Dragon Block C {DBC} Lore Server!

Home Forums JinGames Forums Servers Dragon Block C {DBC} Lore Server!

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    • #53347

      If i made a Dragon block C Minecraft server that was lore based, it would start off in the saiyan saga, then go through each saga till its custom lore, there woul dbe mini bosses that gave tp or tp gems scattered throughout earth and namek, and possibly villages with shops, it would be setup so you have to master your base to a certain percentage that unlocks a transformation EX: base master = 15% then unlock SSJ and when SSJ is at 10% then unlock ssj grade 2. I just need to know so i can start a discord and start building and doing configs for the server, and to see if people would actually join! heres the discord –> https://discord.gg/Uar5eMmkwA

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