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    • #37884
      Henry bushard

      i think that when you and you enemy both hit each other at the same time it will go into a clash where it will zoom out and show both of you facing each over banging fist and blocking hits then you have to left click for 7 seconds then after that who ever with the most clickes hits the opponent away from them and damages them massivly

    • #37888

      To be quite honest, it’s not a horrible idea but sounds difficult to pull off in coding.

    • #37897

      Yeah I saw this in DB Devolution but it’s a 2D 8-bit game, MC is an another deal.

    • #37899
      Henry bushard

      of it doesnt have to be a 2d game for it to work remeber budokai tenkaichi 3 it had somthing like this and it was 3d and it wasnt a 8 bit game so it cold work and it would make this alot more dragon ball like is in loads of the episodes it hads tons of theese even now in dbs goku and jiren are clashing like this

      • #37904

        Yeah but both are fighting game, their engines are studied to do this kind of thing. Not MC.

    • #37905
      Henry bushard

      oh i never thought of that sherlock i know that but it can still be pulled off and im not saying release it on 1 month or in 2 days im just saying if you can do it when evr you have the time for it it will make the mod better.

    • #38094

      It would be easier to just add an explosion and a clash effect

    • #38098
      Henry bushard

      ok how about this if that happens instead of showing it it will be first person and you have to click

    • #38099
      Henry bushard

      in 7seconds

    • #38146
      Levi Lamb

      How would stat differences be able to apply here?

    • #38150
      Henry bushard

      ok im thinking of 3 ways the stat differences would work here. way 1 if sombodies stats is higher then the otheres and they go into a clash the person with the higher stats would do a masive amount of damage to the other person while the weaker person if they won then they would do a lot less damage to them way 2 if a person has more speed then the other in a clash then the person with the most speed would get 2 clicks for one so if i clicked once and i as the fastest then i would get 2 click even doe i only clicked one. (transformation count so if my base speed was 147 and my ssjr speed was 257 then my oppontents speed was 200 in base i would get the 2 clicks insteasd of him same for the the way 1 as well transformations count)
      way 3 add them both.

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