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  1. Can I use your mod(s) in my mod pack?
  2. Can I re-upload one of your mods or other contents to another website?
  3. Can I use your mods in my Server?
  4. How to degrade java 8 to java 7?
  5. Will the mods be released to Bedrock Edition, Pocket Edition, or Windows 10 Edition?
  6. Will the mods be updated to a newer version of forge?
  7. Will the mods be added to CurseForge?
  8. Will you make the mods open source?
  9. Can I change your mods and/or re-release them?
  10. Will you add…?
  11. Where should I share my suggestions?
  12. When is the next update released?
  13. Why was Frieza’s race named Arcosians?
  14. My game crashed. What do I do?
  15. Can I contribute or help with the mods, or other projects?
  16. How long will you continue working on the mods? And what will happen afterwards?


Q: Can I use your mod(s) in my mod pack?

A: Only on platforms we have officially uploaded our mods, which currently only applies to CurseForge.


Q: Can I re-upload one of your mods or other contents to another website?

A: No. We do not allow anyone to re-upload any of our mods or other content anywhere. We do not make any exceptions to this.


Q: Can I use your mods in my Server?

A: Of course you can. You do not need permission for simply using our mods in your server, they are free public mods.


Q: How to degrade java 8 to java 7?

A: Follow these instructions on this page: http://main.jingames.net/how-to-install-java-1-7/


Q: Will the mods be released to Bedrock edition, Pocket Edition, or Windows 10 Edition?

A: No. Minecraft Java Edition is the only version that has proper Modding support, which is only available for PC.


Q: Will the mods be updated to a newer version of forge?

A: I quit Modding so I doubt that.
1.7.10 has been dead for a long time, we are aware of that, but that alone is not a reason for us to update.
We do want to and plan to update at some point, but that is not guaranteed because it just is not as worth it as some might think.

Short Answer: We want to, but the mods are too big, so it could take even more than a Year, which we do not want to spend on Only updating them. And compared to the community it is simply not worth it for us.

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Long Answer:

How long would it take?
To update the mods we would need learn how to mod in the new version, then we would need to re-design, re-plan, and re-code the whole mod from scratch, because the current version would take just as long to update as re-writing it, and since it is poorly written I will avoid simply updating what we already have.
Therefore an update could take many months, or even a year to have a decent version released. That is a long time, in which I will not have any time to work on other things.

What version would the update be?
Most likely the latest Forge version at that time, not 1.12.2.
Since 1.12.2, 1.13, and the versions after that made big changes to Forge and minecraft we would need to re-write the whole mod again and again to update. And by the time I would release a new update 1.12 would also become more and more dead, and it would require another rewrite to update the mods.

Would it be worth it to update?
For players, yes. For us, not 100%.
The Anime mods JinGames made are not owned by us completely. We do not own for example Dragon Ball, which could lead to potential future problems for us which is not a problem for players (besides for example not receiving more updates for the mods), but naturally is not good for us.
The Mods do not provide much financial support for us. If we were to update the forge version of the mods that would not change either, mainly because of Mod packs, but I will not complain about them because that is an essential part of modding.

And for me as a creator I would like to also work on other projects, not just modding. I continued working on the projects, because I kind of felt like it was a must, but this is not what I wanted to work on in the past, and that has not changed since then.
There are also other creators who also started to work on their Dragon Ball mods, so I doubt that the community would ever vanish without me, they would just move away.

I would prefer working on my own original projects rather than anime mods, but that does not mean that I want to see them fail. I just no longer desire to ever succeed with mods like these.

All in all, updating is worth it for the community, but for us/me as a creator it sadly has too many downsides to just go with it. I have ideas on when that would be possible, but that time is not here yet.


Q: Will the mods be added to CurseForge?

A: They are already available on CurseForge. Check https://www.curseforge.com/members/nagybenjamin97/projects to see our projects.


Q: Will you make the mods open source?

A: No. The original creator of the mods never wanted that, so I will honor his wishes.


Q: Can I change your mods and/or re-release them?

A: No. The original creator of the mods never wanted that, so I will honor his wishes.


Q: Will you add…?

A: The short answer is no. I quit Modding so new features will no longer be added.


Q: Where should I share my suggestions?

A: I quit Modding so there is no official place anymore to send suggestions for the mods.
I also no longer accept suggestions, just bug reports.


Q: When is the next the next update released?

A: I quit Modding so there are no new updates anymore.


Q: Why was Frieza’s race named Arcosians?

A: “Frieza’s race” sounded to us like a bad name for a race, so instead they received another one that matched them a bit more with their Cold style naming system.


Q: My Game crashed. What do I do?

A: Check the most common crashes down below if one of them might be what you encountered as well.
If not then all crashes generate a Crash Report found in your game’s folder’s crash-report” folder. Send it to us either on our Forums or on Discord, and then we or the community analyze what the source of the problem might be.

These are some of the most common crashes:

  • java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
    • Try to change your Minecraft Render Distance Setting to anything else.
  • Already decorating
    • This is an old bug that we have not managed to fix yet sadly. In most cases you will need to create a new world.
  • Error: Java.lang.NoSuchFieldError – OR – ClassNotFoundException / java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
    • You have one mod that is incompatible with the JinGames mod build you have installed.
      Check if your JRMCore, JBRA, and other JinGames mods are from the same build.
      If your game still crashes, then you have another mod that is no longer compatible with the JinGames mod build you have installed.


Q: Can I contribute or help with the mods, or other projects?

A: I appreciate everyone who wants to help out with the mods, but I quit Modding so I do not accept contributions anymore.


Q: How long will you continue working on the mods? And what will happen afterwards?

A: I quit Modding. I only focus on my own, non Minecraft and non Modding related projects.
Do not expect new updates for the JinGames mods anymore, but if I do end up releasing something in the very far future for some reason, be surprised.

To honor Jin_Ryuu’s, the original creator’s wishes, I will not release the code or hand off development of the mods to someone else.


You can find more FAQs in our Discord Server!

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