Hello! it’s been a while but at last I decided finish the texture!
In this publication I will show texture advances
Notice from now on, the texture will come out when it’s finished, do not ask to take it out.
First, the arcorsians
Arcorsians body type 1:
First form
Second form
Third form
Final form
Golden form
Fift form
the type of body 1 of the arcorsians is not finished, still missing the eyes, noses and mouths and Arcorsian body type 2,3 isn’t finished but it will be: Body type 2 King cold
Body type 3: Cooler.
Sorry for the bad english, i’m spanish!
a greeting!
This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Narlecks.
hey. wouldyou make a new aura to the arcosians? because when the new update came, came a new aura for the ultimate form, can you do this? sorry the bad engilsh im braziliam
anakin, supongo puedes entender mejor español y si, yo mismo he editado el aura golden así que es posible y confío en que narlecks haga una mejor que la mía
Hí! sorry por the inactivity, i was working on other proyect but this is not abandoned! maybe in february i will post a download link, i made a few things on the resource pack for the moment, not much important
-New gui (Minecraft and DBC gui)
-A few changes in arcorsians and humans
-Working on a new aura