UPDATE: DBC Tournament of Power, Energy Attack Changes – 20w52

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Hello everyone!

This build was also released a bit earlier than planned, and it contains some major changes so it’s not recommended to use it for servers until at least one bigger bug fix update is released!

Also for this update I’ve tried out a new way of writing down the changes I’ve made to the mods, but that turned out to be a bad decision because I didn’t write down all of the information so this update changelog is not going to contain 100% of the changes sadly, and also might not even go into as much detail as the previous ones.

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Mod Updates:

  1. JBRA Version 1.6.46 (HOTFIX)
  2. JRMCore C Version 1.3.33  (HOTFIX)


JBRA Version 1.6.46:


  • Superform hairs were all white


JRMCore C Version 1.3.33:


  • Superform hairs were all white


BUILD 1.113


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Mod Updates:

  1. JBRA Version 1.6.45:
    1. JBRA Version 1.6.46 (HOTFIX)
  2. Dragon Block C Version 1.4.72:
  3. JRMCore C Version 1.3.32:
    1. JRMCore C Version 1.3.33  (HOTFIX)
  4. Naruto C Version 0.7.14:



JBRA Version 1.6.45:


  • Made it compatible with the new Ultra Instinct System


Dragon Block C Version 1.4.72:


  • NPCs:
    • Danger Trio, Brianne, Caulifla normal and SSJ, Dyspo, Jiren normal, and Full Power, Kale normal and SSJ, Kefla normal and SSJ, Toppo, God of Destruction Toppo
    • Most of the God of Destructions, and their angels
  • Story Mode
    • Dragon Ball Super is finished
  • Dimension:
    • Null Realm
      • Contains the Tournament of Power, and Zeno Expo Structures
      • Master Whis spawns at the T.O.P. Arena
  • Structures:
    • Guru’s House
      • Spawns on Planet Namek with Master Guru inside
  • Configs
    • Null Realm Minimum Height.
      • Teleports players to Whis if they go below the set Height
    • Can Whis teleport players to the null realm and back to earth On
    • Whis Teleportation location in the Null Realm and the Overworld
    • Enma Size Scale
    • Guru Size Scale


  • Made it compatible with the new JRMCore Systems.
  • Whis spawns on Kami’s lookout
  • Whis can teleport players to and from the Null Realm if enabled
  • Whis’s Safe zone in the Null Realm is very small
  • Porunga received a new model
  • Planet Destroyer Ki Attack type was changed to a Large Blast


JRMCore C Version 1.3.32:


  • Configs
    • ExtendedPlayer Variables
      • This wasn’t tested much, but it should increase mod pack compatibility



  • Ultra Instinct:
    • Transformation can no longer be charged while moving
    • Transformation can be charged with Turbo mode On
    • If you hit someone in Ultra Instinct when you are in Ultra Instinct as well then the dodge rate is divided by the difference of levels between the two players. The less difference in the level is the lower the dodge rate becomes
    • New Aura for Incomplete and White hair Ultra Instinct
    • Auto Counter:
      • If you succeed in dodging an attack then you have an x % chance to hit back the source of the damage
    • The pain status effect duration after using the skill will depend on the Highest level Ultra Instinct the player has reached in it
    • Has a new unique Config file located at “config\jingames\dbc\forms\ultra_instinct.cfg”
    • Configs:
      • Main:
        • Ultra Instinct Levels
          • By default you have 3 levels
          • Lvl 1 and 2 are the incomplete, and Lvl 3 is the complete/white hair version
          • Each level is stronger than the previous ones, but they will have a shorter “lifespan” because their Max Heat level is lower so you can for example hold Lvl 1 for 2x as much time as the Lvl 3
        • List of Damage sources UI can’t dodge
        • List of Damage sources UI can counter
        • Was in Pain Requirement
          • Modes:
            • 0 = Turn this off completely
            • 1 = Player can only enter a white hair UI level if he had at least once the Pain Status Effect
            • 2 = Player can only enter a white hair UI level if he had the Pain Status Effect
              • This resets once the player enters a white hair level
        •  Was in Pain Duration
          • If “Was in Pain” is set to mode 2 then this timer resets it after the set time period
      • For Each Level:
        • Attribute Multiplier
        • Counter Attack Damage (Percentage)
        • Counter Attack Rate (Minimum, Maximum)
          • Each level has a minimum and maximum rate
          • The current amount of attack rate will be decided by checking the player’s current Heat % with this config’s values
        • Dodge Rate
          • Each level has a minimum and maximum rate
          • The current amount of attack rate will be decided by checking the player’s current Heat % with this config’s values
        • Dodge Stamina Cost
        • Counter Attack Stamina Cost
        • Health Requirement (Percentage)
        • Heat Timer
          • Setting it to 0 will disable it making the form endless
        • Level Requirement
        • Mind Requirement
        • Pain Duration
        • Regardless Level Requirement (Percentage)
        • Skippable level On
          • If true then when you are transforming to this level you will instantly turn into the level above this one If you meet the requirements of the next level
        • Successful transformation Chat Message
          • Adding “@p” in the String will be replaced by the player’s name
        • TP Cost
        • White Hair Mode On
  • Energy Attacks:
    • Added new 2D option for Ki Attacks and Jutsus
    • Added Client settings to switch between the 2D/3D rendering, and change the size and transparency of the attacks
    • Energy Attacks only give Experience Once when hitting entities (this just effects mainly Ki Explosions)
    • Completely changed the Sizes for Energy Attacks.
      • Now they depend on what the damage of the attack is compared to the server’s max attribute and the new size configs
    • New Particles for charging and shooting techniques
    • Ki Attack’s explosion size now actually depends on the strength of the attack (be sure to change the “Energy Attack Size Limit” config if you want bigger explosions)
    • Config “Energy Attack Explosion Size” was changed to a DOUBLE number that can go from 0 to 100. So now it can be set to very small numbers such as 0.01. (This means that it will generate a new config!)
    • Configs:
      • Continues Attacks can be shot forever
      • Continues Attacks start moving forward again once the hit entity isn’t near anymore
      • Continues Attack Enemy Lock
      • Energy Attack Death after x tick
      • Slow down when hitting an entity
      • Ki Shield, and Explosions follow the user
      • Training Point Gain Multiplier
        • This originally was connected to the Global Training Point Gain Multiplier
      • List of Continues Attack types
      • Minimum and Maximum Size Scale
      • Scale with the User’s height
      • Continues Attack User walks or looks away from it then it dies On
      • Continues Attack Dies if the hit entity moves away from it
      • Continues Attack Shrinks if the user looks walks or looks away
      • Ki Attack Power Formula
        • This is used to calculate the Power of a Ki Attack when it clashes with another one to decide which is more powerful
  • Aura Lightning becomes red if the Player has the Majin Status Effect
  • Custom Particles have a longer render range



  • Naruto C characters didn’t gain Damage when using “forms” such as 8 gates, and dojutsus such as Sharingan and Byakugan.
  • If effect was disabled for a Ki Type then it will have it’s effect set to 0 if it’s used
  • Hyperbolic Time Chamber kick from being too long in the dimension sent the players to a bad location
  • Swapping the location of Ki Techniques didn’t swap their cooldown timer
  • Ki Waves (now all Continues attacks) cost didn’t scale with the Ki Cost Config once it looked onto a Target


Naruto C Version 0.7.14:


  • Made it compatible with the new JRMCore Systems.

Stay Safe and Have a great Winter Break Gamers!

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DevBlog 20w49 – Next mod update progress – Tournament of Power, Zeno Expo, Guru’s House, Ki and Jutsu Changes

Hello everyone!

A New Dev vlog on the upcoming Dragon Block C and Naruto C update featuring Guru’s House, Tournament of Power, Zeno Expo, and Ki and Jutsu Changes.
If things go as planned then this update will be released this month!

(Teaser: Update Progress vlog Guru’s House Tournament of Power Zeno Expo Ki and Jutsu Changes)

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Stay Safe Gamers!

DevBlog 20w43 – Next mod update progress – Complete Ultra Instinct, Jutsu improvement, Porunga

Hello everyone!

Today’s DevBlog will actually be a devlog about the update which I’m currently working on. As written in the previous post I want to work on Ultra Instinct and Jutsus with Ki Attacks at least giving them a fresh look.

(Teaser: Update Progress vlog – Ultra Instinct Rework – Porunga – Jutsu Wave)

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MOD UPDATE: Small Mod Update 20w42

Hello everyone!

It’s been a while since an update was released so let’s get straight into it! There are config name/description changes so they will generate a new config!


BUILD 1.112


Mod Updates:

  1. JBRA Version 1.6.44:
  2. Dragon Block C Version 1.4.71:
  3. JRMCore C Version 1.3.31:


JBRA Version 1.6.44:


  • Small changes to the Kaioken coloring.



  • Small bug fixes


Dragon Block C Version 1.4.71:


  • Configs:
    • Enma Revive Dimension id, and Rotations (one for each alignment)
    • On Death Teleportation Location in the otherworld (one for each alignment)
      • If the player’s alignment changes in the otherworld then he will sadly still teleport to the location he first entered at
    • Planet Vegeta Saiyan 1 and Saiyan 2 Spawn rates
    • Healing Water/Pod:
      • Update Timer (Tick): Sets how often the player gets healed
      • Healing Rate (Health, Ki, Stamina): The amount the Water heals specific powers
      • Percentage (Health, Ki, Stamina): It converts the Healing Rate config to a Percentage amount, rather than using a fix number



  • Configs: (New configs will be generated for them!)
    • “Ki Defense Armor per level” to “Ki Protection Armor per level”
    • “Ki Defense Cost per level” to “Ki Protection Cost per level”
  • Mob Models:
    • New Models:
      • King Kai, King Yemma
    • Slight changes:
      • Beerus, Berryblue, Champa, Fat Buu, Evil Buu, Super Buu, Buu Fusion, Buu Piccolo, Ultimate Buu, Buff Buu, Kid Buu, Krillin, Roshi DBC, Shisami, Sorbet, Tagoma, Vados, Whis, Zamasu, Fused Zamasu, Unstable Fused Zamasu
  • Old Healing Water/Pod Config was removed
  • Teleport in and out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber will now always make you look forward.



  • Debugging Console text writing a few block IDs at the start of the servers was removed
  • Dbcspawn command could not be used with only health being set
  • Mobs on some servers have a negative number as their damage which creates a crash, now their damage is set to 0.


JRMCore C Version 1.3.31:


  • Commands:
    • JRMCRacialSkill:
      • Set or add to or take from the player’s racial skill’s level.
      • Usage: “/jrmcracialskill set/add Level [Player] [TPCostOn] [ConsiderMind]”
      • Example: “/jrmcracialskill add 1 @p true true”
      • Works with both DBC superforms and Naruto C Bloodline skills
  • Configs:
    • Racial Skills can be leveled up using TP on/off.
    • Player Update Timer (Tick): Sets how often the player will update itself when asking for missions, and when entering the teleporter for the Hyperbolic Time Chamber
    • JRMCRacialSkill command received 3 Command configs to notify Self, console, or others.
    • For Ki attacks:
      • List of Entities EVERY Ki Attacks react to
        • Reactions: The Ki blast will…
          • 1 = Vanish from it
          • 2 = Destroy it
          • 3 = Destroy it IF “effect” is on for Ki attack
          • 4 = Damage it
          • 5 = Damage it IF “effect” is on for Ki attack
        • The default config will destroy Snowballs, Arrows, Small fireballs, Large fireballs
        • To add a specific Ki Attack Type to the config add for example “jinryuudragonblockc.EnergyAttack!2 1”.
          • 2 equals the type of the Ki attack, and 1 sets it to instantly vanish/die from it
          • Ki Attack type list:
            • Wave = 0, Ball = 1, Disk = 2, Laser = 3, Spiral = 4, Large Ball = 5, Barrage = 6, Shield = 7, Explosion = 8
        • NOTE:
          • Ki attacks still work the same way. Even if a living entity is not on the list it will still damage it like before.
          • Some entities don’t always get deleted. This might be caused by lag.
      • Separate “List of Entities Ki Attacks react to” for Each Ki attack type besides Shield and Explosion
        • This way you can configure special reactions to entities for specific Ki types, while having the option to only use the config above for the ones every type uses
      • Entity Hit by Ki Attack Console message
        • If a Ki Attack hits an entity which is compatible with the Config above it will type in the name of the Entity in the server console/log.
      • Spirals go through entities rather than explode (on off)
      • Final Explosion vanishes if the user dies
      • If a blast is x times weaker than the other Ki attack clashed with then it just instantly gets destroyed
      • Ki Attacks knockback on/off
      • Ki Shields and Explosions give Ki Tech Experience percentage
      • Disable Explosion/Effect for any specific Ki type
      • Final Explosion Self Harm Damage Percentage (from 0 to 100)



  • Commands:
    • JRMCTP:
      • You can now add an equation with Player NBT values to the TP value
      • Usage: “/jrmctp value [Player]” or “/jrmctp value [Player] [(nbt)]”
      • Compatible Math operations: (+, -, *, /, %)
      • The command will try to look for numbers in NBT values even if it’s a text, BUT it will only succeed in finding numbers if the last value is not a character, but a digit.
        • This means that it is compatible with Super form levels which are saved for Ki Types as “TRx” – x being the level.
        • If it fails to find a number then it will just ignore the formula and move to the next one.
      • NBT Options:
        • Method 1:
          • [ Math operation (NBT) ]
          • Example: “/jrmctp 1 @p [*(jrmcAlign)]”
          • TP Result: 1 * Player’s Alignment
        • Method 2:
          • [ Math operation (NBT | Number 1 | Math operation 2) ]
          • Example: “/jrmctp 15 @p [*(jrmcDiff|3|-)]”
          • TP Result: 15 * (3 – Player’s Difficulty ID)
        • Method 3:
          • [ Math operation (NBT | Number 1 | Math operation 2 | Math operation 3 | number 2) ]
          • Example: “/jrmctp 15 @p [*(jrmcDiff|3|-|+|1)]”
          • TP Result: 15 * (3 – (Player’s Difficulty ID + 1))
        • Using Multiple Methods:
          • [ Math operation (NBT) Math operation 2 (NBT 2) ]
          • Example: “/jrmctp 15 @p [*(jrmcDiff|3|-|+|1)*(jrmcAlign)]”
          • TP Result: 15 * (3 – (Player’s Difficulty ID + 1)) * Player’s Alignment
  • Client Settings:
    • Enma’s Desk on/off
  • For Clients regarding Ki configs:
    • You can no longer charge disabled Ki Attack types
    • Ki Attack charge is now connected to the Ki Attack damage and cost configs
  • Arcosian 5th form mask On/Off switch in Action menu received colors, and changed text from “Mask” to “5th Form Mask”
  • Ki Attacks now go through certain entities by default instead of instantly vanishing (e.g.: projectiles)
  • Help Guide Crafting Page:
    • Items are generated items instead of a few fixed images making it Texture pack compatible
    • Hovering the mouse over an item will display its name.
    • Added most crafting recipes from the JinGames mods.
  • Config name description for Explosion Max Age Ticks multiplier removing “multiplier” from both (A new config will be generated for it!)



  • Oozaru transformation will turn you into an Oozaru in more cases even if another form is enabled.
  • Ki Blade/Scythe power didn’t scale with forms.
  • Custom HUD preview in the client settings would create a crash if DBC wasn’t installed.
  • A few Portuguese language file crashes.
  • On server update it will now check if a player is above the max Racial skill level to prevent crashes.
  • Ki Explosion Client Hack
  • Status effect Cooldown texts were invisible with Custom HUD turned off.
  • Jutsus:
    • Weak Jutsus (mainly 1% chakra ones) had 0 set as their size making them invisible.
    • Jutsus would often vanish instead of dealing damage to their target
  • Learnable Jutsus list’s next page button didn’t function properly.
  • Player reset while being Fused could cause issues so it was a bit tweaked to not always reset the players.
    • NOTE: It still can cause issues, so you should still avoid trying.
  • Other small fixes


Have fun!

Teaser #7 – Render Test – Spiral Beam

Hey hey everyone

So I’ve made some progress on my Render Tests for Naruto C waves, which I’ve edited to a Special Beam like spiral wave for this render test.
I’ve combined my new test system with one of Jin’s older teaser one’s.

Sadly there wasn’t much development on how they will get improved/changed besides planning, but to me this was the harder part (because I was very focused on making a system for Naruto Jutsus).
One of the changes I want to add is that you would have to be still for waves to work, and moving (maybe even rotating) would turn it into a blast.

I still have no idea when this would get released yet, but I thought I’d share it.
Let me know about your thoughts on it!

(Teaser: Render Test – Spiral Beam)

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But until this gets finished I’ll naturally be releasing more smaller updates.
As for the next update, one of the things I’ve added is a config to set how Ki Attacks react to certain entities.


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Stay Safe Gamers!

MOD UPDATE: Small Mod Update 20w29

Hello everyone!

Here is a new small mod update. I’ve decided to work on it for one more day to do at least a few more hours of bug testing.


BUILD 1.110

Dragon Block C Version 1.4.69:


  • Blocks:
    • Katchin Blocks
      • Normal, Smooth, Brick
      • As strong as obsidian
      • Crafted with :
        • Normal: 9 katchin shards
        • Smooth: 4 Normal Katchin Blocks
        • Brick :4 Smooth Katchin Blocks
    • Kachi Katchin Blocks
      • Has multiple colors
      • Creative/Command only
      • As strong as bedrock


  • Android/Cyborg 18 is not using ki blasts, and doesn’t fly

JRMCore Version 1.3.30:


  • Config:
    • Mystic Level Loss Timer Multiplier (0 = timer disabled)
    • Player Flying Speed Multiplier
  • Help Crafting Guides for:
    • Katchin Block, Smooth Katchin Block, Katchin Brick
  • Paste Custom HUD code button to Client settings
    • Only shows up if Custom HUD is enabled
    • Allows you to Paste a Custom HUD code from your clipboard
    • IF the player pastes an invalid code it will hide the HUD
      • Do NOT save your client settings if the HUD isn’t showing, it will create a bugged config which then needs to be manually fixed
  • Client Setting (User Interface):
    • Switch between “Enable/Disable” to “Off/On” in the action menu
    • Enable/Disable Colored text in the Action menu


  • Ki Shield and Ki Explosion skills will vanish if the user reaches 0 JRMCore Health
  • Colorable Long Boots crafting recipe, and changed it in the crafting guides too
  • Action menu option Texts
    • “Disable/Enable” is “Off/On” by default
    • Changed colors and received borders
      • White default text, Gold if highlighted
      • Black border
      • On/Off is Green/Red
  • Ki Blade and Ki Scythe text in the action menu to “Ki Weapon: Ki Blade/Ki Scythe/Off”
  • Spiritbomb Charge particles also spawn if the skill has “spirit bomb” in it’s name and Kamehameha Charge particles also spawn if the skill has “kame hame” in it’s name


  • Crash if Naruto C Wall Jutsus got hit by newer Jutsus
  • If “Other particles” was disabled in client settings then the Ki Attack Charge effect would not vanish or move.
  • Ki Shield Technique upgrade button texts were all “Shield increased”

JBRA Version 1.6.43:


  • SSJ3 Doesn’t show eyebrows (and they received a unique empty texture file)


  • (Hopefully) A crash when using Naruto C Rasengan, and then exiting and re-entering a world

Have fun!

Status Info – 20w27

Yo everyone

Time is flying by fast, but the update I’ve been working on starts to feel like for months and months of waiting the result is not going to feel big enough. So I am again interested in releasing more smaller updates, because there are always bugs that need fixing, and small changes to be made, and why should we wait that long for that alone?

Let’s say for example next week I’ll release a bug fix update.

BUT I am also interested in hearing your opinion on this:


Do you dislike many smaller bug fix updates?

View Results

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Stay safe Gamers!

DevBlog 20w20 – Next mod update – Wave and Jutsu improvements

Yo everyone

Small status update:

I’ve taken a small break from modding, but I’ve been planning and working on a new game instead which is not about an already existing anime, but about my own story. I know that that isn’t something a lot of people here would be interested in, but it is what I always wanted to work on.

I was also planning to make a “How to install DBC” and “How to make a DBC server” video, but a few download sites regarding those were down at that moment and I haven’t managed to edit the JinGames Wiki pages without using Jin’s profile so I just went with the game programming instead.

Next mod update

It’s planned to be the second part of the Naruto Jutsu update to at least slightly improve them, AND also add a continuous Jutsu firing type, which then could also be used to hopefully rework the DBC Wave attacks. Naturally it will also come with small changes and bug fixes.

After that I want to work on Complete Ultra instinct, adding multiple levels for it, and configs for servers to customize how it would work for example the health % requirement for each stage.

I haven’t gotten into Any of this yet, so I am not sure how well it will go, but I’ll do my best. They might take a while to be finished though.

Stay safe Gamers!