A new Site Page on “How to Play Dragon Block C” is now available!
The page is still missing a lot of Tutorials and Images, so I am hoping to release more updates to it in the far future.
Majin Absorption now uses Health as well for Gain value calculation
JRMCore C Version 1.3.51:
(Found in: minecraft/config/jinryuujrmcore.cfg)
Server – Family C Player Data Update Timer in Seconds
(Changes how often the Server updates each Players’ Family Data. Family C data can become laggy on servers with hundreds or thousands of Families.)
Server – Family C Player Data Updater Run as Java Thread On
(Family C player data updates are made in a new Thread, potentially increasing server performance, but also causing unexpected minor bugs)
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Very minor server performance improvements
Family C Player Data update performance improvements
Configs “… Race Bonus Attribute Multiplier Per Racial Skill Level” now give Mystic form a Boost if the Config “Skill OldKaiUnlock damage multiplier” is not -1
Family C empty Families were never deleted
Rare Client Skill “Null pointer” Crash
Rare Client Attribute Bonus Per Racial Skill “Out of Bounds” Crash
Unlearning DBC Skills Ultra Instinct and God of Destruction did not Disable them in the Action menu
In the DBC Action menu accidently Enabling 2 Forms out of UI, God of Destruction, Mystic and Kaioken could permanently lock that Player from enabling and disabling those Forms
Config “Skill OldKaiUnlock damage multiplier” ignored the Form Mastery Multiplier if a value was not -1
Compatibility with the new JRMCore mod, Build 1.132
JRMCore C Version 1.3.50:
Divine Status effect changes Namekians to Orange and Arcosians to Black in their God Form
Configs “Absorption Target Power Multiplier” and “Absorption User Power Multiplier” were constantly adding more and more values to themselves after each run
Mystic Form Form Mastery Multiplier was applied twice
IMPORTANT: Always backup your world before upgrading to a newer version!
(This update contains old Config name changes, which will be newly generated!)
Please let us know if you find anything in the new update that is not working correctly!
Config: Bonus Attribute Multiplier Per Racial Skill Level, for each Race’s Forms:
(Found in: minecraft/config/jinryuujrmcore.cfg)
This Power System was originally only available Non-Saiyan Races to balance their Form Attribute multipliers with Saiyans due to having way fewer Forms
Form Mastery Values are rounded to a max of 2 decimal values before being sent to Clients
Majin “Absorption User Power Multiplier” and “Absorption Target Power Multiplier” Configs:
Now both also have a Ki Power value, which is now also used for Power calculation
(this will detect missing Ki Power multiplier values from old configs and add it to them afterwards)
Default damage values were lowered to 0.25 from 0.5 to match the new 0.5 Ki Power multiplier
Ki Power for Mobs is equal to their Attack divided by 2
“Racial Skill Arcosian – …” Power Point Configs:
(Found in: minecraft/config/jinryuujrmcore.cfg)
“Power Point Growth”, “Power Point Cost”, “Power Point damage multiplier” and “Power Point damage multiplier from Points”
All of their names now contain “(for Build 1.131 and above)”
(They will be newly generated)
All of them now contain every racial and non-racial Arcosian form, except Kaioken
(Each line now also has the Form’s name next to it)
Form Mastery:
Cost Form Mastery Configs are now available for each Form except Kaioken
“Power Point Cost”
Default values were lowered
Safe Zone and Absorption Entity Blacklist checks performance improvement
Now remembers if an EntityClass file was already checked and uses its previous result rather than re-calculating it each time
Form Mastery config texts from “Power_Point_Ki_Cost_” to “Power_Point_Cost_”
Removed Shadowdummies from Safe zone Blacklist config
You can no longer gain Mastery points in 0% Release
Ki Bar text:
Properly X Centered
Was changed from “Ki – PP/Absorption” to “Ki (PP/Absorption: value)” (old ex.: “1500 – 50”, new ex.: “1500 (PP: 50)”)
More UI texts had their numbers separated with “,” including:
Health and Ki Bar
Data Sheet Level, Statistics
Form Mastery text on the Data Sheet:
Current Form name now matches the Data sheet Form name
Kaioken text was line-broken
Default Custom HUD Health and Ki Texts were slightly moved and changed
Crash when Failing to check a Form Mastery Data which does not exist
Form Mastery “Gain_Multi_Div_Plus” configs did not work
Form Mastery Data could reach the max packet String limit
Now it will be sent to the clients in segments depending on the player count and the new “”Form Mastery Data Separation Per Player” config’s value
Majin Configs “Absorption Attribute multiplier” and “Absorption Entity Speed Multiplier” were client sided
Majin “Absorption User Attack Multiplier” config was not used
Form Mastery Data was sent to the Players even if it was disabled
Battle power text always showed 5 when reaching a very high value
Kaioken aura was invisible when charging ki with a Majin
More Naruto Crashes without Dragon Block C
Form Mastery Level Text on the Player Data Sheet GUI was not hidden for Naruto C power type players
Arcosian Form Mastery Power Point Cost was not checking correct Form IDs
IMPORTANT: Always backup your world before upgrading to a newer version!
The previous mod update contained a handful of Bugs so this release should fix them.
If this release still contains major bugs then I will consider creating a few Hotfixes, but no more than that. After all I have mostly quit Modding now.
To use the new Default Configs and Missions you will have to delete or rename your old Config and Mission files! (Configs location: minecraft/config) (Missions location: minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/data/missions)
Please let us know if you find anything in the new update that is not working correctly!
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If Enabled then the Majin Absorption Attribute Multiplier will also multiply the Bonus Attributes you get such as Form Boosts (Evil 5.0 * Absorption 0.5 (+1) = 7.5) If Disabled then it will add to it (Evil 5.0 + Absorption 0.5 = 5.5).
Non Racial Form Mastery Default NBT value From “Base,0” To “Kaioken,0”
Form Mastery MaxLevel Default value From 100 To 50
DBC Main Mission File Generation was buggy
DBC Majin Absorption KOd Players if Friendly Fist was enabled
Air Boxing Mode 1 Speed was 0.9 instead of 0.09
Form Mastery “Add_Gains_To_Other_Masteries” ignored the Max level of Forms
If Form Mastery “Add_Gains_To_Other_Masteries” contained a Form Name that does not exist, then it gave its Gains to the First Racial Form instead
GUI Form Mastery Ultra Instinct Level showed the Base Form’s Mastery Level instead for Arcosians
Form Mastery “Instant_Transform_Unlock_Level” for Non Racial Forms used the value of your first Racial Forms, not their own
Form Mastery Ultra Intinct “Health_Requirement_Multi_Flat” was not used in the Server update when Checking Ultra Instinct Player Health Requirements
“Majin Pure Form Pink Skin Color Enabled” config set itself to the same value as the “Majin Absorption Enabled” config
Fixed many Form Mastery related bugs by giving each Race their own unique Form Mastery NBT String
If it detects a Player using the previous Form Mastery NBT then it converts it to the new one.
Form Mastery Fusion Crash
Form Mastery did not generate Both Racial and Non Racial Default Masteries when receiving points to any Form Mastery Level
Form Mastery Check Command showed Saiyan Non Functional/Removed Legendary Form Levels
Majin Pure Form Dexterity always had a smaller Multiplier than other Attributes
Arcosian Power Point (PP) Cost set your Current PP to the Cost rather than the remaining Points
During Damage Calculation Mystic Form & Kaioken had were reversed when checking if you are in one of the Forms
Rare KO eating crash
Instant Transmission Failed to cast due to Requiring Ki Sense Level x message showed the Level Requirement to use the Mode instead of the Ki Sense Level Requirement
Attribute Upgrade Costs (UC) between 0 and 1 would be considered 0, which sets the UC to 2 Billion
IMPORTANT: Always backup your world before upgrading to a newer version!
Finally! It took a while, but the new content update is now released! It contains features voted by our Patrons.
I have also spent some time changing the default configs to be far less grindy.
To use the new Default Configs and Missions you will have to delete or rename your old Config and Mission files! (Configs location: minecraft/config) (Missions location: minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/data/missions)
However this is the last big content update I planned to make for Dragon Block C. From now on I will mostly stop Modding and focus more on my own projects.
I will still rarely work on the mods, but those will generally just be Bug fixes, performance improvements, new Configs and tiny features.
Please let us know if you find anything in the new update that is not working correctly!
The missions in the new update are Buggy. Use this mission file to fix it until a Bug fix update is released:
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Kettle Sound and Visual Effect for Ki Charge and Transformation Aura
Abilities or Racial Skills:
Lvl 1: Super Regeneration Skill
Lvl 2: Evil/Gray Form
Lvl 3: Full Power/Super Buu Form
Lvl 4: Absorption Skill
Lvl 5: Pure Form
Lvl 5 + God Form Lvl 1: God Form
Forms by default do not take Ki
Changes Body color to Gray-ish
Full Power:
Strongest non-god form in terms of Power
Highest regeneration compared to all Forms
Changes Body and Aura color to Pink
Works similarly to other Non-Saiyan God Forms
Racial Skills:
Super Regeneration:
When charging your Ki you can regenerate Health for the Cost of Ki and Stamina
Enable/Disable in Action Menu (Default Key: X) next to Forms (if available)
To use:
Hold the “Transformation/Bloodline Power On” key (Default Key: G)
On use:
Flies forward. Once it finds a target then it will move towards it and attempt to kill it if the user is stronger. If it was successful then it returns to the host
Absorbing someone gives to your Absorption Level, which depend on their Power (Life and Damage)
Shows current Absorption Level on the Ki bar next to your Ki Amount (same way as Arcosian Power Points)
Costs Health
Gives bonus Attributes to all Forms
Visuals if the last absorbed Target was a Player:
Absorbing a Namekian or Arcosian will slightly change the Majin’s appearance
Shows the Absorbed Player’s vanity items
Lost on Death
JRMCore Config:
Form Damage/Attribute Multipliers
Form Ki Regeneration Multipliers
Majin Main Race Config:
Has a unique config file (minecraft/config/jingames/dbc/races/majin/main.cfg):
Majin Race with Ki Powertype Enabled
Majin Race Pure Form Pink Skin Color Enabled
Super Regeneration:
Health Gain
Health Gain per Racial Skill Level
Ki Cost
Ki Cost per Racial Skill Level
Stamina Cost
Stamina Cost per Racial Skill Level
Attribute Multiplier per Absorption Level
User Power Multi (Attack, Health)
(IF user’s power is equal or stronger than the target’s then they can be absorbed)
Forms and such do not affect Power
Target Power Multi (Attack, Health)
Forms and such do not affect Power
Health Cost
Cooldown Timer
Max Life Timer in Ticks
Absorption Entity Speed Multiplier
Gain Enabled (True = Gain Levels, False = Replace Level)
Max Absorption Level
Minimum Gain
Gain Multiplier
LivingEntity Blacklist
Instant Transmission Skill:
Skill can be learned from Master Goku and Cell
When using it, it will display a Teleporting icon next to the center of the screen, and also a timer for Long Distance Teleportation
Holding an item or punching cancels the Teleportation Mode
Sound effect:
Has a new unique Teleportation Sound
If you have the Divine Status Effect, then it will instead use Goku Black’s Teleportation Sound
Short Distance Teleportation:
In the Action menu you can now select between 3 short teleportation modes, this decides where you will appear:
On the Target
Behind the Target
In-Front of the Target
(These modes may result in players going through walls, or getting stuck.
I recommend disabling “Behind the Target” and “In-Front of the Target” Modes for Servers)
Look at a Living Entity (Mobs, Players, etc)
Press 3rd Fn Key + Right Click
Long Distance Teleportation:
You can travel to other Group Members, even to other Dimensions (with the only expectation currently being the OtherWorld!)
(Dimension Teleportation creates player location sync issues. This can be fixed by either re-entering the server or waiting until the server updates the teleported player’s location with the other players)
Dimensional TP can not be used while Fused
Hold 3rd Fn Key for a few seconds:
It will bring up a GUI where you can select a Group member as a Target for Teleportation
In the Action menu you can now select between 3 surround teleportation modes. This decides who teleports with you if they are close to you:
Alone (You teleport alone)
Group members Only
All Players
Has a unique config file (minecraft/config/jingames/dbc/skills/instant_transmission.cfg)
Notify Server if someone used Long Distance Teleportation
Modes Enabled (One for each)
Short Teleport Location Modes Enabled (One for each)
Surround Teleport Modes Enabled (One for each)
Skill Level Mode unlock (which skill level unlocks the short or long distance mode)
Short Mode Target Finder can go through blocks
Short Mode Target Finder target detection Range per Update
Short Mode Target Finder max distance
Surround Teleport Mode Max Player Limit (How many players can you Max take with you to the target)
Long Mode Dimensional Teleport Enabled
Long Mode Dimensional Teleport dimensionID Blacklist
Short and Long Mode Cooldowns (One for each)
Required Ki Sense Skill level to use Modes (One for each)
Ki Cost (Flat and Percentage) (One of each mode)
Ki Cost per Teleported Surrounding Player (Flat and Percentage)
God of Destruction Form:
Skill can be learned from Master Whis
Has a new unique Status Effect
New unique aura sound
You can not use God of Destruction with other forms (managing to use it with Mystic or Ultra Instinct will greatly damage the player and remove all of them)
Can only be used in Base Form
Aura, Hair and Eye Colors are changed to Purple and Magenta
Requires God Form Skill
Destroyer Energy Attacks:
All Custom Ki Attacks are converted to Destroyer Ki Attacks
They have a darker color with an even darker outline
Their damage is 80% (default config) of their true damage
Can instantly destroy other Ki Attacks, but only if their damage is stronger than the target Ki Attack’s damage
Unique explosion effect
Destruction Aura:
Using Turbo mod in this form will make all attacks weaker than 80% of your power not deal damage to you
If config “Enabled only when using Turbo Mode“ is Enabled then it takes Ki instantly when entering Turbo Mode as well
Has a unique config file (minecraft/config/jingames/dbc/forms/god_of_destruction.cfg)
Is Form Enabled
Attribute Multiplier
Attribute Multipliers per Race
Ignore Base Attribute Multiplier Config while in this form
Ignore Base Ki Regen Multiplier Config while in this form
Level Requirement
Regardless Level Requirement Chance (if level requirement is not met, then you can still transform with an x% chance)
Max Alignment Requirement
Tp, Mind Cost
Destroyer Energy Attack:
Is Enabled
Damage multiplier
Destroyer Aura:
Is Enabled
Enabled only when using Turbo Mode (if disabled, then Destroyer aura is always on)
Ignore all weaker Projectile Entity Damages
List of damage source damages it can ignore
List of entity damages it can ignore
Ki Cost (flat, percentage)
Ignore Damage Multiplier (player’s melee damage multiplied by this must be stronger than the attacker in order to ignore it)
Form Mastery:
Current Form Mastery Level is shown in the Data Sheet GUI when hovering your cursor over the Current Form’s Name Text
Fused players have their Mastery Levels combined, but they can not gain Mastery Levels or Auto-unlock Skills
You gain Mastery Levels to the currently active Form(s) by:
Being in it
Around every 5 seconds
Dealing Damage
Taking Damage
Firing Ki Attacks
You gain less and less mastery levels as you level them up
Mind Attribute affects mastery gain
Requires OP
Add to or Set a Form Mastery’s level value
Press TAB to autofill the command
“/jrmcformmastery [playerName] (Add/Set) (formName or nonRacialFormID) (Amount)”
Non-Racial Form IDs are in the same order as listed down below on the “List of Skill and Form Names and IDs” list ‘s “Form IDs” list
For example for Humans: Base = 0, Full = 1, Buffed = 2, God = 3
“/jrmcformmastery @p add base 10”
“/jrmcformmastery @p set 0 10”
“/jrmcformmastery @p set ss2 55”
“/jrmcformmastery @p add kaioken -5”
Get a player’s Form Mastery levels
Example: “/jrmcformmasterycheck @p”
Mastery Levels change the Power and Efficiency of Forms, such as:
Form Power/Damage
Form Ki Costs
Arcosian Power Points Ki Cost
Kaioken Health Cost
Kaioken Active Strain Timer
Kaioken Temporary Strain Timer
Ultra Instinct Heat Gain
Ultra Instinct Pain Timer
Ultra Instinct Health Requirement
Mystic Form Level Loss Timer
God of Destruction – Destroyer Aura Ki Cost
Saiyan God Ritual Strain Timer
(Each race has a unique config file, which contains each form’s mastery configs)
Main Configs:
Has a unique config file (minecraft/config/jingames/dbc/forms/form_mastery_main.cfg)
Config for each form:
Has a unique config file (minecraft/config/jingames/dbc/races/RACE_NAME/form_mastery.cfg)
Max Mastery Level
Instant Transformation Unlock Level
Values below 0 completely disable it for the Form
Auto Learn on Level:
Makes players automatically learn skills or racial skills by reaching a specific Mastery Level
Use Form IDs from “List of Skill and Form Names and IDs” list above
Current Form Mastery Level + 15
Base Form Mastery Level + 15
Super Saiyan Form Mastery Level + 30
Super Saiyan 2 Form Mastery Level + 7.5
Damage/Attribute Multiplier (Flat, Per Level, Max)
Mastery Level Gains:
Gain Multiplier Divider Plus:
Mastery Gains are Divided by this value to make them gain less and less points as they reach a higher and higher Mastery level
Formula: Gain Result = ((Current Mastery Level / (Current Mastery Level + Gain Multi Divider Plus)) * Gain)
Gain Multi Divider Plus = 100
Current Mastery Level = 200
Level Gain = 3
Gain Result = 3 – ((200 / (200 + 100)) * 3) = 3 – ((200 / 300) * 3) = 3 – (0,67 * 3) = 3 – 2 = 1 Level Gain instead of 3
The MIND attribute can affect the Gained Mastery Levels
Gain Types:
Gain Level on Update (Flat, Mind Flat, Mind Per Level, Mind Max):
While you are in a Form you gain a Flat amount of Mastery Levels.
Gain Level on Attack (Flat, Mind Flat, Mind Per Level, Mind Max)
When Attacking in a Form you gain a Flat amount of Mastery Levels.
Gain Level on Damage Taken (Flat, Mind Flat, Mind Per Level, Mind Max)
When Taking Damage in a Form you gain a Flat amount of Mastery Levels.
Gain Level on Fire Ki (Flat, Mind Flat, Mind Per Level, Mind Max)
When Firing Ki Attacks in a Form you gain a Flat amount of Mastery Levels.
Cost and Timer Multipliers (Flat, Per Level, Min OR Max):
(The “MinOrMax” value depends on the “PerLevel” value. If “PerLevel” is below 0, then MinOrMax will be a Minimum value, otherwise Maximum)
Ki Cost Multiplier
Arcosian Power Point Ki Cost Multiplier
Kaioken Health Cost Multiplier
Kaioken Active Strain Timer Multiplier
Kaioken Temporary Strain Timer Multiplier
Ultra Instinct Heat Gain Multiplier
Ultra Instinct Pain Timer Multiplier
Ultra Instinct Health Requirement Multiplier
Mystic Form Level Loss Timer Multiplier
God of Destruction – Destroyer Aura Ki Cost Multiplier
Saiyan God Ritual Strain Timer Multiplier
Saiyan God Ritual Form Timer Multiplier
Ultra Instinct Config:
Attribute Multipliers per Race for each Level
New unique aura sound for Ultra Instinct
Added more !??!? ?!!?? ?!???
Minor changes to DBC Ai
“Other Enabled Instant Transformation Skills and Forms” Config now includes the God of Destruction Form
“Status Effect – Legendary – Boosted Transformations” Config now includes the Majin Forms
JRMCore C Version 1.3.46:
Compatibility with the new JBRA/DBC update (Build 1.128)
22 new selectable fixed colors for Ki Attacks
Attribute Upgrade Cost (UC):
Start Minus
Divides the Attribute cost by this value. If the value is below the Minimum Value, then it uses the Minimum instead
The bigger the number is the later the Attribute Upgrade Cost will start to increase when Attributes are Leveled up
(This division calculation was always in the mod with the default value of 140)
Minimum Value
(If the Attribute Upgrade Cost is 0 then Upgrade is disabled)
Attribute Multiplier per Attribute
(Before this update this 0.75 multiplier did not exist, so if you want to use the original Attribute Upgrade Cost you have to change the values to 1 from the default 0.75)
SafeZone Entity Whitelist
This will overwrite the SafeZone Blacklist Config
By default this list contains the new Instant Transmission Target Finding Entity to make Teleportation possible in Safe Zones
Action Menu Options (opened by holding X):
Instant Transmission Short Range Location
Instant Transmission Surround Mode
God of Destruction Transformation On
Client Settings:
Instant Transmission First Person Animation Enabled
Instant Transmission Particles Enabled
DBC Missions:
(Old Mission files must first be deleted to use the new ones)
TP Rewards were raised
Other minor changes for item rewards, etc
(Old Config files must first be deleted to use the new ones)
Many configs had their default value changed
Skill and Racial Skill Configs:
TP Minimum Value Costs From 1 to -1
(-1 = Skill Leveling Disabled)
Mind Minimum Value Costs From 1 to 0
TP and Mind Max Value From 1 Billion to 2 Billion
Config Descriptions now contain their minimum and maximum value range
Race Config files were renamed and moved:
Their name is main.cfg
They are all now inside a folder which is the Race’s name (ex.: minecraft/config/jingames/dbc/races/arcosian)
Saiyan and Half Saiyan stats were separated:
Half-Saiyans will use their own configs instead of the Pure-Blooded Saiyans’ for:
Power/Damage Multipliers
Mystic Power/Damage Multipliers
Configs that were separated:
JRMCore Config “Racial Skill Saiyan and Half-Saiyan – Damage multiplier”
JRMCore Config “Racial Skill Saiyan and Half-Saiyan – Ki Regeneration multipliers”
Min and Max Values:
“Status Effect – Majin” Max value From 40 to 100000
“Status Effect – Legendary – Transformation Boost” Max value From 100 to 100000
“Core System – Attribute Cost mulipier” Min value From 0.001 to 0
Removed Minecraft Shadow from DBC Explosions and Energy Attacks
Character Resetting now also shows Form Mastery NBT values when someone loses their Masteries
Command “jrmcrei” now has:
TAB Auto-completion help for booleans
KeepFormMasteriesBoolean value
true = Keep all
false = Lose all
Command “jrmc” now works in command blocks
Data sheet GUI button Supporter’s site Replaced by Official DBC Server’s site
Increased Family C Player Data update timer from 10 ticks to 100 ticks
Command “jrmcrei” command usage help text was the same as for the “jrmcse” command
IMPORTANT: Always backup your world before upgrading to a newer version!
A new mod update is here!
This is only a tiny bug fix update to make the latest release more stable!
After this I want to mainly work on features that were voted for by Patrons.
Let us know if you find anything, that isn’t working correctly!
IMPORTANT: Always backup your world before upgrading to a newer version!
A new mod update is here!
It contains a few new additions, some quality of life changes, and bug fixes.
Let us know if you find anything, that isn’t working correctly!
DBC SSJ4 Eye Color was always black, even if the person was either old, or a Half Saiyan with a custom hair color
DBC 3D vanity items render and rotate more properly on Family C Woman Players
Dragon Block C Version 1.4.81:
Space Pods and Flying Nimbus items no longer require the Player to look at a block to place them
DBC Enemies Changes:
All of them (except the Ginyu Force members) are now aggressive, meaning that they constantly try to look for a Player to attack
When attacked they will all target an enemy
Master/Safe Zone Changes
Entity Render Changes
Medical Pod Doors:
On right click it can now moves up to 5 other Med Pod Doors with it both up and downwards, making it a max total of 11
Textures at the top and bottom no longer render if there is another Med Pod Door above or below it (this is simply done by them having a few new textures for those cases)
Crash with Ki Sense if the Player’s data wasn’t received properly yet
Players could Swoop while riding an Entity including the Flying Nimbus and Space pods
Some enemies didn’t target Players, and would stand still (mainly enemies who don’t teleport)
“/jrmcsafezone @p add Empty ~ ~ ~ 2 2 0 (The Black Forest)”
Config (config/jinryuujrmcore.cfg):
Safe Zone Entity Blacklist:
Kills the listed down entities in Safe Zones
Training Points Gain per Race – ‘TP gain / melee’ rate
Training Point Gain per Race – TP amount gained
(Increases TP gain from Ki Attacks as well)
Kaioken Form Health Drain multiplier for each Race
The lists also include non racial forms such as Mystic/OldKaiUnlock (which used to be a 5000% multiplier in the past)
Safe Zone UI Visual:
If enabled in the Client Settings, then instead of spamming the Chat when you enter and exit a Safe Zone it will instead show an Icon and Safe Zone Name on the top center of the screen when you are in a Safe Zone
Client Setting:
New On-screen Safe Zone Visual On
If Disabled then it will use the Old Method, were it sends a chat message every time you enter and leave a Safe Zone
Masters/Safe Zones:
Changed how Safe Zone Attacking and other features are handled
Created a new Main “Empty” Safe Zone Entity:
It is only visible for players in creative mode
Main purpose of this “Empty” safe zone is to create safe zones with no visible master
Ki Sense no longer works on Naruto C masters
Changed entering a safe zone message, which also uses their new unique name
They all now have a unique Safe Zone…:
XZ Radius
Y Radius
Duplication Check Radius
They remove any duplicates of themselves in that radius
DBC Ki Protection:
Ki Cost now depend on the Attacker’s Damage (more damage = higher cost)
Ki Cost no longer depending on the Target Player’s Ki Pool
You no longer lose Ki from it in Creative mode
“Racial Skill Arcosian – Power Point damage multiplier from Points” Config’s Default value was changed from 2.0 to 1.0
Safe Zone Chat Messages were changed and moved to JRMCore
Small Hand rotation added back to Flying players without making the first person camera hand rotated as well
“Racial Skill Arcosian – Power Point damage multiplier from Points” Config wasn’t fully implemented
First Person Hand no longer rotates if you see a player riding an entity
DBC Defused Fusion Spectator in another Dimension would not defuse until either the timer ran out, or the original Fusion Controller was in the same dimension as the Spectator
Player Release Percentage didn’t reset when their Character was reseted