt this Aura…i ignored it thinking it was the Divine Order training again then everything got unpleasantly quiet. Shortly after my mom
        rushed to the backyard were i was training and said: XENO! YOU HAVE TO GO NOW!! I Replied: Why what’s going on.
        My dad landed on the ground with a Violent Force as if it was Urgent. I shouted: WHAT IS GOING ON!! MOM?!, DAD?! My dad struggling to catch his breath replied: Their Dead…All of them and were next. I felt a aura like no other. Something Demonic that send Chills
        down my Spine. My dad Grabbed me and Mom and teleported us to a place that was filled with ships. Mom then darted to a ship with a Phoenix Symbol on it and ferocious started typing on the side panel of the ship.
        Dad then said to me: Son…I know you have a lot of Question’s about what’s going on. But sadly i cant answer them it seems that there’s not enough time. Just remember 1 thing…Everything me and your mother taught you…
        Mom then shouted: Its ready!. My dad placed me inside the Spacecraft and locked me in. I banged on the glass with tears pouring down my eyes shouting: MOM!!! DAD!!!! Repeatedly. They were saying something it seemed, as if they were saying they Loved me….
        The ship then took off at unfathomable speed’s in the blink of a eye i was peering into my old planet. From the distance i could see a Golden wave spread through the planet like a Uncontrollable disease then it exploded…
        As soon as i saw the Explosion of my planet i Cried in Agony wishing that it was a dream, that my parent’s were alive, Unfortinatly it was not a dream.
        Year: 2323 December 3
        After sitting in the ship for 7 days peering into the endless space passing solar system’s every 5 Minutes i decided to explore the vast ship. I entered the sliding doors that leaded into a Corridor with a sliding door at the end of it, I walked through the corridor into the
        door that didn’t slide open automatically. On the wall to the right of the corridor was a panel, across the panel in a giant font it said: State your identity. I figured it was a code that was only accessible by entering a name, i then entered Xeno the password was denied.
        I entered every Password possible before giving up and going back to the Cockpit of the ship and sitting in the Chair thinking. Then. i saw a duffel bag stuffed under the control panel of the ship. I grabbed the heavy bag out of curiosity and opened it up, Inside the bag was clothing
        with a note on top of it. It said:

        Dear Son
        If your reading this it must mean that the time has come…
        for you to grow up. I know you must have question’s about what’s
        going on but it’s best if you don’t know. What matter’s must is
        that you know that me and your father love you honey. Don’t forget
        what we taught you, But you must teach yourself. Read the books
        In the room down the Corridor behind the Cockpit, And don’t forget to train
        to be as strong as your father in the Corridor to the left of the Living room
        You wont get lost since i labeled everything. I love you…Never Forget that my
        Golden Phoenix…

        As i looked through the bag i saw a Device that had a yellow glass connected to a white device with a note attached to it reading: SCOUTER
        Inside it was a Cape it was extremely heavy but i could manage to pick it up it also had a note attached to it reading: 10 Ton Weighted Cape.
        After emptying the entire bag i cried…for a long time. After i recuperated from the sorrow i traveled back to the password protected door once again and tried random codes that my mom would use then. It hit me! mom made this ship for me, so the password would be what she called me
        I thought then i remembered that she called me Golden Phoenix. I entered that code in a rush to see if it worked. The door then opened letting out a breeze of air. I entered the pearly white room were there was a bed, book shelf’s that seemed to reach to heights of 10 feet and 3 more doors.
        The First Labeled: Training Chamber, Second Labeled: Kitchen, The final Door was Labeled: Bathroom. I immediately entered the Kitchen to eat something, Later i began my daily routine…
        (The Child Trained for 6 Years)

        (Present Day)
        Xeno: Well now that i’m done with my Training i should Check on the control panel to see how far i am from the planet i was sent too. Huh it says i’m 3 Minutes away?!
        -Falls Back-
        WHAT WAS THAT?!
        System: Entering earth’s atmosphere, Brace for Impact.



        Xeno: Ow, Well seems like i arrived at the Planet earth. Guess i should get dressed and get off this ship, FINALLY!.


        XD i got bored and tried my best Discord: Xeno#7827

    • #41939

      Hopefully there are some arcosian slots left up for grabs!
      Here’s my discord by the way: @Autismo#8857

      Name: Iced

      Gender: Male

      Race: Arcosian

      Age: 22

      Iced often comes off as nonchalant, not really caring about the well being of anyone else. He does whatever he decides will be fun, no matter what he has to do to achieve that, or who his actions will affect. He tends to leave things and people alone, as long as they don’t mess with what he’s doing or plans on doing… And if they’re involved in those plans, he makes them… cooperate

      General Appearance:
      Teal skinned with dark blue highlights along his body, each set of colors getting progressively darker as he raises in forms. Iced wears the white colored battlesuit he found on top of his body to protect himself. He sports a green scouter due to the simple fact that it is one of the few colors he can stand seeing for hours on end. The arcosian also carries his lucky blade at his side at all times, though he rarely uses it.

      The story of Iced begins with a young boy on his homeworld, nearly completely alone. The younglings mother had passed due to starvation mere months after the boy had been born, and his father only wanted the boy for his strength. As most babies, Iced had a microscopic battle power. And so, his father waited… And waited. Until one day, he had grown tired of waiting for dormant power. He ended up leaving the boy to fend for himself, leaving him alone in the wilderness. The final words said to Iced by his father were insults and words of abhorrence.

      Abandoned and left to die, the boy, not even 4 at this point, began to run in the direction he saw his father disappear into. He ran as far and as quickly as he could, and managed to make it to the edge of the woods, mere minutes from society, before collapsing from sheer exhaustion.

      Hours later, Iced abruptly regains conciousness. The boy awakens to the sound of a ships engine, and thrusted his head upwards to see a crew of aliens placing crates into their ship’s cargo bay. Seeing an opportunity to escape this situation, the child did the only thing that seemed logical at the time: he ran into the ship and hid. Hidden between box and shadow, the bright blue child went unnoticed as the crew continued to pack the ship with provisions.

      After what seemed like days of sneakily stealing bread and water from the boxes in the ship, the child finally gained the courage to see what it was that’s so important to these aliens. Of course, it really wasn’t all that important, it was a simple cargo load to the crew, but to the boy, every box was a gold mine. After making sure no one was near, he struck the lid of one box, causing it to shatter. Inside, the boy found a pristine set of armor, and a scouter. Of course, he knew of scouters. They were the cause of him being abandoned in the first place. Besides, nearly everyone the child had seen was wearing one. He placed them upon his body and scanned himself, aswell as the aliens on the ship. Apparently, he was waaaay stronger than the crew. They were all like, 10s and he was a 6. 6 was bigger than 1, and 0 is the smallest number! He could beat them up and go anywhere he wanted!

      After his ‘brilliant’ idea, the confident ‘warrior’ strode up to the cockpit undetected, and successfully punched a guy in the leg. He was visibly startled, as he didn’t expect a punch to the shin. He was slightly thrust forward, and collided with the control panels, causing a few sparks to fly. The co-pilot jumped to his feet and tried to catch the kid, who just jumped at the guy’s stomach, headbutting it. The alien was slammed into the panel, causing a small explosion. Both of the aliens were dead, and Iced was too far away from the explosion to have taken many wounds. He didn’t even notice the dead bodied, as he was too busy tried to stay concious. . . conciousness… fading away. . .

      While the boy passed out, there were alarms blaring throughout the ship, and red lights of warning were flashing non-stop. The ship was about to crash into a planets surface. The crew were all scrambling to escape using pods, and none of them thought to check the cockpit, where a fire and an unconcious child clutching a scouter in his hands remained alive. Minutes later, the ship entered orbit of the green and blue planet, and ground came into view… Mountains, valleys, cities. Beautiful to those that were concious.

      As the ship neared the surface, its course seemed to be heading into a lake. Less than a minute later, the ship slammed into the body of water, extinguishing the fire and shattering the cockpit window, flooding the ship. The rush of pressure and water woke the sleeping arcosian boy, who immediately panicked. He placed his scouter on and looked around. He saw the shattered window, and as he began to swim out, he noticed a nice and shiny sword which was in the clutches of one of the dead pilots. He paused for a second, horrified, but pushed forward, grabbing the alluring blade and continuing to the surface. Upon reaching shore, the boy looked around, and began to wonder how he would make it out of this one…

      The boy would grow up on this planet, living here his whole life, not trusting a single person other than himself. He had no reason to. Why would he let someone get close just to kill him and steal everything he’s worked for? Never again.

      • #41940

        Nice Story.

    • #42205

      Name: Grismar

      Gender: Male

      Race: Saiyan (or Halfie if there are too many Saiyans)


      Personality: Grismar likes to joke around and is excessively sarcastic, while having good and lighthearted intentions, he sometimes goes a bit far with his jokes and antics, while he can seem like a detached and sometimes cold individual he genuinely cares for the well being of those around him.

      General Appearance: He wears a dark grey gi, (similar to the one goku wore at the beginning of super) with a dark green undershirt. He has grey boots and black(brown if Half-Saiyan, also purple eyes if a Halfie) hair the spikes in the front. (I thought of this before sdbheros, Ik its now a recolor of goku’s sdbheros gi ;-;)

      Backstory: With his origins from universe 6,(something even he doesn’t know) he somehow makes his home in universe 7, growing up with his adoptive father at a lonely lake some miles from town. For many years he helped his father as a lumberjack for a living, alongside some basic self defense taught by his father and some training on his own.

      When he was about 17 his father went on a business trip, and was never heard from again. So he eventually left home to grow his power and discover the fate of his adoptive father. Throughout his travels Grismar had met many kinds of people, from thugs and petty thieves, to honest working people, to the rich and corrupt. He trained himself to become the strongest, to protect those around him. He entered many small tournaments, and trained with the strongest martial artists he met, setting his sights on winning the World Martial Arts Tournament; and becoming the strongest in the world.

    • #42533

      Name: Kado
      Gender: male
      Race: Saiyan
      Age: 17
      Personality: Brash and reckless, Loves fighting and surpassing his limits, Prideful, tenderhearted,and has a hidden side of pure evil and hatred
      Appearance: wears a dark grey body suit with a black and red battle armor, and has a haircut similar to Zamasu’s mohawk. About 5’7, and more on the skinny side for saiyans.

      backstory: Kado was born on the Planet Vegeta of Universe 3 in Age 776, and was training one day with his mother and father when suddenly, he was whisked away in a beam of light. Young Kado found himself in the Time Nest of the Supreme Kai of Time of Universe 7, and became the youngest member of the Time Patrol.
      When he was 13, he left the order and took up residence with his mother and father in Age 1123 on Universe 7’s Earth. He lived there and came into contact with many Saiyans and Halfbreeds, Namekians and even Arcosians. He even came across a lone Majin. However, Kado was a brave and reckless teen and on his 16th birthday, found a rip in Spacetime and was whisked back to Age 776, only this time on Universe 7. Kado currently hides the fact he is a saiyan, but refuses to take off his Battle Armor, which was a gift from his parents. Kado attends a high school and acts human, even hiding his own tail and wearing normal human clothing over his Battle Armor.
      However, things were not meant to remain peaceful, and Kado had to transform into a Super Saiyan to defeat an evil arcosian who came to earth following after Frieza. Kado pushed himself to his limits and attained the Super Saiyan 3 form, and defeated his foe.

      however, as a year passed, Kado forgot how to access his Super Forms and must now relearn how to become a true Saiyan Warrior again.

      Discord: Uthraed Skeggsson#4554

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Kado.
    • #42549

      discord: peepee monkey #8908
      Name: Potta
      Gender: Male
      Race: saiyan
      Age: 15

      Personality: Doesn’t speak a lot, but when he fight his personality totally changes, he becomes proud and doesn’t stop insulting or intimidating the enemy, likes to trains alone, he’S goal is to supass the mighty price of all saiyans vegeta.

      General Appearance: he has the full white battle armor torso, leggings and boots with a yellow scouter, the cape weight and the bodysuit #1. Got a tail and custom hair preset 0

      Backstory: Potta is the hidden brother of broly he was sent to a planet called Terre and grew up with the habitants of this planet, he tried several times to destroy it, but a strong warrior from this planet would always come and stop him. One day Potta was going to destroy this planet and the warrior didn’t show up, Potta waited for him hours and hours, but he didn’t show up so he went to the warrior’s village and started asking the villager where was the warrior. They told him that he was sick, since Potta didn’t want to destroy the planet so easily he went to the warrior’s house and strated asking him to get up and fight him. The warrior would laught and say: I knew you’r not that angry monstre the villagers would fear. That’s why I ask you to protect them when I’ll be gone, I know you can do it.
      Potta answer: where are you going I still didn’t kill you by my own.
      The warrior laught for the last time and slept for ever. After this Potta went to the most dangerous jungle in the planet where he started training alone and one day he found an old sapceship (the pod he came on the planet with) and that day he went back to the village and strated to train the villagers so that they can defend them selfs if there was the obligation once he saw that the villagers were able to defend them selfs he went to the spaceship he found and entred the the initial contact infomation and landed in the planet we call earth. (doesn’t know the super saiyan legend)

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by hatim.
      • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by hatim.
    • #42667

      Name: Levina
      Gender: Female
      Race: Human
      Age: 24
      Personality: Kind to others, curious of learning, Aggressive when fighting
      General uniform: (will show you if I get accepted)

      Backstory: Levina was once a mercenary and was adopted, she never knew her real parents though she doesn’t want to anyways because her father won’t assist her to finding her parents and would be a waste he said, the mercenary that her father made was called “Viper Fangs” they were Sword wielding warriors using a style called Fanged Snake style, she was trained by her father for about 5 years until later she begins to set on her own adventure seeking to learn other sword masters to be strong and her father was happy that her daughter was going to be a great warrior someday and training hard.

      Discord name: Sword kill105#4998

      (P.S. I know it’s short but please know I am a creative person and experience Roleplayer it just takes me time to write a backstory but good for voice acting and I can tell you more about the backstory more clearly in voice chat.)

    • #43051

      Name: Hachiro
      Gender: Male
      Race: Saiyan
      Age: 26
      Personality: Very true friend. Good man. Always ready to help. However, when it comes to combat, it becomes too arrogant and proud. Much relies on Oozaru form
      General Appearance: Wear Gi (Goku GT Gi, Vegito pants and Regular Goku Gi boots), got custom hair (Which looks like Beats from Dragon ball Heroes), got a tail and blue scouter (Tier 1)
      Backstory: Hachiro is a Saiyan from planet Vegeta. He was part of Medium class warriors. One day he was sitting in the bar and just chillin, drinking some beer until injured Bardock came in and told everyone that Frieza will blow up the planet. Of course nobody belived him. But Hachiro was kinda scared and asked Bardock personly what happened. Hachiro knew that he’s nothing compare to Frieza, and since he was alone, no children, no wife. He decides to leave the planet and dump as far as possible. Planet Vegeta got destroyed and he landed on planet Earth. First he wanted to take care of this planet and make it his own kingdom. But he met some humans who was very friendly with him and because of his soft personality he wanted just live on this planet. He build himself a house and bought some clothes, because his armor was damaged a lot, but he saved his scouter. And now he want to train hard as he even can to destroy everyone who will try to destroy his new home.

      Discord name:Super Saiyan 4 Hachiro#6476

      (P.S. Is the server cracked?)

    • #43056

      Name: Son Dakon
      Gender: Male
      Race: Saiyan
      Age: 35 (+20 in HTC)
      Personality: Quiet, don’t like to talk about his past. Even if he is sometimes rude to friends he REALLY care about them. Want to always break his limits. He also know alot about Godly Stuff (God Ki and other things like that). When it comes to fighting he is calm and focused on fight. He likes to meditate to improve his ki control to maximum (or as far as he can).
      General Apperance: Wears Goku Whis Gi, have a tail and sword.

      Backstory: He waa born on planet Earth, his childhood was happy. He had a great Family, but he was bullied in school cuz of his monkey tail. One day when he came back from school he saw his burned house. When he went to see if something didnt get burned he saw body of his parents but burned. He couldn’t belive this, in Rage his power sky rocked and even Guardian on Earth sensed him. Dakon started to cry over his parents dead body. When Dakon was searching for something that parents told him to open when he will be 18 (he was 12 at that time). When Dakon found a box with symbol of his Family. He opened it and saw a sword with Orange Gi and note where it was written ”Son when you are reading this…that means we are gone…you need to stay strong…i wanted to explain everything by myself but…looks like i can’t..something is gonna happend to us…HE is gonna come for us…you need to train and become strong….”. Dakon realized that he need to avange his parents he started to train. One day he meet a girl named Cassa. She was his best friend. They were training together, but the Final Test come. Dakon was forced to fight for his live and Cassa’s. The Killer of his parents returned to finish the job. Cassa died while trying to save Dakon. In PURE RAGE Dakon transformed into SUPER SAIYAN but this one was diffrent…it was GREEN. Killer realized that his WORST Nightmare came true…Son Dakon The Super Saiyan was born. Post DESTROYING that Killer Dakon calmed and reversed back to his base form. He was drained. Guardian of Earth took him and trained him. When Dakon was 20 his training ended. Dakon reached even Super Saiyan 4 thanks to training in Room Of Spirit And Time. He wasn’t friendly. One time he fought a Evil Saiyan God. He had no chances of winning…but then…he snaped…all of his training was useless…his friend Cassa…his parents died for nothing…that…pushed Dakon over the limits of mortals…and he reached Super Saiyan God. Thanks to rage boost he got Dakon killed Evil Saiyan without problem. When Dakon was 30 he meet Namekian named Kaitar. At First they were rivals but their rivaly turnd into friendship. They were evolving. Kaitar reached maximum potential of Namekian race by transforming into Ultimate Namekian God, Dakon was jeoulus about Kaitar being stronger than him. With his determination he reached Super Saiyan Blue and even went beyong that…by transforming into Super Saiyan Blue Evolution. His TRUE potential was unlocked when Dakon and Kaitar needed to face a King Of Demons Calvad. King Of Demons was too strong for both of them. When Kaitar was almost dead…he could only breathe, Dakon full in Rage rushed at Calvad but got throwed away like a trash. Moments before Calvad fired his Final Attack, Dakon realize that he cant fall now…Kaitar count on him…he needed to do it for Kaitar…for Cassa and his parents. At same moment Calvad fired his Demonic Flash…Dakon vanished…Calvad saw him behind his back…but…when Dakon looked at Calvad…he saw a silver glow in Dakon’s eyes…Dakon has reached the state that not even G.O.D can reach easy. With new founded power he quickly killed Calvad. But it was too late for Kaitar…he was dead…Dakon undertand that he need to train harder to protect his Universe…

      Discord Name: Kajetan0807

    • #43132

      Name : Tony

      Race : Saiyan

      Gender : Male

      Age : 8 : but can grow up like everyone/i think

      Personality : cant speak at the age of 8 to 10
      likes breaking hes limit but can be lazy at time

      BackStory : Born in The planet “Earth” had a great childhood nice family
      gets builled in school and by hes brother eric builled in school of hes hair
      and tail builled by eric cuz well eric just bets up tony for no reason

      Fav Food : Chicken, bacon, apple, and crab legs

      Likes every food tho

      Thanks for Reading!

      Discord : Tonylel

      And IF i do get accepted then please send me ip to the server
      on discord

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Tony.
      • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Tony.
      • #43146

        *beats* i meant XD

      • #43156

        Wait imma make the apply better

        Name : Tony

        Race : Saiyan

        Gender : Male

        Age : 8 : but can grow up like everyone/i think

        Alignement : Good/Hero

        What He Looks Like : https://www.deviantart.com/art/Tony-s-DB-Spirte-773867582?ga_submit_new=10%3A1543032254

        Personality : cant speak at the age of 8 to 10
        likes breaking hes limit but can be lazy at time

        BackStory : Born in The planet “Earth” had a great childhood nice family
        gets builled in school and by hes brother eric builled in school of hes hair
        and tail builled by eric cuz well eric just bets up tony for no reason

        Fav Food : Chicken, bacon, apple, and crab legs

        Likes every food tho

        Thanks for Reading!

        Discord : Tonylel #0204

        And IF i do get accepted then please send me ip to the server
        on discord

        • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Tony.
    • #43139

      (Sorry for my bad english, im improving it.)
      Name:Reizōko (call me Rei) (Fridge in japnease)
      Age:50 (since frieza is over 70)
      Personality:He love killing Namekians and Saiyans when he sees one. He likes videos games,Soda,He want to get the dragon balls to revive his brother and be immortal
      Apparence:Grey and White with black eyes
      Outifs:Blue Battle Armor,Red Weight,purple scooter
      ShortBackStory:When he was a little Kid he lived on frieza ship with his brother Ginyu trained them but someday a Saiyan named Bardock attacked the ship he killed so many people, rei’s brother and dident heard the attack cause they were training in their room then Bardock came they tried to kill him but he was too strong for them,then he killed Rei’s brother rei started to run and started to hide he couldn’t find him he started to leave the ship to beat frieza then I start to train for 30 years Meelee, concentration, Spirit he got his first transformation the 2nd form he crafted a blue battle armor he started to make an army and rule the universe then he learn about dragon balls rei started to find them but that was too hard. But someday someone came in rei’s ship with a black hoodie Horns,Purple body and a purple tail he removed his hood and that was Freeza he wanted to team with me to find the dragon balls then started to train rei to become stronger My bp was 30.000 now he can go in 3nd form someday they attacked the earth they started to kill humans the first one was yamcha he told them about the dragon balls then the Z fighters Tien,Krillin,Vegeta,Piccolo,Goku and adult gohan started to attack Rei and freeza they were too strong for them, but Rei went to Final Form Freeza was Impressed, they started to kill them one by one, but Goku, Vegeta andd Gohan ran away and Rei and Freeza started to find the dragon balls.

      • #43140

        Discord name Cookie-Sama#4846

    • #43183
      Joel Medina Morales

      Name: Toeru
      Gender: Male
      Race: Saiyan
      Age: 10 years
      Personality: The personality is normal, it can be serious and fun, but you can not mess with your loved ones, because it explodes in anger (Still can not be transformed into SSJ)
      Aspect: He looks like his father, Turles, in the physical aspect, His skin is like his mother’s, light color, not like his father’s that is dark, Dark hair. And a saiyan armor Aspect.

      Fighting Style:He uses a kind of fight almost similar to that of Vegeta. The problem is he does not know any fighting style. Take it for a fight. He feels he looks cool as well. Maybe someone interacts with him to learn a fighting style.
      Alignment:He´s totally good, but can turn a little bit bad.
      Story: Toeru is the son of Turles. In the year 764 Toeru was born having 4 months of birth, at 5 months of age Turles left his house, since he mistreated the mother of Toeru and wanted to conquer planets, passed the time and the Day that someone destroyed the planet Kabocha where they inhabited, before this, Toeru’s mother quickly grasps it and puts it in a space capsule to escape to the earth, this happens in the year 757, in the year 759 Toeru turns 10 Years in the earth 1 year before the arrival of Raditz, its power of fight is of 4,500 goes by the earth exploring until finding someone with whom it becomes strong …
      Toeru is walking through the Garlick Jr Fortress (this one without knowing what the place was defined as Orange Sky) and sees 3 people fighting, a human and 2 greenish-skinned men. Toeru knew he did not could stay in the place because he would die, but from fear he could not move, suddenly an expulsion of air suspends him through the air, and he reacts and leaves, since then he knew that he had to become strong to be rival with these people. Actually he travels in the time, Having 13 years and a half. He´s looking for a good trainning and a world without bad people.

      Discord: THJGames [Toeru]#3177

    • #43354

      Name: Naven
      Gender: Male
      Race: Human
      Age: 25
      Personality: Naven is a kind-hearted guy. He loves life, and respects all living things. This being said, if someone were to be revealed as evil according to his morals, his hatred would be vast and difficult to overcome. He’s very stubborn; very few people can change his mind about anything he decides. Because of this trait, he has Indomitable Will. This meaning that Naven will never ever give up when he puts his mind to something unless he is physically stopped. He’s intelligent, and well-spoken with a certain leadership quality that most could admire. That being said, he’s somewhat clumsy and goofy when he’s not in a battle. He follows a somewhat cliche “Hero” trope, though he does so well enough to make up for the unoriginality. His pride is most noticeable in his guilt; he blames himself for everything bad that happens around him. This ties into how he values others far above himself, though this should not be connected to a lack of self confidence. He’s curious and fun-loving, boredom being one of his biggest pet peeves. He’s a comedic person, sarcasm and wit common in his vocabulary.
      General Appearance: Naven has black hair, which hangs long from his head, similar to Android 17’s. He wears glasses when he’s not in a fight, with black frames. He usually wears a pair of ripped black jeans, worn down brown leather boots, and a long sleeved black shirt. Instead of a Gi, he wears a black bodysuit over his chest with red decals. He wears puffy black pants along with this, and fingerless black gloves and black boots with golden bottoms. He has bright green-blue hazel eyes, and wears a brown leather necklace around his neck with a pair of military dog tags at the end, these having belonged to one his Mothers and given to him as a graduation present. He has a tail, though he keeps it hidden on his Mothers’ orders.
      ==Known to Him==
      Naven never met his parents. He was put up for adoption two days after his birth, and raised in a orphanage until the age of six. He was badly beaten by the Nuns who ran the orphanage, and often assaulted by other kids shortly after. This however changed when he was adopted by a lesbian couple. Since he was young, he showed a passion for martial arts and combat in general. He participated in every tournament he could; often losing. His stubbornness however, pushed him to be stronger and stronger with every defeat. He nearly flunked Middle School, causing his Mothers to crack down on him hard. He was restricted from joining tournaments at the age of fourteen, and focused on his studies, doing exceedingly successfully. He continued his training privately, but nowhere near to the extent which he had previously. He has since made his way to a high-ranking job in Capsule Corp, with his own corner office and view of West City. This being said, Naven is far from content with this lifestyle. He still trains, and while his raw power is exceedingly powerful, he has little to no skill or mastery over it. His life being relatively bland, he often spends his day half-wishing something would attack the city, and give him a reason to embrace his martial artist potential.
      ==His Potential [Details of his Personality are included]==
      I plan on having Naven quit his job when West City is put in peril, forcing him back to ignore his Mothers’ wishes and take up a life of martial arts. In terms of power, he has no limits in terms of what he could potentially do or the power he could obtain. That being said, he finds it very difficult to train and learn new forms specifically. While skills come at an average pace, his emotional turmoil making it difficult for him to push past the walls he’s put up to keep himself from losing control of his power and hurting an innocent. I hope for him to rise the scales of power and forwards, at a reasonable pace that follows a coherent storyline and thought process. His anger will fuel him to push past his limits and grow stronger. His attitude is similar to Goku’s; he enjoys fighting others, but sees it from a somewhat childish perspective of giddiness at the thought of testing the limits of his abilities. His main attack will be a one handed variation of the Kamehameha, in which he flies forward amidst his the ki wave and pushes it forward on a more physical level.

      Discord Tag: will i am#4952 [Include spaces, no uppercase]

      Hello, person reading this! I realize my role is somewhat ambitious with it’s potential power, but I’m experienced with RPing and am willing to prove I can RP it well without causing issues for others or the story. I went with Human because it seemed like Staff were growing frustrated with the amount of Saiyan or Halfing requests, but if either were available I’d love to apply. That being said, I am content with Human as well.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Will.
    • #43439

      I don’t suppose this thread is still open is it?

    • #43509

      RP name : Rai
      Minecraft name : ImJustRai
      Gender : Male
      Race : Sayain (Or Half Sayain if possible)
      Age : Mentally 13.5M+ Years Old | Physically 11 Years Old

      Abilities : Immortality, Omniversal Travel, Ability for the body to accept ANY person D.N.A in result getting their powers, and Extraordinarily Durable to most attacks

      Weaknesses : Loves Food as much as Whis if not more and easily controlled by Darkai if stayed too long in Super Sayain Divine (Which is what Rai calls Super Sayain Rose)

      Personality : Rai (Main Personality) Nice, Neutral, Mostly mannered | Darkai (Second Personality) Angered Easily, Crazy, Megalomaniac

      Backstory : A time God ,that was formed before Maj-in Buu’s first appearance, had took a part of himself and implemented a manipulative effect ,which was Time itself, and was placed into a Multiverse, The Dragon Ball Multiverse, which consisted at this time of 18 Universes, which were eventually destroyed by Zen-oh. After this about 72 Millennia later in all 18 Universes each one had “Big Banged” almost at the exact same time. Year 41 of the Divine Calendar, the Super Dragon Balls were created and spread through Universe 6 and 7. 75 Million years before Age, the 15 generation of Supreme Kai, Old Kai, in the Z Sword by the God Of Destruction (Who will now be known in this as G.O.Ds since its an acronym) Beerus. Circa 238 years before age Yamoshi appeared and had wreaked havoc on universe 7 until he was banished by the Time God. Age 691, The Hyperbolic Time Chamber was created by the Time god who, by zen-oh, had decided on the name “Rai”. Age 779, Future trunks is warned about Zamasu and Goku-Black. Age 789, Future Trunks and Rai work together to bring Dragon ball GT to an end but due to “the Ripple Effect” GT was restored by that timelines Grand Priest, during Rai’s time in GT he gained the ability of Super Sayain 4.

      Appearance : Small, Wearing Clothing like Whis, Has a Mithril Staff and a Dimensional Sword, and has Goku-Like hair

    • #43522


      Gender: Male



      Calm and collected, capable of logically analyzing a situation without letting emotions clouding his judgement, but still capable of feeling empathy for others. Only becomes emotional when talking about his family. His favorite food is sushi and he enjoys nature and the outdoors.

      5’11”, Caucasian, short dark brown hair, blue eyes, slightly muscular build.

      He came from a family of wealthy scientists that consisted of his mother, his father, and younger sister. They were around when the Saiyans arrived on Earth, and during Goku and Vegeta’s battle, Arden’s parents owned satellites that they used for research, and were able to detect the disruptions in the atmosphere caused by the energy the Saiyans were giving off. They sent drones to investigate, and discovered what the Saiyans were, and how incredibly dangerous and powerful they are. They were terrified of their destructive nature, but fascinated by their strength and potential, so they naturally wanted to do research on them. Using their drones, they were able to gather a DNA sample of one of the Saiyans and attempted to clone one in their lab. However, the experiment went awry when the cloned Saiyan escaped its containment and began wreaking havoc on the facility. Arden watched as both of his parents died to the rampaging Saiyan, but he knew it had a bomb planted in its chest as a last resort if the experiment went bad and he was able to detonate the bomb before it was able to escape the facility and cause harm to other people. However, after it was over, the family’s entire facility was left in ruins and Arden was left with nothing but his 5 year old sister Trina. For a while they lived in the wild, but Arden was able to construct his own makeshift laboratory using spare technology from the wreckage of the facility. Knowing that Goku was able to raise his power level from training in high gravity, Arden developed a machine capable of increasing the force of gravity in a small chamber, and began training in there himself. He knew that his own strength was nothing compared to the Saiyans’, but he still wanted to become strong enough to be able to stand up to them or any other enemy that threatened his family or his planet. Because of his experience with the Saiyans, he is aware of their violent nature and sees them as untrustworthy and a threat to all life on Earth.


      • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by JP.
    • #47119
      caleb roach

      Name: Gem Ray Jones
      Gender: Male
      Race: Half-Saiyan
      Age: 15
      Personality: What is your character like? Gem is very self motivated and is very quiet. Gem strives to stray alone knowing he is weaker that way. How does he act to others? Gem is very shy to others and typically tries to avoid them even if he does truly need their help he just can’t help it after all he has been through.
      General Appearance: Gem wears a dark forest color green battle amour with a messy tail. Gem has Natural spiky light blue hair and light red eyes. Gem is a macular figure but very skinny Gem is roughly 5’6.
      Backstory: Gem is a Half-Saiyan unlike others he just happens to not get his way a lot. Gem was born into a poor family and often took what he could. Gem never knew his father and his mother wouldn’t talk about him not even his name. Gem was always picked on and has scars on his back to prove it also. Gem always tried to do what was right like Goku but he was week compared to the other kids so he couldn’t help much. School wasn’t very different for Gem his teachers were supportive and always helped but the kids brought him down to fast for him to care. Gem loved his mother even though truly he never really knew her either she worked 4 jobs and was only home for about six hours a day and is always home when he is asleep. At 13 Gem ran away from home leaving a note for his mother the note read “Dear mother I am sorry but I feel as if I am a burden which you cannot carry. I have decided life without would be better so maybe you wont have to slave away as you do now farewell. From-Gem To-Rose Jay Lee”. Rose couldn’t bear the thought of not having her son and soon took her own life feeling as it was her own fault for not being with him. Gem was left with no more family at least that he knew of Gem never really heard his mother mention a ant uncle or cousin so he really had nothing. Gem decided to set up a little camp. Gem brought a little blanket and some bread and also his fathers dark green battle amour. Gem went to sleep knowing tomorrow he would decided his own fate as it was now his to grasp.

      Discord: littlesuperroach#7266

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by caleb roach. Reason: Made a mistake in the Bio
      • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by caleb roach. Reason: Forgot my discord
    • #49276

      Name: Kelloki (all Saiyans are named after vegetables, so I followed that theme: pronounced Kell-oh-key)

      Gender: male

      Race: Saiyan

      Age: 17

      Personality: For a Saiyan, he s very quiet and unconfident, because he has an extremely rare birth defect that makes his eyes orange his self-confidence and Saiyan pride are very low. he is kind and caring for everything

      General appearance: his hair kinda looked like Gohan’s hair when he trained with piccolo during S1 of DBZ, but cuts off around neck length. his eyes are orange, and he is slim, but sort of buff, he wears a black and blue gi that has a hood, the inside of the gi hood is black, while the majority of the outside is blue, and has a black patch on his sides that is black, he uses a black belt also. he wears basically a duplicate of Goku’s weighted boots. (this birth “defect” makes him have more potential, he gets stronger at a faster rate, and has a new form called “Super Saiyan Green” and is much stronger than blue or blue evolution, but if this cant be made then it doesn’t have to be) his Aura/Ki is orange.

      backstory: during the cell saga, Cell used a time machine to travel to earth, but once messed up and went do the planet Vegeta, Kelloki saw this and thought it to be teleportation, so he learned instant transmission, but realized he never saw that machine later, he realized it must have been time travel, so he trained to get the ability to travel through time, he time-traveled to earth, this is where his story begins

      my discord is JollySquidLips#0635

      • #49278

        is this good?

      • #49279

        I changed a couple of things

        Name: Kelloki (all Saiyans are named after vegetables, so I followed that theme: pronounced Kell-oh-key)

        Gender: male

        Race: Saiyan

        Age: 17

        Personality: For a Saiyan, he s very quiet and unconfident, because he has an extremely rare birth defect that makes his eyes orange his self-confidence and Saiyan pride are very low. he is kind and caring for everything

        General appearance: his hair kinda looked like Gohan’s hair when he trained with piccolo during S1 of DBZ, but cuts off around neck length. his eyes are orange, and he is slim, but sort of buff, he wears a black and blue gi that has a hood, the inside of the gi hood is black, while the majority of the outside is blue, and has a black patch on his sides that is black, he uses a black belt also. he wears basically a duplicate of Goku’s weighted boots. (this birth “defect” makes him have more potential, he gets stronger at a faster rate, and has a new form called “Super Saiyan Green” and is much stronger than blue or blue evolution, but if this cant be made then it doesn’t have to be) his Aura/Ki is orange.

        backstory: Kelloki never met his father and lived with his mother most of his life, but he had heard great stories of his power in battle and Kelloki always wanted to meet him but never got to. once after his Saiyan warrior fighting classes. directly after he went and changed into his favorite gi and went for a walk. he was walking alone and he saw something. during the cell saga, Cell used a time machine to travel to earth, but once messed up and went do the planet Vegeta, Kelloki saw this and thought it to be teleportation, so he learned instant transmission, but realized he never saw that machine later, he realized it must have been time travel, so he trained to get the ability to travel through time, he time-traveled to earth meaning to go to past planet Vegeta and meet his father, he never really got control of his power and has been stuck on earth wanting to leave, this is where his story begins

        my discord is JollySquidLips#0635

    • #49280

      This thing still a thing?

      • #49282

        It is but it’s a text rp now. I can invite you to the server though

      • #49660

        That would be awsome if you invited me to the discord, and I will rewrite the story of my character,my discord tag is the same as it is in the bottom of my post

    • #49295

      Name: Canneo
      Gender: Male
      Race: Human
      Age: 13
      Personallity: Canneo is innocent, shy and respectful to everyone (specially to adults), he adopted this personallity due to the raids his village suffered and the education he recieved from his family (I’ll explain this in backhistory)
      General Appearance: The character in my profile photo (just a little taller and with a spear)
      Backhistory:Borned in Karin Forest, he’s a member of the Karinga Tribe, his family educated him trought the respect and the honor as a warrior tribe member, also he learned how to use the spear since he was a child due to the raids the village suffered product of some survivors Red Ribbon Army soldiers. Thanks to the nuclear weapons the soldiers used in the forest, this one is now suffering environmental pollution that is killing a lot of villagers (they don’t leave the forest because it’s a sacred land). 4 years ago when the symptoms of the pollution appeared the tribe members sent Caneo to climb the Karin’s tower because he was the most talented and with more potential kid in the tribe and also he can get stronger to find the legendary Dragon Balls and finish the chaos that the forest is suffering. It took 4 years to him catch Karin and drink the fake ultra divine water but when he finally finished his training he recieved a piece of Flying Nimbus as a gift and a power level of 120 (due to the training).
      I’m sorry if it were difficult to read this text due to my english.

    • #49296

      Discord: Nazitatopten.#4121

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Nazarenp.
    • #49632

      Name: Grey

      Gender: Male

      Race: Saiyan

      Age: 25

      Personality: He is an easy person to piss off, especially if you talk to him about other Saiyan, he hates the rest of the Saiyans, the only one that he hates almost as much as the Saiyans is Frieeza and that’s just because he extinguished the saiyans before him, but still he is a very proud person who thinks that all beings in the universe should bow down to him, but his arrogance and thirst for revenge make him overestimate his own strength on more than one occasion.

      General Appearance: he uses the frieeza corps battle armor and a red scouter, he has a normal saiyan appearance, he has Gokus air stile, he lost his tail.

      Backstory: Grey is a saiyan who fled the vegeta planet after a failed coup in which his allies betrayed him, half dead and with his stained pride he swears revenge on all the saiyans.

      For a time he wandered through space until he reached a technologically advanced planet, being the proud saiyan that he is demanded that everyone on that planet kneel before him, but the people of the planet attacked him and although Grey fought well he was soon overwhelmed by for the people of the planet and he would have died if it had not been for the full moon and he transformed into Oozaru, with his new fury he soon conquered and enslaved that race.

      During the following years he devised a plan to destroy the saiyans, but when he arrived with his fleet to finish them off where the vegeta planet was supposed to be, he found nothing, after investigating for a while he found out that Frieeza was the one who destroyed the Siyans, far from being happy he was furious that someone had dared to steal his revenge and blinded by his anger he sent his army against the frieeza corps.

      At first the advanced technology of his army gave him the upper hand but that soon changed as Frieeza sent the Ginju forces to stop him.

      With the help of these, Grey’s outpost stopped and fell back to Grey’s capital planet, where he fought a final battle against the Ginju forces in which although he became Oozaru, he continued to be no match for the ginju force and after losing his tail he only managed to escape with a desperate attack that destroyed the planet and allowed him to escape.

      During the following years, Grey trained and tried to find some way to kill Frieeza, until he came to hear of the namek’s Dragon Balls, he herd that they can grant any wish, decided he went to Namek to gather the dragon balls and obtain enough power to defeat frieeza.

      When he arrived at Namek, the people there mistook him for a certain Goku who is quite similar to him, when asked who that certain Goku was, he discovered that he was a Saiyan who killed Frieeza.

      Gray was angered, not only had they stolen his target again but it had been another saiyan who had stolen his revenge, but at that moment he came to realize that if that Goku was still alive he could still take revenge on the saiyans by killing him, So with his new goal in mind, he found namek’s dragon balls several times, the first time he asked for the desire to be younger, the second time he wished to reveal how Goku had defeated Frieeza, when he discovered that Goku killed Frieeza by transforming into a Super Saiyan when he gathered the dragon balls for the third time he asked for the power to transform into a super saiyan by granting his wish Grey obtained an unimaginable power and after making some namekians tell him that Goku lives on earth Grey prepared to go to that planet to complete his revenge.

    • #49648

      Not a bad story. I really like your story. Do you have discord?

    • #49649

      Name: Magmus

      Gender: Male

      Race: Arcosian

      Age: 50 (or born during the beginning of friezas reign, not sure how old frieza is or when the rp is set in the timeline)

      Personality: Magmus is, ironically, a cool headed and observant individual. While Magmus strives to achieve ‘perfect power’, he is completely aware of his own limits and will freely admit when his strength is insufficient compared to an enemies. Despite this, Magmus almost exclusively uses and trains his ki and finds physical combat primitive. He will do nothing that doesn’t directly benefit himself, and his goals.

      General Appearance: Magmus is considered to be the opposite of frieza. He has dark red and black skin, purple eyes, and dark red ki energy.

      Backstory: Magmus was born on the arcosian homeworld to one of the more powerful families on the planet, the blood clan. Magmus grew up within the frieza force and came to both admire and disgust frieza. On one hand, his unequalled power was something any warrior could respect, however he found the tyrants planet destroying nature completely useless, after all the planet trade offered little cash for a pile of rocks. For years Magmus kept his opinions to himself and continued to work under frieza, fully aware that voicing such complaints would only result in his demise.

      Soon after, Frieza destroyed Vegeta, and that was the final straw. Magmus, while not fond of the saiyans, considered them strong warriors and was appalled that Frieza couldn’t recognize their usefulness. Magmus fled, and spent the next several decades on the far edges of the galaxy, searching for powerful warriors worthy to fight.

      After years on the fringe of the galaxy Magmus heard that Frieza had been defeated. Impressed that anyone could have accomplished such a feat, Magmus returned and found that more saiyans than just Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz had survived and now lived on Earth. Intent on testing his own limits against the new Saiyans to see if he is truly the most powerful being in the universe.

    • #49655

      discord SuperSquare#6732

    • #49658
      Benjamin Scott

      Name: Turrip
      Gender: Male
      Race: Saiyan
      Age: 20
      Personality:Cocky, Friendly, Dumb
      General Appearance:Saiyan Battle armor, tail, red scouter, Goku Hair
      Backstory: Was saw as a failure to saiyans for being to weak for his age so was exiled to earth so no saiyan would have to be on the same planet as a saiyan that is very weak.

    • #49746
      Gocan (Amir)

      Name: Ark
      Gender: Male
      Race: Arcosion
      Age: 14
      Personality: He is a respectful person who just wants his own peace. And will go out of his way to protect people. He has common sense and thinks before he acts.
      General Appearance: he will wear vegeta’s old armor (Saiyan saga) but will change it to turles clothes
      Backstory: He used to work for the frieza force but he escaped from it and went to planet namek to recover

    • #50341





      Personality:A hard working. Gets angry alot but keeps it to him self to avoid any damage. Once his decison is made there is no going back. Takes extream pride in his race but his decision waver if he is doing the right thing or not.
      Appearance: he has Black spikey hair and black eyes (since Full saiyans cant have hair color change) Saiyan battle armor and black pants {vanity item}, gt goku boots.

      Backstory:From the moment that a planet vegeta blew up he and his family were force to run away with the remaining saiyans of vegeta on planet Zetheryn. though there he grew up and trained as a soldier. he was one of the middle rank due to him not wanting to really capture planets anymore. He was task to go find saiyans all over the galaxy and bring them back. On his adveture he travled the Galaxy and was visting planets after planets trying to keep it low profile that he was a saiyan to experience other races lives. Once he came on earth he used his scouter to sense saiyans on the planet. once he gets familiar with it he will bring the saiyans with him by any means neccicary.

      Sir Kaze#0113

    • #40289

      This isn’t bad at all, but It could be better. I would like you to add more to your backstory, like tell me more about Malos. Go more in depth into his backstory and add more. Anyways, there’s nothing much for me to ask you to change since this is your own race. I actually find this application interesting, its something unique and different. Anyways, good luck!

    • #40293

      Alright, your response has some valid points. It’s also reasonable, since I understand you’d rather explore the character in the roleplay rather than spoil it. Well Anyways, I’ll call this app Accepted. Please give me your Discord Username and Tag

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