A Tragic end

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In 2018 October 9, Tamás Nagy, known as JinRyuu has passed away at the age of 30.

Every day he spend thinking about what future plans he has, but around October 2012, he started working on his first widely known minecraft mod, Dragon Block C (Craft).
The mod has given him motivation and light to a bright future he wanted to work towards.
It was not easy at first, but he never lost his sight on his dreams, and after years and years, his name was known by more people he ever Dreamed of, it made him really happy.
Although his path was full with hardships, and times when he could not bring himself to work for weeks from stress, his dream to become someone, who leaves a big impact on many people did not let him give up, and he enjoyed it.
Enduring 6 years, he became really proud of the end result of how loved his works are.

But on day he started feeling pain, and decided to not go to a doctor this time…
Days later he suddenly collapsed, his blood circulation stopped working… after calling an ambulance, the doctors tried to help him, but sadly… it was too late…

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He was a Great person, and a Great brother, and will be missed!

Thank you for everything Jin, and everyone in the community!

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About the future of his works:
– His mods, and everything he worked on are completely stopped for now on his side
– Everything he gained some sort of an income will be shut down for now

Within days – 18w39

Update is coming within days.
And some insights.

It will be an fix update as it will seem, but I’m starting to prepare a few things before a bigger update.
Many things keep happening and it is very frustrating to come up with a schedule that I could keep up with….
Not to mention the accident 2 weeks ago made my time hard to be front of my PC at all.

Anyway change is coming in many ways, hopefully before this year ends.
Site, schedule, mods, servers etc.

Since this year many things got fucked up literally, I try my best to not tell any excuses I really do. But I might have taken a bit too much on myself.

Also now that my youtube seemingly revived for now, I really want to use it again.

Fix Update – 18w33

Well then here is a fix update.

Nothing much I could say atm just that the tournament will start soon.
I wonder how it will turn out.

You can watch the countdown and the stream in the previous post if you are interested 🙂


click here to go to the Download site

JRMCore release version 1.3.19

  • FIXED – godform skill upgrade cost issue
  • Changed – if you’re KO’d while using Mystic then it will turn off
  • Changed – if you’re KO’d while using Ultra Instinct then it will turn off
  • Changed – the UI eyes got darker because it was too light for default textures

Dragon Block C release version 1.4.59

  • FIXED – When in Mystic, ki attack cost scales up unlike with racial transformations
  • FIXED – When in Ultra Instinct, ki attack cost scales up unlike with racial transformations
  • Changed – colors in ki bar to work for SS4 be yellow and for legendary be green instead of yellow. I don’t remember why it was disabled 🙁
click here to go to the Download site



Tournament – 18w33

Tournament that we have mentioned last time should start tomorrow at 9 PM CEST on server Dragon Block Zero S.
More details about the tournament can be found at the server’s site http://dbcserver.jingames.net

Also tomorrow I will try to release a fix update, before the tournament.

About future updates
I want to try to look in to continuing some features that have been started.
Well I haven’t decided yet what exactly should happen next.
There are a lot of possibilities, and well, a lot of things that need a revamp as well.
Not to mention there are many content either minor or functional that would be good to be added, either for vanity or just for some things to be more informative or detailed.
Anyway I am still trying to put some public list together on major plans, but it’s not easy at all.


Official Tournament 18w33 – Countdown

[ycd_countdown id=42587]


The Tournament will be streamed on youtube here

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Ultra Instinct & KO System – 18w32

Edited Aug 9

Quick fix has been released for JRMC and DBC!
It should fix a few grave issues yet again that made the update unplayable.
I hope there wont be anymore crash for this one.
If there are, the next fix update should be on Monday late night at soonest.


Here is the first fix and some content.

I’ve also tried adding a background music this time. 😀
Sadly I feel the review became not so appealing. T_T
Since I become ill again 4 days ago, it can be heard in the vid and well that I’m probably slower than usual.
Not to mention I accidentally recorded in stream quality XD

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There will be an Official Tournament, held on the JinGames Official server, Dragon Block Zero S on August 18th.
I will stream it, so be sure to check it out.
It should start around 9PM or 10PM CET
But this can change.
The exact time will be announced on the DB Zero S website and on their discord, so if you want to sign up check them out too!


Update needs testing!
As long as the update is shown unconfirmed or unstable, use em to your own responsibility!
NarutoC is not compatible with this JRMC update!

QUCIK FIX Update (Aug 9)

click here to go to the Download site

JRMCore release version 1.3.18

  • FIXED – Namekian Regen config didn’t work
  • FIXED – Crash after using the Status Effect config on noFuse
  • FIXED – in the skill list the 16th skill’s upgrade button also opened the arcosian ultimate form color selector menu
  • FIXED – when in UI the mobs have 20% to hit regardless config

Dragon Block C release version 1.4.58

  • FIXED – When you delete Skill Kaioken, you can’t transform anymore
  • FIXED – Mystic & UI descriptions
click here to go to the Download site

JRMCore release version 1.3.17

  • FIXED – crash caused by char reset
  • FIXED – Config – UI attribute multiplier
  • ADDED – New Config – Skill Ultra Instinct – Level Requirement
  • ADDED – New Config – Skill Ultra Instinct – Dodge Rate
  • ADDED – New Config – Skill Ultra Instinct – Regardless Level Requ
  • ADDED – New Config – Skill Ultra Instinct – Pain Duration

Dragon Block C release version 1.4.57

  • ADDED – Status Effect Pain function – Slow down movement speed
  • ADDED – Status Effect Pain function – Body damage by 0.1% of max Body, every 5 seconds
  • ADDED – Status Effect KO function – forced TPS view while KOd, then back to the original view
  • ADDED – Ultra Instinct state  – silver colored Ki bar
  • ADDED – Ultra Instinct state  – in Char Sheet the attributes are light Blue colored
  • ADDED – King Kai teaches – Skill Ultra Instinct

JBRA release version 1.6.35

  • ADDED – Status Effect KO Animation – lying animation
  • FIXED – Ultra Instinct state  – silver eye color for every race


Ultra Instinct Update – 18w32

Okay I know, I know. But at least something is released right?
This release should be considered untested!
I tested the functions I added, and changed to an extend.
But that doesn’t mean I didn’t broke other functions, features.
Look at it as a public test release.
I will await the reports about the issues for the update.
At this points I don’t mind bug report comments, but the bug reports forum would be a better place.
Anyway after making this update stable, I will try to concentrate on going through fixing bugs mostly from the bug reports forum as well.

So there is now an experimental Ultra Instinct.
It has a few conditions, and as of now it shouldn’t be that hard to access it, but probably its not going to be very useful.
Conditions to access it: Body below 20%, no 0% release, no status effect Pain, not in Mystic, no Majin, skill godform (lvl2 for saiyans), only useable in base form.
Benefits: 80% chance to not receive any damage at all, and a configurable multiplier.
Conditions and benefits probably will change already in next update, but I can’t tell anything for sure just yet.

A Simple Knock Out System has been also added!
Enabling Friendly Fist from Action Menu wont kill the opponent when the body reaches null, instead the opponent will retain 1 body (HP) and receive a Status Effect KO. The KO-d player won’t be able to move or attack or be damaged by Friendly Fist attacks.
BUT npcs or disabled Friendly Fist Players will be able to damage a KO-d player regardless.
This might cause several abuse possibilities, but this probably should be controlled by servers how they let others abuse it.
For now the KO status effects stays for 30 seconds, later it will be configurable.

For server owners!
As I tried to put up a few warnings, if you intent to use this update for your server, please consider the consequences that in worst case your server might break. This version is like many other previous updates and mostly unconfirmed, unstable ones, they are not stress tested or might not even run at all neither in SP or MP and might require a quick fix update.
So please, stress test every update before putting it on your main server!

For today I’m going to bed right after the release, and in the next days, as soon as I can I will make a review video and update this post with it.


Update needs public testing!
As long as the update is shown unstable, I advise not to use em!
NarutoC is not compatible with this JRMC update!

click here to go to the Download site

JRMCore release version 1.3.16

  • FIXED – Above Name Tag feature, it should work as it is supposed too! Sorry for the late fix 🙁
  • Compatibility with DBC v1.4.56

Dragon Block C release version 1.4.56

  • FIXED – Char Sheet – the transformation multiplier indicator
  • FIXED – Char Sheet – the incoming damage reduction indicator
  • FIXED – Death in difficulty Insane – stats in Insane mode won’t decrease beyond the minimum starting attributes anymore
  • ADDED – Status Effect Transformation icon – used only while you press the transformation button
  • ADDED – Status Effect Mystic icon – appears when in mystic form
  • ADDED – Status Effect Pain with icon – debuff, will result in slowed movement. Atm Senzu wont cure it and it is used to limit UI access.
  • ADDED – Status Effect Ultra Instinct state with icon
  • ADDED – Status Effect Knocked Out icon – when KOed you won’t be able to move or hit entities
  • ADDED – Ultra Instinct state – similar way to activate it as for Mystic and Kaioken
  • ADDED – Ultra Instinct state – very simple aura
  • ADDED – Ultra Instinct state – conditions to access it – Body below 20%, no 0% release, no status effect Pain, not in Mystic, no Majin, skill godform (lvl2 for saiyans), only useable in base form
  • ADDED – Ultra Instinct state – benefits: 80% chance to not receive any damage at all, and a configurable multiplier
  • ADDED – Heat bar – used as a timer for UI. If full, the player will receive Status Effect Pain
  • ADDED – New Config – Skill Ultra Instinct – Attribute multiplier
  • ADDED – Simple KO System – attacked by Friendly Fist and instead being killed, the attacked player stays at 1 body point, and receives a KO status effect for 30 seconds as of now (later configurable)
  • ADDED – Action Menu – Ultra Instinct enabler as for Mystic and Kaioken
  • ADDED – Action Menu – Friendly Fist enabler – for KO System

JBRA release version 1.6.34

  • ADDED  – Ultra Instinct state  – silver eye color atm for every race until further changes.
click here to go to the Download site

Status Info – 18w31b

Hey guys!

Sadly I wont be able to create some features I wanted to for the next release.
Atm the UI is really simplified, and to access this state several conditions must be met.
Server’s will be able to set the damage multiplier for the UI.

Well I would explain more, but I think I will go back working on it so I can publish it asap when its done.
For now this is probably how the Ultra Instinct experimental v1 will look like and v2 should have the slightly standing hair hopefully.

There is a video how it looks for Patrons 😛

Status Info – 18w31a

It seems I wont be able to release the mod yet.
It seems the world is against me.

Since yesterday right after I published the patreon post there was a power outage, and no one knows yet why. but my neighbor has power… tomorrow afternoon should the landlord be able to look at it.

Before the power outage my gf’s pc stopped working, and I have no idea why, but my gf is on my neck that i should fix it. and so i tried, without success yet.
Then her monitor doesn’t work somehow either now :/
Which might be related to the power outage or pc, so I visited my parents and at least I got a replacement for that.
And still yesterday on the same day everything happened at once, her chair broke too XD
anyway, I got power from my neighbor at least, and borrowed temporary laptop for my gf. so since then I couldn’t work without power, and neither today, because I was running around to do something about these, I was able to sit down now at 10pm and I will do an all nighter in hope to post something specific about the mod in the morning.
And if everything goes well the UI, even if its experimental, will have some nice functions. 😀

I’m excited how it will be welcomed.
So atm a max 2 day delay probably is unavoidable.

Previous patreon post:
Tiny Status Info – 18w30a

It is possible that the update wont make it for even Tuesday, because this UI version that is being worked on might have a bit more functions then expected XD

That could be good and bad as well.

Anyway since something is needed to fill in the UI requests, I have to make it. And I want it to work then, and probably everyone else too. XDBut still this UI might not be something easy to access :/
I will try to add configs for servers to make it possible to be easier as well as harder, depending on server.

Large Status Info – 18w23-30

Covering the past weeks on what I should have written.

I’m not sure why is it so hard to write frequently. T_T
Anyway in summary this post atm will only tell roughly
-why I didn’t post until now,
-what happened in the past weeks,
-what are the next plans.
And I’m really sorry but probably there is not much in value for the community in this post.
Basically what I write here is what I should have written the past weeks, in tiny Status Infos, so you guys know whats going on. I know.

Now a little blabla about myself.
I don’t know if I already posted about, or anyone knows it but I have kinda social phobia and mostly prefer to be alone or to be with only persons close to me. But I actively fight against this behavior thus stress builds up and things happen like this. Either for short time or like as it happened now.
It’s like I can’t keep fighting myself, I need a break and behave how I want to, but honestly I don’t know.
I never really looked into this thou, but I might have too.
Why the hack can’t I get used to talking to people in general, mainly through internet, I don’t know.
I guess I don’t felt posting mainly because problems piled up since May and couldn’t concentrate on the things I wanted to do.

So what happened since last post in June.
I continued experimenting with a new aura type for the upcoming UI without much success. I thought maybe after a little time I will get some good idea on making what I imagined, so I continued working on other things I wanted to.

Website backend updates changes no one cares about, I’m trying to optimize my codes when I can. This took approx a week.
Website GDPR stupidity which automatization is still incomplete, I also tried talking to a new accountant and a lawyer. Dev for this took closely a week.

I decided to continue working on some site projects which has been around for a time I just put them aside, like
the changelog, resource pack sharer, mission system uploader and creation helper, new download site, hd skin site revamping.
These would be the priority site projects.
I worked around 2 weeks on site projects, and I wanted to concentrate on changelog and the RP sharing one first. I thought those would be fast to make. Well since I experimented with trying to use a new site framework without success that took quite a few days as well. In the end they are still not finished, so I still will need at least a week per site for these. But since modding was kinda neglected, I will put it for next time I guess.

Then I was looking into my android game project ,Dragon Artifact Arena. I last worked on it 2 years ago and well since then I haven’t touched it until now.
I also worked around a week on it and progressed a lot. I would say it needs a month plus a few weeks, and it could be in a playable state.
At least for a pre-alpha state that is. I want to try adding ads in it and thus hoping in fixing some financial issues.
I got some help from my brothers on this one, so after its done, it they could potentially update it regularly afterwards.
Probably I would get back some modding time with this too again.

I’ve started to actively work on a server network, which I might have mentioned already in a previous post. The main benefit of my server network will be obviously me making exclusive server and client sided mods.

After that there were a few days when me and my family were on the summer anime convention. This is mostly personal life so read this section further only if you are interested. I tried to make a cosplay for my gf but didn’t looked well so I resorted to only make a custom kimono for my gf. And in the end I didn’t have time for my own yet again 😛

Since the past week I’m mentoring my gf’s brother about modding and how he could help me in it. Luckily he can work on his own. I wonder when he will be able to actively help me out XD

And recently I’ve been looking into my trading card mod and creating an announcement vid?
Well it’s not in playable state just yet because it had to be postponed because of DBC dev and many other reasons.

Well in the end I couldn’t create the UI aura I wanted to. :/
So I will keep doing what I did with many “features for the first time”, creating a “temporary” version of the UI and its functions, and after some time (months or… years) I believe I will be able to create how I want it to be. But for now an over simplified version as usual will have to do it. Since I’m already being asked too often yet again. I would love to hear more about what I should fix or work on, rather then UI here, MUI there.

Also I received a big help in creating/converting DBC for a newer MC version not long ago, so I’m thinking on making a playable version for that too. Though it will have tons of missing features regardless, and will still take a couple of weeks to actually make it run, but it should work.

Now what is the active plan
DBC update should be on Monday or Tuesday and its main focus should be on:

  • experimental Ultra Instinct
  • simple KO system
  • some fixes

Then what?
Ah those plans that are just lying around waiting to be worked on… The problem is that even with having tons of work to do, I keep having ideas on how to make stuff differently, or what new things to even create.
And that still means, no end in sight for development, and I’m not just talking about DBC here. But yea DBC will probably still be my main focus for quite some time.

Eh I couldn’t create a freakin schedule plan again… I will still work on making one, but until then here is this pot.
Pot of DBC Plans (Shortened Future plans for mainly time consuming features, changes or minimods ATM)

  • Custom Transformations
  • Ultra Instinct
  • Majin race
  • Fusion V2
  • DBC Saga revamp
  • ki attack update
  • space
  • Androidification
  • G3 custom hair
  • master-disciple system
  • character slots 3
  • built in tutorial
  • new NPC mechanisms
  • Duel and tournament system
  • Player size changeable
  • player sided saga difficulty settings

Just to be clear this is not a priority list here ^
These are not just major/big features, but varied ones in size and time, that I want to work on.
Its just what I want to add, but I’m not sure when I will get to them.
Also there is a lot more, I just don’t want to put everything here just yet.
And I still want to decide on a place/page/site that I will dedicate only for plans.

So what about the Future of mod development.
And I couldn’t even write enough about the topic I originally wanted to.
I’m not even sure what I may reveal. But for now I will go what I already mentioned.

So a separate DBC version for a new MC version shall be created.
And depending on its popularity as time goes, the most popular shall prevail and the other be pushed to a minimal update interval.
Sounds good, and that also should open to new possibilities for me.
Mainly learning more about the new MC versions, because I know very little atm, and what I know I don’t like XD
So I want to make myself used to that.

Then there shall be my Trading Card C (TCC) mod which probably many didn’t understood how it will work.
Even though its main focus will be where servers will be able to create their own cards, with also removing the built in ones.
My TCC mod will feature its own Trading Card game with its own unique rulesets! That means you won’t be able to recreate any other Trading Card Games (TCG)!
About it being unique I actually mean, that I will try to make what I can to make a nice TCG game work in minecraft.
In the beginning it will be probably very unbalanced, but as experience tells, every start is harsh.
For me at least it is usually true :/

Aaand Naruto C… well I guess interest in my mod is probably gradually losing because the lack of updates.
I know. But there is really so much I want to work on and there is absolutely no time.
And as time goes, I noticed more and more things are there that I want to do or have to or I must.
Anyway, it’s not lost! I still like it and I will continue, also probably all of my mods!

Then again for some DBC.
As I talked about a few times what should be next and such.
Considering the votes, messages, opinions, I might follow a specific line.
I will now write a rough priority list, that I might change when I have a change in my mind though as usually 😛
These are major features, not minor ones.
So I decided to add the Majin race then. It shall be a simple like the other races. Obviously with the highest regen rate, more about it another time.
Ki revamp. It is inevitable. The current ki attack system is s**t even with using my nicest language. And there I have new one in experimenting already. It would be a shame not to finish it. 😛
Space update. Not sure how deep I will make it at first. But I have a some nice features planned for it, and if the important ones work, it shall be considered playable.
Androidification. New skills, new looks, new systems, new playstyles. Just don’t lose your limbs 😀
And then I will try to continue Fusion. Potara, hair fusion, maybe outfit mashup and such.

Some final words for this post
I hope I wrote enough to compensate at least a little for the loss of info in the past weeks.
And again I’m sorry. The lack of information is kinda 

Next week I will definitely post something, and it should be about the next update. If something comes up, I will let you know this time.

Tiny Status Info P – 18w28a

Okay it seems that I disappeared for quite some time. Sorry…
In a few days I’m going to publish a larger post about whats going on :/

I will try to explain a few things and the main topic will be of course about the future of mod development.
And since there are a lot to cover in this, I will also try to announce a milestone list on around when and what should be done.

Well not just for modding but for everything. But what most of you are interested in I shell try to highlight it more. Also I will try to make for this an actual vlog.

Basically a schedule plan in long run again. Of course it wont be fixed but only a rough plan, since as experience tells that things mostly never turn out as initially planned XD
This will be closely the same as I used to make the “term plans” but this time it should be more consistent? Or I don’t know how to say this 😛

And again sorry to all who also wait for a reply from me. I will contact everyone who waits for a reply as soon as I can.

(This is a Public Tiny Status Info that appeared at https://www.patreon.com/JinRyuu/posts as well)