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    • #14108

      Alright guys, the previous post got excessively long, so I’ll be posting the rest of the chapters here. (For newest chapter, go to op previous post. )

    • #14129


      • #14159

        Can you make a post with all the old chapters in this post?

    • #14140

      I hope you’re not to disappointed that Zae was defeated? (P.S. Slight spoiler alert if you find a small detail in sentence.) :3

    • #14150

      Coolest fanfic ever.

    • #14153

      Hey Harpor, can you make a backstory?

    • #14154

      I made one before want me to make another one

      And if so about what?

    • #14156

      Well I didn’t expect that to happen o.o, but it was awesome!, one of the best ones I read. good pace, how you introduce character’s is awesome, just everything about this is awesome. 🙂 (Also I’m posting this on here cause idk which one to post on with the comment :P.)

    • #14158

      Yeah, I can tell Zae survived that, quite a persistent lil’ guy

    • #14161

      Close… very close…
      Also Harpor, if you could just repost it, but on this post please, that would help.
      Also nightmareassassin, thank you.

    • #14177

      Is this the new post?

    • #14224


    • #14225

      Harpor’s backstory

      I was born at age 3041… 2 minutes later, it was age 3042 and my brother Torpor was born.
      We were best of friends, and we had one thing in common although saiyans usually dont care for their mothers because they are a warrior race, We loved our mother!
      Until, one day we were both 12 years old…

      Torpor: “Harpor, something is wrong, mother was supposed to be back by now!”
      Harpor: “Relax.. our mother is a strong warrior…”
      Torpor: “No, we both know what is happening! we cant let her die like this!”
      Harpor: “She is not going to die!!!”
      Torpor: “Harpor! we both know whats going to happen if we stand here and do nothing!”
      Harpor: “Your right…. I cant take this anymore! if, we want our freedom we have to fight!

      Harpor and Torpor fly quickly to their mother


      Soldier: ” Sir, we have found the leaders of the rebellion.”
      Cycro: “Line, them up!”
      Soldier: “Side by side?”
      Cycro destroys the Soldier
      Cryco: “Someone else do the job before I get myself some brand new henchmen.”
      Rimp started to line up the leaders of the rebellion without wasting his time speaking.

      Torpor: “Thats his ship!”
      Harpor: “Wait up…”
      Harpor: “what are you thinking…”
      Torpor: “Lets, save our mother!”
      Harpor: “Torpor as much as I love our mother, there is nothing we can do!
      Torpor: “Your a disgrace Harpor…”
      Harpor: “Your right, Im being a disgrace.”
      Torpor: “Lets go.”

      When I entered the ship half of the leaders were dead. Cycro was killing them in absurd ways…
      A namekian who was at least 10 feet tall was standing in a line screaming please! please dont do this! I have so much to li- Cycro had blasted the namekian’s head with a blast that looked like an icecube. Cycro threw the namekian’s headless body at his children and then took the whole family to a pure white room…
      When he came out of the room, there was purple blood all over the walls.
      Cycro spotted us and said, Filthy halfbreeds, I am assuming that this saiyan is your mother.
      He grabbed torpor and he put the purple haired saiyan with a toxic aura with a similar body shape i have right infront of mother. Torpor screamed with joy hugging mother.

      Until… The tall arcosian brute grabbed my mothers head… and he… he… Comepletely removed it from my mother. Torpor had made petty attempts to kill the arcosian, but he could not even make a dent in the arcosian’s katchin plated armor. His lack of anger made it worse, he let his sorrow make him weak… Torpor could not fight due to his sadness that he refused to turn into anger. Cycro basically a 12 feet tall giant grabbed torpor and started to punch him in the stomach making him cough out a great amount of blood, after this he threw the injured saiyan at his soldiers and said put these two puny saiyans in the barracks.

      I could not take it anymore, I had no expression of what just happened. Cycro’s soldiers tried to move me to the baracks. but, I would not even move an inch…

      I remember my life only had one purpose… destroy that arcosian.

      I saw my dead mothers headless body after this I looked back at my injured brother.
      I had completely lost it something inside of me changed, it was like a switch that could never be turned off . A greenish yellowish sparkling aura started to circle my body.
      my hair switched from a brownish red to a yellowish green. I grew a few inches in size and my eyes were turning white you could barely see my pupils. Cycro screamed in horror he was frieza’s grandson, he had heared the stories of the legendary super saiyan.
      I went up to the arcosian and punched him in the stomach, he began to started coughing up blood.
      I remember firing a dense concentrated blast the size of an ant at the arcosian. I infused my green ki ball into his ki. After this he began to laugh, cycro said haha! this is a legendary super saiyan? I remember, expanding the ki blast inside of his body. Cycro began to turn into a greenish color. Cycro screamed in pain, ki was coming out of every hole in his body.
      He had exploded and his whole army started to flee. I quickly destroyed the henchmen taking torpor and took torpor to the ship which I had now claimed, The ship was fully made of katchin.
      I asked torpor, are you ok? Torpor replied with Im fine, while staring down at his dead mother.

      From there on, I promised to find a way to revive my mother, We started by searching the northern galaxy for a solution.
      Torpor which is as powerful as I am, cant fight in the mission to revive my mother due to his extreme sorrow which he cant turn into anger.


      Don’t judge pls.

      I’ll make another one if u want me to.

    • #14227

      That was a good backstory Harpor. Although it kinda sucks that there aren’t any more dragon balls left in the universe…

    • #14355

      Bad news guys, the new chapter was deleted, and I can’t get it back, so sadly, I will have to restart the chapter. Although I can give you a hint of what’s in it >)

      Zoro arose, and saw Mitaku laying on the ground, unmoving. He then saw everyone else limp, unconscious or dead. He was dazed, and momentarily forgot what was going on, then looked around, saw the scorched earth, the blackened ground and remembered, *Akuryō.* He had destroyed everything before Flutes body, which he used as a host, burned to ashes. As Akuryō disappeared, he summoned the strongest fighter he could at his current power: Cell. Zoro saw Cell floating a few feet in the air, and saw Cell smile when Zoro looked at him. “Ah, so you still have some fight in you. I guess I’ll have to use only half my power to get a challenge, but still, this should still be interesting.” Zoro’s fists clenched, he was tired of people taking him lightly, then he remembered Boten’s advice: “You need to take off that weighted armor every once in a while, it’s almost as much as a table turner as Mitaku’s super saiyan transformation!” Zoro sighed, and took of his turban with one hand. With the other, he removed his wristbands, and put them in his turban. He then took off the over shirt of his gi, leaving a dark green sleeveless shirt. Finally, he took off two bands wrapped around his ankles. Cell looked at Zoro curiously as Zoro flew about fifty feet in the air. Cell matched his height, but still looked curious. Zoro, for the first time in months, smiled. “Your done for Cell, now that I’ve taken off my wieghted armor.” Cell laughed aloud, “such a small thing wouldn’t make a difference! You are terrible at scaring me.” Zoro dropped his wieghted armor. Despite the height, they fell to the ground almost instantly. When they hit it, it made a dust cloud the size of a large building, and made a noise that sounded like a bomb. When the dust cleared, there was a crater easily the size of the Empire State Building. Cells jaw dropped, and had no time to react before Zoro flew straight at him and landed at least a thousand punches and kicks in less than a second. Zoro finished off with a punch to Cells jaw that sent him flying backwards. The millisecond after the punch, there was a loud cracking sound, and Zoro wasn’t sure of it was Cells jaw, or just him breaking the sound barrier. Zoro appeared behind Cell, and landed a blow to the back of his head that sent him flying downwards, but before Cell could go far, Zoro reapeared in front of him and kicked him sideways. Zoro repeatedly appeared and reapeared, punching and kicking Cell every direction, not letting Cell get blown backwards more than ten feet. Finally, after about ten seconds of this, Zoro kicked Cell straight up, and let Cell recover, just to elbow Cells head, sending him flying back to the ground. The crater it made was almost as large as the crater his wieghted clothing made. Zoro flew to the ground, smiling. *To think that I’m not even using eighty percent of my power!*
      I hope that hyped you guys! See you in the next chapter!

      • #14371

        That made me really hyped for the next chapter cant wait to see if im in it

    • #14377

      We’ll see. >) *evil laughing*

    • #14387


    • #14388


    • #14392


    • #14408

      DBZ u taking new characters?

    • #14411

      As of the moment, I’m not in a “quick! Give me characters!” stage, but if a character is made, and I like them and think they will fit into the story, (or can add a new aspect/part of story) I will add them. So yes, I am open for characters, but may not accept all applications.

    • #14422

      k cool also i made that Wind character awhile ago that u accepted i just wanted to see if u needed new characters as villains or anything

    • #14424

      I do not remember accepting Wind, but I will look into him again. If you have a good idea for a character, then go ahead and post it, After all, it never hurts to have a few extra characters in case I need filler. (P.S. do you guys want me to do filler? Or do you want me to just do the main stuff?)

    • #14426

      As long as the filler isnt “Hey we need to go do “blank” but first lets talk 234857.528529hours”
      sure! Plot development is always great.

    • #14427

      u did accept it in the first post

    • #14560

      Alright guys, do to a change in the plot, Zoro kicking Cells ass will not be in the next chapter, don’t worry, Zoro will still have his chance to show he’s not useless, and (slight spoiler alert) Mitaku accidentally screws everyone over. Also, Froster shall make a return. >)

    • #14563


    • #14564

      Zoro will finally get his spotlight after being rekt so many times.

    • #14565

      im hyped. I like zoro a lot and i cant wait for him to kick ass.

    • #14572

      Of course she would XD but doesn’t get me less hyped 😛

    • #14585

      Well, that’s a good way to look at it, especially since she was trying to do something good

    • #14588

      Ok guys, since that one teaser was invalid to this chapter, I’ll give you a new hint at the next chapter

      Mitaku’s fist clenched as she brought her arms at a ninety degree angle at her sides, Zoro recognized the pose, and understood what she was doing the second before she did it. Zoro covered his eyes with one hand as Mitaku released a spectacle of golden light, and transformed into a super saiyan. Mitaku chuckled, although Zoro noticed it was without humor. “Correction, I don’t want to hurt you, that is true. Although if you won’t move out of my way, then I will. Don’t think I’ll go easy on you just because you’re missing an arm.”
      Zoro barely had the time to raise his hand in defense as Mitaku lashed out at him with a flurry of high speed punches. Just as Mitaku disappeared, Zoro flew up in the air, just before Mitaku reapeared behind him, and delt a strike that would have sent him flying. As Mitaku flew upwards at him, Zoro thought with frustration, *damnit, if I’m going to stop him from leaving, I’m going to have to use my Hail Mary pass.* He had promised himself that he would only use it in the most extreme circumstances, but never had the time to. Now that he did, he wasn’t going to fail to use it again. He took off one of his wristbands, and the difference between it and normal Namekian wristbands was minimal. Not even Mitaku noticed the diffrence until it landed on her shoulder. Her eyes opened wide with shock as the wristband that weighed literally a ton brought her to the ground.
      As Mitaku recovered and got the wristband of her, Zoro took off his turban, other wristband, wieghted bands around his ankles, and two katchine bands around his shoulder. He dropped all the wieghted gear, despite the fact that it fell slowly, when it hit the ground, it made a crater equivalent to what thirty pounds of dynamite would, and made a similar noise. Zoro leisurely stretched his arms and neck. “Man that feels lighter!” Then he saw Mitaku glaring at him from the ground, her confident grin gone. Zoro moved in front of her, punched her a multitude of times in the face, chest, and stomach, and kicked the back of her leg, all in less than a second.
      By the time that Zoro moved back in front of her and was about to delever the next attack, the dust cloud caused by Zoro’s fast moving had finally started to appear. Then, as Mitaku fell to her knee from the strike to the back of her leg, Zoro delevered a knee to her jaw, sending her flying upward. After her feet had left the ground, there was a large blast of noise, although Zoro wasn’t sure if it was from him breaking the sound barrier, or the strike itself. Zoro chuckled as Mitaku recovered and flew at him. To Zoro, everything seemed to be going in slow motion, and Zoro got in a more casual stance. He put his open hand out in the path that Mitaku’s punch would go. To Zoro, it seemed to take half a minute, Mitaku’s fist finally collided with Zoro’s hand, then Zoro sent a punch into Mitaku’s stomach, and, it went through her.

    • #14594

      What a beautiful piece of art.

    • #14596

      Thank you, I tried using paragraphs but it doesn’t show up on here, I’ll have to try something else. Also, I will be rereading the chapters to get rid of any typos and fix the wording so it makes more sense. (For instance, I acidentally made Zoro call Mitaku a “him.” ?

    • #14597

      I mean, Mitaku shows some male characteristics :3

      Besides, paragraphs do not do a lot unless you’re reading some and saving some for later.

    • #14601

      Reminds me of when everyone was on namek, and were discussing Mitaku’s power up that she gets when she’s angry, and Kasan said something was a male trait, so Mitaku couldn’t have it, then said “well, at least I think Mitaku is a female.” Good times. R.I.P Kasan

    • #14602



    • #14604

      You say that like it’s a surprise he’s dead. He was on a planet as it exploded, and Kronos confirmed that Kasan was dead when he talked to Kasan in other world…

    • #14605

      @dbzfan I think he means rip cause he thought Kasan could’ve been brought back with the dragonballs.

    • #14606


    • #14608

      Ah, that makes more sense. Sucks that the dragon balls disapeared when Dende died of old age so many years ago.

    • #14614

      He will be missed, all the namekians are gone…But there must be a way!

    • #14615

      Except for Zoro. And no I’m not hinting twoards Zoro reviving Kasan. (Being serious)
      As for having a way to revive Kasan, well there isn’t really a way to do it. Kasan is dead, for all intents and purposes. Kasan will stay dead, and if he is ever revived it will be a long time from now. A death means nothing if the person is revived, nor does a sacrifice. If they come back to life, then them taking their own life to save others, mean nothing. Also, dragon Ball, while it had amazing fights, it lacked a good plot, because it had no threat due to the dragon balls. They could fix all damage ever done, removing all threats to the universe. If earth was destroyed, they always had namek. That’s why the dragon balls aren’t in this, so there could be threat, so death and destruction wasn’t a minor inconvenience. Sorry.

    • #14616

      @dbzfan True, very true. But it does kinda suck :/ it seemed like Kasan was gone to soon. Though I do get where your coming from with the whole “Oh someone/sonthing’s dead? no matter we got the dragon balls!”. even though it does suck it makes it more suspenseful.

    • #14619

      @nightmare assassin
      Thank you for understanding. Now time for a poll. Would you rather, 1.)have shorter chapters, but have them come out faster.
      Or, 2.) Have the chapters how they are now
      Or, 3.) Have release dates for chapters, and have them come out then. No matter how much is written

    • #14622


    • #14627

      If no one else answers today, we’ll go with option 3.

    • #14629


    • #14630

      ….. Well, since no one else has posted, we’ll go with option 3. The next release will be Saturday. This Saturday

    • #14631


    • #14673

      Here’s the new chapter, and LordGotenx, I will add your character, but sadly not in this chapter
      Once they arrived at the mountain stronghold, Zoro told some of the guards that the global threat was exterminated, “go tell Natas.” One of the guards nodded and ran off. Mitaku raised an eyebrow as Zoro said that. “Who’s Natas?” Zoro stared at her incredulously, “you don’t know who- Oh that’s right, you were unconscious.” Mitaku rolled her eyes. “Long story short, he’s the founder of this fortress. Now, I think we should rest, Harpor, I’ll find you a room.” Boten tilted his head, “it’s the middle of the day.” Zoro sighed out of frustration, *why do some saiyans have to be so oblivious?* “Because everyone is going to be moving out of here, helping with reconstruction. We’re going to need some rest, not to mention, one of us aren’t even supposed to be alive.”

      While he didn’t look at Mitaku or say her name, everyone understood that the comment was pointed at Mitaku. She shrugged and said, “fine, I’ll go get some rest.” She walked off, but despite the fact she was hiding it, Zoro could somehow tell that she was in a large amount of physical pain. *Problably because of my healing abilities.* “Alright guys, let’s get some rest.”

      Zoro waved some guards over and asked them to direct Kronos and Harpor to sleeping quarters. As everyone walked off, Zoro stood there, not sure what to do. Finally, after Boten, Sans, Kronos and Harpor had disappeared down the corridors, Zoro made a decision to go to the training room. On his way there, he, (not for the first time) wished that Namekians could sleep. Namek had no night time, and so the Namekians had no reason to sleep.

      Once Zoro got to the training room, he trained with the strongest fighters there, although there wasn’t any combatants as strong as him, so he had to use one fourth of his power. By the time that it was night time, all the strong fighters had left, and Zoro just sat down on a bench and watched the late nighters train. Then, Zoro felt Mitaku’s ki move. It was so subtle, Zoro wasn’t sure if he had imagined it. *You’re just on edge Zoro, Mitaku is asleep.* Then he felt her ki moving again, this time it was slow and steady, she was leaving the fortress.

      Zoro took a few seconds to decide wether he should follow or not. Once Zoro made his decision, he sighed, “well, it’s been a uneventful day anyways,” and set off to follow Mitaku. When he got in the corridor, he decided to fly down it so he could catch up. As he got close enough to see her, she was arriving at the entrance of the outpost. He stayed far enough behind her so that she wouldn’t notice him, then as she exited the base, she pulled something out of a small bag. As she flew down to the base of the mountain, Zoro saw the small cylinder shaped object that the moonlight reflected off of, momentarily making it so Zoro could read the small label on it. “Why does she have a capsule?” Zoro asked himself as he followed. Even when Mitaku landed, Zoro kept his distance. Mitaku pressed the button on the top of the capsule, threw it, and then created a smoke cloud mid air, making a loud popping sound, a little quieter than a hammer hitting an anvil. As the smoke cleared, it revealed a large sphere a little larger than a house, with landing gear. It was a capsule Corp. ship, one that’s used for deep space travel.

      Zoro realized this as Mitaku was walking towards the entrance of it. He quickly closed the distance between himself and Mitaku, moving in front of her as to block her way. Mitaku’s surprise was clear when Zoro saw her face. “Where, are, you, going.” Zoro said every word slow, and clearly. Mitaku regained her composure, and said, “it doesn’t matter Zoro.”

      “Why not?”

      Then, Mitaku grinned, a gesture that showed confidence. “Because, you can’t stop me from leaving.” Zoro’s eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t attack me Mitaku, and that’s what it’s going to take to move me out of your way.” Mitaku’s fist clenched as she brought her arms at a ninety degree angle at her sides, Zoro recognized the pose, and understood what she was doing the second before she did it. Zoro covered his eyes with one hand as Mitaku released a spectacle of golden light, and transformed into a super saiyan. Mitaku chuckled, although Zoro noticed it was without humor. “Correction, I don’t want to hurt you, that is true. Although if you won’t move out of my way, then I will. Don’t think I’ll go easy on you just because you’re missing an arm.”

      Zoro barely had the time to raise his hand in defense as Mitaku lashed out at him with a flurry of high speed punches. Just as Mitaku disappeared, Zoro flew up in the air, just before Mitaku reapeared behind him, and delt a strike that would have sent him flying. As Mitaku flew upwards at him, Zoro thought with frustration, *damnit, if I’m going to stop him from leaving, I’m going to have to use my Hail Mary pass.* He had promised himself that he would only use it in the most extreme circumstances, but never had the time to. Now that he did, he wasn’t going to fail to use it again. He took off one of his wristbands, and the difference between it and normal Namekian wristbands was minimal. Not even Mitaku noticed the diffrence until it landed on her shoulder. Her eyes opened wide with shock as the wristband that weighed literally a ton brought her to the ground.

      As Mitaku recovered and got the wristband of her, Zoro took off his turban, other wristband, wieghted bands around his ankles, and two katchine bands around his shoulder. He dropped all the wieghted gear, despite the fact that it fell slowly, when it hit the ground, it made a crater equivalent to what thirty pounds of dynamite would, and made a similar noise. Zoro leisurely stretched his arms and neck. “Man that feels lighter!” Then he saw Mitaku glaring at him from the ground, her confident grin gone. Zoro moved in front of her, punched her a multitude of times in the face, chest, and stomach, and kicked the back of her leg, all in less than a second.

      By the time that Zoro moved back in front of her and was about to delever the next attack, the dust cloud caused by Zoro’s fast moving had finally started to appear. Then, as Mitaku fell to her knee from the strike to the back of her leg, Zoro delevered a knee to her jaw, sending her flying upward. After her feet had left the ground, there was a large blast of noise, although Zoro wasn’t sure if it was from him breaking the sound barrier, or the strike itself. Zoro chuckled as Mitaku recovered and flew at him. To Zoro, everything seemed to be going in slow motion, and Zoro got in a more casual stance. He put his open hand out in the path that Mitaku’s punch would go. To Zoro, it seemed to take half a minute, Mitaku’s fist finally collided with Zoro’s hand, then Zoro sent a punch into Mitaku’s stomach, and, it went through her.

      For a few seconds (real seconds, not Zoro’s perspective) Zoro stared at the unmoving body of Mitaku, uncomprehendingly. Despite the fact that his hand was in her gut, he didn’t feel any intestines, or blood, just air. Finally, Zoro realized what happened a second to soon. Zoro tried to turn around, but got hit in the back of the head. *She used afterimage! Damnit, I should have considered that she wasn’t using all of her power!* Zoro moved out of the way before Mitaku could hit him again. Zoro once again retreated to the air, and saw Mitaku, the real one this time, as she flew at him.

      *Running won’t help, I need to stop her, now!* He flew full speed at her as they exchanged blows. They flew around, delevering punches that sent powerful shockwaves outwards. To an untrained eye, it would have simply looked like a rapid volley of flashes and shockwaves spanning the sky, but it was really the two fighters exchanging attacks at speeds almost as fast as light. After parrying a few of Mitaku’s attacks, Zoro tried to think of a strategy, *I’m faster than her, but only slightly. Also, she punches harder, and doesn’t seem to be tiring. If only I had both of my hands, then I might have had an advantage.* Zoro punched Mitaku’s face, and flew backwards while she recovered. Just before she could fly at him, Zoro sent his fist flying into her stomach.

      She had a momentary look of surprise before she remembered that Namekians could extend their arms and legs to extreme lengths. Zoro noticed that the attack didn’t do much damage, and took a split second to figure out his next attack. He charged a ki ball in his hand, slightly pushing Mitaku back due to the fact that she was still close to Zoro’s hand. Then, Zoro fired the ball of ki, and it sent Mitaku spiraling through the air. Zoro took this short break to catch his breath, and waited anxiously for his attack to explode. Then, just as he wondered if it was going to explode, a large flash of light illuminated the sky for a few brief seconds. Zoro attempted to sense Mitaku’s power, and when he felt it, it was minuscule. “That actually worked? I didn’t think that it would knock her ou-” Zoro couldn’t even finish the sentance.

      As Zoro fell to the ground, he realized what happened. Mitaku had lowered her power, making Zoro think she was knocked out. She then instantly powered up, moved behind Zoro at speeds that surpassed even Kasan’s, and hit Zoro in a pressure point on his neck, knocking him out. That was all he was able to think before darkness closed in, and darkened his vision. After that, he remembered nothing.

      As Mitaku watched Zoro lose consciousness, she felt no remorse or guilt. She descended back to the ground and detransformed out of super saiyan. She stood there a few seconds, watching Zoro to make sure that he was unconscious. Once she was sure that he was, she said, “I would say I’m sorry, but that would be a lie.” She turned around and entered the capsule Corp. ship. As the door of the space craft closed, she continued speaking. “I have to find my uncle, he’s the only one who can help me control my anger, and my power. I won’t be responsible for any more deaths.” A few minutes later, the ship shot off into space, almost soundlessly, as Mitaku began the search for her uncle.

      Zoro woke as the sun came up, and it took him a few minutes to be able to stand. Once he got up he attempted to remember what happened, then remembered his fight with Mitaku. “Damnit, what was she doing!?” After taking a breath to calm himself, put on his wieghted armor, and flew back to the mountain fortress, trying to formulate a plan. Even once he had reached the fortress, and made it to the training room where his allies were, he had not thought of anything. As his allies noticed him and came to him to greet him, Zoro decided to forget about following Mitaku. After all, there was no way that they could search the whole galaxy to find one person.

      Boten was looking gleeful, just as he always looked like after a good fight. Sans was looking calm and concetrated as always. Harpor looking confident as always, and Kronos looking, well, Zoro couldn’t tell due to the bandages that covered all of his face except for one eye. Boten was the first to greet him, “hey Zoro! What’s wrong? You look kind of beat up.” Zoro took a split second to consider wether or not he should tell them about Mitaku. With a sigh, he decided to tell the truth. “Last night, Mitaku left earth in a capsule Corp. ship. I don’t know why, but I tried to stop her, and she overpowered me.” Boten and Harpor were the only ones to react to this, and they both reacted the same way. “WHAT!!!” Kronos and Sans didn’t have any reaction, Zoro suspected that it was because they barely knew Mitaku. Then, Kronos spoke, *if that happened at night, then she’s problably out of the solar system by now. There’s no point in trying to find her.*

      Zoro nodded, “agreed, but in the meantime, we have to get some things settled.” Boten raised an eyebrow and questioned Zoro, “more important than finding the second strongest member of this team?” Harpor scratched his head, “well, actually, I sensed Mitaku’s power when she was going all out once, and she’s stronger than me. Not by much, but still stronger.” Boten got a look of confusion. “Then how were you able to kill Zae while Mitaku wasn’t?” Before Harpor could reply, Zoro butted in, “it doesn’t matter,
      Zae’s dead now, and right now, we have to focus on our group, so listen up.” Everyone turned and looked at him.

      “Look, so far, we’ve been a team, just random people working together.” Harpor promptly interrupted him “actually, me and Kronos are rivals, and have tried to kill each other many times befo-” Harpor stopped talking when he saw Zoro glaring at him. Harpor went silent and looked at the ground. “Thank you,” Zoro continued. “As I was saying, we need to be a team. We need to know more about each other: our backstories, our abilities, our secrets and Hail Mary passes.” Everyone nodded slowly, except for Sans, who suddenly looked defensive. Zoro pretended not to notice, “I’ll start with myself. I was raised on Namek until I was eight, which is when Namekians mature into an adult age. After that, I adventured across the galaxy, ended conflicts, ect. Then, when I was ten, I returned to planet Namek, and found it under the rule of Nogaro, whom I now know is still alive.” Kronos nodded. “I then went back out to space, barely escaping Namek with my life. I looked for fighters who could free my planet, and about a year afterwords, I found you guys. You know the rest of my story.” Everyone nodded slowly, and Zoro continued. “As for secrets I keep, well first off, I will admit it. I dislike Mitaku, it is because she destroyed my planet. I will never forgive her, but I will try to work with her. If she comes back…”

      “Anyways, I do have a last resort. I have wieghted armor, each piece is a least a few tons.” Boten’s jaw went slack, Sans simply whispered “holy shit.” Harpor just looked confused. “How much is a ton again?” Kronos answered, *two thousand pounds.* This made Harpor’s jaw drop, just like Boten’s. Zoro shrugged, and said, “I took it off when I fought Mitaku, and we were evenly matched, she outsmarted me though. I only have one goal; to do as much good as I can before I die. I don’t have anything else to tell.” Once everyone regained their composure, Boten spoke up, “I’ll um, I’ll go next.” Everyone turned to Boten, and Zoro noticed that Sans blue eye seemed to get brighter for a second, but it disappeared so fast that Zoro thought it was his imagination.

      “As a child, I was sent to a planet to exterminate it, although I was to peacful, and didn’t understand what I was supposed to do. So I lived there, and the aliens from there took me in, let me become part of their family. Then, once I was twelve, a second saiyan team came, they came to make sure that the planet was destroyed, and when they came, and saw it fine, they massacred it. I saw the people who had raised me get slaughtered. One of the people in that group was my biological father. The rest of their names were, Malika, Mal, and Jokūn. Right now, I just want to kill them.”

      Harpor raised an eyebrow, “even your father?” Boten’s fist clenched, “especially my father. When he saw me crying over the people who had raised me, he called me weak and tried to obliderate me with a ki blast. Some guards saved my life and sent me off the planet. As for last resort tricks,” he shrugged, “I don’t have any. I don’t have any secrets or anything like that.” Zoro found that hard to believe, but Sans nodded like he believed him. Zoro decided to let it pass, *how could he not have something? Is he just worried that we might change our thoughts on him?* The only thing he said aloud was “who’s next?” Harpor spoke up.

      “I’ll go next, it’s actually similar to Boten’s story. I was young, just a child, and me and my mother were on a world that was filled with war. There was two sides, the saiyans, and an army working under an arcosian. The arcosian captured my mother and killer her in front of my eyes. That’s when I learned of my legendary form. I killed the arcosian, and took his ship to find something to revive my mother. When I found out that there was nothing that could be done, when I found out that the dragon balls were destroyed, i lost most of my sanity. The trauma of my mothers death mixed with the trauma of knowing there was nothing that I could do, it just…” Harpor shook his head slowly. “As for last resorts and secrets, well you all know that I have a legendary form, but I don’t have anything else. The ship was destroyed when I accidentally crashed it on a planet, and blew the planet up when it couldn’t be fixed. As for goals, I just want redemption for killing and destroying so many things.”

      Harpor looked at Kronos and said, “what about you?” Kronos stiffened, and before he could protest, Sans said, “don’t worry, I’ll go before you.” He took a breath and said, “my childhood wasn’t to different from a normal child’s, except for the fact that I accidentally bleached my hair white when I was three.” He chuckled to himself. “Anyways, as for goals, well, I just want to live life, have fun, get stronger, that kind of stuff. Now, as for secrets and last resorts, well Boten, remember how I said that I had a genetic disease that prevented me from going super saiyan?” Boten nodded, and said, “let me guess, that was a lie?” Sans shook his head violently, “not at all! You see this?” He pointed at his blue eye, and everyone nodded. “Well, this eye isn’t just a random occurrence, it’s a family trait. One of my ancestors wished for my family to have a way to combat super saiyans without ever having to go super saiyan.”

      “Well, shenlong granted the wish, we got the blue eye, every family member would have it. The thing is, he said, ‘without ever having to go super saiyan,’ so my family cannot go super saiyan, but we have the eye. Now, have you ever noticed that when I get in battle, my eye will shine?” Before anyone could answer, Sans continued. “Well that’s the eye activating, I can also activate it manually, but that’s not the point. When it activates, my eyesight gets much better, to the point that I can see a fly a mile away. I’m able to see someone’s heart rate, their muscle movement, their emotions, just by looking at them. I can tell what someone will do before they do it, making it easier for me to dodge hits and set up my next strike.”

      Boten’s eyebrows raised, “that’s how you kept dodging my attacks when we fought that first time!” Sans smiled, “yep. There’s only one problem; if they move fast enough for me not to be able to see them, it doesn’t help. The eye when activated also slightly increases our strength. Although like all good things, it has a setback. It puts strain on our eyes, and if we use it to much within a certaint period of time, we’ll go blind. Other than that, I don’t have anything else. Well, except for the fact that due to my eye, I can tell when someone is lying.” Then, everyone looked at Kronos, and Zoro thought that he would be groaning if he could talk.

      *My backstory, like Harpor’s and Boten’s, is a morbid one. My parents, actually, correction, my mother hated me. I had a ability for magic, not ki, magic. My mother, being a saiyan warrior, thought that I was a disgrace for not being able to use ki in any way, and so she tortured me. My father knew nothing about it until….* He was silent for a count to ten, then Boten asked, “until what?” Kronos looked at the ground, *until I killed her for it.* Everyone was dead silent. *She had tortured and abused me for eight years, and one day, she tried to choke me with her tail, laughing at my weakness. She had brought me into a large building so my father wouldn’t know. So I used magic to light her tail on fire. I wasn’t harmed by the flames, but it incinerated her tail. My father came running when he heard the screams, and arrived just in time to see me use a spell that caused her to be swarmed and eaten by maggots. I was scared, and I ran, when my father chased me, trying to ask me what happened, I accidentally lit the building on fire with black flames. Once I made it out, I realized that my father was still stuck in there, and the building was burning down. I went back in and tried to save him, but when I found him, there was nothing left but scorched bones. When I fled the building again, I was to slow, and some of the flames got on me, and nearly burned me to death. Thankfully, I made it to a lake, and was able to douse the flames before they killed me, but was face was still permanently scarred.* Everyone was silent, not sure what to say, but Kronos thought that they didn’t believe him, so he took off his bandages.

      His entire face was black, white and red, nothing but burnt tissue. His lips were black and shriveled, like a corpse, revealing the inside of his mouth, which had no teeth, and a burn stub for a tongue. His left eye, well, he didn’t have a left eye. It was just an empty socket. His right eye was the only thing remotely intact. No one could hide their surprise. Harpor was the only one unfazed, and Boten whispered, “my God,” so quietly that only Zoro could hear him. Kronos wrapped the bandages around his face again, and said nothing. Zoro took a deep breath, “alright guys, now that we know more about each other, what’s our first step?” Then a explosion destroyed the entire base.

      It took Zoro a few seconds to regain balance due to his disorientation, but once he did, he started to float. he immediately flew up and out of the smoke. *Damn! Why wasn’t I able to hear that ki blast coming? That doesn’t matter, just listen and see if the others are alive.* Zoro had no reason to believe that the others were dead, especially since Zoro took the attack and wasn’t hurt in the slightest. Just as Zoro finished this thought, Boten, Harpor, Kronos, and Sans flew out of the smoke.

      Zoro had to yell to be heard, even when everyone had gathered around him. “Search for battle powers!” Everyone nodded and closed their eyes in concentration. Zoro almost instantly found the powers, there was four of them. He yelled to get his friends attention, “guys! I found them!” He pointed over to where he felt the powers, and saw four people, although their details were covered in shadow, due to the sun at their backs. The five warriors flew towards the four other powers, although they did so in a non-hostile manner, despite the destruction that those four had just made.

      As they got closer, Zoro could make out more details of the four opposing fighters. Each were saiyans, wearing identical battle armor. Two of the saiyans were large and seemed to be simply a mass of muscles. One of them were extremely skinny, seeming to be starved, and yet he still had a sense of confidence that put Zoro on edge. The final one was neither skinny or muscly, but seemed to be the average size of a human. Zoro decided to seem as non-threatening as possible until he had to fight. “Who are you, and why are you here?” The saiyan that was an average human size answered with a smile that reminded Zoro of something, although he wasn’t sure what.

      “We’re here for a simple reason, well, a few simple reasons actually. I’ll introduce me and my team before telling you why we’re here. I, am Shikanaro. This” he pointed to the thin saiyan, “is Mal. And then this,” he pointed to one of the muscular saiyans, “is Joūkun. finally, this is” he pointed to the other saiyan that was a mass of muscle, “is Malikia.” Zoro suddenly remembered what Boten said about his past. Zoro was too shocked to speak, and Shikanaro continued to speak. “We were sent on a mission by the Loyalist to capture this planet, due to its fertile soil and water. I accepted the mission for another reason entirely; I have reason to believe my son is here.”

      Boten stepped forward, and Zoro suddenly realized what Shikanaro’s smile reminded him of; Boten’s smile. Boten spoke up, “what would you do if you found him?” Shikanaro laughed. “I would finished what should have been done so many years ago, I would kill him!” Boten’s expression hardened, This was Boten’s father. “Well then, you’ll have a hard time doing so. After all, after all these years, I’ve gotten stronger, father.” Boten said the last part like an insult, like it was a cruel, terrible word. Shikanaro’s jaw dropped, “Boten?”

      Boten’s eyes filled with extreme hate, “don’t ever,” he appeared right in front of Shikanaro, and jabbed his chest with his index and middle finger into Shikanaro’s chest. Then, Zoro’s jaw dropped. Boten had hit pressure point that was so small it was almost non-existent, and it paralyzed the target. Boten finished his sentence, “say my name again.” Boten then brought his hand forward, simultaneously forming his hand into a fist. Boten somehow defied physics, there was no way he could pack any force into the punch, and yet, when it hit Shikanaro’s chest, it released the same force as a nuclear bomb.

      I hope you liked it!

    • #14677

      ^ This was amazing, some filler is just what we need to figure out everyone’s story.
      I actually liked this chapter more than an ordinary one, but too much of something good is a bad thing.

    • #14681

      I worked on this for an entire week, and you read it in ten minutes…. on another note, thank you Harpor, for being my one (as it seems)steady fan of this

      anyways, the next release can either be next week on Friday, in which case the rest of the fight will be shown. Or next Saturday, in which case some information on how Mitaku is doing will be shown.

    • #14682

      I will always be here DBZFAN. I will stay here until the Most Popular Topics forum is filled with


    • #14683

      Once again dbz this was an amazing chapter and i’m really amazed on how well you did the filler.

    • #14685

      1firebry, hercule is a joke character, but I get what you mean. Jehopoly,I’ll add Him in the chapter I’m currently writing. P.S. the next chapter may come out A little late, or i can give you part of the chapter tomorrow, which would you guys prefer? that is when u accepted wind

    • #14686

      Yeah I remember, I checked and am deciding when to add him in. I have a pretty good idea, and while wind won’t be with the major characters to long, he will still play a vital role in the plot. Also, when your quoting something, put quotes around it please 🙂
      “I will always be there”
      Aren’t you a kidnappe- *checks closet*
      One more thing guys, the fight isn’t filler, just their conversation about backstories and such.

    • #14689

      Great chapter by the way i read every time i just dont post

    • #14718

      Just read the chapter i really liked it exited for next chapter also forgot one detail on my character the alignment which is good (a bit of evil when pissed off(gets easily pissed off))

    • #14848

      Alright guys, just wanted to let you know that soon I will be posting all of the chapters (and will update it when a new chapter comes out) on wattpad. I will still post the chapters here of course, but if you prefer reading this on wattpad, then there you go. Now, I will give you a status update. The progress I’m making in this next chapter is good, and I can release it immediately if you want just the fight, if you want more (knowing what they’ll do next, learning what happened to Mitakue ect.) then tell me, and I will release the next chapter this Friday. See ya!

    • #14895

      Alright, since the release is two days away, I’ll give you a hint of what’s coming. >)

      Mal wasn’t able to keep up with Zoro in the slightest, Zoro was moving just a slight bit slower than the speed of light. By the time that Mal blinked, Zoro had already delevered a million punches and kicks. Mal was helpless under the continuous onslaught of Zoro’s rage. Zoro then upper cut the saiyan, unintentionally sending him flying into Malikia, whom had just been sent flying by one of Kronos’ attacks. Zoro and Harpor both dashed at their opponent, punching them at the same time, nearly doubling the amount of damage they took. Malikia was able to tank the hit, but Mal was simply to frail, and his spine broke. Even as Mal’s limp body fell to the ground, Zoro was unrelenting. He clasped his hands together and, similar to how someone would hit a volleyball, Zoro hit Mal into the ground, causing large fractures in the hard, scorched rock below. Zoro landed on the ground to make sure Mal was dead, and, not to Zoro’s surprise, Mal was still struggling. Zoro simply scoffed, and casually obliderated Mal’s head with a green ki wave.

    • #14897

      Seems like were getting some epic battles back.

      • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Harpor(Hp).
    • #14902

    • #14931

      Alright guys, I have had the next chapter ready since Wednesday, and I don’t see a point in holding the release if I already have it done. Consider this recompense for the late chapters I gave you guys. Also, is you have Wattpad account, don’t forget to check out the fanfic from there, I have all the chapters up to near the end of the Namek saga posted there. Here’s the next chapter!

      Chapter 10: Next Steps

      The force of the attack sent Shikanaro flying backwards, and created a shockwave that knocked aside the other three. The battle had started. Boten went after his father, with a blazing white aura surrounding him. Harpor and Kronos took on Malikia, Sans went to fight Jōkun, and Mal went after Zoro. Zoro suddenly had a burst of rage, *Why do these saiyans keep surpassing me! They’ve always been stronger than me, until recently, where I have been as strong as Boten! But now even he’s surpassed me!* Zoro let out a scream that could be heard miles away, and a bright purple aura surrounded him. Mal froze due to shock of Zoro’s sudden burst, and wasn’t able to react before Zoro disposed of his wieghted gear. Mal was only more surprised when Zoro regret his burnt off arm, and the bandages tore off.The only thing Mal was able to do before Zoro attacked him was say “H-how?”

      Mal wasn’t able to keep up with Zoro in the slightest, Zoro was moving just a slight bit slower than the speed of light. By the time that Mal blinked, Zoro had already delevered a million punches and kicks. Mal was helpless under the continuous onslaught of Zoro’s rage. Zoro then upper cut the saiyan, unintentionally sending him flying into Malikia, whom had just been sent flying by one of Kronos’ attacks. Zoro and Harpor both dashed at their opponent, punching them at the same time, nearly doubling the amount of damage they took. Malikia was able to tank the hit, but Mal was simply to frail, and his spine broke. Even as Mal’s limp body fell to the ground, Zoro was unrelenting. He clasped his hands together and, similar to how someone would hit a volleyball, Zoro hit Mal into the ground, causing large fractures in the hard, scorched rock below. Zoro landed on the ground to make sure Mal was dead, and, not to Zoro’s surprise, Mal was still struggling. Zoro simply scoffed, and casually obliderated Mal’s head with a green ki wave.

      Then, Zoro collapsed with exhaustion. Zoro wasn’t able to use his full speed for extended amounts of time, due to the great physical strain it put on him. Although Zoro would have been able to finish this whole fight full speed, Zoro had regenerated his arm, which tired him out greatly. *Damn. I shouldn’t have been so rash. At least I got rid of one saiyan.* Zoro wished that he would pass out from exhaustion, due to the screams of people still stuck in the fire and rubble of the mountain fortress. *I wish I could’ve helped them, but making sure that these saiyans don’t do any more harm is the biggest priority.* Then, Zoro’s wish was granted, and he lost consciousness.

      Harpor was having a great time, he hadn’t had such a challenge for a long time, with the exception of Zae of course. Harpor loved the look on Malikia’s face when he hit Harpor, and didn’t even stagger him. Harpor shot a small green ball that sent Malikia flying backwards, but didn’t stop with just one blast, and sent out a whole volley. When the dust cleared, Malikia’s armor was partially destroyed, and Malikia himself didn’t look in much better shape. Harpor’s smile widened when he saw Malikia breathing heavily. Harpor was just getting started. *He’ll die soon!* Malikia put two hands out in front of him, hands horizontal, and wrists touching. Harpor scoffed when Malikia charged a small blue ball of ki in his hand. Harpor raised an eyebrow, “why don’t you just give up, after all, you’re fighting the legendary super saiyan!” Malikia’s face hardened, and Malikia simply replied with, “solar flash!” The small ball grew, and shot out as a massive beam, and was obviously capable of destroying planets. This made Harpor laugh.

      Harpor flew head first into the beam, without using a ki shield, without any protection. He took the beam head on, literally. To Harpor, it was nothing more than a subtle change of heat, and Harpor flew through it like it was nothing. Then, Harpor got to the start of the beam, and was directly in front of Malikia. The beam dissipated, and Malikia’s face was filled with unadulterated shock and fear. “I am the legendary super saiyan, I am invincible!” Harpor punched Malikia in the stomach, causing him to cough out a shocking amount of blood onto Harpor’s arm. Harpor quickly delevered an elbow to Malikia’s head, giving him a concussion, and breaking some of his bones once he hit the ground, creating a crater. Harpor put one hand out, and a massive green ball of ki appeared, as Harpor said “ultra breaker.” The blast kept getting larger and more powerful, until it got to the point were it could destroy the planet twice over. Harpor didn’t care, he could survive, he could make it off planet, and then use his aura to protect himself until he could reach another planet. He was going o shoot the blast.

      *Harpor!* Harpor flinched, and some logic returned to him. Kronos continued to speak to Harpor, (er… Think to Harpor) *don’t lose your head Harpor. Try powering down a little, take a break. I’ll finish Malikia.* Harpor chuckled, “it would be a mercy for me to finish him instead of you. Oh well, I wish these people have more of a fight.” While Harpor wouldn’t admit it, he had accidentally used to much of his energy. He flew down to the ground, and watched Kronos finish Malikia. Kronos slowly flew in the crater next to Malikia, and said, *you’re lucky you have a concussion, that means you won’t feel most of this.* Kronos put his hand out towards Malikia, as if he was going to shoot a ki blast, but of course, Kronos didn’t have any ki. Instead, he released a wave of white hot flames that incinerated Malikia. Although it took longer than Kronos thought it would, and based off Malikia’s screams, the concussion wasn’t dulling as much of his senses as Kronos thought. After seeing Kronos finish Malikia, Harpor turned to watch Sans’ fight.

      Jokūn kept getting more and more frustrated, Sans’ attacks didn’t hurt, but Jokūn wasn’t able to hit Sans at all, it was like he knew what he was going to do before he did it. Which of course, Sans did, but Jokūn didn’t know that. Jokūn tried to punch Sans head, but Sans turned, dodging the attack. Sans then caught Jokūn’s arm with the part of his arm were his forearm and bicep met. Sans then twisted his arm, and pushed it downwards, causing Jokūn to bend downwards. Sans used his other elbow to strike Jokūn’s spine, and then lifted Jokūn up, and let go of his arm. Just to punch him in the face, sending him flying downwards. Jokūn recovered, and wiped some blood off his chin. *now that one did some damage,* Jokūn thought. Jokūn looked at Sans, and felt extreme frustration. “Why don’t you just die!” Jokūn yelled as he shot a volley of red ki blasts. Sans dodged all of the ki blast, looking bored. Sans replied with a suppressed sense of humor, “why don’t you just hit me?” This enraged Jokūn, and he flew towards Sans, with a intent to kill. Sans repressed the urge to smile, he had been setting Jokūn up, using as little as his power as possible, but not letting Jokūn hit him, so that he would be enraged, and lower his guard. Just as Jokūn attempted to punch Sans with enough force to break his ribs, Sans flew above him, twisting his body so that he was parallel to Jokūn, then, with all the force Sans could, he hit the back of Jokūn’s neck. Sans flinched as he heard a sharp cracking sound, like dry twig being stepped on. Sans rightened himself as Jokūn’s limp body fell, with his neck now broken.

      “Damn, I was going for a non-lethal strike.” Sans shook his head, and checked on the other fighters. He looked over to Zoro, who was now unconscious, and his opponents head was gone. *well, considering how fast he was going, and the fact that he regret a limb, that’s not surprising.* He looked over to Harpor, who was powering down, then to Kronos, who was standing next to a crater, arms crossed. In the crater was the skeletal remains of Malikia. “Really? Was I the only one who didn’t want to be a brutal, ruthless, killer? Oh well, it’s all good.” He then turned over to Boten, who was fighting his father at high speeds, making their fight seem like cluster of random shockwaves. *Looks like he could use some help, and no one else is in the shape to help.* Sans chuckled, *looks like I’m the only one thinking about after my fight.* Sans flew over to Boten to help, just as Boten and his father flew apart, both breathing hard. Just before they launched at each other again, Sans appeared at Boten’s side. “I’m here to help, I’ve killed my combatant.” Boten chuckled without humor, “I could hear his neck break from here Sans. I thought you were going for a non-lethal approach.” Boten said the last part in a joking tone. He then became serious again, “as for help, no thanks.” Sans was shocked, why would he say no? “This is my fight, me and my father. If I die, then you can have your turn.” Sans shook his head, “am I the only saiyan who’s not stupid.” Boten chuckled, “there’s a diffrence between stupidity and a fair fight.” Sans said nothing, but flew away from them. So the fight continued.

      Boten opened with a yellow beam of energy, which his father easily dodged, and countered with a blue energy blast. Boten didn’t move, but he tensed, and his aura became even brighter and more violent. When the blast hit, it just seemed to be obliderated by Boten’s aura. Boten then appeared behind his father, and elbowed his head. Despite the fact that it did a good amount of damage, it didn’t stagger Shikanaro. Shikanaro instantly turned around and hit Boten’s side. Before Boten could recover, Shi.kanaro followed up with a white ki ball to Boten’s stomach, which obliderated the front of Boten’s gi, leaving just the back of the gi, which now hung from his belt like some odd cape. Shikanaro then appeared behind Boten, and shot a ki wave into Boten’s back, sending him flying into the ground. Sans and to use all of his self control to prevent himself from interfering when he heard Boten’s screams.

      When Boten flew back up, the back of his shirt was obliderated, and hit tail was matted and red from blood. Sans didn’t realize how beat up Boten was until there was nothing covering his upper body. He was cut, burned, and bleeding everywhere. His body was drenched with sweat, and his hair was plastered to his head because of it. Not to mention that Boten was breathing hard, and his aura had disappeared. Shikanaro smiled, “I’ve won.” Boten was quiet for a few seconds, then asked a question. “Who leads the Cooperationist?” Shikanaro laughed, “pointless information, but I will tell you. A man named WindRaiser leads the fools. That just shows you how lost they are, letting a human lead them! You know what, I’ll add a bonus, I’ll tell you who the leader of the Loyalist is, I’ll tell you the name of the man who rules planet Vegeta.” Boten’s jaw dropped, but Sans was just confused. *Loyalist? Cooperationist? What are they talking about?*

      Shikanaro chuckled, “his name” he paused “is Nogaro.” Boten had closed his mouth, and now, he tensed up, and froze completely. Shikanaro chuckled again, “are you afraid, son?” Boten started to tremble, although Sans knew that it was out of anger instead of fear. Boten looked at his father with a renewed sense of hatred. “After what Nogaro did to mom, my saiyan mom, you would still follow him?” Shikanaro shrugged, “why wouldn’t I? She meant nothing to me, just a means to reproduce.” Boten’s power started to rise. “He killed mom, and you work with him. You lived with her, for years, and just wanted her for reproduction. You try to kill me, and still call me your son.” Boten’s voice rose with each sentance, his anger getting more obvious.”You, fucked up, evil, brutal,” Boten’s voice raised to a scream, “SON OF A BITCH!!!” There was a flash of golden light as Boten’s power skyrocketed, and Sans’ jaw dropped as he remembered a conversation that he had with Boten when they first met. “‘Are you a super saiyan yet Boten?’


      ‘Well, you’ll get it some day.'”

      That was all that Sans could think of as Boten instantaneously moved in front of his father, and punched him in the stomach with the force of ten nuclear bombs. That wasn’t was shocked Sans though. The thing that shocked him, was Boten’s black eyes turn blue, his blond hair turn yellow, his wounds heal, his muscles increase in size, and his normally dark purple aura, now turn into a burning gold. *He’s a super saiyan!* It didn’t seem possible, but here it was. Boten shouldn’t have been able to put his father out of commission with one attack, but he did. All Shikanaro was able to say before falling to the ground was, “h-h-how?”

      Boten was already on the ground when his father landed. Sans followed, and landed on the ground just as Boten spoke in a deadly calm voice. “Tell us where the space pods are, and I might let you live.” After groaning, Shikanaro asked, “why do you need the space pods.” Boten put his hand out, a single, gesture that threatened a ki blast. “Because, if Nogaro is leading the Loyalist, then we need to go to their base of operations, and kill him. That will get rid of most of the chaos in the galaxy. Not to mention, it’ll bring out the big dogs.” Shikanaro opened his eyes and looked at Boten incredulously, “Nogaro is one of the, “big dogs.” Boten grinned, “not the ones I’m talking about.” Shikanaro spoke so quietly that only Boten, Sans and Zoro (who had recently awoken) could hear. “Froster.” Boten nodded, and his grim expression returned. “Him and another. A demon named Akuryō.” Shikanaro seemed to think for a few seconds. “So all I need to do is tell you were the space pods are, and you’ll let me live.” Boten nodded, and Shikanaro laughed as Kronos, Harpor, and Zoro flew over, wondering what was taking so long. “You’ll never get the space pods, I’ve won!” Boten charged up a ki ball, and said, “I’m going to count to three, and then, you di-” Boten was cut off when Shikanaro yelled “Tao-ken!” He put his two hands in front of his face, fingers spread, and suddenly, before anyone could react, there was a sudden, blinding flash.

      Boten heard his father fly off, and quickly recovered his senses, even though he couldn’t see. “Sense his power level, we’all follow him that way!” Boten suddenly took off at speeds that no one could keep up with. By the time Boten had caught up with his father, his vision was back, and he saw Shikanaro taking off in a space pod. “No you don’t!” Luckily for Boten, the space pod didn’t fly very fast until it was in space, so Boten caught up to it instantly. Shikanaro’s shock es face madre Boten more enraged. Boten stopped the pod with one hand, and used the other to pry the door open. He could hear the gears grinding as he forcefully tore it open. In the back of his mind, he hoped that he wasn’t destroying the pod, but the rest of him didn’t care. Once the door was open, Shikanaro at there, defenseless. Boten grabbed his throat, and pulled him out of the pod. Thanks to the thrusters, the pod stayed afloat when Boten let go of the pod and sank his hand into his fathers chest. (For those faint of heart, skip the rest of this paragraph. For those of you who don’t want to skip, don’t read the rest of the stuff in these parentheses. For those who don’t want to read, Boten killed his father.) Just then, everyone else caught up to him. Boten felt his father’s heart, and grabbed onto it. Shikanaro’s mouth opened into a surprised “O.” Boten twisted his hand, ripping the heart off of the major arteries. Shikanaro’s mouth filled with blood with a sickening gurgling sound. Then, Boten ripped his heart out of his chest, and Shikanaro’s skin turned pale as all of his blood left him. The sight of Boten’s entire arm made red from his father’s blood made Sans want to throw up just as much as the sight of Boten holding his father’s heart did. Then, as Shikanaro’s dead body fell, Boten crushed his heart, releasing another wave of blood.

      “That was for mom.” He grabbed the pod, and flew to the ground with the other pods, and everyone else was shocked into silence. Once Boten placed the pod on the ground, he returned to his normal form, despite the fact that he still seemed angered. Boten spoke with a tone of surprising calmness, “they’ve taken care of the destruction of the fortress, there’s nothing we can help with right now.” Sans clearly said “damnit, I forgot all about them.” Sans then turned to Boten and risked asking him some questions. “You and Shikanaro kept talking about “Cooperationist” and “Loyalist.” What are you talking about?

      Boten answered calmly, but Sans was still on edge. “How much do you know about the revival of planet Vegeta?” Sans shrugged, “not much.” Boten shook his head, “you’re a saiyan, and yet you don’t know about it? You know what, don’t answer that. Three thousand years ago, Goku and Vegeta revive the planet, and tried to reform how the saiyans did things. No more destroying planets, now, they would protect the planet. A lot of saiyans agreed with this, especially when they saw Vegeta’s super saiyan form. Although sadly, a large portion of the saiyans wished to stay loyal to Freeza’s ways. Eventually, a brutal civil war broke out, and by that time, Goku and Vegeta were dead. Those who wanted to cooperate with the new way we’re called Cooperationist, those who stayed loyal to Freeza’s ways were called Loyalist. The Loyalist are what’s causing most of the chaos in the galaxy, we get rid of them, we get rid of most of the dangers in the known universe. Not to mention, we’ll get a shot at killing Nogaro. After doing all that, well bring out Froster, perhaps even Akuryō.” Zoro froze, “do you think that we would be able to fight them? Remember what happened when we fought Akuryō, we didn’t even get to fight him, and he still nearly killed all of us. Not to mention the fact that the first time we met Froster, he one shot you guys!” Boten was once again surrounded by a golden aura, “it’s not wise to argue with an angered super saiyan.” Zoro scoffed, “I don’t mean to be rude, but I matched Mitaku, I’m sure I can match you.” The two of them were quiet for a count to twenty, a new sense of tension was in the air, both fighters starring each other down.

      Kronos quickly interjected, *from what you told me, this kind of anger towards each other is what caused Zae to turn. Let’s not repeat his mistakes.* the tension disappeared as Zoro and Boten stopped glaring at each other, and Boten’s aura disappeared. Boten looked at the ground, and said “no matter what we do, we need to rest first, I’m worn out.” He then looked up back at Zoro, “but taking down the Loyalist is still our best move.” Zoro crossed his arms, “we’ll figure it out after we rest, okay?” Boten simply nodded, and then wiped some sweat of his forehead. Sans scratched his head, “we’re can we rest? After all, the only place we had to sleep in is that base, and now it’s….” Boten chuckled, “we can crash at my place. At least until we find you guys another place to live.” Harpor looked embarrassed, “please don’t use the word ‘crash.'” Kronos looked at the ground as if remembering something frustrating, *he has crashed more spaceships than I can count.* Harpor’s shoulder sank as Boten and Sans broke into laughter, but Zoro remained silent, and in the back of his head, Sans thought, *man, Namekians have no sense of humor, do they?* After they were done, Boten led his teammates back to his house positioned on a cliff that looked over a large forest. The house surprised them when he showed them it. Sans’ jaw dropped, “when you said house, I didn’t think that you meant a mansion.” Boten smiled modestly, but still gave off a tense vibe. “It’s only three stories, there’s enough rooms for all of us, enough bathrooms to. Oh yeah, the pools in the back.” Harpor raised his eyebrow, “two questions, how much zeni did this cost, and how the hell did you get it?” Boten shrugged, “a few million zeni. I was runner up in a tenkianchi budikia.” Harpor’s head tilted, “what?” Boten shook his head, “let’s go inside, I’ll show you to your rooms.”

      Once Boten showed everyone their rooms, everyone immediately slept. The next morning, Boten went to go get clean, and a new gi. Although he decided that he could wear regular cloths until they decided what to do. So he simply wore jeans, and a white T-shirt. When he met up with the others, he saw that they had the same idea. Sans was wearing black jeans, a grey shirt with a “Walking Dead” design on it, and a denim jacket. Kronos wore simple black jeans and shirt. Harpor couldn’t find anything his size, so he wore his normal armor, which was slightly torn up from the battle. Sans chuckled, “I didn’t know you liked shopping Boten.” Boten shrugged, “the house came with the clothes, all different sizes and such, but um. I don’t think that they make clothes your size anywhere Harpor.” He shrugged, “I don’t mind.” Kronos was looking around the large room. *I can’t believe that you live here.* Boten shrugged, and said “let’s decide what we’re doing.” Zoro huffed, “I thought more on it last night, and I decided that you’re correct, killing Nogaro is a good idea, but not the best. Not to mention that there’s a few problems, for instance, there’s four space pods, and five of us. My spaceship is out of fuel, and earth doesn’t have the fuel it requires. Not to mention that none of us have the money to buy a spaceship.” Everyone muttered in agreement. Boten just leaned back in his chair and said, “well, who are we leaving behind?” Everyone yelled out in confusion, although Boten couldn’t hear what they were saying specifically. Then Kronos spoke, *silence.* everyone was suddenly silent. *I’m sorry that I used magic, but a house divided against itself-* Zoro interrupted him, “it’s fine. What’s not fine is leaving someone behind. We’re a team, we don’t do that.” Kronos nodded, *and besides, why do you want to kill Nogaro so badly? There are other ways to draw out Froster and Akuryō?* Boten tensed. “One of our original group members, you’ve heard of him. His name is Kasan.” Everyone nodded, and Sans spoke. “Why does he matter? He’s dead now right?” Boten nodded, “he sacrificed himself to end Nogaro’s life, and now that we know Nogaro is alive…” A dark mood fell over the room. Sans nodded, but said nothing. Although Boten stood, and continued to speak, “we won’t let his sacrifice be in vain. We need to do this. For Kasan”

      Everyone was silent for a count to ten. Then, Harpor stood. “I knew Kasan for a short time, but he was a good person. Even though we tried to kill each other, I would work with him, and die for him.” Boten was shocked, although didn’t show it. He realized that Harpor thought highly of Kasan, but it didn’t really compute until this moment. Sans stood up, “I don’t know to much about him, but he sounds like a noble man. I would follow him.” Kronos stood, *from what I have heard, from both you and Harpor, Kasan indeed sounds like a noble warrior. I would endure the hellfire thrice over for him* No one knew what hellfire was, but everyone turned to Zoro, who remained seated for a few seconds. Then said quietly, “damn, four against one eh? Well, since I’m the only one who wants to not do this suicidal quest, I’ll stay behind. You guys go.” Boten smiled, *that’s the closest thing to an agreement I’ll get from him.* Then Boten spoke aloud, “well, in that case,” his smile disappeared, and he turned back to everyone else, “for Kasan.”

      A few hours later, they had all ate, and where at the space pods. Zoro watched them enter the space pods, now wearing their armor. Each one of them had a capsule that contained a small, trailer like house that contained a good amount of food and clothing and armor, even clothing and armor large enough to fit Harpor. Zoro grunted when Boten told him, “see you later!” Zoro crossed his arms as he watched Boten and the others flew off. “Great, now what am I supposed to do?” Zoro sighed out of frustration. “I guess the only thing I can do is train, after all, it takes a few months to get to planet Vegeta…” So Zoro flew off, wondering how he’d keep busy the next few months.

      The next few months were uneventful, Zoro tried to find new ways to train, and the others, well, they couldn’t do much except eat, and sleep. Although they could communicate via radio system that linked the pods, Boten didn’t speak to the others much. Especially after he had a dream that bothered him for many reasons. Boten found himself in a small, wooden tavern, filled with all assortments of aliens. Humans, saiyans, namekians, arcosians, and many others that Boten didn’t know the name of. There was a similarity between all of them, they all wore heavy clothing, and Boten understood why when the metal, front door opened and a saiyan entered. Outside the tavern was a extreme storm that made all of Earth’s storms seem minor. Boten couldn’t see any buildings outside the tavern, due to the thick blanket of snow that was coming down. The newcomer drew everyone’s attention, for two reasons. the first reason was that the person was wearing a plain, white cotton shirt, and jeans. She wasn’t wearing any coats, gloves, or any sort of snow gear. She was covered in snow, but was showing no signs of frostbite. The other thing that drew everyone’s attention, was that she was a girl. Boten realized that she was the only female in this tavern, and by the way that all the other males were looking at her, she was probably one of the only females on the planet. Possibly the only female on the planet. Then Boten realized who it was, she was Mitaku.

      Mitaku walked up to the bar-tender casually, not seeming to notice the strange looks that the other men in the bars were giving her. There weren’t any open seats, so she just put her arms crossed over the counter while leaning on it. The bar-tender was the only one not staring at her in a lewd manner. His stare was more of a calculating look, deciding whether she would cause trouble or not. Mitaku spoke loudly, and clearly, with a tone of confidence. “Get me a drink, something heavy. While you’re at it, you can give me any and all information you have on a man named Imato.” There was a hushed whisper that went through the crowd, some were humored, some were disbelieving. the bar-tender simply huffed, and got her the drink. She drained he mug in a a few seconds. Finally, the bar-tender spoke, “you got a lot of nerve, asking for Imato.” Mitaku smiled, “so you know about him.” She said it in a triumphant tone. An arcosian spoke up, “yeah, lots of people know him. he’ s caused lots of trouble ’round here.” Mitaku laughed, “that sure sounds like my uncle! Now, tell me were he is.” Everyone in the bar tensed. This time, a saiyan spoke up. “You’re that jackass’ relative?” Mitaku grinned, “yeah, you got a problem?” The saiyan got out of his seat and walked over to Mitaku, leaning on the counter next to him with one arm. Mitaku still didn’t look at him. The saiyan still has a serious expression, and his face and arms were covered in scars. “We could have a problem. You see, I hate that guy, most of us here do. Although you, well, none of us know you. So we have no problems with you yet.” He smiled suggestively. “Of course, we’d be happy to give you the information without a problem if you, ah, give us a good time.”

      Mitaku looked at him, raised an eyebrow, and laughed. “How desperate are you? You really think I would lower myself to such levels? How about this, we fight, all of you who want to fight me, against me. If I win, I get the information for free. You win, you can do what you want with me, and you don’t have to give me the information.” The man, being a saiyan, couldn’t turn down such a challenge. “You heard her boys!” Most of the tavern stood up, and charged her.

      Mitaku was laughing most of the fight. She only had to use her index and middle finger to beat the tavern. She laughed when the bar-tender joined in, she laughed when she one-shit the saiyan whom accepted her challenge. She laughed the whole time, and didn’t even have to turn super saiyan. Boten wondered what kind of dream this was, but was not sure of this was just a dream. His vision was just as vivid as if he was there. He could smell the alcohol that the tavern’s drinks contained. He could feel the subtle cold that the storm brought. So by the time that Mitaku had knocked out all but one of the fighters, Boten was sure that this dream was real. The final fighter was incapacitated, but still conscious. She picked the Namekian up by the color of his shirt, and lifted him in the air. “So, what information do you idiots have?” The Namekian said something inaudible to Boten, but Mitaku’s expression hardened. “I see, so that’s were he is. I’ll have to move fast so I don’t miss him again.” She instantly disappeared, looking for Imato, leaving the entirety of the tavern unconscious.

      The next chapter will be this Saturday.

    • #14934

      This post was great, possibly one of the best! it was not all story or all battle.
      It was a perfect mixture of both!


    • #14935

      Thanks, it always helps for someone to know what his audience likes.

    • #14941


    • #14943

      Great wait question tho where is Mitaku i am confused

    • #14945

      She was on an unknown planet, and is going to an unknown planet.

    • #14946

      Also sorry for the typos, like when it said “Zoro regret his burnt off arm off.” It was supposed to say “Zoro regrew his burnt off arm back”

    • #15020

      Boten was too disturbed by the dream to tell the others, and was silent most of the trip. Now, let’s skip a few months to where they have arrived on planet Vegeta. Boten’s first thought was, *good, I was worried that some people would try to kill us when we landed. Like on Namek.* Upon exiting the space pods, they put them in their capsule form. They had landed in a large space port that they found in a large city. Upon looking around the large crowds of saiyans and a small amount of other aliens, Sans asked, “what’s the game plan Boten?” Boten was silent for a few seconds, but was unsure what to do now that they were there. *I was intent on coming here, and yet I don’t know what to do.* Boten took a deep breath.

      “Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve been here, so I think that it’s best to take a look around.” Everyone nodded, Sans said, “since we know who were looking for, we could probably ask around and find him easily enough.” So the four saiyans went through the city, marveling at it. Vegeta seemed to be an inverse of Namek. While Namek seemed to be made if the colors green and blue, Vegeta was made of the colors red and black. The dirt was dark red,the clouds were black and the sky was a bright, vibrant red. Instead of trees, there was blackish-red mushroom shaped pillars of rock. Some were a few feet tall, some were larger than human buildings. While Namek had small round buildings with little technology, Vegeta had large, square buildings that were so technology advanced that it would put capsule Corp. to shame. Even Boten, who had been here as a child, was amazed.

      Harpor was the first to speak, “you lived here Boten?” Boten nodded, and said, “yeah, let’s find a bar or something, I could use a drink.” No one knew what kind of building to look for, except Boten. When he pointed out a building that was just barely small enough to not be considered a skyscraper, everyone’s jaw dropped. The building, like most saiyan buildings, was rectangular, except for a large circular platform that came off the side of the building near the top. They could see lights and hear music from the platform. Sans was the first to speak this time, “I now understand why you bought such a big house, reminds you of home, doesn’t it?” Sans meant it as a joke, but Boten answered seriously, “this isn’t home. Not to me.” Sans looked at Boten incredulously, then shook his head as if dismissing a thought, and simply said, “buzzkill.” They made their way to the doorway, and Boten took a deep breath, preparing himself for what was inside.

      Once Boten entered the automatic doors, he thought, *this is planet Vegeta alright.* This was just the lobby, and it was filled with drunk saiyans, both male and female. Some weren’t drunk, but were close to being drunk. Half of them were fighting, both sparring, and plain out fights. It seemed like the rest of them were either flirting with the females, or trying to get drunk. Boten walked up to a semicircle counter that was bleach white like the rest of the buildings, and had a small black slab on the front, saying, “welcome to the Drunk Warrior bar!” The person at the desk seemed to be the only saiyan here that wasn’t close to being drunk, nonetheless, she had a small bottle of saiyan alcohol, and had to push away a saiyan half her size that was flirting with her. When Boten reached the desk, followed by his friends, the female saiyan asked, “how may I help you? Do you need some rooms, or are you just here to get drunk?”

      Boten shook his head, “neither, we’re looking for information.” Harpor interjected, “actually, I’m going to get a little drunk.” Kronos started to argue with Harpor, *you’re not getting drunk Harpor, I don’t want you going on a drunken rampage in your legendary form again.* the saiyan didn’t seem to hear Kronos, but Harpor flushed. *Its kind of creepy how Kronos can selectively speak to people, and make it so no one else hears.* Boten thought to himself. The saiyan scoffed, “why you would come to a bar full of drunk people for information, I don’t understand, but okay, here’s a key.” She tossed Boten a small, red object that looked like a USB drive. Boten nodded in thanks, ducked to avoid two saiyans fighting in mid-air, and walked into the elevator. The elevator doors were just glass that was stained black, but upon approach, a mechanized voice said, “key detected, opening door.” The door opened, and the four saiyans walked inside.

      The mechanized voice sounded out again once the door closed, “please say the floor that you wish to go to. Naming floors, floor 1:stri-” Boten quickly responded, “main floor.” The mechanized voice simply responded with, “floor 99 :bar club.” Harpor looked slightly confused, “what was the first floor?” Boten took a few seconds to consider how to answer, mainly due to the fact he felt uncomfortable saying the name of it outright. “Let’s just say that humans weren’t the first race to come up with clubs were females wear revealing clothing.” Harpor’s eyebrows shot up, “you mean that was a stri-” Kronos cut him off, *Harpor, we’re here for information, not visual pleasure.* Harpor looked shocked, “I wasn’t saying that I wanted to go to it, I was just surprised that saiyans would have a-” once again, Harpor was interrupted, this time, by the elevator’s mechanized voice. “You have arrived at floor 99, please enjoy yourselves.” The door opened, and the four saiyans saw what a party on planet Vegeta looked like.

      There was multicolored lights coming from the ceiling and floor, and the heavy smell that Boten recognized as saiyan alcohol. Instead of a dance floor, there was a small, circular fighting ring, which was currently occupied by two male saiyans. Not as many saiyans here seemed drunk, but they made up for it with their enthusiasm. Sans was the only one other than Boten that wasn’t effected by the party, “so, what now?” Despite the fact that he spoke loudly, Boten could hardly hear. So instead of yelling, he simply nodded towards where a bar-tender was, who was seemingly the only one here that was calm. For a split second, Boten remembered the dream in which Mitaku took on an entire bar by herself. Once they reached the bar-tender, Boten asked, “hey, what do you know about Nogaro?” The bar-tender rose his eyebrow, then laughed aloud. “You haven’t been to this planet long, have you?” Boten said nothing, and the bar-tender grunted. “I see, well, if you’re coming here for enlistment to Nogaro’s great army, then just head to the palace. You’ll be able to sign up there.” Boten tensed, *this is it, that’s how we’ll get to Nogaro. I remember where the palace is.* Boten decided to question this saiyan more. “Will we be able to meet Nogaro face-to-face?”

      This made the bar-tender laugh loud enough to attract the attention of some of the other saiyans. “No, and meeting lord Nogaro face-to-face is not something most people would want. The only way you’ll get his attention, is to show potential to be in the elite guard, Nogaro over sees the recruits for that personally.” Boten simply said “thank you, oh, and get my friend Harpor here a drink.” The bar-tender looked at Harpor, and said, “what kinda’ drink do you want?” Harpor grinned, “the heaviest thing you got.” The bar-tender chuckled, “that’ll be fifteen SCU.” Sans raised an eyebrow in confusion. Boten tossed the bar-tender twenty zeni. The bar-tender’s eyes gleamed as he got Harpor a drink. Sans asked “what is SCU?” Boten chuckled, “saiyan currency units. I tossed him some zeni, because one zeni is equal to twenty SCU.” Sans whistled and whispered “damn,” at a voice level where no one could hear him. The bar-tender gave Harpor his a mug, filled to the brim with a red liquid, and warned him.”Even the biggest saiyans will throw up or get drunk by a single sip of tha-” Harpor drained the mug in two seconds, put it down calmly, and walked to the elevator with his friends, leaving the bar-tender frozen due to surprise.

      After exiting the building, Kronos asked, *so we’re joining Nogaro’s army?* Boten sighed in frustration, “apparently, but only long enough to get close to him, then we’ll kill him.” Harpor laughed, “at least we’re not going to have to make a whole rebellion like on Namek!” Boten said nothing to that, and everyone was quiet until they reached the palace. Once they reached the large, black and red structure, Kronos said, *I will admit, that’s impressive.* Boten thought he heard a hint if astonishment in his tone, but it was hard to tell when Kronos didn’t have a voice. Boten spoke calmly, and was obviously in a bad mood. “Let’s go.” They walked through the large doorway that was several stories high, and the inside was just as impressive as the outside. There was katchine columns, paintings everywhere, and saiyans everywhere. Harpor said two words, “holy, shit.” Boten pointed to a large set of stairs that was positioned in front of them, “if we go up those steps, we’ll find the throne, that’s probably where we sign up.” As they started to walk up the stairs, Sans said, “I know that your life here as a kid sucked, but now it’s paying off.” Boten’s expression turned grim, “I’m not sure if it was worth it yet.” *They don’t understand the hell I went through when they were here, do they?* Boten thought to himself.

      The throne was just as grand as they expected. It was made out of an odd green stone, but the parts that someone would recline on was covered in red and blue furs. The back of the seat was just as tall as the ceiling that was more than thirty feet high. No one was in the throne, although next to it, was a saiyan, although Boten suspected that he was a half saiyan due to his lack of a tail. Currently, he was wearing simply a red shirt, black jacket, and jeans. On the side of his jeans, a tablet was hanging. They walked up to the saiyan, and before they could say anything, the saiyan said, “my name is Lach, how may I help you?” In the corner of his eye, he saw Sans eye flash. Boten, pretending that he didn’t see that, answered Lach. “We’re here to join Nogaro’s army, possibly even join his advanced squadrons.” Lach nodded, “I see, well I can get you in the army easily enough, but the elite units, well, you’ll have to prove that you’re stronger than the other fighters, a lot stronger. Sign this paper, then follow me.” He took the tablet of his side, and handed it to the team of saiyans. They signed the tablet, (with false names,) handed it back to Lach, and followed him.

      They flew out of the palace, and flew a hundred miles or so in a few seconds, and arrived at a large, flat piece of land where tons of people were fighting, and were surrounded by guards. Before landing, Lach said, “just go down there, spar with people, do your best. Half of the people will be selected to leave, and the other half will continue on to the next courses. The whole preparation/training process will take about three months.” Sans couldn’t hide his shock, “what?!” Lach glared at him, and Boten quickly interjected, “the reason why my friend is surprised is simply because we have already been trained. We were shock troops on different planets, and met up on our way here.” Lach was now glaring at Boten, “I know full well your story, Boten.” It was now Boten’s turn to be shocked, “what?” Lach rolled his eyes, “there’s no need to try to hide. You’re Boten, your Sans, Harpor, and Kronos.” When he said each of their names, he looked at them. “There’s hardly any important person who doesn’t know you. Don’t worry though, I’m a friendly. You four won’t have to go through the training process. However, you will have to do at least one mission to register for an elite unit, which will take a month to be recognized as a possible candidate. Then, Nogaro will personally oversee you guys, that’s when you kill him.”

      Boten was speechless for a few seconds, the fact that this person just gave him a perfect plan to eliminate Nogaro, the fact that he knew who they were, it was to much. Sans was the one who spoke up, “Boten has already been on a mission, and it was successful, also, why are you helping us? You work for Nogaro.” Lach seemed to sneer, but he generally seemed mad, so it was hard to tell. *Zoro would get along nicely with this guy,* Boten thought to himself. Lach answered as if it was obvious, “I don’t have a choice, I can’t leave this planet unless on orders, and neither can you. You’ll be killed. As for Boten doing a mission, I suppose even though another saiyan team did the job that it’ll still count as a success on your part, so you can immediately I list for the elite unit. Thats why your here, you see, go fight those people, they’ll recognize your strength, and since you’ve completed a mission, once they recognize your strength, you can enlist for an elite unit. Now go!” The four saiyans nodded, and flew to the ground to blow away the competition.

      The next few hours were a blur, just fist, kicks, and ki blast. Boten, along with the others, had no trouble fighting and beating the competition, and got bored. Finally, as the red sun set on the red horizon, the sky turned dark and filled with stars, some guards flew to Boten and his teammates. The guards told Boten, “you did well kid, you have potential, I recognize that.” The guard went silent, as if waiting for a response. Boten spoke loud and clear, “I would like to enlist for the elite unit, and I have completed a mission, along with my friends,” he pointed over to them. The guards sighed, “well, prepare for the hardest month in your life.” The saiyan wasn’t exaggerating, it was long, and hard, even for Harpor and Boten, whom were super saiyans. (To avoid boring you with extensive filler *cough* dragon ball gt *cough* I will do a time skiiiiiip, now!)

      Boten was sitting on his bed after another long day of work, and looked around his dorm. After they had requested to be apart of the elite unit, they had been moved to a large facility made of katchine. Each of them had been given a dorm, which was a square, metal room with a single source of light in the ceiling that didn’t help with the darkness much. There was a single cabinet for personal belongings and armor. They all had been given a generic armor to work in. The bed was simply a metal block that elevated a few feet off the floor. There wasn’t any shower in the room, to shower, they had to go to a large locker room, similar to one you would see at a public pool place on Earth. The big diffrence though, was that the only thing separating the male side and the female side was a large red curtain. Not to mention that the showering section of the room had no walls, just shower heads and drains. Upon first reaching it, Boten’s first thought was, *saiyans really don’t care about privacy, do they?* Despite the fact that he was on Vegeta as a child, he didn’t know as much as he portrayed.

      He layed down, not sure what to do, after all, tomorrow, Nogaro would come, and judge them. Then, they would finally strike Nogaro. After all that work, all the commitment, they would finally kill him. He should be sleeping, but he couldn’t, not because he wasn’t tired, but he was too worried. Then, he heard a knock on his door, he got up and looked around the room again, not sure whether he would answer or not. With a sigh, he got up and answered the door. Harpor, Kronos, and Sans were outside. Kronos was crossing his arms as always, Harpor was standing there, looking at the floor, and Sans was directly outside the door, he was the one that knocked. Boten was surprised by how much his friends had changed. Sans had got a much more serious demeanor, in contrast to his normally calm, bored demeanor. As well as his slim frame was now rippled with muscle. Harpor had increase in size, and was now big, even though he wasn’t in his legendary form. Not to mention that he now had facial hair that went along his jawline and surrounded his mouth. Kronos didn’t change much. *Then again,* Boten thought to himself, *I’ve changed as well.* Boten now was silent most of the time, and had lost all of his sense of humor.

      Sans asked Boten, “having trouble sleeping?” Boten nodded. Sans nodded as well, and said, “same with the rest of us. It just kind of seems, unreal that it’s finally happening.” They were silent for a few seconds, then Boten exited his room and closed the door, followed by Kronos speaking. *We said we would kill Nogaro, and we’re going to do it, for Kasan.* Everyone nodded, for some reason, a grim old surrounded the saiyans. Then, Harpor spoke, “the reason that we came to get you, was to come up with a plan. Nogaro will notice us instantly when he arrives, so we’ll have to react quickly, and without mercy.” Boten nodded, “that sounds like a good plan.” Harpor raised his eyebrow, “no plan of attack?” Boten chuckled for the first time in weeks, but without humor. “I have a plan: attack.” The fighters looked among themselves, Sans shrugged, “sounds good enough.” Want to do some last minute training?” Boten shook his head, “no, I should be sleeping, I know I haven’t had any luck so far, but hey, I can’t fight Nogaro if I’m half asleep.” Sans chuckled, and said, “okay then, good talk. See you.” Boten nodded, and entered his room again, and fell asleep.

      Boten had another dream that bothered him that night. This time, Boten was in a spaceship, and he saw Mitaku, who was wearing her normal armor, sitting crossed legged in front of another saiyan. *That must be her uncle, Imato.* Boten thought. Imato was also sitting, cross legged, but unlike Mitaku, his eyes were open. “Now, turn super saiyan Mitaku, and use your full power,” Imato instructed. Mitaku did as she was told, but it took her a few seconds. This being a dream, Boten couldn’t feel her power, but he could feel the wind that her power generated. Imato seemed unaffected, and asked, “what are your thoughts like Mitaku?” Mitaku sighed with frustration, “we’ve been over this a thousand times uncle, my thoughts are jumbled, I have a hard time controlling them, as well as my emotions.” Imato nodded, “but you have gotten better at controlling them. Calm down, stay perfectly still.” Mitaku did as instructed, and when she did, Boten realized just how much a super saiyan normally moved. Their tail would be whipping, or their hands would be tapping on a close surface, but Mitaku was perfectly still. “See what I mean Mitaku, when we started, you were constantly moving. Now, get up Mitaku, we’re going to practice retaining your power under pressure.” Mitaku opened her eyes, and had the same look that a child would get when he’s told to go to school. “I hate that exercise.” Imato chuckled, “but it is one of the major things that you came to me for.” Mitaku said nothing to that, and got up along with her uncle. “Power down to fifty percent, and use only fifty percent for a minute fight.” The size and vibrancy of Mitaku’s aura lessened, and Imato nodded, and said, “good job, now come at me.” So she did.

      Boten understood why he had Mitaku power down to fifty percent. Mitaku was just a little weaker than Imato, and as she wasn’t able to hit him, she got frustrated. After a few seconds of being unable to hit him, she shot a small volley of ki blast, still using no more than fifty percent of her strength. Imato crossed his arms in front of himself, blocking most of the blast. Mitaku used the opportunity to rush up to Imato, and deliver a volley of punches. Imato kneed her, then followed it up by head-butting her. Mitaku snarled in frustration, not the slightest bit hurt. She lashed out with a yellow wave of ki that sent Imato flying into a wall. As soon as the ki wave disappeared, Imato disappeared himself, reappearing behind Mitaku and attempting to hit her into the ground. Mitaku flew out of the way, then dashed at Imato, and attempted to punch his face. Imato easily dodged, and shot a volley of purple ki into Mitaku’s side. Mitaku lashed out with another wave of ki, but this time, it was a volley. Mitaku’s aura had become more vibrant and large, and the power of the waves now seemed increased. Imato dodged all of the attacks, then, said “times up.” Mitaku powered down, and still seemed frustrated. Imato still seemed calm, and said, “you almost had complete control over your power, until the end.” Mitaku silently said, “damn it. How long until we reach planet Vegeta?” Imato chuckled, “not long, my little super saiyan.” Mitaku seemed to glare at him, “you don’t have to come help me kill Nogaro, after all, you’re not very strong. I don’t want you to die.” Imato chuckled, “I’ll be fine Mitaku.” Then the dream faded away.

      Boten awoke to the sound of a loud siren sounding off. *I hate the wake up alarm.* Boten thought to himself as he got up and off the metal. Boten put on his original gi, thinking, *today is the day, the day we finally kill Nogaro.* Then a voice rang out from the speaker, “all elite candidates, please move your way to the hangar and form two lines. Nogaro will be arriving shortly.” Boten exited his room, and made his way to the hangar, and saw the rest of the elites along the way. Boten counted them, and including his allies, there was twelve candidates total. They did as the voice instructed, and formed two lines, one behind the other. Boten and the others were in the second line, so hopefully, Nogaro wouldn’t notice them since they were behind the other candidates. Boten was slightly confused, he didn’t feel Nogaro’s power. He looked over to his friends, and saw that they seemed confused as well. Then, the commanding Officer walked into the hangar, faced the open door, and saluted. Everyone else followed his actions. Then, they saw the silhouette of an arcosian fly into the hangar, and our four heroes still couldn’t sense any power. As Nogaro got closer, it was apparent why. You could only sense the power of a living, breathing thing. Nogaro’s skin was now metallic, everything except for his eyes. The reason that they couldn’t sense his power, is because he was a cyborg.

      Boten and the others were shocked into silence. *It makes sense, after all, he was stuck on a planet when it exploded.* Still, it was disturbing to Boten. Nogaro landed, and spoke in a mechanical voice. “So, these are the whelps that survived a month worth of elite training?” The Officer nodded, and said, “yes sir, they all were exceptionally strong, even rivaling some of the Officers that work here. Nogaro nodded slowly, and Boten thought, *those officers were weak, we surpass them, we just had to restrain our power.* Nogaro looked to the commanding Officer, “they have been removed from here, yes?” The Officer nodded. Nogaro walked around the crowd of saiyans, and stopped when he was behind them. “You, the saiyan wearing the earthling gi. You look familiar.” Boten spun around, simultaneously transforming into a super saiyan, and hit Nogaro with his open palm, sending him flying backwards. Kronos and Sans eliminated the other candidates before they could react, and Harpor launched a green ball of ki at the Officer, killing him instantly. Sans eye activated, and Harpor grew in size, his hair turning green, along with his aura, and within seconds, was in his legendary form. Nogaro quickly recovered, and said, “yes, I remember you, but what sense of foolishness brings you here? I left you alone after that insufferable saiyan melted most of my body. I was saved by my men, and was turned into this. I did not pursue you, so why do you still wish to kill me?” Boten spoke with a tone of confidence, “Kasan sacrificed himself to kill you, and yet you survived. We came to fix that, we came to finish Kasan’s job. We came to avenge him.” Nogaro chuckled, and taunted them. “So, you were driven by a foolish sense of loyalty. You’re foolishness is astounding.” Before Boten could retort in any way, Nogaro started to glow with a red aura. Sans yelled, “get back!” Then Nogaro made an explosion that destroyed the entire complex, making everything within a half mile a crater.

      When the dust cleared, the four saiyan’s auras still were bright, and they were unharmed. Once they opened their eyes, they saw a large green sphere of ki surrounding them. They all turned to Harpor, who was grinning, “no need to thank me for making a shield of my ki, your faces are enough. Now, stop gawking at me, and let’s kill that ass hole.” Boten nodded, and the green ki shield disappeared. The saiyans looked around the now flat piece of land, and spotted Nogaro easily. Boten yelled, “there!” and flew at Nogaro, using all of his power. Despite the fact that it was four against one, Nogaro had no problems holding them off. Boten attempted to knee Nogaro, and Nogaro simply caught it. Harpor attempted to punch him, and Nogaro deflected his fist with one finger, putting him off balance. Nogaro then threw Boten into Harpor, sending both super saiyans flying. Sans and Kronos then got to Nogaro, and had much better luck than Harpor and Boten. Sans kept dodging Nogaro’s attacks, and never missed one of his strikes. Kronos’ hands seemed to be encased with black fire, and slightly melted Nogaro’s metal skin where it hit. Not to mention that he kept disappearing like a mirage any time Nogaro hit him. Then Boten and Harpor joined back in. Nogaro, using his tail, hands and feet, had no trouble fighting the others.

      Harpoe went around in front of Nogaro, and while Sans shot a weak blast into the back of his head, Harpor delivered a punch to Nogaro’s stomach, sending him flying backwards. Boten took the opportunity to shoot a large, golden ki ball that forced Nogaro higher and higher into the sky, and then it stopped. “Shoot the blast, give it more strength!” Everyone (except for Kronos of course) shot ki attacks up into the ball of golden ki. Nonetheless, Nogaro sent the blast flying back to the ground. *Damnit! How did Nogaro get so powerful?!* Harpor laughed, then moved in front of everyone else, and yelled, “Ultra Breaker!” He put his hand out, fingers curved, as if holding a basketball. Instead of a basketball being in his hand, a small green ki ball that was white in the center filled his hand. It then started to grow, until it dwarfed Boten’s attack. Boten wasn’t sure if the wind and loud hum of energy was from Harpor’s attack, or his own. Harpor shot the massive ball of ki, and it completely obliderated Boten’s attack, then Nogaro appeared, relatively unharmed. Nogaro chuckled as the saiyans charged him again, “I expected more of a fight.” Sans got there first, but Nogaro hit Sans stomach too fast for Boten to see, then used his tail to pick Sans up with his throat, and slam him into Kronos, who had got there next. Finally, Boten and Harpor got there. Harpor attempted to punch Nogaro, but his fist was caught. Boten shot a golden ki wave, but Nogaro just threw Harpor in the way, and landed a kick to his stomach, causing Harpor to double over.Boten stopped himself from running into Harpor, but Nogaro then kicked Harpor again, this time causing Harpor to go flying into Boten. Nogaro appeared just above Boten, and then kicked his stomach, doing a flip to add to his momentum, causing Boten to go flying into the ground. He then continued to elbow the back of Harpor’s head, then followed up with a ki wave that he shot from his other hand, sending Harpor flying. Nogaro then shot down to the ground, holding both fist in front of him, and went straight into Boten’s back as he got up. The force of the strike had the same effect as a rpg, making a large dust cloud, sending rocks and debris everywhere. Appeared outside the dust cloud, just as Sans and Kronos charged him again.

      “You saiyans are awfully persistent.” The two saiyans flanked him as Harpor charged back into the fight. Nogaro ducked just as both fighters striked, causing them to hit each other. Nogaro then shot upwards, so that his feet were level with their heads. Nogaro then spun, kicking Sans over to Boten. Nogaro then lowered himself back to Kronos’ level, still spinning, and used the same leg to knee his side.Harpor then shot a multitude of green ki blast. Nogaro grabbed Kronos’ throat, and moved him in the way of Harpor’s blast. If Kronos could have dreamed in pain, he would have. As it was, it destroyed the back upper-body part of Kronos’ white gi. Nogaro let go of Kronos, and delivered a kick to his side that sent him flying into Sans, once again knocking him back down. Then as Nogaro turned to Harpor, he tried to punch Nogaro’s head. Nogaro casually leaned backwards, dodging the strike. Nogaro used his momentum to kick Harpor’s chin, then, appeared behind Harpor, said, “join your friends,” and kicked him over to the other three saiyans. As Sans saw Harpor flying towards him, he yelled, “not again!” and flew upwards to prevent himself from getting hit by Harpor. Harpor got up, and Sans flew back to the ground and helped Boten up. The four saiyans turned to Nogaro, not sure what they could do.

      Nogaro looked to Harpor, “you’re the legendary super saiyan I presume?” Harpor laughed, “yes, all of the attacks you have delt, have done nothing to me. I am invincible.” Nogaro didn’t look the slightest bit scared by his claim. “That is what they say, saiyan. Let’s see if it’s true.” Nogaro appeared in front of Harpor, and casually punched Harpor’s stomach, making a crater around him, and Harpor, for the first time, seemed to be in true pain. Harpor shrank, and his hair returned to its normal black color. Nogaro vanished, and reapeared where he was earlier. Harpor fell to the ground, and despite the fact that he was no longer in his legendary form, his puipls were gone. Boten rolled Harpor over and checked his pulse while thinking, *damn it Harpor! Why did you let down your guard? Nogaro somehow knocked the super saiyan out of you.* Harpor still had a pulse, but it was faint. *There’s nothing we can do for you now, just hold on.* Boten got up, terrified, and hurt, but was still ready to fight. Sans, whom was to the right of Boten, asked, “is this a loosing fight?” Boten was silent for three seconds, and responded with, “only if we intend on loosing it.” Sans chuckled after Kronos asked, *of course. Are we going out in a blaze of glory?* Boten answered by charging Nogaro.

      The three saiyans attacked Nogaro with flurries of punches, but didn’t seem to do much damage. Boten flew backwards, and charged a ki attack in his hand that made it shine like a falling star. Boten put his hand out, and said, “Galactic Pulse!” Sans managed to hit Nogaro’s stomach before flying out the way, not doing much damage, but staggering him. Nogaro looked up to see the attack, and said, “you little shi-” The bright white wave of ki hit Nogaro, engulfing him. The beam disappeared, but the sphere that was normally at the end of a beam stayed. It started to shine brighter and brighter, until eventually, it could be seen from orbit. Then it exploded, and while the explosion wasn’t much larger than twenty pounds of dynamite, it produced such a large amount of light that it could be seen from the edge of the solar system. Boten was breathing heavily from the effort that it took to make the attack, and as the smoke and dust cleared, Boten wondered, *did that even hurt him?* then, a subtle purple glow came from the smoke, and Boten realized what it was, a second to late. A purple purple beam no larger than a finger shot out from the smoke, and then it pierced Boten’s chest. Boten had tried to move out the way, and only partially succeeded. The beam had pierced his chest, but considering the small amount of blood that cam out of the wound, Boten was sure that it hadn’t pierced any major arteries. Although Boten quickly found out that it hit something almost just as bad. He took a breath, and his he vomited blood. As Boten fell to the ground, he tried to regulate his breathing, taking in as little air as possible. It had pierced his lung, and now Boten was slowly drowning in his own blood. Thanks to saiyans’ durability, he would be able to survive half an hour like this, but the pain was nearly unbearable for him, and his vision darkened.

      Kronos, for the first time in his life that had spanned hundred of years, (due to his non-saiyan blood) was scared. *Scared is too weak of a word, right now, I’m terrified.* Kronos shot a wave of black fire from his hand as Sans shot a blue ki ball at Nogaro. He simply flew upwards to dodged the two blast, causing them to collide, and explode. Sans appeared above Nogaro, and attempted to strike him, but Nogaro blocked, and did a flip, kicking Sans into the ground. A purple light emitted from Nogaro’s hand as he aimed it towards Sans. Kronos quickly flew at Nogaro to intercept, but Nogaro sent him flying backwards by waving his hand in his direction, making a shockwave. Nogaro then released a volley of ki waves, just as Sans started to get up. Sans screams were barely heard over the explosions of the volley of ki. Once Nogaro had finished, Sans was in a crater, unconscious. Kronos got up, just as Nogaro flew downwards. “It’s your turn go die, warlock.” Nogaro’s power doubled, and he appeared in front of Kronos. Before Kronos could react, Nogaro pierced Kronos’ stomach with his metal hand. Kronos fell to the ground, barely being able to mutter a spell to slow his death. He then lost consciousness. Nogaro laughed, “despite all the time that has passed, you have not surpassed my new found power! Even with two super saiyans at your side, you can do nothing to stop me.” He aimed his hand at the ground, and a bright red ball of energy appeared. Nogaro flew in the air, and said, “I don’t need this planet anyways.” Then he fired the blast.

      Just before the blast hit the ground, it stopped, and over the loud whirl of sound that the ball of energy made, a female voice could be heard. “Make that three super saiyans.” Nogaro’s eyes opened wide as his ball of energy came back at him, nonetheless, he dodged it, and looked to see who had done that. It was Mitaku and Imato.

    • #15021

      Sorry for the typos guys, I didn’t realize how many my chapters have until I read this one myself. From now on, I will be proof reading it. (Also, sorry for the lack of a chapter name)

    • #15023

      Based on how far I’m getting in the writing, at this moment, I will release the next chapter Sunday, unless I have wifi problems, (like what happened with the last chapter.)

    • #15025

      Amazing way to introduce lach.

      I really liked The balancing in filler And fighting.

      The cómic relief was amazing!

      Nice way to bring back mitaku!

    • #15028

      Hey dbzfan I am back, sorry for not coming often anymore I just got alot of work to do with school and with a minecraft server where I’m a staff on. Anyways back now!

    • #15034

      This is so cool!! I’d love to be in this…. Can I join? I’ll put my character in this.

      Name: Ken
      Age: 14 1/2

      Backstory: Born in the year 3038, he grew up to be a half breed saiyan with android-like feats, he received his android arm during a bombing in his house, he was protecting his dog when the explosion pushed him back, he hit a wall.. part of his house fell on his right arm. he was taken to the hospital, the doctors left him for a moment then a psycho technical geek took him away and made his android like arm. When he got home his parents were worried.. “I’m fine” Ken told his parents. the next few weeks were normal until.. he saw his father throw his mother down into the tile.

      His saiyan instinct took over and he couldn’t stop it. Ken tackled his father and beat him to death out of rage, he later saw his dead mother on the tiles. Out of rage his ki grew and his house collapsed, police arrived on the scene with no trace of Kem, only his dead parents. He became a hitch hiker. Trying to get rides around the world, he eventually made his way to Canada, where he met the guy who replaced his arm, his name was Dr.Mik, he thanked Mik for fixing him, then he went on and was taken in by a monk.

      They were gonna shave his wavy brown hair when his instincts kicked the razor away and he leaped to the rail and the monk knocked him out with a chop to the nape. He was trained by him for 3 years. He found a ship stuck in the mountain he was on. he went back to his father figure to tell him about it, then he found out he was slaughtered by his strongest pupil, Quincy, he then, out of pure rage, fought Quincy and eventually beat him. Out of his sorrow and anger he took the ship, not knowing how to operate it, took it into orbit, it was set on a destination already, so he let it go there, he then realized this was Frieza’s old ship he used to go to Earth, it was stuck in the side of the mountain. Ken trained himself for another year, unlocking a false super saiyan state. He went to get stronger to help anyone, or anything, in need.

    • #15048

      I’ll try to find a place for him, although I don’t know the point of having him be a false ssj… expecially since there’s already three ssj.
      Don’t worry (if your reading this) your character will be a character that stays with the main ones, but there just wasn’t a point in having him fight Nogaro….
      No need to be sorry. The one comment where I said that Harpor send to be the one person who stayed around was just joking around…

    • #15053

      @creaters of characters
      Do you want your characters to have romantic relationships? If so, do you want it to be with a character you made, (meaning make a new character) do you want me to make them a partner, or do you want it to be with a character already in the plot? If so, who?

      • #15098

        @dbzfan you’ll see why I am adding the Fssj form for Ken.. I’ll put up my story in a bit.. so explain it..

    • #15055

      I leave it up to you, but remember that Harpor’s only 14 so hes really not a candidate.

    • #15057

      Well, about a year has passed, so he’s fifteen, Kasan is sixteen, Mitaku is sixteen, Boten is fifteen, and Zoro is fourteen. At least I think that’s how old they are now, I don’t feel like going to the original post and checking their starting ages. Also, I know some fourteen year olds with girlfriends. Heck, I know sixth graders that are pregnant…. But um, yeah. I can make up a girl or guy crazy enough for Harpor if you want. After all, it’s optional

    • #15060
      Ken Uchiha

      Id like to join your roleplay can i? If you say yes ill give you his info

    • #15063
      Ken Uchiha

      My name is buko
      Age unknown
      Race:saiyan god
      Powerlevel:before i was sealed 14trillion.after i was sealed 2million.
      When im ssj my powerlevel is 10million
      Ssj2 its 40million
      Ssj3 its 70million
      ??? Its ????
      My powers are kamehameha kiokenx2,x3,x10,x20. Burst bomb . ball of annihilation. Wrath of the destroyer. Nickname:Lightning Flash and the juggernaught. Why is that my nickname? Because thats what i specialize in speed and stregth.my speed is greater than gokus at ssj3. But my stamina and reaction time cant keep up with my speed so i keep it under wraps and my stregth matches ssj1 goku for now.
      Transformations. Im am currently unable to transform. After training i may be able to

    • #15065
      Ken Uchiha

      My background…
      I was a being created for the sole purpose of annihilation i was meant to annihilate everything in the universe. But there came a day when i found a real purpose the day i ment champa and berus to beings whos powers were even greater than my own. My purpose was to train and kill them so i did train and i unlocked a power called the kami seriya aka the god slayer. In the transformation my powers level was 999quadtrillion and i killed berus and champa but when i did i no longer had a purpose so i created something my own planet to train on it was called kami flash. But one day my powers went outta control and was a threat. I so all the kais and whis and vanpos had to work together tp seal my power so here i am years later in a body of a 14 year boy with hair like this saiyan vegeta but its white has a somewhat athletic build and is perfect brown. My memory is getting fuzzier though

    • #15068

      well one thing about your guy idk everyone’s max bp now adays so idk if 2 mil is op hint hint dbzfan make a bp list hint hint

    • #15069

      Well, um. I don’t know what their power levels should be. From now on, if you want a character added in (chances are low) then just label them as: weak, average, strong, or op. It’s pretty self explanatory, if it’s a weak, Freeza minion type person, then do weak. If it’s about the same as the current strength of the characters, do average. Is they’re a little above the average characters (like Mitaku) then do strong. If they are one punch man type person, (this rank is available for villains only, or if I decode to make a good guy that strong, like how Wind will be.) Quick question, (it’d be appreciated if you answered the romance one first, united you don’t want your character to have a mate,) who do you think will die next? Because someone is going to die in this fight. >) muahaha!

    • #15070

      Just read the new chapter 10/10 once again man and I love how you introduced Lach and as for the romance question…I wouldn’t mind and I don’t have any ideas for a female character..so, do whatever you want with the comedic idiot. Anyway great chapter hyped for the next one as always!

    • #15072
      Ken Uchiha

      Dbzfan is 1million op?

    • #15073
      Ken Uchiha

      I am no longer able tp use god slayer.also dbzfan can you tell if your gonna accept or deny buuko

    • #15074

      Well, I’m not sure. I can defiantly put him in the plot, but his backstory interferes with the plot I have set out. Not to mention that having your character’s race, have the name god in it (also the fact that he killed gods) is a little op. Just saiyan.

    • #15080
      Ken Uchiha

      Ok and race is a saiyan and i his power was sealed away so he can no longer kill a god and power level change from 2million to 15k. And how does his backstory interfere and ill change it thanks for the reply

    • #15081
      Ken Uchiha

      And his race has god in the name is a rank …

    • #15083

      I need Beers alive, so he can’t have killed beers, or Champa.

    • #15084

      You can do whatever you Want With Harpor aslong as you Dont make ir cheeeeezyyyy

    • #15088

      let me answer that romance question now and imma say wutever u want

    • #15095
      Ken Uchiha

      Dbz fan so the gods are gonna be made up orin and tenshi and he is 5″7

    • #15099

      Chapter 2 Of Ken’s Story: Ken walks out of his room looking out into the abyss that is space, “Where am I heading to?” he asks himself. The ship takes a turn and Ken topples over onto a button, a hatch opens behind a crane arm and it reveals katchin plated suits of the frieza army. Ken stares at them, “The crap is this?”. The ship stops to a halt and Ken gets sent by the stop into the control center. He sees the planet wondering where he is. “What is this place?” he asks himself. He decides to grab the armor and put it on, he puts on the one with no shoulder pads and puts on the black spandex, “This feels weird..”, he leaps out of the ship trying to adjust to the gravity and the environment looks.
      Ken walks into town and tries to greet the life on the planet but they cower in fear that he is a Frieza soldier. “Sorry if I seem scary to you little guys.. but I’m a good guy, promise”, he looks at the little yellow creatures with pointy ears, no nose, robes, and little dots on their heads. One brave elder walks up to Ken and says, “Please don’t hurt us”, Ken replies, “I’m not gonna kill you.. what makes you think that?”. The Elder wipes his forehead. “Thank goodness! Anyway, we are the Ralks, the creatures of knowledge. I am the elder of this village, you startled us into thinking you were one of Cycro’s soldiers..”, Ken looks confused, “Who’s Cycro?”, the elder replies with,” He is an evil and corrupted warrior.. who enjoys watching innocence die..” Just then the village is bombarded with multiple concentrated ki blasts, “Oh no!” Ken shouts as buildings explode. Many of Cycron’s soldiers that survived Harpor’s rage were attacking nearby planets on their way to the Acrosian homeworld to accept a new leader. Many try and kill the elder who contains much knowledge. Ken takes blasts for the Elder, he then kills some soldiers with an explosion of blasts.
      A few Elite soldiers bombarded Ken with attacks but he was just strong enough to take the hits. When Ken eventually took the tanks and what he thought were all the troops, he saw a sight he never wanted to believe was true. He saw a whole army of over 1,500 soldiers! “No! no no no!!” Ken began to charge at the soldiers but they eventually overpowered him, leading them to the Elder. Ken began to stop the soldiers but failed and saw the elder get slashed at by a ki whip wielding soldier. As he saw that horrendous feat, he unlocked his potential. He somehow felt more emotion in the little creatures and their elder than his parents or his teacher. He was being held down by many soldiers. His eyes started to glow but not the normal Super Saiyan color, but as black as the darkness of the void, his whole eyes were black, more than the pupil. His hair turned silver like silver itself, his power pulsed like a heart beat. The soldiers laughed then that soon turned into a terrified look. Ken looked up at the army commander, who was the strongest of them all, he vanished from the soldiers arms. He then appeared standing, looking at the commander. “I won’t allow you to hurt any more innocence. Looking angry, Ken quickly grabbed the commander’s neck and crushed it with his bare hands.
      The commander coughed up some blood, Ken smashed him into the floor and got back up looking at the soldiers. If you value your lives, leave now or I will slaughter you. All the soldiers laughed thinking that they can take him, Ken thought When will they learn? so he then jumped and spin kicked the closest soldiers and they slammed into the ground, the other soldiers went at him shooting him with their blasters, he easily deflected most of them but the final one hit him in the jaw and his head jerked up, “Don’t make the beast angry” he said staring at the one who shot him. He started charging up and the ground shook, he released an explosive wave killing all the soldiers. He looked at the creatures who were hiding around, he saw through the materials, but only for a short period of time. He eventually calmed down and returned to his base form. What had he experienced? “What.. happened?”, The elder, still clasping for life coughed. Running to the elder Ken stopped and held him n his arms,” Elder? Elder?!”, he smiled and spoke, “Leave me child.. take my knowledge with you, pass it on to your soon to be friends”, Ken screamed in sorrow, “Elder!!”.
      He was wearing his Gi again flying away with the knowledge om how to operate the ship, thanks to the elder. Ken flew the ship through space and eventually made a stop at a planet. He sensed some powers on that planet that were out of the ordinary. he jumped off the ship as it landed walking off in the distance.


      What will Ken face next? Find out on the next chapter of the Ken Arc.

    • #15100

      I will have to ask that you refrain to posting backstories to character entries (and right now I don’t need any, I’m not sure if thegodchaos’ character will be added yet) and your own post. Please and thank you 🙂
      Thank you for making the character, but right now, I’m just so far ahead in the story, and have most of the plot set out, so don’t get to hopeful about him being added, sorry. You can make your own fan fiction about him 🙂
      (In other, unimportant news, yay, one hundred comments! ^_^)

    • #15102
      Ken Uchiha

      Dbzfan thanks for the replies but looks like buuko is dead i cnt make him a fanfic he wouldnt have support and i wouldn’t know where to start it sucks but it is what it is so you didnt even have a proper life buko but rip

    • #15103
      Ken Uchiha

      Well bye now

    • #15136

      Two days til the release, time to give you a sneak peak at the next chapter. (P.S. Creator of Wind, don’t worry, he will be added this next chapter, but near the end.)
      Mitaku fell to her knees as Nogaro followed up with a kick to her face, sending her flying backwards. This once again put Mitaku in enough pain to incapacitate her. She tried to get up, but was only able to get on one knee. She looked up at Nogaro, and tried to sense her friends power. They were all incapacitated as well, there was no one to save her, no one with the power to stop Nogaro. She didn’t close her eyes as Nogaro walked up to her, and created a red ki ball, aimed at her head. The blast was only a inch from her face, but she didn’t close her eyes, or look away. She would face her death like a true saiyan. Then, a sudden burst of sound rang out through the battle field, only a few yards behind Nogaro. Mitaku quickly realized that it was music, and she recognized the song: “deftones, engine no. 9.” Just as Nogaro turned, a beacon of golden light ten yards wide shot upwards, parting the dark clouds above. It was the light of a super saiyan. While Mitaku couldn’t see Nogaro’s face, she could hear his tone of fear. “You…” Even though the other person’s voice seemed nonchalant, she could hear it over the loud hum of energy, and the howling winds. “Now, tell me I don’t know how to make an entrance.”
      See you next chapter!

    • #15138

      BetterThanGoku? xD

    • #15140

      I remember him, *chuckles*, I need some more humor characters in this.

    • #15181

      1. Cool chapter! (latest chapter)
      2. Sorry for my late comment (So I wrapped it all in one :P, been busy)
      3. What ever you think would fit with Mitaku (Your question about a love interest)
      4. totally hyped for the next chapter!!
      5. Happy Valentines

      And that sums up everything….. Again Sorry

    • #15217

      When chapter coming cuz it sorta late

    • #15225

      Yeah, sorry about that, I forgot that Sunday was valentine’s, so you can imagine can imagine how it was with my girlfriend ?
      Anyways, I’ll try to release it today, tomarrow at the latest. Sorry for the delay, but hopefully, the surprise I packed in the chapter will make up for it. ?

    • #15238

      Here’s the new chapter, enjoy!
      Chapter 12: The Revival

         Nogaro quickly recovered from his shock, and laughed at Mitaku, who was in her super saiyan form. “Ah, so you’re back, super saiyan. Here to destroy another planet?” Mitaku’s aura became more violent for a moment, but she took a breath, and her aura turned normal. After a second, she said, “actually, I came here for redemption for doing so.” Nogaro’s grin disappeared as Mitaku appeared in front of him, and delivered a punch to Nogaro’s stomach, causing him to fold like a beach chair. Nogaro tried to lash out at  Mitaku, but she easily dodged the strike, and followed up by kicking him in the face. She then used her elbow to hit Nogaro’s back, (who was still doubled over,) sending him flying to the ground. His impact made a crater, and the crater only got larger when Mitaku planted her foot on his back, and fired a volley of golden ki blast into his back. Nogaro struggled to get up, and Mitaku let him get on his hands and knees, just to land a kick to his stomach, making him go flying, and land on his side. Mitaku walked to Nogaro slowly as he got up, and Nogaro laughed. “You know, I don’t feel pain anymore, so while you will be hindered by your destruction, I will not.” Nogaro laughed, and Mitaku simply appeared in front of him, and delivered another punch to his stomach, causing him to scream in pain. Mitaku said calmly, “you’re a terrible bluffer. This time, I won’t give you any leverage over me. I will kill you.” She smiled, not in a joyful way, but in a confident manner, “and I’m not even using half my full power.” Nogaro chuckled as he backed away from her. “You know, you’re a terrible liar Mitaku. You’re using about eighty percent of your power. and now, I’m going to show you terror, and use my full power.” Nogaro’s power jumped, getting even higher than Mitaku,  but it was promptly interrupted by a rapid volley of melee attacks from Mitaku. Mitaku ended the brutal assault with a golden ki ball that pushed Nogaro back twenty yards. Once it dissipated, Nogaro smiled, “too late.” He appeared in front of Mitaku, now at his full power, and punched Mitaku.

         Nogaro was confused, he had punched Mitaku in the left cheek, and her head had turned, but her body didn’t move. She turned her head so that it was once again facing Nogaro. “Well Nogaro, that was a letdown.” She kneed Nogaro’s stomach, then head butt him, each one making a sound like a lightning bolt. Nogaro returned with a ki blast to Mitaku’s stomach, sending her flying into the air. She was able to push it away, but Nogaro then followed with two more, smaller ki blast. Mitaku’s eyes widened, “damn!” She flew away from each of the attacks that could destroy Everest, and they followed her. Mitaku stopped, then launched full speed past Nogaro. This made him laugh, “you think that I would allow myself to be hit with my own attack?” As he turned, he figured out why Mitaku really flew past him. She landed a punch to his face, sending him flying into the air, and since he no longer had control of the attacks, they dissipated. Nogaro recovered, and became angered as he saw Mitaku fly at him. The two exchanged attacks in the sky, producing shockwaves and light. Mitaku’s gold aura against Nogaro’s dark purple aura. Meanwhile, Imato was down on the ground, doing his best to heal the others, starting with Boten. He was able to heal the lung and most of the muscle, but didn’t have enough healing liquid to heal him completely, and then heal the others. Boten awoke, and Imato said, “Mitaku’s fighting Nogaro now, you’re in no shape to fight, the most you can do right now is sit up. I’m going to go heal your other friends.” Boten nodded, and sat up as Imato went to go heal everyone else. Boten looked through the sky for the two fighters. He found them, but couldn’t register too much of what happened, due to his labored breathing and extreme pain coursing through his ribs, which blurred his vision.

         After another clash of light and attacks, Mitaku launched at Nogaro, and threw a punch at him. Nogaro caught her attack, then returned with a punch of his own, only to be caught by Mitaku. The two fighters, struggling to get their fist free from each other, started to knee and kick each other, but each attack was countered by the other’s. Then, they started to head butt each other at the same time, but with no effect. Finally, Mitaku opened her mouth as if to say something, but instead of words coming out her mouth, a wave of golden ki came out, hitting Nogaro’s face. This forced him to let go of Mitaku’s hand and vice verse, and it pushed him backwards. Mitaku kicked Nogaro’s side, sending him flying, but before she could pursue, Nogaro shot a red wave of ki, surrounded by black lighting. The blast hit Mitaku in the stomach before she could react, destroying part of her armor, as well as the blue undershirt. Thus revealing her abdomen, as well as a scar that she had obtained from when Zae pierced her stomach with a exposed support beam. Mitaku returned with a large volley of ki attacks that Nogaro blocked by crossing both arms. Both fighters took a few seconds to breathe. Then, Nogaro smiled, “I will win this fight, do you wish to know why?” Mitaku scoffed, and then replied sarcastically “oh yes, please tell me my fatal weakness.” Nogaro chuckled silently, “you aren’t using all of your power, and so you won’t beat me. You value the lives of the people around you more than winning this fight. To me, everyone is expendable.” Mitaku tensed, “and that, is why I will kill you. You say I will lose, I say otherwise.” Dark clouds gathered, making strong winds, and Mitaku’s aura brightened, and enlarged. Becoming a beacon of light in the sudden darkness that she created.” She was now using all of her power, and it showed when she struck Nogaro, and they could feel the shockwave on the ground.

         The two fighters, now perfectly even in power, spanned the sky and ground in their battle, destroying all of their surroundings (which included of a massive crater made by Nogaro’s explosion). Creating even more craters in the scarred ground. Imato looked worried as he tried to mend Harpor’s broken rib cage, “damn it Mitaku, if you don’t power down soon, you may lose all control and destroy this planet.” Imato looked upon the battle between two legends, worried for not only his life, but most of the saiyan race. Nogaro hit Mitaku’s face, tearing her lips, making even more blood go down her face. Mitaku immediately returned with a kick to Nogaro’s arm, making the joint break, and go to the opposite side of Nogaro’s arm, causing him to scream in pain. Another stream of oil came from his metallic body. Mitaku found it odd, for her opponent to not to bleed, but instead, leak oil. Mitaku trusted her hand out, palm flat, making a shockwave that slightly staggered Nogaro. She then continued this attack three more times, finishing with a much more powerful shockwave that sent Nogaro flying. Nogaro recovered, and used the opportunity to catch his breath along with Mitaku. The latter of which now had multiple cuts along her face, arms, legs, and stomach. While she was not completely covered in blood, she did have a fair amount of blood on her. The left sleeve of her blue undershirt  was now missing, and her right sleeve, as well as her leggings, had multiple holes and tears, revealing part of her bare arms and legs. Nogaro was also covered in scratches, and dents. Both of which leaked oil. Both fighters were tired, and unsure what the outcome of the fight would be. Mitaku thought in an angered manner, *damn, I need to finish this, now!* Mitaku powered up a blast of ki in her hand, capable of destroying mountains. Nogaro charged a blast of his own, and both fighters prepared to fire at the same time. Mitaku looked at the sky as she put more power into her attack, “this is for you Kasan, I will avenge you, brother.” She looked back at her opponent, whom had just launched his attack. It was massive, red, and was surrounded by black coils of energy. Mitaku brought her fist backwards, and instead of firing the ki, launched herself, headfirst, into the attack. Keeping the fist with her ki, in front of her.

         The two attacks collided, and Mitaku’s attack tore through Nogaro’s. Nogaro’s eyes widened, she replicated Kasan’s attack, without the outstanding speed of course, but with much more power. Nogaro had no time to react, and Mitaku’s attack hit true, right into Nogaro’s stomach, releasing all of the power into a single point, making one of the most devastating attacks ever recorded in history. The strike produced a sound loud enough to make Boten, Imato, and everyone within a half mile, ears bleed. While it didn’t do as much damage as it would’ve if Kasan had done it, it still did a great amount of damage. Nogaro looked down at his stomach, and saw that his stomach was now concave. He took a shaky breath, due to the pain of having his intestines crushed, although it was unneeded. After all, arcosians can go for months without a single breath. Nogaro, due to his endurance, could survive a week with his intestines destroyed. Nogaro looked up at Mitaku with a look of burning hate, “you, bitch!” He lashed out, and grabbed Mitaku’s throat, holding her at arm’s length. “You insufferable saiyan,” as he spoke, he flew further upwards, until those on the ground couldn’t see them. Nogaro continued, “you have dealt me pain, and I shall deal it upon you, TEN-FOLD!” He started to glow with a dark purple aura, and while Boten couldn’t see them, he could sense what was happening. *Mitaku, you have to move!* Although Boten was helpless to save her.

         Despite the threat, Mitaku smiled. To answer Nogaro’s look of confusion, Mitaku kicked his already destroyed stomach, causing him to let go of her. She then followed up with a kick from her other leg, pushing Nogaro further back, although his aura still surrounded him. Nogaro only looked more enraged, “you maggot!” His aura became more intense, to the point that it was constantly flashing, and sending strong winds in every direction. Mitaku realized what he was doing a second to late. She crossed her arms over her torso, attempting to block the attack. Then, for good measure, created a shield using her ki, but in her haste, was only able to shield herself where she didn’t have warenia armor. (meaning she only shielded the blue undershirt/ pants.) Then, an explosion unfurled, with Nogaro being the center. The explosion created such winds, that even the people on the ground, and people miles away could feel the incredible winds that it produced. As for the size of it, to put it simply, you could see the blast from orbit. While it didn’t make as much noise as Mitaku’s attack, it still made a sound that rivaled nitrogen bombs. Once the dust cleared,  both fighters, hurt and worn out, descended to the ground. When Boten saw the shape that Mitaku was in, he was shocked. The warenia armor had been completely destroyed, leaving only the blue under armor, (or whatever you wish to call it,) but even that was in bad shape. The left sleeve was completely destroyed, all the way up to her collarbone, but still concealing her modesty. Although a strap of white bra was visible in her shoulder. Her other sleeve  was destroyed up to her shoulder, revealing just how burnt and bloody her arms were. Her left pants leg was destroyed up to the top of her knee, and the other pants leg was torn and ripped in multiple places, but not as severely as her left leg. As for her torso, her bloody stomach was visible due to the blast from earlier, but other wise, it was just torn and ripped in multiple places. Nogaro was dented, cut, and partially melted. Mitaku was the only one breathing heavily, (due to the fact that he didn’t need air.) Although both fighters looked worn out. *Damn, I’m not sure if I have the strength left to finish him…* The two warriors were only about ten yards away from each other, and Mitaku tried to take a step, but immediately collapsed in pain. Mitaku attempted to get up, but was only able to get on her hands and knees. Her vision was blurring, although she wasn’t sure if it was from loss of blood, or pain. She looked up, and saw Nogaro laughing, he said something, but Mitaku’s hearing was failing, so it sounded like Nogaro was speaking through water. Nogaro aimed his hand at her, and a red ball of light appeared in his hand. *This is the end,* she thought, *I’m going to die.* Imato had other ideas.

         Imato appeared at Nogaro’s side, and kicked him in the back of the leg, forcing Nogaro to one knee. Imato then followed up with using his other leg to knee Nogaro’s face, making him slightly stumble backwards. Imato was now in front of Nogaro, and jumped back, following it with a volley of blue ki blast. After the attack ended, and there was no disruption from the smoke and dust he kicked up, and so Imato ran to his niece, hoping to heal her, even if it wasn’t completely healing, and was just enough to keep her alive. Mitaku’s eyes closed as she collapsed, and she heard her uncle speaking to her, but couldn’t understand his words. She couldn’t feel anything, she couldn’t hear anything, she couldn’t see anything. Then she felt healing liquid be poured on her face, and she woke up. She sat up and opened her eyes, Imato was smiling at her, and said, “you’re alive!” Mitaku huffed, “don’t sound so surprised.” Imato just chuckled, “that’s my girl.” He helped her up, and then, he opened his mouth to say something else, but Mitaku never got to know what he would say. There was a flash of violent purple light behind Imato, silhouetting him, followed by the loud hum of energy. Imato’s eyes opened in shock as the ki attack that Nogaro launched, burnt off his back. He fell against Mitaku, he was now nothing more than dead weight. It happened so fast, and it took Mitaku a few seconds to register what happened. She remembered one of the last conversations that she and Imato had. ‘Mitaku seemed to glare at him, “you don’t have to come help me kill Nogaro, after all, you’re not very strong. I don’t want you to die.” Imato chuckled, “I’ll be fine Mitaku.”‘ Now here he was, dead. Imato’s body fell out of her arms, and before Mitaku could attack Nogaro, he flew at her, and delivered a kick to her bare stomach, causing her to cough out blood. Mitaku fell to her knees as Nogaro followed up with a kick to her face, sending her flying backwards. This once again put Mitaku in enough pain to incapacitate her. She tried to get up, but was only able to get on one knee. She looked up at Nogaro, and tried to sense her friends power. They were all incapacitated as well, there was no one to save her, no one with the power to stop Nogaro. She didn’t close her eyes as Nogaro walked up to her, and created a red ki ball, aimed at her head. The blast was only a inch from her face, but she didn’t close her eyes, or look away. She would face her death like a true saiyan. Then, a sudden burst of sound rang out through the battle field, only a few yards behind Nogaro. Mitaku quickly realized that it was music, and she recognized the song: “deftones, engine no. 9.” Just as Nogaro turned, a beacon of golden light ten yards wide shot upwards, parting the dark clouds above. It was the light of a super saiyan. Nogaro turned, and while Mitaku couldn’t see Nogaro’s face, she could hear his tone of fear. “You…” Even though the other person’s voice seemed nonchalant, she could hear it over the loud hum of energy, and the howling winds. “Now, tell me I don’t know how to make an entrance.” It was Kasan’s voice.

         Mitaku wasn’t sure if her hearing was failing again, after all, *Kasan is dead right? Kronos said so.* Then, she lost consciousness. Kasan took a look around the battle field, “so, Nogaro, you sure haven’t got any weaker. Then again, neither have I.” Nogaro was still in a state of shock, and when Kasan saw his face, he grinned, “why are you so surprised? After all, you made it out, why wouldn’t I find a way to cheat death?” Nogaro glared at Kasan, although Kasan knew that it was just Nogaro trying to hide his fear. Kasan chuckled, “you’re going to be dead  within thirty seconds. As a matter of fact, does anyone have a timer?” Nogaro scoffed, “as arrogant as always. Even as a super saiyan, you won’t beat me Kasan.” Nogaro launched a massive red  wave of energy, surrounded by lightning, and was scorching the ground. Kasan simply scoffed, and walked into the attack. Once the attack disappeared, Kasan was fine, not even scratched, and still walking. He stopped once he was a few meters in front of Nogaro. “You killed my family, and I promised that I would avenge them.” Kasan’s attitude turned serious, and he took an I-pod off his belt, and turned off the music, “now I’m going to show you why my family calls me the avenging angel.” His hand suddenly became brighter than the sun, then Kasan, almost just as fast, moved in front of Nogaro. Before the latter could react, Kasan planted his hand into Nogaro’s destroyed stomach. Kasan’s hand glowed brighter, and there was a flash, and a golden beam had gone through Nogaro’s stomach. The beam disappeared, and everything seemed calm. Then the loud hum of energy returned,  and Nogaro grew continuously brighter, until his entire body seemed to glow like a small sun. Then, an explosion that looked similar to a supernova shot outwards from Nogaro. It did no damage to any of their surroundings, it only produced a small wind. He fell to the ground, seeming to be incinerated from the inside out, until there was nothing but ashes. Kasan remained calm, and stationary the whole time. Kasan looked at the ashes, as if checking to see if they were alive. He then said silently, “I have avenged you, Sarena. Goodbye, sister.”

          He then turned his attention over to his friends, looking towards Boten first, since he was the only one conscious. Boten simply nodded in Mitaku’s direction, indicating that she needed the most help. Kasan flew over to Mitaku, after reverting to his normal form. He rolled Mitaku onto her back, then fed her a senzu bean, although since she was unconscious, he had to manually feed her it, which included moving her jaw so she could chew, then massaging her throat to make her swallow. She immediately woke up, and seemed to be in a state of shock when she opened her eyes. “Kasan?” He grinned at her surprised face, “you miss me sis?” This shocked Mitaku, he said it so effortlessly, and considering that his sister was killed, and now he considered her his sister. Mitaku hadn’t quite comprehended what that mention to Kasan. Kasan chuckled and said, “don’t worry about Nogaro, he’s dead, I’m going to go help the others. He helped Mitaku up, and when he looked at the corpse of her uncle, he said, “we’ll give him a burial, but first, we need to help the others.” Mitaku nodded, hugged him, (in a sisterly way) and took some of the senzus to help the others. After healing them, And informing them what happened, everyone was silent for a  count of twenty. Kronos was the first to speak, *I don’t understand, I saw you in the other world. How are you alive?* Kasan chuckled, “I remember you too Kronos. As for how I’m alive, I’ll explain that later, but right now, we need to give Imato a proper burial.” Everyone nodded, and Sans asked, “how did he want it to go?” Mitaku almost immediately answered, “he wanted the classic saiyan burial.” Boten and Kasan nodded in agreement, but the others didn’t know what that was. Mitaku quickly explained it, and they started it. Mitaku picked up her uncle, and everyone gathered in a circle. The saiyans, when their race was new, where similar to the Vikings, but with more power, and funnily enough, their burials were as well. When Vikings would burn their dead on a boat, saiyans would blow up the body after throwing them in the air. The higher they go, and the stronger the blast, the more respect they are giving that person. So when Mitaku threw Imato in the air, Mitaku, Boten, Harpor, and Kasan all turned super saiyan. They then put all the power that they could inn a blast, without causing damage to the planet of course. Imato disappeared, going higher until they had a hard time sensing his power. Then, as he started to lose momentum, they all fired their attacks. Despite the altitude, the explosion could still be seen form the surface. The five saiyans were silent for nearly a minute, after Mitaku, Kasan, Boten, and Harpor detransformed. Kasan was the first one to break the silence, “we need to head back to Earth, now.” Boten looked at him in confusion, “why? Shouldn’t we get our equipment fixed first?” This comment made Mitaku suddenly self conscious about how much of her leg was showing, as well as the fact that her bra strap was still visible. Kasan shook his head, “I have a capsule that has some armor that you can wear. Although right now, we need to get to Earth. Remember how a demon possessed Zae? Well it’s still alive. I’ll explain how on the ride home. I know you only have four space pods, which is why I brought a spaceship of my own, made by capsule Corp. I’m aware that yours was destroyed by the gravity Mitaku.” Mitaku nodded, but wondered how he knew. Kasan turned around, and threw a capsule. The capsule released smoke, smoke cleared revealing a spaceship. You know how it works. Our five heroes got in the spaceship (which was the size of a human house) and flew off into space. Kasan showed everyone their rooms, and Mitaku immediately took the chance to change into a set of armor that wasn’t destroyed, leaving her destroyed shirt and pants on the floor. Kasan just sat in the main room while she, and everyone else got non destroyed armor. The room contained a gravity machine, and the controls for the ship. *I hope hope that North Kiao is wrong. I can’t stand anymore deaths.*

         As soon as he was done thinking the thought, everyone came back in. Boten was the first to speak, “I think that you owe us some explanations, starting with: how the hell are you alive, and what took you so long?” Kasan laughed at this, “yeah, I guess I should explain that. Well, I’ll tell you how other world was. I didn’t go to heaven, or hell. I went to a small place called North Kiao world. There was this fat guy who was apparently a god. Long story short, he trained me, as well as my sister, Sarena.” Silence fell upon the room. Mitaku raised an eyebrow, and asked, “the one Nogaro killed?” Kasan nodded, and still had a small grin. “Yeah. North Kiao didn’t look strong, but he was pretty powerful, nowhere near our strength though. I was able to see you guys from time to time, as well as the rest of my family. Except for my brother, but the reason for that is another conversation. When I saw you guys fighting Nogaro, I knew you’d be outclassed. Hell, I would have been outclassed if Kiao didn’t help me improve that attack. Anyways I knew you’d be outclassed, so I begged Enma to let me come back to earth, even if it was just long enough to complete my goal.” When his friends gave him a confused look, he laughed and said, “oh, right. Enma is basic,y the person who runs other world. He judges who’s good and who’s bad. When I asked him, he laughed and said no. Then another Kiao came and told Emma that he had a plan, and I was required . Enma nodded, and said, ‘yes, supreme Kiao.’ Enma gave me the senzu beans, as well as the capsule. The way I got here in the first place is a technique called, “instant transmission.” It allows me to teleport, but only if there’s a power level near the area. North Kiao taught it to me.” Everyone was silent for a few seconds. Then Mitaku spoke up, “how do you know Zae is alive.” Kasan’s expression darkened. “Zae isn’t alive. The demon that took control of him did.” Mitaku simply tilted her head in confusion. Kasan continued, “Akuryō forced a demon to control Zae. He died as soon as the demon took control over him. The demon had access to him memories and power, making you believe that it was still Zae. It’s power kept rising, and eventually, it was too much for Zae’s body as it was. The stress of the power forced the demon to lose its power temporarily, but Akuryō rebuilt the body, and now the demon has complete control over the body, and is now in his “fifth stage,” as he called it. Theoretically, he’s invincible, unless you use the correct technique.” Boten shrugged, “do we know the technique?” Kasan nodded, “I do, but it’s dangerous, and if I mess up even the slightest bit, I’ll die. Again.” He said the last part in such a nonchalant tone, like his death wouldn’t matter, like it was nothing more than a joke. That bothered everyone, especially Mitaku. She had felt terrible, at times even considering ending her own life due to the fact that she killed Kasan. Yet it seemed like Kasan didn’t care about death. 

         The journey back was uneventful, mostly. They all trained, taught each other techniques, (more accurately, Kasan and Kronos taught everyone instant transmission.) and talked. Because when you’re going on a one month journey with people, that’s what you do. (Que Geico commercial.) To the newer members of the group, like Sans and Kronos, Kasan seemed more like a legend than a person. He seemed, artificial, like to him, nothing mattered, nothing was a threat. He seemed like some action movie hero, and they couldn’t decide whether this was good, or bad. Mitaku and Boten worried over this, mainly because they knew how Kasan was before. He was confident, even arrogant at times, but never careless. One night, Mitaku was being troubled by dreams. Dreams filled with Akuryō. She was on Earth, and the planet was scorched, there was dead bodies everywhere. The only living beings was Zae, and her friends, who where fighting Zae. Her friends were slowly killed off, and Mitaku couldn’t move, then, Akuyrō’s voice rang out once all of her friends were killed. “I warned you that Zae would destroy everything, and now you know he’s still alive. The only person protecting Earth, is that weakling Namekian.” Then, Akuryō appeared, but now, he was just fire in the general shape of a human. “Being a deity, I can see some events that will happen in the future. In the future, Zoro will die. Not to much longer, a few months maybe, the earth will be destroyed. Everyone you know and love will die. You will be the last survivor. Unless, you join me. Convince your friends to join me, and you will be spared. You can watch the universe be destroyed, from a safe distance, in your own world, made by you. Your reality, your rules. You could lead an entire civilization, or you could be the only survivors on a planet. Whatever you wish, I only want the I galaxies destroyed. Or else” he waved to a burnt corpse, with torn skin and destroyed armor. Mitaku gasped aloud when she saw that it was her. Akuryō stood still, awaiting her answer. Then, something terrifying happened, Mitaku actually considered his deal. *It’s the best answer, isn’t it?* Mitaku shook her head, “no, damn it! I will not let you control me, get out of my head!* Akuryō had no face, but Mitaku could hear the disappointment in his voice, “as you wish, whelp. You shall be responsible for Kasan’s death once again, as well as the death of everyone else.” Then the planet exploded, and Mitaku bolted awake.

         She sat there, in her bed, and tried to regulate her breathing. She was sweating from fear, and couldn’t forget the dream. After she had calmed herself down, she got out of bed, got some clothes on, and went to the main room. She was surprised when she entered, and it was five hundred times Earth’s gravity. She also was surprised to see Kasan flying around to room, using the training bots to train. (Imagine sphereical, flying things that shoot lasers, and can be turned off via a small button in the side.) When Kasan noticed Mitaku, he momentarily forgot about the bots and took a laser to the face. He then flew down to the controls, turned the gravity off, and deactivated the robots. “Hey, could’ve gave me a warning before I got shot by a robot.” He said it with a joking tone and a grin. Mitaku didn’t feel like smiling. Kasan’s smile disappeared, and he asked her, “what’s wrong?” Although now he was completely serious. Mitaku took a few seconds to consider how to answer. “Akuryō has been giving me dreams. He’s been telling me that everyone will die, the Earth will be destroyed, and it would be my fault.” Kasan’s expression turned grim. “I see. Look, Akuryō was just trying to scare you. That’s all.” Mitaku looked down and thought, *well, he’s succeeding.* They were quiet for a count to ten, then Mitaku said, “I’m sorry.” Kasan’s expression looked like a deer in headlights as he tilted his head. “What for? You haven’t done anything wrong.” Mitaku’s fist clenched, “Kasan, I killed you. It wasn’t Nogaro, it wasn’t Harpor, it wasn’t any bad person or tyrant. I killed you, it was my attack that destroyed that planet, killing trillions of Namekians, along with you.” Mitaku looked up at Kasan, not sure what to expect. He was smiling, and then he laughed, “don’t worry Mitaku, it’s fine, I’m not mad at you. You couldn’t control yourself, and Nogaro edged you in until you shot the blast. It’s not your fault.” Mitaku wanted to argue that, it was indeed her fault. Although Mitaku was too tired to argue. Kasan changed the topic, “Akuryō gave me the same dream you did, don’t worry about it, okay?” Mitaku nodded, and asked him, “you mind if I train with you?” Kasan smiled, “of course I don’t, what gravity do you want to start on?” Mitaku smiled, she was happy that Kasan was alive, but there seemed something, off about him. Although she couldn’t put her finger on it, so she said, “double whatever gravity you were on.” Kasan chuckled, “I missed you sister.” So they trained.

      Hope you liked it! P.S. Wind will be added, in the next chapter.

    • #15240

      The next chapter will be released on Friday.

    • #15246

      Hey guys, just wanted to let you know, I will be making another story, this one is an original, and I will be posting it on another site, not sure which one yet. (Probably wattpad.) here’s a sneak peak at it while you wait for the next chapter (if you read the new one)

      Terrorist Assault: Mission Epsilon

      Chapter one: Recovery Mission Gamma

      October 4, 12:46 A.M.

      Delta opened his eyes, and saw that his visor was shattered, and was splattered with his blood. His mouth was filled with the metallic taste of it. He got up, simultaneously trying to retract his helmet back into his armor. The shattered visor displayed a small yellow square, saying “malfunction.” So he took the helmet off manually, and dropped it on the ground. While he looked at his surroundings, he was trying to remember why he was in this destroyed house. Trying to remember why it was filled with smoke, and everything around him was burning, or dead. Before he could recollect his thoughts, a metal support beam fell, just barely missing Delta. He stumbled backwards, and almost tripped over something, a dead body. Then he remembered what had happened, he had been on a rescue mission, and was bombed. Delta immediately looked for exits, and saw that the door had collapsed, leaving rubble and metal frames blocking the way. He started to cough as he breathed in the superheated air and smoke. Then, he saw a window, the only thing not completely destroyed. He ran towards it, punched the glass three times, shattering it, and prepared to jump. When he looked out, he saw that he was three stories up. I’m not sure if the Epsilon armor will take it. With another fast look around the room, he decided that it was his only choice. The only thing the unstable ceiling supported, was this thought. Delta looked out the window again, and jumped, as the ceiling fell down on him.

    • #15261

      Tell me what you think, should I continue the anti-terrorist book?

    • #15270

      Nice chapter the fight was awesome and I love that Kasan came back! also the anti terrorist thing is actually kinda neat.

    • #15279

      Thank you, for a while there I was worried that people lost interest in this. ^^

    • #15280

      Well that was unexpected o__o but totally awesome! XD Kasan is alive!!! :D. Aslo Anti-Terrorist book was a pretty nice read hope yeah continue it.

    • #15368

      all of your writing is awesome 😛
      btw sorry for being so inactive

    • #15381

      Thank you, also, no need to be sorry. 🙂
      Also I think I might need to clarify the release date. It’ll be this Friday. Sorry if I caused any confusion.

    • #15449

      Since the last chapter was late, I’ll release the next chapter early! After this, I’ll resume regular schedule.

      Chapter 13: The Demon

      A few months later, they arrived at Earth, and we’re almost instantly greeted by Zoro. “It’s about time! There was a saiyan here who kept asking for you guys, do you know him?” Lach almost immediately flew down from the sky, surprising the others, and Boten was the first to speak, “Lach? How did you get here before us?” Lach shrugged, “I got a space pod with a light speed engine.” Harpor whistled, “damn, and you didn’t crash it? Those things are hard to steer.” Lach simply said, “I did crash it.” Harpor answered with, “oh.” Kasan spoke out, “guys, we don’t have time with introductions, Zoro, remember Zae?” Before Zoro could continue, Kasan said, “he’s still alive.” Zoro tilted his head, “how are you alive?” Zoro had just noticed Kasan. Kasan quickly explained how he was alive, and what happened on Vegeta. Zoro didn’t seem shocked at all, then again, he never did. Zoro asked, “when is Zae coming?” He hardly finished the sentence before a massive wave of heat rolled over the grassland, and the sky turned dark. Everyone looked upwards as Akuryō slowly descended to the ground. Now, his fiery form had large, bat-like wings, and a tail. When you hear the word, tail, in the demon context, you think of a little red thing with a pick fork shape at the end. This tail was as thick as his arms, and was covered in large thorn like things. At the end, it had a massive, spear looking tip, easily deadly enough to kill a elephant. He didn’t do anything aggressive, and the seven warriors where frozen due to the shock of his sudden arrival. When he spoke, instead of sounding like three voices at once, now he sounded like one voice, but coming from everywhere. “I have come to warn you, and give you a chance to prove your power, or die. As you know, Zae is alive, and in one month time, I will bring him back to Earth, and he will destroy it. Or, you can kill him. There is a way to avoid both: simply join me, I have sent all of you dreams at different times, warning you what would happen. If you all surrender to me, I will spare you, and your precious Earth. If not,” he put his hand out, palm up, and in it, was a fiery version if Earth. He closed his fist around it, destroying the miniature Earth. “I would say ‘farewell,’ but I do not wish for you to fare well. As a, deity, I cannot tell you otherwise and lie.” He then disappeared, along with the extreme heat and darkness. They were quiet for a count to ten, and Kasan was the first to speak, and to everyone’s surprise, he seemed calm, and had a humorous. “Well then, turns out that Zae is coming in a month.” Harpor sighed with frustration, “damn, I thought we would have some peace for a while.” Kasan laughed, “Harpor, Harpor, Harpor, violence follows us like a bug follows a light, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

      About two weeks later, the seven heroes were in a bar, trying getting drunk. Mitaku had already had eight drinks, Kasan had the same amount, Boten had nine, as well as Sans Kronos. Zoro hadn’t had any, Lach had two, and everyone stopped counting how many drinks Harpor had. Harpor was busy laughing and telling jokes, Sans was flirting with another saiyan female wearing a denim jacket, white shirt and jeans. The girl was actually smiling and laughing at his jokes. Harpor told them a story about how he crashed a spaceship on a completely metal planet, then joked, “I am something only seen every one thousand years, the legendary spaceship wrecker!” Everyone laughed at that, except for Kasan, who mildly smiled, and said “I need to go get some air,” quietly, and everyone barely hear him. He got up, and left the bar, leaving his half empty drink on the bar. Mitaku looked after him worriedly, *he’s been acting strange lately.* Harpor saw her worried glance, and chuckled, “go ahead Mitaku, go check on him.” Mitaku looked at Harpor, and nodded in thanks. She got up, and left the bar, trying to find Kasan in the rain. Leaving her empty drink on the bar

      Kasan was on a ridge, looking up at the sky. Even thought the rain hit his eyes, it didn’t hurt, after all, his eyes were used to the wind of flying hundreds of miles per hour. *They don’t know the pain I go through, do they? It’s best that way, I’ve kept them ignorant this long, hopefully I can do so until I die-* his thoughts were interrupted by a female voice. “Kasan, why are you out here?” Kasan turned his head, and saw Mitaku behind him. *Damn it, why is she here?* Kasan smiled and answered truthfully, “I’m just thinking.” Mitaku raised an eyebrow, “out here, in the rain?” Kasan shrugged, and said, “I think better when I’m alone.” Mitaku was quiet for a count to five, then asked, “what’s wrong?” *Damn, I wasn’t discreet enough, was I?* The only thing he said aloud was, “what do you mean?” Mitaku’s eyes narrowed, “at first I didn’t notice, I guess I was to excited. Recently though, I’ve been noticing that you look solemn, or like you’re in pain. Even when you laugh, or smile, you look…” She paused to find the words. “Broken,” she finished. “But I’m sorry.” Kasan sighed, but was still smiling, as if Mitaku was a puppy that did something amusing that didn’t make sense. “don’t worry about it Mitaku, it wasn’t your faul-” Mitaku started to yell at him, “damn it Kasan! Shut up! Don’t say it wasn’t my fault! Don’t fucking say that it doesn’t matter! I killed you Kasan, my own teammate! I wasn’t possessed, I wasn’t forced, it was my attack that killed you. If you’re angry at me, or if something’s wrong, just fucking tell me! Or do you not think of me as your sister? Did you just tell me that to make me happy?” After a pause, Kasan sighed, and turned around, “fine. I’ll tell you the truth. I still think of you as my sister Hell, for what I care, everyone apart of this team is my family. I’m not mad at you Mitaku. I-” he paused, chocking on the words. “I, of all people, have trauma. It’s not because of you Mitaku, I was fine in the other world. Once I left though, my thoughts are filled with the sounds and scenes of battle. Sometimes when I dream, I see my family being killed, or me. It’s been hard to stand, it puts me through emotional pain, and somehow, physical pain as well. I’m sorry for being secretive, but it was my burden to bear. I didn’t want you guys to think that it was your fault, and now I know I was justified.” Mitaku was silent for a few seconds, with tears on her face, although Kasan didn’t know due to the rain. Mitaku said, “thank you, for telling me the truth.” After a moment of silence, Mitaku continued, “You know, we could get you some help, maybe Zoro could help. He is a healer after all” Kasan shook his head, “I’ll be fine.” Mitaku looked like she wanted to argue, but sighed and started to fly away. Before she could, Kasan caught her shoulder, “one more thing I have to tell you Mitaku.” She turned her head towards him. His expression was grim again, “I know Akuryō has been giving you a hard time. If you surrender, or if I catch you trying to,” he said the next words slowly, emphasizing each word. “I, will, kill, you.” This shocked her beyond speech. “I will do the same to everyone else, and if I turn, I expect you to do the same.” Mitaku nodded, although she doubted she could kill Kasan again, even if he was possessed. then asked, “can you come back to the bar at least? Everyone is excited about you being back. You were dead for half a year.” Kasan chuckled as he let go of her shoulder, and even though he was smiling now, he still seemed grim. “Sure.” As they flew to the bar in the rain, Mitaku said, “Harpor idolizes you, you know.” Kasan laughed, and sarcastically said, “really, I didn’t notice!” The two saiyans laughed for a few seconds, then Kasan spoke seriously, although still smiled, “my sister,” he paused, “my real sister, Sarena, idolizes you.” Mitaku was shocked into silence, and only said, “really?” Kasan nodded, “I told her about you, and she was amazed. It’s kind of like seeing a child see his favorite character on a tv show appear.” They were silent the rest of the way to the bar.

      They arrived at the bar with greetings from their friends. Kasan greeted everyone and finished his drink, ignoring the pain in his head, although it wasn’t due to his drink. Kasan pretended not to notice when the saiyan girl that Sans was flirting with kissed Sans. Although Kasan did smile. The rest of the month passed fast, it was just a blur of training and alcohol. Although near the end of the month, after another trip to the bar, Kasan caught Zoro as he was leaving. “Hey, Zoro. I need some help.” Zoro raised his eyebrow. (erm, eye ridge. Namekians have no hair.) “What do you need help with?” Kasan hesitated, “I’ve been having some traumatic problems. They’ve been causing me both mental, and physical pain. I was wondering if you could help.” Zoro shrugged, “sure.” A few days later, they met up in Zoro’s house, and Zoro had Kasan sit on a bed and explained it to him. Zoro nodded, “the kind of trauma you explain would make sense, if you had it in the other world. Death could certainly do that, but you had it after you came back to life. I guess that could cause some trauma, but nothing like you’re experiencing.” He looked thoughtful for a few seconds, then said, “lay down.” Kasan had a look of confusion, and asked, “why?” Zoro replied with, “the way I figured out that I had healing abilities, is that I felt a primal urge to use them, even though I didn’t know how. I’m having that same feeling now.” Kasan nodded, did as Zoro ordered as he positioned his hands over Kasan’s head. Kasan lost consciousness, and then woke up a few seconds later. Kasan was confused, as Zoro looked scared, “what’s wrong.” Zoro took a moment to respond, “your trauma isn’t natural, there’s some sort of demonic interference. I think both you and I know what demon.” Kasan nodded, “Akuryō.” Zoro nodded, and walked over to his phone as Kasan got off the bed. Zoro told Kasan, “I’m going to call Kronos, have him take a look at you. After all, he’s a warlock.” Kasan scratched his head, “that would explain that black fire thing he does.” Long story short, Kasan met up with Kronos, (without letting Sans, Harpor, or Boten know.) and after examining Kasan, Kronos said, *the trauma is caused by Akuryō, which is why he couldn’t effect you in other world. I can remove it, but it will be a long, and painful process.* Kasan chuckled without humor, “I’m no stranger to pain.” Kronos nodded, *indeed, but the pain you bear now, is nothing more than a splinter, compared to the broken bones you will soon obtain.* Kasan nodded, “I would rather have a broken bone for a while, instead of have a splinter for all time.” Kronos nodded, *very well.* the rest of the month was just filled with pain for Kasan, a pain so intense that he couldn’t move, both mentally, and physically. Even when Zae came, he had not fully recovered. Although the trauma was gone. *Well, the pain will only be temporary, and besides, it’s worth it.* He thought as he got a drink from a bar one day. Now, let’s skip the rest of the month, and get to the battle.

      The seven fighters were headed to train, a dark presence fell over the Earth, and Mitaku said what everyone was thinking, “the time had come, we’re finally going to fight Zae.” Akuryō floated down from the dark clouds, and just as he opened his mouth to speak, Kasan said, “you know, you don’t have to do the dramatic entrance every time, it’s kind of loosing it’s vibe.” Akuryō tilted his head, “I could destroy the entire planet if I felt like it.” Kasan shrugged, “and yet you send other people to do it, and look how that’s working out for you.” Akuryō’s head returned to its normal position, “I will tell you why. If you survive this.” Akuryō disappeared, and in his place, Zae appeared, although he was diffrent. His skin was now ebony black, making him look like he was made of space. His head was topped with large red horns that rivaled the size of Freeza’s when he was in his second form. He had massive, bat like wings that seemed to made of fire, and a tail that looked like Akuryō’s, and seemed to be made of steel. Zae’s eyes, while they weren’t constantly bleeding like they used to, they now looked like mini black holes, with a small bright light where his pupil was. Upon seeing them, he smiled, “hello everyone.” His voice now sounded loud, and deep. “Ah, Kasan, back from the dead, are you? So, let’s get to the point.” A black, flame like aura surrounded him, “time to die.”

      Zae rushed towards them, just as Kasan, Boten, Mitaku, and Harpor turned super saiyan. Sans eye activated, and Kronos was surrounded by some sort of ripple in the air, and Zoro took off his wieghted armor. Harpor got to Zae first, but when he punched Zae, it didn’t stagger him. Zae retaliated by attempting to stab Harpor’s chest with his tail, although Harpor was able to move out the way. Then, the other fighters arrived, surrounding Zae and swarming him with attacks, although it seemed ineffective. Suddenly, Zae started to glow red, and then a wave of fire burst end outwards from him, knocking everyone backwards. Zae then yelled, and a volley of red ki blast came flying out from him in every direction. Kasan, Sans, and Zoro dodged the blast, Mitaku and Boten formed a shield around them. Then Kronos disappeared like a mirage, and Harpor just blocked the attacks. After the ki blast stopped coming, Harpor returned with a volley of his own, followed by a wave of fire, shot by Kronos. After the fire and blasts disappeared, Zae was still just floating there, unharmed. Kasan and Zoro flew at Zae, Zoro at the speed of light, and Kasan a slight bit faster. The two fighters hit Zae from every direction, they were both unseeable. Yet, Zae caught their fist as they were going to punch, and then, just as fast as them, punched them both away. Sans and Mitaku assaulted Zae as Harpor created a ki ball. Sans kept dodging Zae’s strikes, and even though his attacks did little damage, each one hit. Mitaku on the other hand, had a hard time hitting Zae, but when she hit, she hit hard. This showed when Sans landed a strike to Zae’s throat, and packed enough force in it to momentarily stun him. Mitaku then appeared behind Zae, and delivered a golden ball of ki into his back, sending him into Harpor’s attack, which he had just fired. The ball pushed Zae into the air, past the clouds, and past their field of vision. Kasan and Zoro had recovered, and had both realized something at the same time. “Where the hell is Lach?!” Kasan had the time to think, *he was here just a minute ago…* and then Zae flew down from the sky, not even scratched. Zae was smiling, and chuckled, “you’re done for.” Sans laughed, “I think not. After all, we have three super saiyans, a badass Namekian, a warlock, and me.” Zae tilted his head, “what’s special about you?” Sans chuckled, “my blue eye, it allows me to know your movements before you make them.” Zae grinned even more widely. “I bet it doesn’t work if you can’t see me.” Sans eyebrows went up, and then his pupils disappeared. Zae had moved at a speed that not even Kasan could track, and had delivered an attack to Sans stomach, making no noise, but sending out a visible shockwave. Sans quickly lost consciousness.

      Kasan, for the first time since his death, felt uneasy, *damn, I’m not sure we can do this.* Zae turned back to the others as Sans unconscious body fell to the ground. “So, who’s next? Perhaps the not-so-legendary super saiyan?” Harpor’s aura became more violent, “you dare taunt me?! After I killed you?” Zae grinned, “I thought that your tiny mind could comprehend that you didn’t kill me.” The Earth seemed to lose color, as all of it seemed to be sucked in towards Harpor. The colors in everything seemed to be sucked into Harpor’s sphereical aura like a black hole sucking up light. Kronos couldn’t be seen, but they could hear his voice, *Harpor! Think, don’t lose your sanity!* For the first time, Harpor ignored Kronos, and assaulted Zae. Kasan, Mitaku, Boten and Zoro flew in to help Harpor, although were helpless when Harpor had his arm peirced by Zae’s tail. Harpor felt no pain, and only yelled, “damn you!” as he once again tried to strike Zae, but Zae caught his arm without trouble. Zae ripped his tail out of Harpor’s arm, not out of the wound, but he ripped it out through the side, tearing through half of Harpor’s right arm. Zae then used his now free tail to slash a cut in Harpor’s gut, then attempted to stab Harpor’s throat, but Harpor quickly flew backwards, and shot out an arch of blasts with his left arm. Zae let the blasts hit him, and returned with a dark purple wave of ki, knocking back Kasan Boten and Mitaku, who had just caught up with Harpor. Harpor was unaffected, due to his circular aura. Harpor was losing an alarming amount of blood, and his power was draining every second, and the colors of everything were returning back to normal. Before Harpor could do anything else, he tried to say, “you mother fu-” but lost consciousness before he could finish.

      Zoro quickly flew over to Harpor, trying to heal him, but before anyone could react, Zae shot a thin beam of red energy through Zoro, an attack that he could have dodged had he been facing Zae. The three fighters attacked Zae with both melee, and ki attacks. Mitaku was constantly wondering, *were is Kronos?!* Nonetheless, she continued to fight Zae, but to no avail. He either blocked or dodged their attacks, and even when they hit, it did no damage. Mitaku flew backwards, and attempted to fire a golden wave of ki, but Zae disappeared, just as Kasan and Boten tried to punch him. This made the two fighters hit each other, and Mitaku had no time to react when Zae appeared above Mitaku, and slammed her head with his elbow, sending her flying downwards. Upon impact with the ground, a crater roughly the size of a Buick formed. Mitaku attempted to get up, but was shot even further into the ground by another wave of ki blasts, each with enough power to destroy mountain ranges had it exploded. Now the only fighters standing were Boten, and Kasan. Before either of them could attack, a large wave of black fire came down from the sky, hitting Zae and consuming him. Both fighters looked up, and saw Kronos high in the sky, surrounded by black fire. Once the wave Kronos shot disappeared, Zae was still standing there, unharmed. “You see, I am invincible, and your petty magic does not harm me.” Zae appeared right in front of Kronos, and before Kronos could disappear, Zae sent out a wave of red fire, blocking out the sky. Once it disappeared, Kronos body fell, steaming, and barely alive. Kasan watched him fall in fear, *Zae’s magic surpasses Kronos’, at least ten fold.* Now, the only fighters left, were Kasan,and Boten. Before they could attack Zae, Kasan noticed something, Boten was breathing, hard. It would make sense for him to be hurt, but tired? The fight had just started. Then it hit Kasan. *He hasn’t got used to the form yet! Mitaku had zenkias from Zae, and then training with her uncle, and I had North Kiao to train me. Boten hadn’t had any kind of training to get him used to his new form.* “Hey, Boten, why don’t you stand back for the rest of the fight.” Boten looked at him incredulously, “why?”

      “You’re not used to that form, it puts to much strain on you.”

      “I’m fine!” Boten flew off to fight Zae, before Kasan could argue further. “Damn it!” Kasan flew after Boten, and was able to quickly catch up, but was unable to stop him from engaging Zae. Boten landed a hit on Zae’s face, an attack that Zae obviously let happen. Boten followed this up by a volley of strikes, jabs, hooks, kicks, knees, but it didn’t effect Zae. Zae interrupted the volley of strikes by landing a punch in Boten’s stomach, and then spun around and kicked Kasan whom had just caught up. Before either of he combatants could strike again, Zae taunted them, “I had hoped that I would get a better fight. Then again, I guess I can’t expect much from a heartless killer,” he looked at Boten, “oh my bad, it’s your father that’s heartless, you made sure of that. Then my other opponent,” he looked at Kasan, “is a mere ghost.” Boten immediately went after Zae, whom simply disappeared. Kasan had a split second to find Zae, and a split second was all he needed to move out of Zae’s way as he tried to pierce Kasan’s spine via his tail. Before Kasan could fight back, Boten flew past Kasan, pushing him out of the way to attack Zae. All of Boten’s attacks were redirected, making Boten only waste his energy. Even once Kasan joined in, Zae was moving to fast for them to land so much as a single successful attack. Boten moved to Zae’s side, under the logic that this meant that he could only use one arm and one leg instead of two. Kasan then followed his example, but Zae still had no trouble stopping them. Zae rotated himself, so that he was floating diagonal. He then used his foot to kick Boten’s stomach, and his fist to hit Kasan’s face. This knocked both fighters backwards, and Zae quickly resumed his upright stance, sent a red ki blast into Kasan’s stomach, sending him flying backwards, then focused on Boten, whom was breathing heavily, and his power was noticeably dropping. Boten flew at Zae, but was quickly stopped by a punch to his face. Zae then unleashed a volley of punches and small ki blast, damaging Boten severely. Zae then stopped the assault, and kicked Boten upwards, sending him flying as Zae turned to focus on Kasan, whom was quickly advancing. Zae did a quick backflip, using his momentum to kick Kasan upwards. He then tried to use his tail to try to cut Kasan in half vertically. Kasan, thanks to his speed and reflexes, was able to fly backwards, dodging the attack, but still having the front of his gi cut, revealing a small amount of his orange undershirt. Kasan tried to counter attack, but was stopped by a red wall of ki, and before he could react, the red ki enclosed him, trapping him in a red cacoon of energy. “Now, you stay there, you can’t hurt me, and I can’t hurt you, at least until that’s released.” Zae then turned his attention to Boten, (who was still flying, due to the speed that Kasan and Zae were fighting, (faster than the speed of light,) and flew after him. Just before Boten stopped his momentum, Zae appeared behind him, clasped his hands together, and hit Boten downwards like someone would a volley ball. Zae then continued this assault, appearing were Boten was being hit to, then hitting him in another direction. Left, right, up down, diagonal, every direction, and Boten was put under too much physical strain due to the transformation, and at this point, it hurt him to breathe.

      Finally, after about ten seconds of this brutal assault, Boten was able to create an explosion as Zae appeared behind him, which shot Zae backwards, but still doing no damage. Zae quickly stopped his momentum, and faced Boten, grinning. “Your almost done, Boten.” Boten simply looked more angered, and launched at Zae. He lost his legendary form before he reached Zae. With a small chuckle, Zae finished Boten off by using his elbow to nearly shatter Boten’s spine, sending him flying to the ground, unconscious. Just then, Kasan had gathered enough power to break free of Zae’s prison, and did so by making an explosion that had the power to level half of Earth. Although it barely broke free of the prison. *Damn, that was a bad idea, now I’ve used up to much of my power… I have no chance at stopping Zae, I never did. Unless…* “Zae! I’m not going to fight anymore, I know it’s a losing battle I’m fighting, so just end it. I only have one request, the attack you use to end me, make it strong enough to beat you as well, I want to see just how powerful you are.” Zae looked confused for a moment, then grinned as he descended to the ground. “Very well Kasan, but it will mean the destruction of this solar system.” Kasan chuckled, “well, it’s not like I can stop you, and you’re going to do it anyways, so just get it over with.” Zae chuckled, and said, “you saiyans. Your pride and stupidity never ceases to amaze me.” Nonetheless, he put his hand out, and a ball of red ki appeared, constantly expanding, until it was the size of a SUV. Then, the blast became more concentrated, and became as big as a golf ball. The whole process took about a minute. “Are you ready to die Kasan?” Kasan said nothing, but smiled. Then a voice rang out on the battle field, “damn it Kasan! You are not dying!” Kasan turned in shocked, it was Mitaku, still okay, but her armor was heavily damaged.

      There was a moment of odd silence between them, and Kasan understood why. He had made a promise, he had promised not to die. *You’re not dying on me Kasan, not again.* Kasan smiled at her look of stubborn refusal, and Kasan winked. It was like she could hear his thoughts, *I promised I wouldn’t die, and I won’t, trust me.* Mitaku took a second, then nodded in understanding, Kasan wouldn’t die that easily. If that demon was Zae, it would have known that. Kasan turned back to Zae, staring death in the face. Mitaku thought she saw something around his hand shimmer, and then she realized, *he must be about to use the technique!* Zae said one word, the last word he would say, “die.” The massive wave of red ki unleashed from Zae’s hand, and shot to Kasan like a bullet shot from a gun. Kasan changed his position, so that his left side was facing the blast. “Goodbye, demon.” Just as the blast was about to hit him, he brought his right fist forward, and while he did the strike in less than a second, to Mitaku, it seemed to take hours. Once his hand hit the blast, the blast exploded. Mitaku couldn’t comprehend it first. The beam kept coming, but when it touched Kasan’s fist, I seemed to implode, and send white particles of energy in every direction. The white particles where also followed by a whirlwind that rivaled hurricane sandy. This went on for about thirty seconds, and finally, the blast disappeared completely, and Zae’s face changed from a triumphant one, to one of confusion. Kasan was now surrounded by the white particles of energy, there was too many to count. Kasan still had his fist out, so he brought it by his side, and stood up normally. Then, all the white particles flew into Kasan, increasing his power to a monumental amount, leaving Mitaku terrified. It was odd, she could tell that his power was huge, but she couldn’t get a read on it. It had seemed to increase beyond comprehension, and at the same time, not increase at all. Kasan said no words, for he didn’t need to, he had absorbed the attack, he was now powerful enough to kill Zae. Kasan appeared in front of Zae, and landed a punch to his stomach, making a sound like lightning that Mitaku was sure could be heard from the other side of the planet. Zae staggered away from Kasan, holding his stomach, and coughing up black blood that burned the ground. *That’s the first damage done to Zae this whole fight.* Mitaku thought with a shocked expression. Shocked was too weak of a word for what she felt, it was a feeling of unbelievable uncomprehendsion. Suddenly, Kasan’s aura burst, increasing in size until it enveloped the entire planet. Mitaku, being at the center of the course, could only see the two fighters, but everything else was just the violent golden light of Kasan’s aura. The two warriors fought, and Mitaku couldn’t comprehend it, just the fact that Kasan had no trouble stopping Zae. An eternity seemed to pass, and yet, it seemed to take no time at all, it was too much for Mitaku, and she fell on her knees. Then, just as fast as it started, it stopped, the aura surrounding everything went back into Kasan, and everything was normal. Zae was on the ground, struggling to get up, and Kasan was over him, his hand out, ready to end Zae. Kasan smirked, “your done for Zae, I’m capable of killing you, just as easy as I could kill a baby bird.” Zae looked up, and smirked himself. This made Kasan have a momentary look of confusion, and the look of confusion turned into shock, as a red beam of energy coming form Zae’s eye peirced Kasan’s heart. He had let his guard down, and all of his power seemed to leave him as he fell to the ground, limp.

      Mitaku didn’t remember what happened next, she didn’t remember her power skyrocketing, she didn’t remember punching Zae hard enough to send him flying around the earth, and she definitely didn’t remember punching him into the stratosphere one he came flying back from the other way. That’s what Kasan told her what happened when she got to him. He coughed up blood after telling her. “It doesn’t matter. Look Mitaku, you need to finish him, after all,” he smiled, “I took your kill back on planet Vegeta.” Mitaku looked at him incredulously, *I couldn’t have killed Nogaro, could I? Then again, I just launched Zae into orbit when I got enraged, what would have happened if I had got more angered on Vegeta?* Kasan shrugged, “I don’t know Mitaku, but what matters is that you take my power, kill Zae.” She hadn’t realized that she spoke aloud, and so she didn’t respond. Kasan held up his hand, and she held it. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to give her his power, then, when he gave the power that he stole from Zae, to her, she was blown away. The sheer amount of god-like power left her speechless as she got up, *so, this is the power of a demon. Incredible.* Kasan had a sudden look of urgency, “Mitaku, here he comes!” She turned just in time, Zae came at her, shooting multiple blast of red ki. Each blast Mitaku deflected with no problem, and then she went on the offensive. She appeared in front of Zae, and landed a kick to his stomach, then a volley of melee attacks. Jab, left hook, right hook, kick, flank, drop kick. She continued the vicious assault until Zae released a explosion of ki, knocking her backwards. She instantly recovered, and shot a ball of ki at him which was the size of the Empire State Building. The hum of sound it created was almost unbearable, as it continued to get louder and louder, somehow, Zae had stopped it. Before Zae could launch it back, Mitaku fired another ki blast into it, causing the blast to explode, sending both Mitaku and Zae flying backwards. Zae recovered a second before Mitaku, and flew after her, using everything he could to attack her, hands, feet, knees, elbows, wings, and tail. He got a total of three hits before she grabbed his arm, punched his face, and then threw him to the ground, creating a surprisingly small crater. Now, Zae was bleeding, although he wasn’t tired, neither was Mitaku, she could go on like this all day, or so she thought. She shot a volley of ki blast at Zae, which he dodged, and returned with a red wave of ki surrounded by blood red lightning. The attack could easily pierce the Earth, but Mitaku wasn’t the Earth. She was better. With one hand she stopped the attack, and redirected upwards, but this caused her pain throughout her entire body. She then flew at Zae before he could catch his breath from using the attack, and punched his face, pushing him back a little bit. This also causes her pain. She attacks him with a repeating volley of punches, and each one pushed Zae back a few yards. Each hit hurts her. They get close to a rock pillar, and Mitaku punches him into it, getting him stuck in the rocks. She pursued him, firing multiple shots that damaged him, then, once she got close, landed a punch to his stomach. The strike sent a shockwave out in every direction, and had enough force to push Zae the rest of the way through the rock pillar, destroying it. Mitaku is now in constant pain, and it’s slowing her down.

      *Damn, he has hardly hit me, why am I going through so much pain?* Mitaku did her best to ignore it, after all, she was a saiyan. She continued her assault, but she was in too much pain. She tried to hit Zae, and she missed. He took the opening to knee her stomach, then shot a ball of ki in her stomach, which pushed her back a few yards, but she quickly hit it away. Zae then attacked her, and she tried to block, but was too slow. She got hit in the face, sending her flying backwards. After she stopped her momentum, she scolded herself, *damn it! What is wrong with me! It can’t be super saiyan, I haven’t even fought for an hour!* Then It came to her, the power that she took from Kasan, it was probably to much for her to handle for a long amount of time. It was too late now. Now that Zae had the advantage, she couldn’t focus enough of it to finish him. So now, she was victim to Zae onslaught of punches kicks, and ki blast. Then, Zae shot a blast into her face, followed up with a larger beam attack that sent her flying into the ground, creating a crater the size of a large building. Zae descended to the ground, and walked slowly over to the crater where Mitaku was struggling to get up. Zae opened his mouth to say somehting, but was promptly interrupted by an explosion of noise that Mitaku recognized as someone releasing their ki. Before Zae could turn and see what was happening, a tall person flew in, and landed a punch to Zae’s face, sending him flying. He then went next to Mitaku, picked her up, and got her out of the crater. After setting her down, he said, “my name is Wind, I need you to lend me the demon’s power, now. If you don’t, it’ll kill you. My assistant Lach is healing your friends.” When Mitaku, didn’t respond, he asked, “did you hear me?” Mitaku nodded, and lifted her hand up. Wind nodded in thanks, and took the power. Mitaku didn’t remember anything after that.

      Wind stood up, with his new power, and as Zae recovered, said, “demon, you have burned in hell. Now, you will burn on Earth, and return to the land from whence you came.” Zae was unable to say anything in response, as Wind had already appeared in front of him, and slammed his open palm into his chest. The strike delt Zae no pain at first, but Zae was unable to move. Then, it started. Fractures formed on his skin, glowing a dark purple underneath. The loud hum of energy was loud enough to block out his screams of pain, as his skin tore away from the rest of him. Underneath the skin was a blackish purple membrane, something that looked like space. Zae’s eyes, turned such a dark black that they seemed purple, then, he exploded. He shattered to pieces, each were the size of a Dorito chip. Then, the pieces of Zae burned to nothing, followed by a visible purple shockwave. Wind took a deep breath, “it’s done.” Then, Mitaku lost consciousness. The strain of being a super saiyan, and having such an immense amount of power at the same time drained her. She closed her eyes, and slept.

      Hope you liked it! I hope you like how I’ve made your character so far whomever made Wind. In case you want to read my anti terrorist book, I am posting the first chapter on wattpad shortly, and I will post the link when I put out the new chapter. (Warning, first chapter is slow paced, afterwards it gets more action filled) See you guys later!

    • #15450

      The next chapter will be on Monday.

    • #15456

      Nice 🙂

    • #15470

      Thank you 🙂

    • #15513

      I just wanted to let you guys know, the next chapter will be small, due to me working on the anti terrorist book. From now on, I’ll only be able to release dbc fanfic chapters every other week. Sorry for the inconvenience

    • #15516

      I just reread the whole fanfic, I just want to say… wow

      Also, thanks for the chapter!

    • #15539

      yall see that tag

    • #15563

      Huh. Is that something you guys want? I mean I kind of thought that Kasan is better fitted for Mitaku, (considering his personality. )

    • #15565

      I mean, I thought they were sister to brother. And also I thought boten was always caring about mitaku too much.

    • #15566

      Hm. I never quite noticed Boten caring about Mitaku too much. Funny how readers notice things that the writers don’t XD
      But if it’s fine with the creators of Mitaku and Boten, sure! Now that I think about it, Kasan kind of seems like a guy who wants to be a bachelor.

    • #15578

      Zae wasn’t made from steel….he was made from Stalinium
      About time that scrub died, couldn’t kill anyone

    • #15581


    • #15634

      Finally got to reading the chapter, this one was amazing I love how you do fight scenes. Also love how lach is winds assistant xD

    • #15635

      Thank you, in case it was a little unclear, Lach was really Wind’s assistant, but worked for Nogaro in a spy kind of way. Again, I’ll apologize for the next chapter being short, I’ve been working on the terrorist book.

    • #15641

      Oh, I figured out what you meant. I thought you were saying a guy named Scrub died. As for him not killing anyone, he did kill more than half the Earth’s population. (Which is not strictly human.) Although I guess Zae killing half the population doesn’t matter since Froster-… never mind, you read nothing… *whistles tune and walks out room*

    • #15643

      That froster dude…. hes going down!

    • #15654

      (Spoiler alert) that’s actually what Harpor says when they’re told that Froster is coming back.

    • #15665

      Chapter 14: Into Space Again

      When she woke up, she was in a large, metal room. For a moment she was terrified, it looked similar to her room on the asteroid so many years ago. Then, as she sat up, she realized that it was just silver paint, and that she was sleeping on an actual, queen sized bed. *What a coincidence, the only girl on this team gets a queen size bed.* She got up, got new armor on, (which was located in a closet) and left her room.

      Harpor was in Boten’s dining room with everyone else. *I wonder when that WindRaiser guy is going to leave…* Harpor thought that he was neutralizing the normal jokes and banter that the group of fighters had, even more so than Zoro. *That’s saying a lot.* Harpor thought to himself, and suppressed a laugh, mainly because Wind was glaring at him, as if he had done something wrong. Harpor momentarily got angry, *who the hell does this guy think he is?! Just because he took down Zae doesn’t mean anything!* He winced as his pain cleared out his aggressive thoughts. Harpor looked down at his right arm, which had been removed. Harpor was quickly lost in the memory. Harpor was on a metal table, which was now stained red. Kronos was standing over him, telling him, *Zae tore up your arm, bad. There’s no way it’s going to heal, not to mention that he severed an artery. You’ll be dead within minutes if I don’t proceed with the operation. Understood?* Harpor nodded, and thought, *the bone is already destroyed, the rest can’t be too bad, right?* Wrong. Harpor screamed when Kronos amputated his arm, and he definitely screamed when Kronos had to burn it, thus to keep it from infection. Harpor shook off the memory, and thought to himself, *stay focused Harpor.* Harpor had trouble with staying focused, due to the fact that he would frequently get lost in memories, or get angered. *Well, Kronos is helping.* He looked at the stump of his arm, which was now bandaged. The silence had become almost unbearable for Harpor, and he was about to break it, but Mitaku entered the room first.

      Harpor never was fond of Mitaku, due to the fact that she was stronger than him. He was supposed to be a legend, a rare appearance, and yet he was surpassed by another super saiyan. Although he tried to never make this apparent, even as she walked in the room with a confused look on her face. Boten spoke, “before you ask, let me explain. This is my house. We brought you here after Lach did some quick medical work. You were in the room because, well, you weren’t awake once we got here. This,” he waved his hand towards WindRaiser, “is Wind. He saved us from Zae, and to my understanding, he has a job for us. Apparently this guy thinks that he is strong enough for us to consider him our master, but will only train us if we help him with something.” Mitaku raised her eyebrow, but said nothing. *She had a better reaction than me.* Harpor’s reaction had been him trying to beat up Wind, although Kronos had calmed him down. *The last time you didn’t listen to me, is the reason you no longer have your right arm,* Kronos had reminded him. Boten pointed to an empty seat next to Kasan, and a plate filled with eggs, pancakes, and other assorted breakfast foods piled miles high, (not literally) and said, “we got you breakfast.” She nodded in thanks, and sat down and ate. There was silence for a few seconds as Mitaku ate, as no one was sure what to say. Except for Mitaku, “so, what’s this offer Wind? And why do you think you’re stronger than us? I get that you killed Zae, thank you for that, but any of us could have done what you did, we just had to know how to use the power. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re stronger than us.” Wind nodded, “I understand that, but I have been observing you fighters, and know that I’m stronger than you. You know who I am, yes?” Sans nodded, you’re the leader of the Cooperationist.” Wind nodded, “yes, and I could use your help to get rid of the Loyalist.” Harpor tilted his head, *we killed Nogaro, wasn’t he the leader of the Loyalist?* When Harpor vocalized this thought, Wind shook his head while looking down at the table, “if you cut off the head of the snake, it’s dead body still thrashes and fights back as you skin it.” He looked back at Harpor, “this is how the Loyalist are. You have killed their leader, and it is a only matter of time until they die, but we could use some help to annihilate them before they cause any more damage.” Boten shook his head, “first, we need some explanations. Like first off, Lach is your assistant, so why was he working with Nogaro?” Wind looked at Boten incredulously, “he was trying to get information, I thought that was obvious.” Boten looked mildly insulted, but kept it to himself. Harpor asked Wind, “do we get to blow stuff up?” Wind looked at Harpor with a raised eyebrow, “there’s something mentally wrong with you, isn’t there.” Harpor stood up out of his seat, and slammed his hands on the table with enough force to send fractures across the surface. “What did you just say?!” Wind stood up as well, “if you wish to fight, Harpor, I will fight you, but it’ll end quickly.” Kronos spoke to Harpor, *Harpor, you aren’t fighting him, especially considering you haven’t recovered from…* He nodded towards Harpor’s missing arm Harpor sat down slowly as Kronos turned towards Wind and said, *and besides, I’m sure that he didn’t mean any disrespect, now did you Wind?* Wind shook his head, and Harpor thought he saw something, was it… Fear? Why would Wind fear Kronos, after all, he’s much stronger than all of them combined, right? *I must have just been imagining things.* Kronos continued to speak, as Zoro absently waved his hand and fixed the fractures in the table. *It is true that Harpor’s mind is not the best, but his is somewhat sane.* Wind shook his head, “as long as he won’t turn on me during battle.” Harpor scoffed at the idea, but thought, *Oh I’m considering turning on you now, old man.*

      Wind sighed, “let’s get back on subject, if you help me destroy the rest of the Loyalist, I’ll train you. And according to my information, an individual named Froster will be coming to Earth in a few months time, so you’ll need it.” Everyone went silent. Wind looked around the room. “Is that a no?” Harpor grinned, he had heard about Froster, and couldn’t wait to fight him. “That Froster dude… He’s goin’ down!” Boten shrugged. “Well, Akuryō said that something worse would come after Zae, right? We need to get stronger. Every person we fought beat the shit out of us. The only reason we’re alive, is because Mitaku, Kasan, or Harpor saved us.” Mitaku narrowed her eyes, “hey, don’t put yourself down, after all, you’re a super saiyan.” Boten shrugged, “you guys are stronger than me Kronos and Zoro, that’s a fact.” Mitaku opened her mouth to argue further, but Kronos spoke. *Let’s stay on subject. We do need to get more powerful, but if we leave Earth, there’s always the chance that it’ll be attacked. We can’t risk that. And we are not leaving anyone behind again.* Everyone at the table was silent again. *Makes sense that Kronos wouldn’t want to leave anyone behind. After all, considering he left his father behind and he was incinerated. Wonder how that fire must have been for marshmallows.* Harpor voiced his opinion, and hoped he didn’t sound too crazy, “well, if we don’t go train, then the Earth will be destroyed anyways.” Kronos looked at Harpor, not saying anything. He and Harpor had never argued, and Kronos didn’t want to. Mitaku crossed her arms and spoke her opinion. “I think that we should help Wind. After all, we all know instant transmission, more or less.” Kasan shook his head, “but not even me and Kronos can sense the Earth from Vegeta.” Wind held his hand up, a gesture for silence, and while everyone did go quiet, it wasn’t because of his, “superior vibe,” it was because of his audacity. “actually, you would be close to Earth. you’d hardly leave the solar system. I was going to have you work as a defense for Earth. You’d just make sure that none of the Loyalist come near Earth for a month or so. The Loyalist will be defeated by then.” Zoro raised his eye ridge. “So we’d just be on watchman duty for a month, and then you’d train us?” Wind nodded. “I have a space station set up for you guys, right outside the solar system. It’s self maintaining and self cleaning, so you should feel right at home.” Harpor thought that he saw Mitaki tense up next to Kasan. Kasan put his arm on her shoulder in a comforting manner, “my sister isn’t fond of space stations. Is there anything else that we could stay in?” Harpor noticed that Mitaku had finished the breakfast they had prepared for her. *Were does she put all that food? Even I couldn’t eat that much. Remind me not to invite her to eating competitions.* Wind seemed to think for a second, and replied with, “yes.” Mitaku relaxed, and Kasan took his hand off her shoulder. “There’s a small settlement in a distant planet where we have an outpost. It’s actually similar to this house. So, do we have an agreement?” Everyone looked around at each other, and, Harpor didn’t understand how, but they all knew what the answer was, and they all said it at the same time. “Yes.”

      Alright, the next chapter will be next Friday, I’m sorry it’s so far from now, and I’m sorry this chapter is short, I hope that this doesn’t frustrate you too much. I will be releasing a chapter every other Friday, no matter how long or short the chapter is. See you next time

    • #15671

      R.i.p Right Arm. Age 2k16

      By the way dont sweat it xD
      It’s not like you get paid for writing fanfics

    • #15672

      … Uh, yeah… Sure… Let’s go with that story… (Kidding, I don’t get paid.)
      But um, yeah. I thought that even if Zae wasn’t going to kill anyone, he should at least do some lasting damage, and it’s kind of unrealistic to have people risk their lives all the time, but never loose a limb. By the way, I had fun writing the story from Harpor’s point if view 🙂

    • #15673

      Yeah, ill be Mecha Harpor(Jk)
      I will probally just use Tail attacks.

      And maybe a great ape without an arm can appear? 😛

    • #15674

      Nice chapters (couldn’t read the first one or comment :/), I do like how you introduced Wind and what Kasan did. It was interesting and surprising. And idk if you said it or not but where are you going to post the Anti-terrorist book?

    • #15675

      I’ll post it on wattpad. Once I post the second chapter (the first chapter doesn’t have much action) I’ll give you guys the link

    • #15709

      Hello everyone, I said I would give you the link to the book once I released the next chapter of it, so here you go.
      WARNING It is a mature book, for it has violent content not suited for everyone. If you have parents, ask them about this book first. See you next time.

    • #15740

      As always, I’ll give you a sneak peak at the next chapter, so here you go!

      Harpor slept through most of the day, that was what his pain medicine did to him. It was either go through the pain, or go through odd dreams. Today, Harpor decided to go through odd dreams. In his first dream he saw a large, planet sized triangular prism, although instead of being solid, it seemed to be made of multiple, floating blue squares. The tip of the triangle was pointed downwards, and on the base, was a tree that was easily the size of a continent. Wrapped around the trunk of the tree seemed to be a multitude of cities. Although, despite the size of the tree, most of the base of the prism wasn’t used, it was just hills with green grass, odd colored flowers and trees, and a lake with a giant serpent. Then, Harpor’s vision zoomed in on the lake, just as the serpent jumped out of the water, making a large wave, and creating an even larger tidal wave when it came crashing down into the water. Along the lake, there was two odd individuals, seeming to look off into space. One of them seemed to be a human sized, hairless cat wearing the cloths seen in paintings of Egyptian gods. He had no short though, revealing his skinny rib cage, and sunken stomach. Not to mention it was on its legs, and that it actually had hands, and feet, arms and legs. As for the other individual, he was as tall as Harpor in his legendary form. This person’s skin was a light shade of blue, matched by his white hair which was defying gravity, making him look like a “Doctor Sues” character. This person was wearing similar clothing as the cat, but unlike the cat, this person had a shirt. The taller person had some sort of staff with a floating globe, surrounded by a disc, similar to the disk that was around his neck like an odd necklace. The cat spoke, in an oddly deep voice, “well Whis? Should we go check it out?” His tone was mildly irritated, as if he had been waiting to long for a simple answer. The person known as “Whis,” said, “I don’t believe so Lord Beerus, the fighters are strong, possibly one of the strongest in the universe, but I see many more fighters more powerful than them. If they aren’t killed by Akuryō, then it is possible that they may amount to the same strength as Goku and Vegeta, but it will take a long time.” Beerus tilted his head as one of his ears twitched. “I don’t like long waits.” Whis sighed again. “Beerus,” he said in a tone like he was correcting a little child. Beerus groaned, “yes, yes, Whis, I know. No interference until there’s a fighter that can match me at seventy percent of my power.” Whis nodded, then looked at Harpor and said, “we seem to have a little spy, what should we do?” Beerus’ head straightened, “I’m feeling kind today, send him to another dream.” Whis nodded again, and said, “you’re lucky Beerus doesn’t destroy you Harpor, happy travels.”

      See you next time!

    • #15814

      Here is the next chapter! For the next week, I will be working on the anti terrorist book. I will admit, I have not had time to proof read, but nonetheless, I will give you a new chapter every other Friday, (at least with US time.)

      Chapter 15:Froster

         They arrived a few hours later, (due to instant transmission,) and Boten was shocked. Wind wasn’t kidding, it was his house, except for the fact that this hosus’s color scheme was bronze and silver, whereas Boten’s house was white and silver. Boten was unsure what he could do, there wasn’t much to do, from what Boten had seen. There was an odd silence over the room, and Sans broke it. “I’m going to go watch the tv.” He went over the couch and lounged on it. Kasan was the next person to speak, “I’m going to go check out the landscape and see if there’s a good training spot. After all, this planet is what, 16 times Earth’s gravity?” Mitaku grinned, and said, “well, 17 times Earths gravity, but yes. I’ll come with you.” Kasan smiled, but Boten thought he saw some sort of… Sadness in Kasan’s eyes. Kasan turned around before Boten could be sure, and him and Mitaku flew out of the sliding glass doors. Harpor opened his mouth to say something, but flinched. “I’ll go take my pain medicine.” Harpor walked off and Zoro said, “I’ll go help him, after all, my healing abilities can relieve pain.” Zoro walked off for Harpor, leaving just Boten and Kronos. Boten shifted uncomfortably, he wasn’t comfortable being in a room alone with Kronos. Especially after he’d seen Kronos fight. Boten tried to think of a way to leave without offending Kronos. “I’m going to go check the land out.” Boten waited for a response for a few seconds, but Kronos just looked at him with his one eye. Boten walked out of the room, and flew away from the house, shuddering. *I don’t know why he freaks me out… Maybe it’s because of the black fire thing he does?* Boten shook his head as he flew towards a mountain range.

         Sans wasn’t sure what he was watching, it seemed to be some sort of comedy show, although the humor wasn’t very, well, humorous. Sans yawned. Kronos had left the room shortly after Boten left, so Sans was by himself. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, and scrolled through the contacts, which included a few restaurants that he liked to eat at, his family members, most of which were dead now due to Zae or old age. Finally, Shala. The saiyan he met at the bar. She had kissed him after he made a joke, and then gave him her number, and told him to call her. Sans wasn’t sure whether she was just drunk, or if she actually wanted to talk to him. Sans wasn’t sure if he actually liked her, or if he was just drunk. *Well, if I didn’t like her, I wouldn’t be so nervous about talking to her, now would I?* He pressed on her information, and called her. After three rings, she picked up. “Who is this?” Sans nervously tapped on his leg. “This is Sans, we met at the bar, remember?” When she responded, her voice was much kinder, and seemed instantly happy, “oh hey Sans! How are you?” And so, Sans first relationship formed.

         Kasan was flying alongside Mitaku, looking for a good training grounds, but all of the good ones had a city in it. Sadly, if they held back enough to spare a city, then it couldn’t be considered training for them. Kasan thought he heard Mitaku say something, and so he turned his head, but Mitaku wasn’t even looking at him. Suddenly, Kasan remembered something, and hardly prevented himself from laughing, and Mitaku noticed. “What is it? Do I have something on my face?” Kasan shook his head, chuckling. “No. What would you do, if I told you that someone liked you, and I knew who it was?” Mitaku answered after a moments hesitation, still not looking at Kasan. “I’m assuming you mean that they want to date me?” Kasan nodded, “if I didn’t, I wouldn’t bring it up.” Mitaku rolled her eyes, “well, if you did, I would ask who.” Kasan was silent for a few moments, which made Mitaku actually ask, “who is it?” Kasan smiled mischievously, “not gonna tell you!” He then turned super saiyan, and flew off, laughing hysterically. Mitaku then went super saiyan herself, and flew after Kasan, yelling “that’s unfair!” Although she was smiling herself as they chased each other like the brother and sister they were. Kasan, due to the fact that he could move faster than the speed of light, was able to keep just far enough away from Mitaku to annoy her. By the time that Mitaku was done chasing Kasan, they were both breathing heavily. Mitaku found a rock to sit on, as Kasan sat on the bare ground. Between breaths, Mitaku asked, “you’re still not going to tell me, are you?” Kasan was still smiling, even though he was out of breath  “nope.” Mitaku rolled her eyes, “jerk.” Kasan laughed briefly, and then responded with, “what are brothers for?” The two siblings sat there, enjoying the silence. Then, Kasan stopped smiling, and asked Mitaku a serious question. “Do you feel bad about Zae?” Mitaku stopped smiling herself. After a pause, she said, “well, yes. He was my friend, even before I met you guys. Even if I wasn’t the one who killed him, trying to do so was hard, and giving someone else the power to kill him was just as hard. I tell myself I don’t remember it, but I do. I remember giving him the power, like giving a killer a gun.” Kasan shook his head, “Mitaku, Zae would rather be dead than be that demon.” Mitaku looked at the ground, and thought, *how would you know?* Kasan responded with, “because he told me.” Mitaku hadn’t realized that she had spoken aloud, and was shocked by Kasan’s answer, so she said nothing. Kasan continued, “Zae died the second the demon took control over him. It wasn’t something that influenced him to kill us, it was a parasite that killed him, and used his body to fight us. He told me that even if it hadn’t killed him, he would want you to do so.” Mitaku looked up at Kasan, who had a pained expression. Any time that he spoke about his experience in other world, he got like this, neutral, shut down. In pain. Mitaku replied with the best answer she could think of, “I had no idea.” Kasan seemed to grimace, “yeah? Well now you do.” Mitaku looked at Kasan questioningly. “Is Kronos not helping with the trauma?” Kasan nodded, “he is, but he can only remove the trauma made by Akuryō. It’s not as bad as it was, but it’s still difficult to talk about what happened after I died. Not only is it weird, but it seems fake, like a movie that I acted in many years ago. Although I guess I couldn’t use that example since I’ve never been in a movie, but you get the point.” Mitaku nodded, and got up, “let’s keep looking for a good training ground.” Kasan looked around briefly, “you know, this would be a good training ground. There’s not many mountains around, and there’s no towns nearby.” Mitaku shrugged, “well then, let’s spar.” Kasan got up, and resumed his super saiyan form, “you’re still bugged about Zae, aren’t you?” Mitaku turned super saiyan herself, “just like you’re still bugged about other world.” Kasan had nothing to say to that, so he sparred.

         Harpor slept through most of the day, that was what his pain medicine did to him. It was either go through the pain, or go through odd dreams. Today, Harpor decided to go through odd dreams. In his first dream he saw a large, planet sized triangular prism, although instead of being solid, it seemed to be made of multiple, floating blue squares. The tip of the triangle was pointed downwards, and on the base, was a tree that was easily the size of a continent. Wrapped around the trunk of the tree seemed to be a multitude of cities. Although, despite the size of the tree, most of the base of the prism wasn’t used, it was just hills with green grass, odd colored flowers and trees, and a lake with a giant serpent. Then, Harpor’s vision zoomed in on the lake, just as the serpent jumped out of the water, making a large wave, and creating an even larger tidal wave when it came crashing down into the water. Along the lake, there was two odd individuals, seeming to look off into space. One of them seemed to be a human sized, hairless cat wearing the cloths seen in paintings of Egyptian gods. He had no short though, revealing his skinny rib cage, and sunken stomach. Not to mention it was on its legs, and that it actually had hands, and feet, arms and legs. As for the other individual, he was as tall as Harpor in his legendary form. This person’s skin was a light shade of blue, matched by his white hair which was defying gravity, making him look like a “Doctor Sues” character. This person was wearing similar clothing as the cat, but unlike the cat, this person had a shirt. The taller person had some sort of staff with a floating globe, surrounded by a disc, similar to the disk that was around his neck like an odd necklace. The cat spoke, in an oddly deep voice, “well Whis? Should we go check it out?” His tone was mildly irritated, as if he had been waiting to long for a simple answer. The person known as “Whis,” said, “I don’t believe so Lord Beerus, the fighters are strong, possibly one of the strongest in the universe, but I see many more fighters more powerful than them. If they aren’t killed by Akuryō, then it is possible that they may amount to the same strength as Goku and Vegeta, but it will take a long time.” Beerus tilted his head as one of his ears twitched. “I don’t like long waits.” Whis sighed again. “Beerus,” he said in a tone like he was correcting a little child. Beerus groaned, “yes, yes, Whis, I know. No interference until there’s a fighter that can match me at seventy percent of my power.” Whis nodded, then looked at Harpor and said, “we seem to have a little spy, what should we do?” Beerus’ head straightened, “I’m feeling kind today, send him to another dream.” Whis nodded again, and said, “you’re lucky Beerus doesn’t destroy you Harpor, happy travels.” Whis waved his staff, and Harpor’s dream changed.

         Now, Harpor was in space, looking at an asteroid. The top of the asteroid had a flat surface, and a rock throne, on which Akuryō was seated. There was multiple creatures around him, each was a different shape and color. *Demons.* One demon asked, “why do you wait to strike master! You could destroy all seven of those ignorant fighters!” Akuryō looked directly at the demon, which made it tremble. Akuryō answered in his horrible voice, “because, this is not about destroying just the heroes of this time, but destroying all posible heroes for all time.” The demon tilted its head. “How?” It then made a loud screeching sound when Akuryō blasted it out of existence. “Fool, it is simple, I will destroy all living beings in this universe.” Another demon tilted it’s head. “Sir, how will you? Not even Beerus has-” he was cut off by Akuryō killing him. “I told you never to mention his name. My ways of doing so will remain secret, due to our spy.” Harpor was disturbed by the fact that Beerus almost said the same thing. All of the demons turned towards him, eyes gleaming with malice. Before they could attack. Akuryō said, “wake up.” Harpor woke up.

         Zoro had headed into a nearby town, just to see what the people were like. The people were odd, bug like creatures, although within the crowd there was a few saiyans and humans. *Hopefully this means that some of them speak English.* Zoro wasn’t too hopeful though, most of them, even the humans seemed to speak a odd language that sounded like the clicking of mandibles, even though these bugs had more of a green, anteater face. Zoro kept walking past the low buildings that were made of a green clay like substance. One bug creature seemed to stare at Zoro, so he tried to talk to it. “Do you speak English?” The bug creature just tilted it’s head, and it’s snout twitched. Zoro sighed, “I suppose not.” The bug creature then spoke it an raspy voice, “I know English, I just don’t know what you are. I have seen saiyans, humans, and-” he made a clicking noise that Zoro assumed was the name of his race. “But I have never seen one of your kind.” Zoro shrugged, “I’m a Namekian, I was just wondering around, seeing what this planet is like.” The bug creature looked around, as if checking the area out himself, “well, Namekian, there’s not much here. Just mountains, and soul stone.” It was Zoro’s turn to tilt his head in confusion, “soul stone?” The bug nodded, “yes, it doesn’t have much use, it’s just a hard stone.” Zoro only got more confused, “then why is it called soul stone?” The bug creature made a sound that Zoro assumed was a laugh, “because if it’s light blue color, and the fact that it glows.” Zoro shook his head, “well thank you, bug man. I’ll go back to my house.” The bug man tilted his head again, and Zoro wondered if it knew what a house was. The bug surprised Zoro by saying, “I’m a female.”

         Sans laughed, “okay, hey, I’ve got to go.” Shala asked in a curious tone, “why?” Sans looked out of the glass doors, “because it’s night on this planet.” Shala laughed, “oh right, I almost forgot you were on a different planet. We’ll see you.” Sans smiled, “yeah, see you.” He took the phone away from his ear, and pressed the hang up button. He got off the couch and headed into his room, and tried to sleep. He found himself a few hours later, still awake. *Damn, I’m still used to Earth’s time zone.* The next few days went on like this, Sans talking to Shala, Kasan and Mitaku training and talking, (mostly Mitaku trying to get Kasan to tell her who liked her, (they’re still teenagers after all,) Harpor either sleeping due to pain medicine, or being bored, Zoro trying to find something to do, and Kronos-… Well, no one knew what Kronos did. He was wierd…. This continued for a few weeks, then, the first fight happened.

         Everyone had just woken up, and the tv turned itself on, and showed that they had a call. Kasan sat down on the couch, followed by Mitaku and Sans. Harpor pulled a chair over, since there was no more room on the couch. Zoro, Kronos, and Boten stood, all with their arms crossed. Kasan picked up the remote, and pressed a button, answering the call. A live video of Wind showed on the screen. “We have reports of a group of Loyalist headed in your direction. I need you to take them down before they can make it to Earth.” Kasan raised his eyebrow, and asked, “that’s it?” Wind tilted his head, still not changing his expression, “what do you want, an army?” Kasan shrugged, “that would be a little interesting.” Wind rolled his eyes, as if saying, *saiyans…* Wind spoke again, “just take them down, besides, haven’t you all been bored?” Kasan raised his eyebrows, and said sarcastically “us, bored? On a rocky planet filled with mountains and primitive beings that hardly know English? No.” Wind glared at Kasan, “just go do your job.” The screen turned off, and Kasan mumbled, “cheery fellow, isn’t he.” Mitaku rolled her eyes, “come on Kasan.” Kasan got up and stayed behind Mitaku as she walked out of the door. Everyone followed, and as they took flight, Kasan flew next to Boten, smiling, the latter of which was immediately worried. *He didn’t tell her, did he?* He asked Kasan this question, and Kasan laughed, “nope, just told her that someone likes her. As soon as I told her, she chased me for an hour, trying to beat the answer out of me.” Boten chuckled, “sounds like a sisterly thing to do.” Kasan laughed again, much louder this time, “for saiyans it is!” Boten shrugged, “good point. So, is Zoro going to be okay out in space?” It was Kasan’s turn to shrug, “I guess so. After all, we’re going to be in the stratosphere.” The fighters flew out into space.

         They spotted the ship immediately, it looked like a shooting star, shooting straight towards them. Kasan sighed, “I don’t sense any strong powers… I hope they’re suppressing it.” Mitaku put her hand out, as if holding a baseball, but instead of a baseball being in her hand, a ball of golden ki appeared. It lit up her face in a way that made her grin stand out. “Now, let’s light these bastards up.” Boten grinned himself, “hell yeah!” The seven fighters shot a volley of ki at the space ship, except for Kronos, who shot a large wave of fire. They could now make out the details of the ship, it was circular, and orange, similar to Freeza’s spaceship so many years ago. As soon as the blasts got close to the ship, a yellow sphere of light suddenly surrounded the ship, absorbing the ki blast and fire. The fighters stopped attacking the ship, and a large amount of soldiers came out of the ship, making their way towards the seven fighters in a matter of seconds. They were all different types of aliens, and the one in front was a large, rhino looking creature. When he spoke, his voice reminded them of Zae’s voice, “why did you attack our ship?” Kasan shrugged, “I thought it was obvious, you guys are Loyalist, and you’re not permitted here.” The rhino man seemed to snarl, but Kasan held his hand up, as if saying, “stop.” Kasan smiled confidently, “unless you’re holding your power back, I could beat all of you with no problem. If you don’t believe me, then sense my power, and use those little scouters of yours. Power down everyone.” The seven fighters powered down, Mitaku, Boten, Harpor, and Kasan descended from their super saiyan form. The ones with scouters press a button on it, and those with the ability to sense ki stood still. The rhino man snorted, “your power isn’t very hig-” He couldn’t even finish his sentence before Kasan turned super saiyan, shattering the rhino’s scouter, and  everyone else’s scouter. Those whom sensed ki just stood there, shocked. Kasan nearly laughed, “so, you have two choices, you die, or, you join the Cooperationist, and make my day a little more boring.” The rhino looked at Kasan with fear in his eyes, and said, “the strongest of our group will fight you, super saiyan, and if you defeat him in battle, then we will surrender.” Before Kasan could agree, Zoro spoke up, “we agree, but I’ll be fighting.” Kasan looked at Zoro curiously. “Why?” Zoro looked at Kasan furiously, “because, I haven’t fought in such a long time that I can’t remember my last fight! And besides, it seems like whenever someone that’s remotely strong comes, I nearly get killed. Every time! I need some practice.” Kasan shrugged and powered down, “okay, just asking.” He flew backwards as to move out of Zoro’s way who flew in front of the seven fighters, and ad his arms crossed. “Well? Bring out this fighter!” The rhino creature chuckled nervously, and moved aside as another Namekian made his way through the crowd. Zoro stared down the Namekian for a few moments, then got into fighting position. The other Namekian also got into fighting position, but did not attack. Zoro then said, “I’ll attack when you do.” The Namekian said, “my name is Korath,” and attacked Zoro. 

         Zoro was able to dodge the attack, barely. Zoro then returned with a kick to Korath’s side, making a sound like a lighting bolt. Zoro then released a volley of punches that were nearly unseable, followed by a small green wave of ki that pushed Korath backwards. Korath simply yelled, and released a outwards wave of ki, obliterating Zoro’s attack. Before Korath could recover, Zoro flew up to him, and uppercut him, sending him even further towards space. Zoro wanted to end this quickly, even though he was more about speed than physical strength. Zoro appeared behind Korath before he could even begin to recover, clasped his hands together, and hit Korath downwards, sending him into the ground, thousands of miles below. No one could see what happened, so they waited. Zoro did not pursue, because he knew that an attack of that magnitude, while it would not have harmed himself, would incapacitate his opponent. So they waited. After about a minute, one of the soldiers asked, “is he dead?” Zoro shook his head, “I wouldn’t kill him, he’s just unconscious as of the moment.” The rhino looked at him, glaring, “I don’t believe you, you little son of a bi-” Kasan interrupted him, “instead of arguing, why don’t we just check?” The mass of fighters flew to the ground, and saw Korath, definitely alive, but definitely unconscious. The rhino man broke out in a nervous sweat. *I didn’t think he could sweat,* thought Boten humorously. Kasan looked at the rhino, still a super saiyan, “so? Will you honor your agreement?” The rhino man said nothing, but got on one knee, and planted his fist into the ground. He was bowing. The others followed his example. Boten grunted, “well, we weren’t asking for that, but okay. We’ll contact WindRaiser, and tell him we’ve got some new recruits.” That’s exactly what they did, and some of Wind’s assistants came and picked them up. A few hours later, Kasan was looking out the glass door, and everyone else was in the living room. Due to the walls, (or lack of walls,) they could still see him. Kasan sighed with frustration, “why can’t some strong people come? I don’t want to be stuck here for another two weeks.” Kronos shrugged, *be glad it’s only two weeks. Besides, you might jinx us by saying that and make Akuryō come.* Kasan rolled his eyes, “you really believe in that bull shit Kronos?” Kronos stared at him. Kasan sighed, “right, your a warlock, you have to believe in that stuff.” Then a loud blast sounded off, and the air outside turned red. Kasan was silent for a few moments, as everyone seemed to wait for his response. “… That was just a coincidence, right?” Mitaku got off of the couch and rolled her eyes, “doesn’t matter Kasan, let’s go see what the demon sized pain in the ass wants.” Harpor’s eyes gleamed with excitement. “I hope it’s Froster!” Boten looked at him incredulously for a moment, but just shook his head and walked out of the door.

         They saw a odd circle of darkness open up in the sky, surrounded by fire. Out of it came Akuryō, and once again, he looked different. He was still made of fire, but it had condensed to the point were they could see a resemblance of a face. There was bright white spots of fire that seemed to be his eyes, a spot of slightly darker fire that must’ve been his mouth. Akuryō floated down from the sky, and stopped when he was right above the pool, turning all of the water into steam. Kasan crossed his arms, and said, “so, you didn’t want to take my suggestion, did you?” His eyes, which were white spots of fire, seemed to narrow. “If you bring that up again, I will destroy the planet which you are on.” Kasan said nothing to that, but continued looking bored. Akuryō continued, “I have come to tell you about Froster.” Mitaku tilted her head, “why? What’s the point?” Akuryō glared at her, “Froster had been my assistant for some time now. I have been searching for somehting, and Froster has been helping me find it. If we didn’t find it, he would destroy the planet. If you manage to kill him, which you will not, I will find you worthy of knowing what I search for.” Mitaku only looked more confused, “you aren’t worried that we would take it, or destroy it?” Akuyrō chuckled, a sound only a little less disturbing than hearing a torture victim screaming. “Only a deity can touch it, and it is indestructible. Nogaro will come to Earth in just a few weeks. I have told you the information, and the next time that we meet, will be our last.”  Akuryō vanished, and the pool refilled itself with water again as the air turned back to normal. Everyone was silent for a few seconds, and Harpor reacted first, and had the wierdest reaction, he jumped up in the air, and yelled, “haha! I’m finally going to fight Froster!” As he continued to laugh, Mitaku shook her head and thought, *there is something extremely wrong with him.* Boten asked, “so, should we tell Wind about this?” Mitaku looked over to Boten, whom was next to Sans. The latter seemed sick, and said, “I’ll be right back, I need to um… Talk to someone.” Before anyone could speak, he walked into the house, taking his phone out of his pocket, and pressing some buttons. Kasan was the one who responded to Boten, “well, he’ll probably want to know that a demon came to this planet a talked to us.”

         After telling Wind what happened, he turned pale. His voice was shaky when he spoke, “Akuryō? He directly contacted you?” Kasan raised an eyebrow, “yeah, is it a big deal? I mean, he does it all the time.” This only made Wind look more shaken up. He turned his head away from the screen, and yelled at someone off screen, “prepare my ship, I’m headed to Earth!” He turned back to the screen, “I wish you had told me about Akuryō in the first place, I will head to Earth and train you immediately. You have my permission to go back to Earth.” Kasan held a hand up, “woah, wait. Does this mean that you’re going to help us fight Froster?” Wind nodded, “a word about him first, he is even more powerful than me. I will do my best to train you, but only so much can be done in a few weeks. Hopefully by the end of the training you could at least stand a chance against him with my help. One more thing, this person can destroy the Earth as easy as you can fly. I know that you saiyans will want to drag the fight out, and see his power, but please, end him as fast as you can. Don’t hold back at all, otherwise…” Kasan nodded, “we understand. A planet was destroyed under our watch once, it won’t happen again.” Wind said one more thing before departing to Earth, “I hope so. WindRaiser, over and out.” The screen shut off, and Kasan turned to everyone else, and asked, “can you guys sense the Earth from here?” Mitaku, Boten, Harpor, and Sans, (who had arrived a few seconds ago,) closed their eyes in focus for a few seconds, then nodded. Kasan said, “good, let’s go.” He put two fingers on his forehead, and teleported to Earth, followed by Kronos, Mitaku, Boten, Sans, Harpor, and Zoro.

         The seven fighters arrived on Earth, in the middle of a city, surprising a large multitude of people. After all, they have to teleport to a person for it to work. They immediately flew out of the city, and to Boten’s house, which by now had become a sort of rallying point for them. They couldn’t wait for Wond to arrive for their training, as they didn’t know exactly when Froster would arrive, and so they started to train without Wind. A few hours later, Wind arrived in a few hours, and the fighters had just started. As Wind exited his spaceship, everyone flew to him. Wind chuckled, “I see you’ve already started. Well, just to warn you, this training will be both mental, and physical. Defeating your opponent is much easier when you’re smarter than them, and not just stronger.” Mitaku rolled her eyes, “well then hurry up and teach us!” WindRaiser laughed, and said, “alright then!” Long story short, (because I doubt you want to know the specific day-to-day details of their twenty two hour a day training,) Winds training was vigorous, and by the time that Froster came, each of their powers had skyrocketed. To the point where Zoro and Sans had caught up to the others, and everyone could’ve beat Zae by themselves. Little did they know, even that wasn’t enough for what was about to come next. On one of the last days, Wind said he sensed Froster coming, and told everyone to get some rest, after all, they can’t fight when they’re half awake. Then Froster came, and everything went to hell.

         Zoro woke everyone up in the middle of the night with two words, “he’s here!” Everyone shot out of their beds as they heard the two, terrible words resonate throughout the house. They got their armor on, and ran outside, immediately sensing Froster’s power, and flying to it. He had landed in a city, West city. It only took them a minute, but Kasan kept thinking, *shitshitshitshitshit! Don’t be destroyed!* They arrived, and the city was destroyed. Kasan couldn’t hide his frustration, “damn it!” Mitaku put her hand in Kasan’s shoulder, trying to calm him down, despite the fact that she was also trying her best to keep herself calm. It wasn’t working. Mitaku looked around, trying to see if she could find Froster. Then, she saw a small speck, a dot in the distance, getting further and further away. *Found him.* She then vocalized this, “he’s that way!” then took off. Kasan was flying next to Mitaku, and she turned to him and Zoro and said, “you guys go, stop him! We’ll catch up!” Kasan and Zoro nodded in unison, and then flew off, moving so fast that not even Mitaku could see them. Mitaku wasn’t sure what they did, but she saw a flash, and the speck stopped moving. Now that Froster had stopped, everyone else caught up instantly, and surrounded him. When Mitaku saw him, she was confused for a second, he looked different. He was slightly larger, not as large as Harpor, but definitely larger than the others. He now had a metal looking plate guarding his jaw and mouth. On his back, there was spikes the size of his arm, his tail was barbed with small spikes, and the crystals on his shoulders had gained spikes as well. Otherwise, he was the same, black and red, bone like armor surrounding him, and of course, his massive power. Now though, they were able to somewhat match his power. No one spoke, no one threatened, they just attacked. 

         Everyone shot a powerful blast of ki into Froster, and Kronos trapped the ki around him with black fire, then compressed it, smaller and smaller, until it was almost a scorching outline of Froster. Over the hum of ki and crackling of fire, they could hear Nogaro scream briefly, followed by a wave of red ki sent outwards, obliderating the cage and ki blast. Froster instantly flew in front of Kronos, and landed a kick to his stomach, sending him flying backwards. The others swarmed him, although all got knocked backwards as Froster spun, releasing ki in an arch of deadly power. Kasan almost instantly recovered, and attacked Froster just as fast as he recovered. Froster was having trouble keeping up, but wasn’t harmed by the attacks much. Froster was then flanked by Sans and Harpor, both of which swarmed him with small ki blast and melee. Before anyone else could join back in, Nogaro jumped, causing Harpor and Sans to hit each other in the face with ki blast, and then landed a punch to Kasan’s stomach, causing him to double over. Froster then flew up and kicked Kasan’s chin, sending him upwards. Now that he was head level with Sans and Harpor, he spun, and kicked Harpor into Sans, sending them both flying, as the others came at him. Wind attempted to punch Froster, and had his hand caught. Before Froster could counter, Mitaku and Boten flew in from behind him, both shooting ki blasts. Froster simply created a shield of ki, which stopped the ki blast before they hit Froster. Froster kneed Wind, causing him to briefly scream in pain. Once Boten and Mitaku got within melee range, Froster released Wind’s arm, then turned and landed a punch to Mitaku’s stomach and a punch to Boten’s face. Kasan, Sans, Harpor and Kronos had recovered, and they all flew around Froster again. Boten and Mitaku did the same, followed by Wind. Froster sighed out of boredom, “this is awfully dull, I’ll just destroy the Earth now, and fox the mistake I made so long ag-” Kasan landed a punch to Froster’s stomach, not letting Froster finish his sentence. Froster continued, “this is what I mean, your attacks are nothing.” Froster kept out another wave of red ki, sending everyone flying backwards, but this time, it was only a few feet. Kasan didn’t move at all, but he did resume his normal stance. Kasan chuckled, “actually, I’ll admit, we have been holding back this whole time. Or at least, I have.” Kasan’s power rose, still not high enough to match Froster, but if his friends reached the same power, they would have a good chance against Froster as he is. Mitaku powered up along with him, matching his power. Boten followed, only slightly weaker, due to him not quite mastering the super saiyan form. Sans was as strong as Boten, but his eye made up for him not reaching Mitaku and Kasan’s power. Harpor was even weaker, but his power was constantly rising. Kronos was as powerful as Sans, and that was without his demon like abilities. Finally, there was Wind, who surpassed all of them, by large amount, but if his current vigorous training with them continued, they would catch up with him in a month. Kasan smiled, “so, are you ready to die?”

          Kasan instantaneously moved in front of Froster, and landed a punch into his stomach, sending him flying. Instead of pursuing, Kasan created a ball of white energy in his hand, and Zoro didn’t let the opportunity go to waste. Zoro appeared behind Froster, and delt a kick to his back, once again sending him flying, this time, into the ground. Zoro shot a volley of green ki blast into the ground, followed by Mitaku and Boten. Harpor stood still, increasing his power constantly, and Kronos was helping him keep sane. Kind of…. Wind flew up in the air, charging a bright white ki blast himself. After Mitaku, Boten, and Zoro stopped the volley of ki, they rushed in to attack Froster with melee before the smoke cleared. Kasan wasn’t sure who hit Froster first, but immediately, the smoke disappeared as the first person struck Froster. Kasan wasn’t surprised that when the smoke cleared, Froster was definitely damaged, but nowhere near defeated. The three fighters surrounded him and were attacking with a volley of melee attacks. Froster saw an opening, and flew downwards, causing the fighters to sumble into each other. Froster abruptly stopped himself, and flew upwards at the speed of sound, separating the fighters and sending them flying in different directions. Once again, Froster abruptly stopped once he was above head level of the fighters. He then had a red ball of ki surround his left hand, and as he spun clockwise, he shot three blast. Zoro disappeared as the blast was about to hit him, Mitaku deflected it with one hand, and Boten shot a wave of ki, not only obliderating the blast coming to him, but it went towards Froster, humming with power. Froster put both his hands out, ready to catch the blast and deflect it, but had not thought where Zoro would have gone. Just as the blast was about to hit Froster’s hands, Zoro appeared behind him, and landed a punch to the back of Froster’s head, making him stumble, and get hit by the blast, which pushed him upwards. Before the blast could go too far, Wind appeared behind it, and shot the blast he had been charging, pushing Froster further into Boten’s attack. The two attacks clashed, sending out light and great winds, and tearing apart the ground below it like a plow would tear up mud. So imagine what it was like to be in the middle of it. Then, to Boten and Wind’s surprise, the blast started to move away from each other. As the blast moved farther away from each other, Froster became visible in the center. Each hand was holding a blast, and he was struggling to move the blast away from each other, and he managed to moved them to the point were his arms were almost straight out, and then he flew out from between the blast as they collided, making an explosion.

         Froster was now scratched up, whereas the others, were somewhat fine. Froster strikes at the two fighters, this time, at a speed only Zoro and Kasan could follow. He moved in front of Wind, and landed a punch to his stomach, causing him to slowly double over. Froster then turned around, so that he was facing Boten, as well as Froster made himself horizontal to the ground. Froster kicked Wind’s face, doing more damage, and propelling himself towards Boten. He brought his hand back, forming a ki blast in his hand. Upon reaching Boten, he used his other fist to hit Boten’s chin upwards, and then shot the ki blast into his stomach. The blast was strong enough to defy gravity, and keep going straight, making the illusion that it was going into the sky. Froster then turned back around, and flew along the ground, so low, that as he brought his fist backwards to prepare for a punch, it hit a rock. Froster then started to aim himself upwards, preparing to do a brutal uppercut, capable of launching Wind into space. Then, just as he was about to throw the punch, something hit his back, knocking him away from WindRaiser. It was Zoro. This stumble made Froster lose his focus, and slow down. Zoro then flew at Froster, and before he could react, threw a left hook, sending Froster to the left. Zoro then appeared in front of Froster, and delivered a jab to his nose, sending him flying backwards. Finally, Zoro flew above Froster, and delivered an elbow to his forehead that sent him flying downwards. The plume of dust that was kicked up was larger than an average building. Before Zoro flew down to the ground, he shot a quick blast at the ball of energy that was pushing Boten into the air, destroying it. Froster got up, and said, “at least you can harm me. This might be interesting.” Froster tilted his head, and they could hear his neck popping. He then turned his head to the side, and spat out some blood, and then got in fighting position. “Then again, you never kno-” a sound greater than a sonic boom sounded off as Kasan punched Froster’s side, making a crater larger than the ruins of the city they were in, simultaneously destroying the ruins.

      I will admit, I didn’t get as far as I wanted on this chapter, but oh well. See you next time

    • #15817

      This chapter was amazing I loved it!

    • #15819

      Thanks,I’m hoping to make this the best fight yet, and this fight won’t be ended within the next chapter. I’m trying too make this fight awesome, as well as long.
      While on the topic of making this awesome, what can I do to make this fan fic better? I want to know everything and anything that would make this more enjoyable, because I’m making this for you guys to enjoy. (And it gives me something to do when I have my work done and am waiting for the rest of my class to catch up, which is often… My school doesn’t have the smartest people, but, oh well, at least I have time to make this!

    • #15823

      Hey guys, I’m back to enjoy more chapters 😀 I haven’t been on much cause of school.. good luck with the chapters @dbzfan

    • #15825


    • #15876

      The new chapter is really good i really hope i appear in a fight soon ;-;

    • #15878

      You made Lach, right? To be truthful, I have so much going on, and so many characters (at least for me) I’m constantly having to go back and see if I left a character out of a scene, and I only realized that I left Lach out of the fight after posting this. I will give him an important role after this fight though, a life saving one, unless you’d rather he joins in the fight as a sort of “hey, need some extra fire power” kind of thing. Also, I would like to once again ask if there was a way I could improve my writing, (in case you didn’t see when I first asked it.)

    • #15880

      Sorry but this is unrelated, how do i create a forum topic

    • #16033

      If you go to “forums,” just keep going down, and you’ll see boxes where you can write the information

    • #16352

      Hey, back I couldn’t log in srry… Also I still got some of your chapters that I need to read.

    • #17561

      Since I’m halfway through the week, it’s time for a sneak peak of the next chapter, and once again, I’m sorry that the chapters are now coming out once every other week, I hope that you guys aren’t too bothered by it

      Zoro had recovered, and as he flew at Froster, Froster rolled his eye and thought, *this is starting to get boringly repetitive.* Froster flew straight in front of Zoro, even surpassing Zoro’s speed, and Froster thought, *you can do damage to me,* Froster grabbed Zoro’s arm with his right hand. *And yet,* Froster rose, so that he was above Zoro, while simultaneously moving Zoro’s arm downwards. Suddenly, Froster was enraged, *you can’t even give me a good fight!* Froster made his left hand straight, fingers out, and hit Zoro’s arm, severing it from the rest of his body from the elbow down. As Zoro drew away, screaming in pain, his only thought was, *damn it! Not again!* Froster flew up further, so that Zoro was head level with Froster’s foot. Froster kicked Zoro downwards, into the ground, sending a dust cloud up the size of a building, incapacitating him. Sans, Mitaku, Wind, and Boten had recovered, and while they weren’t too damaged, they could see the way this fight was going. Mitaku’s fist clenched even further, making her nails dig into her flesh. Mitaku started to shake with anger, *damn it, I don’t care if his power is rising, we’re going to kill him!* Mitaku’s power started to rise, and a small wind came protruding outwards, just as Harpor came flying in from the right, punching Froster in the jaw, shattering the metal looking guard to pieces. Mitaku’s power turned to normal as her anger was replaced by shock, and she sensed that Harpor’s power, well, *its incredible…* Froster floated slowly away from Harpor, not stopping his momentum, as he registered what had just happened. Harpor stood there, patiently, waiting to see Froster’s reaction. Harpor was grinning like a madman, and his power was so high, that Mitaku feared that he had lost his sanity. It has surpassed Mitaku’s power, it had surpassed Boten’s, it had surpassed WindRaiser’s, and it surpassed Froster’s current power.

      See you next time,

    • #17564

      In case you haven’t seen the tag, I just wanted to tell you, the first ssj2 is coming, in case you already know who, try to guess how… Dun dun duuuuuuun!
      See you next time,

    • #17576

      @dbzfan I know its not gonna be me but im kinda hoping for it ssj2 gohan is bae ;-;

    • #17577

      Sorry, but you are correct, again, sorry I forgot about Lach during this fight. Lach will do sobering worthwhile after this chapter though 🙂

    • #17581

      I love you DbzFan, No homo ofc :>

    • #17607
      1firebry (Froster)

      Hey DbzFan sorry I have been inactive for a while but I was out of town for a really long time and didn’t want to use a public computer. Good news is Froster is back and reading again!!!

    • #17612

      Well, you’re back in the book as well, and just wait till you see what you do >)

    • #17621

      Sorry for the short chapter guys, but I only had a week to write it. I do not mean that as an ecxuse, and this will most likely be how long most of the chapters will be from now on. If it bothers you, (or anything else) please let me know, and I’ll try to figure something out. Here’s the chapter

      Chapter 16: Earth

      While it didn’t do the normal light show and high pitched noise, they knew that it was the same attack that he had used on Froster long ago, one that could destroy mountains, but didn’t even move Froster at the time. The attack was stronger than ever, and this was made obvious when they heard the sound of Froster’s bones breaking, and well as Froster’s scream of pain, followed by him coughing up blood. As Froster staggered away from Kasan, they could see the black armor that surrounded his torso was webbed with fractures. Kasan tried to take a step, but staggered himself, fell to his knees, and lost his super saiyan form. *Damn, I shouldn’t have used too much energy!* The rage at his own foolishness gave him the power to return to his super saiyan form again, and get up. Only for a second, as Kasan once again lost the form and fell to the his knees, breathing hard. Froster glared at Kasan, holding his bleeding side, and breathing unsteadily. “Well Kasan, I guess that was a mix of deja vú, and payback. Now, let me get some payback of my own.” Mitaku flew out of nowhere as Kasan looked up, and kicked Froster in the face, sending him backwards, and simultaneously making Froster fall backwards. Before he could hit the ground, Wind appeared below him, baseball slide style, and shot a ki blast into Froster’s back, sending him upwards. Before the blast could dissipate, Zoro appeared above Froster, and landed a kick to Froster’s stomach, putting enough force into it to obliterate the ki blast below Froster. To finish it off, Sans flew in, grabbing Froster by the back of the head, and flew towards a rock pillar hundreds of feet high. Before Froster could recover, Sans slammed his head into the pillar, shattering it like glass. Froster finally recovered, and used his left arm to lash out at Sans, the latter of which flew backwards, dodging the strike. As Kasan sat down, he watched Sans, Zoro, Wind, and Mitaku surround Froster. Just as Kasan wondered, *where is Boten?* a blast came out of the sky, landing on Froster, creating an explosion as Boten flew down to the others. After the smoke cleared, Froster was still, unharmed. Froster sighed, “I hope that that attack wasn’t meant to do damage, because if so, this fight will be boring. And you have no idea how angered I will be if someone” he turned towards Kasan, “managed to do damage to me, and then was unable to give me a good fight.” A jet black aura surrounded him, and he disappeared.

      Before anyone could react, Froster appeared behind Boten, landed a kick to his back, which sent him flying into Mitaku, sending them both flying. Zoro and Wind were the first to react, and both responded the same way: they charged Froster. Wind was almost immediately hit backwards, but Zoro was able to dodge Froster’s first strike, only to go into Froster’s next attack: a kick that sent him flying back. Sans was the final one to attack, and as Froster attempted to strike, Sans disappeared behind Froster, landing a kick to his head. Froster turned around, lashing out at Sans, whom dodged the strike. Boten and Mitaku recovered, and both flew in to help Sans, followed by Wind and Zoro. Sans and Froster exchanged strikes, and while Froster seemed to be unable to hit Sans, Sans seemed to be unable to hurt Froster, despite landing every hit. Froster turned his head for a split second, seeming to sense the others charging forward, and desperately threw a punch towards Sans. Thanks to luck, was able to hit Sans in the stomach, doubling him over. Froster spun, and made an ark of ki, which would’ve knocked the fighters back again, but they were starting to anticipate his attacks, and flew above the ark. All Froster could do before the fighters flew down at him, was put his arms up in front of his face in defense. Mitaku landed a kick to his stomach, causing him to double over and drop his arms. Sans then flew around and punched Froster’s now unguarded face. Zoro followed up Sans’ strike with a punch to Froster’s throat, using his extremely stretchable limbs to stay far away from Froster. As Froster’s hands went to his throat, Mitaku punched his nose, causing his eyes to water. While Boten couldn’t get within melee range, (due to the others surrounding Froster,) he did point his finger at Froster, focus his ki into his one finger, and shot it, directly into Froster’s eye. His scream of pain could have been heard anywhere within a mile, if there was anyone left to hear him. Froster clamped his hand over his eye, and Froster slowly flew away from the fighters as blood dripped from his now destroyed eye. The four fighters had no mercy, and took advantage of this. Sans hit Froster in stomach, causing him to double over. Although Mitaku wasn’t so kind to let a opportunity go to waste. She flew at Froster, nearly throwing Sans out of the way, and jabbed her finger into his already injured eye, causing him to once again, scream in pain. Boten followed this up with a ki wave, which sent Froster flying back. The four of them pursued once again, but Froster had recovered. Just as Zoro and Boten got close to Froster, the latter shot out a volley of red ki blast, sending Zoro flying backwards. Sans dodged them, whereas Mitaku and Boten flew through them, unharmed. As Boten and Mitaku (due to them being faster than Sans) got close to Froster, the latter instantly moved in front of the two fighters, surprising them.

      Before they could react to the sudden rush, Froster hit Mitaku’s stomach, causing her to double over as he used his tail to choke Boten. As Boten attempted to take Froster’s tail away from his throat, Froster unleashed a volley of brutal melee attacks, only putting Mitaku in more shock. Just as Boten started to calm down, and take his hands away from Froster’s tail, (so he could attack Froster,) Froster spun clockwise, slamming Boten into Mitaku, (again). Sans caught up, and attempted to strike Froster, whom easily dodged. The shock of missing a strike shocked Sans, he almost never missed, and yet, Froster had been able to move out of his way. Froster took advantage of Sans’ shock, and punched his stomach, sending him flying backwards into Boten and Mitaku. Zoro had recovered, and as he flew at Froster, Froster rolled his eye and thought, *this is starting to get boringly repetitive.* Froster flew straight in front of Zoro, even surpassing his speed, and Froster thought, *you can do damage to me,* Froster grabbed Zoro’s arm with his right hand. *And yet,* Froster rose, so that he was above Zoro, while simultaneously moving Zoro’s arm downwards. Suddenly, Froster was enraged, *you can’t even give me a good fight!* Froster made his left hand straight, fingers out, and hit Zoro’s arm, severing it from the rest of his body from the elbow down. As Zoro drew away, screaming in pain, his only thought was, *damn it! Not again!* Froster flew up further, so that Zoro was head level with Froster’s foot. Froster kicked Zoro downwards, into the ground, sending up a dust cloud the size of a building, incapacitating him. Sans, Mitaku, Wind, and Boten had recovered, and while they weren’t too damaged, they could see the way this fight was going. Mitaku’s fist clenched even further, making her nails dig into her flesh. Mitaku started to shake with anger, *damn it, I don’t care if his power is rising, we’re going to kill him!* Mitaku’s power started to rise, and a small wind came protruding outwards, just as Harpor came flying in from the right, punching Froster in the jaw, shattering the metal looking guard to pieces. Mitaku’s power turned to normal as her anger was replaced by shock, and she sensed that Harpor’s power, well, *its incredible…* Froster floated slowly away from Harpor, not stopping his momentum, as he registered what had just happened. Harpor stood there, patiently, waiting to see Froster’s reaction. Harpor was grinning like a madman, and his power was so high, that Mitaku feared that he had lost his sanity. It had surpassed Mitaku’s power, it had surpassed Boten’s, it had surpassed WindRaiser’s, and it surpassed Froster’s current power.

      Froster turned his head towards Harpor slowly, seeming to be a devoid of emotion. Mitaku was frozen in fear, along with everyone else. Not because of Froster, but because of Harpor. Mitaku started to slowly fly backwards as she wondered, *is Harpor still sane? His facial expression doesn’t look like it, but at the same time, he’s staying perfectly still, waiting for Froster to recover. *Maybe it’s due to his saiyan instincts, waiting for his opponent to recover so he can get a good fight?* Froster was now looking directly at Harpor, and then used the back of his hand to wipe away the blood from his mouth. Froster looked at it, as if contemplating how Harpor could have done that. Froster brought his hand down to his side, still quiet, and still surrounded by his black aura. Froster’s next words were slowly spoken, and as deadly calm as a snake, “you, will, die.” Froster’s aura increased in size at least ten fold, and instead of seeming to grow brighter, it seemed to grow darker, seeping the light out of his surroundings as Froster put his arms out to his side, hands open, as if showcasing something. Harpor brought his arm to his side at a 90 degree angle, having his power increase as well. Harpor’s aura increased with Froster’s, as did his power. And as Froster’s, dark, fire like aura touched Harpor’s, bright, sphereical aura, it created a spectacle not to different from a solar eclipse. The other fighters had to look away as the two auras clashed, producing more light than a supernova. People on the other side of the planet, where it was night, could see the immense amount of light. Even though the other fighters had their backs turned to the brilliant light, they were nearly blinded by the sheer brightness of it. Then, as suddenly as it started, it stopped.

      The fighters turned around, just to be blown back by the two warrior’s clashing fist, making a shockwave that matched a atom bomb. While the fighters weren’t blown back far, they were blown back far enough to prevent them from giving Harpor any immediate help. As Mitaku looked upon the battle, she wondered whether Harpor even needed help, *even with one arm, he’s matching Froster.* the five fighters stood in shock, as the two of them traversed the sky, going high and low, far and close as the battle between terrors raged on. Kronos appeared next to Mitaku in a small column of fire, although Mitaku didn’t notice until Kronos spoke, due to the sheer loudness of the battle. *Mitaku.* Mitaku jumped, and then punched Kronos in the shoulder, “don’t sneak up on me like that!” Kronos seemed to look at her incredulously, as if saying, *really? I just came while in a plume of fire, and you said I sneaked up on you?* Although he didn’t say it, and it was hard to tell what facial expression Kronos had, due to the bandages covering almost his entire face. Kronos spoke, *I have troubling news. I have attempted to keep Harpor sane as he gained the large amount of power that he now possesses, but I was unable to. Now, he has no sanity, and he will only regain it when he descends out of his legendary form. The only thing keeping him from turning on us is a faint sense of loyalty. If it wasn’t for his sense of gratitude towards Kasan, I doubt he would be helping us.* Mitaku turned towards Kasan, whom was sitting against a rock, breathing heavily, but watching the battle with a calm expression. Mitaku thought, *it’s amazing, to be able to leave that kind of effect on someone.* Kronos nodded, and Mitaku realized she spoke aloud. *It is Mitaku. Kasan is an interesting person. At the same time Mitaku, you can certainly leave an impression on someone. Harpor admires Kasan’s power, and, while he will not admit it, even to himself, he admires your devotion to your friends. Although one of the people in this group think of you as more.* Mitaku rolled her eyes, “Kasan said the same thing, and let me guess, you won’t tell me?” Kronos looked at Mitaku, once again, with what Mitaku guessed was an incredulous look, *this is hardly the time, but even if it was the time, no.* Mitaku asked, “who else knows about this person who likes me?” Kronos seemed to chuckle, *well, Kasan knows, Boten, and Sans.* Mitaku rolled her, eyes, and her her attention back to the fight.

      Harpor was having fun. As the two of them exchanged blows at the speed of sound, the sound of their punches sounded out on the wasteland, and he could feel the force of their punches resonating through his bones. Froster decided to change it up a little bit, after all, they had been in the same place, exchanging punches for almost a minute. Harpor, instead of tanking or blocking Froster’s next attack, he dodged to the right, and then punched Froster’s stomach, sending Froster flying. *Homerun!* Harpor thought as he chased his opponent, laughing like the madman he was. Froster almost immediately recovered, and flew directly at Harpor, although this didn’t make Harpor slow down, this actually made him fly faster, making Harpor want to literally run into his opponent head first. Then, Froster flew upwards at the last moment, which sent Harpor barreling forward in surprise, unable to slow himself enough to turn around fast enough. Harpor then felt the searing pain of ki blast shot into his back, tearing up his Broly like clothing, and creating burns on his back that caused him to bleed. Harpor turned, once again seeing Froster flying at him head first, and Harpor did not pursue. This time, Harpor pointed his hand outwards as a green sphere of ki surrounded his hand. Froster was not threatened, and kept flying forwards. Harpor laughed, *fool! He doesn’t understand just how powerful I am, does he?! Or is it a she… Do they even have gender? How do they reproduce?! Oh well. Die!!!* He then shot out a volley of massive green spheres of deadly ki, each one the size of a car. The last thing that Harpor saw before his blasts hit, was Froster’s surprised expression. As the blast hit each other, creating explosion after explosion, and the only thing that could be heard over the explosions, was Harpor’s gleeful laughs.

      After the blasts faded, and the smoke cloud started to dissipate, Boten asked, “did it work?” Sans looked at Boten, and laughed with no humor, “do you even have to ask?” The dust was blown away by Froster’s black aura, and Froster continued his fight with Harpor. Boten sighed, “no… Should we help him? I mean, after all, we might have a chance if we team up.” Kronos shook his head, *theorecticly, yes. If we did though, we would probably be caught in the crossfire. Just because Harpor won’t directly attack us, doesn’t mean he will go out of his way to not hurt us. It’s not worth the risk.* Boten nodded, but sighed in frustration.

      As Harpor attacked Froster, he wondered, *can I even hurt this lizard looking thing? My attacks make him stumble, and he bleeds, but he seems to feel no pain! Perhaps if I hit freezer, I mean cooler, I mean, whatever this guys name is! Something that has to do with cold! Wait, isn’t “Cold” actually one of their names?… Anyways, what happens if I hit him here?* Harpor threw a hook to Froster’s side, the same side that Kasan had hit with his attack. Right where Froster’s armor was shattered, and was bleeding profusely. When Harpor hit Froster’s side, Froster screamed out in pain as the armor was shattered even more, sending out more fractures and making purple blood spray out from the wound, covering Harpor’s hand. Froster stumbled backwards as Harpor grinned, and repressed a laugh. Harpor took advantage of Froster’s pain, and flew forwards, punching Froster relentlessly, each punch sending Froster flying further forwards. Just as they were leaving the area, and approached a mountain, Froster seemed to recover enough to throw a punch, but before he could, Harpor created a ball of green ki in his hand, and simultaneously slammed his hand into Froster’s damaged side, once again causing him to scream in pain. And due to the ki blast now searing Froster’s side, Froster screamed louder than before. Harpor then shot the ki blast, sending Froster flying into the mountain, which immediately crumbled under both the force of the ki blast, and the force of Froster being rammed into it. Harpor laughed like a maniac as he flew back to where everyone else was, tempting Froster to chase him. And Froster did.

      Once Harpor reached the place where his friends were, he turned around, and saw Froster coming at him, faster than a bullet, and as mad as a bull. The sight of it made Harpor laugh, but his laugh was quickly shut off by Froster increasing his speed, and slamming his fist into Harpor’s stomach. Froster then shot upwards, delevering an uppercut to Harpor’s chin, sending him upwards along with Froster. Froster, now in pain and damaged, was relentless. He clasped his hands together as if about to hit a volley ball, but then, instead of just hitting Harpor, Froster formed a ki blast in his hands at the last second. Harpor opened his eyes, and thought, *so this is what it’s like to be a volleyball.* Froster hit Harpor’s face, sending Harpor flying into the ground, and while it didn’t make a dust cloud, it did make a crater as wide as a building. Harpor layed there for a few moments, relatively unharmed, and as Froster waited in the sky, Harpor thought, *I don’t like being a volleyball.* Harpor released more of his ki, making the crater larger, and obliderating the rock that held his arm and legs down. It was uneeded, he could have just pulled his arm out of the rocks, but he thought it was fun to cause more destruction. Harpor then flew straight upwards, looking like a blazing comet in reversed gravity. Froster did the same, although he went downwards. Due to his black aura, he looked more like a piece of space was falling down into the world, and Sans found himself holding his breath in anticipation. The two of them seemed to go towards each other in slow motion, even though in reality, they were both going at each other faster than the speed of light. Neither of them made a visible attack, but just as their auras touched, the epicenter of where they collided grew brighter than a falling star, and made a shockwave that, while there was no land nearby to flatten, it did throw the other fighters back, nearly throwing them out of the destroyed city.

      Even after the initial shockwave, a continuous wind came outwards, making it harder for the fighters, (ecspecially Kasan, whom had hardly recovered enough ki to fly,) to make it back to the fight. Once the did, they saw the two of them, still there, in a sort of reverse tug of war, each one trying to unbalance the other and send them flying. Boten regained his super saiyan form, (Boten, and Mitaku had detransformed as to conserve power,) and pointed his hand at the two of the fighters, putting his left hand on his right forearm, steadying it. “So, what’s the verdict Kronos, can we help Harpor now?” Kronos thought for a second, then nodded, *yes, fire at Froster!* Boten didn’t hesitate, he shot a beam of golden ki that soared towards Froster, immediately followed by Sans, Wind, and Mitaku’s blasts, (Mitaku shot after turning super saiyan of course). The blasts seemed soundless as they flew through the air, and once they hit Froster, no explosion happened, but they could hear it hit him, and Froster turned his head for one moment. One moment was all Harpor needed him to be distracted for. They could hear Harpor yell as he released all of his ki, shooting upwards, bringing Froster along with him. Wind expected Harpor to stop, or to blast Foster, to do something, but Harpor kept going upwards. Harpor kept going further into the sky, until his aura seemed to be a star visible in the day, and eventually, disappeared. Wind momentarily panicked, but quickly came to his senses, and used his ki sense to see what was happening. Harpor was now falling, fast. Froster was staying still. They were obviously in orbit, so why was Harpor coming back to the ground? Then, Wind figured out why. “Move!!!” He yelled as he flew away from where Harpor would land. The others followed, then looked up in the sky, to see Harpor falling to the ground, looking unconscious. Wind was surrounded by an aura, instantly wanting to fly forward and stop Harpor from hitting the ground, but Kronos appeared in his way. *Don’t, I doubt you could stop his momentum, and even if you could, he would most likely be angered, and do something that may indirectly hurt you.* Wind was still, and glared at Kronos, seeming to see how serious he was. Wind flew backwards a few feet, and his aura disappeared. Boten noticed that Wind looked afraid as he backed down. *Does Wind know something about Kronos that we don’t?* Harpor crashed into the ground, sending dust and a shockwave outwards, making the fighters cover their eyes with one arm. After the dust cleared, another dust cloud was sent out of the ground as Harpor shot back up into the air, whom was laughing, and giving Froster a difficult fight, despite only having one arm. Sans spoke to no one in general, while still looking at the fight, “do we have a contingency plan? I know we’ve never had one, but we might as well.” Little did he know, Lach was actually taking care of that, in a completely different solar system.

      Lach slammed his hands down on the table, sending small fractures and wood chips across its surface. “Wind is the founder and supreme commander of the Cooperationist! And right now, his life is in danger. As his personal assistant, I request to have you comply to my command!” He was facing a thin, glass screen, showing four people. They were referred to as the, governors, they took over the army when Wind was gone, and would take over permanently if Wind died. One spoke, “we cannot let the Loyalist recuperate just to save one person.” Lach’s hands slowly clenched into fists, “the Loyalist are a dead snake, resisting for a short amount of time before it dies completely. We can leave it, and let it die on its own as we save the person who hired you!” The others were silent. Another started to speak, “I think that overall this is a bad ide-” Lach interrupted him, “I am using my supreme command to force you to comply.” The others were silent to a count to ten. “Very well Lach, but we will remember this.” Lach grinned, “you’d better.”

      Back on Earth, Kronos answered, *well, I have an idea.* Before anyone else could ask, he said, *I know you’ve never given anyone else your ki, but if you can share your power with the strongest of our group, and then use it all in a single burst, we may kill Froster.* Then Kasan spoke, “is that the truth Kronos? Is it really?” They all turned, and saw Kasan limping over, and Mitaku moved to help him, but he put a hand out, and shook his head. “I’m fine, I just accidentally used a technique that used up too much of my power. I’ll explain later.” He turned to Kronos, and said, “so? Is that the truth, out of all the lies you’ve told us?” Kronos’ face seemed to harden. *To be truthful, no, it will not kill him. Deeply damage him, yes. The overall outcome, will be our death.* Everyone froze, the news of Kronos, whom never seemed to be wrong, telling them they would die, was more than disheartening. It was depressing, and seemed to suck the life out of them. Not to mention that Kasan was now saying that Kronos had lied to them, about what, and how much? Boten took a breath, “what if you guys left?” Mitaku turned towards him, her eyes narrowed. “You make it sound like you’ll be the one doing it.” Boten’s shoulders slumped slightly, as if he was scared of being punished, but his shoulders immediately returned to how it was before. “I’m not saying I’m stronger than you, I’m just saying that if instead of all of us dying, if I can die to save you guys, I’ll do it.” Mitaku started to argue, but Kasan raised his hand, and said, “stop.” He turned to Kronos, and asked, “did you take in consideration that I can access my vital energy?” Wind tilted his head, “vital energy?” Kasan nodded, “everyone has their ki, which we use for everyday things, although can be used for more, like what we do. Then, there is vital energy, which is used for sustaining our life. Some fighters know that you can access it, but very little of them. An even smaller amount of fighters know how to access it. If you can, even using the smallest amount can change the tide of a battle. Using it can tire you out easily, that’s why I can hardly walk, and I only used a little bit of it. Accidentally of course.” He added the last part due to Mitaku’s glare. “If you use too much of it, you will die. That’s what happened to me on-” he stopped talking, as he reached the sensitive subject of his death. He turned towards Kronos, and asked, “so, did you take that in the equation?” Kronos shook his head, *if you use it, even if you don’t use enough to end your life, it should be enough to give us a chance. So, who is the strongest? Who will recive the power?”

      Kasan, Boten, and Mitaku all said, “me,” at the same time. None of them were trying to say they were the strongest, but were trying to make sure that if a sacrifice had to be made, it would be themselves. Boten was the first to speak, “both of you have gone through too much, done too much. It my turn to do something.” Mitaku immediately responded with, “Boten, you have the most potential in this group, we can’t let you die.” Boten retorted with, “how the hell could you know that? If anything, you and Kasan have the most potential here! I’ll admit, I don’t know how strong Kronos is, after all, he’s never used his full power. But-” Kronos interrupted Boten, and seemed deadly calm, *pray, that I never do.* Mitaku started to speak, and she looked distressed, but Kasan cut her off immediately, “I’ll do it. I have the strongest techniques, not to mention I’ve died before, and I have no problems doing so again.” Mitaku punched him in the chest, but even in his weakened state, her punch didn’t stagger him. “Stop it Kasan! I get it, you’ve sacrificed yourself, but you can stop trying to be a hero! No one wants you to die again!” Kasan immediately responded, seeming to be much more calm and level headed about it. “I’m not, “trying,” to be anything. I just don’t want you to die, it’s who I am! You can’t change that. And just as you don’t want me to die again, I don’t want any of you to die at all. Take it from someone who died, dying isn’t something you want to go through.” Before anyone could say anything else, Wind asked, “why don’t we just flee, let him take this planet, there are thousands of others that we could-” Wind stopped speaking when he saw the fighters glaring at him, and an explosion from Harpor’s battle only made Wind more inclined to stop speaking. It was Sans whom spoke though, “Earth is our home, and it has three billion people on it. Yes, it used to be more populated before Zae destroyed half of it, but we can still recover.” Kronos ended the conversation by saying, *why don’t we just wait until the decision needs to be made, to make it.* Everyone nodded, agreeing, but Kasan glared at Kronos, although he said nothing.

      Harpor was beaten, bloody, and his one arm was tired since he had to use it for everything, blocking, attacking, deflecting, everything. And yet, Harpor was having fun. Froster was in just as bad as a situation as him. Although Froster kept getting more and more frustrated. Froster shot a volley of small red ki blasts, which Harpor easily dodged, moving right into Froster’s next attack. Harpor looked up just in time to see Froster clasp his hands together, and raised them above his head, as if about to hit a volleyball. *I don’t want to be a volleyball again!* Harpor shot his hand out, shooting a large ki blast outwards, hitting Froster directly in the face, sending him upwards. Harpor, instead of vanishing and doing a powerful attack, grabbed Froster’s leg, spun, then threw Froster into the ground, sending up a plume of dust and debris. Harpor floated downwards, holding a ki blast in his hand. Once he reached the ground, Froster was standing again in the shallow crater. Froster was bleeding in multiple places, his armor looking bone that surrounded his torso was almost completely destroyed, and the crystals on his head, shoulders, and arms had fractures spanning their surface. Froster’s fist were clinched, and he was shaking from frustration and anger. When Froster spoke, he spoke slowly, “I have never been damaged before, not even in the slightest. And now, I suffer this unbearable pain and humiliation. I am invincible, I am a god! I shall not let proof of this humiliation exist!” The area around Froster’s left hand grew dark, and Harpor instantly realized what Froster was doing. This, for some reason, shocked Harpor to his senses, and seeing that he couldn’t stop it, turned towards his friends, and flew towards them, full speed. The others wanted to dash forwards, and stop Froster from doing whatever he was going to do, but Harpor raised his hand out in an obvious gesture, *stop!* He flew right next to them, and yelled, expanding his Sphereical aura outwards, surrounding everyone with it. Kronos realized what Harpor was doing, and disappeared as Froster rose his hand above his head, murmuring, “Nova Blast.” Froster brought his hand down to the ground, just as Kronos appeared back in the sphere, holding an unconscious Zoro in his arms. Froster’s hand hit the ground, sending out a blast that sent fractures the width of skyscrapers across the ground. From the crevasses, large plumes of lava shot up, as the crevasses webbed the planet, and within a few seconds, the earth grew as bright as the sun, and, exploded…..

      Don’t worry guys, the series isn’t over yet, and as always, I hoped you liked it.
      See you next time,

    • #17628

      For the next week I will work on the anti terrorist book, and please, tell me anything I can improve on for either books.

    • #17632

      Incredible chapter, DbzFan! I give it a 10 out of 10!

    • #17638
      1firebry (Froster)

      Only a 10/10 i give it a 114,763/10. Dbzfan if you have me transform I will get to change my profile picture to whatever you have me transform into.

    • #17641

      Sorry I haven’t made it prominent, but in chapter 14 or 15 it said that Froster looked different, then described how so. That was me getting to say that he transformed, without literaly saying that. (P.S. this is meant to be his final form. If you wanted it another way, please tell me.) Also, what did you use to make that profile picture? And thank you, I hope that the quality hasn’t gone down to much since I’ve been doing smaller releases? I also hope you like how I wrote Froster?
      Thank you, I hope that you like how I’m making Harpor? (To be truthful, I have an immense amount of fun thinking about how to make Harpor seem crazy 😀

    • #17734
      1firebry (Froster)

      Oh and Dbzfan If you are planning to kill me off let it be known that I am immortal(I wished from the dragonballs that I would never be able to die 997 years before this takes place), however that does not mean that I am unable to be defeated, in fact, I can even have entire arms legs or my tail severed and be knocked out for a time of up to 12 years, however none of my vital organs can be damaged, so I am sorry if you have already written my death, but you are going to have to tweak that part just a bit. Also I do enjoy how you have been writing me but not Harpor, in my original application I stated that my final form(I called it god form) is “too bright, yet still black, to look at in god form,” I am sorry if we miscommunicated on this, but by “too bright to look at” I meant that if someone looked at me while I was in my god form then they would become blind for 17 mins with an additional minute of blindness for every 4 seconds that the hypothetical person looked at it. Dbzfan, all of the images I use for my profile pictures have come from google or deviant art, sorry for misleading you.

    • #17737

      In, well Froster, I’m not site if you’re joking about the “immortal” thing, not to mention that dense died about three thousand years ago, meaning the dragon balls haven’t been around for three thousand years, although I can make you invincible if you’re serious about it. As for the final form, don’t be sorry, none of that was your fault, I just have bad memory, and I can change the plot a little to compensate for his true final form 🙂
      Also you said you didn’t like how I wrote Harpor, why? (I’ll be honest, the question was meant for Harpor, (would still like a response, but I’ll understand if you don’t give one) but I want to know how to make the story more enjoyable in whatever way I can.)

    • #17740

      There are a few things i dont like about harpor, but they are very minimal

    • #17741

      If it’s not to much of a problem, please tell me, after all, I will start traveling soon, and may not be able to release many more chapters, so please tell me how I can make the next few chapters enjoyable as possible

    • #17742

      Well, lssj form is only used when someone is about to die, he mainly relies on his base.
      And he is not rage mode mode in lssj, he is malicious.

    • #17743

      So you want lssj to be a last resort, and you want him to be just malicious and cruel, not pissed off?

    • #17744

      Yeah! 😀

    • #17745

      Good to know, I’ll get right on that! (Or at least, once I start working the the fanfic again). If anyone wants any changes done to their character, even minor, please tell me.
      See you next time,

    • #17763

      mk @dbzfan since i made my character i changed the look he has black hair tinted blue with yellow eyes and red potara earings

    • #17940
      1firebry (Froster)

      Yes dbzfan I am extremely serious about me being immortal. Thanks!

    • #17993

      Guys, I am extremely sorry to say that, the fanfic will not continue. I have tried my best to make it as enjoyable as possible, and I am not completely giving up on it, it’s just that my living conditions are changing, and I no longer have the means to write either of my books. I hope that you guys have enjoyed it so far, and feel free to ask any questions. I don’t know when I will start it back up, but I plan too. I really wish I could have released at least one last chapter, but I could not. Of course, I will still be on this site, I just will be unable to release new chapters for some time.
      See you next time,

    • #18253

      That april fools joke tho or is this true we shall only know on the next episode of dbc!

    • #18258

      I am sorry, but that wasn’t an April fools joke. The series is on hold as of the moment, due to the fact that I don’t have WiFi. (I’m using data on my phone, and my plan doesn’t allow Hotspots, and I absolutely refuse to do it on my phone. (Due to the auto type)). I will continue to write anytime I get WiFi, but I’m traveling, so that won’t be to often. I am sorry for the inconvenience. In case I wasn’t clear, the dbcfanfic is not over, it is simply on hold as of the moment, same with the anti terrorist book. I am sorry.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by TravelerSoul.
    • #18301


    • #19362

      Chapter 17: The Undying

      The warriors opened their eyes, and around them, they saw stars, and darkness. They looked around, and saw nothing but the stars, and emptiness of space. The only thing left of Earth, was a few meteors, and the ground beneath them that Harpor’s barrier covered. They looked over to Froster, whom was laughing, although they heard nothing, after all, no one can hear you scream in space. The group saw the stars in their full beauty, row upon row of magnificent multicolored light, but it only reminded them of what they lost. There was one less star in the universe. Froster halted his laughter, and put his hand out at the fighters’ shield. They did nothing to stop him as a ball of green light appeared in his hand, but for various reasons. Kronos was unaffected by Earth’s destruction, to him, it meant nothing to the plan. Sans was devastated, because despite how he had trained during Zae’s attacks, he was normally a lazy person. His only thought was: *If I had trained harder, worked harder, would this have happened?* Mitaku was also devastated, because she had destroyed Namek, killing billions, and now, due to her being unable to stop someone, the Earth, her home for all these years, was now gone. Mitaku fell to her knees, with tears in her eyes. Kasan hadn’t comprehended what had happened, he was still in shock. Harpor was just struggling to keep the shield up, and Wind was busy helping him. Boten did nothing, because of his rage.

      He looked at the ground beneath him, one of the last pieces of Earth left. His fist were shaking, and the ground beneath him turned into a shallow crater. A yellow aura blinked around him, followed by small sparks of lightning that surrounded his body. *I was the last one to become a super saiyan.* Another spark of lighting surrounded him, followed by loose pieces of dirt and rubble rising around him. *I was the weakest, I couldn’t keep up, I was useless during the entire fight with Nogaro, and now, I couldn’t help save Earth.* The yellow aura now was steady, and was sending the little amount of air in the shield swirling. Everyone now turned to Boten as his hair rose and turned blond. It was as if he was turning super saiyan, but less of his hair covered his forehead. Boten thought of all the people he knew on Earth, everyone from the clerks that he knew from the grocery store, to his friends that he knew as a child. *All of them, are gone. All of them. Because of Froster!* lighting was now flickering violently around Boten, casting a blue light on the ground, and his body glowed a golden color due to his gold aura glowing continuously brighter. The small piece of land that they were on rumbled as if in the middle of an Earthquake, and fractures spread across it. Froster looked upon the magnificent display of light and rage with a small sense of curiosity as Boten’s aura grew so bright that they couldn’t see Boten. Froster, being in space, couldn’t hear anything that was happening, but the warriors inside Harpor’s shield, could hear nothing over the whirlwind caused by Boten’s aura. Over the hurricane of rage and wind, they could hear Boten’s screams of rage. The noise continued to get louder, and seemed to echo. This happened for almost an entire minute, and it wasn’t helping Harpor keep up his shield. Finally, his aura exploded, and then, everything was once again deadly calm. Once the light faded, they all turned to Boten, and saw that not only was he surrounded by an aura that was brighter and flaming more violently then normal, but he was also surrounded by row upon row of mini lightning bolts. Boten had ascended.

      Boten turned his gaze from the ground, and now looked directly at Froster, and Froster was confused. When Froster looked at Boten’s face, he saw nothing. Boten didn’t look scared, or angry, or frustrated, his face had no emotion. The warriors did nothing, because the calmness seemed fragile, like an icy lake that has fractures across it’s surface, and now they were afraid to move, or speak, because it might shatter, and all hell would break loose. Then, Mitaku spoke, “Boten?” He did nothing, he didn’t move, he didn’t speak, and Mitaku wondered if he heard her. Then, he turned his head to look at her, still emotionless, and he said two words in a deadly calm voice, “stay back.” Then he disappeared. Everyone looked around for him, including Froster. Then Froster felt someone tap on his shoulder. Froster spun around, attempting to ram his elbow into Boten’s face, but Boten caught Froster’s fist, and without wasting a second, rammed his fist into Froster’s side, causing Froster to scream in pain. although no one can hear you scream in space. Boten spun so that he was now in front of Froster, and used his momentum to add force to his punch that sent Froster downwards. Boten then kneed Froster’s chin, sending him back upwards. Boten then relentlessly punched Froster’s stomach rapidly, followed by a powerful punch to Froster’s chin that sent him flying upwards. Before he could go to far, Boten appeared above Froster, but Boten was now sideways, then again, which way is up in space? Boten sent an elbow into Froster’s jaw, causing Froster to turn parallel to Boten. Boten put his hand against Froster’s stomach, and just as Froster recovered, Boten shot a volley of golden ki blast into Froster, sending him flying through one of the pieces of Earth. As Boten dashed after Froster, Mitaku turned to Kronos, and asked, “can’t we help him somehow?” Kronos would have chuckled if he could have. *It does not look like he needs our help, and even if he did, there is very little you could do, especially due to the small amount of air that we have in here. You all have become accustomed to having oxygen, and so you won’t last in space much longer than a human in your current state, the only reason that Boten will be able to finish this fight, is due to this new power he has unleashed. Saiyans are odd creatures.* Mitaku was suddenly confused. “Aren’t you a saiyan Kronos?” Kronos shook his head, *I’m only part saiyan. Remember, I’m half-* Mitaku waved her hand dismissively, “yes yes, we know all about that.” As Mitaku turned her attention to the fight, she saw Kasan glaring at Kronos. The two fighters were now fighting at a speed greater than sound, and with each hit were obliterating the large meteors that were once apart of earth. Wind suddenly thought of something, “wait, what about the sun’s radiation, won’t that-” Harpor spoke, and it was obvious that he was still struggling to keep the shield up, “our auras aren’t just displays of light and power, they also act as shields, guarding us from attacks, radiation, and so on, this “shield,” is really just my aura. Boten will be fine.” Under his breath, Harpor added, “I hope.”

      Froster dodged one of Boten’s punches, and landed a kick to Boten’s stomach. The strike didn’t even stagger Boten. Boten turned to face Froster, and punched him in the face, breaking his nose. As Froster staggered backwards, Boten pulled his fist backwards, and then he disappeared for just a moment, and then reappeared. Froster didn’t notice it, and shot a blast at Boten. A small ball of ki surrounded Boten’s hand, and then Froster’s ki blast went through Boten, although right after it did, Boten disappeared. Boten reappeared behind Froster, with the ki blast in his hand getting larger. Froster shot another blast at Boten, and the same thing happened, although this time, Boten appeared to Froster’s left. This time, Froster raised his hand above his head, and charged a ki blast that was larger than Boten. When Froster shot that blast, and it hit Boten, once again he disappeared, and reappeared in a different place. This time though, multiple Botens appeared completely surrounding Froster. Froster turned, looking all around him. he was completely surrounded, left, right, front, back, even up and down, he was in a sphere of Botens. Kasan chuckled, “he’s made a new form of afterimage.”

      Froster, unsure what to do, surrounded himself with a dark blue ball of energy, and then shot ki blast in every direction. Image after image of Boten disappeared, until there was one left, and Froster shot a large blast of ki, which made the last one disappear. Froster looked around, wondering: *Then where is he?* He sensed a large gathering of ki behind him, and turned, just to see Boten, the real one this time, and he was aiming a large ki ball at Froster’s face. Before Froster could react, Boten shot the wave of ki, sending Froster flying back into a meteor, creating a crater on it’s surface. Froster pulled himself out of the rock, and when he saw Boten waiting, still a devoid of emotion, it enraged Froster. He launched forward, with an aura so dark that it mixed with the darkness of space. Boten simply raised his hand, palm pointed towards Froster. Before Boten could do anything, Froster shot a volley of ki blasts at Boten, and as each hit, it caused an explosion just as dark as Froster’s aura. Froster continued to fly towards Boten, and as the *explosions disappeared, he saw that Boten was standing in the same position, seeming unharmed. Boten’s hand glowed golden, and a wave of ki shot outwards from his hand. It was about as wide as a car, so Froster had no trouble dodging it. The blast disappeared, and Froster hit Boten’s stomach, but did no damage. Boten returned with a knee to Froster’s stomach, causing Froster to cough up blood, which just floated in front of the two of them due to the lack of gravity. Froster flew back, wondering, *how the hell did he get so much more powerful!* Froster looked at Boten’s tail, which was motionless. *I have heard that some saiyans could ascend to a form beyond super saiyan. Is that what happened?* Froster brought his hand away from his stomach, and saw it covered with blood. *Well then, I guess I’ll have to use *that* technique.* Froster straightened himself, and dropped his hand to his side.

      Froster’s power started to rise, and he seemed to be healing where he had taken the most damage. Within seconds, Froster’s eye was healed, and then the damage that Kasan had dealt to his side started to heal. Wind realized what was happening, “no, no, no, he’s transforming. You have to tell Boten to stop him before he fully recovers!” Mitaku spoke to Wind in a grim tone, “we already have, and he said no.” Kasan turned to Mitaku and said, “don’t worry, he’s got a plan. He won’t let saiyan instinct get the best of him.” Mitaku immediately felt ashamed of herself, not just for underestimating her friend, but because of Namek being destroyed because she let her saiyan instinct get the best of her. *I need to get over that, there was nothing I can do about it now, except make sure it doesn’t happen again.* Once again she felt ashamed, because she couldn’t stop Froster from destroying Earth. *two planets, now gone because of me.* She started to cry silently, and Kasan tried to comfort her as Wind turned his attention to the fight.

      Froster started to glow bright, despite having pitch black skin and blood red crystals. If Boten’s eyes hadn’t been used to things like that, he had no doubt that he would be temporarily blind just looking at Froster. Froster then started to grow larger, gaining even more spikes and bone like armor. Suddenly, Froster stopped. Boten was no longer where he was, now, he was in front of Froster. Boten’s left arm was at his side, and Boten’s right arm was in Froster’s chest. Before Froster could react to the brutal assault, Froster’s blood that was now coming out of his chest, turned gold. The reason it looked gold, was that Boten had charged a ki blast inside of Froster’s chest. Boten fired the blast, obliterating Froster’s lungs, heart, and spine as the ki ball burst out of Froster’s back, and went flying into space. Boten took his hand out of Froster’s chest, and let Froster’s limp body drift off.

      Before Froster drifted off to far, it stopped, and Boten wondered why. Froster then straightened himself, with his face full of pain. Everyone was in shock except Boten, not even a arconian should have been able to survive that. Boten saw Froster’s spine, lungs, and heart reform, although none of the skin regrew over the bone and muscle that seemed to heal as if in a time laps video. Froster was now back into the form he started the fight with, and suddenly everyone could hear hi, speak. “You don’t know how old I am, do you? By the way, I’m speaking with a mass telepathic technique Akuryō taught me. I am a little over four thousand years old, which means I was around for a thousand years before the dragon balls disappeared. Within that thousand years, I managed to wish for immortality, so now, no matter what you do, you will be unable to kill me. You can weaken me, sure, as a matter of fact, I can’t transform now. Although, you could throw me into the sun, and I would still live, I am invincible.” Harpor turned his concentration to Froster for a moment. “If I recall correctly, we would be able to cut you to pieces, then spread those pieces out, and you would never be able to regenerate.” Froster smiled, “this is true, but at the same time, good luck with that” Froster once again charged Boten, and their battle continued.

      I hoped you liked the chapter, I don’t know when the next one will come out, and I hope that you guys are still interested in this, but if your not, I fully understand. (P.S. I didn’t get to go over the chapter and proof read, I’m low on time, but I hope you enjoyed it anyways).
      see you next time,

    • #19365

      YES! DbzFab, you are always surprising me with your amazing content! This chapter got me very hyped! This was a short chapter but was still amazing! I cant wait for this story to keep unfolding!

    • #19367

      Glad to see you still like the series Harpor, I’m surprised how fast you responded

    • #19368

      xD, this is my favorite mod after all! a enthusiast should always be observing!

    • #19369

      I agree completely!

    • #19386


    • #19387

      I was sad to see that there wasent any ascended super saiyans or ultra super saiyans

    • #19390

      There will be, Boten was just lucky enough to get enraged to the point of ssj2, it doesn’t mean that he mastered it, nor does it mean t the others will instantly get to sssj2 on their first try

    • #19392

      Hey @dbzfan I have been gone for a while.. got a new computer, and I was thinking of making a new character.. just a kid who doesn’t really have much talent.. If you would like to see it just let me know

    • #19393

      Sure, I don’t know when a knew chapter will come out, and I can’t promise that I’ll be able to add him in any time soon, or at all, but I’ll do what I can

    • #19395

      Thanks, okay here is it

      Name: Shinji



      PowerLevel: 50-100

      Story: Shinji lived on an island miles away from shore, his parents were always working so he had to stay at home. His father was a scientist, one day he took Shinji into his lab to do experiments. He gave him a shot that’d make him unconscious. He transferred Shinji’s body over into a robot body. The following week his mother was sick, there was a robbery nearby and families were told to stay in homes. Shinji was 8 at the time, his little brother was a few months old, sleeping in his crib. The next hour one of the robbers busted into the house holding a gun to the families head, Shinji’s dad struck at him but he got shot. The next day both parents were dead, the mom died of her sickness. Shinji and his brother were separated through adoption papers. Shinji’s new family was rich, they gave him big meals and a room, but they never knew he was an android, neither did Shinji, until later that night when his arm exploded. His new parents rushed to the room and they saw his arm was melted back and halfway gone. The found a scientist who fixed his arm and he could absorb some energy, it wasn’t very efficient. Shinji just left his new home one day and was never seen again..

    • #19396

      I could see a way to add him in, maybe even as a permanent character

    • #19397

      And please keep in mind for any new characters: earth is destroyed, so please don’t have their backstory centered around earth, unless there is a legitimate reason for them not being destroyed, like leaving earth due to Zae’s massacres.

    • #19398

      Oh okay.. well his backstory is taken place when he was 8.. he’s 10 now soo.. it was before Earth was destroyed I’m guessing xD

    • #19399

      It wasn’t just pointed at you, it was pointed at any one who wanted to make a new character, although I cannot promise that I’ll add them to the story, unless I say otherwise

    • #19400

      K I haven’t really been caught up with the story..

    • #19405

      Hope i actually do stuff in this soon xD

    • #19406

      (Spoilers!) does calling an armada count?

    • #19534

      I mean if i fight with them i would count it :>

    • #19535

      Don’t worry, you’ll get your fair share of glory.

    • #19575

      holy hell, I almost forgot this existed! Im happy to see its still going! Good job with that chapter tho. You’re a really talented writer ya know?

    • #19589

      Thank you, it certainty helps that I read a lot. 🙂

    • #19951

      Hey… Sorry for not reading your chapters… Have had alot of problems with internet n such. Also, can someone please quickly sum up what happened in the chapters?

    • #19952

      Where did you leave off?

    • #19953

      I don’t remember… I think it was after the namek arc?

    • #19971

    • #20147

      Hey TravelerSoul? Did something happen? Are you posting less? Sorry if I’m being rude btw

    • #20149

      As my name may suggest, I am now traveling, and seldom have good enough Internet to write my book

      • #20169

        Also, this might be a really weird question. But will someone be able to make the current chapters into a manga?

    • #20171

      I would, but I don’t know of any programs that would help me make it the quality you would want. If anyone does, I’ll look into it.

    • #20259

      Ehhh, I do know Manga Studio 6 was it called? But you’d need a good drawing iPad I think.

    • #20260

      I will take a look at it, although I don’t have any apple products.

    • #20261

      I did the research, and it turns out that it costs $200, so if you guys know of anything free It would be much appreciate 🙂
      (I’m not cheap, I just don’t have that kind of money right now.

    • #20262

      Cheap is the way to go

    • #20263

      Can’t tell if you’re joking or not

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by TravelerSoul.
    • #20271

      Not joking m8, save that money, so you can have more money, And don’t stop there just get more and more money

    • #20272

      Thing is, I don’t have the money to buy it ^^

    • #20476

      Whoah i missed a lot…
      This thing has been going and going non-stop.

    • #20495

      Hey guys, I know I haven’t been posting alot, but just as a reminder that it is still going on, here’s a sneak peak at the new chapter I plan to release on July 4th
      Chapter 18: The ascended super saiyans fatal flaw

      The two warrior’s auras touched, then creating a blast of light, that forced everyone to cover their eyes. The light was gone as soon as it started, and the two fighters were locked in a lightning fast volley of strikes and counters. Froster, without warning, made his aura explode, knocking Boten back a slight bit. Froster took advantage of this momentary break, and went around to Boten’s back faster than the eye could see, and grabbed a saiyan’s fatal weakness: their tail. Boten immediately stopped moving, and everyone froze out of fear. Froster smiled, sensing his victory.

      I know it’s a small sneak peak, but I plan to make this battle the longest and best battle I’ve made thus far
      See you next time, Travelsoul

    • #20496


    • #20497

      I’ve never read a single piece of the dbz fanfic inside a dbc forum.
      And im planning not too, unfortunately. But if you would rate it to a scale of 1-10, what would it be? Like, 8.42? 9.1? 5.7?

    • #20501

      An 8, mostly because it has a great plot.

      And most characters aren’t dbz ripoff, except for mine of course! XD

    • #20548

      Sorry it’s sort, but I plan to start posting weekly, (if you guys are still interested in this) so hopefully that will make up for it

      Chapter 18: The ascended super saiyan’s fatal flaw

      The two warrior’s auras touched, then creating a blast of light, that forced everyone to cover their eyes. The light was gone as soon as it started, and the two fighters were locked in a lightning fast volley of strikes and counters. Froster, without warning, made his aura explode, knocking Boten back a slight bit. Froster took advantage of this momentary break, and went around to Boten’s back faster than the eye could see, and grabbed a saiyan’s fatal weakness: their tail. Boten immediately stopped moving, and everyone froze out of fear. Froster smiled, sensing his victory.

      Froster’s icy grin, was followed by Kasan’s confident smile. “That idiot doesn’t think that Boten would have himself stopped by such a cheap trick. Seriously, what saiyan hadn’t trained their tail?” Mitaku would have said that she hadn’t, but she was too focused on the battle. Boten slammed the back of his fist into Froster’s face, making Froster simultaneously let go of Boten’s tail, and fly backwards.

      Boten spun, vanished, then appeared behind Froster before he could go far,  and rammed his right knee into Froster’s back, this breaking it. To no avail though, his spine healed almost as fast as Boten broke it. Boten slammed his left palm into Froster’s back at such a high speed, that it sent him flying backwards. As Boten pursued his target, Wind wondered aloud,  “how did Boten manage to peirce Froster’s chest anyways? And why did he wait until then to do it?” Sans turned to Wind with an incredulous look on his face,  “you taught us to fight, and you don’t know?” Before Wind could say anything to defend himself, Sans continued. “When an arcosion transforms, their cells are changing, whether it’s hardening into a bone like armor, expanding its numbers, whatever it’s doing, those cells are momentarily weaker, due to the fact that they aren’t stable. Boten took advantage of it to piece Froster’s chest.” Sans turned his attention to the fight,  just in time to see Boten shoot a volley of golden ki blasts, although they were weaker for some reason, as if they were just a distraction. Which is exactly what they were.

      As Froster tried to move to the side, the blasts followed him, making him have to dodge them last second. While Froster was focused on the small volley of blasts, Boten shot a energy disk strong enough to cut a planet in half. Everyone held their breath as the attack got closer and closer to Froster. Was it really going to hit him? If so,  would it even make a difference, he would just heal back, wouldn’t he? Last second, Froster noticed the blast, and flew upwards out of its way. Froster turned to Boten, and grinned. Boten’s face was still emotionless, although his left hand was out in front of him at a 90 degree angle as if charging a ki blast. Although his hand was a fist, and there was no ki blast in it. Froster put his hand up, and a ki blast that looked like a miniature sun seemed to build up in his hand. Boten did nothing to stop him. Froster chuckled as his blast got larger and larger, then, he froze. *Why is he just standing there? What is he up t-* before Froster could finish the thought, he realized what was happening, and immediately shot to the side as Boten’s ki disk came back at Froster.

      Froster was lucky enough to get out of the way in time, although the same could not be said about his tail. Froster’s ki blast disappeared as the pain from his tail made him lose focus. Boten then shot a ki laser, almost as powerful as the ki disk he had shot, directly at Froster’s head.

      The blast went through his skull, and destroyed his brain, causing Froster’s body to go limp. Only for a moment. His brain healed, and Froster shot a dark purple beam at Boten, the latter of which deflected it, and returned with a ki ball twice as strong as Froster’s attack. Froster put his hand out, preparing himself to stop the blast, but to his surprise, the blast exploded as Boten dashed through it. Boten then rammed his right hand into Froster’s stomach, with enough ki stored inside to destroy a moon.

      The shockwave sent Harpor’s shield (and of course everyone in it) backwards, ramming it into a chuck of rock that used to be earth. Everyone looked in awe as Boten chained attack after attack, each one as strong or stronger than the one he just did. Suddenly, they heard Zoro speak, “why is that idiot wasting so much energy.” Everyone turned towards him in shock, except for Kronos. Kasan smiled,  “back from the dead, you’re a resilient little guy.” Zoro chuckled without humor,  “I can say the same for you.” Kasan’s smile disappeared, and the two seemed to come to some sort of silent agreement, although no one understood what they seemed to agree on. Mitaku turned to Zoro, with fear in her eyes,  “what do you mean? He’s an ascended super saiyan,  using this much energy should be nothing.” Despite her words, she didn’t sound confident about this, even to herself.

      Zoro shook his head,  “I can tell the power increase he got,  but either he’s trying to finish this unreasonably fast, or he’s losing control of his power. The thing that bothers me even more, is that Froster doesn’t seem to be fighting anymore. You see it too, right Sans?” Mitaku turned to Sans, hoping he would disagree, but instead, he nodded his head. “Perhaps he’ll be able to end it before Froster gets the upper hand, but at this rate, this fight will last for a while. Although we still won’t be able to help.” Mitaku turned back to the fight, now worried more than before. *We lost Namek, we lost Earth, we lost Zae, we can’t lose anyone else. Please, if there is a god, kia, or whatever, please don’t let us lose anything else.*

      Boten shot a blast into Froster’s stomach, but before he could get shot backwards by the blast, Boten grabbed Froster’s tail, spun him,  then threw Froster into a stray piece of earth, shattering it, despite the fact it was as large as a skyscraper. Before Froster could do anything, Boten launched at Froster, threw a punch, and Froster caught it. Froster did a backflip, kicking Boten in the face, sending him backwards. As Froster leveled himself out, Boten used his ki to stop his momentum. Boten wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand, and saw, that there was blood. Froster had done the first real damage to Boten since his transformation.

      When Boten looked up at Froster, he saw that Froster was grinning once again. “I know you can’t answer me Boten, but have you noticed that your power has been dropping this whole fight? The moment that you transformed, you started to lose that enormous power of yours. Granted, you still have some time before I can manage to kill you, or before you need more air, but I no longer have to fight. Your not a threat anymore.”

      In his newfound rage, Boten launched a volley of ki disks at Froster, but to no avail. Froster disappeared, and before Boten could do anything, Froster appeared behind Boten, and landed a kick to his back. Froster then appeared in front of Boten, and used his left hand to punch Boten upwards slightly, then used his right to fire a volley of ki blasts into his stomach. As Boten flew back, Froster appeared a few yards behind him, but before he could strike, Boten flipped, using his backwards momentum to kick Froster in the face. Boten rightened himself, then tried to punch Froster with his left hand, only to have it caught. Froster then tried to punch Boten with his left hand, which was also caught. The two fighters, now unable to punch, started to try to knee each other, although their knees kept hitting the other persons knee.

      After half a minute of this,  both fighters hands opened, so now, instead of one pushing against the others fist, they were now both pushing against the others hand. Almost immediately, both fighters, started to charge up powerful ki blasts, but due to the fact that the ki blasts were so close, they almost immediately exploded, sending both fighters backwards. This didn’t stop either of them, as they both immediately charged at each other, but disappeared right before their fists made contact. They then appeared somewhere else, and their fists clashed. They continued to appear and disappear, each time doing a strike that sent the other away, or clashed with the other’s fist. This continued for over a minute, and Kasan started to get impatient.  “There has to be something we could do. Perhaps we could give him our power? Or shoot a ki blast to distract Froster?” Harpor chucked, “not while your in my aura, and if you leave, well, your not used to space, and your super saiyan transformation won’t help.” Mitaku looked at Harpor, and said, “but yours will.”

      Harpor looked surprised, but then immediately looked sorry. “Even if you guys held up the shield, only my aura provides the air you guys need, and I don’t have the strength to transform.” Mitaku looked at the ground, trying to think if something she could do to help, or something any of them could do.

      Boten decided to dodge Froster’s next attack once they “reappeared, ” and even though he prepared himself to do so, Boten didn’t manage to move out of the way completely. Froster hit his left shoulder, and Boten returned with a ki blast to Froster’s chest that blasted him backwards around thirty feet. Froster put his hands out to the side, similar to Vegeta’s,  “Final Flash,” and two red ki balls stated to charge in his hands. Boten put his right arm out, and used his left hand to steady it as he charged a ki blast just as strong as Froster’s. The two blasts continued to build up power, and once they were both on moon destroying levels, Froster put both of his hands together,  combining the two blasts in his hands. Boten and Froster shot their blasts at the same time, and the two blasts sped twoards each other, and just before the blasts hit each other,  Sans said,  “well, shi-,” then the blasts hit each other.

      While the explosion from the blasts combining wasn’t large, but it was brighter than a supernova, and even when the initial blast faded, the point where the two blasts touched was still just as bright as the initial blast. Rays and arcs of plasma and light strayed from the collision of ki waves as lightning surrounded the blasts. The epicenter of the collision moved back and forth as the fighters tried to force their attack twoards the other in a deadly reverse tug of war.

      After about ten seconds of this impressive and bright display of power, Froster’s blast started to slowly but steadily overpower Boten’s. Boten noticed this, took his left hand off of his arm, and started to charge another ki blast at his side. As the blast got closer to Boten, Froster laughed, and Boten took advantage of this momentary distraction, and shot the ki wave, adding enough power to his ki wave to completely overwhelm Froster’s. This took him by surprise, and before Froster could add more power to his attack, Boten’s attack rammed into Froster.

      Froster managed to hold off the attack with both hands, although it was obviously a losing struggle. Seeing this, Froster inched himself to his right, as far as he could without letting go of Boten’s blast, and then flew out of the way as fast as he could. Despite this, the ki attack nearly blasted his arm off. Before Boten could follow up with another attack, Froster appeared behind Boten, pressed his hands into Boten’s back, and shot an attack equivalent in power to Freeza’s “death ball.”

      The blast went flying into space,  and brought Boten with him. The blast kept going, until it was out of sight. Froster pointed a finger in the direction of the blast, and shot a laser of ki so small that it was invisible. After a second, the blast exploded, and it has already gone so far away, that the explosion that was as large as Earth, looked like a penny. As soon as the blast exploded, Boten appeared behind Froster, then elbowed Froster’s head. Sans nodded “he used instant transmission last second.”

      Boten then kicked Froster’s back, knocking Froster away from him. Before Froster could recover, Boten shot a volley of golden ki blasts into Froster’s back. Before Boten could follow up with another attack, Froster spun, slashed his hand horizontally towards Boten, shooting a blade of ki outwards, and as Boten bent backwards to dodge it, it cut off a few stands of hair, leaving them floating in space. Froster followed up with another, then another, he shot a while volley of them, and Boten dodged every single one. Then Boten realized how he could stop Froster. (He couldn’t hear the warriors talk about cutting him to pieces) Boten shot a volley of disks, and Froster dodged each one, laughing at Boten’s bad aim. What he didn’t realize, is that the disks were stopped behind him.

      Boten shot about thirty disks, and each one missed, making Froster grin. Just before Boten made the disks come back and slice Froster to pieces from behind, Froster spun, slashed his hand in front of him, and even though there was no visible blast, all of the disks were obliderated. “Did you really think I would fall for that?” As Froster turned, he saw that Boten wasn’t there. Boten, whom was now behind Froster, focused the ki in his hand so that it was a blade, and cut Froster in half. Boten jumped backwards, and fired another volley of disks, and this time, it hit Froster, cutting him to pieces the size of pennies.

      Boten tried to dash forward hoping to scatter the pieces before they healed, but before Boten could even start moving, Froster had healed. Froster spun, and kicked Boten in the face, knocking him backwards. The battle continued.

      Zoro shook his head, “damn. Is there a way to stop him?” Mitaku answered immediately answered,  “of course. We haven’t lost a fight before. We won’t start here.” Zoro tilted his head, “didn’t you lose against Froster before? And you lost to Zae, despite the fact that you eventually managed to stop him.” Mitaku said nothing, instead, she continued to watch the fight.

      Froster attempted to punch Boten’s face, although Boten ducked, and at the same time used his left forearm to knock Froster’s arm up, then used his right to slam his fist into Froster’s stomach. Boten opened his right hand, and shot a ki blast into Froster’s stomach. As Froster was knocked backwards, pain started to course through Boten’s body, causing him to double over.

      For a split second, Boten’s aura disappeared, and his hair returned to normal. Almost as soon as it disappeared, it reappeared. Boten tried to shoot a ki blast before Froster could recover, but the blast fizzled or before it could go more than the feet. Froster saw, and started to chuckle. “Looks like it’s happening sooner than I thought. You’ve been using to much energy, losing control of how much energy your using. If you keep going like this, you’ll die.”

      Kasan scowled, and asked “is that true?” Sans nodded, “yes, that puts more strain on his body than Goku’s kio-ken x100. Not to mention that he’s using to much power. If he doesn’t detransform soon, he’ll die. But if he detransforms, he’ll die in seconds.” Kasan clinched his fists, and lightning sparked around them. Mitaku punched his shoulder, hard. “Don’t even think about going and being a hero, you won’t make a difference.” Kasan turned to Mitaku with a slight look of rage,  “are you telling me that you wouldn’t do the same?” Mitaku punched him again,  “of course I want to help him, but I know how foolish it is.”

      Boten hadn’t moved. Neither had Froster. Boten held his hand in front of him, and looked at it. His hand was surrounded by golden light and lightning. *Well,  looks like I’m dying anyways, might as well have a good death.*  Boten shot his hand out, firing multiple ki waves that Froster easily dodged. Before Boten could react, Froster appeared in front of Boten, sent him flying with a shockwave, then reappeared behind Boten, and slammed him downwards into a chunk of earth the size of a class-A rv. Boten stopped himself, only for Froster to appear behind him, wrap his tail around his throat, and throw him.

      Froster appeared behind him once more, but this time, fired a ki blast the color of space. Boten was able to dodge it, but when he punched Froster, it didn’t even stagger him. Froster kneed Boten’s stomach, causing him to double over. Froster then used his other knee to hit Boten’s face, knocking him upwards. Boten tried to use this upwards momentum to kick Froster, but Froster simply grabbed Boten’s leg, and threw him. Before Boten could go far, Froster shot a volley of small but deadly lasers, each one causing a miniature explosion on impact.

      Boten spun, shooting multiple ki blasts in Froster’s direction, but the blasts were either deflected, or they missed. Boten dashed to Froster in less than a second, and tried to delever a punch to his face, but Froster easily caught his fist, and broke it. Boten screamed in pain, although due to the fact that they were in space, he made no sound. Boten then tried to shoot a ki blast into Froster side, but before he could fire it, Froster headbutt him, knocking Boten backwards a slight bit. Froster followed this up with shooting lasers from his eyes that would have pierced Boten’s skull. Boten luckily was fast enough to dodge them, only slightly though.

      Froster then appeared behind Boten, with his foot on the same level as Boten’s head,  spun, and kicked Boten in the back of the head. Froster appeared in front of Boten, and punched him upwards, followed by a large ki ball that exploded after pushing Boten about fifty feet. Froster continued with this unrelenting barrage of attacks, making it apparent how helpless everyone was, including Boten.

      Sans shook his head,  “I’m not seeing any weaknesses or openings. It’s almost like he’s been toying with us this whole time.” Kronos then informed him *that’s because he was. We’re the first challenge he’s has in centuries. If he had gone all out from the start, I’m guessing we wouldn’t have survived ten minutes.* Kasan’s fist started to shake,  “now you tell us?” Kronos looked confused, or at least as confused as he could with bandages covering up his face. *I didn’t know beforehand.* Kasan looked over to Zoro and scowled, “I don’t care what you say Zoro, I’m tired of playing dumb.” Zoro laughed, and said,  “I was about to say the same thing.” Everyone looked between Zoro, Kasan, and Kronos with confusion,  and Kasan started to speak.

      “You’ve been lying to us this whole time. Your backstory, was a lie. It’s true your a demon, but not half like you told us. Your no saiyan, not even partly. So, why don’t you tell us how you really got those scars, and who your demonic parent is. There’s no use lying anymore, Zoro knew the second he tried to get that demonic influenced trauma out of my head.” Zoro raised an eyebrow  (or, eye ridge) *if you do know I did something bad, then why are you trying to get me to confess? I swear that I haven’t done anything.* Kasan put his hand out towards Kronos, palm facing him. An obvious gesture. A threatening one.

      “How did you always know Akuryō’s next move? How did you know so much about our next opponent? How can you use magic like Akuryō? I’m sure everyone knows the answer now, but go ahead, say it. Say it so there is no confusion.” Kronos seemed to glare at Kasan, and said,  *very well. My father is Akuryō.*

      Hope you liked it, and as always,
      See you next time, TravelSoul

    • #20549

      Fanfic’s back, Back again, Tell Yo Friends!

      And that plot twist at the end xD, I didint know that Kronos was Akuryō’s son xD

    • #20555

      Since you went with a song reference ima go with a movie reference, since, krono’s akuryo’s FATHER *Deep inhale*

    • #20557

      Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely one for refrences, (look back at the chapters that were half as serious and twice as bad written,) but I didn’t intend to refrence something in this one. What was it?

    • #20568

      Here’s a little sneak peak at the next chapter, I’m not going to say much because I’m busy making this fight one of the best in the series

      Harpor was silent for a moment. “You. You’re a monster.” Kronos laughed, “you call me a monster? Do you not remember the things you’ve done? Entire civilizations, planets, entire solar systems have been destroyed, because you wanted some money. Yet you call me a monster.” Harpor’s head dropped. Kronos continued, “you use that form to fight whenever you like, as if it’s just a power up. That form has cost billions their lives, and you use it on a whim. You think your some hero, just because you’ve done a few good things, but it is nothing compared to the evil you’ve done.” Kasan once again rose his hand at Kronos, about to fire a ki blast, and yelled “stop it Kronos!” Before Kasan could do anything else, Harpor said, “no Kasan. He’s right. I call myself a hero, but really, at my core, I’m just like my ancestors. I call myself a protector, and yet I’ve taken more lives than I’ve saved. I’m no hero. I’m a killer, I was born to kill. That’s all I’ve ever done. So why stop now.”

      Hope you like a cliffhanger,
      See you next time,

    • #20571


    • #20572

      I’m a guy

    • #20574

      Nice new sneek peek.. I have been gone for a while.. Can’t wait

    • #20578

      Not all things are as they seem >)

      @beastboy first reply
      That’s random.
      @beastboy second reply
      Thanks? I think? Not sure if that was sarcasm due to the two periods after each sentance.

    • #20579

      @TravelerSoul No not sarcasm I usually do that for some reason.

    • #20664

      Hey guys, I know I don’t normally do two sneak peaks, but the last one was short, so here’s another one
      Boten found that he was able to withstand most of Froster’s hits, although was incapable of landing any hits of his own. Just as Froster blasted Boten backwards, Boten countered with a large ki blast of his own. Froster easily moved out of its path and fired three red blasts. Boten barely flew out of the blasts’ way, only to find that they followed him. To make it worse, Froster also shot multiple ki lasers, slowing Boten down even further.

      Boten spun around, and shot a large golden ki wave that obliterated the homing ki blasts. Boten then turned so that he was facing Froster, and shot a volley of golden ki disks. Froster easily dodged each one, and then returned with his own volley of disks. Boten crossed his arms in front of his face, and surrounded himself with a ki barrier as the attacks got close. Boten’s barrier was able to stop the disks, but just barely. As Boten dropped his barrier, Froster closed in on him, and despite the distance, in happened in less than a second.

      Boten had good enough reaction time, but his form was slowing him down. Froster landed a punch to Boten’s face, then followed up by using his other hand to punch Boten’s side. Froster then used the arm he punched Boten’s side with, and punched his stomach. As Boten doubled over, Froster flew upwards, and kneed Boten’s chin. Before Froster could follow up with another attack, Boten shot a blast into Froster’s face. I didn’t even knock him backwards.

    • #20670

      Born, coming in with them dank PvP skills tho

    • #20677

      Do you mean Boten?

    • #20690

      Yes, I do mean boten . Sorry Autocorrect xD

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Harpor(Hp).
    • #20692

      It’s fine ^^
      I’ve been thinking of opening a Google docs for suggestions, should I?

    • #20702

      Suggestions of what exactly?

    • #20706

      Suggestions for the book

    • #20718

      Hello, I’m not sure if everyone has lost interest, or just isn’t commenting, but if you are reading, and don’t comment, please know that I don’t know you actually care about this and read it unless you comment. If you aren’t reading it, well, how can I say anything to someone who’s not there. Point is, this next chapter, depending on the feedback for the chapter, (or lack of feedback) may be the last chapter. By that, I don’t mean the last chapter for a long time, I mean that I will cease working on this. I just can’t keep working on a book that seemingly only one person reads.

    • #20719

      Chapter 19: The endless Battle ends

      Kronos immediately followed up with, *but, it doesn’t mean I work with him.* Kasan’s scowl deepened, and he charged a bright blue ki blast in his hand. “enough with the bull Kronos. Demons can’t have children, so I’m guessing you were created by some sort of magic. And those scars, I’m guessing you disobeyed Akuryō, and he decided to teach you a lesson. And a father’s lesson burns deep. In your case, literally.” Kronos was silent for a count of ten, then answered. “Well, you just have everything figured out, don’t you?”

      Everyone was shocked into silence. Kronos had spoken. Kronos continued to speak as he took the bandages off of his face, “WindRaiser knows all this, why do you think he was afraid of me? He also thought I was going against my father, trying to help you, which is why he never said anything. My father made me with magic, but I still have free will. Once, I told him I thought it would be more wise to rule the universe rather than destroy it, and, well, you saw the result. Although, that was a few million years ago, and it seems he has finally forgiven me.” Kronos finished taking his bandages off, and his face seemed to be burning. Patches of scar tissue faded as skin rose off his face and burned like paper. Underneath this scar tissue, was skin the color of space, eyes that looked like a black hole in the middle of a supernova, teeth that looked like stainless steel, and an aura that looked like blood red smoke.

      “A father’s lesson burns deep Kasan, and do you know what my father taught me?” Kasan was silent, but still had a ki blast aimed at Kronos’ head. Kronos rose off the ground as he spoke. “my father taught me to do as he wishes. And what he wishes, is for you all to die!” just as all hell was going to break loose, Harpor spoke. “Kronos?” Kronos looked to Harpor with confusion. Harpor’s face looked like one of a child whom walked into a room in which his parents were arguing. “you, lied to us Kronos?”

      Kasan’s ki blast faded as he lowered his hand, and Kronos was silent. Harpor continued, “why? Why did you lie to us? I thought we were allies, friends. Why did you betray us?” Kronos stayed silent. This enraged Harpor, “why? WHY?!” Kronos didn’t answer. Harpor continued, “TELL ME!” Finally, Kronos answered, “because it was my job.” Harpor seemed shocked by the answer. “I tried to kill you for years, and you trusted me because I saved your life a few times and made you sane. I never cared about any of you, I never cared about earth. It was going to fall anyways. I helped you all so I could inform my father of what you did. Nothing more.”

      Harpor was silent for a moment, and when he spoke, spoke like a child who had been hurt for no reason. “You. You’re a monster.” Kronos laughed, “you call me a monster? Do you not remember the things you’ve done? Entire civilizations, planets, entire solar systems have been destroyed, because you wanted some money. Yet you call me a monster.” Harpor’s head dropped. Kronos continued, “you use that “legendary” form to fight whenever you like, as if it’s just a power up. That form has cost billions their lives, and you use it on a whim. You think you’re some hero, just because you’ve done a few good things, but it is nothing compared to the evil you’ve done.” Kasan once again rose his hand at Kronos, about to fire a ki blast, and yelled, “stop it Kronos!” Before Kasan could do anything else, Harpor said, “no Kasan. He’s right. I call myself a hero, but really, at my core, I’m just like my ancestors. I call myself a protector, and yet I’ve taken more lives than I’ve saved. I’m no hero. I was born to kill. I am a killer. That’s all I’ve ever done. So why stop now.” Kronos tilted his head. Harpor started to laugh as he grew in size and his voice deepened. “So, just like always, you were right Kronos.” Harpor rose his head, and his eyes had gone completely white, and he was grinning like a madman. “I am a monster!”

      A ki ball formed in Harpor’s hand, Harpor flew forward, slamming the ki ball into Kronos, sending him flying out the shield, then Harpor pursued Kronos, laughing as if he had lost his mind, all in an instant. Zoro looked around, seeing that the shield was still there, and asked, “what the hell just happened?” Kasan shook his head, “I stopped asking that after Namek.” Mitaku nodded, “ginyu force.” Kasan coughed and said “wanna be Power Rangers.” Mitaku punched him playfully.

      Boten anticipated Froster’s next strike in his relentless volley of attacks, and planned to parry it. Even though he planned ahead of time, he was only fast enough to dodge the attack. Boten flew backwards, but Froster immediately disappeared, and guessing his next move, Boten spun, elbow outwards, and it was caught by Froster, who was already behind him. Froster was about to use his other hand to punch Boten, but Boten sent a shockwave of ki outwards, knocking Froster backwards. Before Boten could follow up with anything, Froster shot a volley of small ki blast. Boten blocked them, but they didn’t hurt him in the slightest. They weren’t meant to.

      Froster appeared behind Boten, grabbed his tail, pulled Boten backwards, and at the same time kneed Boten’s back, using Boten’s backwards momentum to do extra damage. Before Boten could recover, Froster appeared in front of Boten, punched his face, then continued to appear in different places around Boten and strike him. Froster kept moving and striking so fast that all you could see was Boten getting knocked around by the attacks. Boten’s body glowed, then a large explosion of ki surrounded him, throwing Froster backwards far enough to give Boten a moment of rest.

      *The upside if an explosive wave, is that it’s powerful, and good to get an opponent off your back, bad part is-* Boten doubled over and coughed up blood as more pain coursed through his body. As Boten composed himself, he finished his thought, *is that it harms the user as well.* Boten looked at Froster and saw that he wasn’t moving. *What’s Froster doing?* Boten noticed that his lungs were starting to hurt, and that his vision wasn’t clear. *I need air, and more ki. But I doubt that Froster would let me… Wait a second.* Boten’s eyes widened as he thought, *is that what he’s doing? Letting me take a break?*

      Froster noticed his confusion, and waved his hand as he said, “go. It’s no fun to fight you when you can barely fly. Go, get your breath and ki back.” Boten hesitated, *he’s not serious, is he?* Boten decided he had no choice, if he didn’t take a break, either he would suffocate, or he would use too much ki and die. Boten flew over to where his friends were, and noticed something, *where’s Kronos and Harpor?*

      As Boten landed, he caught his breath in the air provided by Harpor’s shield. Before Boten could ask, Kasan said, “Kronos is Akuryō’s son, and is working for him as a spy. Harpor is more pissed off than the rest of us.” Boten nodded, then said “Froster is letting me take a break, he says it’s not fun to fight an opponent that barely has the ki to fly. Zoro chuckled, “a arcosion with the arrogance of a saiyan.” Sans spoke, still looking at Froster, “you need to detransform, that form is putting too much physical strain on you. If you don’t, you’ll die before we can finish giving you the energy you need to keep going.” Boten nodded, detransformed, and then collapsed.
      Everyone immediately rushed to help him up, but Mitaku got to him first. As she helped him up she turned to Sans and asked “what’s wrong with him!?” Sans took a second, then said “the initial transformation gave him an adrenaline rush that negated most of the pain he felt, now that he’s feeling the full amount of pain his body is in, it’s too much for him. Hell, that’d be too much for Harpor.”

      Zoro rushed over to heal him, and Sans continued to inform them on Boten’s state. “he’s torn most of the muscles in his body from the physical strain, has a quite few broken bones, including his entire right hand, and-” Mitaku interrupted him, “would you please stop.” She didn’t say it as a question, more like a command. Sans turned to Kasan and raised an eyebrow questioningly, which Kasan responded to by shrugging.

      After a few seconds Boten was able to stand by himself, although he was still in pain. Boten nodded and said “thank you Zoro.” Zoro shook his head and said, “sorry I couldn’t heal you more.” Boten shook his head, “it’s fine.” Kasan nodded towards Boten and said, “go ahead and sit down, it’ll take a few minutes for us to give you the ki you need.” As Boten sat down he asked, “so, Wind, Sans, you guys are good with tactics and such, any ideas?” Sans shook his head, “I don’t see any weaknesses or anything you can use to win.” Wind thought for a second, and said, “your best chance is to blast him into the sun. It won’t kill him, but the sun will burn him to pieces faster than he can regenerate.”

      Boten nodded, “it’s going to be nearly impossible to get him into a blast that’ll take him that far.” Boten seemed to glance at Mitaku for a split second, then said, “but I’ll get it done.” Boten closed his eyes as the others shared his ki with them. Meanwhile, Harpor and Kronos were still fighting relentlessly.

      Kronos, for the first time in his life, was worried. *Not only is he fighting at my level with one arm, but he’s holding up his shield like it’s nothing!* As Harpor rushed towards him, Kronos created a shield of blood red smoke. Despite its smoky appearance, it was harder than katchine. Harpor broke through it like glass nonetheless. Before Kronos could react, Harpor shot a green ki ball into Kronos’ face. Kronos blocked it, and then tried to form a barrier around his arms to stop Harpor’s next attack, which was a punch.

      Despite Kronos’ efforts, Harpor’s punch nearly broke Kronos’ arms, simultaneously knocking them to the side, and Harpor ended up punching Kronos’ face. Harpor followed up the attack by forming a ki ball in his hand, and then blasting it into Kronos’ stomach, sending both Kronos and the blast flying. Kronos then teleported behind Harpor as the blast exploded. Kronos blasted fire that was brighter and hotter than a ki blast into Harpor’s back. Harpor blasted multiple green ki blasts in every direction, forcing Kronos to once again teleport out of the way of danger. *I can’t seem to hurt him, and I can’t wait for him to tire out, due to that transformation giving him more power. For once in my life, I may actually lose a fight.*

      Kronos then used telekinesis to make two meteors the size of a small city ram into Harpor. Before Harpor could destroy them, Kronos turned them into miniature suns, which he then made explode into a supernova. While it certainly wasn’t a full sized supernova, it did blast through the entire area in which the battle between him, Harpor, Boten, and Froster had fought. Being as it wasn’t a real supernova, the dust and remnants dissipated after a few seconds. Kronos knew this attack wouldn’t kill Harpor, but he thought that it would at least render him unconscious for a few seconds. He was wrong. Harpor had a few small burns, but nothing even remotely severe.

      Before Kronos could recover from the shock, Harpor shot a green blast the size of a building with a white core. Kronos put one hand out, using the other to stabilize that arm. Just as the blast hit Kronos, he destabilized the blast, and sent it upwards as it collapsed on itself, then exploded. Before Kronos could return his attention to Harpor, he flew to Kronos and rammed his knee into Kronos’ stomach. As Kronos doubled over, Harpor uppercut Froster with his hand. Harpor grabbed Kronos’ ankle with his tail, then as Harpor pulled Kronos downwards, he headbutt Kronos while letting go of Kronos’ ankle.

      Harpor then blasted Kronos forward with a shockwave, flew after him, and relentlessly punched, kneed, and headbutt Kronos, each blow sending him further backwards. During this relentless volley of strikes, the other warriors finished giving their energy to Boten.

      As Boten stood up, Kasan asked him, “so, do you think that you can blast Froster into the sun?” Boten grinned confidently, “Froster will wish he was in the sun when he gets hit by this attack.” Kasan laughed, and said, “I hope so!” Boten closed his eyes, and tried to ascend to the form beyond super saiyan. The violent yellow aura surrounded him, and his power rose beyond that of a super saiyan, but at the same time, it was nothing near what his power had been as an ascended super saiyan. For some reason, this time Boten had become much bulkier, and no lightning surrounded him.

      Sans’ eyes narrowed as he saw this form. “That’s odd. You’re definitely stronger than a super saiyan, but you’re obviously not an ascended super saiyan.” Boten shrugged, “wasn’t there a form between super saiyan and ascended super saiyan that focused more on strength than speed?” Sans nodded, “yes, but speed is important, if you’re not fast enough, then this plan will fail.” Boten thought for a moment, but then said, “well, I can’t turn into an ascended super saiyan so this will have to do.” Sans couldn’t argue. Boten flew out if the shield ready to finish the fight.

      As Boten got closer to Froster, Froster said “finally! Are you ready to finish this fight?” Boten got in fighting position, but kept his right hand out of Froster’s sight as he charged the blast. Foster immediately shot multiple ki lasers at Boten. Boten managed to dodge them, but just barely, *I can dodge these and move so that Froster’s back is to the sun, hopefully he’ll do something that gives me time to finish charging the attack.* Boten continued to dodge the lasers and keep his hand out of Froster’s sight. Once Froster’s back was towards the sun, Boten stopped dodging the lasers, and started to deflect them. After five lasers, Froster stopped, and said, “try to deflect this.”

      As Froster charged a ki blast, Boten smiled internally. By the time Froster fired this blast, Boten would be ready to fire his. The others watched with anticipation as the plan. seemed to go perfectly. Froster fired the blast, just as Boten fired his. Froster’s blast was swallowed by Boten’s, and as the blast flew forward, it seemed to take Froster along with it without a struggle. Boten was surprised himself as it sailed towards the sun, went into the sun, and made an explosion equal to that of a city. Boten’s blast faded, and he looked around. *It’s that it? Did we really do it?* Then, all hope of victory was lost because of one sentence. “did you really think I would fall for that?”

      Boten spun, but before he could strike, Froster blasted a shockwave, sending Boten flying backwards. It hadn’t worked. Froster had just been toying with him. There was no hope of winning anymore. Boten had used almost all of his ki to launch Froster into the sun, Boten wasn’t going to survive much longer. Boten was going to try though, even if all he could do, was take some hits.

      Harpor and Kronos seemed to be at a stalemate. Kronos couldn’t hurt Harpor due to Harpor being nearly invincible, and Harpor couldn’t do much damage to Kronos because of his magic. This showed once more when Kronos shot a wave of fire as hot as the surface of the sun, and it simply went around him like water, doing no damage. Harpor, in response, shot a volley of small ki blasts, which was stopped by Kronos using his magic to duplicate the attack, making the two volleys hit each other, completely canceling each other out.

      Harpor laughed, “your weak magic won’t save you, not from the torture I’ll bestow upon you.” really, Harpor made no noise, but Kronos knew what he said, (because, you guessed it: magic.) Kronos replied calmly. (Using the same telepathic speaking as his father) “perhaps you think it’s weak, because I haven’t used it at my full potential. It’s true, I have been worried the past few minutes, but I’m so used to restraining myself, that I do it subconsciously. But, I have no need to anymore, so prepare, to see me in my full horror.”

      Kronos’ aura changed from being smoke like, to being actual fire, so hot that it was a blazing white, brighter than even a super saiyan’s aura. While no power increase could be sensed (considering he used magic, not ki) Harpor could tell that Kronos had just become much more deadly. Perhaps even a threat. *Well, I wouldn’t go as far as to say he was a threat. Perhaps… hmm… What’s the phrase… Oh, yes, a, “mildly entertaining event.” that sounds more like it.* Harpor just had time to finish that thought, and then Kronos teleported to Harpor, and tapped him with the power equivalent to fifty supernovas.

      Boten found that he was able to withstand most of Froster’s hits, although was incapable of landing any hits of his own. Just as Froster blasted Boten backwards, Boten countered with a large ki blast of his own. Froster easily moved out of its path and fired three red blasts. Boten barely flew out of the blasts’ way, only to find that they followed him. To make it worse, Froster also shot multiple ki lasers, slowing Boten down even further.

      Boten spun around, and shot a large golden ki wave that obliterated the homing ki blasts. Boten then turned so that he was facing Froster, and shot a volley of golden ki disks. Froster easily dodged each one, and then returned with his own volley of disks. Boten crossed his arms in front of his face, and surrounded himself with a ki barrier as the attacks got close. Boten’s barrier was able to stop the disks, but just barely. As Boten dropped his barrier, Froster closed in on him, and despite the distance, in happened in less than a second.

      Boten had good enough reaction time, but his form was slowing him down. Froster landed a punch to Boten’s face, then followed up by using his other hand to punch Boten’s side. Froster then used the arm he punched Boten’s side with, and punched his stomach. As Boten doubled over, Froster flew upwards, and kneed Boten’s chin. Before Froster could follow up with another attack, Boten shot a blast into Froster’s face. I didn’t even knock him backwards.

      Froster headbutt Boten, grabbed his leg, and then threw him into a large cluster of meteors. Boten stopped himself just before he hit the meteors, although Froster flew towards Boten, and landed a kick to his stomach, which slammed him into the meteors. Boten struggled to free himself from the rocks, but before he could do so, Froster blasted a purple ki blast into Boten, causing an explosion large enough to obliterate the boulder he was stuck on.

      As the blast faded, Boten’s body was limp. As he drifted in space, he thought *I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop Froster. At this rate, he’ll kill me before I can think of a way to stop him.* Boten closed his eyes for a few moments as he thought. *This fight has seemed to go on for months. Really, is probably only been an hour. And this is the only few seconds of peace I’ve had this entire time.* Boten opened his eyes, and thought, *but if I don’t keep fighting, no one will know peace, ever again.* This motivated him to keep fighting, despite his pain, despite his fatigue. He increased his power to his maximum, ready to fight once more. But it seemed, that Boten wasn’t the only one losing his fight.

      As Kronos advanced, Harpor shot a multitude of green ki blasts, which Kronos got past by turning intangible, then turning tangible just as he got close to Harpor. Harpor blocked Kronos’ first strike, but Kronos then used his other hand to punch Froster’s side, then his face, and in a split second, knocked Harpor’s hand away, and punched Harpor’s stomach, causing him to double over and yell in pain.

      Each of Kronos’ hits sent multicolored light flying in every direction, making it somewhat hard for Harpor to see. Harpor attempted a punch of his own, but Kronos froze Harpor just long enough for him to get out of the way of Harpor’s attack. As Harpor stumbled forward, Kronos created a blade of magic, and slashed downwards, right onto Harpor’s neck. Had Harpor not been the legendary super saiyan, this would have cut his head off. Thankfully, this only sent him into an uncontrollable spin. Kronos increased his speed, to the point of making a vortex.

      Just before the vortex could compress Harpor into atoms, Harpor created a barrier around himself, then turned the barrier into an explosion, destroying the vortex. If Harpor wasn’t in space, he would already be trying to catch his breath. Froster spread his hands out to the side, as if saying, *come at me,* but instead, black fire appeared in an arch, starting at his fingertips, arcing over his head.

      The black fire seemed to warp everything around it, to the point that it looked like a black hole. Harpor may have not been the smartest person, but he knew what this was, and knew to back away from it, despite this being the first time he’d seen it. *hellfire.* The arch of fire formed itself into thirteen spheres of fire. “I’m sure you can tell Harpor, but a single touch of this, and there will be nothing left of you to remember.”

      Harpor asked one question: “why thirteen?” Kronos narrowed his eyes in confusion, “what?” Harpor answered with, “there’s thirteen spheres, why? Is thirteen an unlucky number or something?” Kronos shook his head, “you’re the oddest person I’ve ever met. It’s theorized that their is thirteen universes, so that may have something to do with it, but that doesn’t matter.” Kronos sighed in frustration, “just die.”

      Kronos’ hands where still, but the fire flew right at Harpor, and he barely had time to dodge. Just as Harpor was far enough from the fires that he thought he could attack Kronos, one of the fires disappeared. Harpor immediately flew upwards, but it was too late. Kronos had teleported the fire behind him, and the ball of fire hit Harpor’s back. More accurately, it hit Harpor’s Tien-like shirt, instantly igniting it. Harpor immediately ripped the shirt off, and threw it before the fire could get on his skin.

      As Harpor flew away from the twelve other fires, he looked behind him, and saw that his shirt was still burning, but was almost gone. Harpor then blasted towards the nearest group of meteors, and flew just inches from the surfaces. Kronos was almost surprised, *he figured out that I can’t move the fire once it’s on something, and so now, he’s trying to make it hit the rocks.* Harpor flew between the massive remains of earth doing just as Kronos thought he was.

      Already two more fires had hit the rocks. Despite the amount if meteors, and their proximity, Harpor had a hard time pulling off his plan. The fact that he made a muscle mass enough to make a body builder look skinny didn’t help with the tight spaces. Neither did the fact that Kronos kept teleporting the fires near Harpor, and Harpor could hardly dodge them, due to his size and limited space. *He can’t seem to teleport the fire on me, but I can’t stay in here too much longer, it’s too dangerous. I might light up like that one guy on the desert planet. Wait a second, I wonder…*

      Harpor shot upwards as fast as he could, and looked downwards. Harpor counted all ten fireballs, then fired a large ki blast. The ki blast managed to hit two of the fires before Kronos could move the rest out of the way, and Harpor watched in satisfaction as the fires burned the ki ball, now giving Harpor a better solution for the hellfire.

      Harpor continued his full speed dash away from the hellfire as he shot such a large volley of ki blasts that it looked like a ki tsunami. Kronos managed to get all of them out of the way, except for one. Kronos was now down to seven fireballs. As Harpor fired more ki blasts, he didn’t seem to notice that the fireballs disappeared one by one, although no ki balls were ignited. Before Harpor could notice, Kronos teleported a multiple of Harpor’s ki blasts into Harpor’s face. While it did no damage, Harpor couldn’t see as the hellfire appeared behind him, and flew towards Harpor, whom seemed to be unaware of what was happening.

      The fire enveloped Harpor, surrounding him with black fire that would burn him until nothing was left, not even a bone. Wind saw this, and was terrified. “Harpor, he just… he’s-” Sans quickly reassured Wind “don’t worry, Harpor will be fine.” Sans nodded as to reassure Wind, and Wind looked at him incredulously, *a single one of those fireballs could turn a planet to dust, Harpor can’t survive that, and even if he did, Kronos will still kill him!* Wind turned his gaze towards Harpor just in time.

      It had seemed that Kronos’ plan worked, but things aren’t always as they seem. Green light blasted outwards from Harpor as he lowered his barrier which had been hit by the fire. Wind looked upon the battle with mild surprise now. *Huh. I guess Harpor does know what he’s doing.* Harpor shot a blast similar to Broly’s omega blaster, and Kronos stood still as it approached. Just before it hit Kronos, it seemed to shrink and disappear. Harpor tilted his head in confusion.

      A second later, the blast appeared in front of Kronos, but this time was headed to Harpor. Harpor flew out off it’s way, and returned with another volley of green ki blasts, then dashed towards Kronos at his full speed. Kronos created a clone of himself made of fire that stopped the volley of blasts. The real Kronos made another clone, but this one was was a clone of Harpor, and their fists clashed, sending waves of energy outwards.

      The clone of Harpor exploded, pushing Harpor backwards. Kronos then charged Harpor, although Harpor was ready to counter Kronos’ attack, Harpor was not ready to counter the clone’s attack. The clone shot a wave of white fire that blasted Harpor to the side. Kronos was suddenly behind Harpor, and landed a punch powerful enough to make another grand canyon. Kronos then appeared in front of Harpor, and landed a volley of punches, each one as strong as the initial attack.

      Harpor blasted his ki outwards, turned to Kronos, seeming to be frustrated, as if he was angry that he was going to lose. That’s just how it seemed. Harpor laughed. “That was fun. Making you think you had me beat. At one point, I almost started to pretend to breathe heavily. But I realized that there isn’t air in space. Now Kronos, move aside, I have to deal with the real opponent:Froster.” Kronos grinned, “then what do you call the last ten minutes?” Harpor smiled sadistically, “patronizing.” For once, Kronos looked scared. “damn it.” Harpor laughed, and said, “you’re the one who’s damned!” Harpor charged at Kronos, now using his full power, and was ready to put Kronos through the most pain he could.

      After getting blasted away once more, Boten was getting progressively more enraged. *I can’t seem to even land a single hit now!* Boten turned to Harpor, and saw that now, instead of Harpor running from Kronos, Kronos was now trying to avoid Harpor as Harpor flew at Kronos, attacking like the madman he was. Boten was enraged. *How is Harpor able to fight off Akuryō’s son, whereas I can even take on a single arcosion!* Boten’s power rose once more, and his muscle mass declined, and instead was replaced by a more violent aura, and lightning.

      *I cannot lose this fight, I will not lose this fight! We’ve lost Earth, we’ve lost Kronos, we will not loose anything else!* Boten’s aura shined like a dying star as he once again ascended to a form beyond super saiyan. *I don’t know how I’ll beat him, but I won’t lose.* Boten charged Froster, once again ready to fight. He didn’t have the power he started the fight with, but this would do. Froster put his hand out, and shot a ki wave, unimpressed by Boten’s display of power.

      The ki wave, despite its power and size, was nothing to Boten. To him, flying through it was like flying through a cloud. When Boten came out of Froster’s ki blast, right in front of Froster, all he could do while Boten attacked him, was watch in shock. Boten landed a punch to Froster’s face, sending out a explosion of energy that even Kronos and Harpor could feel. Boten spun counterclockwise, using his other elbow to ram the side of Froster’s face. Boten finished his spin, and kicked Froster’s side hard enough to make him cough up blood.

      Boten charged a golden ki blast in his left hand, but before he could fire, Froster shot a ki wave from his mouth. Anticipating Froster’s counter, Boten teleported behind Froster, then fired the blast. It exploded, and Boten watched as the smoke cleared, revealing a hurt and angered Froster. *How the hell does he keep going this?! He’ll seem defeated, then he’ll get some big power boost! This is getting annoying.* Froster voiced his anger, “I’m tired of letting you live, either stay strong, or stay weak! Why do you keep fighting when it’s obvious you’ll lose?!”

      Boten spoke to him telepathically, “we were the Earth’s protectors. We weren’t able to save the earth, but you can be damn sure, that we’ll make you pay. My defeat may be inevitable, but I won’t give up.” Froster was silent, and thought to himself, *I can see why Freeza wanted to kill the saiyans. Then I guess, I should fulfill your wish, master.* The two fighters floated towards each other, and they stopped moving one they were nearly face to face.

      At the same time, they increased their power, making their auras expand and clash. As their auras clashed, it produced light like a miniature sun, and then, their auras seemed to explode. Froster was attempting to strike Boten with a rapid volley of punches, but was unsuccessful. Despite the fact that Boten was bleeding, had a tattered gi, and a few broken bones, he somehow still had the advantage. Boten caught one of Froster’s fists, then the other. Before Froster could do something to get his fists free, Boten headbutt Froster, kneed Froster’s stomach, then shot a volley of ki waves.

      It didn’t send Froster backwards, but it did hurt him. Boten then shot a ki ball the size of a car, pushing Froster back about forty feet. Froster stopped it from going further, but before Froster could push it back to Boten, Boten shot a smaller ki blast, causing his larger ki blast to explode. Before the smoke cleared, Boten charged into the smoke, and punched Froster’s face, throwing him out of the smoke.

      Froster stopped himself, and shot multiple ki waves into the smoke. Just as the blasts entered the smoke, Boten appeared above Froster, and slammed his head like someone would a volleyball. As Froster was knocked downwards by the attack, Boten appeared in front of Froster (whom was now horizontal,) Although Boten was vertical, put his right hand up, which slammed into Froster’s stomach as he flew down into it, sending a shockwave out that obliterated nearby meteors. In Boten’s right hand formed a golden ki blast that sent light throughout the entire battlefield. Boten thought one word to himself before firing: *begone.* Then Boten fired.

      The wave of golden energy engulfed Froster, and despite the darkness of Froster’s aura, Boten’s blast made Froster seemingly disappear. The front of the wave kept going further into space, until the end was no longer visible. The blast shrank until it was longer visible. As the blast disappeared, they realized that Froster was nowhere in sight. Boten watched, uneffected as Froster’s atoms started to regenerate, and within half a second, Froster was once again there, seemingly unharmed. Although he was weaker, and much more angry.

      Harpor was doing just as good as Boten. All of Kronos’ clones were like paper, Kronos’ magic attacks were like flies to him. Harpor shot a green ki ball the size of a building. Kronos countered by making a clone of it, which would cancel it out. Harpor’s large blast split into multiple smaller blasts, going around the cloned blast, and went straight to Kronos. Kronos formed a barrier, but the blasts broke through, and Harpor stopped the cloned blast, and threw it back at Kronos with one hand, (which is the only hand he had.)

      Harpor flew towards Kronos the second that the cloned blast hit him, giving Kronos no breathing room. Kronos attempted to fly out of the way, but Harpor spun, and shot another small ki blast. Kronos easily deflected the blast, but this gave him no time to avoid Harpor’s punch. Kronos went flying as Harpor’s fist connected with Kronos’ jaw. Kronos stopped himself, only to see Harpor pursuing him once more. Kronos turned the space between him and Harpor into a miniature sun, and Harpor flew through it like nothing, and landed a hit to Kronos’ stomach, causing him to double over.

      Kronos warped the space between him and Harpor, causing them to be further apart. *I look the way I did before father punished me, but my power hasn’t been returned. Why?* Just as Harpor was about to rush towards Kronos, Kronos put one hand out, and said, “wait! I surrender.” Harpor looked confused, and didn’t attack. “You wouldn’t kill me. I saved you from your insanity, I’ve saved your life. We’re allies.” Harpor’s sadistic expression returned. “You mean that friendship you faked? You mean those times you helped me to make me trust you so you could spy on us?” Kronos was about to use his last resort, but then, he noticed something. *A large amount of people are coming here.*

      Half a second later, he heard his father’s voice in his head, “come.” Kronos had no choice, Kronos disappeared, returning to his father, just as Harpor was about to attack. Harpor looked around in confusion, disappointed that he would get to put Kronos through more pain. He turned and saw Boten fighting Froster. *But I do know who I could help kill.* Harpor dashed over to help, but as he approached, the two stopped fighting long enough for Boten to put his hand out in an obvious gesture. *Stop, he’s mine.* Harpor waited a second, disappointed, but then flew back to everyone else as Boten’s fight continued.

      Boten dodged Froster’s punch, used the hand closest to Froster to land a hit to Froster’s stomach, then used his other hand to punch Froster into a nearby meteor, creating a shallow crater. Boten landed on the crater as Froster got out of it. The two looked at each other in silence, and Froster said, “this battle is going nowhere. You can’t kill me, and you’re too stubborn to die. So, how about this:we call a truce. I’ll leave you and your friends alone, and you do the same to me.”

      Boten seemed to take a second to consider it, but really, was thinking *after he destroyed earth? This is my answer.* Boten’s aura seemed to explode, making a small crater. Boten’s aura made his hair wave above his head as if underwater. As Boten rose, the lightning around him turned larger, and golden light seemed to seep up from the ground and surround Boten’s aura. Froster couldn’t help but feel insignificant seeing this display of power as Boten rose from the ground like some sort of heathen god.

      Kasan shook his head in disbelief, “he’s insanely determined, isn’t he? To still be fighting like that.” Mitaku said, “he really is something,” under her breath as she watched in awe. Kasan was the only one who heard her, and smiled to himself. *Good luck Boten, it looks like you have a chance.* He wasn’t thinking about the fight though.

      Boten shot no visible ki blast, but there was an explosion of light that destroyed the meteor and sent Froster flying. Just as Boten was about to pursue, Froster shot a disk attack, which Boten countered with his own ki disk. Boten flew to Froster, avoiding the two disks as they cut each other in half. Froster shot a ki wave, although Boten easily deflected the blast, and flew straight towards Froster. Before Froster could do anything else, Boten moved to Froster’s left side faster than light, and broke Froster’s left arm with a single punch.

      Boten then flew around his back, and used Froster’s tail to pull him back, doing more damage as he kneed Froster’s back. Boten flew around to Froster’s front, grabbed his head with both hands, and pulled it down as Boten kneed his face. Boten allowed Froster a second to recover. Only a second. Boten shot a ki blast into Froster’s stomach, sending him flying. Boten pursued, and as Froster was slowing down, Boten landed a punch to his face, sending Froster further away.

      Before Froster could go to far, Boten flew around behind Froster, and kicked him upwards. Boten soared above Froster, and shot a large, egg shaped ki blast that was blue. The blast produced a brilliant light, similar to that of a star exploding. Boten waited as the dust cleared, revealing a damaged and frustrated Froster, whom had a ki blast on his finger the size of a penny. Froster pointed his finger at Boten, and shot volley after volley of ki lasers. Each one seemed to go through Boten, but after all the fights these heroes had been through, they knew he was simply dodging too fast to see.

      After around one hundred lasers had been shot, Froster stopped, and Boten held his hands out as if saying, *that’s all?* Froster showed him one finger. One finger. In response, Boten smiled confidently, and put his hand out, palm facing up, and brought his fingers up. An obvious gesture, *come get me.* Froster chuckled without humor, and said “oh yes, look at you, so confident, so powerful. Oh, and yes, you have a new transformation. Look at you, a guardian angel, of seven billion dead people.”

      Boten’s expression turned from confident, to silent rage. Boten spoke to Froster telepathically, *bitch,* Boten paused, appeared in front of Froster, landed a blow to his stomach strong enough to make him cough up blood, and finished, *the hell did you just say?* Boten used his other fist to uppercut Froster, then shot a volley of blasts that sent Froster upwards with the blasts.

      Boten’s body coursed with pain, causing him to stop shooting blasts. *Damnit, not yet, I need more time!* Boten’s body continued to be put through more and more pain. He was using too much energy, and was putting too much physical strain on himself. The transformation was no longer inhibiting his pain, and it was starting to be too much for him. Just as Froster recovered from Boten’s blasts, Boten remembered something he had learned from his fighting lessons: pain isn’t just something that slows you down, it means something is wrong.

      Froster, noticing Boten’s weakness, floated down to Boten slowly, as to put Boten through the most pain. *I know something is wrong with me, I’ve been fighting for too long, and I have broken bones, but I need to keep fighting! Unless some miracle happens, I may have to keep fighting until I use to much power and die.* Boten suddenly sensed a mass of power levels, not the strongest, but definitely stronger than an average human. Not to mention that there was an armada of them. Only about fifty yards behind Froster. Suddenly, thousands of spaceships and warriors uncloaked themselves, Lach in front of them all. Boten stared in shock. *Well then, hallelujah.*

      Confused, Froster turned, and froze in shock as well. Lach used some sort of microphone built into an earpiece to speak to Froster, although everyone could hear. “Froster, for your crimes against the universe, including but not limited to: mass murder, genocide, general destruction on planetary levels, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. If you do not come wilfully, we have authorization to use lethal force.” Froster stood still. Froster laughed, and charged into the armada, just as Boten lost consciousness from over exertion.

      Boten woke a few minutes later in a healing pod (still with his tattered gi on). He saw that watching him was Kasan, Zoro, and Mitaku, whereas Sans, Wind, and Harpor were looking out the ship’s window. Boten realized that he was on a transport ship similar to those which Freeza had. There was also many people Boten never saw before, whom he assumed to be apart of the Cooperationist from planet Vegeta.

      Kasan, Zoro, and Mitaku moved out of the way as the door as the healing liquid drained and the door opened. Boten stepped out of the pod, and despite the fact that most of his physical injuries were healed, Boten doubted he could use any more ki without killing himself. Before Boten could ask what was happening, Kasan said, “you lost consciousness, we were all brought on this ship, and you were put in that pod. The are more pods, but the rest of us wanted to watch the fight.”

      Boten nodded, and asked “how are they doing?” Kasan opened his mouth to answer, but Sans answered for him. “They seem to be making progress, but overall, I believe they will lose.” Boten looked around the room, confused was everyone was so calm. “These guys must have some extra space suits, let’s put them on and go help the armada! Wind shook his head. “I’ve given the order to set a course to planet Vegeta. The only reason we’re still here is that it takes a few minutes to get the ship ready to make that jump at light speed. I know you want to help, but we don’t have any extra suits, so you’re staying here.”

      Boten shook his head, “WindRaiser, since when has a saiyan ever been stopped by logic when they wanted to do something?” Wind shook his head, and said, “just go. Harpor, you’ve used your legendary form too long, you need to take a break.” Harpor nodded, but as Boten ran for the exit to the ship, Mitaku grabbed his arm.

      Mitaku was glaring at Boten, but Boten thought he could also see worry in her expression. “Boten, you can’t go out there.”

      “Mitaku, I have to, you heard Sans, they won’t be able to stop him, I’m the only one with the power to stop him, and Harpor can’t use his form any more. ”

      “Neither can you! If you try to use any more ki, you’ll die! Please Boten, we’ve lost Earth, we’ve lost Kronos, I don’t want to lose anyone or anything else, please, live to fight another day!” Boten seemed solemn. “I guess I will die. In that case,” he turned to Kasan, “thanks for not telling her.” Kasan nodded, and smiled, as if saying, *good luck.* Mitaku shook her head questioningly, “thanks for not telling me what?” Boten quickly kissed Mitaku on the cheek, and teleported to Froster.

      Despite the fact that Lach, (whom was slightly weaker than WindRaiser) and an armada was fighting Froster, it seemed that Froster would win. Boten appeared in front of Froster, and stunned him with a punch to the stomach as he told everyone telepathically, *we can end this now, fire with me!*

      The heroes had all moved to the window, just in time to see a stunned Froster get blasted by thousands of people and ships, almost outshining the sun. Despite this, all of the blasts combined into one larger than the armada, pushing against Froster, he seemed to hold it back. The warriors weren’t sure whether Boten had fired his blast, but then, Boten fired, and they swore they could hear the sound of his blast, even though he was in space.

      The massive blast flew towards the sun, taking Froster along with it. It reached the sun in seconds, and it’s impact made a rather small explosion, but it was brighter than ten suns combined. They had done it. Froster hadn’t escaped the attack, he was in the sun. The battle was over, and Boten didn’t know. His body floated in space, unmoving. Even though Mitaku told herself she wouldn’t cry again, she shed a tear. One more friend, was gone. And apparently he thought of her more than a friend.

      All of them were silent as Lach brought Boten’s body in, and put him in a healing pod. The waited, and waited, but Boten didn’t awaken. They weren’t sure if they sensed his ki, it were wishing they did. The pilot of the ship came and asked Wind, “where should we go sir?” Wind nodded towards the heroes, and said, “let them choose, I think they need some time to rest.” when no one spoke, Kasan said, “bring us to the nearest inhabitable planet. Wind, Lach, it’s nothing personal, but when we’re there, do you mind leaving our group? Just for the time being?” Wind nodded, “of course.”

      Even an hour later, once they reached the nearest inhabitable planet (the rest of the armada had gone back to planet Vegeta,) Boten hadn’t woken. Lach told them, “I have another ship that we can use to get back, you guys keep this one.” Lach, Wind, and the rest of the crew left, leaving the warriors with their friend. The men back on Vegeta celebrated, for them, the battle was short and sweet, but for our heroes, the battle had been much longer, and had been the worst in their lives. From here, they didn’t know what to do. Even Harpor, wished they could stop fighting evil and chaos, but it’s never that easy, is it.

    • #20724

      This fight had amazing quotes and fight scenes definitely the best post in the Story. I liked my fight but I overall liked boten’ s because of his strategic undying will.

      “I’m no hero. I was born to kill. I am a killer. That’s all I’ve ever done. So why stop now.” ~Harpor

      “*I cannot lose this fight, I will not lose this fight! We’ve lost Earth, we’ve lost Kronos, we will not loose anything else!* Boten’s aura shined like a dying star as he once again ascended to a form beyond super saiyan. *” ~ Boten

      “I like ketchup” ~Sans

      Also, don’t end the story dbzfan, you are probably not getting much support since people just haven’t seen it yet.

    • #20725

      Thank you, I put alot of time and thought into this battle, and tried to make it the one that people would remember it by, similar to how when you think dragon Ball, it’s hard not to think of the legendary battle between goku and Freeza. I thank you for your thoughts on continuing the book. I have been thinking on continuing it on the Google docs that I now write it on, but unless people show more interest in it, I doubt I’ll continue it on this site. I will write the next chapter on the site if you think it’s worth the time and effort.

    • #20731

      oh, I usually dont comment because signing in is 2 much work, but I always read these cuz’ their super well written and enjoyable.

    • #20732

      With your user name, I can surely understand that, but at the same time, I had no idea that you read this until you commented.

    • #20733

      Btw im the guy who made “Sans,” I’ve been checking in on these every weekend hopin’ for another one and im always hype when theres another. Sorry for not commenting much.

    • #20735

      That would explain the first part of your name. I’m glad to know that at least some people are reading

    • #20768

      this new chapter was amazing (mainly because i did somthing) well done

    • #20770

      Hey @TravelerSoul I don’t read much of the chapters, simply cause they’re long (I do read.. but I am lazy mostly) but if you still are thinking. Did you find a place for Shinji?

    • #20782

      The cyborg? If so, yes.
      Sorry I could give him more limelight

    • #20783

      Okay, thank you for letting him in. You don’t need to make him more noticed if you want.. you can keep him how he is

    • #20784

      The last part was for lordgotenx. He will be added beastboy, don’t worry

    • #20785

      @Traveler Okay, like I said I’m not really reading these but I will when I get the chance

    • #20786


    • #20820

      Hey guys, as always, here’s a new sneak peak, also, from now on, (if I do end up continuing the story,) I will postevery Monday, (keep in mind, I’m in America)

      Shaheen quickly stopped himself before he could fly far, then blocked Kasan’s next attack. The two exchanged in a volley of strikes, which Shaheen got out of by turning super saiyan. Even people in town, miles away, could hear the echoing screams, and see the brilliant light it produced. Shaheen disappeared, and as Kasan started to look around, Shaheen landed a kick to his back, launching him into the ground. Just as Kasan was about to hit the ground, he put both hands out, planting them on the ground, then flipped shooting two ki blasts towards Shaheen. Kasan finished his flip, then dashed to Shaheen as Shaheen deflected the blasts.

      Shaheen once again got ready to block as Kasan charged him. Then Kasan disappeared. Knowing his next move, Shaheen spun, throwing his elbow outwards, knocking Kasan’s fist aside as Kasan appeared behind him. Shaheen used his other hand to try and plant a ki ball into Kasan’s stomach, but Kasan used his knee to kick Shaheen’s arm upwards as he fired the blast. Kasan headbutt Shaheen, then blasted a volley of blasts, a brutal move at sort range. Kasan flew backwards, just as Shaheen created an explosion of ki, with himself at the center. As the explosion faded, Shaheen shot a ki wave with the diameter of a small building, which Kasan stopped with one hand, smiling.

      Hope you like it, and as always,
      See you next time,

    • #20915

      Sorry guys, I haven’t had enough time to finish the chapter due to alot of things going on, but I’ll give you guys a choice: wait next week, and get a full chapter, or have me post today, but have it be short

    • #20973

      I’d prefer the full chapter over anything, long reads op.

    • #21084

      Sorry, but I won’t be able to post the chapter this week. I’ve just had too much happening, but I will try to get it out next Monday, or this Friday since I couldn’t post it today. Sorry for the inconvenience

    • #21298

      Hello everyone, I am having a slight problem continuing the plot of the story, I have part of the story planned, right now though, I need an anarchist (doesn’t have to be an anarchist) villain to give the group a chance to become stronger. I will be grateful for any and all entries, thank you and as always,
      See you next time,

    • #21299

      @Traveler Wow I can’t think of anything.. but maybe he could be a lost General that the group might’ve fought, and he has grown into a general but got lost in space and found the people? Idk xD

    • #21300

      It didn’t have to be a group of villains, just one. Also, thank you beast boy, I’m surprised how fast you replied, and am very grateful for it.

    • #21301

      @Traveler Your welcome and it’s that one who’s lost.. sorry if you didn’t catch that

    • #21302

      Well, I have an arcosian the problem is his name is also harpor so you would have to give him a name.

    • #21303

      Sure, let’s hear about him

    • #21304

      Fighting style: He is one of the weakest punchers out there, but he makes up for it with his God like speed, he mostly surrounds his opponents while constantly hitting them. He often uses his environment to aid him in battles.
      Age: 2.6k
      Personality and looks: Unknown is a arcosian with a true passion for fighting, he will wait in his planet, he acts very friendly but that can easily change in a matter of seconds. until strong fighters land there, and once they do he challenges them at the price of their life (makes them slaves) his skin is a very dark red, and on top of that he has a vest made of dark purple plates, along with two arm bands and leg bands which are also purple. He has five weighted items made from bio armor, he has two gems on his arm bands as Well as two on both of his legbands, he has one last weight imbued onto his vest which massively increases his upperbody strength as his body tenses up.

      Moves:GodSpeed: A move that drains a lot of Ki, it dosent really improve speed but instead it gives the user a feeling of endless adrelanine, meaning the user will be able to perform at his peak with no signs of getting tired for a certain amount of time.
      PowerLevel: ???

      5th form (custom)
      The user first begins his transformation by tensing up his upper body as it becomes buff he will grow as horns come out of his head and begin to curve backwards, his total height would be about 3x that of king cold, this speed definitely slows him down but his speed still remains average, not poor. However his strength is massively increased.

      Background: He really has no father or mother, he was raised in a small namekian village, but they couldn’t change the fact that he was clearly wrong in the head, so because he was a threat to the village they sent him away to a baren icy wasteland that is called planet chilly where he has built his empire of slaves.

      -Mobile so rip grammar

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Harpor(Hp).
    • #21306

      The godspeed thing sounds familiar. Isn’t that something from hunter x hunter? (I don’t watch it)
      Anyways, your character is accepted, is there anything you want to add? Also I’m thinking of naming him Chill, the reason being (if that name sounds good to you) that he named himself after the planet since he made his Empire there and also had no true name before hand.

    • #21307

      Ooh, sounds good

    • #21309

      I forgot to mention that he cannot fly, but he can jump high enough to leave most planets’ atmospheres

    • #21312

      Okay. That’s actually perfect for something I was planning for him to do. Fun fact, that’s how super man originally was. He didn’t fly, he jumped long distances.

    • #21398

      @TravelerSoul I was wondering where I could find the previous chapters as I plan on reading your fanfic. Thanks!

    • #21403

      Go to “most popular topics” and click on dbz fanfic (with a space between them). Be warned, the first few chapters are terrible.

    • #21407

      Thanks TravelerSoul. I look forward to reading this! 🙂

    • #21492

      Hello everyone, I just wanted to say sorry for the lack of new chapters, and that a lot has been going on (mainly getting a new house). I have not forgotten the fanfic, I promise. To leave this off on a good note, I will give you good news. Shinji will be added in the next chapter, as will Chill. For those of you who wanted Boten with Mitaku, well considering I brought it up, you already know what I’m going to say. Also, Zoro is finally going to get a spotlight. That’s all for now, and as always
      See you next time,

    • #21500

      As always. Hyped for the next chapter!

    • #21528

      @Harpor same, but I’m not usually reading much xD read about 3-4 chapters.. can’t wait for the others though!

    • #21613

      So it turns out that have to post twice, once with each half of the chapter, due to its size. Now, as for the pre-chapter message, I’m sorry I haven’t been posting regularly, I will start to do so, other than that, all I have to say is: “enjoy the chapter!”
      Chapter 20: The Chill

      The group sat down at a table that was present in the room with the healing pods, so they could keep an eye on Boten. They sat there for roughly ten minutes, staying in complete silence. Finally, Zoro spoke. “So, what now?” No one answered. Zoro continued, “I think we should probably heal in those chambers, then start training, that way-” Then Sans cut him off, and his voice told Zoro that Sans didn’t want to talk. “To hell with that. We’ve pushed ourselves beyond our limits, and still, look how much we’ve lost.”

      Kasan sided with Zoro, “we will lose much more of we’re not prepared. Besides, Akuryō always contacts us after-” Once again, Sans cut in, “oh yes, the living dead man, still acting all noble. You’re always such a hero, always the first one to make a sacrifice. What about me, huh? I’m no hero, I never trained, I was always lazy, I only trained because my home was endangered, and now it’s gone. Why should I keep trying, and don’t pull any of that, “I died and am still fighting,” stuff. Sorry if we’re not all heroes like you.”

      Kasan scowled, “is that how you see me? Like some sort of golden hearted warrior? When I first came back, it was because I wanted to kill Nogaro, nothing else! I saw you needed my help though, and I-” once again Sans interrupted, “and you came running, like some lapdog.” A deadly still aura went throughout the room as Harpor stood and slammed his hand down onto the table, “don’t you dare speak of Kasan that way! He’s the reason Kronos saved me, I owe Kasan my life!” Sans threw his hands up, “oh so you’re on their side! Of course you’d want to keep fighting, because you were, ‘born to kill,’ right? ” Harpor sat down, and said silently, “no. I don’t want to fight anymore. When I transform, it’s not me fighting anymore, it’s something else, more ancient and powerful controlling me. I never want to use the form again.”

      Zoro turned to Mitaku, whom was looking down at the table. “Mitaku, what do you think?” Mitaku shook her head, “please leave me out of this.” Sans rolled his eyes, “what, are you going to get all teary-eyed because of a planet you somewhat were responsible for the destruction of?” Mitaku glared at Sans, her pupils turning a light shade of blue. “I’ve gotten over that, but I couldn’t save my home from being destroyed, all of my friends on earth are dead, and apparently Boten had feelings for me, and then he went off and sacrificed himself, so you can imagine how I feel.” Sans put his hands up, “oh excuse me fire getting into your relationship problems your highness.” Mitaku’s power rose, “I’ve been responsible for roughly eight billion deaths, I have no problem having one more on my ledger.”

      Sans was no longer being sarcastic, “we both know you couldn’t lay a finger on me.” Mitaku stood up, “you want to bet? Sans stood up as well, and before he could say anything, Zoro said, “please, the last thing we need is a fight.” Sans and Mitaku spoke at the same time, “stay out of it.” Mitaku glared at Sans, went super saiyan, and then Kasan grabbed her arm. “Mitaku, stop. If you two want to fight, fine, but at least stay in the healing pods for a while first. Mitaku glared at Kasan with the same intensity as a wolf, but Kasan didn’t back down. Mitaku ripped her arm out of Kasan’s hand, detransformed, then walked out of the room. Kasan cursed under his breath,and followed Mitaku. As Kasan left the room with Mitaku, Sans shook his head and said, “I didn’t buy the ‘siblings in battle’ stuff, but if I didn’t know better, I’d think they were brother and sister.”

      When Kasan found Mitaku on top of the ship, he said, “I’m not sure whether to be happy that you’re not sad, or to feel bad because you’re frustrated.” Mitaku didn’t look at him, but replied with, “be quiet.” Kasan chuckled at he went and sat down next to her. After a few moments of silence, Kasan said, “you know, I don’t think you understand just how much Boten cared for you. It’s not just some childish crush, he loved you.” Mitaku shook her head and said, “that’s not making me feel better.” Kasan shrugged, “it’s not supposed to. I’m telling you the truth.”

      Mitaku looked at Kasan and raised an eyebrow, “are you going to start with the whole, ‘the truth hurts’ stuff?” Kasan chuckled, “no. We both know how pointless that is. Anyways, he first realized how he felt about you on our way to Namek. He said, and I’m quoting him, ‘Mitaku was always so confident and had the strength to back it up. Something I could never do.’ You amazed him. Then when we started to become siblings in battle, he thought that’s what it was. He thought that he loved you like a sister, so he put off telling you. He said that the moment that the knew that it was more than sibling like love, was when you fought Zae. Once the building collapsed on you and him, and he held the shield to protect you both, in that moment of silence, was when he knew that he loved you.”

      Mitaku was silent, then said, “I remember that. Now that I think of it, it was obvious.” She took a breath, “and yet I had no idea.” Kasan thought for a moment and responded with, “how do you feel about him?” Mitaku scoffed, “are you going to start being the overprotective brother?” Kasan smiled, “no need, you’d easily keep him in line.” This made Mitaku laugh, but then she replied with, “I’m not sure how I feel about him.” She paused, “Damn it, I hate it.” Kasan tilted his head, “hate what?” Mitaku replied with, “all this romance stuff. I’m a saiyan warrior, not some princess in a romance story.

      Mitaku changed the topic, “can I ask you a question?” Kasan nodded. Mitaku asked “Why do you want to keep fighting? Earth is gone, everyone on it, is dead. Despite our training, we’ve failed.” Kasan seemed to consider something, then said, “I don’t.”

      Mitaku looked at Kasan with confusion. Kasan continued, “I don’t want to keep fighting. I wish I could just go back to earth, and live life normally, but I can’t. Long story short, I grew up fighting, and I learned that I had to keep fighting, even when I didn’t want to. I had to keep taking the punches, or someone else will.” Mitaku nodded, and asked, “Nogaro?” Kasan was silent for a moment, but continued. “Yes. When I was a kid, despite the fact that I had and older brother and sister, I thought of myself as the protector of the family. My little sister agreed with me. Then, Nogaro came, I fought, I lost, and I stopped fighting. You know the rest. From that day forward, I learned that I had to keep fighting, even when I lost, or I’d lose more.”

      Mitaku looked down and said, “I wish I could think like that.” Kasan seemed angered, “you used to.” Mitaku looked up at him, “you used to keep fighting Mitaku, you’d never give up. At some point you were broken. I don’t know if it was Namek, Zae, or whatever, but you need to keep fighting. You see Earth’s loss as a reason to quit. I see it as motivation. I wasn’t good enough, so I need to get better. Boten thinks like that too.”

      Mitaku interjected, “he thought like that.” Kasan shook his head. “No. I’ll bet that Boten is still alive.” Mitaku shook her head, “it’s not because of physical injuries that he’s like that. It’s because of his ki. You don’t recover from something like that.” Kasan promptly got up, and said, “Boten had faith in you, why don’t you have some faith in him. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go speak with the others.” Mitaku watched Kasan as he walked to the elevator of the ship, and went down into the ship.

      Mitaku looked at the sky, and saw that the sun was setting. In the distance, she saw the lights of a city, according to the crew members on the way there, this planet was more advanced than Earth, despite being mostly desert. Mitaku took a breath, turned super saiyan, and looked at her hand. As she did so, she thought of her uncle whom helped her control this form. She remembered one of the last things her uncle said to her. “I don’t care if you’re weak. I don’t care how bad your losing a fight, you never give up. Just like your parents. They may have died because of it, but at least they didn’t die as cowards.” Mitaku detransformed, and thought to herself, *I’m not a coward.* She up at the sky, *I’m sorry, I won’t let you down uncle.* She got up, took one last look at the sky, looking at the brightest star, then headed inside.

      What she didn’t know, is that the star, wasn’t a star. Two beings were floating in the night sky, both surrounded by blazing auras from coming to the planet. There was a cat like being, and a tall human like person with a staff. The cat being spoke, “so Whis, what do you think, was it really worth the time finding the one who saw us in the dream? That wasn’t even him!” Whis spoke in a scolding voice, “don’t you take that tone with me Beerus, you may be the deity, but I am still your mentor.” Beerus grumbled and said, “I still don’t think that they could ever match me.” Whis bent over so that he was head level with beerus, but now was smiling. “You said that about Goku when he was young. Besides, I still think we should train them. You don’t want Akuryō doing your job for you, now do you?” Beerus scratched his chin, “you’ve got a point Whis. At the same time, saving things from destruction isn’t my style. Besides, don’t forget that the agreement with the kias will be broken if I destroy anyone or anything for the next ten years.” Whis stood up and sighed, “is it really worth having a constant supply of Earth’s food instead of being able to do your job?” Beerus thought for a moment, “well, I did destroy the entire south galaxy about a year ago, so I guess it’s fair. Especially if I get Earth’s delicious food!” Whis sighed, “the kias are still rebuilding the southern galaxy.” With that, the two beings departed.

      When Mitaku entered the room, Kasan was saying, “if we don’t keep training, the whole universe could be destroyed! I don’t want to keep fighting any more than you do, but we don’t have a choice!” Sans took a breath, and said, “fine, fine. I’ll keep fighting. Although I am not doing any physical training,” Sans put an emphasis on the ‘not.’ “I will train my ability with this,” he pointed towards his blue eye, “so I can keep up with you super saiyans.” Kasan turned to Harpor, “look Harpor, I don’t want to pull this card, but I’m the reason you’re here. You owe me.” Harpor nodded reluctantly, “alright. I’m in.” Kasan took a step back, and said, “great, that’s settled.” Kasan noticed Mitaku, and said, “hey Mitaku, glad you could join us. Now, we should probably sleep in the healing pods tonight, so we can simultaneously rest and get healed. There’s enough for each of us to have our own.”

      The next morning….

      As everyone woke up, and left the rejuvenation pods, they noticed that Boten had still not woken up. They weren’t surprised. As they sat down at the table and ate, Sans asked Kasan, “so, what’s the plan?” Kasan thought for a moment, then sat back, and said “me and Mitaku will work towards the ascended super saiyan, the zenkai boost should help with that, Sans, you work with your eye. However you do that.” before Kasan could continue, Sans said “I can make it last longer as a start. If I use my eye too long, then I’ll go blind in both eyes. And no, I don’t know how that works.” Kasan continued, “Harpor, I know you don’t want to use the legendary form, but if you can get control of it-” Harpor shook his head. “Kasan, I know it’s dangerous, but half of its power comes from the fact that I can’t completely control it. The most I can do is learn to direct it.” Kasan nodded, “alright, then you and Zoro just train. As for Zoro, try to get your healing abilities better, and work on your speed, if that’s still your trump card.”

      Kasan looked around, and asked, “does anyone else have something to add?” Zoro rose his hand, “we don’t have much food here. So I’m going to head into the town, and see what I can get. Does anyone have anything they want me to look for specifically?” Sans shrugged, “I like ketchup.” Harpor chuckled as Zoro left, shaking his head. Mitaku stood up, and said, “let’s get training then.”

      They trained for the rest of the day, glad that they were able to train at full power in this wasteland. As Mitaku and Kasan were taking a break, Kasan shook his head, and said, “Sans is just sitting there, watching us train. I wonder if he’s really training his eye.” Mitaku shook her head, “he said he’s lazy. Maybe he’s just coming up with excuses not to train.” Sans yelled to be heard over Harpor and Zoro training, “training my eye takes no physical work, which is partly why I’m so lazy: I just have to look at stuff to get better. On another unrelated note, I’m now apparently able to lip read.” Kasan smiled add Mitaku rolled her eyes. Mitaku got up, and asked Kasan, “ready for another round?” In response, Kasan got up, and turned super saiyan.

      They trained like this for about a week, and then, once again, Zoro headed into town to get food and some other necessities. The town was made of a greenish stone, and as Zoro bought some food from a stall, he sensed a power level. *Kasan?* Zoro turned, and saw a saiyan that he’d never seen before.

      The saiyan had Kasan’s hair, some of his facial features, but his eyes seemed more calm. Kasan’s eyes seemed either aggressive or mischievous, this saiyan’s eyes seemed laid back, calculating, and cautious. The saiyan’s skin was slightly darker than Kasan’s, and he was wearing pants such a dark shade of blue that they were almost black. His shoes were similar to a namekian’s, and he seemed to be wearing a brown belt, but Zoro realized that it was just the saiyan’s tail.

      The saiyan was looking at Zoro with curiosity, and said, “your not from here, are you?” Zoro didn’t answer, instead, he stared at the saiyan with confusion. *I could have sworn that was Kasan’s ki. Odd.* The saiyan tilted his head, and asked Zoro if he spoke English, but in the Namekian language. Zoro immediately replied, (in English,) “I do speak English. Sorry, I was just surprised. Your ki is much like my friend’s.” the saiyan crossed his arms, and seemed to be thinking about something. “that’s odd, everyone had their own distinct ki. The only people who would have similar ki,” he said the last words slowly, as if realizing something, “would, be, siblings…”

      Zoro was confused, Kasan’s family had been killed, hadn’t they? The other saiyan shook his head, “no, that’s impossible, my siblings died a long time ago.” Zoro immediately realized what had happened, he wasn’t sure how, but it had happened. “your brother’s name was Kasan, wasn’t it?” The saiyans eyes were now borderline aggressive, “how do you know?” Before anything violent could happen, Zoro quickly said, “I know your brother, he’s alive. Me, along with some others, have been working with him for quite some time, I can bring you to him.” The saiyan thought for a few more seconds, then said, “that would explain the powers off in the distance. Fine, bring me to Kasan, but if this is some trick, no amount of explaining will save your life.”

      Once Zoro got back to the ship, everyone gathered around, and Kasan seemed to be worried. Zoro addressed Kasan first, “Kasan, I found him in the town, he’s your brother, I’m not sure how he survived, but-” Kasan now seemed enraged, “Shaheen.” Zoro had the time to ask, “what?” then Kasan launched forward, in his super saiyan state, and attacked his brother, Shaheen.

      Shaheen quickly stopped himself before he could fly far, then blocked Kasan’s next attack. The two exchanged in a volley of strikes, which Shaheen got out of by turning super saiyan. Even people in town, miles away, could hear the echoing scream, and could see the brilliant light it produced. Shaheen disappeared, and as Kasan started to look around, Shaheen landed a kick to his back, launching him into the ground. Just as Kasan was about to hit the ground, he put both hands out, planting them on the ground, then flipped shooting two ki blasts towards Shaheen. Kasan finished his flip, then dashed to Shaheen as Shaheen deflected the blasts.

      Shaheen once again got ready to block as Kasan charged him. Then Kasan disappeared. Knowing his next move, Shaheen spun, throwing his elbow outwards, knocking Kasan’s fist aside as Kasan appeared behind him. Shaheen used his other hand to try and plant a ki ball into Kasan’s stomach, but Kasan used his knee to kick Shaheen’s arm upwards as he fired the blast. Kasan headbutt Shaheen, then blasted a volley of blasts, a brutal move at short range. Kasan flew backwards, just as Shaheen created an explosion of ki, with himself at the center. As the explosion faded, Shaheen shot a ki wave with the diameter of a small building, which Kasan stopped with one hand, smiling.

      As the two continued to fight, the others tried to figure out what was going on. Mitaku turned to Zoro, “are you sure that they’re brothers? I mean, didn’t Kasan say that he saw his family die?” Zoro nodded, “I’m sure if it Mitaku. I doubt that someone could imitate someone else’s ki.” As Kasan drew first blood by a devastating knee to Shaheen’s stomach, Sans squinted, as if having trouble seeing, “don’t quote me on it, but their DNA seems similar.” Mitaku raised an eyebrow, “you can see DNA stands now?” Sans shrugged, “I’m not sure.” Before anymore could be said, a large explosion rang out, lighting up the whole battlefield, blowing sand in every direction.

      The two had ki clashed, sending strong winds in every direction. The blasts seemed perfectly equal in power, as the blasts weren’t moving. After about five seconds, both blasts faded, and the two launched at each other both rearing their hands back to punch. As soon as they both got within punching range of each other, they stopped, lower their fists, and Kasan asked Shaheen something. Shaheen answered calmly, and then they both shook hands, and flew back down to everyone else. As they landed, no one knew what to say, except for Sans, “what the hell just happened?”

      Kasan smiled, amused by their confusion. “Me and my brother, when we were young, came up with a way to identify each other, in case someone somehow was imitating the other. I know that to our knowledge, it’s impossible to imitate someone’s ki, but you never know. Every strike, every blast of that fight, was apart of our way to identify each other. Aside from turning super saiyan. Just to make sure, I asked him our last name.” Harpor whistled, “that’s quite the complex recognition system, and to think you remembered that this whole time.” Kasan nodded, “let’s go inside, and do some catching up.”

      As they entered the medical room, they saw that Boten, still, was unconscious. Shaheen asked, “what’s wrong with him?” Mitaku answered, “long story short, there was this asshole named Froster that we had to fight, he was the only one that could fight him, and he won, but used to much ki.” Shaheen’s eyes widened, “I know how to save him, no time to explain, I’ll be right back.” Shaheen disappeared, then a few moments later reappeared with a leather bag in his hand. Shaheen ran over to Boten’s pod, drained the healing liquid, and opened the door.

      He caught Boten as his unconscious body fell out, and then laid him on the ground. Shaheen opened the bag, and dropped it’s contents on Boten’s chest. The others only saw it for a moment before it disappeared, but it was an odd crystal that constantly changed colors. They could have sworn that it had ki. The crystal shattered, and Boten was suddenly surrounded by light so bright, that it made the purple windows all throughout the ship glow a luminous white.

      Once the light faded, they could sense Boten’s ki again, and they could once again see him breathing. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and sat up. He saw Shaheen, looked around, the confusion clear on his face, and he asked, “what’d I miss?” He got up as he said this, and once he was standing, Mitaku walked over to him. Boten raised an eyebrow in curiosity, and Mitaku punched him. “Damn it Boten! Kasan already tries to kill himself every time we fight, I don’t need you doing it to!” Mitaku then crossed her arms, and said, “I’m glad you’re alive though.” Kasan silently chuckled, and then spoke aloud, “all right, let’s get everyone caught up to speed, Boten we’ll start with you.”

      After informing Boten and Shaheen about everything, Shaheen said, “I’ve been tracking down Akuryō for some time now, but I haven’t had much luck. Kronos however, I have a few ideas for where he is. I was never sure how strong he was, nor was I sure that he was working for Akuryō, let alone that he was his son.” Harpor nodded, “that’s great, we should start looking as soon as we can-” Zoro rose his hand as a gesture for Harpor to stop, “hold on Harpor, we still haven’t heard Shaheen’s story, nor do we know what those crystals were. We also don’t know how strong Shaheen is.”

      Shaheen’s turned super saiyan, and his power rose to the point where he was almost on par with Boten as a super saiyan (whom was now slightly stronger than the others due to his zenkai). “This is my full power. From what I can tell, Sans is physically and ki wise the weakest, although the blue eye thing makes up for it, putting you in par with everyone else. Zoro, you’re slightly weaker than when Harpor first transforms, but I’m sure you make up for that with your stretchable limbs and speed. Kasan, Mitaku, and Harpor are all on par with each other, but I’m not sure how much powerful Harpor can get with his form.” Harpor scratched his chin, and said, “I’m not sure if there is a limit, not to mention that my ki is constantly refilling, and I’m nearly invincible.” Shaheen nodded, “and then Boten is slightly stronger than the rest of you, but if he masters the ascended super saiyan form, then he would surpass all of you.” Mitaku nodded, “sounds about right. Now, mind telling us what that crystal was?”

      Shaheen nodded, and informed them, “it was a spirit crystal. It’s on multiple planets, but is very rare. On this planet, it’s somewhat more common, but it’s weaker. Most spirit crystals, if you can find enough shards to make one, can make you more powerful. Ours just replenishes ki, to the point where it could save someone in the same predicament that Boten was. The reason it was in a bag, is that it will react to any organic beings, so I couldn’t come in contact with it or it would heal me. As you may have noticed, they also have ki, which makes it easier for someone like me to find them. I have quite a few at my home here. They’re how I make a living.”

      Kasan nodded, “now, the most pressing question, for me at least; how are you alive?” Shaheen took a breath, as if preparing to say something he didn’t want to. “You remember how Nogaro hit my head, and it made an audible crack?” Kasan nodded, “how could I forget?” Shaheen continued, “turns out that was him breaking the sound barrier, not my skull breaking. Afterwards, I woke up in a hospital a few nights later, and your body was gone. I thought that you were obliterated, and I wanted revenge on Nogaro, so I started searching, and training. Eventually, I ended up here. I’ve been here for almost, five months at least.”

      Kasan sat back and chuckled, “by now, you could’ve killed him with ease.” Shaheen shrugged, “I guess I overestimated him.” Sans shook his head, “if you were so content on killing Nogaro, why stay here so long?” Shaheen seemed to consider something, “I’m not sure if I’m allowed to tell you, but there is someone here, not very strong, but very intelligent. He taught me how to go super saiyan, and I wanted to get as strong as possible. Also one of his pupils could get you a new arm Harpor.” Harpor looked at his hand, “it would be nice to have two arms again.” Boten asked, “so are we going to go talk to him or-” suddenly a wave of heat spread throughout the room, and everything turned a shade of red. Boten looked around, and said, “let’s go see what Akuryō has to say now.”

      They exited the room, and saw Akuryō floating outside, once again in a different form. He had wings that were as long as his body was tall. The wings were similar to a bat, but where you’d normally at the fingertips, there was some sort of metal. He had two large spiraling horns as black as night, his skin was blood red. His eyes were completely black, making it look as if there was nothing was there. His feet were similar to an arcosian’s, except seemed to be made of metal. His tail was longer than his wings and body combined, and it looked almost like snake skin.

      “You all have been persistent, and you may actually end up being interesting. Don’t think for a moment that I think you’re a threat. You have made it this far, so I will explain some things to you. First off, all of my minions, the ginyu force, Freeza, Nappa, Raditz, the shadow of Vegeta, even Zae, all of them made me stronger. The energy you took from them, and the energy they took from you, was all given to me. That is how my power has been increasing. It’s the same technique Babadi used to bring back majin buu. Where do you think he learned that trick? Anyways, you may know that I’m searching for something, but you have no idea what I search for. Do you?” He didn’t wait for an answer, “a box made of pure energy. In it, there is the power to seal me to my hellish domain for eternity. I plan to destroy it. There is also a box with the power to seal my counter part,which I will destroy as well.” Kasan raised his hands as if telling Akuryō to slow down, “wait, hold on. Do some more explaining. Your counterpart? Two boxes made of good and evil energy?”

      Akuryō seemed to glare at Kasan, although no one was sure. “Before the kias, before the gods of destruction, there was me and my counterpart. We have no names, despite the fact that you name me Akuryō. He created, and I destroyed. We kept balance. I destroyed, so he wouldn’t create too much, and he created so I wouldn’t destroy to much. One of the first civilizations, you know them as kias, created two boxes in case one of us got out of hand. They would use the contents of the box to seal one of us before to much damage could be done. Then they would bring us back when they needed to.”

      “Of course, once the kias became “gods,” and powerful beings were named “gods of destruction,” they had no use for us, and they sealed me and my counterpart for eternity. I got free, but my counterpart wasn’t lucky.” Kasan asked another question, “why are you telling us how to stop you?” Akuryō grinned, “it is true, using the contents of the box, I would be sealed for eternity, and my conscious would be reborn as someone else, but there’s a catch about the box. Only a god can lay hands on it, but an immortal cannot. No mortal can be a god, but all “gods,” are immortal, except for the kias, whom are immortal unless killed, so they cannot touch the box. I tell you this not to give you hope, but to take it.”

    • #21614

      Kasan asked one last question, “why let us live? If you have so much power, why don’t you kill us now?” Akuryō laughed, and it sounded like the planet was exploding, a sound they know well. “Why pull out every individual weed when you can wipe them all out at once? I plan to save my power, and destroy all universes at the same time, so nothing can escape.” Kasan narrowed his eyes, *universes?* Akuryō tilted his head, “do you know why I involve myself with you heroes?” Everyone stayed silent. “everyone has something in common: a purpose. Two, actually, for all beings besides me and my counterpart. The first purpose is one that includes me and my counterpart. It is to live up to the way people will remember us. A killer, a hero, loyal, evil, all are ways people remember us. I can change that. What would you do if I told you Zae was back?”

      Everyone tensed. Akuryō laughed, “you only think of the demon I made him, not the loyal, passive person he was before. See what I mean? For the rest of you, I can not change you, but I can kill you. And when my new reality is made, you will all be remembers as failures, that is why I do what I do.” This time, Mitaku asked a question, “and what’s everyone’s second purpose?” Akuryō smiled, “something that can only be postponed, an eventuality.” When no one answered, he said, “death.” Everyone was silent, except for Harpor. “One last thing Akuryō, you know of revenge, right?” Akuryō chuckled, “I invented it.” Harpor nodded, “then you’ll understand that I want to settle something with your son.” Akuryō found this amusing, and said, “yes, I can imagine. You will get your chance. I will give Kronos his full power, and I will give you three months to prepare.” With that said, he disappeared in a column of flame.

      There was silence as everything turned to normal, and then Shaheen asked, “is he always that psychological?” Kasan shook his head, “no, not at all. He’s normally full of way more physiological bullshit.” Shaheen shook his head. Boten spoke, almost in an angered voice, “Shaheen, get the friend of yours that can help Harpor, and anyone else you can. We all need to train.” Shaheen nodded, and Boten continued, “Mitaku, Kasan, and Shaheen will train with me to master the ascended form, for now let’s just call it super saiyan 2.” Kasan shrugged, “I don’t think it’ll catch on.”

      Suddenly, they felt a massive power appear, then immediately disappear, along with most of the powers in the town. Zoro narrowed his eyes, “what was that?” Shaheen’s fear was as clear as day. He said something so quietly that only Zoro could hear. Zoro wondered *Why is Shaheen worried about his master?* Shaheen quickly said, “we have to go help the town, hurry!” immediately Shaheen was flying towards the town. Everyone followed Shaheen, still unsure on what was happening.

      When they got to the town, all of the buildings were intact, but more than half of the people were gone. The people that were still there were hiding, and the only person not hiding, was a small child. He was only about 10, and a chunk of his arm was missing, although it wasn’t bleeding. As they got closer, they saw why; he was a cyborg. Shaheen waved to get his attention, “Shinji, over here!” Mitaku tilted her head and said, “is that a guy name or a girl name?” Boten shook his head, “i haven’t asked that question ever since I started reading manga.”

      Shaheen asked Shinji if he was okay, to which he responded to by nodding and saying, “an arcosian came and started to take people. He was moving so fast I could barely see him. I tried to stop him and… Well you see what he did to my arm.” Boten was suddenly in front of Shinji, and grabbed his shoulders. “What was his name?” Boten’s voice was slightly shaking, as if he was afraid. He had good reason to be. Everyone else was wondering if it could have been Froster, they were wondering if he somehow got out of the sun. Shinji looked confused, and said, “I’m not sure.” Boten had lighting spark around him, “what did the arcosian look like?” His voice had an edge, like a glacier about to break. He had to make sure it wasn’t Froster. It couldn’t be Froster, after all that they went through, that couldn’t all be for nothing.

      Shinji thought for a second, and said, “he had dark red skin, and the bone like armor surrounding him was a dark purple. He had a few weighted bio-armor pieces.” Boten let go of Shinji’s shoulders, relieved that it wasn’t Froster. After a few breaths, Boten said, “I’m sorry it’s just…” Boten was silent.he hasn’t realized just how much he was still afraid of Froster. How afraid all of them were. Mitaku finished for him, “we’ve been through alot lately.” Shinji nodded, then turned to Shaheen, “he took master.” Shaheen had a pained expression, “I know. I could sense him.”

      Shinji’s damaged arm sparked, and he jammed a wire back into it. Shinji then saw that Harpor only had one arm, and he froze for a moment. “your arm.” Harpor’s eyebrows raised in confusion. Then, he looked down at his missing arm, “oh, you noticed that. Wait a second, are you the guy that Shaheen said could give me a new arm?” Shinji looked at Harpor and raised an eyebrow, “yes, but now isn’t the time.” Harpor chuckled, “but we need to beat someone up, right? Two arms is better than one,” then both Shinji and Harpor simultaneously said, “trust me, I know.”

      Shinji was silent for a few moments, then said, “fine, I think I can do something for you.” Everyone stopped paying attention to their conversation as the two flew off somewhere, and turned back to Shaheen. Kasan said, “so brother, any idea where this guy is?” Shaheen’s eyebrows raised, “wait, you guys are actually going after him? I thought that Harpor said that because he was insane, but-” Kasan waved his hand dismissively, “of course we’re going after him, what’s the worst that can happen?” Zoro responded, almost monotone, “we could all be killed, the planet could be destroyed, leaving yet another arcosian bent on universal domination on the loose. Not to mention that Akuryō would be free to do whatever he wanted.” Mitaku crossed her arms and said, “so, another day at work.”

      Kasan held his arms out towards Mitaku, as of presenting her to Shaheen, “see? See? A normal day at work, and the dying part applies to me especially.” Shaheen tilted his head, “why, is it because you’re always risking your life?” Boten chuckled, and said, “well, how could we explain.” Mitaku answered for him, “he’s constantly trying to be a hero, and ended up dying on Namek as it exploded.” Boten shrugged, “that’s one way to explain it.” Mitaku playfully elbowed him. Shaheen’s eyebrows raised, and he turned to Kasan, “you left that it of the story, but… You died? But you’re…” Kasan laughed at Shaheen’s confusion, and said, “alright, now, where is the arcosian?”

      Shinji came back with Harpor, and said, “Pyro system, planet Kepler 122 b. In other words,” he pointed at a large, bright, blue star, visible even on the daylight. “that planet.” Kasan said held his hand up, a gesture telling them to hold on, and he put his index and middle finger up to his forehead. After a few seconds, he said, “alright, I can teleport us there.” Something shiny caught his eye, and when he looked to see what it was, he saw Harpor’s new arm.

      “you got your arm. That was fast.” Harpor looked at the arm, as if studying it. “it doesn’t look like a real arm, and it doesn’t have the same strength as my original arm, but after the fight he’ll be able to get a better suited arm for me.” Shinji nodded, “that’s correct. Also, part of the reason that my arm looks like a real arm, is that the only non-artificial parts of me are my organs.” Harpor said, “oh,” but he didn’t seem particularly interested. Instead he was seeing if he could create a ki ball in his cyborg arm.

      Shaheen, still dumbfounded by the news that Kasan died, asked, “so what’s the gameplan?” Sans answered, although he seemed distracted by the people watching then cautiously. “Shinji will be the lead, since he’s the only one who’s seen the arcosian. Shaheen, you can help find where they took everyone, after all, you know what their powers feel like, correct?” Shaheen nodded, “I know what my master’s power is like, so I should be able to find them.” Boten added onto the plan, “if we can, let’s try to avoid fighting if we can. We don’t need any more injuries to slow us down. Not to mention that zenkai doesn’t seem to help much anymore.” Kasan nodded, “alright, let’s go.”

      A few seconds later they arrived on the planet, right in the middle of a road. Harpor was confused as to why everyone was looking at him oddly. When no one said anything, Harpor asked, “what’s wrong?” Sans quickly said, “nothing.” Zoro nodded and said, “let’s just get out off the road.” Harpor had no idea that the equivalent of a flying eighteen wheeler had just crashed into his back, completely wrecking the front of the unmanned hovercraft.

      They got out of the road, and took a look around. The city they were in seemed like it had the same technology earth used to have, except this planet had a larger variety of different races. It even had since humans and saiyans. The night sky above them was cloudless, but there was no visible stars. There wasn’t any wind at all, not even a subtle breeze. Putting this aside, they decided it was best to ask around. After a few hours of questioning multiple alien pedestrians, they sadly came to the realization that no one in this city spoke English. They regrouped once more, unsure of what to do. Shaheen said, “I haven’t had any luck finding my master’s power. Either he’s dead, or on the other side of the planet.” Kasan shook his head, “I’ve searched the entire planet for high power levels, but this is either the wrong planet, or the arcosian is suppressing his power.” Boten pointed something out: “we can’t find out anything if we can’t talk to the people here.”

      Zoro continued to look around, and found something that could save their mission: another Namekian. Zoro flew over to him as he was crossing the street, and the others followed without asking anything. Once Zoro landed, the two spoke to each other in the Namekian language. No one understood what the two Namekians were saying, (aside from Kasan, who only understood bits and pieces) Although they got hopeful. The two Namekians said goodbye to each other, and Zoro turned and said, “he know nothing about an arcosian on this planet.”

      Before anyone could complain, Zoro said, “but he does know of a powerful being that takes hostage’s from other planets as slaves. He also does multiple other anarchic things, included but not limited to: mass murder, destruction of property, bribery, blackmail, torture, as well as-” Mitaku interrupted him, “alright, that’s enough, thank you. Where is he?” Zoro looked up and said, “he didn’t know where to find him.” Suddenly a mechanical voice joined their conversation, “he didn’t know where to find who?” The group turned, and saw three beings surrounded in some sort of elaborate metal armor, with no visor.

      Shaheen stepped forward and said, “we happen to be looking for an arcosian. We believe he’s quite powerful. He’s supposed to have red skin, some blue, armor like bone around him. Have you heard of him?” The metal beings took a second, as if trying to comprehend what he had said. The metal being asked, “what reason are you looking for Chill?” Shaheen took a second to think and then responded with, “we have an offer that should be profitable for him.” Two of the metal beings turned to each other and spoke in a language that sounded like bones breaking. Then the one who originally spoke turned to them, spoke in the alien language, and then the mechanical voice translated. “Come with us, we will bring you to king Chill.”

      The metal beings flew off, not waiting to see if the group followed. Shinji scoffed, “that asshole is a king?” Kasan put his hand on Shinji’s shoulder reassuringly, “look on the bright side, after this, you can say that you were apart of the assassination of the great king Chill.” The group followed the metal things, but stayed out of earshot. Something was bothering Shinji: he, despite being a cyborg, was defeated by Chill in an instant. The only person stronger than himself on that entire planet was Shaheen, *and there was no way these guys could be near Shaheen’s strength. Right?* Still, despite being laid back, they did give off an aura of power (not the visual kind, the metaphysical kind), especially Harpor, whom made Shinji uneasy.

      After a few seconds of flying, there was a flash of light, and suddenly, they were in a frozen wasteland, without a hint of life. The group turned their heads back towards the city, and saw a large, pitch black dome. They could have sworn that there wasn’t even a subtle breeze in the city, but out here, it was storming, and so cold that Shinji could feel the cold, despite the fact that he wasn’t supposed to have any nerves to make him aware of the cold.

      Sans laughed, “man, it’s freezing out here! It’s been so long since I’ve actually felt cold!” Zoro looked worried, and said, “it’s amazing to think that they’ve developed technology that’s able to keep this kind of cold out. I hope that they don’t have any tech that could be a disadvantage to us in a fight.” Boten grinned confidently, “don’t worry, with this, “super saiyan 2” form of mine, I’m sure we’ll be fine.” Mitaku raised an eyebrow, “you mean the all-powerful form that you haven’t learned to use properly?” Boten responded in an upbeat tone, “yeah, that one.” Mitaku rolled her eyes, although she was smiling.

      Zoro narrowed his eyes. “I’m not completely sure that your new form will do the job Boten.” Sans nodded and said, “let’s just hope this guy isn’t as strong as Shinji says he is.” They continued their flight and realized that this planet had almost no light whatsoever, which they guessed was due to the sun being so far away. This didn’t bother the fighters though, after all, they could still sense ki. But at the same time, from what it seemed, Chill lived on this planet without problems, which meant that he might be somewhat of a challenge. Although the group of fighters, even Harpor, was hoping for an easy fight.

      About an hour later, they came upon a large city that was completely frozen. They couldn’t tell if the buildings were white, or if they were just covered with snow. Surprisingly they were actually people living here. The technology here seemed less advanced, but at the same time, most of the people here seemed stronger and more attuned to the cold. They flew above all of the small buildings, and headed for the only large building in the city; a massive stone castle.

      They landed at the entrance, which was outfitted with two iron doors, each one was as tall as a two story building. The doors were opened from the inside, revealing a room the size of a small village, with the ceiling being twice the height as the doors. There was multiple stone pillars placed throughout the room, each had a different design carved on it. Despite this, the room seemed bland, as it was only made of stone and iron, with no paintings or decorations. The only splash of color was a large red carpet that led to a small throne made out of a gleaming black substance. There was someone on the throne, drinking what they guessed to be wine, and the person sitting in the throne, was none other than Chill.

      The three metal beings led the group to the foot of Chill’s throne. The metal beings knelt, and said something in an alien language, which the suit translated. “These people say that they have an offer that would be profitable for you sire, we thought it best to bring them to you.” Chill set his wineglass on the throne’s armrest, and he got up, with a cold expression. The metal beings moved out the way, allowing Chill to walk up to the group of heroes. He stopped just about a meter away from them, and they got a good look at him. His skin, including the skin on his face, was red, except for a thick blue line surrounding his lower eyes, and then going down his face, ending at his chin. He had a blue bone-like armor surrounding him, similar to Cooler, except that Chill’s was more sleek, and shined as if it had been polished. He had multiple crystals, which were also blue. He also had multiple spikes on his body, which reminded them of wings on a jet. There was also bands on his arms, legs, and around his stomach. This was Chill.

      Chill smiled widely and said, “that’s great! I absolutely love making deals! Please, come with me, I have a lovely dining table, we’ll discuss the deal there. You’d be surprised by the variety of foods on this barren planet.” As Chill walked towards one of the hallways on the right side. Kasan whispered, “is this really the guy that abducted an entire city?” Shinji nodded, “I’m sure of it.” Kasan shook his head, and said, “fine, let’s go.”

      They reached the dining room, and it was once again, made of stone and iron, with no decoration other than a few candles on the wall. The table was easily as long as a blue whale, and was filled with all sorts of alien foods. At one end, there was a mini throne, which Chill sat down at, still smiling. The group sat down in the stone chairs near him, and stood still. Chill noticed their discomfort, although he thought it was due to being in the presence of a king like himself. He waved his hands in a sweeping gesture, and said, “no need for formalities, after all, we’re about to become business partners. As for the food, please, dig in! Do you think that I need this much food for myself?” Chill laughed, and then started to drink some water.

      The group reluctantly started to eat and drink. After Chill finished his glass of water, he said, “there are a few things you should know. First off, those metal guards, they’re in that armor for protection of course, but mostly because those suits have a translation unit. They’re incapable of speaking English. Another thing, I am a king, and I am more powerful than anyone on this planet, but there is one other major “faction” on this planet, along with thousands of smaller factions and groups. Also, in case you were wondering, no it’s not a coincidence that this planet’s name is Chilled and my name is Chill. I had no name and once I came here, I kind of named myself after the planet.” His expression was now angered, but at the same time, seemed to be grieving.

      Then his expression went back to his normal cheerful smile, “of course, you don’t care about that, you only care about business. So let’s get to it, what is this proposal?” The group looked among themselves, wondering who should talk. Kasan was eating some sort of meat, and in between bites, he said, “Zoro, why don’t you take the lead. You’ve always been good with diplomacy.” Zoro nodded, turned to Chill, and took a breath before speaking.

      “Chill, sir, not to long ago, you abducted an entire town of people, and maimed my friend.” he gestured towards Shinji, whom waved. Zoro continued, “we would like to discuss terms for their release. We will use violence if necessary, but you have shown us kindness, and so we would like to return the favor by settling this diplomatically.” Chill’s eye ridges rose, and he spoke in a hurried tone, “oh, I’m sorry, please let me explain. You see, as I said earlier among the thousands of smaller “factions,” the two major ones on this world, is mine, and the Synthonianashal group. We are currently at war. Me and my men have the power advantage, but lack numbers and technology. So I look for people, take them, and have them help produce armors, technology, and such.”

      Chill continued, but now in a calming tone. “I have them help for a few weeks, then send them back. I would just ask, but I understand that people would be reluctant to leave their planet, build things for someone they don’t know etcetera. I still need these people’s help and will continue to need help. I’m sure I can arrange something to let your friends go, but I’ll need you to do something for me.” Kasan shrugged, and said, “well, we could handle some of the forces for you, I bet you that each one of us would at least equal a whole platoon of your men.”

      Chill’s then noticed Kasan’s tail, and his expression was now a mixture of confusion, and disbelief as he got up. “You’re a saiyan… That’s explain the appetite. Well then, I guess that also means that you’re pretty strong.” Kasan nodded, “my friend,” he gestured towards Boten, “was able to take down someone with planet destroying capabilities. His name was Froster. So we’ll be able to help yo-” Chill waved his hand dismissively, “yes, I know that you’d be able to help, but the thing is: you guys are strong, aside from me, you could be the strongest people on the planet.” Chill’s expression was now like an excited child’s. “That means you can give me a good fight.”

      Mitaku punched Kasan’s shoulder, and then said, “your highness, we’ve been through alot lately, just give us some time to get over some things, and we’ll fight you. But right now, the only fighting we’ll do, is to help you deal with the Syntho-whatever you called it.” Chill started to laugh, and his expression was now almost hysterical. “Well, if you’re so insistent on helping those people, then how about this: you fight me, I’ll let them all live, and if not, I’ll kill each and every one of them. Also, if you lose the fight, then you’ll all be my slaves. So, how about that deal?”

      Before they could answer, the table was obliterated, and suddenly, they were all outside, on the frozen ground. As they got up, they saw that they had been punched through multiple rooms, and that Chill was standing just outside the castle’s wall. His face was pure joy and bloodlust, and he was surrounded by an aura the same color blue as his bone like armor. When he spoke, his voice was shaking with excitement, “you have no idea. No idea how long I’ve waited, no idea how long I’ve searched for someone strong enough to make me work hard to win a fight.” he started walking slowly towards them. “To me, the frozen frozen ground is like air.” he waved his hand, creating a crater next to him. “stone and iron, are like paper.” he gestured towards the broken castle wall. “even my own soldiers, some of the strongest fighters on this planet, are like cardboard.” he stopped roughly five meters in front of them. “not to mention that I’m so fast, that things moving at the speed of light, seem to be standing still.” His power surged, clearing the snow in more than a thirty meter radius. He laughed once again, “now, reminds me what a real fight is!”

      Thanks for reading, and as always,
      See you next time,

    • #21615

      That was AMAZING!! Nice reveal to Kasan’s brother being alive, and the tag for this is cool xD JSE ref, lol.

    • #21616

      EPIC CHAPTER, It reminds me of the old days when harpor was a villain! Good Times! I like the adjustments you made on chill, I truly love his character, and Sans is starting to become a valuable asset with the power in his sharingan. I’m starting to like the fact that they are exploring now instead of just following a certain goal, gives a lot of new possibilities to the story.

    • #21625

      Thank you, me and my best friend came up with Kasan and Shaheen when we were kids, and promised each other that we’d have then both in a story if we ever wrote one. Also, yes, the tag is a reference to jacksepticeye, I try to add done references here and there, it helps add to the fun & humor. I even referenced one of Harpor’s comments in this chapter
      I’m glad you like how I wrote Chill, it does remind me of when I wrote Harpor as a villain, (whom, personality wise, was my favorite villain). I am also trying to make their journey more like they’re going through the galaxy, after all, how could the z-fighters protect the universe if they stayed on earth? I also hope that you noticed the reference to your comment on the last chapter?

    • #21628

      @Trav Yeah, that’s cool you and your friend made the two up, and kept it since you were kids

    • #21637

      What was the reference, I can’t find it xD

    • #21638

      On the last chapter, you where quoting some of the key moments in the chapter, and then you quoted Sans saying “I like ketchup,” whom hadn’t actually said that. Since it made me laugh, I decided to add it to this chapter (see 17th paragraph)

    • #21654

      Lol, I remember now. Sans used to say that all the time at saiyan craft.

    • #21778

      Hey guys, I haven’t been updating as regularly as I should have, so while I’m working on the next chapter, I decided to throw in something a little special, I hope you like it
      DBC Special chapter 1: Chilly Origins

      In every story, there’s a hero, and almost more importantly, a villain. After all, how can one be a hero without a villain? But, something people don’t always think about is: who was the villain before he was the villain we know today? Who was Beerus before he was the god of destruction? Who were android 17 and 18 before they were androids? Or in this case, who was Chill before he had a name? This is his story, and it starts on Namek.

      Chill woke up, already excited. He didn’t have a reason to be excited, other than the fact that he was alive with his father, on the great and brilliant planet Namek. He nearly jumped out of bed, and ran into the kitchen of the Namekian house. Before he even saw what his father was cooking, he could tell what it was due to the smell: eriankani. In other words, Namekian crab. At the time, Chill was only 14 years old, and of course had the appetite of someone his age. As soon as his father set the food on the table, Chill started to eat.

      As his father sat down with a glass of water, Chill thought to himself, *how come dad’s a namekian, and I’m a acro-whatever it’s called. When will he tell me?* Chill asked his father the question, just like he did every time he woke up, and his father answered the same way: “it’s a long story, and not one I’m fond of telling. I’ll tell you another time, just remember-” Chill cut him off, “I know father, ‘make sure to control your power, you could unintentionally hurt someone badly.’ You tell me that all the time.” Before his father could reply, Chill ran out the room, going to meet with his friends.

      They always met at the same spot every sun cycle: a small cliffside just north of the village. Chill, like he always did, ran there at his full speed, which meant that the mile distance (which would take an average person twenty minutes to walk,) only took Chill a few seconds. He then jumped to the top of the plateau, instead of taking the walkway that had been dug into the side of it. He landed at the top as if he had just stepped onto the sidewalk while being in the street, surprising his friends.

      There was Nanel, whose skin was nearly brown, despite namekians having light green skin. He was also the most muscular. There was Erin, who had grown up on earth (hence the name) and was staying on Namek for roughly six months with his adopted parents. He had wings, a very rare but well known trait of Namekians. As a matter of fact, one of King Piccolo’s allies had wings. Then there was Ramieen, who had no unique physical Namekian looks, but his constant upbeat and humorous attitude set him apart from most of his classmates.

      Ramieen laughed, “a flashy entrance as always! You should really think of joining the oleenpics if you go to earth.” Ramieen turned to Eric, “that’s what it’s called, right?” Eric chucked, “Olympics, but close enough.” Chill’s seemingly permanent smile widened, “by the time I’m old enough to enter, I could probably jump to earth if I wanted to!” This made both Erin and Ramieen laugh, but Nanel only faintly smiled. He wasn’t one for jokes, but would humor you if you tried to be funny (pun intended). Erin turned to Nanel, still smiling and asked, “what about you Nanel? By the time you’re old enough to enter, you could probably lift the Olympic stadium.” Nanel shrugged, “I’d be glad with just being strong enough to do that. I don’t want a medal to prove it.”

      They talked for a few hours, then came the subject of the cliffside. Erin looked around, “when did we start meeting each other here? I can’t remember.” Chill laughed, “you don’t remember?! I had bet you guys that if you dropped a rock from here that I could get down the cliff and catch it before it hit the ground!” Ramieen laughed, “yeah, and you took Nanel with you so he could confirm it!” Chill chuckled, “Nanel’s face was priceless!” Nanel said, “yeah, but your face was priceless when I bet you that I could throw you back up the cliff.” Erin shook his head, “I still can’t believe you managed to do that Nanel.”

      A nostalgic silence feel upon them as they started to think about good times. Chill thought back to how they met, and smiled to himself. He was leaving school one day (even namekians have school) and Ramieen just walked up to him and started talking to him. Chill was so surprised that he didn’t hear the first few words Ramieen said. “Can you hear me?” Chill shook his head, “yeah, sorry, I was lost in my thoughts.” Ramieen chuckled, and said, “hey, look,” Chill braced himself. Just about everyone he had met here hated him, all because he was the same same race as Freeza. Even the adults treated him bad. “Don’t listen to those other people, okay?” Chill was to surprised to answer. *What does he mean?* Ramieen continued, “those people who treat you bad, just because you look like a guy who was bad a long time ago, don’t listen to them. Okay?” Chill nodded, glad that he finally found a friend.

      “Hey, you there?” Chill nodded, “yeah just thinking about how we first met.” Erin nodded, “we just saw a ship head towards the town, want to go check it out?” Chill nodded, excited at the idea that there would be visitors. “You guys go ahead, I have to get something from my house. See you there.” They said their farewells, not aware that this would be their final goodbyes. Chill vanished, and once he arrived at his house, he started to frantically search for the note he had written. He also subconsciously reminded himself to slow down. *There’s limits to how much I can run.*

      By the time he found the note, and found out where the spaceship landed, his friends had already arrived there. He finally got to the landing site, smiling from ear to ear, but for one of the first times in his life, his smile was gone. He saw multiple soldiers, a large amount of dead namekians, another arcosian like himself. His friends were tied up in front of the arcosian. They were all beaten bloody, but Chill noticed that Erin’s back was soaked in blood, and Chill also saw that the reason for that was: his wings had been ripped off. Erin wasn’t moving, he wasn’t even breathing.

      The arcosian knelt down in front of Nanel. “you’re a pretty strong namekian, I respect that, so, I’m going to ask kindly once more. Where is the other arcosian you spoke of?” Nanel looked up at the arcosian, and spat in his face. The arcosian calmly wiped the spit off of his face, and then asked, “you would be so disrespectful towards me? The feared galactic murderer Nogaro?” Nogaro backhanded Nanel so hard that there was an audible crack. It was like a dry twig breaking. Nanel didn’t move again.

      The arcosian looked up, and saw Chill. “finally. You there, arcosian, what’s your name?” Chill was shocked, he couldn’t remember his name. He didn’t understand why there was another arcosian, or why it was hurting his friends. Ramieen turned his head around, and yelled “run! Get out of here! Keep going faster until you can outrun the bad things! Never stop, you hear me!? Never st-” Nogaro waved his hand at Ramieen, and there was another loud snap. Ramieen was no longer moving, and his body slumped down. Chill was afraid, and on the verge of tears.

      In his subconscious, he thought, *I need to run! I want to live! They’re just bags of meat anyways!* Chill was terrified that he thought this, and suddenly felt as if he was physically changing, but nonetheless ran. Nogaro didn’t go after him. He couldn’t have gone after Chill, because he was suddenly much faster than normal. So fast, that everything seemed to go in slow motion, even the dust he was kicking up. Chill arrived at the cliffside, and fell down to his knees. Partly due to fatigue, partly due to shock. His friends were dead, and he felt pain like he had never experienced before. He kept wondering to himself how to get rid of his pain, but he couldn’t find an answer. He stayed on that cliffside, unmoving, for an entire sun cycle before he returned to the village.

      He arrived at the village, which was now destroyed, and littered with corpses. *That arcosian did this. An arcosian…* He pulled his note out of the bottom part of the armband on his wrist, and read the note to himself. ‘I know you don’t know me, nor do I know you, but I have a favor to ask. If you see an arcosian in your travels, please give this to them.

      If you are an arcosian, I am looking for my biological father, or at least answers. I have lived on Namek my whole life, with my namekian father, but I have never been told how I got here, nor why my father isn’t here with me. If you know who I am, please come up Namek and tell me. If you know my father, please bring him to me. If you do not know about me, please give this to the next arcosian you see. Thank you for your time.’

      Chill shook his head, thinking how foolish he was. *I guess those kids were right. All arcosians are bad. It probably best if I don’t meet my father.* He tossed the note into a nearby fire, and watched it burn. He had written that note nearly two years ago, and now he was watching it burn, without even a hint of regret.

      After an hour of searching, he finally found his father, (the Namekian one,) but there was something wrong. When he approached his father, he looked terrified of Chill. “What happened to you?” unsure of what his father meant, Chill looked down at himself, and saw that there was a blue, bone like substance covering his torso. He could also see that it had a few spikes on it. There was crystals on his arm and leg bands.

      Chill shook his head, “I don’t know father. It must have been a transformation. You said that I’d eventually be able to do one, right?” Chill’s father cautiously walked up to him, and said, “son, look what you did.” he pointed behind Chill, and when he turned around, he saw that the town was gone. The buildings had been leveled, and the dirt had become a shallow crater where he had walked. The dirt that he was standing on right now, was a crater. Chill quickly turned to his father, and started to speak frantically. “Father, what’s happening? I’m not going to become like that other arcosian, am I? I don’t want to, and I’ve been having thoughts in my head that aren’t mine. What’s happening to me?!”

      His father’s expression was now solemn, and he put his hands on Chill’s shoulders, “son, you have no idea how sorry I am to say this. Nor how painful it is for me to say this.” He took a breath, “you are a danger to us all.”

      “You can’t control your powers, you destroy things without thinking, and now you’re hearing voices in your head too. You need to leave this place, just long enough to control your strength, understood?” Chill didn’t hear anything his father said after, ‘you need to leave.’ Chill looked at the ground, shocked beyond words. *First, my friends die, and my village is destroyed. Then, I apparently destroy things without thinking, and I am apparently going insane, and now, my father is telling me to leave.*

      Chill’s father spoke in a worried tone, “Chill, did you hear me?” Chill looked up at the sky, and he thought of the tales that Erin would tell about earth. He would tell them about the green grass, and blue water. He would tell them about the stars. *stars…* He thought about how each one was supposed to be a planet or sun, and Chill wished that he was on any other planet but this one. He remembered Ramieen’s last words: ‘run! Get out of here! Never stop!’ Chill thought back to their conversation on the cliffside. ‘By the time I’m old enough to join the Olympics, I could probably jump to earth!’

      *Jump to earth…* Chill clenched his fists. *Jump.* With every ounce of his newfound strength, he jumped. He tore the muscles in his legs, but he went into the sky. He went past the clouds, and he didn’t stop going into the air. He passed the stratosphere, and still, he didn’t lose momentum. Finally, he left the planet’s atmosphere, and he kept going. He did lose consciousness due to the sudden change from being in a planet, to being in space, but he didn’t lose momentum.

      He woke up somewhere in a frozen forest, at the bottom of a crater caused by his impact. His legs were mostly healed, and he didn’t have a scratch from the impact. He got up, and wandered aimlessly for days, but during the nights, he would watch the stars, amazed by their beauty. He had never seen them on Namek. Eventually, he lost count of the days he traveled, but he made it to a city. The buildings were bleached white from the snow, all of them, except for a castle half the size of the city itself.

      He learned about this planet, and named himself “Chill,” after the planet. He met people, learned to control his power, and he obeyed his friend’s last wish. He kept getting faster, and faster, until light itself seemed to move slow. He was on that planet for years, decades, centuries, and he forgot everything. He forgot about Nogaro, he forgot about his father, Eric, Nanel, Ramieen, and even Namek itself. But he kept getting faster. He lost his mind, he seemed to have multiple personalities, and he would change between then in seconds. Despite this, he became a ruler, and fought his way up, eventually becoming the second largest faction in the planet.

      Whoever he had been on Namek, meant nothing to Chill now. That is, if he ever remembered Namek. He was no longer the innocent boy that only wanted to be friends with people, he had left that person behind, now, he was Chill.

      If you want new to continue doing special chapters like this, make sure to say so in the comments below, and as always,
      See you next time,

    • #21780

      This story is sad, if you read it with this song its even sadder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xX88afxztg

    • #21781

      Wow, that was. Emotional to say the least. Haha, great job once again Travel!

    • #21782

      im gonna make a new character
      for the name idk
      hair color dark blue (bojack gohan blue) with yellow eyes and a red gi after that just do whatever with him
      Love the new chapters by the way

    • #21783

      don’t know how you found that song, but you’re right. ^^
      As for it being sad, I was going for that. I wanted him to have a reason for him to be like he is, also it’ll make the ending of the fight more… well, you’ll see

      Thank you, I was trying to make it a little emotional, so I’m glad I managed that.

      Thank you for the character submission, but for right now, I have to deny it. Partly because Lach will still be brought in the story, along with WindRaiser, but as you can imagine, working with 6 characters, trying to give them equal limelight, equal attention, etcetera, plus the current villain, is pretty hard to keep up with. Just try to bear with me, okay? Also, thank you

      As for the typos, sorry I’m having to write the chapters on my phone since my computer stopped working, I don’t know why, but I have my suspicions…

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by TravelerSoul. Reason: dinkleberg
    • #21812

      Traveler, Can you describe Planet Chilled in complete depth, I am trying to rebuild it.

    • #21824


    • #21825

      Of course. What specifically do you want me to go in depth with? Buildings, factions, people inhabiting it? Or just everything?

      Thank you very much, glad I could impress a writer as good as yourself. At least, I think that was meant for me?

    • #21826

      TBH, a little side story about the planet as a hole would be great. I love little things like that make the story seem much more, “alive(?)” I think that might be the word for it. dunno.

    • #21906

      Of course. What specifically do you want me to go in depth with? Buildings, factions, people inhabiting it? Or just everything? ”

      Mostly Geography and Buildings(owned by chill) the rest dont really matter.

      Thank you very much, glad I could impress a writer as good as yourself. At least, I think that was meant for me?”

      He meant that for me, my profile pic op

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Harpor(Hp).
    • #21977

      That was an awesome chapter, I read it a few days ago but barely replied now xD

    • #22244

      Hey everyone, due to me getting a new house, and of course, school coming up, I haven’t been able to finish the chapter. Although, I will post a picture of Chill in roughly a hour. I know it’s not as good as a chapter, but right now, that’s all I can do. Also, don’t worry, I will post a special chapter on planet Chilled somewhat soon. Sorry for the inconvenience

    • #22245

      @Trav good luck, I’m wondering what Chilled looks like

    • #22247

      Here’s Chill, I hope you guys like it
      As always,
      See you next time,

    • #22248

      Cool, maybe if Harpor approves you or I could draw a non-canon transformation? Idk

    • #22249

      Sure, have at it.

    • #22250

      @Trav Thanks 😀

    • #22254

      EPIC picture, you’re a great artist!

    • #22256

      Thanks, it took me a while to make. Also due to me not being able to work on it as often, I’ll just make a link to the book, and you guys can read it as I write it, along with the chapters posted here. (Sadly, on the document, I’ll only be able to have the previous chapter, and the chapter-in-progress.)

    • #22257
    • #22262

      Its looking amazing so far 😀

    • #22315

      @Harpor I know right?

    • #22402

      @travelersoul you should make drawings of all the characters that you make so we can get a better detail of what they look like

    • #22405

      @lord goreng
      Well, I already have, but I’ll do an updated one. I’ll try posting a picture today

    • #22428

      Cool can’t wait to see it

    • #22447

      Here’s Kasan, next, I’ll do Boten.

    • #22478

      Nice, can I make Shinji? I wanna see how you guys think of him, nvm I decided you draw better than me xD

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by beastboy331.
    • #22519

      I ended up finishing Harpor first, but Boten will be next. null
      Hope you like it, and as always,
      See you next time,

    • #22751

      Nice work on Harpor

    • #22752

      Lovin’ it

    • #23272

      Hello everyone, I know it’s been a while since the last chapter, and I’m sorry for the wait, the chapter will soon be done, and I’ll be adding pictures with the chapters to see how you guys like it. For this chapter, there is only one picture, but considering how good it is, I think you’ll find it acceptable (I swear I’m not bragging) anyways, that’s all for now, expect the next chapter soon!
      See you next time,

    • #23274

      Can’t wait for the next chapter, wonder how the pictures gonna look

    • #23530

      Hello everyone, me again. Since I haven’t released a chapter in a while, I’m going to release all of what I currently have tomarrow (which sadly isn’t much) then work on the special revolving around planet Chilled. Sorry that the new chapter will be short, I haven’t had time to work on it much. (Also, I didn’t know that there was already an arcosian named Chill (guy in bardock movie) until recently. I swear I wasn’t being lazy in naming him).

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by TravelerSoul.
    • #23533

      He’s not chill lol, he’s chilled

    • #23534

      Oh. Well, shows what I know about him ^^’

    • #23561

      Chapter 21: The Great King Chill

      Kasan, Mitaku, Shaheen and Boten turned super saiyan, Sans blue eye started to glow, Zoro and Harpor powered up to their maximum, but Harpor didn’t transform. Shinji watched in horror as the fighters all matched Shaheen’s power, whom had been the strongest person Shinji had met. Shinji had trained so hard to reach Shaheen’s strength, but was nowhere near it, and then he saw that these people all were the same strength as him. He was paralyzed by the shock as the battle started.

      Boten disappeared, and then there was multiple visible shockwaves around Chill. Boten was obviously punching, and Boten could’ve sworn that Chill was blocking his attacks, but Chill wasn’t visibly moving. Finally, Boten appeared above Chill, hands clasped together, and as he brought his hands down, Chill caught his attack with a single hand. Boten was punched in the stomach by something, and then knocked back over to his friends. When he looked back at Chill, he was just in a slightly different position.

      Chill spread his hands out, “no need to warm up, come at me with all you’ve got! Or are you really that slow?” Mitaku shot a ki wave at Chill, larger than Chill himself. The blast flew past him, disappeared, and Chill was no longer there. Then he started speaking behind them, “you guys really are slow. It’s like watching snow fall.” They all spun around, and they saw him sitting on a rock, drinking some wine. It was the same wine glass that he had set on his throne’s armrest. He finished drinking it, and then he was suddenly gone again.

      It wasn’t like someone normally vanishing, where you could vaguely see what direction they went, he just disappeared. They turned, and saw that he was now where he was when Mitaku shot the ki blast. He no longer had the wine glass, and was now walking back and forth. He stopped, turned his head to face them, and said, “well, it looks like this fight isn’t going to be as fun as I thought, but at least you’re more durable than my men!” He started to laugh, and everyone charged him, except Shinji.

      *How the hell can I keep up with them? Chill moves so fast that my combat analysis system can’t even predict which direction he’s going! There’s no way we can win this.* He fell to his knees, looking at the pure white snow beneath him, terrified. He felt helpless. Kasan tried to punch Chill from above, but Chill vanished, and Kasan hit the ground, forming a crater. Kasan turned, and Chill was right in front of him, back facing Kasan. Kasan attempted to punch Chill, but Chill vanished, causing him and Mitaku (whom tried to punch Chill at the same time) to hit each other. Chill appeared standing with one foot on Harpor’s head, who blasted his ki outwards to get Chill off of him. Chill jumped, did a front flip, and landed on the same foot that he stood on Harpor’s head with. Boten shot a ki blast, kicking up snow and dirt, and causing a small explosion. Once the snow, dirt, and smoke cleared, they saw that Chill was gone.

      He was now behind Sans and Zoro, and he tapped their shoulders, “I’m sorry, can you guys lead me to the, “slow department?” I hear you work there.” They both spun, attempting to elbow Chill’s face, but he was already gone. He was now back at the rock that he finished his wine at. He sighed and said, “come on, can you hit me at least once?” In his rage, Boten transformed beyond super saiyan, but didn’t reach the super saiyan 2 form. Boten flew up in the air, charged a ki blast the size of a building, and then shot it into the air behind him. The blast seemed to disappear before Boten shot it, and Boten spun so he was facing Chill, and shot a ki wave with the diameter of a bus. Chill stopped it with one finger. “you’ve got to be joking, your punches are stronger than this.”

      Boten smiled, “you’re right, this attack is weaker than my punches, but that one isn’t.” Chill just had the time to turn his head, and then a ki blast rammed him from behind, going too fast for anyone else to see. The blast produced a brilliant light, and blew away snow and dirt, but didn’t explode. When the dust cleared, Chill was unharmed, and had a disappointed expression. He sighed, “you sacrificed the strength of the for speed so that it could hit me. While it did hit me, the blast was too weak to do damage.” He smiled, “but on the bright side, you hit me. That means, that I can hit you back now.”

      Boten felt someone grab his foot, and suddenly he was slammed on the ground. Boten got up quickly, but the moment he was on his feet, he was punched in the gut. He felt punches from every direction, and got knocked around like a stuffed animal in a washing machine. Despite this, they couldn’t even see Chill. Chill was moving so fast that a whirlwind of snow rose around Boten as he was relentlessly battered by the relentless madman. Suddenly Boten was stabbed in his eyes hard enough to send him flying backwards, and Chill appeared in the same spot he had before, as if nothing had happened.

      The only thing stopping Boten from screaming in pain, was the delayed reaction, and the adrenaline. Zoro and Mitaku rushed over to Boten as Chill raised his eye ridge in minor interest. Kasan was enraged, “damn it! He has to be using some sort of special technique, there’s no way someone could be that fast!” Sans shook his head, “you’re wrong.”

      Kasan turned to Sans in confusion. Sans explained, “I’m not sure how he has that much speed, but I can tell that it’s speed.” Kasan smiled, “so you can actually see him move?!” Sans scratched the back of his head, wondering how to explain. “not exactly. But I have been able to predict where he was going to move every time.” Harpor laughed, “it’s about time that the eye thing came in handy!” Sans raised an eyebrow, as if asking, *really? That’s a low blow.* Kasan, still smiling, said “ignore him, just try to fight Chill!”

      Chill jumped up, bearing a bored expression. “oh, so you’re finally going to fight?” Sans was suddenly in front of Chill, his fist inches away from Chill’s face. Chill was holding Sans wrist, still looking bored. Chill disappeared, and once again, shockwaves rang out around Sans, but Sans was catching or blocking every hit. Sans suddenly ducked, then spun himself so that he was horizontal to the ground, although Sans was elevated above the ground. Sans struck out above him with his elbow, and Sans’ fist hit Chill with such force that it blew away dirt and snow within a thirty foot radius. Chill stopped moving, and only seemed to feel pain for a moment, then disappeared once again.

      Chill appeared a few meters in front of Sans as Sans stood up. Chill calmly looked down to the side that had been hit, and put his hand on it, checking to see how badly it had been hit. When he brought his hand away, he saw that it was bleeding. Instead of being angry, Chill was ecstatic. “So, you’ve done damage to me. No one has done that for nearly one hundred years. Now that you have,” Chill’s smile widened, and his pupils shrank slightly. “I can use more of my power!” An aura the same color as Sans eye surrounded Sans, and he clenched his fist to the point that his hands bled. “No.”

      Chill tilted his head, still smiling. “What are you talking about?” Sans continued, “use all of your power. I want to end this fight now.” Chill said nothing else. He simply rose his power exponentially. Sans sighed, *alright, he’s a lot stronger, but I can still do this.* Sans looked back at his friends. He saw that Boten’s eyes were healed, but he still wasn’t on his feet due to pain. *That was a dirty move Chill, hitting the eyes is a fast way to end a fight.* Boten, despite the pain, nodded assuringly. Mitaku whom was kneeling down next to Boten, had a look of rage, and mouthed the words, *kill him.* Zoro had a look on his face that Sans couldn’t place. *Anger? Calmness? No, is that confidence?* Kasan was smiling, not worried in the slightest about Sans losing. Harpor wasn’t worried about the fight at all, he seemed to be lost is his thoughts. Sans chuckled. Then he saw Shaheen and Shinji, both had looks of surprise, completely in awe that other people had matched their strength (Shaheen’s strength more specifically). Sans turned back to Chill, confident that he could win this.

      Chill disappeared, and Sans spun, blocking Chill’s punch before launching himself into the air. As Sans floated in the the air, Chill crossed his arms still smiling. “Really, you just had to fly?” Sans knit his eyebrows, unsure of what Chill was talking about. Then Chill said it, “I can’t fly. I jump whenever I have to go somewhere far. I can even jump from planet to planet. As a matter of fact…” Chill’s smile disappeared, and his pupils returned to the normal size. “I think that… Something is… It’s like, I’m remembering something but…” His eyes widened with horror. “A name. I remember a name. Rani… Ramin…” Chill was silent, and shook his head, “no, I can’t remember it.” His maniacal smile returned, “oh well, it’s not like you’re safe up there anyways.”

      Chill was gone, and this time, not even Sans could follow his movements. Sans felt a blow to his head, was suddenly at the bottom of another crater. Sans launched out of the crater, but this time, he stayed on the ground. Chill was waiting patiently outside the crater. *Why couldn’t I predict his movements when I was in the air? Until I can figure it out, I’ll stay on the ground. I hope that he isn’t holding back. If he is, then…* Sans shook his head, *there’s no time to worry, I have to fight!* Sans launched forward, Chill disappeared, and they continued to fight. Sans spun, blocking Chill’s first punch, then did a backflip, using his momentum to add force to his kick. The kick connected, launching Chill upwards. Before Chill could touch the ground, Sans launched himself and shoulder checked Chill midair. Sans then appeared behind Chill, and used his elbow to slam Chill into the ground, following him all the way down. As Sans followed Chill, Sans punched him multiple times.

      Once Chill hit the ground, Sans flew back, just to get elbowed in the face. Sans planted his feet into the ground to stop himself. Then he went on defence, looking for an opening as Chill relentlessly lashed out at Sans. Each hit, even though they were blocked, forced Sans back. Sans noticed that Chill was getting gradually faster, and it was getting harder to predict his movements. Chill’s next punch was so fast that Sans only had the time to realize that he couldn’t block it, but when he raised his arms to block, he realized that he didn’t get hit.

      He looked up, and saw that Chill’s fist had stopped an inch away from Sans. There was a multitude of metal guards coming to reinforce Chill. Chill turned, and said, “take another step, and you die. This is my fight men, so stay out of it, understand?” He didn’t wait for a response, but they listened nonetheless. Sans was suddenly kicked headfirst into the ground. A crater didn’t form this time, but Sans still was hurt. Sans jumped forward, out of the way just before Chill slammed his fist into the ground, blasting dirt and snow away similar to the way a grenade would. Sans turned around so he was facing Chill, and already, Chill was after him again. Sans jumped to the left, just barely dodging Chill’s attack. *Is it just me, or is he getting faster? Could he still be holding back?!*

      Sans felt his back get hit before he even saw Chill disappear. As Sans was knocked away, he charged a ki blast in his left hand, and planted his right into the ground, allowing him to flip around so he was facing Chill. Sans shot the blast, but Chill dodged it as if it was moving in slow motion (in Chill’s perspective, it was). By the time Sans had stopped his momentum, he was by his friends. He got up, surprised how much pain he was in. Despite the pain, he was not visibly harmed. *He might be doing internal damage. I need to finish this, now.* Sans spoke without facing his friends, “guys-” Kasan immediately interjected. “You need help? We got your back.”

      Boten nodded in agreement, but as he got up, Mitaku hit his stomach without much force, causing him to sit back down. “Boten, you can hardly see right now, you’re not fit to fight.” Zoro nodded his head, “unless you’re completely confident in your ability to sense ki instead of using sight, I’d advise that you stay out of this.” Boten got up again, “I’m fighting, you guys have no choice in the matter.” Mitaku scowled at him, but didn’t stop him as he turned super saiyan. Chill tilted his head, “so, all of you are going to fight at the same time? It’s sad that you have to resort to that, especially considering I haven’t even used ki blasts yet.” Kasan stepped forward, and grinned. “Is that so? Well, let’s compare odds. You’re facing a guy that sees everything, a badass namek, four super saiyans, a legendary super saiyan whom is also a cyborg, and not to mention the fact that I’ve died, but am still kicking ass. How do you feel about those odds?”

      Chill smiled, “yes, let’s compare odds. It’s all of you, against me, an arcosian that has single handedly made their own empire, and is faster than the speed of light. Not to mention, that while you have died and come back, I have survived a supernova. How are those odds?” Kasan laughed, “it sounds like every day of our lives! Now, let’s fight, and test those odds.”

      They all charged, except for Shaheen and Shinji. Shinji shook his head, “your brother always does stuff like this?” Shaheen shook his head, “knowing him, I wouldn’t be surprised. I’d advise you stay back for this fight, Chill is out of your league.” Shinji didn’t argue as Shaheen joined his brother.

      They all attempted to attack Chill, but we’re only knocked away by attacks faster than light. The only ones that seemed to be able to do anything about Chill’s attacks, were Sans and Zoro. Sans and Zoro attempted to attack Chill, but both were too slow, and only managed to get annoyed as Chill dodged every attack. The others rushed back in as Sans and Zoro flew backwards, and they all surrounded Chill. Simultaneously, they all charged up ki blasts, and fired at Chill, whom was standing still.

      The explosion’s diameter was small, due to all of the blast’s inwards force, but the explosion’s height did exceed through the stratosphere. When the smoke cleared, Chill wasn’t there. Suddenly, they were all punched towards each other, and ended up in a sort of dog pile. They got up, just to see Chill standing on a piece of upturned dirt as if he had discovered a new land. He was grinning, and spoke in a mocking tone, “I hereby dub this group of races to be: “the snail killers!” Mitaku’s eyes shined with frustration, (literally, they were shining from the light of her aura) and she shot a disk attack towards Chill, who easily dodged it. He watched the disk past him, and when he turned back to his group, he noticed that they had moved. He looked up, and saw them flying at him from above at different angles. Chill sighed in disappointment, *even the namekian, who seems to be the fastest, seems to be moving at the rate of a leaf falling. Chill jumped up, and attacked the closest one: Zoro. Chill then jumped off of Zoro, to the next person; Sans. He continued attacking and jumping to the next person until he had hit all of them. Chill then jumped up so he was above them all, and shot a ki wave, the first ki attack he had used this entire battle.

      In their perspective, they felt punches, and then a ki blast at their back, pushing them all to the ground. The blast faded, and they all immediately got up. Chill was already gone. They looked around, and saw that Harpor was gone as well. Chill cleared his throat, and everyone turned to where the sound was from. Chill was crossing his arms, and had a bored demeanor. His tail was wrapped around Harpor’s throat, and was holding him nearly two feet up off the ground. Even more shocking, Harpor was cut, bruised, and bleeding almost everywhere on his body.

      Chill nearly spoke monotone, “this one is breathtakingly slow, not to mention that he can’t just seem to take a hit. Although granted, I did hit him a few million times, give or take.” Chill started to chuckle, followed by Harpor chuckling. Chill stopped, and looked back at Harpor with a confused expression. Harpor was smiling, despite his predicament. “Chill, tell me something: have you ever heard of the legendary super saiyan?’ Chill narrowed his eyes, “your friends are all super saiyans, so I don’t see the point of your question.” Harpor chuckled once more, “that’s just a normal super saiyan, but me- well, I’ll just show you.”

      Before anyone could protest that the lack of speed would cause him to lose, there was a brilliant flash of green light. Even people on the dark side of the planet saw the light. The light was gone as soon as it started, and they all saw that Chill was partly under some rubble. Chill had a look of confusion, unsure of what had just happened. They looked back over to Harpor, and saw that he was in his legendary form, and now looked like he hadn’tt been harmed at all. Kasan stuttered, completely in shock, “h-how? How could he have transformed so fast?” Sans shook his head, “it doesn’t change the fact that he’s to slow to do anything-” Harpor was suddenly next to Chill as Chill tried to get up, and planted his fist into Chill’s stomach before Chill could react.

      All of them stared in shock, unsure of how Harpor had been so fast. Chill coughed up blood, and before he could recover, Harpor grabbed his face, and lifted Chill off the ground. Harpor then proceeded to punch Chill’s stomach. He continued to then repeatedly punch Chill in the stomach, making a sound akin to that of an explosion. Oddly enough, after a few punches, the explosion-like noise stopped. Then, Chill’s form disappeared, and Harpor was suddenly sent flying by a blow to the back of the head. Harpor rose from the ground, unharmed. Harpor was completely still, something that would be odd to see a super saiyan doing, not to mention a legendary super saiyan. Suddenly Harpor spun around, raising his hand faster than even Sans could see. Harpor caught Chill’s fist, leaving everyone stupefied, except for Zoro, which everyone wrote off as him just being emotionless.

      After the initial shock, Chill smiled, and said, “despite that considerable bulk, you are quite fast, although, the only reason you were able to keep up, is because I was going slower than normal.” Harpor grinned maniacally, and chuckled, “how about we test that?” Chill’s smile widened, “what a great idea!” Chill disappeared, and Harpor started to look around, his smile now gone. Harpor’s eyes widened for just a moment, due to him locating Chill, just in time. Harpor didn’t even have the time to completely turn around, but he still was able to raise his mechanical arm in time to stop the blow. A shockwave blasted out from the point of contact, and Harpor’s new arm, due to it not being as sturdy as Harpor himself, shattered into thousands of pieces. Chill smiled at the newfound opportunity, and used a powerful kick at head level that sent Harpor flying backwards like a kite in the wind. The moment Harpor hit the ground, he stopped moving, and got up.

      Harpor grinned smugly, “if you think a little extra speed will make up for the amount of physical strength you lack, then you’re more stupid than a namekian frog.” Chill, instead of being insulted, laughed aloud. “I’m starting to like you Harpor! It’s a shame that I’m going to have to kill you, you and me are much alike!” Harpor frowned. “I used to be like you. I used to be a ruthless killer, cold hearted. I would kill en masse without a second thought. While I was apart of a bounty hunting group, we didn’t care who we killed, we only cared about the reward. But me, I only cared about the killing, until my friends came along.” He pointed his thumb to everyone else, “Then they beat some sense into me. I may be a saiyan, but I’m not a fool, I will use all of my power to stop you, and so will my allies.” Now it was Chill’s turn to frown. “I see, I guess, in that case, we aren’t much alike.” Chill sighed with disappointment, “then I guess I will just have to annihilate you.” Chill smiled. “And I’ll have fun doing so!” Harpor was bothered by how much it sounded like something he would have said when he was still insane.

      Harpor charged Chill, followed by everyone else, and Chill simply stood there, giddy with the excitement. Before they could reach Chill, he had disappeared, hit every single one of them, and then shot a ki wave from behind them, blasting them towards his castle wall. As Chill’s men scurried to get out of the way, Harpor used his brute force to stop the blast, followed by Kasan and Mitaku shooting ki waves of their own to propel it back at Chill. Before the blast even started to head back towards Chill, Sans, Zoro, and Shaheen flew around the side of the attack, and charged Chill. Even though all these things were headed towards him, he wasn’t worried. The others however, thought that they had him backed into a corner. *He can’t deal with a ki blast and three different people at the same time, right?* Wrong. The ki wave was sent flying into the stratosphere, and then disappeared before the others could reach his position. Chill was headed behind Kasan, Harpor, and Mitaku, but even though they couldn’t see him, they predicted the move. They simultaneously spun around and shot ki blast, causing an explosion the moment Chill appeared. Chill was sent flying backwards, but recovered before the others could follow up. Mitaku and Kasan suddenly had their heads slammed together, and Harpor took a blow to the gut. Harpor was unaffected, but Kasan and Mitaku were as they were then slammed into the ground.

      Harpor then shot a ki blast where he thought Chill would be, only the be blasted in the face by a ki blast of Chill’s. As the others flew over to help, they were all knocked around like marbles in an earthquake, this time, before Chill could deliver the final blow, Harpor shot a ki blast that successfully hit Chill, but did no damage. Chill then redirected himself to Harpor, and dealt a blow with all of his strength, but only managed to knocked Harpor backwards. Harpor grinned as if he had already won the battle. “You may be able to take down my friends, and you may be able to hit me as much as you want without me being able to do anything, but you can’t hurt me.” Chill grinned, although his eyes seemed worried. “Oh yeah? Let’s see how you deal with this.” Chill jumped back, so Harpor wouldn’t be able to stop him from firing the blast. Chill’s hand shot up, and was positioned as if he was holding a food tray. He then yelled, “Frozen fissure!” A light blue disk with a white center appeared in his hand, and Harpor only had a moment to take a look at the attack before it was fired. It had the thickness of a piece of hair, but it’s diameter was equal to an average human from top to bottom (which is 5 feet and 7 inches). Chill fired the attack, but despite it’s size, and Chill’s confidence in it, Harpor neglected to move out of the way. Suddenly Mitaku yelled out at him, “you idiot, move out the way!” By the time Harpor had heard what she said, he barely had the time to move out the way. Time seemed to crawl to Harpor. *It’s going to hit me,* he realized. Harpor had remembered the most important thing about disk attacks: if someone had the skill to make one, chances are it can cut through anything that isn’t a planet, no matter what the power difference is.

      Sure enough, the disk cut through Harpor, although, luckily for Harpor, he had moved enough so it only grazed his side. Harpor looked behind himself to see what other damage the disk did, just in time to see it cut through a steel tower on Chill’s castle, followed by a somewhat small plateau. *If that had hit me head on, I would be in two places at the same time.* Harpor grinned, “so, it is true that the turtle can outrun the rabbit. But, at the same time, that’s a one in one thousand chance, and you just used up that one chance.” Chill also grinned, and raised an eyeridge. “In that case-” he put one hand up, and a nearly uncountable amount of ki disks appeared. Harpor muttered under his breath, “that’s exactly one thousand disks, isn’t it?” Then Chill shot them all.

      Harpor went on the defensive, and started to dodge them all, with the help of a ki barrier to redirect the disks every now and then. After the first few minutes, everything seemed to fade into a daze, like when you ride in a car for a long time. After a few more minutes, Harpor realized two things: his friends hadn’t started to help him, and it seemed like Chill kept firing more disks. *Damn it, I can’t keep this up forever, I have to do something. Maybe I should fire my own blasts? No, the disks would just cut through them… What can I do?!* Suddenly, there was a blinding flash of light, and the sound of large amounts of ground being unearthed. When the light cleared, Harpor saw that Kasan, Boten, Mitaku, Zoro, Sans, and Shaheen had all gathered behind Chill and shot a super powered ki wave. All of them caught their breath, and waited for Chill to do something, but nothing happened. They waited longer, and still, nothing.

      They all approached the crater, wondering whether they had actually won or not. Once they had made it to the edge of the crater, they saw Chill lying face up, at the bottom of it. He had multiple scratches and burns all over his body, and he didn’t seem to be moving. Sans narrowed his eyes, “he must be unconscious, he’s still breathing.” Chill’s eyes shot open, and he said, “you’re damn right I’m still breathing!” Before they could do anything, his body glowed like the sun, and there was an explosion that would have leveled the castle had a line of soldiers not been prepared to make a ki barrier. After roughly a minute, the blinding light and white noise faded away, and they saw that the tundra like landscape was now flat, everything except for the castle and city. Everyone escaped the rubble and found each other, completely in shock by the amount of ki based power Chill had. Shaheen shook his head in disbelief, and said, “well, I guess speed isn’t the only thing this guy has a edge in.” Kasan looked over to where Chill was, “no kidding.” Boten shrugged, “well, after taking our combined blasts, and then making that explosion, I doubt he can still fight. Let’s go finish this.” Everyone nodded in agreement as they flew over to Chill.

      As they approached the edge of the crater once more, they saw that Chill was no longer in the center of it. “I’ll admit, you guys surprised me. Good job with that!” They spun around, and saw Chill standing nonchalantly with a drink in his hand, despite his injuries. “Although, this is still a losing battle for you.” He took a sip as Harpor chuckled, “I’m not so sure about that. You may be fast, but you seem to be awfully fragile. That little stunt you pulled didn’t help, right now, the fight is in our favor.” Chill looked at Harpor over his drink. “Despite our many differences, you and I are similar, you can’t deny that. And If you are even a little bit like me, you know that I won’t let you win this battle.” Harpor stepped forward triumphantly, and said, “it is because we are alike that I know we’ll win.” Chill looked at Harpor like a science experiment that had an unexpected result. Chill now was ignoring his half empty drink completely. Harpor continued, “one of the biggest factors in battle is what drives you to fight. For us, it’s the fact that if we don’t fight, others will, and they may not be able to. Whereas you, much like I did a long time ago, fight only for yourself.” Chill’s drink shattered as his hand involuntarily turned into a fist, splattering the leftover wine on his hand.

      Chill’s pupils had shrank, and his whole body was shaking. “No. You’re wrong… I don’t fight for myself. There’s something-someone else th-that I fight for…” Chill’s breathing became ragged, as a memory tugged from the back of his mind. Chill focused, and an image started to form in his head, a very indistinct memory. There was another arcosian, as dark as midnight, and try as he might, the only thing he could remember about him was the name: Nogaro. There was something else… *A namekian?* The namekian was on his knees, screaming at Chill. While Chill couldn’t remember the words, he knew that the namekian was important to him. Then the namekian was killed. Harpor said, “well, it still doesn’t matter, the point is, you don’t have the same devotion as us, and we will keep fighting until the job is done. Even through death.” Kasan nodded in appreciation. This interrupted Chill’s thinking, and the memory faded back into his subconscious. All he could remember the emotions. They hit him like a psychological tsunami, overwhelming him with fear, confusion, pain. But there was one distinct one that overshadowed them all like a bear would a mouse: rage. Chill let loose a guttural scream and an aura so bright that everything seemed to turn darker in comparison. The aura was more than ten times Chill’s size, and his power grew exponentially. But his power wasn’t the only thing growing, he too, was increasing in size. A crater formed around him, and shards of rock rose around him as the ground violently shook as if in the midst of an earthquake. Chill’s already deafening screams of pain and rage seemed to echo one thousand fold, despite the flat terrain. Despite the warriors closing their eyes, the light shined through their eyelids, making it impossible for them to see. Suddenly, it was as if the ground beneath them had disappeared, followed by a sudden lack of oxygen. The entire planet had lit up like a brilliant star, and even people on other planets marveled at the light, as seemingly a new star appeared.

      Then, it ended gradually. The warriors opened their eyes, but had to wait for the dark spots to disappear. It was suddenly too quiet, and now, there was only the sound of earth shifting, and something akin to sparks flying. When they could finally see, they were astonished. Chill had grown to a monstrous size, even larger than king cold had been. Chill now had two massive horns on his head, each curved backwards, and each were as black as obsidian. His eyes were pure red, no iris, no pupil. The bone like exo-armor had changed to become more bulky, and had larger spikes. It also went further down his body, part of it reaching his waist. There was a crystal in the torso piece of the armor. His shoulder pieces, instead of being on his shoulders were now raising above his collar bones, similar to Cooler’s. His tail was abnormally large, even considering his new size. His tail now seemed similar to a dragon, with spikes on the top, and a bumpy, wave like pattern on the bottom. At the very tip of his tail, it was serrated, and came to a sharp point, as if meant for stabbing. Almost all of his muscles were visible, along with multiple veins. His aura was now more violent, by itself, it was obliterating the rocks around it. The noise that was similar to sparks flying, was small bits of lightning pulsing around Chill, similar to Boten when he had ascended to super saiyan 2. null Chill had transformed, and he was at his full power. As Chill looked at them with an expression of pure rage, our heroes couldn’t help but feel one thing: fear. They had a feeling, that the fight had just started.

    • #23566


    • #23567

      OmFG “CHILl” with these op pictureeeees. (Not really) 😀

    • #23593
      God’s Flame

      great series travelers soul, could I submit a character,if its not to much trouble.

    • #23597

      Sure, I’ll take a look at him. A few things to keep in mind though; I may not accept him (chances are that I will accept them though,) second, I already have 6 main characters, so I can’t promise that their role will be a massive one. Just keep that in mind, but feel free to submit someone.

    • #23598

      Hypeeeeeeeeeeeee OP

    • #23599
      God’s Flame

      what do I have to put down to submit a character.

    • #23601
      God’s Flame

      backstory: he is goten’s great grandson. his family was murdered by an unknown acrosian. the only reason he survived is that his father prepared a spaceship for him. tekhan was in stasis for 40000 years. now he has woke up and is determined to bring back his family even tho the dragon balls were destroyed.
      power: a lot stronger than boten ,but not overpowered
      he mainly uses ki but can use magic aswell
      personality: he is a very cold person since his parents died, and has no problem towards killing as long as he achieves his goal.
      morality: anti-hero
      techniques: desrtucto-disk, Kamehameha ,and spirit bomb
      transformations: super sayian and two variants that add magic to the transformation and they put the same strain on his body that super sayian does.his first ssj variant is called super sayian light. this transformation constantly makes him faster, but he still has the strength of a regular super sayian. his second ssj variant which is super sayian dark,it multiplys his power depending on how evil his opponent is.the risk of this transformation is he might become evil if he uses it.
      appearance: he just wears jeans,a tee shirt, and a black jacket.
      he also uses a huge black sword he wears on his side.

      so i don’t want my character evil but an enemie/allie depending on his motives, kinda like sasuke. I wont be mad at you tho if you don’t accept my character because to me your the most awesome and my favorite writer.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by God's Flame.
    • #23603

      Thank you for the compliment. I think I may be able to impliment your character, but I’m not quite sure how just yet. I may make a few changes (balancing mostly,) Although I do think I’ll accept him.

    • #23614
      God’s Flame

      what needs balancing on the character, just askin,is it the transformations or his power level

    • #23615

      Mainly his black super saiyan form. Don’t worry, I think you’ll like him

    • #23621

      Hey guys, I just wanted to make an announcement and ask some questions. I will (try) to join a server, now that I have reliable internet. The question I am asking, is what server you guys play on. One final question, Do you want me to add pictures to the planet Chilled special, (most likely two,) or just post it regularly, in which case I could post it now. That’s all for now,
      see you next time,

    • #23622


      2. PIctures OP

    • #23623

      It keeps saying a fatal error occurred

    • #23640
      God’s Flame

      quick off topic qeustion,which is better naruto c or secwah41 naruto mod

    • #23641

      Naito c is better for playing, secwah’s is really only good for role playing and such

    • #23642
      God’s Flame


    • #23643
      God’s Flame

      are u gonna give chill a form like coolers final form?

    • #23644

      If you read the most recent chapter, I have. The fourth he’s been fighting in most of the fight is his 4th form, in case that isn’t apparent. Also, the form he gained after his friend’s deaths was his fourth form, in case that wasn’t clear either

    • #23645
      God’s Flame

      i know he transformed but is he gonna go even higher

    • #23646

      The highest amount of forms an arcosian had ever had is 5,and since Chill is already on the 5th one, no.

    • #23648
      God’s Flame

      okay,thats cool

    • #23651

      DBZFAN, you have to remove years c. And also, Frieza used ultimate evolution but like that’s kinda op, it is stronger than SSB

    • #23652

      is there a different between that and a 5th form? Also, thank you, I’ll join as soon as I get home (roughly 5:00 P.M.)

    • #23653

      Arcosian’s can make any form they want. Of course some like Golden Form (Frieza’s) would be a lot harder, since the multiplier is insane

    • #23654

      Huh. Well, I’ll keep that in mind for future arcosian characters. Also, Harpor, I remember you saying that Chill reminded you of Harpor when he was a villain. Is that something you’d want? If so, do you want it to be permanent, or something like majin Vegeta (in the sense that he goes back to being a good guy)

    • #23655

      I would personally just keep him neutral, never make him “Good”. And Idk if he doesn’t die you could introduce him again if there’s a universal/galaxy conflict or something?

    • #23656

      Sure, so you want me to keep him like cell-saga Vegeta?

    • #23657

      Sure, once you get to know him he’s pretty “Chill”

    • #23658

      Ha. I hey it. Just to confirm, you know we’re talking about Harpor, right?

    • #23659

      Yea ofc, that was just a pun I use a lot xD

    • #23688

      Hey guys, just thought I’d let you know, I’m on saiyancraft as of this moment, my username is 4starboy

    • #23794
      God’s Flame

      what mods do I need to join sayian craft. because its not letting me join

    • #23809
      God’s Flame

      are you gonna give sans mangeyko sharingan or I mean ki mangekyo sharingan because he’s falling behind in the group.

    • #23819

      Well, he doesn’t have a sharingan on the first place, so not really. As for him falling behind, he was the only one capable of keeping up with Chill for a good portion of the fight, even if Chill was holding back. But, about Sans falling behind, I realize that not all characters get equal attention, even though I try to do that. This battle is actually to give a certain character some much needed limelight.

    • #23824

      ravelerSoul, it’s a meme lol cause his eye is like the sharingan

    • #23825

      Oh… my bad…

    • #23826

      It’s cool, it’s hilarious af xD

    • #23917
      God’s Flame

      will u add any more abilities to sans eye? also I’m thinking about submiting a villain.

    • #23918
      God’s Flame

      I’m taking an animation class,im wondering if I could make ur fanfic in to something like db absablon when I’m done with the class.

    • #23922

      As for Sans eye, I don’t know. I’m definitely going to make it more useful, but I don’t know about new abilities. This arc, fight, whatever you want to call it, is focused on another character. As for the villain, well, to put in short, the fanfic will be coming to an end in a few chapters (definitely more than 3, definitely less than 10) so his role will most likely be a very minor one, but feel free to do so. As for the animation, feel free to do so, although I will not be able to pay you or anything like that (I’m broke). Please just make sure to add due credit, just something saying that the story was originally made by me is fine. Thank you for being willing to do so, it means alot that someone would spend that much time doing that.

    • #23951
      God’s Flame

      I’m not going to charge u dbzfan.im just doing it because I love ur work and I daydream about the animation a lot.so I wanna do it before I forget it.

    • #23952

      Thank you, that means a lot

    • #23953
      God’s Flame

      ill put the link to this website in too, so people can see it and hopefully put you in the mood to give us more story.

    • #23954

      Don’t get me wrong, I will continue to write the fanfic to the best of my ability, but the end of the story will be reached relatively soon (which, considering how often I post chapters (sorry by the way for the waits ) will be in maybe two months).

    • #23955
      God’s Flame

      the wait is better,because I wont have to worry about the series ending for some time.

    • #23961

      One last thing, any and all profits made off of it, share 50% with me.

    • #23962
      God’s Flame

      I think after I finish making the trailer. ill start trying to cast voices

    • #23963